Hombre de Florida Es pillado tratando de matar y abandonar a un perro viejo e indefenso

Abusador de Perros
Lee County Sheriff's Office

Un hombre en Florida fue capturado en video tirando un perro viejo e indefenso, que supuestamente trató de matar antes de abandonar, y ahora se enfrenta a cargos criminales.

Anthony Bellman, de 55 años, fue arrestado recientemente y fichado por crueldad hacia los animales en el condado de Lee, Florida. Esto, después de que las imágenes de vigilancia revelaran que estaba tirando una bolsa de basura en un contenedor detrás de una tienda Family Dollar en Lehigh Acres.

Las autoridades afirman que dentro de la bolsa había un perro Shih Tzu de 16 años de edad, que había sido dado por muerto después de que Bellman supuestamente tratara de ahogarlo con una cuerda, aunque fracasó.

Más tarde, un empleado lo encontró vivo y con la cuerda alrededor del cuerpo. Desde entonces, el perro ha sido llevado a una clínica por sus heridas. Su nombre es Xyla y está en su mayoría ciega.

En cuanto a Bellman, el hombre fue rastreado por la Oficina del Sheriff y arrastrado para una ficha policial no mucho después de esto. De acuerdo con los funcionarios, Bellman dijo que supuestamente no quiso recurrir a la eutanasia, pues le parecía demasiado triste. En lugar de eso, intentó matarlo él mismo.

Las autoridades afirman que el hombre intentó romper el cuello de Xyla con un cinturón antes de darse por vencido y tirarla como si fuera basura. El sheriff del lugar Carmine Marceno dice que se alegra de haber podido responsabilizar a Bellman.

Se está buscando un nuevo hogar para Xyla.

Colorado Craziness Video Shows Horrific SUV Crash ... Multiple People Seriously Injured


A group of Colorado thrill seekers were filmed hanging out of an SUV that was speeding backwards before it flipped over and crushed the passengers, seriously injuring them.

Saturday's disturbing crash in the parking lot of The Market in Colorado Springs was all caught on video, which was posted on social media.

Check it out ... five people are sitting in the open windows of the black SUV, which, suddenly, starts driving fast in reverse.

The vehicle does a donut before tumbling over on its side and squashing the passengers against the asphalt.

Freaked-out bystanders -- who were shooting cell phone footage -- ran to the aid of the victims. One person carries away a woman who appears to be unconscious. Other good Samaritans try to lift the SUV off the victims trapped underneath it.

Colorado Springs PD officers responded to the scene and arrested the driver, Marisol Wentling, for vehicular assault. Wentling was not injured.

As for her victims, several were rushed to local hospitals to be treated for "serious, life-threatening injuries," according to a police statement.

We've reached out to the PD for an update on their conditions. So far ... no word back.

Locura en Colorado Video muestra horrible accidente de un SUV ... Múltiples personas gravemente heridas

Una pirueta que salió mal

Un grupo de personas sedientas de emociones fueron filmadas en Colorado, colgando de un SUV que iba a toda velocidad hacia atrás antes de volcarse y aplastar a los pasajeros, hiriéndolos gravemente.

El inquietante accidente del sábado en el aparcamiento de The Market en Colorado Springs fue grabado en video y publicado en las redes sociales.

Echa un vistazo ... cinco personas están sentadas en las ventanas abiertas del SUV negro, que, de repente, comienza a conducir en reversa rápidamente.

El vehículo hace una maniobra con las ruedas antes de volcar sobre su lado y aplastar a los pasajeros contra el asfalto.

Los asustados transeúntes que estaban grabando con sus teléfonos corrieron para ayudar a las víctimas. Una persona se llevó a una mujer que parecía estar inconsciente. Otros buenos samaritanos intentaron levantar el todoterreno para socorrer a las víctimas atrapadas debajo.

Los oficiales de la policía de Colorado Springs respondieron a la escena y detuvieron a la conductora Marisol Wentling por asalto vehicular. Wentling no resultó herida.

En cuanto a sus víctimas, varias de ellas fueron trasladadas a hospitales locales para ser tratadas por "lesiones graves, que ponen en peligro su vida", según un comunicado de la policía.

Nos pusimos en contacto con la policía para conocer su estado. De momento, no tenemos noticias.

Derrick Ward Super Bowl Champ Arrested In L.A. ... For Allegedly Robbing Businesses

Derrick Ward, a former NFL running back and Super Bowl champion, was arrested this week in Los Angeles for allegedly committing multiple robberies around the city, TMZ Sports has learned.

43-year-old Ward, an L.A. native, is accused of robbing several businesses, including gas stations, over a recent period of time.

Law enforcement tells us ... Ward did not use a gun during the alleged robberies -- but officers say he did use force and fear to get money from the stores.

Ward was taken into custody on Monday afternoon and booked into jail around 6:30 PM. His booking information lists him at 6 feet tall, and 230 lbs.

DW was a 7th-round pick (NY Jets) in 2004 ... and also spent time with the NY Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs and Houston Texans over his 8-year professional football career.

Derrick -- who at one point signed a $17 million contract -- was a member of the NYG Super Bowl-winning squad that beat Tom Brady's undefeated New England Patriots to cap the 2007 season.

Ward played in 93 NFL games, carrying the rock 551 times for 2,628 yards. He had 15 total touchdowns ... 12 of them rushing.

Derrick is still in custody, according to jail records ... and bail has been set at $250K.

Story developing ...

Derrick Ward Campeón del Super Bowl es detenido en Los Ángeles ... Por supuestos robos a negocios

Derrick Ward, ex jugador de la NFL y campeón del Super Bowl, fue arrestado esta semana en Los Ángeles por presuntamente cometer múltiples robos en la ciudad, según ha podido indagar TMZ Sports.

Ward, de 43 años y nativo de Los Ángeles, está acusado de robar en varios negocios, incluyendo gasolineras durante un período de tiempo reciente.

Las autoridades dicen que Ward no utilizó un arma de fuego durante los presuntos robos, pero que sí usó la fuerza y atemorizó a las personas para obtener dinero de las tiendas.

Ward fue detenido el lunes por la tarde y puesto tras las rejas a las 18:30 horas. Su información personal revela que mide 6 pies de altura y pesa 230 libras.

Derrick Ward fue parte de la selección de 7ª ronda de los New York Jets en 2004 y también pasó tiempo con los Giants de Nueva York, los Tampa Bay Bucs y los Houston Texans durante sus 8 años de carrera profesional en el fútbol.

Derrick, que en un momento firmó un contrato de $17 millones, fue miembro de la NYG Super Bowl, el equipo ganador y que venció a los invictos Patriots de Nueva Inglaterra de Tom Brady para cerrar la temporada 2007.

Ward jugó en 93 partidos de la NFL, llevando la roca 551 veces por 2.628 yardas. Tuvo 15 touchdowns totales, 12 de ellos corriendo.

De acuerdo con los registros de la cárcel, Derrick todavía está bajo custodia y la fianza se ha fijado en $250K.

Historia en desarrollo ...

Jonathan Majors Dropped by Marvel ... After Guilty Verdict

Jonathan Majors is out of a job at Disney, 'cause Marvel is dropping him from all projects in the MCU, and cutting ties in the wake of his guilty verdict ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the comic book movie studio -- one of the Mouse House's largest imprints -- will not be moving forward with the embattled actor, period. What that means ... he's losing out on his key role as Marvel's big villain, Kang the Conqueror.

That's a huge blow, seeing how he's already portrayed the character in one big Marvel movie -- 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' -- as well as 2 seasons of the Disney+ show 'Loki.' The 2nd 'Loki' season heavily featured Kang and his variants -- other versions of the big bad, also played by JM -- as did the aforementioned film.

By all accounts, Jonathan was going to play Kang for at least two more Marvel films ... and the studio was said to be treating him/Kang as the next Thanos, of sorts, in their franchise.

Now, though, that's all out the window ... and the two new 'Avengers' flicks that are currently in development and pre-production -- both of which he was attached to as Kang -- will go in a totally new direction without him. There'd been rumblings Marvel was already exploring their options even before the trial ... and it sounds like they're ready to pivot.

No word on whether Kang will be recast, or if they'll just tap a new bad guy -- but either way ... Majors was just fired by his biggest employer, and is losing out on millions of dollars.

Of course, the decision was swift ... coming down no more than a couple hours after he was found guilty on two of four counts in his criminal trial -- where he was facing assault and harassment charges after being accused of roughing up his ex-girlfriend in March.

He was convicted of reckless assault and harassment, and acquitted of intentional assault and aggravated harassment. In layman's terms -- the jury appears to have dinged him for what may have happened outside the car, and not necessarily what went on inside.

Majors' attorney seemed to signal he might file an appeal ... vowing to clear his name. Either way, it's evident Marvel/Disney won't wait to see how that shakes out -- they're out.

Jonathan Majors despedido de Marvel Studios tras ser declarado culpable

Jonathan Majors perdió su trabajo en Disney, porque Marvel lo está desvinculando de todos los proyectos del MCU, cortando los lazos a raíz de su veredicto de culpabilidad, TMZ ha confirmado.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que el estudio de películas de cómics —uno de los mayores sellos de la Casa del Ratón— no va a seguir adelante con el actor asediado y punto. Lo que significa que está perdiendo su papel clave como el gran villano de Marvel, Kang el Conquistador.

Eso es un gran golpe, viendo cómo ya ha retratado al personaje en una gran película de Marvel  —"Ant-Man y la Avispa: Quantumania"— así como en dos temporadas de la serie de Disney+ "Loki". La segunda temporada de "Loki" incluía a Kang y sus variantes —otras versiones del gran villano, también interpretadas por Majors—, al igual que la película antes mencionada.

Según todos los indicios, Jonathan iba a interpretar a Kang durante al menos dos películas más de Marvel y se decía que el estudio lo estaba tratando a él y a Kang como la próxima especie de Thanos en su franquicia.

Ahora, sin embargo, todo se fue por la ventana y las dos nuevas películas de "Vengadores" que están actualmente en desarrollo y pre-producción —ambos de los cuales se adjuntaba como Kang— irán en una dirección totalmente nueva sin él. Había rumores de que Marvel ya estaba explorando sus opciones incluso antes del juicio y parece que están listos para pivotar.

No se sabe si Kang será reelegido o si simplemente cambiarán de villano, pero en cualquier caso, Majors acaba de ser despedido por su mayor empleador y está perdiendo millones de dólares.

Por supuesto, la decisión fue rápida, solo un par de horas después de haber sido declarado culpable de dos de los cuatro cargos en su juicio penal, donde enfrentaba cargos de agresión y acoso después de haber sido acusado de maltratar a su ex-novia en marzo.

Fue condenado por agresión imprudente y acoso y absuelto de agresión intencionada y acoso con agravantes. En términos sencillos, el jurado parece que le dingged por lo que puede haber sucedido fuera del coche y no necesariamente lo que pasó dentro.

El abogado de Majors parecía indicar que podría presentar una apelación, prometiendo limpiar su nombre. De cualquier manera, es evidente que Marvel y Disney no van a esperar.

Jonathan Majors Found Guilty In NYC Criminal Trial


1:30 PM PT -- Jonathan Majors' attorney, Priya Chaudhry, tells us, "It is clear that the jury did not believe Grace Jabbari's story of what happened in the SUV because they found that Mr. Majors did not intentionally cause any injuries to her. We are grateful for that."

Chaudhry continues, "We are disappointed, however, that despite not believing Ms. Jabbari, the jury nevertheless found that Mr. Majors was somehow reckless while she was attacking him. Mr. Majors is grateful to God, his family, his friends, and his fans for their love and support during these harrowing eight months. Mr. Majors still has faith in the process and looks forward to fully clearing his name."

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12:42 PM PT -- Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg tells TMZ, “At the Manhattan D.A.’s Office, we are committed to centering survivors in all of our work. The evidence presented throughout this trial illustrated a cycle of psychological and emotional abuse, and escalating patterns of coercion far too common across the many intimate partner violence cases we see each and every day."

Bragg continues, "Today, a jury determined that pattern of abuse and coercion culminated with Mr. Majors assaulting and harassing his girlfriend. We thank the jury for its service and the survivor for bravely telling her story despite having to relive her trauma on the stand."

Jonathan Majors was just found guilty in his criminal trial -- after a jury decided the actor's fate following 3 days of deliberations.

The verdict came down Monday in NYC, and the actor was found guilty on one count of reckless assault in the third degree and guilty of harassment. Remember, he'd initially been slapped with 8 separate charges -- all pertaining to alleged assault and harassment -- but before things kicked off ... the D.A.'s office agreed to drop four of them in an effort to consolidate their complaint.

He was acquitted of two other charges ... one count of intentional assault and one count of aggravated harassment. Now, he faces a maximum sentence of up to a year behind bars.

The trial, which lasted about two weeks, had some standout moments right from the jump in opening statements -- when prosecutors alleged Majors had a history of violence in his relationships, and that the March incident in question was simply the latest example.

Prosecutors claim Majors and his accuser, Grace Jabbari, had gotten into an argument that night after she discovered some texts from another woman ... but asserted Majors was the one who escalated things by allegedly twisting her arm behind her back, and her finger as well. They also claimed he threw her back into the car they were in after she attempted to exit. In other words, they alleged he roughed her up ... and the 6-person jury agreed.

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One critical piece of evidence presented in court involved surveillance video of the night in question ... showing a scuffle between Majors and Jabbari, plus a foot chase shortly thereafter ... with Majors bolting away from Jabbari, who runs after him for a few blocks.

Jabbari herself also took the stand as the key witness, and she backed the prosecution's case ... namely, that Majors had gotten physical with her that night, and it followed a pattern of controlling/manipulative behavior that, at times, teetered on violence.

She described other alleged instances of Majors losing his temper ... and delivered emotional testimony. On cross, though, Majors' defense team attempted to pick apart her story ... including asking her whether she was actually injured that night, despite security footage that showed her partying after the fact and looking seemingly unharmed/unbothered.

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Major's 911 call the day he was arrested was also released ... he called after finding Jabbari passed out in his penthouse apartment and feared she may have attempted suicide.


Throughout the trial, Majors appeared alongside his current girlfriend, Meagan Good, who stood by him during the saga -- whose presence some thought would buy him goodwill.

The bigger question now, of course, is what happens to his career ... it was on the ropes even before the trial -- and now, it feels like he might start to be dropped en masse. It's a big blow ... Majors had already started playing Marvel's next big bad, and he was a rising star in Hollywood with Oscar aspirations too.

He'll be sentenced February 6.


Originally Published -- 12:04 PM PT

Jonathan Majors declarado culpable de agresión y acoso en un juicio penal


12:42 PM PT -- El Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan Alvin Bragg le dice a TMZ, "En la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, estamos comprometidos a centrarnos en los sobrevivientes en todo nuestro trabajo. La evidencia presentada a lo largo de este juicio ilustra un ciclo de abuso psicológico y emocional y la escalada de los patrones de coerción demasiado común a través de los muchos casos de violencia de pareja íntima que vemos todos los días".

Bragg continúa: "Hoy, un jurado ha determinado que ese patrón de abuso y coacción culminó con la agresión y el acoso del Sr. Majors a su novia. Damos las gracias al jurado por su servicio y a la superviviente por contar valientemente su historia a pesar de tener que revivir su trauma en el estrado".

Jonathan Majors acaba de ser declarado culpable en su juicio penal después de que un jurado decidiera el destino del actor tras tres días de deliberaciones.

El veredicto se conoció el lunes en Nueva York y el actor fue declarado culpable de un cargo de agresión en tercer grado y culpable de acoso. Recordemos que en un principio se le habían imputado 8 cargos distintos, todos relacionados con supuestas agresiones y acoso, pero antes de que se iniciara el juicio, la fiscalía aceptó retirar cuatro de ellos para unificar la denuncia. Fue absuelto de otros dos cargos de asalto y acoso agravado

Ahora se enfrenta a una pena máxima de hasta un año entre rejas.

El juicio, que duró cerca de dos semanas, tuvo algunos momentos destacados desde el salto en las declaraciones de apertura, cuando los fiscales alegaron Majors tenía un historial de violencia en sus relaciones y que el incidente de marzo en cuestión era simplemente el último ejemplo.

Los fiscales afirman que Majors y su demandante, Grace Jabbari, habían entrado en una discusión esa noche después de que ella descubrió algunos textos de otra mujer, pero afirmó que Majors fue quien escaló las cosas por presuntamente torcer su brazo detrás de la espalda y lastimar su dedo. También afirmaron que la arrojó de vuelta al carro en el que estaban después de que ella intentara salir. En otras palabras, alegaron que la maltrató y el jurado tuvo a seis personas de acuerdo con esto.

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Una pieza fundamental de la evidencia presentada en el tribunal fue un video de vigilancia de la noche en cuestión que muestra una pelea entre Majors y Jabbari, además de una persecución a pie poco después, con Majors corriendo lejos de Jabbari durante unas pocas cuadras.

Jabbari también subió al estrado como testigo clave y apoyó el caso frente a la fiscalía. Diciendo que Majors se había puesto violento con ella esa noche, y continuó con un comportamiento manipulador y controlador que a veces se transformaba en violencia.

Ella describió otros supuestos casos en los que Majors perdió los estribos y entregó un testimonio emocional. El equipo de defensa de Majors intentó desmontar su historia, incluso le preguntaron si ella estaba realmente herida esa noche. Esto a raíz de las imágenes de seguridad que la mostraba de fiesta después del hecho, donde se veía aparentemente ilesa y para nada perturbada.

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a la mañana siguiente

La llamada de Majors al 911 el día que fue arrestado también se dio a conocer, él llamó después de encontrar a Jabbari desmayada en su ático y temía que ella podría haber intentado suicidarse.

audio del 911

A lo largo del juicio, Majors apareció junto a su actual novia, Meagan Good, quien estuvo a su lado todo el tiempo. Algunos pensaban que su presencia le compraría buena voluntad, pero no fue suficiente

La pregunta más importante ahora, por supuesto, es lo que sucederá con su carrera, la cual estaba contra las cuerdas incluso antes del juicio. Este es un gran golpe considerando que Majors ya había comenzado a interpretar el próximo gran villano de Marvel y él era una estrella en ascenso en Hollywood con aspiraciones de Óscar.

Será sentenciado el 6 de febrero.

Publicado originalmente -- 12:04 PM PT

NBA G Leaguer Chance Comanche Suspected Of Murdering Woman ... Dumping Her In Desert

Chance Comanche, an NBA player who's spent the majority of his basketball career in the G League, has been arrested ... after officials say he helped murder a woman -- and then dumped her remains in a desert.

Comanche was thrown behind bars in the case on Friday -- following a lengthy investigation into the disappearance of Marayna Rodgers by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

According to the LVMPD, two individuals told officers on Dec. 7 that Rodgers had gone missing -- and a short time later, cops say they discovered the woman had scheduled a meeting with Comanche and his 19-year-old girlfriend, Sakari Harnden, on Dec. 5 -- but had not been seen or heard from since.

The LVMPD says early on in the investigation, its detectives "suspected foul play" in the case and sought to arrest both Comanche and Harden for kidnapping.

On Dec. 13, Harnden was booked in Las Vegas ... while Comanche -- who was playing this season for the G League's Stockton Kings -- was taken in by FBI agents in Sacramento two days later.

However, the LVMPD says following the arrests, officers were able to gather more information in the case and discovered Rodgers' remains in a desert area in Henderson, Nevada.

LVMPD detectives say they believe both Comanche and Harnden were responsible for her death -- and now, they say the two will be facing murder charges.

Comanche, a 27-year-old, 6-foot-10 center, first joined the G League in 2017 after going undrafted out of the University of Arizona ... and after spending time with multiple teams -- including the Stockton Kings -- he eventually made his debut in the NBA for the Portland Trailblazers last season.

This year, he rejoined the Stockton squad ... though he was cut following his arrest on Friday.

Comanche is now slated for a court appearance later this week, and it's expected he'll be extradited to Nevada shortly after.

Jonathan Majors Trial Strengthens Bond With Meagan

Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good are becoming closer than ever as a result of his assault trial ... and she's a big reason why he's able to push forward through a tough time.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... the trial hasn't only been a tough time for Jonathan, it's also been incredibly challenging for Meagan.

She was sitting in court for testimony from accuser Grace Jabbari and arguments from the prosecution ... listening to all the negative things they had to say about Jonathan.

We're told Meagan feels Jabbari and the prosecution are peddling BS because it all flies in the face of what she knows about JM.

Our sources say Meagan is particularly upset about the text exchanges between Jonathan and Jabbari prosecutors keep bringing up in court. In one message, Jonathan tells Jabbari, "It's just fake," and goes on to tell her she's got a rep for exaggerating, lying and seeking attention.

We're told Meagan now feels Jabbari was manipulative and controlling during her relationship with Jonathan.

By contrast, we're told Meagan is the one keeping Jonathan grounded and centered during the trial.

Our sources say all the challenges brought on by the trial are only serving to strengthen the bond between Jonathan and Meagan, making their love even more resilient.

Another factor ... we're told Jonathan and Meagan's deep faith in God is playing a huge role in helping them navigate the trial.

No matter the verdict, our sources say it's hard to imagine how Jonathan would have coped with it all without Meagan's unwavering support and understanding.

Jonathan Majors El juicio fortalece su vínculo con Meagan

Jonathan Majors y Meagan Good se han vuelto más cercanos que nunca en medio del juicio del actor por agresión y ella es una razón importante de por qué el actor ha sido capaz de seguir adelante en un momento difícil.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que el juicio no solo ha sido difícil para Jonathan, sino que también ha sido increíblemente difícil para Meagan.

Ella estuvo en la corte mientras la denunciante Grace Jabbari testificó y le dio sus argumentos a la fiscalía, escuchando todas las cosas negativas que tenían que decir acerca de Jonathan.

Nos dicen que Meagan siente que Jabbari y la fiscalía están vendiendo puras mentiras, pues nada hace sentido con lo que ella sabe de Jonathan Majors.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Meagan está particularmente molesta por los intercambios de texto entre Jonathan y Jabbari que los fiscales siguen trayendo a colación en los tribunales. En un mensaje, Jonathan le dijo a Jabbari: "Es falso", y continúa diciéndole que ella tiene fama de exagerar, mentir y buscar atención.

Nos dicen que Meagan ahora siente que Jabbari era manipuladora y controladora durante su relación con Jonathan.

Por el contrario, nos comentan que Meagan es la que mantiene a Jonathan con los pies en la tierra y centrado durante el juicio.

Nuestras fuentes aseguran que todos los desafíos que ha traído el juicio solo han servido para fortalecer el vínculo entre ellos, haciendo su amor aún más resiliente.

Otro factor, nos comentan, es la profunda fe de Jonathan y Meagan en Dios, la que está jugando un papel muy importante en ayudarlos a navegar el juicio.

No importa el veredicto, nuestras fuentes dicen que es difícil imaginar cómo Jonathan habría hecho frente a todo esto sin el apoyo inquebrantable y la comprensión de Meagan.


Darius McCrary was arrested last month for failure to pay child support ... this according to jail records obtained by TMZ.

The "Family Matters" star -- who is dad to two daughters and one son -- was booked on November 27 on a felony count of failure to pay child support.

According to court docs, he had an outstanding arrearage of $52,788.04 as of March 12, 2019.

McCrary pled not guilty at his arraignment, and the judge set his bond conditions at $13,197.01 and being monitored by a GPS device.

Online records show he still remains behind bars.

This isn't the first time Darius has been accused of failing to pay child support ... he was arrested back in 2015 on a similar charge before coughing up around $5,500 in back support.

Two years later, the struggling actor claimed he only made $500 during the previous year ... rendering him unable to pay child support to help out his then-estranged wife, Tammy Brawner.

The duo's divorce was officially finalized in 2019 after a bitter 2-year battle ... and one of the terms of their divorce was that Darius pay Tammy $1,366 per month in child support -- which he's now being accused of not paying.

WWE Star Liv Morgan Busted For Weed Possession In Florida ...

WWE Superstar Liv Morgan got smoked by the police ... 'cause she was busted driving with marijuana in Florida and thrown into the pokey, TMZ has confirmed.

Law enforcement sources tell us .... Morgan was cruising down the street in her jeep in Sumter County Thursday night when a sheriff's deputy pulled her over after seeing her swerve across the white and yellow lines.

We're told the deputy walked up to the vehicle, smelled reefer and conducted a search, finding less than 20 grams of marijuana in Morgan's possession.

Our sources say the deputy seized the small plastic bag of weed along with a vape pen containing an "oil-like substance."

Morgan was promptly arrested and booked into the Sumter County Jail for possession of cannabis 20 grams or less. She was later released after reportedly posting a $3,000 bond.

As for her WWE career, Morgan is currently a Raw Superstar, as well as a former Smackdown Women's Champion and two-time Women's Tag Team Champion.

'L&HH' Star Vonshae Officially Over Gunplay ... Wealthy New Boo Treats Me Right!!!

"Love & Hip Hop: Miami" cast member Vonshae Taylor-Morales had a rocky year amid a split from her hubby Gunplay ... but a new relationship has her going into 2024 on Cloud 9.

Fans have noticed Vonshae popping out with a mystery man these past few weeks, and the reality star tells TMZ Hip Hop his name is Franck Njonkou Seudio -- a 26-year-old multi-millionaire businessman from Africa, and they've been dating for one month.

Vonshae tells us she had been depressed during the Gunplay fiasco -- the rapper was arrested for DV back in August -- but says she's now in a great state of mind.

She and Franck first met when he DM'ed her a few weeks after Gunplay got arrested, and their first date consisted of going for pizza and a casual walk in Florida.

Instagram / @lifewithvonshae

Things have been clicking so far -- Vonshae tells us Franck owns multiple businesses that sprawl across media, e-commerce, Airbnb properties and cars. Plus, she says Mr. Lover-Lover is also fluent in French and has already expressed his wishes to marry her and adopt her 9-month-old daughter!!!

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Vonshae says Franck has no issues with her staying at home, raising her child and spending his money -- he's paid for Vonshae's legal bills and also handled her child's medical bills.

Franck was originally studying to be a pharmacist tech after moving to Miami but figured the business route was the best way to get paid.

In the case of her old relationship, Vonshae admits she'll always love Gunplay, but says he's not the same person she married in August 2022, so she's moved on -- even if he hasn't.

Gunplay recently had his bond revoked for attempting to pressure Vonshae not to testify against him ... and was sentenced to 28-36 months for violating the court-appointed restraining order as a result.

Meek Mill Tearjerker Speech At PA Probation Bill Signing

Not For Clout

Meek Mill's emotions came pouring out while speaking at the signing of a probation reform bill in Philadelphia ... and his tears were clearly related to memories of his own years of legal woes.

PA Governor Josh Shapiro signed the bill inside Philly's National Constitution Center, and Meek recalled the anxiety he had risking his freedom crossing state lines to New Jersey just to take his son to school when he was on probation years ago.

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He then broke down at the podium while thanking Gov. Shapiro and the rest of the committee for signing the bill, which lessens the chances of people on probation being sent back to jail for minor offenses.

Meek says guys like him who come from poor upbringings have to fight twice as hard just for acceptance, and being tossed around the system while labeled a felon makes things much worse.

The "Dreams & Nightmares" rapper was infamously placed on probation for a 2008 gun case, and later ended up having serious beef with a judge who sent him to prison for a 2017 probation violation. So, it's pretty obvious why the cause is so dear to his heart.

Sway's Universe / Sirius XM

It'll be interesting to see if the new laws influence Meek's lyrics going forward -- he was called out last month by Dee-1 for being the face of orgs like Reform while still glorifying street activity in his raps.