Ex-NFLer Sergio Brown Pleads Not Guilty To Murdering His Mother

Former NFL safety Sergio Brown is fighting back in his murder case this week ... pleading not guilty to charges that he killed his mom and concealed her body afterward.

According to a spokesperson for the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, Brown entered the pleas before an Illinois judge on Wednesday.

He's now due back for another hearing in the case late next month.

As we previously reported, Brown was first hit with one charge of first-degree murder and one count of concealment of a dead body back in October ... after officials claimed he killed his 73-year-old mom in Maywood in September and dumped her body near a creek behind her home.

Authorities alleged that following the killing, Brown hightailed it to Mexico -- where he was seen partying and dancing seemingly without a care in the world at a Tulum club.

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Brown was eventually extradited and arrested ... and later transported to Illinois to face the charges.

He's currently being held behind bars without bail.

Jonathan Majors Juicio por agresión entra en su tercera jornada Jabbari será interrogada


10:50 AM PT -- El interrogatorio de Grace Jabbari comenzó esta tarde y desde el principio, la abogada defensora de Jonathan Majors, Priya Chaudhry, trató de pintar a la presunta víctima como alguien que estaba en constante disputa con su ex y que además tenía problemas con el alcohol.

Al parecer, Chaudhry le hizo una serie de preguntas sobre su conocimiento de los antecedentes de Majors -profesionales o de otro tipo- y sobre si alguna vez tuvo un álbum de fotos del actor, aunque no está claro cómo respondió a estas preguntas. Al parecer, también dedicó bastante tiempo para preguntarle sobre su preparación del juicio con los fiscales y si había recibido instrucciones de respuestas predeterminadas, cosa que negó.

También se dice que Chaudhry le preguntó por sus hábitos con el alcohol, incluyendo si había bebido mucho la noche en cuestión, por no mencionar otras ocasiones en las que Jabbari podría haber recurrido al alcohol a lo largo de su relación con Jonathan Majors.

Chaudhry parece haber conseguido que Jabbari reconozca que, en ocasiones, recurría a la bebida durante las discusiones con Majors. Aún no ha llegado a la noche en cuestión, pero Chaudhry está trabajando en ello. Ahora están en un descanso para comer y su interrogatorio continuará esta tarde.

El juicio por agresión de Jonathan Majors se dirige hacia su tercera jornada y la mujer que lo denuncia, Grace Jabbari, volverá al estrado, pero esta vez los abogados de Majors tendrán la oportunidad de interrogarla sobre el presunto ataque.

La exnovia del actor, que es la testigo estrella de la fiscalía en el caso, está lista para el interrogatorio de la defensa el miércoles. Esto, después de que testificara el martes sobre su perspectiva del incidente que los ha llevado a los tribunales.

Jabbari, en particular, respaldó la afirmación de los fiscales de que fue víctima esa fatídica noche en marzo, cuando Majors fue detenido y finalmente acusado de asalto y acoso.

Temprano el miércoles, Jabbari testificó que había tomado dos pastillas de venta libre para dormir la noche del presunto asalto. Dice que por eso acabó dormida y semidesnuda en el suelo del baño del apartamento de Jonathan y que cuando se despertó la policía ya estaba de pie junto a ella y podía oír al actor en la habitación contigua.

El actor se ha declarado inocente todo este tiempo. Él y sus abogados insisten en que él fue la persona que fue atacada esa noche y no al revés. Los fiscales, sin embargo, contaron una historia diferente en su declaración de apertura e insistieron en que Jabbari estuvo en una relación abusiva con el chico, que explotó esa noche en el carro.

Jabbari reiteró esa versión en el estrado, explicando que sorprendió a Jonathan Majors enviándole mensajes de texto a otra mujer y que se enfrentó con él por eso. Le quitó su teléfono y luego él la maltrató para recuperarlo. Ella también testificó que cuando trató de huir del carro, él la agarró y la arrojó al interior nuevamente. Se ha informado que esto aparece en el video de vigilancia que la fiscalía mostró a los miembros del jurado.

Después de su riña, Jabbari dice que fue a una fiesta con personas que acababa de conocer para distraerse. Hay fotos y videos que la muestran ilesa en el club. Al respecto, Jabbari testificó que en realidad estaba herida y resintiendo sus heridas.

Hubo otros momentos incendiarios en su primer día en el estrado, incluyendo una grabación de una discusión que tuvo con Majors, en la que al parecer la instó a ser más como Coretta Scott King y Michelle Obama, mientras gritaba "¡Soy un gran hombre!".

Jabbari también afirmó que Majors había sido agresivo con ella en el pasado. Dijo que una vez perdió los estribos después de que ella sacara a relucir al perro de su exnovio.

Majors se quedó con cara de piedra durante el testimonio de Jabbari. Ahora sus abogados tendrán la oportunidad de interrogarla y desmontar su historia.

En algún momento, los fiscales presumiblemente llamarán a otros testigos, incluyendo el conductor del carro privado en el que anduvieron esa noche, el que sería el único material y presumiblemente el único testigo imparcial del conflicto entre Majors y Jabbari.

Jonathan Majors Assault Trial Enters Day 3 Jabbari's Cross-Examination Begins


2:26 PM PT -- Grace Jabbari's cross-examination continued this afternoon, and attorney Priya Chaudhry continued to question Jabbari's alcohol consumption -- including during the day/night in question. Chaudhry also asked why some injuries didn't appear as prominent when she finally got with cops ... and Jabbari said she'd cleaned herself up a bit after arriving at his place that night.

One highlight during cross ... Chaudhry attempted to ask Jabbari about the suicide of an ex-boyfriend of hers, and that made Jabbari burst into tears and require a break. Chaudhry went on to ask her questions about her visa status ... and also asked if she'd seen the security videos/photos of her partying that night -- to which Jabbari accused Chaudhry of "posting."

It appears today's court session is wrapping, and Jabbari's cross should continue tomorrow.

10:50 AM PT -- Grace Jabbari's cross-examination got underway this afternoon -- and right out the gate, Jonathan Majors' defense attorney Priya Chaudhry tried to paint the alleged victim as someone who was constantly feuding with her ex, and who had problems with alcohol to boot.

Chaudhry is reported to have asked a series of questions about her knowledge of Majors' background -- professional or otherwise -- and whether she once had a photo album of Majors' pics ... although it's unclear how Jabbari responded to these. Chaudhry also apparently spent a fair amount of time asking Jabbari about her trial prep with prosecutors, and whether she'd been instructed on pre-determined answers ... which Jabbari denied.

Chaudhry is also reported to have asked quite a bit about Jabbari's past drinking habits -- including whether she was downing a lot of booze during the night in question ... not to mention other times Jabbari might've resorted to alcohol throughout her relationship with JM.

Chaudhry appears to have gotten Jabbari to acknowledge she would, at times, resort to drinking during arguments with Majors. She hasn't gotten to the night in question yet, but Chaudhry is working her way there. They're on a lunch break now, and her cross-examination will continue later this afternoon.

Jonathan Majors' assault trial is heading into its third day and his accuser, Grace Jabbari, will be back on the stand -- but this time his attorney will have a chance to grill her about the alleged attack.

The actor's ex-girlfriend -- who is the prosecution's star witness in the case -- is all set for cross-examination from the defense Wednesday ... this after testifying Tuesday about her POV of the incident that's landed them in court.

Most notably, Jabbari backed prosecutors' assertion she was victimized that fateful night in March -- when Majors was arrested and ultimately charged with assault and harassment.

Early Wednesday, she testified she'd taken 2 over-the-counter sleeping tablets on the evening of the alleged assault. She says that's why she ended up asleep, and half-naked on the bathroom floor at Jonathan's apartment -- and when she woke up, police were standing over her and she could hear Jonathan in the adjacent room.

He's pled not guilty, and this entire time ... he and his attorneys have insisted he was the one who was attacked that night -- not the other way around. Prosecutors, however, told a different story in their opening statement ... insisting Jabbari had been in an abusive relationship with the guy, which boiled over in brutality in a private car they were in.

Jabbari reiterated that while on the stand, telling her side of the story by explaining she caught JM texting another woman and confronted him about it -- snatching his phone away, and then claiming he roughed her up in an attempt to get it back. She also testified that when she tried to flee the car, he grabbed her and threw her inside again ... something that was reportedly depicted in surveillance video that the prosecution played for jurors in court.

After their squabble ... Jabbari says she went to a party with strangers she'd just met in an attempt to take her mind off things -- and while she's appeared uninjured in photos and videos showing her at the club, GB testified she was actually hurt and licking her wounds.

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There were other bombshell moments during her 1st day on the stand, including a recording she'd once taken of Majors during an argument -- in which he apparently called upon her to be more like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama, while shouting "I'm a great man!"

Jabbari also claimed Majors had been aggressive with her in the past, including one alleged time when she says he lost it on her after she brought up her ex-boyfriend's doggo.

Majors remained stone-faced during Jabbari's testimony, which will now pivot to her being questioned by his defense attorneys -- who will undoubtedly try to pick apart her story.

At some point, prosecutors will presumably call other witnesses -- including the driver of their private car that night ... who would be the only material, and presumably unbiased, witness to Majors and Jabbari's conflict.

Originally Published -- 8:59 AM PT

Von Miller Set To Play For Buffalo Bills ... Despite Domestic Violence Allegations

Von Miller -- for now -- will not miss any Bills practices or games despite his domestic violence arrest last week ... this according to Buffalo general manager Brandon Beane.

The Bills exec spoke at length on the matter with media members just minutes ago ... revealing his team has no plans to suspend its star pass rusher amid allegations that he roughed up his pregnant girlfriend during a violent incident at their Dallas-area apartment on Nov. 29.

Buffalo Bills

"There's not a lot that I can say," Beane told reporters. "Von is here. He'll be a part of the team."

Beane said repeatedly the Bills plan to let both the criminal investigation and the NFL's probe into the issue play out before they make any kinds of rash decisions regarding Von.

He did say, however, if something unnerving comes up in the investigation process ... things regarding Von's status could change.

But, Beane also added, "The guy that we've known here for a year and a half," the allegations seem "out of character."

As we reported, an arrest warrant was issued for Miller late last week after police say his GF told cops he pushed her, put his hands around her neck ... and pulled a chunk of her hair out of her head during a heated argument.


In 911 audio, the woman can be heard telling dispatch she was left bloodied and bruised after the alleged altercation.

The woman, though, reportedly recanted the story just a day later ... with WFAA reporting she said in a text message to their reporters, "Things were blown way out of context."

Miller -- who signed with the Bills last season -- has underwhelmed for Buffalo so far this season in his return from an ACL tear ... logging just two tackles in eight games. The Bills play the Chiefs next on Sunday afternoon.

Impactante video Un policía militar golpea a su esposa ... Y la mata a tiros

El fatal incidente

Un policía militar le disparó a su esposa hasta provocarle la muerte después de haberla golpeado brutalmente durante un enfrentamiento en Brasil y todo fue grabado en video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima estaba fuera de servicio el domingo cuando comenzó a discutir con su esposa, Erika, por alguna razón dentro de un carro aparcado en Sao Paulo.

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes de vigilancia, Erika salta del asiento del conductor, da vueltas alrededor del carro e intenta abrir una puerta del lado del pasajero para sacar a Thiago del asiento trasero.

Los dos se enzarzan en un violento forcejeo mientras Thiago sale del vehículo con una pistola en la mano. Thiago golpea repetidamente a Erika en la cabeza antes de apuntarle con la pistola.

Según los informes, Thiago cargó a Erika en el carro y se la llevó a un hospital local, donde fue declarada su muerte.

Las autoridades brasileñas detuvieron a Thiago, quien confesó haber disparado mortalmente a Erika, según la CNN. No está claro si se presentaron cargos criminales.

Shocking Video Execution Military Police Officer Beats Wife ... Fatally Shoots Her in Brazil


A military police officer reportedly shot his wife to death after brutally beating her during a heated confrontation in Brazil ... and it was all caught on video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima was off-duty Sunday when he started arguing with his wife, Erika, for some reason inside a parked car in Sao Paolo.

Check out the surveillance footage ... Erika jumps out of the driver's seat and circles around the car, ripping open a passenger side door and trying to yank Thiago out of the backseat.

The two get into a violent struggle as Thiago pops out of the vehicle with a pistol gripped in his hand. Thiago repeatedly punches Erika in the head before aiming the gun at her.

Thiago reportedly loaded Erika into the car and drove her to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Brazilian authorities arrested Thiago, who confessed to fatally shooting Erika, CNN said. It's not clear whether criminal charges were filed.


Jonathan Majors' ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, says she decided to attend a stranger's birthday bash instead of returning home to the apartment she shared with him ... after he allegedly struck her in a cab in March.

During sworn testimony before a jury in an NYC courtroom Tuesday, Jabbari claimed she made her escape from an SUV taking them over the Manhattan Bridge ... seeking refuge at a bar with strangers who came to her aid after the alleged physical altercation with the actor.

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"I didn't want to be alone at that point," she told jurors ... elaborating, "I was just trying to suppress the sadness. I felt sad so deeply in my heart. But, I was also really grateful for these three people who had saved me."

She said she bought her 3 new friends a bottle of champagne as a thank you, and also danced.

She said she had "some shots of tequila" as well. She said she began icing her finger at the bar because she knew she'd wake up in considerable pain the next morning.

Video footage of the alleged cab incident was presented in the courtroom ... where Majors was observed getting out of the car and pushing Jabbari back in ... before she got out and chased him down the street.

According to Jabbari, the fight broke out after she saw a text from a woman named "Cleopatra" in the cab.

She claims that when she tried to take the phone, she experienced a "heavy thud" as he tried to take it back ... resulting in her finger and arm being twisted.

"He was trying to hurt me," she alleged. "Then I felt a hard blow across my head."

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However, Majors' attorney, Priya Chaudhry, contends the injuries were actually sustained by the "Creed" actor ... who was scared of Jabbari as he attempted to flee her as she chased him through the streets of Manhattan.


This comes after Jabbari detailed how she first met Majors, how they got involved, and at what point he allegedly began showing aggression around her.

So far, she's shared a recording of the actor allegedly blowing up at her during another incident when she came home tipsy -- and has also claimed he lost his cool after she brought up her ex's pooch.

Meanwhile, Majors' current GF, Meagan Good, has been throwing her full support behind him ... ensuring to be by his side while arriving at court.

Jonathan Majors Denunciante dice que huyó a una fiesta tras la pelea ... No quería estar sola

La exnovia de Jonathan Majors, Grace Jabbari, dice que decidió ir a la fiesta de cumpleaños de un extraño en lugar de volver al departamento que compartía con él. Todo esto, después de que supuestamente este la golpeara en un taxi en marzo.

Durante el testimonio bajo juramento ante un jurado en un tribunal de Nueva York el martes, Jabbari afirmó que se escapó de un SUV que los llevaba por el puente de Manhattan para buscar refugio en un bar con conocidos que fueron a ayudarla después del supuesto altercado físico con el actor.

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De fiesta toda la noche

"No quería estar sola en ese momento", le dijo a los miembros del jurado. "Yo solo estaba tratando de suprimir la tristeza. Me sentía muy triste en el fondo de mi corazón. Pero también estaba muy agradecida por estas tres personas que me salvaron".

Dijo que los invitó a una botella de champán en señal de agradecimiento y también bailó.

También se tomó "algunos chupitos de tequila". Dijo que empezó a ponerse hielo en el dedo en el bar porque sabía que se despertaría con un dolor considerable a la mañana siguiente.

Las imágenes de video del supuesto incidente del taxi se presentaron en la sala del tribunal. En ellas se ve a Majors saliendo del carro e instando a Jabbari a que entre de nuevo, luego ella sale y comienza a perseguirlo por la calle.

Según Jabbari, la pelea estalló después de que vio un mensaje de texto de una mujer llamada "Cleopatra" en el taxi.

Ella dice que cuando trató de tomar el teléfono, experimentó un "fuerte golpe" mientras él intentaba recuperarlo, lo que provocó una torcedura en su brazo y en su dedo.

"Él estaba tratando de hacerme daño", alegó. "Entonces sentí un fuerte golpe en la cabeza"

Sin embargo, la abogada de Majors, Priya Chaudhry, sostiene que el actor de "Creed" fue quien sufrió las lesiones. Asegura que el actor se asustó y por eso intentó huir mientras ella lo perseguía por las calles de Manhattan.

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

Todo esto ocurre después de que Jabbari detallara cómo conoció a Majors y en qué momento él supuestamente comenzó a mostrarse agresivo.

Hasta ahora, Jabbari ha compartido una grabación del actor donde aparentemente se lo ve explotando de rabia una vez que ella llegó borracha a casa. También ha afirmado que Majors perdió la calma cuando le mencionó algo sobre el perro de su ex.

Mientras tanto, la actual novia de Majors, Meagan Good, ha estado expresando todo su apoyo al actor, asegurándose de estar a su lado cuando llegan a la corte.


George Santos is saying a big "f*** you" to everyone at HBO ... vowing to go after the channel/streaming platform for developing a new movie about his controversial political career.

The recently-booted congressman sounded off to TMZ after HBO optioned the rights to Mark Chiusano's new book "The Fabulist: The Lying, Hustling, Grifting, Stealing, and Very American Legend of George Santos" ... blasting it as defamatory and misappropriating his name and likeness.

Santos says he has zero involvement in the "fictitious story" the movie plans to sell to the American people ... and is vexed about the filmmakers and book's author not speaking to him or getting authorization to write about him.

However, he says he's not concerned about how he'll be represented in the doc ... because he's working on a project that best fits his narrative. As for HBO, Santos vented, "F*** them and their chicken s*** deal with no inside information or reality of facts."


We're not sure how he'll navigate any potential comeback trail following his expulsion from Congress last week ... but ya gotta applaud the hustle.

The decision came following a controversial time in office, which included multiple felony charges.


For now, he's been busy advising his fans to "let the haters hate" on Cameo for $200 a vid.

BTW, we talked to the guy whose book this HBO film is based on ... and he tells us he tried his best to get GS to get involved in the story, to no avail though.


Author Mark Chiusano -- who published 'The Fabulist' this year -- joined us on "TMZ Live" Tuesday to discuss Santos' threats of action against the movie ... and he says he's heard it all before. The guy also stands by his work, and thinks he did a good job of representing things as they are.

George Santos Va a tomar acciones legales contra la película de HBO ¡¡Que se jodan p*** de mier**!!

George Santos le está diciendo un gran "váyanse a la m***" a todos en HBO, prometiendo que irá tras el canal y la plataforma de streaming luego de que anunciaran el desarrollo de una nueva película sobre su controvertida carrera política.

El recientemente destituido congresista habló con TMZ después de que HBO adquiriera los derechos del nuevo libro de Mark Chiusano "The Fabulist: The Lying, Hustling, Grifting, Stealing, and Very American Legend of George Santos", tachándolo de difamatorio y de apropiación indebida de su nombre y de su imagen.

Santos dice que no tiene ninguna participación en la "ficticia historia" que la película planea venderle al pueblo estadounidense y está molesto con los cineastas y el autor del libro por no haber hablado con él ni haberle pedido autorización para escribir sobre su vida.

Sin embargo, dice que no le preocupa cómo será representado en el documental porque está trabajando en un proyecto que se ajusta mejor a su narrativa. En cuanto a HBO, Santos se desahogó: "Que se jod*** por no contar con la realidad de los hechos".

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

No estamos seguros cómo Santos navegará cualquier camino de regreso posible después de su expulsión del Congreso la semana pasada, pero hay que aplaudir el ajetreo.

La decisión se produjo después de un controvertido tiempo en el cargo, que incluyó múltiples cargos por delitos graves.

Directo con la gente

Por ahora, ha estado ocupado aconsejándole a sus fans que "dejen a los haters odiar" en un video de Cameo por $200.

UFC's Jamahal Hill Accused Of Knocking Out Brother's Tooth ... During Alleged Attack


8:32 AM -- Cops say in a police report obtained by TMZ Sports that James Hill Jr. told them the assault was preceded by a series of disputes between him and his brother ... including one that involved the cleaning of Jamahal Hill's freezer.

In the docs, officers say James told them he had picked Jamahal up from a Michigan airport ... but when the two arrived at Jamahal's house a short time later, they realized that because the residence had been left vacant for months, the electricity in the unit had been turned off -- causing "all the food in the house to spoil and rot."

Cops say James told them he and Jamahal had agreed James would clean the house with his wife for $300. James said, according to the docs, "he cleaned out the whole house besides the chest freezer in the garage."

But, cops say in the police report James told them that after he and Jamahal got into an argument over the UFC fighter's alleged treatment of women and their own mother -- he left the home.

James, according to cops, said Jamahal texted him the next day and asked why he didn't clean out the freezer ... allegedly demanding half the money back for the unfinished job.

Police say James, however, came back on Nov. 25 to clean it all out ... and once he completed the task, he went to talk to Jamahal -- and another dispute broke out.

This time, according to the docs, James and Jamahal got into it over Thanksgiving Day texts. The argument, cops say James told them, then turned physical.

Officers say James told them Jamahal "sucker punched" him with a closed fist -- before hitting him a second time.

According to the docs, James left the home and debated on calling police because "he didn't want to ruin Jamahal's UFC fighting career." Though after Jamahal allegedly wouldn't respond to texts or apologize, he called cops to report the incident.

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Jamahal Hill allegedly got so violent during an altercation with his brother last month that he knocked a tooth right out of the man's mouth.

The allegations are spelled out in a probable cause affidavit, obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs, police say James Hill Jr. told them from a Kentwood-area hospital in Michigan that Jamahal had assaulted him on Nov. 25 after the two had gotten into an argument.

Jamahal, according to the docs, punched his brother once, sending him to the ground. Cops say when James got up, Jamahal punched him again -- hurling him right back to the floor.

According to the docs, James' face and left eye were "very swollen" after the alleged attack ... and officers also say James was "missing a front tooth that he stated got broke when Jamahal assaulted him."

Jamahal was arrested over the allegations on Nov. 27 ... and formally charged with one count of aggravated domestic violence shortly after. He's due in court for a hearing on the matter next month.


In a video Jamahal released on Saturday, the 32-year-old said he's "been advised not to speak on" the arrest ... though he did say, "I just can't wait for the truth to be told in court and I will wait for that day and I look forward to that day."

YouTube / Jamahall Hill

"The people who know me and know my character and truly, truly rock with me and know who I am, hold on to that and stay true to that and yeah, that's all I'm gonna say on that."

Originally Published -- 12:10 AM PT

YouTuber Obtiene 6 meses tras las rejas Por simular accidente de avión por clics

Temeraria acrobacia

Un YouTuber fue condenado a 6 meses de prisión federal el lunes por obstrucción a la justicia después de estrellar deliberadamente su avión para avivar sus redes sociales.

Trevor Daniel Jacob, de 30 años y ex snowboarder olímpico, se enfrentaba a una pena máxima de 20 años y fue condenado a solo 6 meses por John F. Walter, juez del distrito de Estados Unidos, después de declararse culpable por el cargo de "destrucción y ocultación con la intención de obstruir una investigación federal" el 30 de junio.

En un reciente comunicado de prensa, los fiscales federales dicen que Jacob confesó haber orquestado el accidente del 24 de noviembre de 2021 y haberlo publicado un mes después en YouTube, el 23 de diciembre, con el título: "Me estrellé con mi avión".

En el video se ve a Jacob volando un avión monomotor desde el aeropuerto de Lompoc a Mammoth Lakes, antes de afirmar que el motor estaba fallando a los 30 minutos.

Las imágenes capturan a Jacob abriendo la puerta lateral y saltando desde un paracaídas justo cuando el avión se precipitaba hacia abajo para estrellarse.

Merry Elfin' Christmas

Los fiscales dicen que Jacbo esperó dos días a propósito para informar del accidente a la Junta Nacional de Seguridad en el Transporte, quien le aconsejó que preservara los restos. La investigación se estancó cuando les dijo que no sabía donde se había estrellado el avión.

En su lugar, utilizó un helicóptero para levantar los restos del bosque nacional de Los Padres el 10 de diciembre de 2021, antes de desmantelarlo y deshacerse de él.

Durante su sentencia del lunes, el juez Walter le ordenó que se entregara a las autoridades antes del 29 de enero. En una declaración transmitida por su abogado, Jacobs dijo: "Esta experiencia ha sido tan humillante".

Añadió que la sentencia fue la "decisión correcta".

Suspenden a un policía de Alabama por electrocutar a un hombre negro que lloraba

Facebook / Jalexis Monea Rice

Una mujer policía de Alabama ha sido suspendida por reírse mientras utilizaba una pistola eléctrica contra un hombre negro esposado que lloraba... el angustioso video ha circulado ampliamente por Internet.

En el clip, la policía no identificada del Departamento de Policía de Reforma en el condado de Pickens fue filmado el sábado jurando y reprendiendo al hombre, que el fiscal de distrito Andy Hamlin dice que fue detenido por un cargo de tráfico de fentanilo.

Se le puede ver gritándole al hombre esposado que se tumbe en la parte delantera del vehículo con la cara hacia abajo y ordenándole que "se quede quieto".

Sin embargo, cuando el hombre responde: "No voy a hacer m***, hermano. Tengo una pistola ahí mismo", ella le saca la pistola del bolsillo y le dispara inmediatamente en la espalda.

Con el hombre claramente dolorido y llorando, ella le advierte: "¿Lo quieres otra vez? Cállate la boca".

En respuesta al veneno mostrado por la policía, el jefe de policía de Reform —Richard Black— y la alcaldesa —Melody Davis— emitieron un comunicado conjunto en el que se lee: "El Departamento de Policía de Reforma es consciente de la circulación de un video que implica la detención de un ciudadano el 2 de diciembre".

Se añadió: "El departamento está en proceso de entregar todo el material relacionado con esta detención a la Oficina de Investigación del Estado de Alabama y ha solicitado una investigación exhaustiva de las circunstancias que rodearon la detención. De acuerdo con la política de la ciudad, el agente implicado ha sido puesto en excedencia administrativa mientras se lleva a cabo la investigación".

El video ha provocado la furia generalizada en Internet, con algunos calificándolo de "repugnante" y de "abuso de poder" y otros pidiendo su detención.

No se ha revelado la identidad del hombre detenido por cargos relacionados con drogas.

YOUTUBER GETS 6 MONTHS BEHIND BARS Staged Plane Crash For Clicks!!


A YouTuber was sentenced Monday to 6 months in federal prison for obstruction of justice after deliberately crashing his single-propeller plane ... to bolster his social media.

Trevor Daniel Jacob, 30, of Lompoc -- a former Olympic snowboarder who was facing a max sentence of 20 years -- was sentenced to just 6 months by United States District Judge John F. Walter ... after pleading guilty to one count of "destruction and concealment with the intent to obstruct a federal investigation" on June 30.

Federal prosecutors say in a recent news release that Jacob confessed to orchestrating the crash on November 24, 2021 ... posting the pre-planned event to YouTube nearly a month later on December 23, titling it, "I Crashed My Airplane."

The video sees Jacob flying a single-engine plane from Lompoc City Airport to Mammoth Lakes ... before claiming the plane's engine had failed 30 minutes in.

The footage captures Jacob opening the side door and leaping out to deploy a parachute just as the plane hurtles downward into a crash below.


Prosecutors say he purposely waited two days to report the pre-planned crash to the National Transportation Safety Board, who advised him to preserve the wreckage --- though he stalled the investigation, telling them he didn't know where the plane went down.

Instead, he used a helicopter to lift the wreckage out of the Los Padres National Forest on December 10, 2021 ... before dismantling and disposing of it.

During his sentencing Monday, Judge Walter ordered him to surrender to the authorities by Jan. 29 ... with Jacobs saying in a statement conveyed by his lawyer: "This experience has been so humbling."

He added the sentence was the "right decision."


Facebook / Jalexis Monea Rice

A white female Alabama cop has been placed on leave for laughing while using a stun gun on a crying handcuffed Black man ... with the distressing video widely circulating online.

In the clip, the unidentified cop from the Reform Police Department in Pickens County was filmed Saturday swearing and berating the man ... who District Attorney Andy Hamlin says was arrested on a trafficking fentanyl charge.

She's seen shouting at the cuffed man to lie on the front of the vehicle with his face down and ordering him to "stay still."

However, when the man responds, "I ain't doing s***, bro. I got a gun right there," she takes the gun out of his pocket and immediately deploys the stun gun into his back.

With the man clearly in pain and crying, she warns: "Do you want it again? Shut your b***h a** up!"

In response to the venom shown by the cop, reform police Chief Richard Black and Mayor Melody Davis released a joint statement ... reading: "The Reform Police Department is aware of a video circulating involving a citizen's arrest on December 2."

It was added: "The department is in the process of turning over all materials related to this arrest to the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation and has requested a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the arrest. In accordance with City Policy, the officer involved has been placed on administrative leave while the investigation is conducted."

The clip has drawn widespread fury online ... with some labeling it "sickening" and an "abuse of power" and others calling for her arrest.

The identity of the man taken into custody on the drug-related charge has not been released.

GEORGE SANTOS Cashing In on Cameo ... After Congress Expulsion

George Santos says getting fired from a job is no big deal -- because it's all down to what you make of the experience ... something he's now telling his Cameo legion.

That's just one questionable piece of advice he's already dished out after joining the personalized video message platform ... less than a week after he was booted from Congress.


The disgraced politician proudly introduces himself as the "Expelled member of Congress from New York City" and "Former congressional "Icon"!💅🏼" on the site ... where for $200, you can nab yourself a customized message from the man himself.

Santos has already been hard at work doling out responses to some requests ... leveraging his recent experiences to inspire and motivate one person in his new career.

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This comes hot on the heels of the House's vote to expel him earlier this month -- a decision spurred by a controversial time in office, which includes multiple felony charges.

Back in May, Santos was arrested on a variety of felony charges, including lying, wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and making false statements to the House of Representatives.


As for now, Santos appears to be earning easy money on Cameo -- but given his rap sheet of bad decisions, we're not sure how qualified Santos is with playin' Agony Aunt.