GoFundMe Pone en pausa dudosa recaudación Para familia del adolescente que falleció

GoFundMe ha suspendido una recaudación de fondos que parece beneficiar a la familia del adolescente de Las Vegas que fue golpeado hasta la muerte a principios de este mes, y su familia afirma que la solicitud de dinero es fraudulenta.

La recaudación de fondos se titula "Jonathan Lewis Family" y recaudó casi 2.000 dólares desde que se puso en marcha hace dos días. La foto principal no es del chico de 17 años de edad, Lewis, sino de otro hombre. Un hombre que, según el padre de Jonathan, no tiene ninguna conexión con Lewis.

Según la descripción, el presunto organizador, Cole Charles, está buscando recaudar fondos para la familia de Lewis, pero todo es bastante vago.

Un portavoz de GoFundMe le dice a TMZ: "Nuestro equipo de Confianza y Seguridad se ha puesto en contacto con el organizador para obtener más información. Todos los fondos recaudados permanecen retenidos de forma segura por nuestros procesadores de pagos mientras nuestro equipo de Confianza y Seguridad lleva a cabo su revisión".

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Para ser claros, la persona que está ejecutando la recaudación de fondos cuestionable no tiene acceso al dinero en efectivo y se mantendrá por GoFundMe hasta que completen su investigación.

También hay una recaudación de fondos verificada que está en el sitio en beneficio de la familia Lewis y ha recaudado más de $100.000. La protección de la comunidad GoFundMe es una de las principales prioridades de la plataforma y tienen un equipo dedicado a la revisión de todos los recaudadores de fondos relacionados con este incidente.

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Entregando detalles

Como informamos, imágenes del brutal incidente mostraron a Lewis recibiendo una paliza cerca de una escuela secundaria de Las Vegas. La policía dijo que el ataque se derivó de los auriculares robados y posiblemente un vaporizador con todo el mundo de acuerdo en reunirse en un callejón después de la escuela para luchar.

Ocho menores han sido detenidos tras su muerte y se cree que 2 adolescentes más han estado implicados.


El hermano de Polo G, Trench Baby, es acusado de matar a un hombre en un tiroteo en Los Ángeles y actualmente está en una celda de la cárcel después de ser acusado de asesinato.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ Hip Hop que Trench Baby (nombre real Taurean Bartlett) ha sido acusado por el asesinato de Dashaun Berry, de 20 años. Nos dicen que Berry fue asesinado en un tiroteo la madrugada del 10 de junio en un estacionamiento de North Hollywood.

Nos informan que los paramédicos declararon muerto a Berry en la escena cuando lo encontraron a la 1:30 AM con heridas de bala.

La policía cree que el incidente fue solo el primero de una serie de crímenes que Trench Baby supuestamente pasó a cometer en los meses siguientes.

También ha sido acusado de robo en primer grado por un incidente 15 de agosto y se enfrenta a un cargo adicional de disuadir a un testigo por la fuerza o amenaza el 10 de septiembre.

Se nos dice que ambos cargos implican el mismo hombre.

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TMZ Hip Hop publicó la historia, poco después del presunto robo de agosto, la policía irrumpió en Polo y TB en su casa de Los Ángeles y los detuvo.

Polo y TB también fueron investigados por un presunto altercado en un estudio de Burbank con una mujer que dijo que la había sido golpeada en la cara, pero los fiscales dijeron que no había pruebas suficientes para presentar cargos por eso.

Trench Baby se encuentra en prisión sin fianza.

Polo G's Brother Accused of Murder in Drive-By Case


11/22 -- 6:32 AM PT -- Trench Baby aka Tauren Bartlett’s attorneys Bradford Cohen and Zoey Aron are speaking out for the client and tell TMZ Hip Hop …"The case against Mr. Bartlett is an example of the Los Angeles State Attorney's Office trying to charge a young man with very little physical evidence and a lot of hearsay. No murder weapon, no motive, his cell phone does not place him on the scene, no gunshot residue, and there is no eye witness identifying him. He was actually given a 2 mill dollar bond, but once he made the bond, the State attorney, who has spoken about justice reform, went back and pulled the bond.

"We expect to move this case forward and demonstrate why this incident could not have been Tauren and is most likely one of the several other suspects that police have questioned regarding the incident."

Polo G's brother Trench Baby is accused of killing a man in an L.A. drive-by shooting ... and is currently sitting in a jail cell after getting charged with felony murder.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Hip Hop ... Trench Baby (real name Taurean Bartlett) has now been charged for the murder of 20-year-old Dashaun Berry. We're told Berry was killed in a drive-by shooting in the wee hours of June 10 in a North Hollywood parking lot.

We're told paramedics pronounced Berry dead at the scene when they found him at 1:30 AM with gunshot wounds.

Cops believe the incident was just the first in a string of crimes Trench Baby allegedly went on to commit in the following months.

He's also been charged with first-degree residential robbery for an August 15 incident -- and faces an additional charge of dissuading a witness by force or threat on September 10.

We're told both of those charges involve the same man.

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TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... shortly after the alleged August robbery, police swarmed in on Polo and TB at their L.A. home and arrested them.

Polo and TB were also investigated for an alleged altercation in a Burbank studio involving a woman who said she had been punched in the face ... but prosecutors said there was insufficient evidence to file charges for that one.

Trench Baby is being held without bail.

Originally Published -- 11/20 12:15 AM PT

Nick Hogan Slammed by Family of '07 Crash Victim ... Over New DUI Arrest

Nick Hogan's fresh DUI arrest is opening some old wounds for the family of the man who was severely injured in the guy's 2007 crash -- and they think Nick hasn't learned his lesson.

TMZ talked to John Graziano's mother, Debra ... who says she isn't surprised over Nick's latest bust -- telling us he appears to have been as careless now as he was almost 20 years ago when he got into another car wreck as a teen -- which changed her son's life forever.

While it remains to be seen if Nick will be formally charged in this new case ... Debra says she believes his past incident with John -- who suffered severe brain damage in '07, riding passenger alongside Nick at the time -- should be factored into whatever happens here.

To Debra, the fact Nick got popped again all these years later shows a "total lack of respect for what (he) did to another person’s life and you’re still driving reckless."

She adds, "I can only pray that at some point in his life, while he still has the chance, that he turns his life around. Until then I hope no one else gets hurt." Debra goes on to say that the '07 accident and the saga that followed continues to take its toll on her/her loved ones.

Debra says, "I grieve the virtual loss of my son on a daily basis. I thank God daily that at least I have John here with us at home." She says while John has lost most of his ability to function normally, she's grateful he's alive and surrounded by people who care about him.

Nick hasn't publicly addressed the arrest yet ... he's also turned his social media pages to private. FWIW, nobody was harmed in this latest incident -- but it's still not great, obviously.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Le dijo a su entrenador Que ver cuerpos troceados en una película eran demasiado para él

Sam Haskell Jr. aparentemente no pudo soportar el horror representado en una película de terror, algo que le dijo a un amigo a principios de este año, a pesar de estar acusado exactamente por el mismo motivo.

TMZ obtuvo mensajes privados de Instagram, de mayo de 2023, en los que Samuel, el hijo del agente de Hollywood Samuel Haskell Sr., le dice a su ex entrenador personal Troy Piedade que la película "The Forever Purge", le dio náuseas a "causa de los cuerpos desmembrados".

Echa un vistazo a la conversación por ti mismo. Es bastante reveladora.

Como se puede ver, Sam trae a colación el filme de terror y escribe: "Forever Purge fue un poco diferente, personas realmente siendo descuartizadas en México, de verdad, es difícil para mí disfrutar de una película sobre eso, prefiero Purge 2 Anarchy". Luego continúa diciendo que quiere hacer una película con Troy.

Hablamos con Troy, que nos dice que en el transcurso de los 14 años en los que conoció a Sam sintió algo un poco raro cuando empezó a entrenarlo en 2009 en Bally's en Encino.

Dice que siente que Sam era muy problemático y que el tipo se metía con la gente del gimnasio porque sabía que él lo protegería.

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¿La prueba irrefutable?

A pesar de su extraño comportamiento, Troy dice que nunca pensó que su ex cliente llegaría tan lejos, al punto de cometer un asesinato, algo que las autoridades del condado de Los Ángeles han alegado contra Sam.

Troy dice que él y Sam se mantuvieron en contacto a través de Instagram después de que dejara el gimnasio, en donde regularmente discutían sobre películas de terror y fitness, incluyendo esta breve charla sobre cuerpos descuartizados. Lo que es importante aquí es que las fuentes policiales de Los Ángeles nos dicen que eran conscientes del interés de Sam en las películas de terror y que están revisando eso para este caso.

El lunes, el fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, George Gascón, anunció que Haskell Jr. fue imputado con tres cargos de asesinato por la muerte de su esposa de 37 años, Mei, y sus padres Gaoshan Li, de 72, y Yanxiang Wang, de 64.

Esto se produjo después de que publicáramos un video que parece mostrar a Sam tirando lo que bien podría ser un cuerpo. Una persona viviendo en la calle encontró un torso humano en el mismo contenedor de basura al día siguiente.

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Captado en Cámara

Hay más videos que parecen mostrar a Sam dando y/o recibiendo otras bolsas, que los jornaleros alegaron contenían restos humanos.

Parece que la policía les creyó. Si es condenado, Haskell Jr. podría enfrentarse a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Told Personal Trainer ... Chopped Up Bodies in Horror Movie Too Much for Me

Sam Haskell Jr. apparently couldn't stomach the gore depicted in a horror movie -- something he told a pal earlier this year ... even though he's accused of being a butcher.

TMZ has obtained IG DMs from May 2023 that Samuel -- the son of Hollywood super-agent Samuel Haskell Sr. -- sent to his ex-personal trainer Troy Piedade ... which touched "The Forever Purge," a flick that SHJ said made him queasy 'cause of the dismembered bodies.

Take a look at the back-and-forth between them yourself ... it's pretty eye-opening.

As you see, Sam brings up 'The Purge' and writes ... "Forever purge was a little different fools really be getting chopped up in Mexico for real it's hard for me to enjoy a movie about it, I'm down with purge 2 anarchy." He then goes on to say that he wants to make a movie with Troy.

We talked to Troy, who now tells us that over the course of the 14 years that he knew Sam ... he sensed something a bit off when he started actually training him in 2009 at Bally's in Encino.

Troy says that he feels Sam was very troubled, claiming that the guy would go out of his way to mess with people at the gym ... because he knew he (Troy) would protect him.

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Despite his odd behavior, though, Troy tells us he never thought his former client would go as far as murder ... something the authorities in L.A. County have alleged against Sam.

Troy says he and Sam kept in touch over IG after he left the gym, where they regularly discussed topics such as horror movies and fitness ... including this brief chat about chopped-up bodies, which Sam said were too much for him. FWIW, law enforcement sources tell us the LAPD is aware of Sam's interest in horror movies and they're looking into it.

On Monday, L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón announced that Haskell Jr. was hit with 3 counts of murder in the death of his 37-year-old wife, Mei, and her parents ... 72-year-old Gaoshan Li and 64-year-old Yanxiang Wang.

Of course, this came after we published video that appears to show Sam dumping what very well may have been a body. A homeless person found a human torso at the same dumpster the very next day.

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There's more video that appears to show Sam giving/receiving other bags ... which day laborers alleged contained human remains. Seems like the cops believed them.

If convicted, Haskell Jr. could face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Kysre Gondrezick Denuncia falsa narrativa en el caso de Kevin Porter Jr.

Destruyendo al fiscal

La jugadora de la WNBA, Kysre Gondrezick, está denunciando a los fiscales involucrados en el caso de agresión de Kevin Porter Jr., diciendo que el fiscal del distrito sigue impulsando una "falsa narrativa" a pesar de que ella ha negado en repetidas ocasiones que su exnovio la atacó.

TMZ Sports habló con Gondrezick esta semana y dice que el manejo que ha tenido la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan del incidente de septiembre ha "agravado aún más su trauma que la experiencia real".

La joven de 26 años nos dice que le dio una declaración a los funcionarios una semana después de que Porter fuera arrestado y les explicó que la denuncia penal original no era ni de cerca lo que había pasado. Ahora quiere que el fiscal reconozca públicamente su versión de los hechos: que se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza después de que Kevin la despertara bruscamente tras una noche de fiesta. Ella es firme en que nunca la golpeó.

Como informamos anteriormente, Kevin Porter Jr. fue acusado de golpear varias veces a Gondrezick y de ponerle las manos en el cuello, lo que habría resultado en una vértebra del cuello fracturado y una laceración por encima de su ojo.

Más tarde se supo que la dolencia del cuello NO había sido obra de Porter, sino que se trataba de una lesión preexistente.

En cuanto a la laceración, Gondrezick afirma que fue consecuencia de la caída que sufrió y una mancha de maquillaje en la pared del hotel respalda su versión.

Kevin Porter Jr. fue detenido por agresión y estrangulamiento, pero uno de los cargos fue retirado por "insuficiencia de pruebas".

Gondrezick dice que se está abriendo para protegerse a ella misma, no a Kevin, y no quiere que las autoridades la sigan silenciando. También pide que los funcionarios responsables de impulsar la actual narrativa rindan cuentas.

Es Simple

El abogado de Gondrezick, Bobby Altchiler, también tomó parte en el asunto. Dice que su cliente ha estado recibiendo amenazas de muerte debido a la mala gestión del caso, llamando poco ético e inmoral que no se corrija la información que está circulando.

En palabras simples, Altchiler reiteró exactamente lo que quiere Gondrezick.

"Sean honestos, por el amor de Dios".

Kevin Porter Jr. deberá comparecer ante el tribunal a finales de este mes.

Nos pusimos en contacto con la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Kysre Gondrezick Slams 'False Narrative' In Kevin Porter Jr. Case ... Calls Out D.A.


WNBA player Kysre Gondrezick is raising hell, calling out prosecutors involved in Kevin Porter Jr.'s assault case ... saying the District Attorney continues to push a "false narrative" despite the fact she's repeatedly denied her ex-boyfriend attacked her.

TMZ Sports spoke with Gondrezick this week ... and she claims the Manhattan D.A.'s office's handling of the September incident has "compounded my trauma even more than the actual experience."

The 26-year-old tells us she gave officials a statement one week after Porter was arrested and explained the original criminal complaint was nowhere near what happened. Now, she wants the D.A. to publicly acknowledge her side of the story ... that she fell and hit her head after KPJ abruptly woke her up after a night out. She's adamant he never struck her.

As we previously reported, KPJ was accused of hitting Gondrezick multiple times and putting his hands around her neck -- resulting in a fractured neck vertebra and a laceration above her eye.

It was later revealed the neck ailment was NOT Porter's doing, as it was a pre-existing injury.

As for the laceration, Gondrezick says it was the result of the fall, and a makeup smear on the hotel room wall backs up her story.

KPJ was arrested for assault and strangulation ... but one charge was dropped due to "insufficient evidence."

Gondrezick says she is opening up to protect herself -- not KPJ -- as she does not want authorities to silence her. She's also calling on officials responsible for pushing the current narrative to be held accountable.


Gondrezick's attorney, Bobby Altchiler, also weighed in ... and he claims his client has been receiving death threats due to the mishandling of the case -- calling it unethical and immoral to not correct the information that is already out.

Bottom line -- Altchiler reiterated exactly what Gondrezick wants.

"Just be honest, for God's sake."

KPJ is due in court later this month.

We reached out to the Manhattan DA's office for comment ... but so far, no word back.

Nick Hogan Arrested for DUI ... Same City as '07 Crash

Hulk Hogan's son, Nick Hogan, found himself in a jail cell early this weekend -- 'cause he got arrested for DUI ... and the location is notable.

According to online records, Nick got busted Saturday morning just before 4 AM in Clearwater, FL -- where cops booked him on suspicion of driving under the influence ... noting he allegedly refused to submit to sobriety testing.

The exact circumstances that led up to the arrest are unclear for now, but they're logging this as a misdemeanor -- and they had Nick pose for this mug while he was being processed. As of this writing, he hasn't been released from custody.

On its face, it's a simple DUI arrest ... which, while serious, wouldn't normally be all that big a  deal -- especially if nobody got hurt. However, Nick had previously been involved in a scary car accident way back in the 2000s when he was just a teen ... also in Clearwater, FL.

It was a well-documented saga at the time ... Nick was driving with a Marine friend of his -- John Graziano -- who suffered a serious brain injury from the wreck ... but survived.

Nick, who was 17 at the time, ultimately pleaded no contest to reckless driving involving serious bodily injury. In the lead-up to that plea, cops had alleged alcohol was involved. Nick went on to serve an 8-month sentence behind bars in the aftermath.

Of course, the Graziano family also sued the Hogans over the accident ... and they settled out of court.

Nick doesn't appear to have any reps at the moment -- so we reached out to Hulk's camp for comment ... but no word back yet.

As for what Nick was up to Friday night, his Instagram page suggests he was attending a bikini contest at his dad's restaurant ... which is also in the Clearwater area.

Suge Knight Hot Take Coming On Cassie v. Diddy!!! Especially Parts About Him

Suge Knight will directly address Cassie's claim Diddy once grabbed a bunch of guns to go confront the ex-Death Row Records boss ... TMZ Hip Hop has learned, although Puffy might have already beat him to the punch.

The ex-Death Row Records honcho will tape the Diddy convo on his "Collect Call" podcast in the next couple of weeks, right after he drops his Thanksgiving Day episode ... according to sources involved in the production. That was the plan, anyway, before Diddy and Cassie suddenly settled Friday night.

As we reported ... in Cassie's lawsuit against Diddy, she'd claimed that one night while she was at home with Diddy, one of his security staff burst into the room to inform him that Suge had been spotted at the popular L.A. eatery Mel’s Drive-In Diner.

Cassie alleges Diddy immediately got dressed, retrieved multiple firearms from a safe and ran out to go confront Suge. It doesn't appear any public altercation ever went down.

Like we said, the ex-Bad Boy singer was seeking major damages in her lawsuit against Diddy, claiming she endured savage beatings over several years of sex and alcohol-fueled benders. But late last night, she and her ex put their differences aside ... both saying they were "amicably" settling the matter.

Diddy's legal team had told us the suit was nothing but a classic shakedown for $30 million.

Suge and Diddy's history dates back to the mid-'90s at the height of the East Coast/West Coast rap wars that eventually ended with the murders of Tupac Shakur and Biggie -- so, not surprisingly, we're told Suge won't hold back with his take on Diddy's new legal drama.

Speaking of Pac, that Thanksgiving episode of Suge's pod will tackle Keefe D's arrest for the 1997 murder.

Suge and Breakbreak Media CEO Dave Mays launched "Collect Call" back on Halloween ... and their next couple episodes are shaping up to be their most explosive.

It remains to be seen if the settlement affects Suge's plan to talk all things Diddy in the near future -- lord knows people would still be willing to hear his side of the story either way.

Suge Knight Abordará las afirmaciones de Cassie contra Diddy en su podcast

Suge Knight abordará las acusaciones de Cassie de que Diddy una vez agarró un montón de armas para ir a enfrentarse con el ex jefe de Death Row Records, esto de acuerdo a fuentes cercanas a la producción de su podcast.

Nos dicen que Suge grabará la conversación sobre Diddy en "Collect Call" en las próximas semanas, justo después de que lanze su episodio del Día de Acción de Gracias, que abordará la detención de Keefe D por el asesinato de Tupac Shakur.

De acuerdo a su demanda contra Diddy, Cassie afirma que una noche estaba en casa con él cuando alguien de su equipo de seguridad irrumpió en la habitación para informarle de que Suge había sido visto en el popular restaurante Mel's Drive-In Diner en Los Ángeles.

Cassie alega que Diddy se vistió inmediatamente, sacó varias armas de fuego de una caja fuerte y salió corriendo para enfrentarse a Suge. Pareciera que no se denunció ningún altercado. Como informamos anteriormente, la ex cantante de Bad Boy Records está buscando reparaciones por grandes daños en su demanda contra Diddy, alegando que soportó salvajes palizas durante varios años de sexo y borracheras llenas de alcohol.

El equipo legal de Diddy nos dice que la demanda no es más que una clásica estafa por 30 millones de dólares.

La historia de Suge y Diddy se remonta a mediados de los 90, en plena guerra del rap entre la Costa Este y la Costa Oeste que acabó con la muerte de Pac y Biggie, y nos han dicho que no se guardará nada en su próximo comentario.

Junto con Dave Mays, director general de Breakbreak Media, lanzó su podcast "Collect Call" en Halloween.

Speaker Mike Johnson Releases Jan. 6 Tapes ... Protesters Casually Strollin'

cruisin' on through

The new Speaker of the House dropped a huge batch of videos recorded inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 -- and some conspiracy theorists will, no doubt, say they prove confirmation bias.

Speaker Mike Johnson just released a massive cache of surveillance footage from inside the Capitol that was shot on that fateful day -- and you can imagine, it shows varying moments of activity as demonstrators broke in and stormed the premises.

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calm and orderly

Yes, there are instances when rioters are casually strolling through the grounds once they get inside ... and in some cases, they're actually walking right past police officers and other security personnel -- which, obviously, isn't a great look for law enforcement.

You can even see some elected officials shuffling through the halls ... and they're not necessarily sprinting as they're being escorted by armed guards. Par for the course -- a ton of conservative personalities are latching on to this as evidence Jan. 6 wasn't actually an insurrection ... but rather, a peaceful protest that's been blown out of proportion.

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While those conservatives might think their point is made in this video dump -- fact is, there's even more video -- which we've all seen -- depicting the utter chaos and violence that actually unfolded.

There are countless videos of rioters squaring up and fighting cops outside -- with batons being swung, and mace being sprayed. Also not in dispute, Capitol Police officers lost their lives in the line of duty that day ... and one protester, Ashli Babbit, was shot and killed inside. So, this wasn't some kumbaya get-together.

It's interesting that Rep. Johnson -- who's known to be very Donald Trump-friendly -- was the one who ended up releasing these. Previous Speaker Kevin McCarthy had a lot of pressure on him to do the same before he was ousted, but ultimately never did.

Johnson says he decided to release the footage to let the American people decide for themselves. Something tells us folks are already in their corners on this issue though ... and no one's crossing over.

SAMUEL HASKELL JR. Two Bodies May Never Be Found ... Still Charged With 3 Murders

Samuel Haskell Jr. was hit with 3 counts of murder -- even though cops say they only recovered body parts of one victim --  and now we know why.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the reason Haskell is charged with three murders is because of what witnesses told police and what cops later found at his home.

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Our sources say the day laborers Samuel hired to haul away trash bags from his home are key to the case ... they told cops they grew suspicious, opened a bag, saw body parts, and brought the bags back to Haskell.

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We're told there's also biological evidence found at the home where his wife and in-laws lived before going missing. Our law enforcement sources tell us the biological evidence is from 3 different people. We do not know the nature of the biological evidence, but we do know police found blood at the house.

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TMZ broke the story ... Haskell is on video dumping what appears to be a heavy black bag into a dumpster near his home, the day before someone discovered a dismembered body inside a bag from the same dumpster.

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TMZ also got footage of the day laborers hauling 3 trash bags from his home, driving off, before ultimately returning the bags to his driveway. The workers then went to police and Haskell drove his Tesla to a nearby strip mall and dumped a bag in the dumpster.

The body found in the dumpster has not been identified ... but we're told it's a woman. Haskell is charged with murdering his 37-year-old wife, Mei, and her parents, 72-year-old Gaoshan Li and 64-year-old Yanxiang Wang.

Our sources say it will be nearly impossible for law enforcement to recover the other bodies ... especially if they were chopped up and dumped in the trash.


The issue ... we're told once the trash is emptied and taken to a landfill, it gets dumped and buried very quickly ... making it very difficult to identify remains.

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In fact, we're told there's a good chance none of the bodies would have ever been recovered if not for the homeless person who discovered the bag filled with body parts.

Haskell, the son of powerful Hollywood agent Samuel Haskell Sr., remains in jail and could face life in prison without the possibility of parole if convicted.


Samuel Haskell Jr. fue acusado con tres cargos de asesinato, a pesar de que la policía dice que solo se recuperaron las partes del cuerpo de una víctima, y ahora sabemos por qué.

Fuentes policiales dicen TMZ que la razón por la que Haskell está acusado de tres asesinatos, a pesar de solo haber encontrado un cuerpo, se debe a la ayuda de los testigos y a lo que la policía encontró más tarde en su casa.

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demasiado sospechoso

Nuestras fuentes dicen que los trabajadores que Samuel contrató para transportar las bolsas de basura de su casa son la clave del caso, le dijeron a la policía que empezaron a sospechar así que abrieron una bolsa, vieron partes del cuerpo y llevaron las bolsas de nuevo a Haskell.

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capturado en cámara

Nos dicen que también hay evidencia biológica encontrada en la casa donde su esposa y suegros vivían con él antes de desaparecer. Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que esta evidencia podría incluir sangre, tejido corporal y otros fluidos corporales.

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un ángulo diferente

TMZ lo dijo primero, Haskell aparece en video cargando lo que parece ser una pesada bolsa negra en un contenedor cerca de su casa,  justo el día antes de que alguien descubriera un cuerpo desmembrado dentro de una bolsa del mismo contenedor.

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cargando dos bolsas

También hay imágenes de los trabajadores sacando tres bolsas de basura de su casa, marchándose antes de devolver finalmente las bolsas a su entrada. Al parecer, los trabajadores fueron a la policía y Haskell condujo su Tesla a un centro comercial cercano y arrojó una bolsa en el contenedor de basura.

El cuerpo encontrado en el contenedor de basura no ha sido identificado, pero al parecer es una mujer.  Haskell es acusado de asesinar a su esposa de 37 años de edad, Mei, y sus padres, de 72 años de edad, Gaoshan Li y 64 años de edad, Yanxiang Wang.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que será casi imposible para la ley recuperar los otros cuerpos, especialmente si fueron picados y tirados a la basura.

capturado en cámara

El problema es que una vez que la basura se vacía y se lleva a un vertedero, se vierte y se entierra muy rápidamente, por lo que es muy difícil de recuperar los restos.

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la escena del crimen

De hecho, nos informan que hay una buena probabilidad de que ninguno de los cuerpos nunca habría sido recuperado si no fuera por la persona sin hogar que descubrió la bolsa llena de partes del cuerpo.

Haskell, hijo del poderoso agente de Hollywood Samuel Haskell Sr., permanece en la cárcel y podría enfrentarse a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional si es declarado culpable.

MITCHEL MUSSO CASO DESESTIMADO Tras el arresto por embriaguez pública y robo

Los cargos de la estrella de "Hannah Montana" Mitchel Musso, de embriaguez pública y robo, han sido desestimados, esto viene un par de meses después de ser arrestado. TMZ ha indagado.

Un representante de la ciudad de Rockwall le dice a TMZ que el caso de Mitchel fue desestimado, aunque no se dio ninguna razón. Nos dice cualquier cuerpo de video de la cámara y más información no se proporcionará porque el caso no dio lugar a una condena o adjudicación diferida.

TMZ publicó la historia, Mitchel fue esposado en agosto después de que la policía de Rockwall respondiera a una llamada en un hotel donde la gente estaba reclamando  que el actor estaba actuando de manera beligerante y había robado algo del mercado de alimentos.

Nos dijeron que el personal del hotel le exigió que pagara por el producto, pero supuestamente se puso verbalmente abusivo ... y cuando los policías lo encontraron fuera del hotel, determinaron que estaba bajo la influencia.

Además, los oficiales dijeron que encontraron órdenes de tráfico pendientes a su nombre y, finalmente, decidieron arrestarlo.

Fue fichado por algunos cargos diferentes ... intoxicación pública, robo (menos de $ 100), registro vencido, no mostrar una licencia de conducir, y la violación de una promesa de comparecer aviso ... pero ahora se nos dice todo el caso fue retirado.

Mitchel habló después de su detención, diciendo a EW: "Yo no estaba absolutamente borracho o bebiendo, y no había 100% de robo" - y agregó: "Es lamentable, es un malentendido."

Mitchel Musso Public Intoxication Case Dismissed

"Hannah Montana" star Mitchel Musso's public drunkenness and theft case has been dropped ... TMZ has learned -- a reversal of fortune that comes just a couple of months after his arrest.

A rep for the city of Rockwall, TX tells TMZ ... Mitchel's case was dismissed, although no reason was given -- we're just told any body cam footage, and further info won't be released because the case did not result in a conviction or deferred adjudication.

TMZ broke the story, Mitchel was cuffed back in August after Rockwall PD responded to a call at a hotel where people were claiming the actor was acting belligerently and had stolen something from the food market.

We were told hotel staff demanded he pay for the product, but he allegedly became verbally abusive ... and when cops found him outside the hotel, they determined he was under the influence.

In addition, officers said they found outstanding traffic warrants in his name and ultimately decided to arrest him.

He was booked on a few different charges ... public intoxication, theft (under $100), expired registration, failure to display a driver's license, and violating a promise to appear notice ... but now we're told the whole case was dropped.

Mitchel spoke out after his arrest, telling EW, "I was absolutely not drunk or drinking, and there was 100% no theft" -- adding, "It's unfortunate, it's a misunderstanding."