Bill Bidwill Jr. Police Video Shows Ex-Cards Exec Leaking Blood After Alleged Fight W/ Wife


Bill Bidwill Jr. -- the former Arizona Cardinals exec who's the brother of the NFL team's current owner, Michael Bidwill -- was a bloody mess following an alleged fight with his wife earlier this year ... new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows.

In the footage, you can see officers responded to Bill's Paradise Valley, Ariz. residence at around 6 PM on June 9 following a report of domestic violence ... they came into immediate contact with Bill, who appeared to be bleeding profusely from his face area.

Bill can be heard in the video -- captured on Paradise Valley Police Dept. body cameras -- telling officers his wife, Nicole Bidwill, had just roughed him up following an altercation over some carpet installation.

"She was very upset at me," said Bill, who continuously wiped blood from his head with a large towel.

"I'm sitting on the couch, and she's screaming at me. And I was trying to not escalate because she has a very bad temper."

"And then she started hitting me, and I just started defending myself."

Bill told an officer Nicole "must have hit" him "a hundred times," adding that the strikes were thrown with force. He also said that during the altercation, she picked up a glass cup full of beer and shattered it over his forehead.

"That cut me here," he told a cop.


Bill added that as he tried to get away, Nicole grabbed him and was "just beating the s*** out of me."

Bill, however, later told cops he did not want them to arrest his wife. Instead, he told them to take him into custody -- explaining, "She is not going to tolerate that well."


Meanwhile, cops also interviewed Nicole at the scene ... though she appeared to be far less cooperative with law enforcement than her husband.

She, at first, didn't want to get off the hood of a car she was lying on. She later didn't want to answer questions, telling officers she wanted to wait for her daughter, who's an attorney.

And, when cops placed her under arrest, she didn't want to walk to their squad cars -- so they carried her by her arms and legs.

As we reported, Nicole was booked on a charge of assault ... though, according to a police report, Bill did not want to press charges.

Bill served as the vice president of the Cardinals for several years when his dad, Bill Bidwill Sr., owned the team ... and in 2019, he reportedly helped take over ownership following Sr.'s passing. He does not, however, currently have any role with the team.

Still, following the incident, the Cardinals released a statement to TMZ Sports ... saying, "Two weeks ago, Nicole Kugler Bidwill was involved in an incident that resulted in her arrest. This is a difficult time for their family but her husband and children love her very much and are thankful that she is currently receiving the help she needs. They ask that their family’s privacy be respected as they deal with this challenging personal situation."

'Challenge' Star Nelson Thomas Charged With DWI ... Months After Fiery Car Crash

"The Challenge" star Nelson Thomas has officially been charged with DWI for his near-fatal car crash from earlier this year.

Thomas was hit with the misdemeanor charge at the end of September in Texas, according to docs obtained by TMZ ... and officers said he had "bloodshot, glassy eyes" as he explained to them that another car had swerved in front of him before the crash.

The docs say Thomas told cops he "only had 2-3 mixed alcoholic drinks," but officers claimed Thomas had a "strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath" while being treated for injuries at the hospital.

Cops say a blood test done while at the hospital came back with a BAC of .178 -- which kicked up his charge to Class A misdemeanor.

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As we reported, Minnesota Vikings receiver K.J. Osborn and a few others helped pull Thomas out of the fiery vehicle back in March while driving by in an Uber, likely saving his life. Thomas later thanked K.J. for the heroic assist.

He also shared some pics of himself from the hospital, showing gnarly cuts and burns on his body ... and his GoFundMe was met with a ton of love and cash from fans and fellow reality TV stars like Corey Lay, Mark Long, and Tori Deal.

The Ashley's Reality Roundup first reported the news.

NELSON THOMAS ACUSADO DE CONDUCIR EBRIO Meses después de un accidente de carro

La estrella de "The Challenge", Nelson Thomas, ha sido oficialmente acusado de manejo en estado de ebriedad por su accidente casi fatal de principios de este año.

Thomas fue acusado con el cargo de delito menor a finales de septiembre en Texas, de acuerdo con documentos obtenidos por TMZ. Los oficiales dijeron que tenía "los ojos inyectados en sangre y vidriosos" cuando él les explicó que otro coche se había desviado delante de él antes del accidente.

Los documentos dicen que Thomas le dijo a la policía que "solo había rastro de dos o tres bebidas alcohólicas mezcladas", pero los agentes afirmaron que Thomas tenía un "fuerte olor a alcohol que emanaba de su aliento", mientras era tratado por las lesiones en el hospital.

La policía dice que un análisis de sangre realizado mostró un nivel de alcohol de 0,178, lo que significa que es un delito menor.

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extraído de los escombros

Como informamos, el receptor de los Minnesota Vikings (KJ Osborn) y algunos otros ayudaron a sacar a Thomas del vehículo en llamas en marzo mientras conducía en un Uber, probablemente salvando su vida. Thomas agradeció más tarde a KJ por el acto heróico.

También compartió algunas fotos de sí mismo desde el hospital, mostrando cortes y quemaduras en su cuerpo. Su GoFundMe se reunió con una tonelada de amor y dinero en efectivo de los aficionados y compañeros estrellas de la televisión realidad como Corey Lay, Mark Long, y Tori Deal.

Tupac Shakur Prison ID & Booking Photo For Sale

Two infamous pieces of Tupac Shakur's past now have a price tag attached to them ... and someone with a lot of dough could secure his booking photo, or even his ID, from his time behind bars.

The big sale is going down on -- one of the items is an unseen booking photo from when he served time at Clinton Correctional Facility in New York in 1995.

We're told it's going for $35k on the site -- but that's nothing compared to his incredibly rare prison identification.

Tupac's ID is going for a whopping $75,000 ... and it's actually the one he got as a replacement after losing his OG card.

The wealthy buyer will also get the form he had to fill out when requesting a replacement -- it's got his signature and a note that simply reads, "I lost my ID and need a new one. Thank you."

We're told the ID and booking photos were given to a family member once Pac got out of prison ... and it was passed around over the years before winding up in the hands of a private collector.

You'll recall, Tupac served 9 months for his 1995 sex abuse conviction. His first prison ID was auctioned off back in 2019, eventually fetching $30k after an opening bid of just $2,000.

Worth mentioning, the case of Pac's murder being reopened -- with the recent arrest of his alleged killer, Keefe D -- could mean these items are more popular than ever ... so if you're interested, ya better act fast.

Tupac Shakur Se venden sus identificaciones en la cárcel

Dos infames fotos del pasado de Tupac Shakur tienen ahora un precio, y alguna persona con un montón de dinero podría quedarse con sus credenciales en la cárcel, de su tiempo tras las rejas.

La gran venta se está llevando a cabo en Uno de los artículos es una foto inédita de cuando cumplió condena en Clinton Correctional Facility en Nueva York en 1995.

Nos dicen que podría venderse en $35k en el sitio, lo que es nada en comparación con su identificación de prisión.

El ID de Tupac está listado por la suculenta suma de $75.000, y corresponde al ID de reemplazo luego de que perdiera su tarjeta original.

El futuro comprador también podrá obtener el formulario que tuvo que llenar Tupac al solicitar el reemplazo, que tiene su firma y una nota que simplemente dice: "He perdido mi ID y necesito uno nuevo. Gracias".

Nos dicen que el ID y las fotos se las dio un miembro de la familia una vez que Pac salió de la cárcel, y se estuvo en manos de la familia por años antes de terminar en poder de un coleccionista privado.

Como recordarán, Tupac cumplió 9 meses de condena por abuso sexual en 1995. Su primera identificación en prisión fue subastada allá por 2019, alcanzando los 30.000 dólares tras una puja inicial de 2.000 dólares.

Vale la pena mencionar que su caso por asesinato se está reabriendo, con el reciente arresto de su presunto asesino, Keefe D, lo que podría significar que estos artículos estén más populares que nunca. Así que, si estás interesado, mejor actúa rápido.

Chico selfie del Súper Bowl Arrestado por violar su libertad condicional La policía dice que estaba bebiendo

Ryan McKenna, famoso por tomarse una selfie que se hizo muy viral con Justin Timberlake, está en más problemas legales, ya que la policía dice que violó algunos acuerdos de su libertad condicional.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Ryan fue detenido a principios de este mes en Florida después de que su oficial descubriera que había viajado fuera del estado sin su permiso.

El oficial dice que empezó a sospechar cuando Ryan le envió un correo electrónico diciendo que estaba "inseguro" de las condiciones pendientes para octubre, a pesar de que ya se había registrado para el mes.

Cuando lo llamó no le contestó, por lo que marcó a su madre, quien le dijo que Ryan estaba de vuelta en Nápoles, Florida, donde había sido detenido en febrero en el caso que llevó a su libertad condicional.

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Suplicando a la policía

El oficial dice que la dirección de Ryan que aparece en el archivo está en Massachusetts, y se supone que debe obtener un permiso antes de salir del estado.

Cuando Ryan finalmente llamó de nuevo, admitió que estaba en Florida, sin ningún permiso, y por ese inusual comportamiento, el oficial decidió hacerle una prueba de drogas y alcohol, que dio positiva para esta última sustancia.

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Gran metedura de pata por parte de Ryan, y no solo porque es menor de 21 años. Como informamos por primera vez, a Ryan tampoco se le permite consumir alcohol como condición de su libertad condicional.

El chico admitió haber bebido el 12 de octubre, a pesar de que había dicho previamente que no lo hizo. El oficial dice que Ryan estaba claro acerca de que el alcohol está fuera de sus límites y de que mentir a su oficial de libertad condicional también es una violación.

Ryan fue arrestado, posó para una nueva foto policial y debe presentarse en la corte el lunes por la mañana para la lectura de cargos.

TMZ dio la noticia, policías fueron llamados a un California Pizza Kitchen en Nápoles, en la víspera del Super Bowl, después de que se les informara que Ryan estaba borracho y que había golpeado a su amigo.

El chico fue fichado por delito grave de agresión a un agente de la ley y otros dos delitos menores, resistencia a la autoridad y obstrucción de un oficial. El video muestra que se golpeó el cuerpo durante su detención. En mayo, se le impuso un año de libertad condicional por el caso, pero con esta infracción podría ir a la cárcel.

SUPER BOWL SELFIE KID Busted For Probation Violation ... Cops Say He Was Boozing

Ryan McKenna, famous for snapping a viral Super Bowl selfie years ago with Justin Timberlake, is in more legal trouble -- this time cops say he pulled a few no-nos for a guy on probation.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Ryan was arrested earlier this month in Florida after his probation officer discovered he'd traveled out of state without permission.

The PO says he got suspicious when Ryan sent an email saying he was "unsure" of any outstanding conditions for October, even though Ryan had already checked in for the month.

When he called Ryan, he didn't answer ... so he dialed his mom, and she told him Ryan was back in Naples, FL, where Ryan had been arrested in February in the case that led to his probation.

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Problem is ... the PO says Ryan's address on file is in Massachusetts, and he's supposed to get permission before leaving the state.

When Ryan finally called back, he admitted being back in Florida without getting the PO's permission ... and based on that "unusual behavior," the officer tested Ryan for drugs and alcohol, and says it came back positive for booze.

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Major screwup on Ryan's part, and not just because he's under 21 -- as we first reported, Ryan's also not allowed to consume alcohol as a condition of his probation.

Ryan copped to drinking on Oct. 12, even though he'd previously told his PO he didn't. The officer says Ryan was upfront about knowing booze was off limits and lying to his probation officer is also a violation.

Ryan was arrested, posed for a new mug shot and is due back in court Monday morning for arraignment.

TMZ broke the story ... cops were called to a California Pizza Kitchen in Naples, on the eve of the Super Bowl, after they were told Ryan was drunk and had hit his buddy.

Ryan was booked for felony battery on a law enforcement officer and 2 misdemeanors -- resisting arrest and obstruction of an officer -- and video shows him getting body slammed during his arrest. In May, he was eventually hit with a year of probation in the case, but with this violation ... he could get jail time.

JONATHAN MAJORS La película "Magazine Dreams" es suspendida indefinidamente

Jonathan Majors se suponía que tenía una película por salir este año, pero eso no pasará por el momento, pues Disney ha decidido ponerla en pausa, en medio de su juicio pendiente por asalto.

"Magazine Dreams" ha sido cancelado indefinidamente por estudio, que tenía previsto estrenar la película bajo su filial Searchlight Pictures a principios de diciembre. A partir de ahora, sin embargo, la fecha de lanzamiento de la película se ha movido a "no fijado".

El momento no es ninguna sorpresa, teniendo en cuenta que el juicio penal de Jonathan Majors ha sido programado para el 29 de noviembre, solo una semana más o menos antes del estreno inicial de "Magazine Dreams". Teniendo en cuenta que Disney no sabe qué camino tomarán las cosas en los tribunales, están cubriendo sus apuestas por él.

Por extraño que parezca, se procedió con la temporada 2 de "Loki", que cuenta con Majors en gran medida, y que en realidad ha recibido críticas muy favorables en los últimos tiempos, especialmente por su actuación como Kang.

Por un lado, Disney parece haberlo apoyado sacando adelante "Loki" sin problemas, pero, por otro lado, están frenando el rodaje de una película centrada exclusivamente en él como protagonista.

Por supuesto, está la huelga de actores en curso, que también podría estar influyendo en ello.

Para enredar las aguas aún más, están todos los giros que ha tomado el caso judicial de Majors, incluyendo el hecho de que la policía de Nueva York detuvo a su denunciante y ex novia, Grace Jabbari, bajo sospecha de asalto, a pesar de que la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan dice que no la están procesando.

En otras palabras, su detención no servirá de nada y resultó ser un movimiento muy extraño de parte de los policías, dando a entender que simplemente no están en sintonía con el D.A. allí.

El D.A. mientras tanto, ha añadido munición adicional a sus pruebas, con un informe de la policía del Reino Unido que sugiere que una mujer separada acusó a Jonathan Majors de violencia también. Los detalles de ese supuesto incidente, sin embargo, no están claros.

Luego, están todas esas fotos/videos de vigilancia de Jabbari la noche del suceso, donde se ve bien después de haber sido supuestamente maltratada. Como hemos dicho, todo ha sido muy raro.

En cualquier caso, todo saldrá a la luz muy pronto, después de un montón de retrasos, la pelea finalmente va ante un jurado y suponemos que sabremos cuál es el destino de Majors con Disney para entonces.

Jonathan Majors 'Magazine Dreams' Film Yanked Indefinitely Amid Assault Trial

Jonathan Majors was supposed to have an Oscar-buzzy film come out this year -- but that ain't happening now, 'cause Disney's hitting pause ... this amid his pending assault trial.

The actor's bodybuilding drama, "Magazine Dreams," has been yanked indefinitely by the Mouse House ... which was due to release this flick under its Searchlight Pictures subsidiary in early December. As of now, though, the film's release date has been moved to "unset."

The timing is no surprise, considering JM's criminal trial has been scheduled to start on Nov. 29 ... just a week or so before "Magazine Dreams" was originally set for its debut. Considering Disney doesn't know which way things will go in court -- they're hedging their bets on him.

Strangely enough ... they proceeded with season 2 of "Loki," which heavily features Majors -- and which has actually gotten rave reviews of late, especially for his performance as Kang.

The guy finds himself in limbo at the moment -- on the one hand, Disney seems to have stood by him by not replacing him in the MCU and by trotting out "Loki" without issue ... but on the other hand, they're slowing their roll on a film that solely focuses on him as the star.

Of course, there's the actors' strike that's ongoing -- so that, too, could be playing into this.

Muddying up the waters even further, of course, have been all the twists and turns in Majors' case itself ... including the fact that the NYPD arrested his accuser/ex-GF, Grace Jabbari, on suspicion of assault -- even though the Manhattan D.A.'s office says they're not prosecuting.

In other words, her arrest will amount to nothing -- and it proved to be a very strange move by the cops ... showing that they're simply not on the same page with the D.A. there.

The D.A. meanwhile has added apparent extra ammo to their evidence war chest -- throwing in a UK police report of alleged DV in England ... suggesting a separate woman has accused JM of violence as well. The details of that alleged incident, however, aren't clear.

Then, there are all those surveillance pics/videos of Jabbari the night of ... looking quite alright after allegedly getting brutalized. Like we said, the whole thing has been weird as hell.

In any case, all will come to light soon enough -- after a lot of delays, this thing's finally going before a jury ... and we suppose we'll learn what Majors' fate is with Disney by then.

'RHOC' Shannon Beador DUI BAC Was 3x The Legal Limit Charged With Hit-And-Run, DUI

"The Real Housewives of Orange County" star Shannon Beador has officially been charged after she allegedly drunkenly drove into the side of a Newport Beach home last month.

Shannon's just been hit with 2 charges by the Orange County District Attorney -- one count of DUI and one count of hit-and-run, both misdemeanors. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ she blew a .24% BAC after the crash.

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TMZ broke the story, the reality star was arrested in September after slamming her car into a home -- footage shows what appears to be her car flying through a residential area before her crash.

Cops said they found Shannon nearby pretending to walk her dog, but they weren't buying it and booked her on 2 misdemeanors -- DUI plus hit-and-run.

As we reported, she offered to pay for the damage done to the property and has been getting treatment.

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A witness at a nearby bar told us Shannon appeared to be tipsy the night of her crash and arrest ... acting loud and boisterous while complaining about her former 'Housewives' costar, Alexis Bellino, who was also in the building.

Cheryl Hines On RFK Jr. Home Intruder Proves He Needs Secret Service ... Biden Can't Ignore This!!!

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Cheryl Hines says The White House can no longer avoid husband Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s need for Secret Service protection ... not in the wake of 2 scary incidents at their home.

The actress and comedian joined us on "TMZ Live" Friday and told us she had a front-row seat to the intruder who attempted to get inside their home, not once but twice.

Cheryl says she was on Instagram Live at the family's Brentwood estate Wednesday morning when she looked out the window and noticed a strange man in the yard, being apprehended by security.

For Cheryl, it was an alarming moment hitting way too close to home ... and we don't just mean the fact it happened at their home. There's another dimension to this -- the Kennedy's tragic family history.

Robert was only 9 years old when his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas in 1963, and then just 5 years later his father, Robert F. Kennedy, was shot and killed in L.A. while running for President.

Cheryl says the home intruder underscores the need for RFK Jr. to have Secret Service protection and not just private security watching his back as he runs as an Independent in the 2024 Presidential Election.

She says they've tried to get President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security to authorize Secret Service protection for RFK Jr. but have been denied ... which she finds very puzzling.

DHS' explanation for rejecting the request, at that time, was RFK Jr. wasn't polling high enough -- at least 15 percent -- to warrant protection, but the most recent poll shows him pulling 19% in a 3-way race with Biden and Trump.

She's hoping Biden reconsiders and seems to think The White House may be denying RFK Jr. protection because of the very real chance he'll be a big factor in the outcome next year.

If that's the case, Cheryl says the White House can't ignore this latest incident ... which we first reported.

It's a powerful conversation ... and it's interesting to see how Cheryl is so careful with her words when talking about RFK Jr.'s fight for Secret Service protection.


El abogado de Britney Spears le ha enviado un correo electrónico al abogado de Jamie Spears lanzando numerosas acusaciones contra su padre —de esta forma se podría abrir la puerta para ciertas negociaciones— pero nos dicen que el abogado de Jamie lo arruinó por esperar demasiado tiempo y no actuar.

Dos fuentes directas le informan a TMZ que el correo electrónico de Mathew Rosengart comenzaba diciendo que Jamie estaba en mal estado de salud y que ese podría haber sido un momento adecuado para reconocer los alegatos en su contra durante la tutela y pagarle a Britney una suma no especificada terminando con la disputa legal.

Una de sus reclamaciones son que Jamie autorizó la vigilancia ilegal de Britney, específicamente su teléfono. Aquí está el problema para Rosengart, nunca presentó una demanda reclamando vigilancia ilegal y el estatuto de limitaciones corrió hace más de un año. Además de eso, se nos dice que el abogado de Jamie respondió a Rosengart que estaba totalmente equivocado acerca de la vigilancia ilegal.

Jamie ha demandado a Britney para que pague ciertos honorarios de abogados a quienes hubo que pagarle en el caso relacionado a la tutela, pero Rosengart dice que no será posible. Sabemos que el abogado de Jamie en realidad se ofreció hace un año a retirar esa demanda si Rosengart retiraba sus demandas contra Jamie, pero Rosengart dijo que no. Ahora, un año más tarde, Rosengart parece dispuesto a hablar de una solución, pero nos informan que no le fue muy bien con el equipo de Jamie a causa de todas las amenazas y acusaciones.

Ahora el caso está fijado para el juicio en mayo y sabemos que hay pruebas explosivas que no serán favorables para Britney. Más allá de eso, algunas de las mayores reclamaciones que Rosengart ha hecho nunca irán a juicio porque el estatuto de limitaciones ha corrido. Además, el juez de tutela aprobó algunos de los gastos que Rosengart está impugnando.

Suena como que esto va a continuar...

H.S. Basketball Ref Punches Coach After Verbal Altercation ... Arrested


A high school basketball game turned into a violent brawl over the weekend ... when a referee straight-up punched a coach following a verbal altercation -- resulting in his arrest.

TMZ Sports is told ... the incident went down during a fall league contest between Arlington and Oak Hills at Santiago High School in Corona, California on Saturday, Oct. 21.

At some point in the second half, witnesses claim Oak Hills head coach Rob Alexander got upset with referee Brandon Knapper over his officiating ... and an argument ensued.

In a clip we obtained of the game, 26-year-old Knapper -- a former college basketball player at West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and Cal State San Bernardino -- can be seen approaching Alexander near Oak Hills' bench and briefly talking to him ... before unleashing his fist on the coach's face.

Knapper appeared to land more punches on Alexander as he fell to the court ... before players and others in attendance got involved.

We're told cops responded to the scene ... and Alexander was taken to the hospital. The game did not continue.

Law enforcement tells us Alexander requested prosecution against Knapper, who turned himself in and was charged with battery causing serious bodily injury and assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury -- both felonies.

Knapper was booked in the Riverside County Sheriff's Department jail on Sunday ... and his bail was set at $25,000. He was released on Wednesday.

Oak Hills' Hesperia Unified School District released a statement to TMZ Sports ... condemning Knapper's "senseless and shameful" actions.

"The District is thankful for the swift and decisive action taken by the event promoters and local law enforcement. We are also happy to report that Coach Alexander is in good spirits and looking forward to returning to coaching and teaching as soon as possible."

"We have the utmost confidence that law enforcement, CIF, and Oak Hills High School, with the support of the District, will investigate the incident thoroughly and handle it appropriately."

Knapper is due in court on Nov. 3.


un referi que se lo toma muy en serio

Un partido de baloncesto de la escuela secundaria se convirtió en una violenta pelea durante el fin de semana, cuando un árbitro le dio puñetazos a un entrenador después de un altercado verbal que resultó en su detención.

TMZ Sports informó el incidente ocurrido durante un partido de la liga de otoño entre Arlington y Oak Hills en Santiago High School en Corona, California, el sábado 21 de octubre.

En algún momento de la segunda mitad, los testigos afirman que el entrenador de Oak Hills, Rob Alexander, se molestó con el árbitro Brandon Knapper y se produjo una discusión.

En un clip que obtuvimos del juego, Knapper, (un ex jugador de baloncesto universitario de 26 años), se acerca a Alexander y tienen una breve conversación antes de desatar su puño en la cara del entrenador.

Knapper parecía aterrizar más golpes en Alexander mientras caía al suelo antes de que los jugadores y otros asistentes se involucraran.

Nos dicen que la policía respondió y Alexander fue llevado al hospital. El partido no continuó.

Las fuerzas del orden nos dicen Alexander pidió represalias contra Knapper, quien se entregó y fue acusado de agresión, causando lesiones corporales graves y asalto por medios que puedan producir grandes lesiones, ambos delitos graves.

Knapper fue encerrado en la cárcel del Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Riverside el domingo y su fianza se fijó en $ 25.000. Fue puesto en libertad el miércoles.

El Distrito Escolar Unificado Hesperia de Oak Hills emitió un comunicado a TMZ Sports condenando las acciones "sin sentido y vergonzosas" de Knapper.

"El Distrito está agradecido por la acción rápida y decisiva tomada por los promotores del evento y la policía local. También estamos contentos de informar que el entrenador Alexander está de buen humor y con ganas de volver a entrenar y enseñar tan pronto como sea posible".

"Tenemos la máxima confianza en que las fuerzas del orden, la CIF y el Oak Hills High School, con el apoyo del Distrito, investigarán el incidente a fondo y lo manejarán adecuadamente".

Knapper deberá comparecer ante el tribunal el tres de noviembre.

Robert Kennedy Jr. & Cheryl Hines Intruder Arrested at L.A. Home


2:20 PM PT -- Cops have released the name of the man as Jonathan Macht ... and say he was served with an emergency protective order after he was cited for the first trespass arrest. He then violated that order when he returned ... getting arrested for the violation as well as trespassing again.

12:50 PM PT -- Kennedy's campaign just put out a statement about the incident, saying the man gained access to his property after climbing a fence and asked to speak with Kennedy. The statement also reveals Kennedy was home during the first and second incidents.

What's more, Kennedy's team says they've alerted Secret Service about the "obsessed" individual several times in recent months ... but Kennedy still hasn't gotten SS protection.

10:07 AM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the same guy returned to the home early Thursday morning around 1:30 AM and was arrested again ... this time for violating a court order.

A scary situation for Robert Kennedy Jr. and Cheryl Hines ... as a man attempted to get inside their home, prompting a security and police response to get him into custody.

Law enforcement sources say they got a burglary call to the Brentwood property Wednesday morning around 9:30 AM. It's unclear what the man was trying to do or what he said, but we're told Kennedy's security was home and able to subdue the guy until cops arrived.

Our sources say Cheryl was home at the time of the incident, and saw the guy in her yard ... but it's unclear if Robert was also home. We're told the whole thing was handled quickly.

It was about two weeks ago when Kennedy Jr. declared his Independent candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Election -- ending his Democratic primary campaign.

Robert and Cheryl have been married since 2014 when they got hitched at the Kennedy Compound on Cape Cod.

We reached out to a rep for Kennedy ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 9:57 AM PT

ROBERT KENNEDY JR. & CHERYL HINES Intruso detenido en su casa en L.A.


10:07 AM PT -- Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que el mismo hombre regresó a la casa la madrugada del jueves alrededor de la 1:30 AM y fue detenido nuevamente, esta vez por violar una orden judicial.

Robert Kennedy Jr. y Cheryl Hines pasaron un gran susto cuando un hombre trató de entrar en su casa, lo que provocó una respuesta de la policía para ponerlo bajo arresto.

Fuentes policiales dicen que recibieron una llamada de robo en su propiedad de Brentwood el miércoles alrededor de las 9:30 AM. No está claro lo que el hombre estaba tratando de hacer o lo que dijo, pero nos dicen que la seguridad de Kennedy estaba en casa y fue capaz de someter al hombre hasta que llegó la policía.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Cheryl estaba en casa en el momento del incidente y vio al tipo en su patio, pero no está claro si Robert estaba junto a ella también. Nos dicen que todo el asunto fue manejado rápidamente.

Fue hace unas dos semanas cuando Kennedy Jr. declaró su candidatura independiente para las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, poniendo fin a su campaña de primarias demócratas.

Robert y Cheryl están casados desde 2014. Su ceremonia fue en el Kennedy Compound en Cape Cod.

Nos pusimos en contacto con un representante del candidato, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 9:57 AM PT