Ex-NFLer Sergio Brown Fought Cops During Extradition ... Video Shows

Michelle Williams

Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown -- who's accused of murdering his mother -- fought Mexican cops in a wild meltdown on a plane over the weekend as they were trying to extradite him to the U.S. ... new video shows.

The footage was filmed by Michelle Williams, a California resident, who told CBS 8 the incident went down on an Aeromexico plane still on the tarmac in the Mexico City airport. Williams said the plane was slated to go to Tijuana.

In the clip, you can see Brown appeared to be extremely agitated as two law enforcement officers were trying to hold him down in his seat so they could start the process of getting him back to the States after a warrant for his arrest was issued in Illinois.

Brown complained repeatedly that he was being kidnapped -- and at one point, he got physical with one of the cops.

Brown can be seen in the video pushing the man ... before the officer's partner restrained the former Buffalo Bills defensive back from behind. Still, 35-year-old Brown screamed and wiggled.

"Let me go!" he yelled. "This is kidnapping! Cameras, please! Kidnapping!"

The struggle lasted several more seconds -- and after Brown appeared to lurch backward and hit his head on the top of the plane ... a woman who said she was a doctor stepped in to try to calm him down.

They shared an exchange of words ... before the video cuts out.

Despite the chaotic scene, Brown was ultimately moved to the U.S. ... and booked into a San Diego jail on Tuesday. On Wednesday, cops revealed he was taken in on a warrant for first-degree murder in the death of his mom, Myrtle Brown, who was found deceased with apparent assault injuries last month.

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Brown -- who played in the NFL from 2010 to 2016 -- had been in Mexico in the days following the 73-year-old's death ... partying and drinking with clubgoers in Tulum as if nothing was wrong.

He's now scheduled to be transported to Illinois in the coming days to face the murder charge.


Un hombre de Minnesota que aparentemente no sabía distinguir entre lo correcto y lo incorrecto ahora sabe distinguir una bruja de otra… porque está a punto de confesar que robó las zapatillas rojas de Dorothy.

Terry Jon Martin, de 76 años, quien se declaró inocente de robar quizás la pieza de memorabilia de película más icónica de todos los tiempos, se espera que cambie su declaración a culpable el viernes, debido a una crisis de conciencia.

Las zapatillas -- fundamentales para la trama de 'El mago de Oz'-- estuvieron bajo resguardo en el Museo Judy Garland en la ciudad natal de la actriz, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, hasta 2005, cuando alguien las robó. El caso fue lo suficientemente grande como para que el FBI interviniera, los federales recuperaron las zapatillas en 2018.

El caso quedó sin resolver hasta este año, cuando Martin fue arrestado y acusado de robo de una importante obra de arte.

El abogado de Martin, Dane DeKrey, dice que su cliente, quien tiene problemas de salud, ha decidido ser sincero y confesar, afirmando: "Creo que Terry está enfrentando su propia mortalidad, y cuando las personas llegan a ese punto en la vida, dejan a un lado las formalidades y hablan claro".

Las zapatillas, que poseían propiedades mágicas en el musical de 1939, estaban aseguradas por $1 millón de dólares, pero su valor se estima en alrededor de $3.5 millones de dólares.

Bueno, tal vez no sea un villano después de todo.

'The Wizard of Oz' Thief Who Stole Ruby Red Slippers Comes Clean ... He Won't Be Lion to the Judge

A Minnesota man who apparently didn't know right from wrong now knows witch from witch ... because he's about to fess up that he stole Dorothy's ruby red slippers.

76-year-old Terry Jon Martin, who pled not guilty to stealing maybe the most iconic piece of movie memorabilia ever, is expected to change his plea to guilty Friday, because he had a crisis of conscience.

The shoes -- central to the plot of "The Wizard of Oz" -- were ensconced in the Judy Garland Museum in her hometown of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, until 2005, when someone stole them. It was a big enough case for the FBI to jump in, and the feds recovered the shoes in 2018.

The case went unsolved until this year, when Martin was arrested and charged with theft of a major artwork.

Martin's attorney, Dane DeKrey, says his client -- who is in failing health -- has decided to come clean and confess, saying, "I think Terry is facing his own mortality and I think when people are reaching that point in their life, they cut through the pleasantries and talk turkey."

The shoes, which had magical qualities in the 1939 musical, were insured for $1 million, but valued at an estimated $3.5 mil.

Well, maybe he's not a heel after all.

TORY LANEZ con todos los demás presos COMO ÉL QUERÍA

La vida de Tory Lanez en la cárcel está lejos de ser un campamento de verano, pero el rapero canadiense no está siendo aislado debido a su estatus de celebridad y nos dicen que ha estado codeándose con sus compañeros de prisión en el patio.

Un representante de la Institución Correccional de California (donde está Tory) le informó a TMZ Hip Hop que un día típico para Tory consiste en despertar a las 6:30 am antes del desayuno en el comedor y luego la liberación de trabajo, que se nos dice se aplica a aproximadamente el 96 por ciento de la población carcelaria.

North Kern
con todos los demás

Al parecer, los almuerzos se proporcionan en formato de caja y los reclusos son capaces de comer en cualquier momento.

Se nos dice que los puestos de trabajo van desde diversas tareas prácticas como fontanería, carpintería y reparación de aparatos de aire acondicionado, pero tomar clases también ganará créditos de trabajo a los reclusos,

Los no trabajadores al parecer tienen el privilegio de pasar el rato en la sala de estar y zona de recreo donde se les proporciona una tableta para conectarse con la familia.

Tory también tiene la oportunidad de participar en programas educativos que ofrecen certificaciones, incluso maestrías, además de otros cursos como programas antidrogas, alternativas a la violencia y clases para padres.

Cuando Tory sale al patio, es capaz de mezclarse con todos los grupos dentro de la población general, algo que su equipo legal subrayó que era importante para su experiencia en la cárcel.

Y el funcionario dice que no hay seguridad adicional para él, así que es un preso común como todos los demás.

con la frente en alto

Cerrando el día, la cena se sirve normalmente después de un recuento de 5 p.m. y después de la comida, la sala de día y el patio se vuelven a abrir de nuevo donde los internos pueden pasar el rato hasta las 9 p.m. cuando regresan a sus celdas.

¡Tory ha mantenido una actitud positiva en las últimas semanas e incluso fue capaz de anotar una victoria musical, su nueva colaboración "Pull Up" con el cantante y productor novato Yume cuenta con 1 millón de streams en sólo una semana!

Tory Lanez Mingling in Prison's Gen. Pop ... Just Like He Wanted

Tory Lanez is no longer getting isolated in prison, due to his celebrity status ... instead, we're told he's been rubbing elbows in the yard with his fellow inmates.

A rep for the California Correctional Institution tells TMZ Hip Hop ... a typical day for Tory consists of waking up around 6 or 6:30 AM, before grabbing breakfast in the chow hall and then work release -- a schedule that applies to roughly 96 percent of the prison population.

North Kern

We're told work jobs range from various hands-on tasks such as plumbing, carpentry and fixing air conditioners ... but taking classes will also earn inmates work credits,

Non-workers at North Kern State Prison apparently have the privilege of hanging out in the dayroom and rec area where they're provided a tablet to connect with family.

As for their second square of the day -- lunches are provided in box form, and inmates are allowed to eat them whenever.

If all goes well, Tory will have the opportunity to participate in education programs that offer certifications and even Master's degrees. There's also a slew of additional courses, such as anti-drug programs, alternatives to violence and parenting classes.

When Tory goes out in the yard, we're told he's able to mingle with all groups within the general population ... something his legal team stressed was important for his prison experience.

And, the official says there's no extra security shadowing him ... he's a common inmate just like everyone else.

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Closing out the day ... dinner is typically served after a 5 PM headcount, and then the dayroom and yard are reopened for inmates to socialize until 9 PM when they return to their cells for lights out.

Tory's maintained a positive attitude in the last few weeks and was even able to nab a musical win -- his new "Pull Up" collaboration with rookie singer/producer Yume boasts 1 million streams in just a week.

Keefe D Backed Out of New 2Pac Sit-Down ... DJ Vlad Says He Took Money and Ran!!!

Weeks before Keefe D's arrest for the murder of Tupac Shakur, he was ready to talk about the July raid on his home -- but according to DJ Vlad, Keefe got cold feet and made off with stacks of Vlad's cash!!!


We reported at the time how investigators collected several electronic items such as a hard drive, laptops and USBs during the raid ... and police say that ultimately led to last month's stunning arrest of Keefe.

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Now, Vlad tells Faizon Love ... Keefe actually reached out to him to do another sit-down, and Vlad agreed. He said he even paid Keefe an initial deposit to secure the interview.

As it turns out, Vlad says he learned Keefe was fielding offers -- and collecting deposits -- from other outlets too, but was unable to make the interview happen before he got busted.

Vlad says he's yet to see any sort of refund of his money and doesn't sound like he's holding his breath for one.

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While it's possible Keefe was playing media outlets just to make some quick money ... Tupac's brother Mopreme is far from amused by his actions over the last several years, and want to see justice dealt.


Carlee Russell has been found guilty of fabricating her wild kidnapping story ... and the judge recommends she spend a year behind bars.


The ruling came down Wednesday in Hoover, AL., where Carlee was found guilty of false reporting to law enforcement authorities and falsely reporting an incident, both misdemeanors.

Carlee had pled not guilty, but that didn't matter to the judge and prosecutors ... in fact, the judge recommended a one-year jail sentence.

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Remember ... Carlee called 911 in July as she was driving down an Alabama interstate to report a toddler wandering alone on the roadside. She then got out of her car and vanished for 2 days ... ultimately showing up at her parent's house.

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WBRC Fox 6 News

Cops determined there was no toddler on the highway, and Carlee was never abducted ... she eventually admitted her whole story was phony.

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As we reported, Carlee's boyfriend dumped her once she copped to the load of BS ... this after he initially defended her and bought her kidnapping lie, like countless others.

Carlee's legal team says she plans to appeal the judge's ruling.

Carlee Russell Es declarada culpable de fingir su secuestro

Carlee Russell ha sido declarada culpable de inventar la historia sobre su secuestro, y ahora el juez recomienda que pase un año tras las rejas.

Carlee llega al tribunal

El fallo se produjo el miércoles en Hoover, Alabama, donde Carlee fue declarada culpable de llamar falsamente a las autoridades policiales y denunciar un falso incidente, ambos delitos menores.

Carlee se había declarado inocente, pero eso no le importó al juez y los fiscales. De hecho, el juez recomendó una sentencia de un año de cárcel.

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Llamada del 911 de Carlee

Recuerden, Carlee llamó al 911 en julio mientras conducía por una carretera interestatal de Alabama para informar que un niño estaba deambulando solo en la carretera. Luego, salió de su coche y desapareció durante dos días. Al final, apareció en la casa de sus papás.

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Vehículo de Carlee
WBRC Fox 6 News

La policía determinó que no había ningún niño en la carretera y que Carlee tampoco había sido secuestrada. Finalmente, ella admitió que toda la historia era falsa.

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Luchando por su vida

Como informamos, el novio de Carlee la dejó cuando descubrió que todo era mentira. En un inicio, él la había defendido y había creído su versión como muchos otros.

El equipo legal de Carlee dice que planea apelar al fallo del juez.



9:08 AM PT -- Según la policía, Sergio Brown fue detenido por el asesinato en primer grado de su madre. Será extraditado a Illinois por el cargo.

El ex jugador de la NFL, Sergio Brown, ha sido detenido en el sur de California, TMZ Sports ha confirmado lo casi cuatro semanas después de que su madre fue encontrada muerta en Illinois.

Según los registros de la cárcel, el ex defensive back fue llevado a una cárcel de San Diego el martes. Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que el arresto se deriva de una orden de arresto en Illinois relacionada con la muerte de su madre, Myrtle Brown, en septiembre.

CNN agregó el miércoles que Sergio fue encontrado recientemente en México por las autoridades y deportado después de que se enteraron de la orden de arresto.

Ahora se espera que sea transportado pronto a Illinois para enfrentar cargos en el caso.

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Como informamos, Brown había sido visto en México bailando y de fiesta en los días posteriores a la muerte de Myrtle. También fue visto en un video selfie divagando sobre el fallecimiento de Myrtle y las "noticias falsas".

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Las autoridades de Illinois, por su parte, han guardado silencio sobre la investigación de la muerte de la madre de Sergio, aunque los funcionarios dijeron que han dictaminado el fallecimiento de la mujer de 73 años de edad como un homicidio después de que su cuerpo fue descubierto cerca de un arroyo con aparentes lesiones de asalto.

Las solicitudes de comentarios del Departamento de Policía de Maywood el miércoles no fueron devueltas inmediatamente.

Sergio, que fue estrella en Notre Dame, jugó en la NFL de 2010 a 2016, comenzando 15 juegos.

Publicado originalmente -- 8:46 AM PT

Ex-NFLer Sergio Brown Arrested After Mother's Death Facing First-Degree Murder Charge


9:08 AM PT -- According to cops, Sergio Brown was taken in on a warrant for First-Degree Murder in the death of his mom. He will be extradited to Illinois on the charge.

Former NFL player Sergio Brown has been arrested in Southern California, TMZ Sports has confirmed ... nearly four weeks after his mother was found dead in Illinois.

According to jail records, the ex-defensive back was booked into a San Diego jail on Tuesday. Our sources tell us the arrest stems from a warrant in Illinois related to the September death of his mom, Myrtle Brown.

CNN added on Wednesday that Sergio was recently found in Mexico by authorities and deported after they became aware of the warrant.

He's now expected to be transported soon to Illinois to face charges in the case.

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As we reported, Brown had been seen in Mexico dancing and partying in the days following Myrtle's death. He was also spotted in a selfie video from the country rambling about Myrtle's passing and "fake news."

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Authorities in Illinois, meanwhile, have been largely mum on the investigation into Sergio's mother's death ... though officials did say they've ruled the 73-year-old's passing as a homicide after her body was discovered near a creek with apparent assault injuries.

Requests for comment from the Maywood Police Dept. on Wednesday were not immediately returned.

Sergio, who starred at Notre Dame, played in the NFL from 2010 to 2016 ... starting 15 games.

Originally Published -- 8:46 AM PT



8:54 AM PT -- El abogado de GaTa, Shawn Holley, le informó a TMZ: "Todo el incidente entre las partes está capturado en video que estoy en el proceso de proporcionar a las fuerzas del orden. El video demuestra claramente que el Sr. Ganter no hizo nada malo y, en cambio, trató de calmar la situación".

GaTa  —famoso por la serie de televisión "Dave"— fue arrestado por violencia doméstica, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que ayudantes del sheriff respondieron a un informe de un incidente en Santa Clarita, California, el pasado domingo. Se le informó a los oficiales que la pareja tuvo una discusión que terminó en violencia física. Los detalles no están claros, pero sabemos que terminó con GaTa siendo arrestado.

Nos dicen que fue fichado por delito grave de violencia doméstica antes de ser puesto en libertad bajo fianza de $100K y programado para comparecer ante el tribunal en una fecha posterior. El caso está bajo investigación.

GaTa es rapero/músico y últimamente actor en la serie de FX de Lil Dicky que se estrenó en 2020 en la que lleva tres temporadas interpretando una versión ficticia de sí mismo.

El chico se hizo conocido en el mundo de la música luego de haber servido como un bombo profesional para los gustos de Lil Wayne, Gym Class Heroes, Tyga y otros.

'Dave' Star GaTa Arrested for Domestic Violence


8:54 AM PT -- GaTa's lawyer Shawn Holley tells TMZ, "The entire incident between the parties is on video which I am in the process of providing to law enforcement. The video demonstrates clearly that Mr. Ganter did nothing wrong and, instead, tried to de-escalate the situation."

GaTa -- famous from the TV show 'Dave' -- was busted for domestic violence ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us sheriff's deputies responded to a report of a DV incident in Santa Clarita, CA this past Sunday -- officers were told a physical argument occurred between two parties. The details are unclear ... but we know it ended with GaTa getting arrested.

We're told he was booked for felony domestic violence ... before being released on $100K bond and scheduled to appear in court at a later date. The case is under investigation.

GaTa -- whose real name is Davionte Ganter -- is a rapper/musician ... and lately, he's been an actor on Lil Dicky's FX series that launched in 2020 ... on which he's been featured for three seasons now, playing a fictionalized version of himself.

The guy is known in the music world ... having served as a professional hype man for the likes of Lil Wayne, Gym Class Heroes, Tyga and others.

Originally Published -- 8:20 AM PT

Todd Chrisley God Sent Me To Jail To Help Others

Todd Chrisley thinks his time in prison is actually a mission from God to help others ... which is why he says he's trying to improve prison conditions from the inside.

Todd's attorney, Jay Surgent, tells TMZ ... Todd's encountered "gross negligence and such total disregard for human life and decency from both the staff and just the entire corrections system," while at FPC Pensacola in Florida.

Todd says he feels blessed to have a platform where he can cast light on the issues he and other inmates face daily. As we reported, Todd claims he's been mistreated while locked up.

We're told the things Todd has witnessed behind cell bars are nothing short of cruel, which is why he's planning on using his time, energy, and resources to make prison life tolerable. As for the cruel treatment ... his lawyer says Todd once saw a man suffer a seizure and didn't get help for more than an hour.

Specifically, Jay says Todd's planning to launch programs and resources to help address the problems he says countless inmates are facing. A rep for the Federal Bureau of Prisons tells TMZ ... "While we decline to comment on anecdotal allegations, we can emphatically assure you the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all individuals in our population, our staff, and the public. Humane treatment of the men and women in our custody is a top priority."

Todd was given a 12-year sentence, while his wife, Julie, was sentenced to 7 years ... after the 2 were convicted in their bank fraud and tax evasion trial. BTW, their sentences were reduced last month -- Todd got 2 years off, and Julie got 1 off.

But in the words of Drake -- and Todd -- it was all part of God's plan.


Todd Chrisley cree que su tiempo en la cárcel es en realidad una misión de Dios para ayudar a los demás. Es por eso que está tratando de mejorar las condiciones carcelarias desde el interior.

El abogado de Todd, Jay Surgent, le dijo a TMZ que Todd ha encontrado "negligencia grave y desprecio total por la vida humana y la decencia, tanto del personal como de todo el sistema correccional".

Todd dice que se siente bendecido por tener una plataforma en la que puede dar visibilidad a los problemas que él y otros reclusos enfrentan a diario. Como informamos, Todd afirma que ha sido maltratado durante su encierro.

Nos informan que las cosas que Todd ha presenciado entre rejas son bastante crueles, razón por la cual está planeando utilizar su tiempo, energía y recursos para hacer tolerable la vida en prisión. En cuanto al trato cruel, su abogado dice que Todd vio una vez a un hombre sufrir un ataque y no recibir ayuda durante más de una hora.

En concreto, Jay dice que Todd está planeando lanzar programas y recursos para ayudar a abordar los problemas que un sinnúmero de reclusos se enfrentan.

Todd fue condenado a 12 años de prisión, mientras que su esposa, Julie, fue condenada a 7 años luego de que ambos fueron condenados por fraude bancario y evasión de impuestos. Sus sentencias fueron reducidas el mes pasado; Todd consiguió dos años de descuento y Julie consiguió uno.

Pero en palabras de Drake (y Todd) todo es parte del plan de Dios.


El cumpleaños de Jen Shah fue diferente esta vez, ya que lo vivió en una prisión federa, así que tuvo que conformarse con la versión carcelaria de ese manjar.

El buen amigo de Jen y ex asistente, Murilo Bueno, le dijo TMZ qué compañeros de prisión de la estrella de la telerrealidad le celebraron su cumpleaños el 4 de octubre haciendo su "sushi prisión" que consiste en rollos de primavera pre-hechos envueltos en arroz pegajoso.

Nos dicen que los amigos presos de Jen en FPC Bryan, Texas, le preguntaron qué haría para su cumpleaños si no estuviera tras las rejas, y cuando ella les dijo que tenía antojo de sushi hicieron todo lo posible para hacerlo realidad utilizando todo lo que pudieron reunir de la comisaría.

Olvídense del pescado crudo, no lo llevan en avión a las prisiones federales. En su lugar, sus compañeras cocinaron arroz pegajoso en agua caliente, lo envolvieron con esos rollitos de primavera ya hechos y ¡listo!

También nos dicen que Jen comió quesadillas al estilo de la prisión. Tortillas y queso a la parrilla, o más bien, en una plancha que normalmente se utiliza para alisar el cabello.

De postre, la amiga de Jen dice que sirvieron "tarta de queso con piña al revés", que probablemente suena mejor de lo que sabe. Murilo dice que lleva una lata de piñas, pero no está segura de los demás ingredientes. Use su imaginación.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jen comenzó a cumplir su sentencia de 6 años y 5 meses de prisión en febrero después de declararse culpable de conspiración por cometer fraude electrónico. Su sentencia ha sido reducida en 1 año y este es su primer cumpleaños tras las rejas.

No se sabe si sirvieron vino de la cárcel, ¡pero creemos que Jen ya no lo necesita!

'REAL HOUSEWIVES' JEN SHAH 'Prison Sushi' For Birthday Treat ... It's Different Behind Bars

For Jen Shah, birthdays hit different in federal lockup ... because instead of going out for a fancy sushi dinner, she had to settle for the prison version of that delicacy.

Jen's good friend and former assistant, Murilo Bueno, tells TMZ ... the reality TV star's fellow inmates celebrated her October 4 birthday by making her "prison sushi" ... which consists of premade spring rolls wrapped in sticky rice.

We're told Jen's inmate friends at FPC Bryan in Texas asked her what she would do for her birthday if she wasn't behind bars, and when she told them she was craving sushi ... they did their best to make it happen, using whatever they could gather from the commissary.

Forget the raw fish -- they're not flying that stuff into federal prisons -- instead, her fellow inmates cooked sticky rice in hot water, wrapped that around those pre-made spring rolls and boom -- bootleg sushi roll!!! Yum?

We're also told Jen chowed down on prison-style quesadillas ... tortillas and cheese from the commissary grilled on a flat iron normally used to straighten hair.

For dessert, Jen's friend says they served "prison pineapple upside down cheesecake" ... which probably sounds better than it tastes. Murilo says a can of pineapples is involved, but she's unsure about the other ingredients. Use your imagination.

TMZ broke the story, Jen started serving her 6.5-year prison sentence back in February after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Her sentence has since been reduced by 1 year, and this is her first birthday behind bars.

No word if they served prison wine, but look up how it's made -- we'd says Jen's better off without it!