Usman Nurmagomedov Pumped To Have Cain Velasquez In My Corner ... At Bellator 300


Cain Velasquez has been given the all-go to corner Usman Nurmagomedov's Bellator 300 fight this weekend despite his ongoing criminal case ... and Usman tells TMZ Sports he couldn't be more pumped to have the UFC legend by his side.

"I'm so excited," the MMA star said.

It was unknown a few weeks ago if Velasquez would be able to help out in Nurmagomedov's championship tilt against Brent Primus in San Diego on Saturday night ... as he's still facing 10 charges for allegedly trying to shoot Harry Goularte, a man who had been accused of molesting one of his close relatives.

But, according to, Velasquez was cleared by the courts recently to help coach in the bout ... and Nurmagomedov -- who's been training with Velasquez at American Kickboxing Academy in San Jose in the leadup to the match -- is thrilled.

"Cain he's like, he talks with everybody the same," the 25-year-old said. "If you're a star, he doesn't talk with you different."

"He's, like, a very good person," Usman added. "Family guy. He's really humble, too. Very kind guy."

Cain isn't the only MMA legend to help Nurmagomedov gear up for his match ... he said his cousin, Khabib Numagomedov, has called to give tips and advice as well.

The Bellator 300 card is slated to start at 7 PM PT ... getcha popcorn ready!!!

21 Savage Deja Estados Unidos por primera vez en años... Se une a Drake en Toronto

21 Savage tiene su Green Card y finalmente está haciendo uso de ella, porque según ha indagado TMZ, se uniría a Drake este fin de semana en Toronto.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que 21 y su equipo estarán en "The 6" el viernes y sábado por la noche para las paradas en Toronto de la gira "It's All a Blur". Es la primera vez en años que 21 puede salir legalmente de Estados Unidos.

Drake lanzó su esperado álbum "For All The Dogs" el viernes e insinuó que 21 finalmente había resuelto sus problemas de inmigración en la canción "8AM in Charlotte".

En ella Drake rapea: "Savage consiguió una tarjeta verde directamente del consulado / Donde yo voy, tú vas, hermano, somos yugoslavos".

Fue en 2019 cuando 21 fue detenido por el ICE (el Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas de Estados Unidos). En ese entonces nos enteramos de que 21 era en realidad del Reino Unido, y que había estado viviendo ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos con una visa expirada. El caso se prolongó durante años y se complicó aún más por el hecho de que fue atrapado con codeína y una pistola durante la redada.

Por supuesto, 21 ha estado de gira con Drake desde hace meses, pero nunca había podido ir a lugares fuera de Estados Unidos. De hecho, cuando Drake fue a Vancouver decidió llevar consigo a Travis Scott en lugar de 21.

No está claro exactamente cuando se resolvieron los asuntos con el gobierno, pero hay un montón de fans en todo el mundo que no pueden esperar a verlo de vuelta en su ciudad.

21 Savage Leaves United States for First Time in Years ... Joins Drake in Toronto

21 Savage has a Green Card and he's finally putting it to good use, joining Drake in Toronto to perform together ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ 21 and his team will be in "The 6" Friday and Saturday night for the Toronto stops of the "It's All a Blur" tour. It's the first time in years 21 has legally been able to leave the United States.

Drake dropped his highly-anticipated "For All The Dogs" album Friday, and hinted 21 had finally cleared his immigration issues on the track "8AM in Charlotte."

Drake raps, "Savage got a green card straight out of the consulate/Where I go, you go, brother, we Yugoslavian."

It was back in 2019 when 21 was taken into custody by ICE, and we learned he was actually from the UK -- living in the United States illegally on an expired visa. The case dragged on for years, further complicated by the fact he was caught with codeine and a handgun during the ICE bust.

Of course, 21's been touring with Drake for months now but has never been able to hit locations outside the US -- most notably when Drake went to Vancouver and brought Travis Scott out in place of 21.

Unclear exactly when 21 got everything cleared up with the government, but there are plenty of his fans around the world who can't wait to see him back in their city.

Drake Shoots at R. Kelly Fans On 'Dogs' ... Still Listening??? Tsk, Tsk

Drake's giving all the lingering R. Kelly fans out there the side-eye on his new album ... by taking a shot that might have 'em rethinking their streaming selections.

On the track "Drew a Picasso," which is planted just past the midway mark of "For All The Dogs," Drake paints the picture of himself in a tit-for-tat argument with his girlfriend.

When she comes down on him for living up the nightlife, he barks back with a shot at the incarcerated R&B star ... "Why you act like just 'cause I go to the strip club, girl, that I don't love you? You still listenin' to R. Kelly in the whip, baby girl, and I don't judge you!!!"

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The shot is particularly interesting considering Drake sampled R. Kelly on his 2021 album "Certified Lover Boy" ... but he's clearly rinsed himself of all things dealing with the former Pied Piper of R&B, and he's advising all the girls who love him to do the same!!!

R. Kelly still generates several million Spotify monthly listens, but his career is stalled indefinitely, if not permanently, as he serves a 30-year sentence for federal sex crimes.

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His music royalties have been garnished to pay restitution to his victims, and he's even had to deal with an unauthorized album leak from prison.

All that being said ... Drizzy's trying to save you, girl!!!

VIDEO DEL ARRESTO DE KEEFE D sospechoso del asesinato de tupac

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El sospechoso del asesinato de Tupac Shakur salió a dar su paseo matutino, y de repente se encontró esposado y acusado en el caso sin resolver por casi 30 años.

TMZ acaba de obtener imágenes de la cámara de la policía en las que se puede ver a Duane "Keefe D" Davis siendo detenido. Se le ve caminando por una calle residencial cuando los policías se detienen y le dicen que está siendo arrestado.

Keefe D es totalmente obediente durante toda la interacción con la policía de Las Vegas. No se resiste en lo absoluto. De hecho, su única queja fue que estaba "más sediento que la mier...".

Es la primera vez que vemos las imágenes de la detención de Keefe D y se va bastante tranquilo.

Cuando los agentes lo meten en el coche les dice que es un "profesional" y se sube al asiento del copiloto. Incluso participa en una conversación informal con un oficial que deja claro que Keefe sabe exactamente por qué está siendo arrestado.

¿para qué estás aquí?

En sus palabras, él está involucrado en el "caso más grande en la historia de Las Vegas".

Como hemos informado, Keefe fue detenido el viernes y acusado de un cargo de asesinato con un arma mortal, además de estar relacionado con pandillas.

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el momento del juicio

Keefe apareció en la corte por primera vez esta semana pero sus procedimientos de lectura de cargos terminó siendo retrasado.

Tupac fue asesinado a tiros en Las Vegas en septiembre de 1996 y la policía detuvo a Keefe más de 27 años más tarde, diciendo que sus entrevistas acerca de estar involucrado en el asesinato de Pac les llevó a reabrir el caso.

Tupac Murder Suspect Keefe D's Arrest Vid ... Goes Quietly, Thirstily

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Tupac Shakur's murder suspect went out for his morning walk, and then suddenly found himself in handcuffs ... charged in the nearly 30-year-old unsolved case.

TMZ just obtained police body cam footage from Duane "Keefe D" Davis' arrest, and you see him walking down a residential street when cops pull up, and tell him he's being busted.

Keefe D is totally compliant throughout the interaction with Las Vegas cops ... he doesn't resist at all. In fact, his only complaint was that he was "thirsty as f***" for the bottled water he was carrying.

It's the first time we've seen the footage of Keefe D's arrest ... and he goes pretty quietly.

When officers put him in the car, he tells them he's a "pro" and climbs in the front passenger seat. He even engages in some casual conversation with one officer that makes it clear, Keefe knows exactly why he's being arrested.


In his words, he's involved in the "biggest case in Las Vegas history" ... and drops the exact date of Tupac's murder.

As we reported ... Keefe was arrested Friday and charged with one count of murder with a deadly weapon, plus a gang enhancement.

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Keefe appeared in court for the first time this week ... but his arraignment proceedings ended up being delayed.

Tupac was shot and killed in Las Vegas in September 1996 ... and cops arrested Keefe over 27 years later ... saying his outspoken interviews about being involved in Pac's murder prompted them to reopen the case.

We covered it all on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

YNW Melly Used 'Rihanna' Code Name ... To Tamper with Witnesses, Officials Claim

YNW Melly and YNW Bortlen are both facing witness tampering charges now, and officials say some of the tampering involved them invoking Rihanna's name as part of their system of codes.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Melly and Bortlen both actively worked behind the scenes to keep key witnesses from cooperating with authorities and testifying in their double-murder trial.

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Officials claim Melly is said to have used the phone privileges of another inmate to pass word to the outside ... sometimes in calls to Bortlen, who was out on bond at the time.

According to the docs, Melly had apparently lost phone privileges due to disciplinary violations while in custody.

The docs say during some of the calls, there were references made to "Rihanna" and "A$AP Rocky's baby mama" staying behind in a "Maybach" -- which prosecutors believe was code for instructing a particular female witness not to appear at the trial. The docs note that the woman, in fact, did not show up at the trial.

Officials also say Melly developed a sophisticated system for communication -- which they say is caught on surveillance video -- where he would coordinate the delivery of hand-written messages to various cell blocks through nonspeaking cues.

Melly's lawyer told TMZ Hip Hop the claims are a "desperate attempt" on the part of prosecutors after they failed to get a conviction during the first go-around.

It'll be interesting to see how it all plays with the jury when the retrial starts next week.

Una policía de Minneapolis Fue descubierta como modelo de Only Fans En un control de tránsito...

Un conductor de Minneapolis realmente se sorprendió cuando fue detenido por una policía, a quien reconoció como una modelo de OnlyFans con la que había estado teniendo sexo en línea. Ahora la policía de Minneapolis está investigando a fondo la situación para asegurarse de que no haya ninguna violación de conducta.

¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de eso? La oficial detuvo a un chico la semana pasada, quien le dijo a FOX9 que después de unos 10 minutos comenzó a parecerle conocida y se dio cuenta de que había estado siguiendo su cuenta de OnlyFans durante unos meses.

Según el chico: "Hay que ir a la sección VIP para ver sus videos, de ella y su marido, supongo que él es su marido, con quien graba videos sexuales".

La agente, que no ha sido identificada, gestiona una página en OnlyFans que ofrece videos y fotos y que describe como "porno amateur" en solitario. Se describe a sí misma como una mujer de 35 años, de espíritu libre y una "creadora demasiado optimista de contenido sexy para complacer a los demás".

La pregunta que ahora se hace el jefe de policía de Minneapolis es si la oficial está haciendo algo malo, ya que al parecer ha recibido elogios por su trabajo policial y está haciendo esto como un trabajo secundario.

La política del Departamento prohíbe a los agentes que estén fuera de servicio realizar cualquier trabajo que "no sea compatible con la labor policial", lo que incluye trabajar en "cualquier establecimiento que ofrezca entretenimiento para adultos en forma de exhibiciones de desnudos, semidesnudos o topless".

Obviamente, ella no está trabajando en un negocio, sino que más bien está operando uno propio desde su casa, pero los mandos policiales podrían verlo de otra manera.

El conductor al que detuvo sí tiene un problema. Dijo: "No me gustaría que me detuviera luego de haber visto que ella y su marido estuvieron teniendo sexo por 29,99 dólares en OnlyFans. No puedo respetarla ni a ella ni a la comisaría en la que trabaja".

Minneapolis PD Cop Outed as OnlyFans Model During Traffic Stop, Dept. Investigates

A Minneapolis driver got a serious eyeful of the cop who pulled him over -- he recognized her as an OnlyFans model who he's seen having sex online, and now Minneapolis PD is probing ... for any conduct violations.

What are the odds??? The female officer pulled over a guy last week, and he told FOX9 in Minneapolis that after about 10 minutes the cop started to look familiar ... and he realized he's been following her OnlyFans account for a few months.

As he put it, "You got to go to the VIP and you get to see the videos of her and her, I guess husband, I guess that’s who it is, they do full sex videos."

The officer, who hasn't been named, operates an OnlyFans page that offers videos and photos she describes as "solo play" and "amateur porn." She describes herself as 35, free-spirited and an "overly optimistic creator of sexy content to please others."

The question Minneapolis PD's police chief now has to address is ... what, if anything, is wrong with the cop -- who's reportedly received commendations for her police work -- doing this as a side job.

The Dept. policy forbids off-duty officers from any work that's "not compatible with police work" ... which includes working at "any establishment that provides adult entertainment in the form of nude, semi-nude or topless exhibitions."

Obviously, she's not working at a business, but rather operating one from her home -- but the police brass might see it differently.


The driver she pulled over definitely has a problem with it -- "I wouldn’t want her to be arresting me and I just saw you and your husband last night for $29.99 have sex on OnlyFans. I just can't respect you or the precinct that you’re working at."

Philly Biker Arrested After Stomping Through Car Window ... Bail Set at $2.5 Million!!!

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Instagram /@vortex.hz

Severe road rage has a Philly biker behind bars this morning ... after he was caught on camera smashing the rear window of a woman's car as her 2 young kids were in the backseat.

Cops busted 26-year-old Cody Heron Wednesday night for a heinous attack on a driver Sunday night. Heron was part of a group of bikers riding through the city when they rolled up on Nikki Bullock's sedan.

Video of the incident shows Heron hop off his motorcycle, and stomp twice on the rear window of her car before he smashes right through it.

You can also see Heron was armed with a handgun, because it falls out of his waistband as he jumps off the car to get back on his bike. After a brief physical confrontation -- during which Heron headbutts Nikki with his helmet -- he and the other bikers flee the scene.

Cops finally tracked down Heron Wednesday night at a home where they also found his motorcycle, helmet and a 9mm handgun.

He was booked for possession of an instrument of crime, recklessly endangering another person, and multiple counts of aggravated assault.

Nikki says the whole thing started because Heron sideswiped her car while she was delivering for Uber Eats. She was arguing with him and other bikers, and says that's when Heron jumped off his bike and pounced on the window ... with her 5-year-old and 2-year-old kids just inches away.

Prosecutors are showing they mean business, requesting Heron's bail be set at $5 million, but the judge brought it down to $2.5 mil during arraignment. He can be released by posting 10 percent of that amount, though.

Les Misérables Oil Protesters Storm Stage ... Five Arrested In London

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X / @JustStop_Oil

Environmental activists stormed a theater where Les Misérables was being performed and took over the stage ... halting the production and leading to several arrests.

The chaotic scene happened during a Tuesday performance of the famous play in London's West End, where folks protesting against oil, gas and coal rushed the stage before the play was over.

Video shows demonstrators from "Just Stop Oil" storming the stage in the middle of a musical number ... with protestors shouting at the audience to "join the rebellion."

Police officers were called and five activists were arrested.

Demonstrators rushed the stage from either end as the Les Mis cast was performing the show's famous song, "One Day More." The show tried to go on but the cast was then escorted off stage, and the theater was evacuated and the show did not finish.

The audience booed the protestors as they held up orange banners with the Just Stop Oil logo ... with some in the crowd shouting at the activists to get the hell outta there.

Just Stop Oil says its goal is to demand governments stop licensing new oil, gas and coal projects ... and they've protested other big events like Wimbledon and vandalized famous Vincent Van Gogh artwork.

Ticket prices for Les Miserables range from $49 to $183 ... so no wonder the paying customers were pissed, though they are getting refunds.

Les Misérables Manifestantes protestan contra el uso del petróleo Cinco detenidos en Londres

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Locura en el intermedio
X / @JustStop_Oil

Activistas ecologistas irrumpieron en un teatro en donde se presentaba Los Miserables. Se tomaron el escenario, detuvieron la producción y varios de ellos fueron detenidos.

La caótica escena tuvo lugar durante una representación el martes de la famosa obra en el West End de Londres, donde personas que protestaban contra el uso del petróleo, el gas y el carbón se abalanzaron sobre el escenario antes de que terminara la obra.

El video muestra a los manifestantes de "Just Stop Oil" irrumpiendo en el escenario en medio de un número musical y alentando al público a que "se unan a la rebelión".

El teatro llamó a la policía y cinco activistas fueron detenidos.

Los manifestantes se abalanzaron sobre el escenario desde ambos extremos, mientras el reparto de Les Mis interpretaba la famosa canción del espectáculo, "One Day More." La producción intentó continuar, pero el elenco fue escoltado fuera del escenario, el teatro evacuado y el espectáculo quedó inconcluso.

El público abucheó a los manifestantes mientras sostenían pancartas de color naranja con el logotipo de Just Stop Oil. Algunos en la multitud les gritaban que salieran de allí.

Just Stop Oil dice que su objetivo es exigir a los gobiernos que dejen de conceder licencias para nuevos proyectos de petróleo, gas y carbón. La agrupación ya ha protestado en otros grandes eventos como Wimbledon y ha destrozado famosas obras de Vincent Van Gogh.

Los precios para Los Miserables oscilan entre los 49 y 183 dólares, así que no es de extrañar que los clientes estuvieran cabreados, aunque ya están recibiendo reembolsos.

YNW MELLY Acusado de manipulación de testigos Su equipo dice que los fiscales están desesperados

YNW Melly ahora tiene su propio cargo de manipulación de testigos, al igual que su coacusado YNW Bortlen, en el juicio de doble asesinato, pero sus abogados creen que los fiscales solo están tratando de encubrir los problemas de su caso.

Los fiscales confirmaron a TMZ Hip Hop que sorprendieron a Melly con el cargo de manipulación de testigos el miércoles en el condado de Miami-Dade, solo un par de días después de acusar a Bortlen de la misma falta.

El equipo de Melly está programado para comparecer ante el tribunal el viernes, en cuya audiencia van a argumentar que los fiscales han estado ocultando pruebas clave sobre el investigador principal del caso.

El abogado de Melly, Raven Liberty reaccionó a la nueva acusación, diciéndonos: "Este es un intento transparente y desesperado de la oficina del Fiscal del Estado para distraer al público de la deposición de un Asistente del Fiscal del Estado que acusó al detective principal de este caso y al fiscal principal de delitos graves, falsificando y encubriendo pruebas perjudiciales para el caso del estado".

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El juez de circuito de Broward, John J. Murphy, tendrá la última palabra sobre si este asunto afecta o no al caso. Por ahora, está programado que la próxima semana comience la selección del jurado para el nuevo juicio.

TIROTEO en partido de FÚTBOL JUVENIL chico de 11 años deberá seguir en prisión

el perturbador registro

El juez ha ordenado que el jugador de fútbol juvenil de 11 años acusado de disparar a dos de sus compañeros de equipo a principios de esta semana permanezca bajo custodia durante al menos los próximos 21 días.

El niño, que la policía dice que abrió fuego contra dos de 13 años de edad, después de una disputa en una práctica en el campo de fútbol Northwest Recreation Complex en Apopka, Florida, el lunes, estaba esperado detención domiciliaria, pero ahora se verá obligado a permanecer en detención de menores durante al menos las próximas 3 semanas.

Los reporteros en la audiencia en el Condado de Orange el miércoles por la mañana dijeron que el niño comenzó a llorar cuando se anunció el fallo.

Ahora se espera que esté bajo vigilancia de suicidio en el centro de detención, de acuerdo con WFTV 9.

En la audiencia, la tía de una de las presuntas víctimas del tiroteo subió al estrado y dijo que la familia del adolescente esperaba que el niño de 11 años de edad permanecería en detención

audio al 911

Un informe policial, obtenido por TMZ Sports, declaró que un testigo del tiroteo dijo que la disputa inicial ocurrió debido a una pelea "por una bolsa de papas fritas".

La policía dijo que uno de los niños de 13 años recibió un disparo en la parte superior del cuerpo, mientras que el otro fue alcanzado en el brazo. Afortunadamente, se espera que ambos se recuperen de sus heridas.

YNW Melly Charged with Witness Tampering ... His Team Says Prosecutors 'Desperate'

YNW Melly now has his own witness tampering charge -- just like his co-defendant YNW Bortlen -- in their double-murder trial, but his lawyers think prosecutors are just trying to cover up problems with their case.

Prosecutors confirmed with TMZ Hip Hop ... they hit Melly with the witness tampering charge Wednesday in Miami-Dade County, just a couple of days removed from tagging Bortlen with the same charge.

Melly's team is set to appear in court on Friday for a hearing in which they'll argue prosecutors have been withholding key evidence about the lead investigator in the case.

Melly's attorney, Raven Liberty reacted to the added charge, telling us ... "This is a transparent and desperate attempt by the State Attorney's office to distract the public from the deposition of an Assistant State Attorney who accused this case's lead detective and lead prosecutor of felonies by falsifying and covering up evidence damaging to the state's case."

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Broward Circuit Judge John J. Murphy will ultimately have the final say on whether that matter impacts the case. For now, jury selection is scheduled to begin next week for the retrial.

Youth Football Shooting 11-Yr-Old Ordered to Stay In Custody


The 11-year-old youth football player accused of shooting two of his teammates earlier this week has been ordered by a judge to stay in custody for at least the next 21 days.

The boy, who cops say opened fire on two 13-year-olds following a dispute at a practice at the Northwest Recreation Complex football field in Apopka, Fla. on Monday, had hoped for home detainment ... but he will now be forced to stay in juvenile detention for at least the next 3 weeks.

Reporters at the hearing in Orange County on Wednesday morning said the child began crying when the ruling was announced.

He's now expected to be on suicide watch at the detention center ... according to WFTV 9.

At the hearing, an aunt for one of the alleged shooting victims took the stand and said the teen's family had hoped the 11-year-old would remain in detention.


A police report, obtained by TMZ Sports, stated a witness to the shooting said the initial dispute happened due to a quarrel "over a bag of chips."

Police said one of the 13-year-olds was shot in the upper body, while the other was hit in the arm. But, thankfully, both are expected to recover from their injuries.