Niña de 9 años desaparecida Encontrada sana y salva tras temores de secuestro

Charlotte Sena, la niña de 9 años cuya desaparición desató temores de un secuestro, fue encontrada sana y salva y la policía tiene un sospechoso bajo custodia.

La Policía del Estado de Nueva York anunció el lunes que Charlotte fue localizada y que se encuentra en buen estado de salud después de desaparecer el sábado durante un viaje de camping con su familia en el norte del estado de Nueva York.

Charlotte desapareció después de dar un paseo en bicicleta en Moreau Lake State Park. Estuvo paseando por los senderos con sus amigos antes de la cena y nunca regresó. Su madre temía que hubiera sido secuestrada después de que su bicicleta fuera encontrada en uno de los bucles del parque.

Las autoridades iniciaron una búsqueda en el parque, con agencias estatales, federales y locales trabajando juntas. La extensa búsqueda contó con perros policía, barcos, equipos submarinos y aviones no tripulados para tratar de encontrar a Charlotte, con 400 personas rastreando la zona.

Una alerta AMBER salió la noche del domingo y el lunes por la tarde, la Policía Estatal dijo que los investigadores ya no creían que Charlotte aún estuviera en el parque.

No está claro cuándo y dónde se encontró a Charlotte y los funcionarios no han dado a conocer el nombre del sospechoso o qué cargos podría enfrentar.

Por ahora, la policía dice que sigue siendo una investigación activa.

Missing 9-Year-Old Girl Found Safe After Abduction Fears ... Suspect In Custody

Charlotte Sena, the 9-year-old girl whose disappearance sparked fears of an abduction, has been found safe after going missing ... and cops have a suspect in custody.

New York State Police announced Monday that Charlotte was "located and in good health" after vanishing Saturday during a camping trip with her family in upstate New York.

Charlotte disappeared after going on a bike ride in Moreau Lake State Park, hitting the bike trails with her close friends before dinner and never returning. Her mother feared she had been abducted after her bike was found on one of the park's loops.

Law enforcement launched a search of the park ... with state, federal and local agencies working together. The extensive search enlisted police dogs, boats, underwater teams and drones to try and find Charlotte, with 400 people scouring the area.

An AMBER Alert went out Sunday night and by Monday afternoon, State Police said investigators no longer believed Charlotte was still in the park.

It's unclear when and where Charlotte was found ... and officials have not released the name of the suspect, or what charges they could face.

For now, police say it's still an active investigation.

Suge Knight Hell No, I Won't Testify Against Keefe D!!! Insists Cops Still Don't Know Who Shot Tupac


Suge Knight is surprised there's finally an arrest in the murder of Tupac Shakur, and even though he was an eyewitness in the case ... he says he'll refuse if called to testify against the suspect, Duane "Keefe D" Davis.

TMZ spoke exclusively with the Death Row Records founder on Monday ... and he insists cops and prosecutors are barking up the wrong tree with their arrest of Davis. Even further, he refutes the long-held belief Davis' late nephew, Orlando Anderson, was the shooter.

Of course, Suge was in the BMW that 1996 night in Las Vegas when both he and Tupac were shot. During the phone call from a CA state prison, he told us regardless of what Davis has confessed to in interviews, or to police ... Suge himself won't ever say a bad word about the man.


He also said prosecutors can forget about getting him on the stand during Davis' murder trial. In a nutshell, Suge says he's not ratting out anyone. Keep in mind, of the 6 people involved in the shooting -- 4 were in the shooter's car -- Suge and Davis are the only 2 still alive.

As you know ... Davis was arrested last week in Las Vegas after a grand jury indicted him -- but the whole bust was a huge surprise to Suge.

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Cops say Keefe D was in on Tupac's murder and supplied the gun used in the fatal shooting ... which went down shortly after Tupac's crew beat the crap out of Orlando inside the MGM Grand following a Mike Tyson fight.

While Suge made it clear he'll never say who did open fire on Pac and him ... he says he knows it wasn't Anderson, and he insinuated Keefe D doesn't belong behind bars either.

Keefe's been outspoken for years about his alleged involvement in Tupac's murder, giving interviews and even writing a book about it -- and cops say that played a big part in reinvigorating the investigation.

Suge, who is currently serving out a 28-year sentence for voluntary manslaughter, won't say whether Keefe D was involved at all in the shooting -- but he was sure of one thing, telling us he'd never wish prison time on anyone.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kevin Porter Jr. No Longer With Houston Rockets ... After Domestic Violence Arrest

Kevin Porter Jr. has been instructed to stay away from the Houston Rockets following his recent domestic violence arrest ... and his future with the team appears to be in jeopardy.

Rockets GM Rafael Stone shared an update on the 23-year-old's status during Houston's media day on Monday ... calling the allegations made against the hooper "deeply troubling."

Houston Rockets

"Going back a few weeks, as soon as I heard the allegations, I informed his representatives that he could not be part of the Houston Rockets," Stone continued. "They understood and he has not been with the team or around the team or had any interaction with the team since that time and will not be at media day today or in training camp."

As we previously reported, KPJ is accused of attacking his girlfriend at an NYC hotel on September 11, leaving her bloodied and with a laceration above her eye.

Initial reports also stated Porter Jr. left the woman with a cracked neck vertebra... but sources later refuted the NBAer was responsible for the injury.

Stone wouldn't comment on whether KPJ would ever suit up for the Rockets again ... citing the league's collective bargaining agreement and domestic violence policy.

Porter Jr. signed a four-year, $85 million deal with Houston prior to last season ... averaging 19 points, 5 rebounds and nearly 6 assists for the Rockets in 2022-23.

Now, the Rockets will gear up for the 2023-24 campaign without one of its key players.

As for KPJ, he has a court date slated for later this month after pleading not guilty to felony assault and strangulation.

2Pac Murder Case Keefe D Panicked About Going to Jail ... Feared Incriminating Himself in Interview

Tupac Shakur murder suspect Duane Keith "Keefe D" Davis only has himself to blame for cops re-opening the nearly 3 decades-old investigation -- he knew he was close to self-incrimination during at least one interview.

Keefe spoke openly, several times, with platforms VladTV and The Art of Dialogue leading up to Las Vegas Police raiding his home in July, and arresting him last week. 'Dialogue' reminded folks of that Monday by reposting one of its clips where Keefe was sweating bullets.

In the interview, conducted a couple months ago, he admits riding in the car that contained Tupac's shooter, but wouldn't elaborate whether it was his nephew Orlando Anderson or another man, "Big Dre," who pulled the trigger.

In the tense conversation, Keefe says he wasn't trying to go back to jail for speaking his peace ... which is exactly what happened anyway.

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Vegas PD swooped in on Keefe on September 29 and charged him with murder, 27 years after Pac was gunned down on the strip.

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Tupac's brother Mopreme Shakur tells TMZ the entire series of events has been a traumatic experience for him and the family, and he says various changeups in LVPD staffing haven't helped matters.

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Keefe's dozens of hours speaking with VladTV were also of interest to police, but the veteran DJ says he's no snitch.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

ladrón prende fuego a un trabajador durante una violenta pelea

el terrible momento

Un trabajador de una tienda de California intentó detener a un presunto ladrón, pero acabó en urgencias con quemaduras en todo el cuerpo después de que el sospechoso le prendiera fuego.

El empleado, Suraj, estaba trabajando con su compañero en Appian Food and Liquor, en El Sobrante el 22 de septiembre cuando Kendall Burton entró y presuntamente robó líquido para encendedores por tercera vez ese día.

El compañero de trabajo vio el robo y notificó Suraj, que fue a confrontar Burton y fue cuando comenzaron los problemas.

El vídeo de vigilancia muestra a Suraj luchando violentamente con Burton, mientras que su compañero de trabajo agarra un bate de béisbol que tenía dentro de la tienda.

Durante el forcejeo, Burton vierte el líquido sobre la cabeza de Suraj y le prende fuego.

Antes de que se corte el vídeo, se ve a Suraj corriendo frenéticamente al baño para apagar las llamas rociándose con agua.

Suraj fue trasladado a un hospital local y tratado por quemaduras graves en la cara, el cuello, el pecho y el hombro.

Desde la cama del hospital, Suraj declaró a CBS Bay Area que nadie debería estar sometido a tales peligros y pidió más seguridad en el lugar de trabajo. También dijo que le queda un largo camino de recuperación y que necesita varias operaciones para reparar los cuantiosos daños.

Su esposa ha creado una página en GoFundMe para ayudar a sufragar sus crecientes gastos médicos.

En cuanto a Burton, fue detenido y acusado de asalto con arma mortal, agresión, incendio provocado y robo. Actualmente está detenido sin fianza.

Flaming Horror Serial Shoplifter Sets Clerk On Fire ... Caught On Surveillance Video


A California store clerk tried to stop an alleged shoplifter, but ended up in the emergency room with burns covering his body after he was set ablaze by the suspected thief.

The clerk, Suraj, was working with his coworker in Appian Food and Liquor in El Sobrante September 22, when Kendall Burton came in and allegedly stole lighter fluid for the third time that day.

The coworker saw the theft and notified Suraj, who went to confront Burton ... and all hell broke loss.

Newly released surveillance video shows Suraj violently struggling with Burton, while his coworker retrieves a baseball bat from somewhere inside the store.

During the tussle, Burton pours the accelerant over Suraj's head and lights him on fire.

Before the video cuts off, Suraj is seen frantically running to the bathroom to extinguish the flames by dousing himself with water.

Suraj was rushed to a local hospital and treated for serious burns over his face, neck, chest and shoulder.

From his hospital bed, Suraj told CBS Bay Area that no one should be subject to such dangers and called for more security in the workplace. He also said he has a long road to recovery and needs several surgeries to repair the extensive damage.

His wife has set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for his rising medical costs.

As for Burton, he was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon, battery, arson and robbery. He's currently being held without bail.

Cops: Dion Lewis Threatened To Spit In Officer's Face ... Before Arrest

Before Dion Lewis was hauled off to jail last week, he allegedly called cops "p***ies" and threatened to spit on an officer -- this according to new court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs, Seminole Police Dept. officers say they were called out to the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa in Florida at around 2 PM on Sept. 18 after venue security claimed Lewis was being "unruly."

Cops say the former New England Patriots running back was told he had to leave the property ... and was escorted out to valet where authorities said they allowed him to either cab it or Uber it away from the premises without further repercussions.

But, according to the docs, "Lewis became belligerent in front of other casino patrons, calling officers 'p***ies,' and advising he was not leaving property because he did nothing wrong."

He then allegedly said he'd spit in a sergeant's face "if he touched him."

Lewis was taken to a nearby jail a short time later ... and ultimately charged with misdemeanor trespassing.

His attorney submitted a not guilty plea on the former tailback's behalf earlier this week. He's now due back in court next month.

Lewis -- who won one Super Bowl with Tom Brady -- has not yet publicly commented on the case.

Policías sobre Dion Lewis Amenazó con escupir en la cara a un oficial ... Antes de ser detenido

Antes de que Dion Lewis fuera llevado a la cárcel la semana pasada, supuestamente insultó a los policías y amenazó con escupir a uno de ellos, de acuerdo a nuevos documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ Sports.

En los documentos, los oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Seminole dicen que fueron llamados al Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa en Florida alrededor de las 2 PM el 18 de septiembre, después de que la seguridad del lugar afirmara que Lewis estaba siendo "revoltoso".

La policía dice que al ex New England Patriots se le dijo que tenía que irse de la propiedad y fue escoltado por el encargado de los estacionamientos, cuando las autoridades dicen que se le permitió pedir un Uber o un taxi afuera de las instalaciones, sin más repercusiones.

Pero según los documentos, "Lewis se volvió beligerante frente a otros clientes del casino, llamando a los oficiales 'p***ies', y advirtiendo que no iba a salir de la propiedad porque no hizo nada malo".

Luego, supuestamente, dijo que iba a escupirle en la cara a un sargento "si lo tocaba".

Lewis fue llevado a una cárcel cercana poco tiempo después, y en última instancia, acusado de un delito menor de allanamiento de morada.

Su abogado presentó una declaración de inocencia en nombre del exjugador a principios de esta semana. Deberá volver a los tribunales el próximo mes.

Lewis, que ganó un Super Bowl con Tom Brady, aún no ha hecho comentarios públicos sobre el caso.

Paris Jackson Presunto acosador es detenido Después de múltiples acercamientos

El presunto acosador de Paris Jackson está ahora tras las rejas después de que la policía informara que se presentó en su casa a principios de este mes, y que esta podría no haber sido su primera visita.

Los oficiales dicen a TMZ, que Rubén Polanco, de 37 años, fue detenido el 4 de septiembre cuando se presentó en la casa de Paris en el área de Los Ángeles. Nos dicen que ella tenía un equipo de seguridad que lo mantuvo detenido hasta que la policía llegó y se lo llevó.

La Oficina del Fiscal de la Ciudad de Los Angeles lo acusó de cuatro delitos menores, incluyendo acecho y merodeo, y según nos cuentan, actualmente está en la cárcel bajo fianza de $20.000, mientras que el equipo de Gestión de Amenazas del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles sigue investigando.

La policía dice que Polanco tiene un historial de visitas a la casa de París. Supuestamente, estuvo en su propiedad el día del Año Nuevo y los oficiales dicen que regresó otras dos veces en agosto, además del incidente final en septiembre.

TMZ dio la noticia, la policía fue llamada a su casa en agosto por un presunto intruso que estaba merodeando su patio trasero. Nos dicen que la modelo y cantante no estaba en casa en ese momento, pero un amigo llamó a la policía cuando fueron vistos en la propiedad.

Paris Jackson Alleged Stalker Arrested ... After Multiple Home Run-Ins

Paris Jackson's alleged stalker is now behind bars after cops say he showed up at her home earlier this month ... and we're told that may not have been his first visit.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... 37-year-old Ruben Polanco was arrested September 4, when he showed up at Paris' L.A.-area home. We're told she had security there which kept him at bay until cops came and took him away.

The L.A. City Attorney's Office has now charged him with 4 misdemeanors -- including stalking and prowling. He's currently sitting in jail on $20,000 bail ... as the LAPD Threat Management team continues to investigate.

Cops say Polanco has a history of ending up at Paris' place -- he allegedly was on her property New Year's Day, and officers say he returned 2 times in August, in addition to the most recent incident in September.

TMZ broke the story, police were called to her home in August for an alleged intruder hanging around her backyard. We're told the model and singer wasn't home at the time, but a friend called the cops when he was seen on the property.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Pulls Capitol Hill Fire Alarm ... Delays Spending Bill Vote

A U.S. congressman pulled a fire alarm on Capitol Hill this weekend right before the House was set to vote on a spending bill in hopes of avoiding a government shutdown.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) copped to the apparent delay tactic Saturday ... with a rep from his office saying, "Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion."

Capitol Police released a photo to the public, which appears to show Bowman pulling down the lever inside the Cannon House Office Building -- adjacent the Capitol itself -- which obviously set off a siren in the building and evacuation to follow. He's now under investigation for the stunt ... and Republicans are slamming as unpatriotic.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he was appalled that Dems would resort to something like this ... accusing them as a party of trying to force the federal government into a freeze.

Now, as for the actual vote itself ... it eventually continued, and a bill proposed by House Republicans actually got enough votes to pass -- which will now get kicked over to the Senate. They gotta vote on it soon ... come midnight, the shutdown goes into effect.

The bill -- which was voted in as a bipartisan, 45-day stopgap -- has a lot of disaster relief funding in it ... but no extra cash for Ukraine, which is something Dems were seeking.

The White House says this House bill should do the trick for now, but they expect McCarthy to bring a separate bill "shortly" to address the Ukraine issue. Time will tell if he does.

If the Senate fails to pass the House's bill, we'll go into a shutdown until Congress reconvenes on Monday. A prolonged shutdown is no bueno for federal workers, not to mention the economy at large. It's happened before, and it could well happen again.

RFK Jr. ¿Va independiente? Al parecer se está preparando

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ha tenido un duro intento de presentarse a las elecciones presidenciales como demócrata, por lo que ahora parece que va a intentar otra manera... como candidato independiente.

La figura política, que ha causado un gran revuelo tratando de desafiar a Joe Biden por la nominación demócrata en los últimos meses, puso los rumores en marcha el viernes con un teaser de su gran anuncio el 9 de octubre, cuando dice que va a tener grandes noticias.

RFK Jr. dará un discurso en Filadelfia ese día y basándonos en lo que está señalando aquí, de seguro suena que va a probar suerte lejos de los demócratas y los republicanos, y seguir su propio camino.

Por cierto, hay informes que sugieren que eso es, de hecho, lo que va a suceder. En cuanto a por qué, bueno, no es ningún secreto... el tipo se ha sentido muy frustrado con el Comité Nacional Demócrata.

Kennedy ha estado pidiendo un debate entre él y Biden desde hace un tiempo, pero el equipo de Joe no ha dado luz verde a la solicitud, al igual que Comité Nacional. La sensación es que no se están tomando en serio su candidatura, pero RFK Jr. insiste en que Joe Biden (el actual presidente) debería ganarse la reelección, pasando primero por él. Ahora, ha encontrado una manera indirecta de irrumpir.

El hecho es que como independiente, Kennedy podría potencialmente hacer daño a la campaña de Joe desviando votos de personas que no necesariamente quieren votar por Biden y prefieren una tercera opción a la de Bernie Sanders, que en realidad nunca hizo lo que RFK aparentemente está a punto de hacer.

Arrestando al impostor
Tik Tok/@teamkennedy2024

Por la misma razón, la independencia de RFK Jr. también podría perjudicar a Trump, porque hay un montón de conservadores a los que les gusta el tipo, así que no está claro a quién podría afectar más.

En cualquier caso, es el último desarrollo en una campaña que ya ha tenido algunos dramas aquí y allá. Un hombre fue arrestado por tratar de infiltrarse en uno de los eventos de RFK como un falso policía y las implicaciones de eso eran aterradoras, teniendo en cuenta su historia familiar personal.

Permanezca atento.

RFK Jr. Going Independent??? Reportedly Gearing Up

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has had a tough go at running for president as a Democrat -- so, now, it sounds like he's gonna try another way ... as an independent candidate.

The polarizing political figure -- who's caused a stir trying to challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination over the past several months -- kicked the rumors into high gear Friday with a teaser to his big announcement on Oct. 9 ... when he says he'll have big news.

RFK Jr. will make a speech in Philly that day -- and based on what he's signaling here ... it sure sounds like going to pivot away from Dems and Republicans, and go his own way.

BTW, there are reports suggesting that is, in fact, what's going to happen. As for why -- well, it's no secret ... dude's been very frustrated with the Democratic National Committee.

Kennedy has been calling on a debate between himself and Biden for a while now ... but Joe's team has brushed the request off, as has the DNC. The feeling is -- they're not taking his candidacy seriously ... but RFK Jr. insists JB (the incumbent) should have to earn re-election by having to go through him first. Now, he's found a roundabout way to disrupt.

Fact is ... as an independent, Kennedy could potentially do damage to Joe's campaign by siphoning away votes from people who don't necessarily wanna vote for Biden and prefer a 3rd option ... a la Bernie Sanders, who never actually did what RFK's apparently about to.

Tik Tok/@teamkennedy2024

By the same token, RFK Jr. going independent could also ding Trump -- 'cause there's tons of conservatives who like the guy ... so it's a bit of a toss-up over who it could hurt more.

In any case, it's the latest development in a campaign that's seen some drama here and there -- a man was arrested for trying to infiltrate one of RFK's events as a fake cop ... and the implications of that were scary, considering his personal family history. Stay tuned.

JADA PINKETT SMITH Reacciona al arresto por el asesinato de Tupac

Jada Pinkett Smith es una de las muchas personas que se alegra de tener a alguien rindiendo cuentas por el asesinato de Tupac Shakur, y así se lo ha hecho saber a sus millones de seguidores.

La actriz utilizó su Instagram el viernes por la noche para subir una reacción corta, pero concisa de las noticias sobre Pac, a saber, el hecho de que Duane 'Keefe D' Davis fue detenido y acusado de asesinato en relación con el caso que sigue abierto en Las Vegas y que se había ido enfriando con los años.

Jada escribe: "Ahora espero que podamos obtener algunas respuestas y tener algún cierre. Que en paz descanses, Pac".

Como hemos dicho, es un mensaje bastante simple de su parte, pero muy significativo, teniendo en cuenta lo mucho que Tupac significaba para Jada y cuán seguido se refiere a él, incluso hasta el día de hoy.

Muchos están familiarizados con la historia de Jada con Pac. Ambos eran muy amigos en los años 80 y 90, época en la que crecieron juntos y se enredaron en la edad adulta.

Jada ha insistido durante mucho tiempo que nunca fue una relación romántica, pero algunos especulan que podría no ser así. De nuevo, ella ha hablado largo y tendido sobre él y recordado su relación públicamente, a tal punto que algunos han levantado una ceja, especialmente después de la bofetada.

El punto es que Tupac, obviamente, significa mucho para Jada y que ella parece aliviada de que este capítulo podría estar llegando a su fin después de años de misterio e intriga.

Como informamos, Keefe D fue acusado de un cargo de asesinato abierto esta semana, solo un par de meses después de la aplicación de la ley que allanó su casa de Las Vegas, como ejecución de una orden de registro.

Su participación en el asesinato ha estado presente desde hace años, sobre la base de sus propias palabras. Él ha hecho un sinnúmero de entrevistas e incluso publicó un libro, todo lo cual parece verlo detallando el golpe a golpe de los disparos. Ahora, tendrá que responder por ello ante un tribunal.

Jada Pinkett Smith Reacts to Tupac Murder Arrest ... Finally, Some Answers

Jada Pinkett Smith is one of many who are happy to have somebody being held to account over the murder of Tupac Shakur -- and she made it known to her millions of followers.

The actress took to Instagram Friday night with a short but concise reaction to the Pac news -- namely, the fact that Duane 'Keefe D' Davis was arrested and charged with murder in connection to the open case out of Las Vegas ... which had seemingly gone cold for years.

JPS writes, "Now I hope we can get some answers and have some closure. R.I.P. Pac."

Like we said ... a fairly simple message on her part, but it's quite meaningful considering how much Tupac meant to Jada -- and how often she references him, even today.

Many are familiar with Jada's history with Pac ... they go way back, and were very close friends back in the '80s and '90s when they grew up together and mingled into adulthood.

Jada has long insisted they were never romantic, but some speculate that might not be the case ... again, she's spoken at length about him and has reminisced about their relationship publicly, to the point some have raised an eyebrow in retrospect -- especially post-slap.

That's neither here nor there ... point is, Tupac obviously means a lot to Jada -- and she seems relieved this chapter might be coming to a close after years of mystery/intrigue.

As we reported ... Keefe D was indicted on an open murder charge this week, just a couple months after law enforcement raided his Vegas-area home upon executing a search warrant.

His involvement in the murder has been out there for years now, based on his own words -- dude's done countless interviews and even published a book ... all of which seem to see him detailing the blow-by-blow of the shooting. Now, he'll have to answer for it in court.