Una empleada de Jack-in-the-Box se puso tensa al tratar con un cliente enojado en el drive-thru. ¡El asunto terminó con ella abriendo fuego!

092623_fast_food_shooting_kal MARCH 2021
buscando el arma

Este intenso video acaba de salir a la luz como parte de una demanda en curso que un hombre llamado Anthony Ramos presentó contra la cadena de comida rápida. El incidente ocurrió en 2021 y Ramos cuenta que el video muestra a una trabajadora de la cadena de comida abrir fuego después de que ella y Ramos tuvieran una discusión sobre las papas fritas.

Básicamente Ramos dice que él y su familia —incluyendo a su esposa embarazada y su hija pequeña— pasó por un Jack-in-the-Box de Houston en marzo de 2021 y pidió una comida combinada para llevar pero cuando le dijo a los empleados que le faltaban algunas cosas comenzaron los problemas.

La discusión llegó a ser tan intensa que Ramos aparentemente empezó a tirar parte de la comida al personal del autoservicio lo que llevó a la empleada Alonniea Fantasia Ford a volver a los recovecos del restaurante sólo para volver con una pistola en la mano.

Las imágenes de vigilancia obtenidas por Ramos y su equipo legal muestran a Ford disparando al menos un par de veces. Luego Ramos huye en su carro.

Por suerte nadie resultó herido, pero Ramos y compañía ahora van tras Jack-in-the-Box alegando que fueron negligentes al contratar a Ford.

Según los informes Ford también ha sido demandada y al parecer también fue detenida por este motivo. Se declaró culpable de un cargo de conducta mortal y ya ha cumplido su condena. Ramos está buscando al menos $250k en daños y perjuicios. pero Jack-In-The-Box no ha respondido todavía.

Jack-In-The-Box Employee Pulls Gun on Angry Customer ... Ready, Aim, Fire!!!

One Jack-in-the-Box employee got wound up a little too tight when dealing with an angry drive-thru customer -- whipping out her gun ... and firing as the customer fled.

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This INSANE footage just surfaced as part of an ongoing lawsuit that a man named Anthony Ramos filed against the fast food chain -- all over a 2021 incident that Ramos says was caught on video showing a JITB worker firing bullets after she and Ramos got into it over curly fries.

Essentially ... Ramos says he and his family -- including his pregnant wife and young daughter -- swung by a Houston-area Jack-in-the-Box in March '21 and ordered a combo meal to go, but when he told the employees he was missing items, things escalated.

The back-and-forth arguing got so intense that Ramos apparently started to chuck some of the food back at the JITB drive-thru crew -- which spurred employee Alonniea Fantasia Ford to head back into the recesses of the restaurant ... only to return with a pistol in hand.

The surveillance footage Ramos and his legal team obtained in discovery seems to show Ford shooting at least a couple times at Ramos/his car -- which speeds away.

Luckily, it doesn't sound like anyone was hurt -- but Ramos and co. are now going after the Jack-in-the-Box ... alleging they were negligent in hiring Ford.

Ford's also reportedly being sued and was reportedly arrested over this as well -- and apparently copped a plea to a deadly conduct charge and already served her sentence. Ramos is seeking at least $250k in damages ... JITB hasn't responded to this clip yet.

Alabama St. Receiver Arrested For Punching Security ... At FAMU Game

Alabama State's Jacob Freeman punched a security guard in the face during Saturday's Florida A&M game, an attack that was caught on video ... and now the wide receiver has been arrested.

The altercation started when Freeman, number 16, lost his cool with a fan on the sidelines ... and seemingly attempted to get to the person. Security attempted to step in and stop JF, which evidently angered the Alabama State player.

That's when Freeman, helmet still on, threw a quick right, landing square on the guard's face, who immediately clutched the area that had been punched.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Video.

On Sunday, Freeman was arrested by the FAMU Police Department, according to the Leon County Sheriff's Office. Freeman was charged with one count of "battery causing bodily harm".

Freeman took a mug shot and was eventually released from jail.

However, he won't be seeing a football field anytime soon ... Bama St. suspended him for his behavior.

"We do not condone the actions of the student-athlete, nor are the actions representative of the expectations set forth by the athletic department and our university," the athletics department said in a statement.

Hornets head coach Eddie Robinson Jr., during a SWAC coaches media call, said Freeman is remorseful, "but at the same time, he has to go through the process of his actions."

Freeman's player profile has seemingly been removed from the school's website.

Cyclist Hit-And-Run Commotion Heard In The Streets ... 911 Audio Reveals


There was a lot of commotion in the moments after the Las Vegas cyclist was intentionally struck and killed ... panic you can hear play out on the 911 call, made by the man's Apple Watch.

In the audio, obtained by TMZ, you can hear 64-year-old Andreas Probst's watch letting the 911 operator know he suffered a hard fall and was unresponsive.

What's more terrifying is the growing panic and chaos that can be heard in the background during the call, the retired police chief was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

That wasn't the only call from that day, however -- remember, cops believe the 2 suspects also hit another cyclist about half an hour before Probst. In that 911 call, you can hear the 72-year-old man tell dispatch the attack was intentional ... saying he could've been killed.

As we reported, 18-year-old Jesus Ayala, who was 17 at the time of the incidents, is now facing 18 counts, including murder ... this after cops say he was the one behind the wheel when Probst was killed.

Footage from the Probst incident was filmed by 16-year-old Jzamir Keys, and it sparked serious outrage after going viral. Officers had a hard time tracking down Keys a month after Probst's death, but he was eventually located and taken into custody, too.

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Officials say Keys was behind the wheel during the non-fatal hit-and-run with the separate cyclist earlier in the day.

Cops say the video shows the hit was intentional ... with Keys encouraging Ayala to hit Probst, and the 2 laugh it off as he lies in the street behind them.

Tory Lanez Upbeat Message From Prison ... Gushes Over New Cell


Tory Lanez cleared up much of the speculation behind his recent inmate transfer, and just like we reported, he’s making the most of the situation!!!

Fans and haters alike were surprised Monday when Tory’s official social media accounts posted a pretty upbeat voice memo from jail where he sounded like he's free as a bird ... even though that's clearly not the case.

As we previously reported, Tory’s celebrity status has him holed up solo inside the Administrative Segregation at North Kern State Prison in Delano, CA … and the “Color Violent” rapper says he’s loving the extra legroom.

North Kern

Tory’s new facility isn’t without its issues -- several people have been killed within the prison this year alone -- but Tory says it’s better than the L.A. county jail where they had him on 24-hour lockdown and in his words, they were “hating” on a G.

Tory thanked his supporters for holding him down and expressed how the situation made him fearless.

He's gonna need that confidence ... Tory's just starting a 10-year sentence for shooting Megan Thee Stallion.

The Canadian native vowed fans would be hearing from him sooner than they think in the form of the "Alone At Prom" deluxe edition which he tucked away for future release.

Nate Diaz New Orleans Street Fight Case Dropped

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Nate Diaz is no longer facing any time behind bars for his role in an altercation on Bourbon Street earlier this year ... prosecutors have just dropped the criminal case against the former UFC star.

A spokesperson for the Orleans Parish District Attorney's office confirmed to TMZ Sports on Monday afternoon that Diaz's second-degree battery charge has been dismissed. No further details surrounding the case's disposition, however, were given.

Diaz's rep, Zach Rosenfield, said in a statement that he was pleased with the decision ... reiterating yet again that he believes when Diaz choked out Rodney Petersen in the middle of the famed New Orleans street back in April, he was doing nothing more than defending himself.

"Since Rodney Peterson sought out to fight Nate on Bourbon Street, we have maintained Nate's actions were 100 percent in self-defense," Rosenfield stated.

"It was clear on the video, clear in pictures and clear from the multiple other videos Rodney posted before and after."

"Nate has a right to defend himself against those who want to make a name for themselves and did so," Rosenfield added.

"We appreciate the Orleans Parish District Attorney taking the time to review all aspects of this case and their decision to not proceed with it."

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DAZN Boxing

Diaz never seemed to be too bothered by the criminal case ... he actually joked about it all with Jake Paul in May -- laughing with the YouTuber/boxer at their pre-fight press conference.

Diaz went on to lose to Paul in their match in August.

Israel Adesanya UFC Star Apologizes For Drunk Driving ... 'It Was Wrong'

Israel Adesanya just issued an apology to his family and beloved fans after pleading guilty to drunk driving ... saying he was wrong to get behind the wheel.

The incident happened on August 19th ... after the 24-3 UFC star had dinner and a few drinks with friends in Auckland, New Zealand.

While driving home, the 34-year-old came across a random breath testing unit ... and allegedly had a reading of 87 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters, which exceeds New Zealand's legal limit of 50 milligrams.

"I want to apologize to the community, my family and my team for the decision I made to get behind the wheel after drinking at a dinner," Adesanya said in a statement.

"I am disappointed with my decision to drive, It was wrong."

Style Bender continued ... "I know that people might follow me and I want them to know I do not think this behavior is acceptable."

Adesanya pleaded guilty in court on Monday ... and is facing a max penalty of three months in jail or a $2,600 fine.

This arrest happened three weeks before Adesanya lost to Sean Strickland at UFC 293 in Sydney, Australia ... which cost him his middleweight title.

His sentencing is scheduled for January 10, 2024.


Un policía del estado de Pensilvania fue arrestado por internar ilegalmente a su ex novia en un psiquiátrico, pero su plan salió mal luego de ser grabado sujetándola violentamente mientras ella rogaba por su liberación.

detención ilegal

Ronald Davis fue detenido el pasado jueves y acusado de delito grave de estrangulamiento, restricción ilegal, detención ilegal, asalto simple, imprudentemente poner en peligro a otra persona y opresión policial.

El Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Dauphin dijo que Davis está casado y tiene familia, pero tenía una "relación íntima" con su ahora ex novia.

Davis supuestamente aseguró ilegalmente una orden de internamiento involuntario y tenía a la mujer interna en un centro de salud mental en contra de su voluntad de acuerdo con una denuncia ante un tribunal penal.

Un amigo acompañó a Davis para grabarlo mientras detenía a la mujer antes de entregar el vídeo al fiscal, que lo hizo público.

Échale un vistazo al perturbador registro... Davis está sentado encima de la mujer, manoseándola en el suelo.

Ella le suplica que la deje, diciendo: "Esto no es normal. ¿Puedo levantarme? No he hecho nada malo, excepto estar en desacuerdo contigo".

La mujer intenta liberarse, luchando con Davis y dándole codazos en la espalda.

Pero Davis es demasiado fuerte y la mantiene bajo su control hasta que llegan más policías y es llevada al hospital para ser evaluada. La mujer pasó cinco días enteros en el pabellón psiquiátrico antes de ser dada de alta, pero no debería haber estado allí en primer lugar.

El fiscal dijo que Davis mantuvo una relación inestable con la mujer durante cuatro meses, amenazándola en un momento dado diciéndole: "Sé que no estás loca, te haré pasar por loca, conozco la ley".

Psychotic Plan PA Trooper Arrested for Illegally Committing Ex To Psych Ward ... Disturbing Video

A Pennsylvania State Police Trooper allegedly had his ex-girlfriend illegally committed to a psych ward, but his crazy plan backfired after he was caught on video violently restraining her as she begged for her release.


Ronald Davis was arrested last Thursday and charged with felony strangulation, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person and official oppression.

The Dauphin County District Attorney said Davis is married with a family, but had an "intimate relationship" with his now former girlfriend.

Davis allegedly unlawfully secured an involuntary commitment order and had the woman tossed in a mental health facility against her will, according to a criminal court complaint.

A friend went along with Davis to record him taking the woman into custody before turning the video over to the D.A., who released it publicly.

Check out the disturbing clip ... Davis is sitting on top of the woman, manhandling her on the ground.

She pleads with him to get off her, telling him, "This isn't normal. Can I please get up? I didn't do anything wrong except disagree with you."

The woman tries to break free, wrestling with Davis and elbowing him in the back.

But, Davis is too strong and keeps her under his control until more cops arrive and she's taken to the hospital to be evaluated. The woman spent five whole days in the psych ward before getting discharged -- but she shouldn't have been there in the first place.

The D.A. said Davis carried on a four-month rocky relationship with the woman, threatening her at one point by saying, "I know you're not crazy, I'll paint you as crazy, I know the law."

Tory Lanez Wants Gen Pop in New Prison ... Not Scared of Dangers

Tory Lanez is isolated in his prison cell, and amid a new, volatile environment, the guy's actually gunning to be among the normie inmates ... and he's not afraid at all.

Ceasar McDowell -- a member of Tory's legal team and the CEO of Unite the People -- tells us he's spoken to TL a few times since he was denied bond pending his appeal, and apparently Tory has a preference on where to be housed at the new facility ... gen pop.

Indeed ... we're told Tory's first choice is to be among the other inmates, as opposed to being siloed away in a protective wing ... where high-profile inmates often go. Instead, McDowell tells us Tory's relayed to him ... he wants to be among the common crowd, which is somewhat shocking.

TMZ broke the story -- Tory's currently isolated because of his celebrity status, getting frequent guard checks and escorts for meals -- but he doesn't want the special treatment ... he wants to be out with everybody else.

It goes without saying ... gen pop is where a lot of danger exists, and where an inmate could more easily run into problems. And despite this, we're told Tory has absolutely no apprehension about his safety ... as McDowell explains Tory thinks he can handle himself.

McDowell tells us that Tory's been fully briefed on prison life from several people in his own world -- and, generally speaking, he's a confident guy. In other words, it sounds like TL thinks he'd be able to fit right in without any problems.

More than this ... we're told there are practical reasons Tory's gunning for a gen Pop placement. An inmate in gen pop tends to have access to more programs and resources (like help/support groups) than the special wing prisoners do ... and McDowell says Tory wants the option to take advantage of those.

North Kern

Unclear which of these Tory might want to join, but what McDowell does tell us is this ... Tory believes being a part of that will help him rehabilitate faster and come home sooner.

Now, while Tory might not fear his own safety in the new prison ... we're told he does have one lingering fear ... the real possibility of losing touch with his loved ones. We're told the communication rules at North Kern State Prison are different than what he had at L.A. County Jail ... where he could call anyone he wanted at any time.

Here, and for the time being, he'll have limited access to the outside world. McDowell says Tory can't make calls himself, but can still receive them from his legal team. This will only be temporary, however, as Tory sits tight in the "reception center" for the next 30 days.

McDowell says once Tory finishes his month in the reception center, he'll head into inmate orientation -- where they'll determine his fate as far as gen pop, etc. In the meantime, Tory's team is working round-the-clock to get a higher court to reverse the bond denial.

TORY LANEZ quiere estar con el resto de los reclusos Sin miedo

Tory Lanez está aislado en su celda de la prisión y con ganas de que lo trasladen con todos los demás.

Ceasar McDowell, un miembro del equipo legal de Tory y el CEO de Unite the People, nos dice que ha hablado con Tory un par de veces desde que se le negó la libertad bajo fianza en espera de su apelación y al parecer Tory tiene una preferencia sobre dónde ser alojado en la nueva instalación... gen pop.

De hecho, nos informaron que la primera opción de Tory es estar entre los otros reclusos en lugar de ser aislado en un ala de protección, donde los reclusos de alto perfil van a menudo. En cambio, McDowell nos dice Tory le ha dicho que quiere estar entre la multitud común, lo cual un poco chocante.

TMZ publicó la historia, Tory está actualmente aislado debido a su estatus de celebridad recibiendo frecuentes controles de guardia y escoltas para las comidas, pero él no quiere el tratamiento especial. Prefiere estar con todo el mundo.

Hay que tener en cuenta que ahí es donde existe más peligro, y donde un recluso podría tener problemas más fácilmente. Y a pesar de esto, se nos dice Tory tiene absolutamente ninguna aprensión por su seguridad, como McDowell explica Tory piensa que puede manejarlo.

McDowell nos dice que Tory ha sido informado sobre la vida en prisión de varias personas de su propio mundo y, en general, es un tipo seguro. En otras palabras, parece que Tory cree que podría encajar sin problemas.

No solo eso, nos informan que hay razones prácticas por las que Tory está intentando que lo trasladen a gen pop. Un recluso en gen pop tiende a tener acceso a más programas y recursos (como grupos de ayuda y apoyo) que los presos del ala especial, y McDowell dice Tory quiere la opción de entrar a alguno de esos programas.

North Kern
la nueva prisión

No está claro a cuál de estos Tory podría unirse, pero lo que McDowell nos dice es que Tory cree que si logra rehabilitarse podría volver a casa más rápido.

Ahora, mientras que Tory podría no temer por su propia seguridad en la nueva prisión, nos informan que tiene un temor persistente... la posibilidad real de perder el contacto con sus seres queridos. Nos dicen que las normas de comunicación en el Norte de Kern State Prison son diferentes a las que tenía en Los Ángeles County Jail, donde podía llamar a quien quisiera en cualquier momento.

Aquí, y por el momento, tendrá acceso limitado al mundo exterior. McDowell dice Tory no puede hacer llamadas, pero todavía puede recibirlas de su equipo legal. Esto sólo será temporal, sin embargo, Tory tiene que permanecer en el "centro de recepción" los próximos 30 días.

McDowell dice que una vez que Tory termine su mes en el centro de recepción, se dirigirá a la orientación de reclusos donde van a determinar su destino en cuanto a gen pop, etc. Mientras tanto, el equipo de Tory está trabajando día y noche para conseguir un tribunal superior para revertir la denegación de bonos.

Julio Urias Presunta víctima de violencia estaba sangrando luego del incidente

La mujer que Julio Urias presuntamente maltrató en un partido de fútbol a principios de este mes tenía la nariz sangrando después del incidente, según han dicho fuentes policiales a TMZ Sports.

Además, tenía marcas de estrangulamiento, así como enrojecimiento en la cara.

El presunto altercado ocurrió el 3 de septiembre en el estadio BMO de Los Ángeles durante el partido entre LAFC y el Inter Miami, y nuestras fuentes policiales dicen que al parecer todo comenzó cuando Urias se estaba tomando fotos con las fans del lugar.

Nos dicen que la mujer que estaba con Urias se molestó con la sesión fotográfica y se fue antes, pero mientras caminaba hacia una puerta, la estrella de los Dodgers se acercó por detrás, puso su brazo alrededor de ella, la golpeó contra una valla y le tiró el pelo.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que luego Urias se habría abalanzado sobre ella, pero aún no se sabe si la habría golpeado. Se nos dice que después el entorno de Urias disolvió la aparente pelea, pero cuando el jugador y la mujer entraron a un servicio de carros más tarde, algo más habría pasado entre ellos, según se le ha informado a la policía.

Como informamos anteriormente, Urias fue arrestado con un cargo de delito grave de violencia doméstica. Por ello pagó una fianza de $50,000.

Los policías dicen que todavía están investigando el incidente y entrevistando a testigos, mientras buscan un video adicional del presunto incidente.

Desde el arresto, los Dodgers se han distanciado del jugador de 27 años, limpiando su taquilla y borrando sus imágenes del Dodger Stadium.

La MLB, por su parte, ha puesto al lanzador en licencia administrativa mientras investiga las acusaciones.

El zurdo, que lanzó por última vez para L.A. el 1 de septiembre, había estado irregular esta temporada, registrando un récord de 11-8 con un ERA de 4,60.

Cops: Julio Urias Alleged Dom. Violence Victim ... Bloodied After Incident

The woman who Julio Urias allegedly roughed up at a soccer match earlier this month had blood coming out of her nose following the incident ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sports.

In addition, we're told the woman also had strangulation marks on her as well as redness on her face.

The alleged altercation happened on Sept. 3 at BMO Stadium in Los Angeles during the LAFC vs. Inter Miami match ... and our law enforcement sources say it appeared to all start after Urias had been taking photos with female fans at the venue.

We're told the woman who was with Urias got upset over the picture-taking ... and left early -- but as she was walking toward a gate, the Dodgers star came up from behind her, put his arm around her, slammed her against a fence, and pulled her hair.

Law enforcement sources tell us Urias then allegedly swung at her ... though it's not yet known if he landed a punch. We're told Urias' entourage then broke up the apparent scuffle -- but when Urias and the woman later got into a car service, cops say they were told something further may have gone down between the couple.

As we previously reported, Urias was arrested at the scene ... and booked on a felony domestic violence charge. He went on to post $50,000 bail.

Cops say they are still investigating the incident ... and we're told they're interviewing witnesses -- while looking for additional video of the alleged incident.

Since the arrest, the Dodgers have distanced themselves from the 27-year-old ... cleaning out his locker and wiping away his images from Dodger Stadium.

The MLB, meanwhile, has placed the pitcher on administrative leave while it investigates the allegations.

The left-hander -- who last pitched for L.A. on Sept. 1 -- had been up and down this season ... logging an 11-8 record with a 4.60 ERA.

Tory Lanez Party Of 1 In Prison ... Lonely Life Behind Bars

Tory Lanez has gotta be feeling lonely inside those prison walls ... because we're told his day-to-day schedule puts him in a solo situation, because of his celeb status.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... the rapper's currently in Administrative Segregation at North Kern State Prison in Delano, CA ... because he's a high-profile inmate.

Our sources say Ad-Seg doesn't come with a whole lotta social interactions -- he's got a cell all to himself -- with frequent checks from guards.

We're told he's escorted to the showers where he bathes by himself, and if he chooses to spend time in the yard, he'll be the only one in the fenced-off area.

He also isn't going to the chow hall like his fellow inmates, so all meals are brought to him -- and, as we reported, he's been chowing down on bologna sandwiches and hard-boiled eggs.

We're also told he's in handcuffs whenever he's escorted out of his cell ... but that's just policy for folks in Ad-Seg.

Remember, Tory arrived at the state prison Tuesday after being sentenced to 10 years for his conviction in the Megan Thee Stallion shooting case.

Keep in mind, this isn't his permanent prison home -- it's a transition prison while authorities determine where he should serve out his sentence.

Tory Lanez Fiesta para uno en prisión Solitaria vida tras las rejas

Tory Lanez se debe estar sintiendo muy solo dentro de los muros de la prisión porque, según nos han dicho, su horario del día a día lo deja en una situación solitaria debido a su estatus de celebridad.

Las fuerzas del orden le dicen a TMZ que el rapero se encuentra en segregación administrativa en North Kern State Prison en Delano, California porque ser de alto perfil.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que este estatus no viene con un montón de interacciones sociales, pero tiene una celda para él solo y recibe frecuentes controles de los guardias.

Nos dicen que es escoltado a las duchas donde se baña él mismo y si decide pasar tiempo en el patio, será el único en la zona vallada.

Tampoco va al comedor como el resto de sus compañeros. Le traen todas las comidas y, como ya informamos, ha estado comiendo sándwiches de mortadela y huevos duros.

También nos dicen que está esposado cada vez que es escoltado fuera de su celda. Pero esa es una política solo para la gente en segregación administrativa.

Hay que recordar que Tory llegó a la prisión estatal el martes después de haber sido condenado a 10 años por el caso de disparos contra Megan Thee Stallion.

Tengan en cuenta que este no es su hogar permanente en la cárcel. Esta es solo su situación actual hasta que averiguar en qué instalación pasará el resto de su condena en.

Danny Masterson Bijou's Divorce Wasn't a Surprise

Bijou Phillip's divorce filing against Danny Masterson seemed shocking considering her very public support of the actor, but behind the scenes, it wasn't a big surprise ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the estranged couple tell TMZ Masterson knew the divorce docs were coming, so he wasn't blindsided as many had suspected. We're told Danny and Bijou's main concern now is to protect their daughter from upcoming appeals and legal challenges.

As we reported, Danny was sentenced to 30 years to life behind bars for two rape convictions.

Many speculated Bijou's divorce filing could be an attempt to protect their daughter's future assets if civil lawsuits follow ... though the exact reason she filed is still unclear.

As we reported, Bijou was steadfast in her support of Danny throughout his trial ... even writing a letter to the judge and praising Danny for his character and her trust in him as a father and partner.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis also wrote letters of support for Masterson, but faced heavy backlash from the public ... Ashton stepped down from the anti-child trafficking organization he co-founded in wake of the anger.