Escaped Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante Survived On Watermelon ... Concealed Poop During 14-Day Manhunt

Pennsylvania prison escapee Danelo Cavalcante kept himself alive and under the radar during his two weeks on the lam by scarfing down fruit and drinking water from creeks -- while hiding his poop to avoid detection.

Cavalcante gave investigators a window into his method of survival for 14 days in the forest after he was nabbed Wednesday by a large contingent of police officers and federal marshals in rural Chester County.


The convicted murderer said he stayed out of sight by primarily moving around at night, burying himself under thick brush and covering his poop with leaves, according to Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshall Robert Clark, who was involved in the manhunt.

Fox News

Clark appeared on Chris Cuomo's NewsNation show Wednesday night, saying Cavalcante had a few close calls with officers, who almost stepped on him while he was under the thickets. In fact, the tactical team was only 7-to-8 yards away from Cavalcante on three occasions.

What's more, Cavalcante hung around the same area for several days, scarfing down watermelons from a farm and drinking water from streams.

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In late August, Cavalcante broke out of Chester County Prison, scaling a wall and climbing over razor wire before dashing across a roof and jumping to the ground below to make his escape. A fugitive task force searched high and low for him as Pennsylvania was gripped with fear.

Now that Cavalcante's back in custody -- and cooling his heels in state prison -- everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

Preso fugado Danelo Cavalcante Sobrevivió a base de sandía... Ocultó sus heces 14 días!!!

Danelo Cavalcante, preso fugado de una cárcel de Pensilvania, se mantuvo con vida y bajo el radar a base de fruta y agua de los arroyos durante sus dos semanas de fuga, al tiempo que ocultaba sus excrementos para evitar ser detectado.

Cavalcante dio a los investigadores una ventana a su método de supervivencia de 14 días en el bosque después de que fuera atrapado este miércoles por un gran contingente de agentes de policía y alguaciles federales en el condado rural de Chester.

huyendo de la ley

El asesino convicto dijo que se mantenía fuera de la vista moviéndose principalmente durante la noche. Se enterraba bajo la espesa maleza y cubría sus heces con hojas, según el ayudante del U.S. Marshall Robert Clark, que participó en la persecución.

atrapado y bajo custodia
Fox News

Clark apareció en el programa NewsNation, de Chris Cuomo, el miércoles por la noche, y dijo que Cavalcante estuvo muy cerca de los agentes en varios momentos, quienes estuvieron a punto de pillarlo mientras estaba bajo la espesura. De hecho, el equipo táctico estuvo a solo 7 u 8 metros de Cavalcante en tres ocasiones

Además de eso, el prófugo estuvo varios días en la misma zona, comiendo sandías de una granja y bebiendo agua de los arroyos.

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adelante y arriba

A finales de agosto, Cavalcante se fugó de la prisión del condado de Chester, escalando un muro y trepando por encima de una alambrada antes de lanzarse por un tejado y saltar al suelo para escapar. Un grupo especial de fugitivos lo buscó por todas partes mientras el miedo se apoderaba de Pensilvania.

Ahora que Cavalcante está de nuevo bajo custodia -y relajando sus talones en la prisión estatal- todo el mundo puede respirar aliviado.


El presunto acosador de Drew Barrymore —un hombre llamado Chad Michael Busto— fue arrestado de nuevo y esta vez parece que ha dirigido su atención a otra celebridad... Emma Watson.

Busto fue arrestado el viernes en la ciudad de Nueva York, la policía dijo que irrumpió en un camerino en un show de NYFW (New York Fashion Weeky) y exigió ver a la estrella de "Harry Potter".

Según los documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, Busto le gritó a las modelos y maquilladores dentro del camerino de Brooklyn Navy Yard diciéndoles repetidamente: "Quiero casarme con Emma Watson. Déjenme hablar con Emma Watson. Déjenme tomarme una foto con Emma Watson".

No está claro si Emma estaba en el camerino o incluso en el desfile de la NYFW.

El tipo terminó siendo arrestado después de que la dirección llamara a la policía y ahora ha sido acusado de 2 cargos de alteración del orden público y 2 cargos de allanamiento de morada.

Recordemos que Busto fue detenido por aparecer en la finca de Drew en Hampton el mes pasado, con la policía diciendo que iba de puerta en puerta en busca de la actriz.

TMZ publicó la historia; el martes pasado un juez emitió una orden de detención contra Busto después de que la policía dijera que no se presentó para obtener un monitor GPS de tobillo que se requería después de su detención en la casa de Drew.

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aparece el acosador

Busto apareció por primera vez en el radar de Drew cuando se precipitó a un escenario de Nueva York el mes pasado cuando ella estaba entrevistando a la cantante y actriz Reneé Rapp.

No es muy diferente de lo que la policía nos cuenta que hizo en un esfuerzo por llegar a Emma.

DREW BARRYMORE Obsessed Fan Arrested ... While Seeking OUT EMMA WATSON!!!

Drew Barrymore's alleged stalker, a man named Chad Michael Busto, got arrested again and this time it sounds like he's turned his attention to another celeb ... Emma Watson.

Busto was busted Friday in New York City, with police saying he stormed into a dressing room at a NYFW show and demanded to see the 'Harry Potter' star.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, Busto screamed at models and makeup artists inside the Brooklyn Navy Yard dressing room, repeatedly telling them, "I want to marry Emma Watson. Let me speak to Emma Watson. Let me take a photo with Emma Watson."

It's unclear if Emma was in the dressing room or even at the NYFW show.

The guy ended up getting arrested after management called cops, and he's now been charged with 2 counts of disorderly conduct and 2 counts of trespassing.

Remember, Busto was arrested for popping up at Drew's Hamptons estate last month, with police saying he was going door to door looking for her place.

TMZ broke the story ... last Tuesday, a judge issued a bench warrant for Busto's arrest after cops say he failed to show up to get a GPS ankle monitor ... which was required after his arrest at Drew's place.

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Busto first got on Drew's radar when he rushed a NYC stage last month as she was interviewing singer/actress Reneé Rapp.

Not all that different from what cops say he did in effort to get to Emma.

Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante Manhunt's K-9 Hero Had Tricky Task ... Got Rigorous Training


The K-9 that subdued escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante -- to end a 2-week long manhunt  -- had a massive area to search, but one law enforcement expert says the pup is the perfect officer for the job.

Michael Gould used to train K-9's for NY police departments, and he joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to explain the training thsese 4-legged officers go through to locate an escapee -- and he says Cavalcante's capture played out almost perfectly.

Michael says dogs go through a lot of training to learn to pick up on a human scent, and he tells us why Cavalcante waiting out in the woods for an extended period made it possible for the pup to sniff him out.

We also talked with Michael about the potential of a dog subduing a suspect like Cavalcante, and turning to deadly force if its trainer isn't nearby.

While he thinks it's natural for people to resist while being chomped on, a simple voice command from the trainer could call off a dog.

As we reported, Cavalcante, who is a convicted murderer, was arrested Wednesday morning by SWAT teams and a Border Patrol Tactical Unit in Pennsylvania after 14 days of hunting. The K-9 left a minor bite wound on his scalp while he tried to break free.

Fox News

Cavalcante scaled a wall at Chester County Prison at the end of August -- climbing over razor wire and running across a roof before jumping to the ground below to make his escape.

Pacman Jones Incidente de avión captado en video Ex estrella de la NFL cree que lo reivindica

el altercado

TMZ Sports obtuvo imágenes del incidente que condujo a la detención de Adam "Pacman" Jones en un aeropuerto. Estas muestran cómo la ex estrella de la NFL se calienta con los asistentes de vuelo y los pasajeros antes de ser expulsado del avión, pero el ex Bengala cree que el video demuestra que no hizo nada malo.

Jones, de 39 años, se dirigía a Nueva Jersey desde la zona de Cincinnati para asistir al partido entre los New York Jets y los Buffalo Bills el lunes por la mañana, cuando pidió que lo cambiaran de asiento debido a un enchufe eléctrico defectuoso.

En los videos se escucha a Pacman discutir con los auxiliares de vuelo sobre los problemas técnicos, hasta que en un momento dado, estos le explican que el avión volverá de regreso a la puerta de embarque debido a su comportamiento.

A lo largo de la discusión con el asistente, Pacman se defiende diciendo que simplemente estaba tratando de cambiarse a un asiento que funcionara. Las fuentes nos dicen que Pacman esperaba cargar su iPad para poder repasar sus notas del partido del Monday Night Football, el que tenía programado cubrir más tarde esa misma noche.

Mientras el avión se devolvía a la puerta de embarque, Pacman se enfadó por todo el incidente, insultando y discutiendo con los pasajeros que estaban enfadados por el retraso.

De hecho, se oye a Jones referirse a varios de ellos como "chiflados", alardeando de su riqueza y preguntándose por qué nadie lo respaldaba.

Cuando el avión volvió a la puerta de embarque, Jones fue recibido por agentes de la policía del Aeropuerto Internacional de Northern Kentucky, quienes lo detuvieron.

Jones fue fichado por alteración del orden público, intoxicación etílica y amenazas terroristas. Pero él nos dice que los cargos son falsos.

"No amenacé a nadie", dice Pacman a TMZ Sports. "No estaba borracho. Y como muestra claramente el video, fui yo quien fui maltratado".

antes del arresto

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Pacman siente que fue una falta de respeto la forma en que fue tratado, así cómo el modo en que desarrollaron las cosas. Y él es firme en decir que no perdió la calma hasta que los asistentes amenazaron con echarlo del avión.

Pacman Jones Airplane Incident Caught On Video ... Ex-NFL Star Believes It Vindicates Him


TMZ Sports has obtained footage of the incident that led to Adam "Pacman" Jones' arrest ... showing the ex-NFL star getting heated with flight attendants and passengers before being booted from his flight -- but the former Bengal believes the video proves he did nothing wrong.

39-year-old Jones was heading to New Jersey from the Cincinnati area for the New York Jets vs. Buffalo Bills game early Monday morning ... when he asked to change seats due to a faulty electric outlet.

In the clips, Pacman is heard going back and forth with flight attendants about the technical issues ... and at one point, they explain the aircraft will be taken back to the gate due to his behavior.

Throughout his argument with one attendant, Pacman defends himself ... saying he was simply trying to relocate to a seat that worked. Sources tell us Pacman was hoping to charge his iPad so he could go over his notes for the Monday Night Football matchup he was slated to cover later that night.

As the plane was heading back to the gate, Pacman sounded off over the debacle ... cussing and bickering with pissed-off passengers who were upset about the delay.

In fact, Jones is heard referring to several travelers as "crackers" ... bragging about his wealth and asking why no one backed him up.

Once the plane got back to the gate, Jones was met by Northern Kentucky International Airport police officers, who took him into custody.

Jones was booked for disorderly conduct, alcohol intoxication and terroristic threats ... but he tells us the charges are bogus.

"I did not threaten anyone," Pacman tells TMZ Sports. "I was not drunk. And, as the video clearly shows, I was the one who was mistreated."


Our sources say Pacman feels disrespected with how he was treated, and how things played out ... and he's adamant he didn't lose his cool until the attendants threatened to kick him off the plane.

el prófugo DANELO CAVALCANTE ¡CAPTURADO! Luego de 14 días de persecución

capturado y a prisión
Fox News

El prófugo Danelo Cavalcante ha sido capturado luego de una masiva y alocada persecución de dos semanas que hizo temer a todo el estado de Pensilvania.

Cavalcante, un asesino convicto, fue detenido el miércoles sin incidentes por un equipo SWAT en la misma zona rural donde entró en una casa y robó un rifle después de recibir un disparo por el residente.

Se desconocía su estado tras 14 días de fuga, pero en un vídeo se le veía alerta y receptivo mientras estaba detenido.

En un momento dado, un gran grupo de los agentes que participaron en su captura se reunieron alrededor de Danelo para posar para una foto con el fugitivo capturado.

Las imágenes también muestran a agentes con uniforme militar que esposan a Cavalcante y lo introducen en la parte trasera de un camión blindado negro. El camión se alejó calle abajo con las luces rojas parpadeando.

La buena noticia llega luego de que un equipo especializado en fugitivos buscara a Cavalcante por toda Pensilvania. Aunque se produjeron varios avistamientos, Cavalcante consiguió eludir la captura, hasta hoy.

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el momento de la fuga

Cavalcante escapó el 31 de agosto escalando un muro del patio de recreo de la prisión del condado de Chester. Trepó por encima del alambre de espino, corrió por el tejado y saltó al suelo.

Escaped Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante CAPTURED!!! ... After 14-Day Manhunt

Fox News

2:08 PM PT -- We've obtained Danelo Cavalcante's booking photo, it appears he's been washed off and clean-shaven ... and will now get used to life in a cell once again.


11:58 AM PT -- Police say a K-9 "subdued" Cavalcante, leaving a minor bite wound on his scalp as he tried to break free. Shortly after, police moved in and brought him into custody.


Pennsylvania escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante has been captured ... this, after a massive, crazy two-week manhunt that put the entire state in fear.

Cavalcante, a convicted murderer, was arrested Wednesday without incident by Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) and SWAT teams in the same rural town where he broke into a home and stole a rifle after getting shot at by the resident.

His condition after 14 days on the lam was not known, but video appeared to show him conscious and alert while in custody.

At one point, a large group of the officers involved in his capture all gathered around Danelo to pose for a pic with the captured fugitive.

The footage also captured officers in military gear handcuffing Cavalcante and leading him into the back of a black armored truck. The truck then took off down the street with its red lights flashing.

The good news comes after a fugitive task force had been looking under every rock in Pennsylvania for Cavalcante. While there were a number of sightings, Cavalcante managed to elude capture ... until today.

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Cavalcante made his getaway August 31 when he scaled a wall in the recreational yard at Chester County Prison. He climbed over razor wire, ran across a roof and jumped to the ground below, fleeing the area.

Originally Published -- 6:19 AM PT

AD Gunna Will Be Fine at L.A. Concert ... Snitching Drama's Over

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Gunna's return to Los Angeles will be just as smooth sailing as his NYC one ... at least according to AD, who feels the saga of Gunna's alleged snitching is officially in his rearview!!!

We got Mr. Cuhmunity himself Tuesday at LAX where he noted one tidbit about Gunna's upcoming L.A. sold-out show -- the people obsessed with street gossip about snitching aren't the ones buying tickets to Gunna's concerts.

Gunna filled Barclays Center with fans last weekend ... a good indicator he can successfully tour again as a solo artist.

The embattled YSL rapper was harassed in public this summer -- and AD says that's just the side-effect of Gunna getting sprung from jail early, as the public was still weighing in on why he got out.

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Now, AD didn't exactly cop to pushing play on Gunna's music himself, but admitted he hears it out at all the poppin' spots around town.

He did, however, make it clear it's still "Free Young Thug" all day, every day on his end.

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The Cuhmunity crew have their own variety show at the Novo in November with their homies on Figgs. They're trying to get some of that bread and butter like Gunna!!!

Brittney Griner Wins AP Comeback Player of the Year ... After Russia Arrest

Brittney Griner is adding another accolade to her resume ... the Phoenix Mercury star has just won AP Comeback Player of the Year honors -- some nine months after she returned to the United States from Russian detainment.

The Mercury announced the award on Tuesday ... revealing the 6-foot-9 center would share the hardware with Lynx forward Napheesa Collier, who came back to Minnesota this season after sitting out last year to give birth to her first child.

As we reported, Griner was arrested in February 2022 after Russian authorities said she had hash oil in her luggage at an airport. She was eventually sentenced to nine years in prison in the case, though she was set free following a prisoner swap for arms dealer Viktor Bout.

A couple months after she landed back on U.S. soil -- she signed a one-year deal with the Mercury -- and she shined in her return to the hardwood ... averaging 17.5 points, 6.3 rebounds and 2.2 assists per game.

The season wasn't without its lows, however ... she did battle injuries, and she took a few games off for a mental health break. She also infamously had a run-in with a troll at an airport.

But, she was selected to her ninth WNBA All-Star team regardless ... and last week, when reflecting on the season, she told media members, "I tell you one thing, it's not good being at the end of the standings but it's better than where I was a year go, that's for sure."

Earlier Tuesday, Breanna Stewart took home AP Player Of The Year honors ... while Aces star Alysha Clark won Sixth Woman of the Year. Sun honcho Stephanie White won Coach of the Year ... and 2023 first overall pick Aliyah Boston won Rookie of the Year.

The AP awards are separate from the WNBA's. Those accolades are slated to be announced during the org.'s postseason, which starts on Wednesday.

nadie piensa que el prófugo es un héroe popular Dice U.S. Marshal retirado

no es un héroe

El hombre que se escapó de la cárcel en Pennsylvania y que actualmente está en la carrera no es el Robin Hood de la gente, y probablemente lo capturen pronto. Esas son las palabras de un ex U.S. Marshal.

Hablamos con Art Roderick el martes en "TMZ Live" y le preguntamos al veterano oficial— que ha trabajado en casos como este con anterioridad— si Danelo Cavalcante está preparado para eludir a las autoridades para siempre, teniendo en cuenta que ha estado sin capturar durante casi 2 semanas.

Roderick cree que el fugitivo será llevado ante la justicia, sin embargo, reconoce que las cosas están empezando a verse un poco complicadas teniendo en cuenta que su ubicación está en constante cambio. Además, la única forma de hacer el seguimiento es por medio de la gente que lo ha visto y pronosticando a donde se dirige.

Dicho esto, Roderick confía en que Cavalcante será detenido y que es sólo cuestión de tiempo.

Por supuesto, el último desarrollo es preocupante, Cavalcante se robó un rifle de una casa en un pequeño pueblo de Pensilvania. Así que ahora está armado y es peligroso, lo que sin duda complica las cosas.

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el momento de la fuga

Roderick reconoce la gravedad de la situación, pero confía en que este tipo no quiere hacerle daño a nadie, lo más probable es que esté intentando huir del país.

A la pregunta de si los lugareños podrían aceptar su historia de bandido en la línea de los antihéroes estadounidenses como D.B. Cooper, Roderick responde que la gente de la zona sabe muy bien que no es un buen tipo y no lo aceptarán.

Para su información, Calvacante es un asesino convicto y se escapó de la prisión del condado de Chester en una de las fugas más descaradas en mucho tiempo.

Escaped PA Inmate Not Viewed as Folk Hero ... Says Retired U.S. Marshal


The man who escaped prison in Pennsylvania -- and who's currently on the run -- ain't no Robin Hood of the people, and he'll likely be caught soon ... so says a former U.S. Marshal.

We talked to Art Roderick Tuesday on "TMZ Live" and asked the veteran law enforcement official -- who's worked on cases like this one before -- if Danelo Cavalcante is primed to elude the authorities for good, considering he's gone uncaptured for almost 2 weeks.

Roderick tells us he does believe this fugitive will be brought to justice eventually, however ... he does acknowledge it's starting to look a little murky considering their ever-changing perimeters based on where this guy is spotted and where he might realistically be heading.

With that said ... Roderick is confident Cavalcante is going to be apprehended, and that it's just a matter of time.

Of course, the latest development is a concerning one -- Cavalcante snagged a rifle from someone's home in a small PA town. So, now, he's armed and dangerous ... which certainly ups the ante.

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Roderick acknowledges the severity of the situation, but says he's confident this guy probably isn't out to hurt anyone -- in all likelihood, he's probably trying to flee the country.

On the question of whether locals might embrace his bandit-esque story -- in the vein of American antiheroes like D.B. Cooper -- Roderick halts that notion in its tracks, saying people in that area know damn well this isn't a good guy, and will not embrace him.

FWIW, Calvacante is a convicted murderer ... and he crab-walked his way out of Chester County Prison in one of the brashest escapes in a long time.

Caos en una boda pelea contra la policía Todo capturado en video

una boda salvaje

Una celebración se convirtió en caos cuando una boda en Rhode Island terminó en una pelea sin cuartel con los agentes de policía... y todo está en video.

Media docena de miembros de la fiesta de la boda fueron detenidos la madrugada del domingo después de una pelea con la policía fuera de un restaurante de Newport. Las imágenes muestran cómo el incidente pasó de una interacción tensa a un combate brutal.

En el vídeo, los puñetazos lanzados por ambas partes vuelan y se conectan y una mujer con un vestido naranja —que la policía identificó más tarde como Alexandra Flaherty— se ve pateando a un policía en la ingle.

Otra mujer de la boda queda inconsciente y cae al suelo cuando un agente la reduce.

En el informe obtenido por TMZ, el policía dice que la mujer estaba por alcanzar su arma de fuego cuando se dio la vuelta y le lanzó un puñetazo que conectó con su mandíbula. La policía dice que la mujer —más tarde identificada como Rachael Onik— finalmente tomó conciencia y fue detenida.

La policía dice que el marido de Rachael, David Onik, inició todo el asunto luego de que se le negara la entrada a un bar. La policía dice que David se puso violento con el personal del bar y llamaron a la policía.

La policía dice que cuando los oficiales llegaron a hablar con David, su esposa "comenzó a meterse en el incidente y a no cooperar" y cuando un oficial trató de hacerla retroceder, tropezó en la calle empedrada. Ahí es donde el vídeo recoge y se desata el desastre.

Las imágenes también muestran a un hombre con traje y corbata al que la policía identificó más tarde como Robert Nash, golpeando a un policía en la cara, tirándolo al suelo y golpeándolo después.

Cuando se calmaron los ánimos, tres hombres y tres mujeres fueron detenidos y acusados de delitos penales.

Wedding Party Fights Police In Wild Video!!!


Celebration turned to chaos as a Rhode Island wedding party got into an all-out brawl with police officers ... and it's all on video.


Half a dozen members of the wedding party were arrested early Sunday morning following a melee with cops outside a Newport restaurant ... and footage shows the incident escalating from a tense interaction to straight-up combat.

In the video, punches thrown by both sides fly and connect ... and a woman in an orange dress, who police later identified as Alexandra Flaherty, is seen kicking a cop in the groin.

Another woman in the wedding party gets knocked out cold ... hitting the deck when an officer throws her to the ground.

In the police report, obtained by TMZ, the cop says the woman was reaching for his firearm when he turned around and threw a punch connecting with her jaw. Police say the woman, later identified as Rachael Onik, eventually became conscious and was arrested.

Cops say Rachael's husband, David Onik, started the whole thing when he threw a fit after being denied entry to a bar. Police say David got physical with bar staff, who called the cops.

Police say when officers arrived to talk to David, his wife "began injecting herself into the incident and becoming uncooperative" ... and when an officer tried to move her back, she tripped on the cobblestone street. That's where the video picks up and all hell breaks loose.

Footage also shows a man in a suit and tie, who police later identified as Robert Nash, punching a cop in the face, taking him to the ground and then pummeling him.

When the dust settled, three men and three women were arrested and hit with criminal charges.

Prófugo irrumpe en una casa Se roba un rifle y el residente... abre fuego

La persecución del prófugo de Pensilvania ha dado un giro inesperado, al parecer, el asesino irrumpió en una casa y le dispararon mientras robaba un rifle.

El lunes por la noche, Danelo Cavalcante forzó la entrada de su casa en East Nantmeal Township, un pequeño pueblo en la zona rural de Pensilvania, según Fox 29 Philadelphia.

El medio de comunicación informó de que el residente sacó una pistola y disparó 7 tiros a alguien que encajaba con la descripción de Cavalcante. El ladrón se dio a la fuga, pero no antes de llevarse el rifle del calibre 22 del interior de la casa.

Los investigadores no pudieron confirmar si el hombre que se creía que era Cavalcante resultó herido, pero dijeron que sus zapatillas podrían haberse encontrado cerca. La policía considera ahora a Cavalcante armado y peligroso, y ha cerrado una escuela debido a la amenaza que representa.

TMZ publicó la noticia, Dog the Bounty Hunter podría unirse a las autoridades en su búsqueda masiva del asesino convicto que fue condenado a cadena perpetua luego de apuñalar mortalmente a su ex novia en 2021.

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el escape

Cientos de agentes que forman parte de un grupo especializado en fugitivos, están buscando a Cavalcante por todos los rincones del estado. Se han producido varios avistamientos la última semana, pero ninguno de ellos ha conducido a su captura.

Cavalcante se dio a la fuga el 31 de agosto cuando escaló un muro del patio de recreo de la prisión del condado de Chester. Trepó por encima del alambre de espino, corrió por un tejado y saltó al suelo, ganando así su libertad.

Esperemos que sea sólo temporal.