Príncipe Guillermo Continúa con sus obligaciones reales Tras escándalo de Kate

Mientras Kate Middleton sigue lidiando con las consecuencias del escándalo de su foto, el príncipe Guillermo está actuando como un miembro Real y haciendo cosas Reales.

El Príncipe de Gales estuvo en Frameless London el lunes, una atracción turística de experiencias multisensoriales con un montón de exposiciones de arte, donde se codeó con participantes del llamado Earthshot Prize Launchpad, una iniciativa sobre el cambio climático.

El Príncipe Guillermo habló durante el evento y conversó con los ecologistas. Las fotos de su salida fueron publicadas en la cuenta oficial que él y Kate tienen en redes sociales.

El problema es que todo el mundo solo está pensando en una cosa en lo que respecta a William y Kate, y es en la foto editada que publicaron el fin de semana, que luego se reveló que estaba alterada, algo por lo que la misma Kate asumió la responsabilidad.

Hay una nueva ola de teorías conspirativas en las redes sociales, y a pesar del frenesí sobre su paradero y condición, Bill está aquí como si nada hubiera pasado.

Incluso antes de este evento climático, William apareció para un servicio de la Commonwealth junto a la reina Camilla y allí también parecía que todo andaba bien.

Mientras William llegaba a este último evento, él y Kate fueron fotografiados en el carro en dirección a Windsor, pero Kate estaba de lado, mirando por la ventana.

Por supuesto, después de que admitiera que editó su foto del Día de la Madre, hay más especulación e intriga que nunca luego de que desapareciera del ojo público desde hace meses y provocara la preocupación sobre su estado de salud.

El Palacio de Kensington se ha negado a hacer más comentarios sobre lo que alteró exactamente Kate de la foto y cómo, pero mucha gente ha hecho conjeturas sobre ello.

Mientras tanto, el príncipe Guillermo parece tener su cabeza en la arena, y mirando hacia otro lado.

Prince William Keeps Plugging Along with Duties Amid Kate's Photo Scandal

As Kate Middleton continues to deal with the fallout from her photo scandal -- Prince William is just ... well, being a Royal and doing Royal things.

The Prince of Wales was out and about Monday at Frameless London -- a multi-sensory experience tourist attraction with a bunch of cool art exhibitions -- where he was hobnobbing with folks for something called Earthshot Prize Launchpad ... a climate change initiative.

PW spoke during the event ... and he was seen chopping it up with environmentalists. Photos of his outing here were posted to his and Kate's official Royal social media account too.

The problem ... everybody around the world is only focused on one thing as it pertains to William and Kate -- and that would be this edited photo they posted over the weekend, which has now been revealed to be altered ... something Kate herself took the blame for.

There's a fresh round of conspiracy theories all over social media ... and despite this frenzy over her whereabouts and condition, Bill's out here just carrying on like nothing's happening.

Even before his climate event, William showed up for a Commonwealth service alongside Queen Camilla -- and there, too, he looked like nothing was amiss ... just business as usual.

As William was arriving at the latter event ... he and Kate were actually snapped in the car heading on over from Windsor, but Kate was turned to the side -- looking out a window.


Of course, with her admitting that she edited her Mother's Day photo ... there's more speculation and intrigue than ever before ... this after she's been out of the public eye for months now, with mounting concern over her well-being.

Kensington Palace has refused to comment further on what exactly Kate altered in the picture, and how -- but a lot of people have taken educated guesses on what she did.

Meanwhile, Prince William seems to have his head in the sand ... and looking the other way.

BAM MARGERA Heated Spat with Fiancée Out of Concern He Had Relapsed

In A Bam Romance

Bam Margera got into a loud argument with his fiancée that was caught on camera, and while it looked and sounded like they were at each other's throats ... Bam says it actually stemmed out of love.

The former "Jackass" star was arguing with Dannii Marie last Thursday outside of a Nashville hotel -- not long after he'd injured himself in a skate stunt that left him with a torn MCL and ACL.

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Bam Bangs Knee

In the video, obtained by TMZ, you can see Bam and Dannii shouting at each other -- it's a heated conversation, for sure, but Bam tells us all is well in their relationship.

He says the argument started after he stepped outside for a smoke break ... we're told Dannii apparently thought he was trying to sneak away to use hard drugs, as he has in the past.

Fact is, a lot of online trolls have speculated Bam might relapse after his injury if he were prescribed pain meds. We're told Dannii found Bam outside in the alley, and confronted him about that very possibility thinking the worst, but he insists the only thing he lit up was a cig.

Long story short ... Bam says Dannii was simply expressing concern for him, and he absolutely appreciates his woman looking out for his best interests. He credits her with keeping him on the straight and narrow with his sobriety.


Bam says he took a urine test that day to reassure Dannii he was clean, and he tells us he remains substance-free even to this day -- marking 6 months of sobriety.

Bam's manager Mike Quinn tells TMZ... "Good news, Bam remains sober. The personal incident outside a hotel, involving Bam and his fiancée, Dannii, stemmed from Dannii's concern for Bam's wellbeing. This misunderstanding between the couple was resolved positively, as expected moments later. Bam continues to take his regular voluntary urine tests to confirm his sobriety."

Now, Bam's on the mend with Dannii by his side, and even if they argue about his addiction issues ... he says they're absolutely going strong as a couple.

AEW Stars CJ Perry & Miro Relationship Over ... After 7+ Years Of Marriage

CJ Perry and Miro have called it quits on their marriage 7+ years after tying the knot ... and unfortunately for the two wrestling stars, this isn't part of an AEW storyline.

TMZ Sports has learned the famous, now-former couple -- who also play a married couple in the ring -- broke up once and for all in winter 2023 ... after years of an on-again, off-again relationship.

The couple said their "I dos" in July 2016 ... a couple of years after they began dating.

We reached out to Perry, formerly known as Lana in WWE, who confirmed the split.

"Miro and I have made the difficult decision to separate after many wonderful years together,  and have decided to move on as friends, and hopefully onscreen characters somewhere down the road," CJ told us.

As for what went wrong, our sources say there wasn't an explosive fight or cheating ... they simply grew apart over the years.

In fact, we're told Perry and Miro, known as Rusev in World Wrestling Entertainment, remain friends and still plan to work together in the future.

It's likely music to the ears of the executives at All Elite Wrestling -- where both are employed -- as the wrestling stars have portrayed themselves as a married couple going back a decade to WWE, through present-day AEW.

CJ and Miro, a former AEW TNT and 3x WWE United States champion, were last photographed out together in public in late 2022... and it's been a couple of months since they've wrestled together on TV.

Neither Perry nor Miro have yet filed for divorce.

Miro moved back to Bulgaria shortly after the couple called it quits.

SUZANNE SOMERS' Husband Okay w/ Oscars 'In Memoriam' Snub ... I Respect It!!!

Suzanne Somers' omission from the Oscars' "in memoriam" main segment left many fans livid ... but her husband is saying he's all good with the Academy's decision to leave her out.

Alan Hamel explains his POV to TMZ ... saying, "Last time I checked, we still had a First Amendment. I respect the Academy's decision to not include Suzanne In Memoriam. Frankly, the outpouring from millions of her fans, was the kind of In Memoriam Suzanne would have lovingly embraced."

He adds, "She adored and respected her Fans and similarly enjoyed a beautiful relationship with the Media and Paparazzi who elevated her career to heights rarely seen. She debuted on Carson in 1973 with her first of 27 books and remained active and relevant until her passing. God bless Suzanne Somers."

In addition to Somers, actors Lance Reddick, Treat Williams, Ron Cephas Jones, and Burt Young were also overlooked during the main event ... as were screenwriter Norman Lear and British filmmaker Terence Davies.

Suzanne's name was only included in the last slide of the segment, but it was written in a small font along with the names of other late stars. She wasn't shown as one of the main stars who were honored with their faces shown.

As we reported ... Suzanne -- famous from "Three's Company" and a bunch of other TV shows/movies -- passed away after a long battle with cancer at her home in October.

The legendary actress was first diagnosed with melanoma in 2000 ... and developed breast cancer shortly after which she battled on and off for years. It fully returned in the summer of 2023 ... months before her tragic death.

Suzanne was also well-known for TV roles in "Starsky and Hutch" and "Hollywood Wives" and her movie roles included "American Graffiti", "The Nutty Professor," "Say It Isn't So" and more.

TAYLOR y TRAVIS BAJO PERFIL En fiesta posterior a los Oscar

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce pueden haber fracasado en hacer su debut en la alfombra roja como pareja en los Oscar 2024, pero al menos se presentaron para una fiesta posterior.

TMZ ha confirmado que la estrella del pop y el semental de la NFL pasaron por la fiesta exclusiva de Madonna y Guy Oseary's post Oscars en una residencia privada en Hollywood Hills el domingo por la noche, donde no se permitían fotos en el interior.

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Por supuesto, British Vogue publicó una serie de fotos de estrellas que aparecieron y posaron en lo que parece ser un área designada para sesiones de fotos, la cual tenía varios recortes divertidos, entre otras cosas.

Algunas de las estrellas que fueron fotografiadas incluyeron a Robert De Niro, Matthew McConaughey, Jodie Turner-Smith, Lenny Kravitz, Salma Hayek y otros. Cabe destacar que Taylor y Travis no formaron parte de la alineación de fotos, pero están mencionados como invitados famosos que participaron.

Como dijimos, fuentes con conocimiento directo nos informan que, de hecho, estuvieron allí, aunque parece que hicieron un esfuerzo consciente por no ser vistos o fotografiados, lo cual resulta interesante.

La llegada de Taylor y Travis a Los Ángeles se produce después de los seis conciertos agotados en Singapur como parte de su gira "Eras", que concluyó el pasado fin de semana. Parece que estaban listos para salir de allí y regresar a Estados Unidos, y eso es exactamente lo que hicieron.

Disfrutaron de un tiempo a solas en Asia durante el breve periodo en que Travis estuvo allí, pero obviamente, con su gira en pausa durante aproximadamente un mes, estaban listos para volver a casa.

No han tenido problemas en dejar que su historia de amor se desarrolle en público en ciertos entornos, pero en otros son extrañamente privados, y realmente no tiene mucho sentido.

Recuerda que la cantante apoyó al tight end de los Kansas City Chiefs en varios de sus juegos de fútbol, incluido el Super Bowl, y Travis ha asistido al tour "Eras" de Taylor en cuatro ciudades diferentes. A simple vista, parece que solo se sienten cómodos siendo captados en público en ciertos momentos.

Incluso Taylor parece ser increíblemente reacia a ser fotografiada en ocasiones, llegando al punto de esconderse bajo paraguas para evitar que los paparazzi la capturen, lo cual, nuevamente, resulta muy extraño. En esta fiesta posterior, parece que fue más de lo mismo: una gran preferencia por la privacidad extrema.

Quizás Taylor y Travis han tenido suficiente de los comentarios de todos aquellos opinando sobre cada uno de sus movimientos. ¡El tiempo dirá!

Estamos cubriendo todo lo relacionado con Taylor en el nuevo "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast", disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Taylor & Travis Fly Under the Radar ... At Oscars After-Party

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce may have failed to make their red carpet debut as a couple at the 2024 Oscars ... but they at least showed up for a shindig afterward, albeit on the DL.

TMZ has confirmed that the pop star and the NFL stud stopped by Madonna and Guy Oseary's Oscars exclusive after-party at a private residence in the Hollywood Hills on Sunday evening ... where there weren't any photos allowed inside.

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Of course, British Vogue published a bunch of shots of stars who showed up and posed at what appears to be a designated photo-op area -- which had a bunch of fun cutouts, etc.

Some of the stars who were pictured included Robert De Niro, Matthew McConaughey, Jodie Turner-Smith, Lenny Kravitz, Salma Hayek and others. Notably, Taylor and Travis were not part of the photo lineup ... but are listed among the celeb guests who crashed it.

Like we said, sources with direct knowledge tell us they were in fact there ... even though they seem to have gone out of their way to not be seen/photographed, which is interesting.

Taylor and Travis landing here in L.A. comes after T-Swift's six sold-old shows in Singapore as part of her "Eras" tour -- which wrapped up this past weekend. Sounds like they were ready to get the hell out of there and come back stateside ... which is exactly what they did.

They enjoyed some alone time in Asia for the brief period Travis was there -- but obviously with her tour being on pause for a good month or so ... they were ready to come home.

They've had no problem letting their love story play out in the public eye in some settings ... but in others, they're weirdly private, and it really doesn't make much sense.

Remember, the singer supported the Kansas City Chiefs tight end at several of his football games -- including the Super Bowl -- and Travis has seen Taylor's "Eras" tour in four different cities. On its face, it seems like they're only cool being snapped in public at certain times.

Taylor herself even seems to be incredibly averse to being photographed at times -- going so far as to hidey under umbrellas to keep paparazzi from snapping her ... which, again, is so bizarre. Here for this after-party, it looks to have been more of the same ... ultra privacy.

Perhaps Taylor and Travis have had enough of the Dads, Brads and Chads weighing in on their every move? Time will tell!

We're covering all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast," available on all podcast platforms.


Vanessa Hudgens está embarazada y se lo hizo saber al mundo de la manera más grande posible, apareciendo en los Oscar con una gran barriguita de embarazada a cuestas.

La actriz es una de las anfitrionas en la alfombra roja el domingo en el Teatro Dolby de Hollywood, donde la ceremonia se llevará a cabo, y antes de que todas las estrellas llegaran a acaparar la atención, Vanessa se lució frente a los fotógrafos.

Vanessa dejó ver orgullosamente que está esperando un hijo, y es la primera vez que esto se hace público.

Por supuesto, esto es una gran noticia, ya que sería el primer hijo de Vanessa, y lo mismo para su marido, Cole Tucker. Recordemos que se casaron hace unos meses en México, y ahora van a tener un hijo juntos en un tiempo récord. No hay nada como el presente, ¿verdad?

Cole y Vanessa han estado juntos como pareja desde 2020 -después de que ella rompió con su novio de mucho tiempo, Austin Butler- con quien había estado durante muchos años.

Vanessa y Cole eran dos gotas de agua, ella dijo que sabía que él era el indicado de inmediato.

Mientras que ella está claramente feliz con su marido, el tema de su relación con Austin ha surgido bastante últimamente, especialmente con él siendo lanzado al estrellato a través de todas estas películas que ha estado en el último par de años, incluyendo "Elvis".

Vanessa acaba de decir la semana pasada que está feliz de que su ruptura con Austin la llevara a Cole, y Austin, mientras tanto, ha dicho que valoraba su tiempo con Vanessa y que todavía la respetaba y se preocupaba por ella.

Austin no tiene previsto estar en la ceremonia de los Oscars de hoy, aunque ha asistido a fiestas relacionadas con los Oscars este fin de semana.

Así que podría aparecer esta noche. Es imposible no preguntarse como se sentirá al respecto.

En fin... ¡¡¡felicidades!!!

Vanessa Hudgens Preggo with First Child ... Shows Off Baby Bump at Oscars!!!

Vanessa Hudgens is pregnant, and she let the world know in the biggest way possible -- showing up to the Oscars ... with a big ol' baby bump in tow!

The actress is one of the hosts on the red carpet Sunday at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood -- where the ceremony will be going down later today -- and before all the stars arrived to take their own pictures ... Vanessa made sure to steal the spotlight with shots of her own.

She had a very good reason, too ... clearly, Vanessa is expecting a child -- and this is the first time anyone's hearing about it publicly. On its face, it seems she's fairly far along.

Of course, this is major news ... seeing how this would be VH's first child, and ditto for her husband, Cole Tucker. Remember, they just got married a few months ago down in Mexico ... and now, they're having a kid together in record time. No time like the present, right?!

Cole and Vanessa have been together as a couple since 2020 ... after she broke things off with her longtime boyfriend, Austin Butler -- with whom she'd been with for many years.

Vanessa and Cole were two peas in a pod ... she said she knew he was the one right away.

While she's clearly happy with her hubby ... the topic of her relationship with Austin has come up quite a bit lately -- especially with him being launched into superstardom through all these movies he's been in the past couple years, including 'Elvis.'

Vanessa just said last week she's happy her split with Austin led her to Cole -- and Austin, meanwhile, has said he valued his time with Vanessa ... and still respected/cared about her.

Austin himself is not scheduled to be at today's Oscars ceremony -- although, he has been out and about for Oscars-related parties this weekend.

So, he might be around somewhere later tonight as well. Ya gotta wonder how he might feel about this big development.

Anyhoo ... congrats!!!

'Love Is Blind' Jimmy & Chelsea Reunion Confirmed ... PDA in Nightclub

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"Love Is Blind" costars Jimmy Presnell and Chelsea Blackwell are back on as a couple -- or, at least they were this weekend, based on the video we got of them all over each other in a nightclub.

As fans of the Netflix dating show know, Chelsea and Jimmy ended the season with heartbreak and a lot of tears ... as they never even made it to the altar -- but Friday night in Hollywood, FL it looked like they were giving it another shot.

Folks at Daer Nightclub, inside the Hollywood Hard Rock Hotel, tell us they arrived together, and Jimmy had his arm around her most of the night. Their nightclub PDA marks the second sighting of the exes in South Florida.

As we reported, fans smelled something cooking when they noticed Chelsea and Jimmy had each posted images from the same table Thursday at JB's on the Beach in Deerfield Beach.

Even though they didn't post any pics of themselves, social media sleuths pieced it together when they both showed a bottle of Corona with matching backgrounds.

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Chelsea -- who says people always say she looks like Megan Fox -- had mentioned she was heading to the Fort Lauderdale area for her best friend's wedding. She didn't say anything about Jimmy being there, but that could be because the "Love Is Blind" reunion isn't airing until this coming Wednesday.

Ummm ... spoiler alert?


Maluma ya es todo un papi... el cantante y su novia celebran el nacimiento de su hija.

La superestrella colombiana de 30 años publicó fotos acariciando a la recién nacida. Maluma dice que ella nació el sábado a las 8:23 AM, y agradeció a su novia Susana Gómez "por cumplir mi mayor sueño de ser padre".

Los fans habían anticipado el nombre del bebé después de ver a Susana luciendo un collar de diamantes que deletreaba París, y Maluma confirmó que es de hecho su nombre.

También dice que el bebé París tendrá los apellidos de ambos padres, París Londono Gómez. El nombre legal de Maluma es Juan Luis Londono Arias.

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El viernes, él había publicado un montón de fotos con Susana -varios de ellos en la guardería que han construido para la llegada del bebé- y su título, "Días para conocerte" fue un claro indicio de que su paquete de alegría estaba cerca.

Maluma anunció en octubre que estaban esperando un bebé con el videoclip de su tema "Procura", que se centra en su romance con Susana y en cuyo último minuto dio la noticia.

¡Felicidades a los orgullosos padres!

Maluma I'm a Girl Dad!!!

Maluma really is a papi now ... the singer and his girlfriend are celebrating the birth of their baby girl.

The 30-year-old Colombian superstar posted pics of himself nuzzling the newborn, apparently in the hospital nursery. Maluma says she was born Saturday at 8:23 AM, and he thanked his GF Susana Gomez "for fulfilling my biggest dream of being a Father."

Fans had anticipated the baby's name after seeing Susana rocking a diamond necklace spelling out Paris -- and Maluma confirmed that is indeed her name.

He also says baby Paris will have both parents' last names ... Paris Londono Gomez. Maluma's government name is Juan Luis Londono Arias.

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On Friday, he'd posted a bunch of pics with Susana -- several of them in the nursery they've built for the baby's arrival -- and his caption, "Days to meet you" was a dead giveaway that their bundle of joy was close.

Maluma announced back in October that they were expecting by releasing his music video for "Procura" --  the video focuses on his romance with Susana, and in the final minute of it, he dropped the baby news.

Congrats to the proud parents!

Kate Middleton Look, I'm Doing Fine, Promise!!! Full-Body Recovery Shot

If Kate Middleton is a princess in pain, she's desperately trying to hide it by releasing a pic of herself smiling -- or grinning and bearing it -- surrounded by her 3 children.

The Princess of Wales posted the family pic Sunday in honor of Mother's Day in the UK. It's just the 2nd time we've seen Kate since her mysterious abdominal surgery in January ... and the first full-body shot since speculation about the procedure, her recovery, and her whereabouts have run rampant on the Internet.

In her caption, Kate writes, "Thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months. Wishing everyone a Happy Mother’s Day."

As we reported, the princess was photographed last week while out for a drive near Windsor Castle ... with her mother behind the wheel, and Kate wearing shades while in the passenger seat.

Of course, the fact we couldn't see her full body only fueled the outlandish social media rumor mill about her health.


Naturally, royal watchers are picking apart the new, more revealing pic, too. For instance, Kate is not wearing her wedding ring as she has her hands around her 2 younger children ... 8-year-old Princess Charlotte and 5-year-old Prince Louis.

The last time she attended a public event was on Christmas day, and yes, she was wearing it then. That fact won't help to quell one of the running theories, which involves speculation she and Prince William are on the rocks.

Then again, it could simply be the ring is off because she's experienced inflammation since her surgery.

One more note about the shot ... Kate is seated, as 10-year-old Prince George stands behind his mother. So, for those of you who have BBL on your "What's up with Kate" bingo cards ... we can't rule it out. Just sayin' ...

Ummm ... Happy UK Mother's Day!!!

49ers Quarterback Mr. & Mrs. Purdy ... You May Kiss the Bride!!!

Brock Purdy was once labeled "Mr. Irrelevant" in the NFL 'cause of his lowly draft status -- but now, he's a married man ... and his regular surname will do just fine for the missus.

The 49ers quarterback got hitched Saturday in Des Moines, IA -- saying "I do" to his longtime GF Jenna Brandt ... to whom he got engaged this past summer. They obviously didn't wanna wait long to get married ... 'cause this is them as the bride and groom!

Peep the pics ... Brock and Jenna were in the classic tux/wedding gown 'fits -- and yes, they were each looking fantastic. Ditto for the squad they had with them ... everyone was sharp.

And if you're wondering, yes ... Brock and Jenna enjoyed themselves some newlywed kisses for the camera right outside the church where they tied the knot. We're hearing it was a packed wedding, too, with upwards of 350 guests and 4 different buses for transportation.

Unclear if any teammates showed up for the nuptials ... but Brock and Jenna were beaming regardless. It's a sweet silver lining for him, no doubt, after the Super Bowl loss -- where he played damn well ... and was within a few plays of winning it all against the Chiefs.

As for Brock and his bride -- it's fitting they got married in Iowa ... on account they met at Iowa State University as college students, and kept their relationship going into the NFL.

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No word on when exactly they first got together, but Jenna and Brock went IG official just a couple years ago ... and it seems Jenna is a country girl from the photos she posted, whereas BP is a desert boy himself (Arizona, born and raised).

They might've only been dating for a few years -- but Brock was clearly head over heels, 'cause he got on bended knee this past July ... and had a sweet message for her too.

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In posting his engagement pics, Brock wrote ... "My Jenna girl forever. I can’t wait to be your husband and grow together in Christ. Here’s to forever babe. I love you JB!!

Now, they're forever babes ... meet Mr. and Mrs. Purdy, everybody.


Kanye West & Bianca Censori Ass Out in L.A. for 'Vultures 2' Party!!!

Kanye West's wife is keeping her wardrobe risque ... even though they're back on U.S. soil, she's still flashing as much skin as she did in Europe -- and it might be the perfect distraction from yet another late release from her husband.

Bianca Censori was rocking a completely sheer black bodysuit and high-high garter boots with her bare ass cheeks on full display Friday night in L.A. ... as she and Ye arrived at a listening party for his "Vultures 2" album.


The project was supposed to be released to the public on Friday, but as he typically does ... Kanye hit pause, and it never dropped.

Inside the party, though, no one seemed to mind the delay. Hell, they were all getting to hear the unfinished album -- and, no doubt, Bianca gave everyone something else to talk about ... her lack of clothing.

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As for the album's status -- Kanye told fans on social media, "We in the lab." Just as he did for the first 'Vultures' record, Ye is working with Ty Dolla $ign for the follow-up.

For now, fans won't get the album drop from Kanye, but they will get Bianca continuing to drop articles of clothing.

Taylor y Travis Tiempo de relajarse... Noche en la ciudad tras el concierto en Singapur

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce están oficialmente de vacaciones y los tortolitos fueron a celebrarlo el viernes por la noche en Singapur con parte del equipo de Taylor.

Dio la impresión que la pareja tuvo una cita casual cerca de un centro comercial, donde algunos fans los divisaron siendo escoltados en un carrito de golf. Uno de los Swifties gritó, "Felicidades, Travis", tal vez refiriéndose a su victoria en el Super Bowl el mes pasado, ¡pero más probablemente por estar saliendo con Taylor!

Traylor ha estado muy ocupado desde que Travis aterrizó en Singapur para ver sus dos últimos shows allí. También fueron a cenar a un elegante restaurante japonés llamado KOMA, al que se sumaron algunos compañeros de su banda.

Los shows de Singapur dieron por cerrada la etapa del "Eras" tour en el sudeste asiático y ahora ella tiene un par de meses libre para viajar y/o relajarse con su novio, quien también está en modo de vacaciones por el receso de temporada.

Donde quiera que vayan, siempre atraen toneladas de atención, incluso mientras caminaban por un centro comercial aparentemente vacío, alguien los vio mientras se abrazaban y paseaban de la mano.

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Kelce en el concierto

Como informamos, Travis lo pasó de maravillas en el concierto de TayTay la noche anterior. Él y sus amigos fueron pillados bailando como locos en una suite de lujo del estadio y, más tarde, el jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs la estaba esperando con un abrazo y un beso apenas se bajó del escenario.

El próximo show de Taylor es en mayo, en París, así que tienen un buen tiempo para hacer lo que quieran.

Esta es la primera vez en su relación que ambos están con la agenda más despejada. Será interesante ver lo que hacen y cómo eso afecta a su relación.