'Love Is Blind' Sarah Ann Seems to Have Spoiled ... Jeramey's Whole Storyline!

Jeramey Lutinski might have found a real connection on "Love Is Blind" ... but, it doesn't seem to be with the woman he proposed to -- at least that's what the internet thinks.

Here's the deal ... while still in the pods on this season of 'LiB,' Lutinski forged a connection with two women -- Laura Dadisman and Sarah Ann. Ultimately, he chose to propose to Laura, and fans thought he and Sarah Ann were officially finito.


Fast forward to the latest episode of the Netflix show ... when Laura confronted Jeramey for being out ‘til 5 AM. Jeramey tried to argue he only saw Sarah Ann at a bar ... but Laura said she checked his location and he was nowhere near the bar.

Instead, he was hanging out way closer to Sarah Ann's house ... so, LD basically implied the two were doing a lot more than just having a drink at a bar together -- something Jeramey denied on the show.

Fast-forward to Thursday ... where, in real life, Sarah Ann posted to IG ... laughing off accusations that she and Jeramey hooked up while he was engaged to Laura and saying the world will soon know the truth.

But, eagle-eyed fans may have already uncovered what they believe to be the truth of the matter ... 'cause in another vid she posted, viewers noticed the tiniest sliver of a black and white picture hanging behind her in the clip.

Yes, it looks awfully familiar ... especially to people who've been following along.

Indeed, the room Sarah Ann posted from online looks to have incredibly similar decorations to the ones hanging in Jeramey's freakin' house -- something we've already seen on 'LiB,' as they've shown his room, and Laura in it ... rolling around on his bed and being flirty.

Now, we don't know for a fact that this is Jeramey's house ... but the similarities alone, combined with the recent bombshell allegations, make the whole thing seem pretty possible -- if not likely.

Bottom line ... people think Jeramey ended up with Sarah Ann after all -- which, if true, would mean he's about to break Laura's heart on the show ... which we'll see soon enough.

Of course, Netflix is probably pissed about Sarah Ann spilling a potential spoiler, even inadvertently -- they obviously want all this to be revealed on the finale (where they can snag eyeballs/ratings, etc.) but it looks like the contestants are screwing up by posting live!

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Safe to say ... we're all in for a big reunion episode. But, everything might already be out by then. Whoops! 😅

Travis Kelce Aparece en el concierto de Taylor en Sydney Besos después del show!!!

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Un novio muy atento

Travis Kelce estuvo en la primera fila para apoyar a su novia Taylor Swift, mientras ella se tomaba el escenario de nuevo, y Taylor se lo agradeció cariñosamente después del show.

El jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs fue uno de los miles de asistentes al Accor Stadium de Sydney el viernes, donde T-Swift dio inicio a una nueva serie de conciertos de cara al fin de semana. Al igual que otros shows donde él ha estado presente, los fans se volvieron locos.

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Hay un montón de videos circulando en X que muestran a Travis Kelce de camino a su lugar en el estadio, mientras los Swifties pierden la cabeza gritando como locos.

Travis hizo eco de toda la atención, aplaudiendo y saludando a las jóvenes a su paso, flanqueado por la seguridad a su lado, por supuesto. También lo acompañaba un amigo, Ross Travis, ex jugador de los Chiefs, que está acompañando a Travis en este viaje a Australia. El padre de Taylor, Scott, también estaba en la tienda VIP donde fue Trav.

Por cierto, había otros famosos en el espectáculo, como Katy Perry y Rita Ora. Travis se tomó una foto con esta última y, ¡llevaba puesta su pulsera de la amistad! Después del concierto, los fans pudieron ver cómo Taylor le daba un beso a su hombre.

Mientras Travis y compañía miraban, Taylor hizo lo suyo sobre el escenario y encendió el estadio como lo hace normalmente. Los mejores momentos quedaron registrados en fotos.

Cuando se trata de Travis, el tipo está obviamente comprometido con la relación. Ya había viajado antes para ver actuar a Taylor y ahora lo hizo de nuevo en Australia. Tampoco ha perdido el tiempo desde que llegó, ambos pasearon por el zoológico apenas llegó.

No es poca cosa. Como hemos informado, Travis hizo un largo viaje para ver a la súper estrella del pop. Comenzó la noche del martes cuando se subió a un avión privado en Los Ángeles después de cenar en Nobu Malibu.

Primero voló a Hawái y luego a Sydney, donde fue fotografiado bajando del avión y subiendo a un SUV. Un largo viaje, sin duda, y sin embargo, él se las arregló para ir directo al zoológico de Sydney de paseo con su chica.

Esta es la segunda vez que Trav viaja para ver a Taylor, pero no se preocupen, ella ha hecho lo mismo por él. Recuerden, hace poco voló desde Tokio hasta Las Vegas para estar en el Super Bowl y estuvo allí animándolo, mientras los Chiefs ganaban el campeonato.

Algunos se preguntaban si iban a ser capaces de mantener el ritmo después de la temporada de fútbol, y hasta ahora, parece que sí. No te embarcas hasta Australia si no estás comprometido con la relación.

Sabemos que Travis estará allí durante el fin de semana, pero la pregunta es, ¿será su roadie durante el resto de la gira? Ella tiene espectáculos en Singapur en los próximos días, en el marco de su gira "Eras".

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Lo haga o no, él está allí ahora y estamos seguros de que están disfrutando el uno del otro.

Zendaya Fascinada con el encanto de Tom Holland!!!

Tom Holland sin duda tiene a Zendaya bajo su hechizo porque la enamorada actriz no pudo evitar hablar del encanto de su novio.

En una entrevista con Buzzfeed Puppy, Zendaya fue consultada sobre el "carisma" del elenco de "Dune 2", pero ella rápidamente dirigió el tema a su hombre, Tommy boy.

Ella dijo: "Creo que alguien que tiene un carisma hermoso, no en el reparto de "Dune", pero que personalmente funciona para mí, es el señor Tom Holland".

Zendaya explicó por qué Tom la tiene enganchada y al parecer todo se reduce a sus grandes habilidades de conversación. Dice que a ella le toma un tiempo salir de su caparazón porque es tímida, pero su novio es un maestro hablando y conociendo gente.

En cuanto a cómo fue seducida, Zendaya admite que Tom tuvo que tirar un poco de ella, pero dado su don innato para coquetear, no pasó mucho tiempo para que hiciera su magia.

Esta es solo una prueba más de que su relación está muy sólida. Esto, en medio de los rumores de ruptura que se iniciaron cuando Z dejó de seguir a todo el mundo en sus redes sociales, incluyendo a Tom, el año pasado.

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Van en serio

Desde entonces, han sido vistos algunas veces de la mano, y por si eso no fuera suficiente para aplastar los rumores de ruptura, Tom aclaró todo en enero cuando le dijo a un paparazzi que "absolutamente" no habían terminado.

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Así que, a menos que haya pruebas concretas de una ruptura, es seguro asumir que los novios de Hollywood están juntos a largo plazo.

Travis Kelce Hits Up Taylor's Sydney Concert Smooch After the Show!!!

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Travis Kelce was front and center for his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, as she took the stage down under anew ... and she showed her appreciation for him afterward with a little sugar.

The Kansas City Chiefs tight end was among thousands of people in attendance Friday at Accor Stadium in Sydney -- where T-Swift kicked off a fresh round of performances heading into the weekend. Just like at other shows of hers he's been to ... the fans went wild.

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Lots of videos are floating around on X that show TK making his way to his spot in the stadium -- and as he passed a bunch of Swifties ... they were losing their s*** screaming.

Travis soaked up all the attention ... clapping and waving at all the young'ns as he passed them -- with security flanking him on all sides, of course. He had a buddy with him too -- Ross Travis -- who's a former Chiefs player ... and who's randomly accompanying Travis on this Aussie trip. Taylor's dad, Scott, was also in the mix as Trav went to his VIP tent.

BTW ... there were other famous people at this show -- namely, Katy Perry and Rita Ora ... and Travis snapped a photo with the latter. Indeed, he's got his friendship bracelet on! After the concert, he was there to greet Taylor -- and lingering fans saw her plant one on him.

As Travis and co. looked on ... Taylor was onstage doing her thing, and put on a helluva show like she normally does. Lots of highlights from that -- all captured in photos, no less.

When it comes to Travis -- the dude is obviously committed to the relationship -- he's already traveled internationally for Taylor before this ... and he did it again here in Australia. He hasn't missed a beat either with Taylor since arriving -- going from plane to zoo date ASAP.

It's no small feat. As we reported ... Travis' long trip to see Taylor again began Tuesday night when he jumped on a private plane from L.A. after having dinner at Nobu Malibu.


He first jetted off to Hawaii for a short stay and then flew to Sydney, where he was pictured walking off the aircraft and climbing inside an SUV. A long trip, no doubt -- and yet ... he powered through and went right to the Sydney Zoo with his gal, playing a good sport.

This marks the 2nd time Trav has traveled around the world for Taylor ... but don't worry, she's done the same for him. Remember, she flew from Tokyo to catch the Super Bowl in Vegas -- and was there on the sidelines cheering for him as he and the Chiefs won it all.

Some wondered if they'd be able to keep the momentum going post-football season -- and so far, it appears they have ... you don't just jet off to Australia if you're half in on a relationship.

We know Trav will be there through the weekend ... but the question is, will he be her roadie through the rest of the tour? She's got shows in Singapore next as the "Eras" tour rolls on.

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Whether he does or doesn't ... he's there now, and we're sure they're enjoying each other.


Tom Holland certainly got GF Zendaya under his spell ... 'cause the smitten actress can't stop gushing about his "rizz" to whoever will listen.

Zendaya was asked during the Buzzfeed Puppy Interview about the 'Dune 2' cast's "rizz" -- short for charisma -- and she quickly steered the topic back to her man, Tommy boy.

She says ... "I think someone who has beautiful charisma, not on the Dune cast, but personally works for me, is Mr. Tom Holland."

Zendaya explained why TH's got her hooked ... and it all comes down to his killer conversational skills, apparently. She says it takes her a while to come outta her shell 'cause she's shy ... but in contrast, her BF's a master at talking and getting to know people.

When it came to how he swooned her directly ... Zendaya admits he had to pull it out of her a bit ... but seeing as he's got a natural gift for flirting, it didn't take long for him to work his magic on her.

Zendaya gushing about Tom is just further proof their relationship is solid ... this amid breakup rumors that kickstarted when Z unfollowed everyone, including Tom, last year.

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Since then, they've had some hand-in-hand sightings, and if that wasn't enough to squash the breakup rumors, Tom set the record straight himself ... straight-up telling a paparazzo in Jan that they were absolutely not dunzo.

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So, unless there's concrete evidence of a split, it's safe to assume Hollywood's sweethearts are in it together for the long haul.

Bianca Censori Bold New Look at 'Vultures' Event ... New Hair, Nearly Nude!!!

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Bianca Censori is once again showing off her assets at Kanye West's latest listening party for his new album ... only this time, it's not just her bod on display -- it's her new 'do.

Ye's wife switched up her look big time for Thursday's "Vultures" event over in Italy ... it's the first time we've seen her rocking bangs since she's been with Kanye -- usually, her hair is slicked back, or just short and messy. Here, however, it's very "Amelie"-like.

Bianca's not getting away from her bread and butter despite the new 'do ... namely, she's once again showing off her curves in yet another eye-popping outfit -- which is kinda her M.O. these days.

Check out this video that's circulating online -- her breasts and butt are totally visible in the see-through getup she's got on ... and, per usual, she has no shame in her game.

FWIW, this ain't the first time she's worn something like this ... we've seen her in a similar fit, albeit that one was white.

Anyway, with what she's wearing ... you might've not even noticed what she was actually doing here -- look again, she's recording her hubby as he belts out his new tunes to the Italian crowd, and it seems she's even singing along with the Backstreet Boys-inspired track.

If you're wondering what Ye and co. are even doing over in Europe (again) -- they're out there promoting his new "Vultures" album with a bunch of listening events/concerts, it seems. He tried doing a couple here ... but said he was having trouble booking venues.

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Instagram / @kanyewest

The first listening party is going down right now in Milan, and there's another one on tap for Saturday in Bologna ... before Kanye leaves Italy and heads to France for a Sunday event in Paris. It would appear Western Europe has been more receptive to him than the States.

Nonetheless, the place looks pretty rocking tonight ... and Bianca's having a good time supporting her man -- just as she has been for the past year or so they've been an item.

Say what you want about her ... but she's had Kanye's back through thick and thin -- and he certainly seems smitten with her too. They dress pretty funky ... but hey, they're in love.


And despite controversy, Ye continues to carry on ... "Vultures" has actually performed pretty decently for him -- so on its face, you could argue he feels like he's "back."

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Whether that's actually true or not ... well, depends on who you ask, we suppose.

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Taylor Swift Lleva a Travis de vuelta al zoológico ... He explorado todo el lugar, babe!!!

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce están reunidos en Australia y su primera parada en la ciudad como pareja fue volver al zoológico, tal como hizo Taylor ayer ... Hablando de déjà vu.

Los tortolitos fueron vistos de la mano el jueves paseando por el zoo de Sydney, disfrutando de las vistas y echando un vistazo a todos los animales. Tay Tay parecía llevar la iniciativa, lo cual tiene sentido, ya que estuvo literalmente hace 24 horas allí.

En el zoo con su novio

La atracción debe haberle causado una buena impresión, pues claramente pensó que valdría la pena llevar a Travis Kelce para una segunda ronda. De hecho, hizo de guía turística, como se ve en estas fotos aéreas obtenidas por Channel 9 News de Australia.

Trayvis incluso le dio de comer a un canguro.

Ahora, salieron como lo hacen normalmente mientras pasean. Es decir, súper enamorados y abrazados de la cintura. No solo iban cogidos de la mano, sino que se abrazaron varias veces también. Así que, sí, todavía van muy en serio.

Como informamos, Travis estaba en camino a Sydney el miércoles después de saltar en un jet privado la noche del martes en Los Ángeles y hacer una parada en Hawái.

Ahora, en términos de privacidad, no pareciera que Taylor y Travis tuvieran el lugar para ellos. Había otros turistas caminando por el zoológico, aunque parece que tenían su propia burbuja, pues no fueron bombardeados por los fans o los curiosos. ¡Gracias, seguridad!

Todavía tienen unos días juntos durante el fin de semana, pero Taylor estará ocupada, ya que tiene 4 espectáculos seguidos. Es seguro decir que Trav estará presente.

Se preguntarán qué más planean hacer, Sydney es una ciudad increíble y hay mucho que ver y hacer. Estaremos atentos a algunas fotos en el puente, ya que todos van para allá.

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¡Que lo pasen muy bien, chicos!

Taylor Swift Takes Travis Back to Zoo ... I Scoped the Whole Place Out, Babe!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are reunited down under -- and their first order of business as a couple was to go back to the zoo she was just at the day prior ... talk about déjà vu.

The lovebirds were seen hand in hand Thursday walking through the Sydney Zoo -- taking in the sights and peeping all the animal exhibitions. Tay Tay seemed to take the lead in showing him around ... which makes sense since she was literally there 24 hours before his arrival.


The attraction must've left a good impression on her, 'cause she clearly thought it'd be worth taking TK for round 2. Indeed ... she was playing the tour guide, as seen in these sky pics obtained by Australia's Channel 9 News. Heck, Traylor even fed a kangaroo at one point!

Now, they came off like they usually do as they moseyed around ... namely, super in love and tied at the hip. Not only were they holding hands, but they were locked in a hug a few different times as well. So, yeah ... they're still going strong and very into each other.


As we reported ... Travis was en route to Sydney Wednesday after hopping on a private jet Tuesday night from L.A. and making a pit stop in Hawaii.

Now, in terms of privacy ... it doesn't appear Taylor and Travis had the place shut down for themselves -- there were other zoo sightseers walking around, but they did seem to have their own little bubble without being bombarded by fans and gawkers. Thank you, security!

They got a few days together through the weekend -- however, Taylor will be busy ... as she's got 4 shows to do. Safe to say, Trav will be in attendance.

Ya gotta wonder what else they'll get into ... Sydney's a cool town, and there's lots to see/do. We'll be on the lookout for some bridge shots -- everybody heads there down under.

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Have fun, you two!

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Natalie Portman Se sincera sobre sus problemas matrimoniales ... No alimenta los rumores de engaño

Natalie Portman finalmente se refirió a las especulaciones sobre sus supuestos problemas matrimoniales y los rumores de infidelidad que involucran a su marido Benjamin Millepied, aunque la artista no ofreció ninguna pista al respecto.

La actriz ganadora del Oscar se sentó con el escritor de Vanity Fair Keziah Weir para hablar sobre su última película "May December" y una serie de otros temas, incluyendo su vida personal.

En un momento dado, Weir abordó el elefante en la habitación, diciendo que en el período previo al estreno de "May December" en 2023, el matrimonio de Portman estuvo en el centro del debate "de una manera muy pública." A continuación le preguntó cómo era eso.

Portman no dudó en responder y afirmó: "Es terrible. No tengo ningún deseo de contribuir a ello". Y eso fue todo.

Por supuesto, la actriz se estaba refiriendo a las acusaciones de infidelidad por parte de Millepied, quien supuestamente tuvo una aventura con la activista climática Camille Etienne el año pasado, pero pronto terminó. Otros medios han informado que los dos se han separado debido a los rumores de engaño, algo que ellos aún tienen que confirmar o negar.

Millepied, bailarín y coreógrafo francés, ha estado casado 11 años con Portman. La pareja tiene dos hijos: Aleph, de 12 años, y Amalia, de 6.

En la entrevista con Vanity Fair, Portman también habló de su pasión por vivir en París y Los Ángeles, yendo y viniendo de ambas ciudades. Disfruta especialmente su tiempo en Los Ángeles, donde lleva una vida muy distinta a la de Hollywood.

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Dice que sale con muchos amigos que no están en la industria de la televisión o el cine, cambiando las fiestas de famosos por cenas en el patio trasero. Pero admite que todavía tiene algunos amigos en la industria con los que se divierte de vez en cuando.

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Como todos saben, Portman ha tenido una larga y exitosa carrera en Hollywood. En 2011 ganó el Oscar a la Mejor Actriz por su papel en "El cisne Negro."

Natalie Portman Opens Up About Marital Issues ... Not Feeding Into Cheating Rumors

Natalie Portman finally addressed all the speculation about her alleged marital issues and cheating rumors involving husband Benjamin Millepied -- but she didn't offer any real insight.

The Academy Award winning actress sat down for a recent interview with Vanity Fair writer Keziah Weir to talk about her latest film, "May December," and a range of other topics, including her personal life.

At one point, Weir addressed the elephant in the room, saying in the lead up to the 2023 release of "May December," Portman's marriage was in the spotlight "in a very public way." She then asked her what that was like.

Portman didn't miss a beat, stating, "It's terrible. I have no desire to contribute to it." And that was that.

Of course, Portman was referring to allegations of infidelity by Millepied, who supposedly had a fling with climate activist Camille Etienne last year, but it soon ended. Other media outlets have reported rumors the two have separated over the cheating claims -- which the pair has yet to confirm or deny.

Millepied, a French dancer and choreographer, has been married to Portman for 11 years. The couple share two kids, Aleph, 12,  and Amalia, 6.

In the VF interview, Portman also discussed her love of living in Paris and L.A., going back and forth between both cities. She particularly enjoys her time in L.A., where she leads a very non-Hollywood life.

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She said she hangs out with many friends who are not in the TV or film industry, trading in celebrity parties for backyard dinners. But she admits she still has some industry pals with whom she spends time.

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As everyone knows, Portman has had a long, successful career in Hollywood, winning the 2011 Oscar for Best Actress for her role in "Black Swan."

Travis Kelce Lands in AUS to See Taylor Long Flight, Long Face 😅


6:30 PM PT -- The first sign of Travis Kelce in Australia has surfaced, and the dude looks ... well, beat.

Here's a shot of the tight end arriving in Sydney Wednesday (or Thursday on his time), and yes ... the dude was pretty straight-faced and serious as he got off his private jet. Ya gotta imagine he's stoked to be there for Taylor Swift ... but yeah, that was a long ass flight. Woof ...

2:58 PM PT -- Travis Kelce has officially touched down in Australia, hopping off his private jet just minutes ago.

Travis Kelce is on his way to see his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, in Australia -- in fact, he's currently en route ... and he'll be landing there bright and early, TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Travis is, in fact, aboard a private jet at the moment that's on its way to Sydney right now ... and it looks like he's taking a similar flight path that she did when she left Vegas after the Super Bowl to get back to work in Melbourne.

We know Travis went from Los Angeles to Hawaii overnight -- where he landed for a pit stop -- and then continued on his journey very early this AM ... and is up in the air as we speak.

Our sources tell us Travis grabbed dinner in L.A. Tuesday evening before jumping on a plane around 9 PM and jetting on over to the islands. We're told he chowed down at Nobu Malibu -- and seems to have laid relatively low, 'cause there aren't many eyewitness sightings.

Of course, he'll now be joining Tay Tay down under ahead of a string of shows she's got scheduled through the weekend ... this after missing her Melbourne slate. Here, he's making up for it by catching the latter half of her Aussie shows ... 4 of 'em running through Monday.

Unclear if Travis is gonna stick around and hit up Singapore with Taylor afterward -- where she's scheduled to perform next -- but for now ... she'll have TK by her side in Sydney.

Travis has been traveling quite a bit over the past 48 hours -- as we reported, he was in Vegas (again) Monday for a little bro time and some golf ... but beelined outta there quick.

There's been a lot of speculation on when (or if) he'd join Taylor at some point ... and now, we know he will. The reason for the doubt had to do with the Kansas City shooting -- which threw Travis and his whole team for a loop, and seemingly set his plans back a bit.

He was just in Kansas City this past weekend ... but since then, he's been bouncing around.


Travis' dad, Ed, did an interview earlier this week where he said his boy sounded keen on coming down there and enjoying the Aussie landscape -- as it turns out, he was right.

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Get ready, Taylor ... here comes, Travis!!!

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 7:51 AM PT

Travis Kelce Aterriza en Sydney para ver a Taylor Vuelo largo, cara larga!!!


6:30 PM PT -- Ha salido a la superficie la primera señal de Travis Kelce en Australia y el tipo se ve ... Bueno, exhausto.

Aquí tenemos una foto del jugador llegando a Sydney el miércoles (o el jueves en Australia), y sí el hombre estaba bastante serio al bajar de su jet privado. Podemos imaginar que está emocionado de estar allí para Taylor Swift, pero sí, el viaje es larguísimo.

2:58 PM PT -- Travis Kelce ha aterrizado oficialmente en Australia. El jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs se bajó de su jet privado hace apenas unos minutos.

Travis Kelce está en camino para ver a su novia Taylor Swift en Australia. De hecho, está actualmente en ruta y va a aterrizar temprano en el día, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Travis está, de hecho, a bordo de un jet privado en este momento y de camino a Sydney. Parece que es una ruta similar a la que hizo Taylor cuando salió de Las Vegas tras el Super Bowl para dirigirse a Melbourne.

Sabemos que Travis viajó de Los Ángeles a Hawái durante la noche. Hizo una parada y continuó su viaje muy temprano esta mañana. Ahora está volando mientras hablamos.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Travis cenó en Los Ángeles el martes por la noche antes de subirse al avión alrededor de las 9 PM y volar a las islas. Nos han dicho que cenó en Nobu Malibu y parece haber pasado relativamente desapercibido, porque no hay muchos testigos.

Por supuesto, ahora se unirá a Tay Tay, quien tiene una serie de espectáculos programados hasta el fin de semana. Esto, después de perderse su parada en Melbourne. Aquí lo está compensando con la última mitad de sus shows en Australia: 4 hasta el lunes.

No está claro si Travis va a quedarse o si viajará a Singapur con ella después, donde está programado que siga su gira. Aunque por ahora tendrá a Travis Kelce a su lado en Sydney.

Travis ha estado viajando bastante en las últimas 48 horas, como informamos, estuvo en Las Vegas el lunes para jugar golf y pasar tiempo con sus amigos, pero se fue rápido.

Ha habido mucha especulación sobre cuándo (o si) se uniría a Taylor y ahora sabemos que va en camino. La razón de la duda tenía que ver con el tiroteo de Kansas City, que al parecer echó sus planes un poco para atrás.

El jugador estuvo en Kansas City este fin de semana, pero desde entonces ha estado en diferentes lugares.

El padre de Travis, Ed, hizo una entrevista a principios de esta semana donde dijo que creía que su hijo quería viajar y disfrutar del paisaje australiano. Parece que tenía razón.

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Prepárate, Taylor... ¡¡¡ahí viene, Travis!!!

Tom Brady Cercanos dicen que es mentira la cronología de Gisele y Joaquim

Gisele Bündchen no comenzó a salir con Joaquim Valente hasta junio de 2023, pero al parecer Tom Brady no está comprando lo que ella está diciendo.

Múltiples fuentes relacionadas con Tom le dicen a TMZ que el ex jugador de la NFL cree que G & J comenzaron a salir juntos mucho antes de eso. Como dijo una fuente: "Deberían añadir después de junio de 2021. Ahí sería exacto el titular".

Fuentes relacionadas con Gisele le dijeron a People: "Han estado saliendo desde junio. Se lo están tomando con calma. Primero empezaron como grandes amigos".

Como ya informamos, Gisele y Tom conocen a Joaquim desde hace años. Sus 2 hijos tomaron clases de jiu-jitsu con él y la propia Gisele entrenó con Joaquim.

Después de que Tom y Gisele se separaron, ella viajó varias veces a Costa Rica con Joaquim, junto con sus hijos, y han sido vistos juntos en Miami también.

Una fuente de Tom dijo: "Cuando anunciaron su divorcio en octubre de 2022, Gisele huyó a Costa Rica durante dos meses. Joaquim voló con ella durante 2 meses. Ella se toma en serio su entrenamiento de jiu-jitsu. LOL".

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Tom ha estado saliendo con la supermodelo Irina Shayk de forma intermitente desde el verano pasado, por lo que ha seguido adelante. La pareja comparte la custodia compartida de sus hijos.

Tom Brady Sources Call BS On Gisele/Joaquim Dating Timeline New BF Leaves Her Place!!!


9:54 AM PT -- Whether Tom Brady believes the relationship timeline between Gisele Bündchen and Joaquim Valente or not -- they're continuing to see each other as they explore their romance ... proven by the fact that Joaquim just left Gisele's place earlier this morning.

Here's a shot of the jiu-jitsu instructor making a clean getaway from Gisele's home in Miami Wednesday morning -- right on the heels of reports that they're together as a couple now. Tom himself might be incredulous as to when it all began ... but they clearly don't care.

Gisele Bündchen didn't start dating Joaquim Valente until June 2023, but apparently Tom Brady isn't buying what she's selling.

Multiple sources connected to Tom tell TMZ ... the former QB believes G&J started dating long before that. As one source put it, "They should add 2021 after June. Then the headline would be accurate."

Gisele sources told People, "They have been dating since June. They're taking it slow. They started out as great friends first."

As we reported, Gisele and Tom have known Joaquim for years. Their 2 kids took jiu-jitsu lessons with him and Gisele herself trained with Joaquim.

After Tom and Gisele split, she traveled several times to Costa Rica with Joaquim, along with her kids and have been seen together in Miami as well.


One source said, "When they announced divorce in October 2022, Gisele fled to Costa Rica for 2 months. Joaquim flew there with her for 2 months. She takes her jiu-jitsu training seriously. LOL."

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Tom has been dating supermodel Irina Shayk on and off since last summer, so he's moved on. The couple shares joint custody of their kids.

Originally Published -- 8:25 AM PT

Taylor Swift De bajo perfil en el zoológico de Sydney!!! Antes de reunirse con Travis

De paseo en el zoológico
Splash News By Shutterstock

Taylor Swift fue de paseo al zoológico entre sus shows en Australia el miércoles, manteniéndose ocupada antes de reunirse finalmente con su novio Travis Kelce.

Echa un vistazo, la cantante cambió sus trajes glamorosos por una camiseta azul y una minifalda de mezclilla, un look tan casual que si no fuera una de las caras más reconocidas del mundo, casi podría haber pasado de incógnita en el zoológico de Sydney.

Pero por desgracia para ella es Taylor, así que eso nunca va a pasar y la gente definitivamente se dio cuenta de que estaba ahí.

Tay Tay completó su discreto look con zapatillas blancas, una bolsa de mano con sus cosas esenciales y gafas de sol para protegerse de los rayos. Por si no lo sabían, Australia se encuentra actualmente en verano.

Con una cámara en mano, Taylor parecía que se lo estaba pasando en grande paseando y conociendo la exótica fauna australiana con sus compañeros de banda y sus bailarines.

Parece que la telonera de Taylor, Sabrina Carpenter, no se unió a ellos, pero sí tuvieron juntas una elegante cena en el barrio de Surry Hills el martes.

Taylor tiene cuatro fechas en Sydney con Sabrina Carpenter antes de volar a Singapur para sus próximos conciertos. En Europa cambiará su acto de apertura a Paramore.

Travis todavía no se ha unido a sus shows en el extranjero, pero habrá un montón de avistamientos de la pareja muy pronto porque sabemos que el ganador del Super Bowl se encuentra actualmente en camino para ver a su novia.

TMZ investiga
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Puede que hayan estado separados por menos de dos semanas, pero como suelen decir ... la distancia solo hace que el corazón se encariñe. O algo así.


Zoo Belong To Me
Splash News By Shutterstock

Taylor Swift hit the zoo in between her tour dates in Australia Wednesday ... keeping herself preoccupied before she's finally reunited with her boo Travis Kelce.

Check it out ... the singer swapped out her glamorous dinner outfits for a blue tee and denim miniskirt -- a look so casual that if she wasn't one of the most recognizable faces in the world, she could almost go incognito at the Sydney Zoo.

But alas, it's Taylor ... so that's never going to happen, and people definitely noticed her here.

Tay Tay completed her low-key look with white kicks, a tote bag harboring her essentials, and shades to shield herself from those scorchin' rays. If you didn't know ... Australia is currently in its summer season.

With a camera hand, Taylor looked like she was having a great time walking around and getting to know all the exotic Australian wildlife with her Eras bandmates and dancers.

TS's opening act, Sabrina Carpenter, didn't appear to join her for the day at the zoo ... but she did join her for a swanky dinner in the city's Surry Hills neighborhood Tuesday.

Taylor has four  Sydney tour dates with SC before jetting off to Singapore for her next batch of dates ... before she changes her opening act to Paramore for Europe.


Travis hasn't joined her for the international leg of T's tour just yet, but there'll be plenty of sightings of the couple very soon ... 'cause we know the Super Bowl winner is currently on his way to see his lady.

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They may have been separated for less than two weeks, but as they say ... distance only makes the heart grow fonder. Something like that, anyway.