Zendaya ha estado causando un gran impacto en la gira de promoción de "Dune" hasta ahora y parece que su compañero Timothée Chalamet quizo entrar en la acción, porque le está siguiendo los pasos.

Échale un vistazo a lo que estos coprotagonistas llevaban en el estreno de "Dune: Part Two" en Corea del Sur el miércoles, son literalmente dos gotas de agua en atuendos de cuero a juego, posando en sincronía con las manos en los bolsillos y todo. ¡Toda una propuesta de doble impacto!

El actor optó por una versión gris de la pieza única, mientras que Zendaya, fiel a su forma fashionista, estilizó su versión, llevándolo colgado del hombro y con tacones a juego.

Ambos atuendos son de la diseñadora Juun J, con sede en Seú y Zendaya habló durante una entrevista sobre lo maravilloso que era apoyar a los diseñadores locales.

Timothée también se refirió a su hermanamiento durante la misma entrevista, diciendo que en realidad fue el estilista de toda la vida de Zendaya, Law Roach, a quien se le ocurrió la genial idea.

Por supuesto, no es ninguna sorpresa, ya que Law también estuvo detrás del increíble traje vintage completo de Zendaya en el estreno mundial de la película en Londres la semana pasada.

Las fotos hablan por sí solas, Zendaya literalmente acaparó todas las miradas con un look metalizado de Thierry Mugler, Otoño '95 de alta costura, que solo ella podía llevar a cabo.

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En pocas palabras ... Zendaya puede hacer que una bolsa de basura se vea bien - y Tim está feliz de montar sus faldones también, parece.


Zendaya has been making a showstopping impact on the "Dune" promo tour so far ... and seems like her costar Timothée Chalamet wanted in on the action, 'cause he's copying her.

Check out what these costars were rockin' at the "Dune: Part Two" premiere in South Korea Wednesday ... they're literally two peas in a pod in matching leather jumpsuits, posing away in sync with their hands in their pockets and all. That's double the impact for ya!

TC opted for a gray version of the one-piece ... while Zendaya, true to her fashionista form, styled up her light peach version, wearing it slung off her shoulder and with towering matching heels.

Both getups are by Seoul-based designer Juun J ... and Zendaya gushed during a sit-down interview about how wonderful it was to support local designers.

Timothée also addressed their twinning during the same interview ... saying it was actually Zendaya's longtime stylist, Law Roach, who came up with the genius idea.

Of course, it comes as no surprise as LR was also behind Zendaya's incredible full vintage suit at the movie's London world premiere last week.

The pics spoke for themselves ... Zendaya literally hogged the spotlight with a metallic Thierry Mugler Fall '95 haute couture look, which only she could pull off.

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Bottom line ... Zendaya can pretty much make a trash bag look good -- and Tim's happy to ride her coattails too, it seems.

Travis Kelce Reaparece en Las Vegas de nuevo... Tras una abrumadora semana en Kansas City

Han circulado rumores en las últimas 24 horas de que Travis Kelce está en Las Vegas, y sí, parece que el tipo estaba allí y lo ha probado con una foto disfrutando de algunos R&R.

Un montón de testigos habían dicho que habían visto al jugador ofensivo de los Chiefs en la ciudad del pecado a principios de esta semana, quienes terminaron dando en el clavo, con una foto suya circulando por las redes sociales el martes donde aparece en un campo de golf en el Wynn Golf & County Club. Efectivamente, ahí estaba el homeboy.

Un par de buenos amigos de Travis, quienes constantemente están publicando y pasando el rato con él, también documentaron su tiempo en Las Vegas el lunes y parece que Travis estaba definitivamente disfrutando con sus amigos.

Fueron al restaurante Toca Madera y el DJ que estaba tocando en el lugar también mencionó que Trav había estado en casa en sus redes sociales.

El DJ Adam Daudier escribió: "Al parecer Travis Kelce estaba interesado en mi música en su sala privada anoche y me pidió que tocara en un evento privado de los Kansas City Chiefs este viernes".

Y añade: "*mi cerebro aún lo está procesando, esa frase ni siquiera se siente real".

Suponiendo que lo que el tipo dice es exacto, parece que los Chiefs podrían volver a Las Vegas para divertirse a finales de esta semana, lo que parece razonable después de todo lo que han pasado últimamente. Han sido unos días muy agitados.

Por supuesto, nos referimos al tiroteo de Kansas City que ocurrió el pasado miércoles durante la celebración por la victoria de los Chiefs en el Super Bowl. El fatal incidente cobró la vida de una mujer y dejó casi dos docenas de heridos.

Los queremos, reino de los Chiefs
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

La tragedia sacudió a la ciudad y al equipo. Travis y otros han donado mucho dinero a los afectados y justo el otro día él y su hermano Jason instaron a otros a ayudar aún más si podían, ya que todavía hay un montón de víctimas que están en plena recuperación.

Es seguro decir que es un momento estresante, y por su cara, puede ser que Travis estuviera en Las Vegas intentando botar un poco de estrés y, presumiblemente, tratando de mantener su mente fuera del caos de todo últimamente.

En cuanto a su novia Taylor Swift, ahora está en Sydney para continuar con su gira "Eras".

Sabemos que tiene a su telonera Sabrina Carpenter para hacerle compañía, pero sí, los Chiefs siguen siendo la mayor prioridad de Tay Tay, lo que quedó en evidencia cuando la vimos usando la ropa del equipo mientras volaba a la siguiente ciudad en Australia.

No está claro si Trav va a unirse a ella en algún momento. Sabemos que expresó su interés, pero por el momento no hay señales de ningún plan de viaje sólido.

TMZ investiga
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No se sabe si Travis está todavía en Las Vegas, pero suena como que puede estar de vuelta pronto.

Travis Kelce Surfaces in Vegas Again ... After Whirlwind Week in K.C.

Rumblings of Travis Kelce in Las Vegas have circulated for the past 24 hours -- and yeah, it looks like the dude was there ... now proven with a photo of him enjoying some R&R.

A bunch of eyewitness sightings claiming to have seen the Chiefs tight end in Sin City early this week ended up being spot on -- 'cause a shot of him on a golf course at the Wynn Golf & County Club popped up on social media Tuesday ... sure enough, there's the homeboy.

A couple good friends of Travis' -- who are constantly posting and hanging around him -- also documented their time in Vegas Monday ... and it appears TK was rolling with his buds.

They hit up this restaurant called Toca Madera -- and the DJ who plays there also name-dropped Trav on his social media ... saying he'd heard the guy was recently in the house.

The DJ, Adam Daudier, wrote ... "apparently Travis Kelce was getting down to my music in the private room last night & management asked me to play a private event for the Kansas City Chiefs this Friday."

He adds, "*brain is still processing, that sentence doesn't even feel real."

Assuming what this guy's saying is accurate ... it appears the Chiefs at large might be coming back to Vegas to enjoy themselves later this week -- which, after everything they've gone through of late, is probably well-deserved. It's been a hectic past several days.

Of course, we're referring to the Kansas City shooting that happened last Wednesday during the Chiefs victory rally ... which left one woman dead and nearly two dozen others injured.

We Love You Chiefs Kingdom
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

The tragedy rocked the city, and the team as well ... Travis and others have donated a lot of money in the aftermath, and just the other day -- he and his brother, Jason, urged others to chip in even more if they could ... as there's still a lot of victims recovering at this time.

Safe to say, it's a stressful time ... and on its face, Travis was out there in Vegas blowing off some steam -- and presumably trying to keep his mind off the chaos of everything lately.

As for his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, she's now in Sydney to continue on with her 'Eras' tour.

We know she's got her show opener, Sabrina Carpenter, there to keep her company currently -- but yes, the Chiefs are still very much so top of mind for Tay Tay too ... evidenced in the fact she was rockin' their gear the other day as she flew into the next Australian city.

Unclear if Trav is gonna join her out there at some point -- we know he expressed an interest ahead of his Super Bowl ... but at the moment, no sign of any solid travel plans.

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No word on whether Travis is still in Vegas ... but it sounds like he may be back soon.

'90 Day Fiance' Stars Colon Cancer Fundraiser Nixed ... As Doubts Arise from Fans

A "90 Day Fiance" couple pissed people off by backtracking on a cancer announcement and seemingly trying to fundraise off it -- something the platform they used shut down quickly.

Here's the deal ... Brandan and Mary Denuccio -- who got hitched after appearing on '90DF: The Other Way' last year -- told their followers over the weekend that Mary had colon cancer ... something they came out with pretty definitively at first, without any doubt.

As part of the announcement -- in which they said flat out that Mary had been diagnosed with colon cancer after experiencing symptoms for years -- they also asked for donations for a fundraiser they started ... which they said would go toward surgery she'd need to remove it.

Soon ... the doubters started coming out of the woodwork and questioning their claim online, which resulted in Brandan and Mary slightly changing the wording of the cancer diagnosis -- making it seem like she hadn't actually gotten any official word from a doctor just yet.

Before long their entire fundraising campaign was halted -- and the whole thing came down.

At the time, the only message that was up on the page read ... "GoGetFunding has been requested or required to stop this campaign." Now, though, we have a bit more clarity.

At first, it was unclear if the campaign -- which, by all accounts, had only raised about $1,300 or so before it was nixed -- was halted by Brandan and Mary themselves ... or the company, but a rep for GoGetFunding tells TMZ ... they're the ones who actually pulled the plug.

We're told the company was quickly flagged by users about the fact it was suspicious -- and after doing some digging on it ... GGF felt enough evidence existed to yank it all down.

Now, in terms of what happened to people's money -- as far as those who donated -- GoGetFunding says the donations were received via PayPal for this campaign ... and no funds passed through their site, so there's no way for them to refund anyone specifically.

GGF goes on to say that they advised anyone who donated and who contacted them afterward for help to dispute any charges/withdrawals with their banks -- and to report any suspicious activity to the police if they felt it rose that level. Unclear if anyone did.

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As far as what Brandan and Mary have to say about it all now ... they actually tell us they were the ones who stopped the GoGetFunding campaign because people were inundating them with hate. Mary adds, "I know i announced i have colon cancer. It’s just im so scared that time because i was in pain and i got all the symptoms. But we are still going back and forth to the hospital and have do all the laboratory requested by the doctors."

Mary tells us she's not going to post anymore about this, as she's very stressed right now.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

LARSA PIPPEN y MARCUS JORDAN No estamos comprometidos ¡Este enorme anillo no es lo que ustedes creen!

Larsa Pippen puede que lleve una piedra en un dedo últimamente, pero no significa que suenen campanas de boda por ahora, porque todavía no hay planes de pasar por el altar con Marcus Jordan.

La pareja ha generado especulaciones desde el Día de San Valentín, cuando Larsa salió con Marcus en Miami con un anillo de diamantes enorme en su dedo anular izquierdo.

De hecho, dio mucho que pensar, (recordemos que vienen saliendo de una pequeña pelea), pero fuentes directas nos dicen que simplemente no se van a casar. Se trata de un anillo de la propia línea de joyería de Larsa.

A pesar de que no es un anillo de compromiso, eso no quiere decir que no signifique algo. Nos dicen que este anillo cuenta con un diamante amarillo de cinco quilates además de otros diamantes a su alrededor.

Respecto a como se ven las cosas entre Larsa y Marcus, al parecer se ven felices de nuevo. Nuestras fuentes dicen que siguen trabajando en sus problemas, pero definitivamente todavía están enamorados y comprometidos.

Recordemos que llegaron la ciudad el día San Valentín y sin duda todo parecía estar bien de nuevo.

Sí, parece como si nos estuvieran tomando el pelo, pero bueno, así es el amor, suponemos. Y sobre el tema de un posible compromiso en el camino, Marcus y Larsa ya han dicho que lo están considerando.

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Simplemente no está sucediendo ahora.

Larsa Pippen, Marcus Jordan We're Not Engaged ... Massive Ring Not What Y'all Think!!!

Larsa Pippen might be wearing a rock on a certain finger lately, but hold the wedding bells for now ... 'cause she ain't walking down the aisle just yet with Marcus Jordan.

The on-and-off-again couple has been at the center of speculation for over a week now -- and that was kicked into high gear on Valentine's Day when LP stepped out with Marcus in Miami with a massive diamond ring on her left ring finger.

Indeed ... it was very suspicious, but despite people thinking they might be engaged -- this after patching things up fairly quickly following a little spat -- sources with direct knowledge tell us it just isn't so. Instead, it's only a red herring ... a ring from Larsa's own jewelry line.

Now, even though it isn't an engagement ring -- that's not to say this bling isn't nice ... 'cause it is. We're told this ring features a 5-carat yellow diamond with other diamonds around it.

Anyway, in terms of where things stand between Larsa and Marcus at this point -- who very much so look back together and happy again ... our sources are saying they're continuing to work through their issues -- but they're definitely still in love and committed to being together.

Remember, they hit the town on V-day ... and certainly telegraphed all was well again.

Yes, it kinda feels like we're all getting kinda jerked around by these two -- but hey, that's love, we suppose. And on the issue of a possible engagement down the road ... Marcus and Larsa have already said they're considering it.

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It just ain't happening right now.

Offset Stop Being Scurred, Cardi ... Drop Your 🔥2nd Album!!!

Offset is campaigning for Cardi B to get her butt back in the studio a release her 2nd album ... it's been nearly 6 years and she's acting like a scaredy cat!!!

On Tuesday morning, Offset teased fans with a preview of Cardi's unreleased music by muting the sound but still throwing on the screw-face to give off the impression the track was too hot to handle.

Drop The Album
Instagram / @offsetyrn

He motivated Cardi further captioning the post, "Stop being scary and drop the album sh*t goes crazy 🔥🔥🔥🔥 @iamcardib"

Cardi made history with 2018's "Invasion of Privacy" album -- the first album to have all songs get certified platinum but has cited anxiety as the reason for the lengthy delay.


A year ago, Cardi scrubbed her IG account to start the album rollout ... eventually releasing her "Bongos" collab with Megan Thee Stallion ... but that buzz has since crashed and burned despite Cardi adding a bit of elbow grease to the promo effort.

Offset's been supportive from afar amid his separation from Cardi.


She helped him sell his "Set It Off" album so it's only right he return the favor!!!

Taylor Swift Dinner Down Under with Sabrina ... Two's Company in Sydney

Taylor Swift doesn't have Travis Kelce around as she continues to tour in Australia -- but she'll be far from lonely as she ramps up for Sydney ... 'cause Sabrina Carpenter is there.

The two singers grabbed dinner Tuesday at a swanky hotspot in the city's Surry Hills neighborhood -- and as you can imagine, they were surrounded by fans and paps (and bodyguards) who were following their every move into the restaurant.

Taylor was dressed pretty casually, but was rocking some wavy hair here down under ... and SC wore a red getup, while rocking a big grin as she joined her gal pal for a meal.

Sabrina's been hired to open for Taylor for the next handful of shows -- including 4 in Sydney that start up Friday ... and another batch in Singapore, where they'll jet off to next. After that, TayTay's gonna switch up her opening act yet again ... and bring on Paramore for Europe.

In other words, she's back into the swing of things ... just like she was here in the States last year before she went public with Travis and started going to all his games in the fall.

Obviously, she rode that wave all the way to the Super Bowl ... which made for some memorable snaps -- but now, it's back to reality for her ... and thus far, Travis doesn't appear to have joined her on her international leg of the tour, and it remains to be seen if he will.

Of course, T-Swift still has Kansas City on her mind ... something she proved the other day by rocking a Chiefs SB hat -- so not all is forgotten as she delves deeper into the tour.

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The big question ... when's the next time she'll see her boyfriend, who's 9,000 miles away???

Usher refuta la falta de respeto de Alicia Keys y lamenta haberle dado una nalgada A Nicki Minaj

El show de Usher en el medio tiempo del Super Bowl tuvo a mucha gente levantando las cejas sobre su momento con Alicia Keys, algo de lo que no se arrepiente, pero se disculpa por algo más antiguo.

El lunes, Usher estuvo en The Breakfast Club para abordar su polémica con Alicia Keys en el Super Bpwl, pero también se sinceró sobre su actuación en los VMA 2014 con Nicki Minaj.

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En aquella ocasión, Usher le dio varias nalgadas a Nicki en el escenario. En aquel momento no llamó la atención, pero es algo que ha estado resurgiendo últimamente, con muchos acusándolo de haberse pasado de la raya.

Usher explicó a Charlamagne Tha God que los bailes en la cultura jamaicana por lo general implican que la gente se manosee, pero admite que fue pasado dela raya, y parece que se siente un poco mal al respecto ahora en 2024.

En cuanto a abrazar a Alicia por detrás -cosa por la que también recibió algunas críticas- Usher no da paso atrás, diciendo que era solo parte de la rutina.

También fue interrogado acerca de la vez que se le hizo referencia en un episodio de "The Boondocks", donde una mujer casada y se convirtió en groupie de Usher delante de su marido, todo basado en la experiencia de la vida real del productor Carl Jones y su ex esposa.

Usher deijo que las transgresiones de la mujer fueron debido al "Efecto Usher", pero algo de esto tuviera algo que ver con la sensual performance con Alicia frente a millones de espectadores en el Super Bowl.

El marido de Alicia -Swizz Beatz- se rió de inmediato y Usher dijo a 'TBC' que también tuvo una dura discusión con la pareja sobre los diversos memes. En resumen, él y Alicia (y Swizz) están bien. Pero, dicho esto, también podría ser más consciente en el futuro.

De cualquier manera, el Internet será mantener un ojo vigilante sobre él. 👀

Usher I Shouldn't Have Smacked Nicki's 🍑 ... But Alicia Hug Was OK!!!

Usher's Super Bowl halftime show had a lot of people raising eyebrows over his Alicia Keys moment -- something he's not sorry about ... but he is apologizing over something older.

On Monday, Usher zoomed in to The Breakfast Club to address his PDA with Alicia Keys at the SB but also came clean about the internet resurfacing his 2014 VMA performance with Nicki Minaj.

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During their set at the time, Usher bumped and grinded on Nicki's booty onstage -- and then smacked it with his hand. It got overlooked back then ... but it's been resurfacing lately, with many accusing him of being out of pocket and inappropriate, similar to how he handled AK.

Usher explained to Charlamagne Tha God that dances in Jamaican culture generally involve people getting handsy -- but does admit he was wildin' a bit when he put his handprint on Nicki's Pinkprint, and he seems to feel somewhat about it in 2024.

On the issue of hugging Alicia from behind, though -- which also caught some backlash -- Usher isn't bending the proverbial knee ... saying it was just part of their routine for 'My Boo.'

The R&B powerhouse was also quizzed about the time he was referenced in an episode of "The Boondocks" where a married woman fanned out and turned into an Usher groupie in front of her husband ... all based on the real-life experience of producer Carl Jones and his ex-wife.

Usher blamed the woman's transgressions on the "Usher Effect" but denied any sorcery of the kind contributed to his sexified duet with Alicia as millions watched on in speculation.


Alicia's husband Swizz Beatz immediately laughed it off and Usher tells 'TBC' he also had a hardy har with the couple over the various memes. Long story short, he and Alicia (and Swizz) are all good. But, with that said, he might also be more mindful going forward.

Either way, the Internet will be keeping a watchful eye on him. 👀

Taylor Swift Travis Still On My Mind Down Undah ... Rocks Chiefs Swag, 'TNT' Bracelet In Australia

Taylor Swift might be some 9,000 miles away from Travis Kelce at the moment ... but he's still clearly on her mind -- as her Sunday outfit featured a whole lot of homages to the Chiefs star.

The "Cruel Summer" hitmaker appeared at a Melbourne, Australia airport following her most recent batch of "Eras" tour stops ... and as she boarded a private jet to take her to her next group of shows in Sydney, she was seen decked out in Kelce tributes.

On her head was a Super Bowl champions hat that Kansas City officials had given to her following Kelce's big win over the 49ers in Las Vegas earlier this month. On her wrist, she wore the Taylor 'N Travis "TNT" bracelet she had made ahead of Kelce's AFC Championship Game last month.

So far, Kelce hasn't made it down undah to return the support -- he was just spotted out grabbing lunch in K.C. on Sunday -- although there's still plenty of time for him to head out to cheer her on.

Swift is slated to play four shows at Accor Stadium beginning Friday night and ending Monday. She'll then head to Singapore to kick off March -- and with Kelce free of NFL obligations for the time being, many have assumed he'll board a plane sooner rather than later.

Of course, it's been an emotional past few days, to say the least for the 34-year-old tight end ... after experiencing the highest high of winning the Big Game in Sin City, several people sustained gunshot wounds while celebrating the feat at his SB parade. To make matters tougher, Kelce caught backlash for appearing at a party just hours after the tragedy.

He and Taylor, though, both donated thousands to shooting victims late last week ... proving it's all very much been on their minds -- even if they've been apart for nearly a week now.


Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sanchez cenan en un restaurante chino Del Strip Mall

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez pueden valer miles de millones... pero a veces ponen los pies en la tierra y quieren disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.

El fundador de Amazon y su prometida -quienes están muy acostumbrados a la vida de lujo- fueron vistos en un restaurante relativamente pequeño en Miami el domingo llamado Tropical chino, y se sentaron para compartir una comida con otra pareja.

Si crees que destacarían como un pulgar dolorido en un antro como este ... pues estás en lo cierto. Como se puede ver en estas fotos obtenidas por TMZ - Jeff y co. ciertamente parecían celebridades en una parte muy normie de la ciudad. Y, en un modesto establecimiento como este - tal vez el doble.

La razón por la que sabemos que es cierto ... algunos de los clientes del restaurante - y algunos empleados también, al parecer - se acercó a charlar con JB y su equipo ... al parecer en el temor de que estaba allí.

A Jeff no parecía importarle la atención, fue visto sonriendo y sacándose fotos con los trabajadores del lugar. Una vez que él y su amada fueron finalmente capaces de sentarse y comer, nos dicen que disfrutaron del pato Pekín, que cuesta alrededor de $78 en ese lugar.

Es un menú completo de dos platos y sin duda una de sus ofertas más caras. Todo lo demás es bastante asequible, una orden de arroz frito en este lugar cuesta entre $15 y $26.

Teniendo en cuenta que Jeff y Lauren están acostumbrados a un cierto nivel de vida, esto debe haber sido algo "pintoresco" para ellos. Oye, ¡los multimillonarios también necesitan fideos grasientos!

Jeff Bezos, Lauren Sanchez Chowing Down at Chinese Restaurant ... Like Strip Mall Normies!!!

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez might be worth billions -- but they're just like us ... 'cause sometimes, they just want some basic lo mein, and when they do -- they dine in.

The Amazon founder and his fiancée -- who are quite accustomed to the high life -- rolled into a relatively dinky restaurant in Miami Sunday called Tropical Chinese and they sat down for a meal with another couple for dinner.

If you think they'd stand out like a sore thumb in a joint like this ... well, you're right. As you can see in these photos obtained by TMZ -- Jeff and co. most certainly looked like celebs in a very normie part of town. And, in a modest establishment like this -- perhaps doubly so.

The reason we know that's true ... some of the restaurant patrons -- and some staff too, it seems -- came over to chat it up with JB and his crew ... apparently in awe he was there.

Jeff didn't seem to mind the attention ... he was seen smiling and yukking it up with the commoners -- and once he and his party were finally able to sit down and munch, we're told they appeared to be delving into the Peking duck ... which goes for about $78 there.

It's a whole two-course deal there and certainly one of their pricier offerings. Everything else is fairly affordable ... a fried rice order at this place costs between $15 and $26.

Considering Jeff and Lauren are used to a certain standard of living in their day-to-day -- this must've been a nice change of pace for them. Hey, billionaires need greasy noodles too!

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Olivia Culpo, Christian McCaffrey Enjoying Much-Needed R&R ... After Devastating SB Loss

Olivia Culpo and Christian McCaffrey stripped to their bathing suits and hit a Mexico beach ... taking a vacay after a bitter Super Bowl loss.

The engaged couple headed down to Cabo San Lucas with 49ers tight end George Kittle, fullback Kyle Juszczyk and their wives Claire and Kristin ... where they soaked up the sun in some pretty revealing bathing suits.

Check out the pics ... the whole crew's milling about on the sand before hopping in the clear blue ocean for a dip -- lots of pecs and legs for all to see.

TMZ Studios

Christian and Olivia seem pretty deep in convo in the water too -- maybe talking about wedding planning ... after all, they've been engaged for almost a year, so ya gotta imagine the wedding's comin' up!

On top of the Niners players and their significant others, Peyton Manning was also down in the same area ... though as far as we can tell he kept his shirt on. He chatted up GK, KJ and CMC at a bar near the beach.

All of this messing around in the water comes just a week after the devastating 25-22 loss to the Chiefs in the NFL's biggest game of the year ... the Niners' second loss in a Super Bowl in the last five years.

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The whole trip seems to be one big healing retreat for the gang ... with Claire, Olivia and Kristin even posting a video to OC's TikTok about how much the L was affecting all of them -- though they seem in decent enough spirits.

So enjoy those rays while they last Niners gang ... the next NFL season is only a few months away!

Travis Kelce Hanging Out Stateside ... While Taylor Tours Australia

Travis Kelce's got a ton of free time until next year's NFL season starts ... but, he's still hanging around K.C. instead of jetting off to see his lady love down undah.

The three-time Super Bowl champ was photographed by Daily Mail hitting up one of his fav restaurants in Kansas City with a to-go bag in hand ... Taylor Swift was not by his side obviously since she's down in Australia on tour.

Travis looks relaxed in the DM pics ... having a grand ol' time while hanging out with a pal in the hot Missouri sun -- which might be surprising to fans who thought he'd be down in Australia already.

TK did a bunch of press leading up to the Super Bowl BTW ... including one interview where he said he would love to experience "Down Under" -- so him not already being down there's definitely raising some eyebrows.

Remember ... Swift performed a string of shows in Melbourne this past weekend -- including one right on the heels of the death of a fan who was headed to see her.

Storytime With Swift
X / @rwylnich

It's been an emotional weekend to say the least -- Taylor also opened up about feeling "lonely" during the pandemic ... which some people are seeing as a pretty clear shot at her ex Joe Alwyn.

Of course, Travis has been on his own emotional rollercoaster recently. The high of winning the Super Bowl was followed almost immediately by the tragic shooting at the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City.

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Both Taylor and Travis have donated thousands in the aftermath of the shooting ... so, clearly the tragedy is still weighing on both of their minds.

Don't worry too much Swifties ... 'cause Taylor's got a few more shows in Australia next weekend, moving on from Melbourne to Sydney. So, Travis has plenty of time to meet up with T-Swift.

Kansas City Magic
The CW / Inside The NFL

Swift's also got dates in Singapore in March ... chance for a romantic Southeast Asia vacation perhaps???