Chrisean Rock I'm Home, Daddy!!! Moves Back into Blueface's Crib with Their Kid

Blueface still has a little ways to go for his current jail sentence, but there's a good chance Chrisean Rock will be waiting at home for him when he comes back!!!

On Friday, Chrisean burst onto IG with a newfound faith in the father of her baby boy -- she updated her profile pic with one of the "Thotiana" rapper's mugshots but more shockingly, announced she was moving back into one of his houses!!!

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Fans were confused and displeased ... the last time these 2 were spotted publicly, they both had conflicting stories but left every indication they had a fight, and a very bloody one at that!!!

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She also posted a pair of new pics with their kid, but went out of her way to show support for Blue by making sure her "Jonathan" signature face tat was visible.

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TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Blueface is slated to be behind bars through Summer '24 but his manager, Wack 100, is pushing for an earlier release.

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He and Jaidyn broke off their engagement before he surrendered to start his sentence ... but she just might be competing for his attention again when he gets out.

Chrisean Rock Estoy en casa, papi!!! Se muda a la casa de Blueface con su hijo

A Blueface aún le queda un tiempo para cumplir su sentencia en prisión, ¡¡¡pero hay muchas posibilidades de que Chrisean Rock lo esté esperando en casa cuando vuelva!!!

El viernes, Chrisean irrumpió en Instagram con una renovada confianza en el padre de su bebé. Actualizó su foto de perfil con una de las fotos policiales del rapero de "Thotiana", pero lo más sorprendente, ¡¡¡anunció que se iba a mudar de nuevo a una de sus casas!!!

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"Muestra tus manos ensangrentadas"

¡¡¡Los fans estaban confundidos y disgustados!!! La última vez que estos dos fueron vistos en público tenían historias contradictorias, pero dieron todos los indicios de que estaban peleados y muy en serio.

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Chrisean también publicó un par de fotos nuevas con su hijo, pero se salió de su habitual forma de apoyar a Blue, asegurándose de que su tatuaje "Jonathan" fuera visible.

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TMZ Hip Hop dio a conocer la noticia, está programado que Blueface esté tras las rejas hasta el verano de 2024, pero su manager Wack 100 está presionando para que lo liberen antes.

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Él y Jaidyn rompieron su compromiso antes de que se entregara para iniciar su condena, pero podría tener competencia para atraer su atención cuando salga.

Patrick Swayze's Widow OG 'Road House' Not Meant For Oscars ... Just a Guilty Pleasure!!!

The director of a 'Road House" reboot is mad the movie won't run in movie theaters -- potentially costing Jake Gyllenhaal an Oscar -- but Patrick Swayze's widow says that's a highbrow aim compared to the OG film ... which was never meant to win Academy Awards.

Lisa Niemi Swayze tells TMZ ... the original "Road House" wasn't really Oscar-worthy material and it never tried to be ... it was just supposed to be a guilty pleasure.

Doug Liman directed the new 'RH' with Jake playing Patrick's main character role of John Dalton ... and he's ripping Amazon for sending it straight to its Prime Video streaming service, instead of giving it a theatrical run first.

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Doug says Amazon is depriving Jake from being recognized come award season for what he says is a career-best acting performance ... and he's boycotting SXSW, where the film is set to debut.

Patrick's wife isn't bashing Doug or the new movie when she says the original wasn't geared at winning Academy Awards, though ... she's just saying the 1989 film was really just for pure entertainment.

In fact, Lisa says Patrick truly respected Jake as an actor and thought he was a great talent.

As for the raging debate over the benefits of a theatrical release versus a straight-to-streaming release ... Lisa says she's not qualified to give a hot take.

Bottom line for Patrick's widow ... her late husband's 'Road House' was just supposed to be good old-fashioned fun. It appears the reboot will be the same, much to its director's chagrin.

la hija de Kim Zolciak dice que su madre se mantiene fuerte Tras el divorcio

todos son geniales

La hija de Kim Zolciak, Ariana Biermann, mantiene la fe, diciendo que el divorcio de sus padres se resolverá y que su mamá se mantiene fuerte a través de un momento muy duro.

Ariana estaba abordando un vuelo el jueves en LAX cuando un fotógrafo le preguntó cómo es que Kim y Kroy Biermann están llevando en casa. Se podría decir que ella realmente no quería hablar de esto, pero se abrió un poco de todos modos.

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momentos de tensión

La ruptura parece bastante dramática desde el exterior, pero Ariana dice que toda la familia está muy bien estos días, aunque suena como que no quiere añadirle tensión al asunto. La verdad es que todos sabemos que lo contrario es la verdad.

De todos modos, Ariana está dejando las cosas en manos de Dios y ni siquiera quiere opinar sobre si Kim y Kroy deben ser más civilizados entre sí en el futuro, y con razón, señalando que son adultos... y lo más importante, ella no está en la relación.

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enviando buenas vibras

Recordemos que NeNe Leakes, se refirió a la separación este mes y nos dijo que Kim estaba pasando un momento muy duro al separarse de Kroy.

Pero Ariana dice que Kim es una mujer fuerte y que su padrastro lo está haciendo "genial". Si somos francos, definitivamente está poniendo una cara valiente para sus padres, porque el Señor sabe que su situación en estos días es cualquier cosa menos tranquila.

Como te hemos dicho, Kim y Kroy siguen bajándole el precio a su mansión en Georgia para tratar de venderla y poder salir de una montaña de deudas y evitar una posible ejecución hipotecaria.

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Sin embargo, Ariana no parece muy preocupada por los acontecimientos inmobiliarios de sus padres ... ¡no es su casa y no es su problema!

Kim Zolciak's Daughter Ariana Mom Staying Strong Through Divorce ... It's All Gonna Work Out!!!

Everyone's Great

Kim Zolciak's daughter, Ariana Biermann, is keeping the faith ... saying her parents' nasty divorce will work itself out, and that her ma's staying strong through a really tough time.

Ariana was boarding a flight Thursday at LAX when a photog asked her how Kim and Kroy Biermann are holding up at home. You could tell she didn't really wanna chat about this -- but she opened up a bit nonetheless.

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The split looks pretty dramatic from the outside, but Ariana's saying the whole family's actually doing great these days ... though it sounds like she doesn't want to add to the tension or say anything bad about her parents. Truth is ... we all know the opposite is true.

Anyway -- Ariana's leaving it all up to God in terms of the fallout ... and she won't even weigh in on whether Kim and Kroy should be more civil with each other moving forward, rightly pointing out that they're adults ... and more importantly, she's not in the relationship!

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Remember ... Kim's former 'RHOA' costar NeNe Leakes ran into Kim earlier this month and told us Kim was having a hard time uncoupling from Kroy.

But Ariana says Kim's a strong woman and her stepdad's doing "awesome." If we're being frank ... this is definitely her putting a brave face on for her parents -- 'cause lord knows their situation these days is anything but.

As we've told you ... Kim and Kroy keep lowering the price of their Georgia mansion to try and sell it so they can climb out from a mountain of debt and avoid a potential foreclosure.

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Nonetheless, Ariana doesn't sound too concerned with her parent's real estate happenings either ... not her casa, not her problem!!!

Sofia Richie ¡¡Está esperando una niña con Elliot!!

Sofia Richie tiene una gran noticia que compartir y que la gente sospechaba desde hace un tiempo... ¡y ahora lo está confirmando con una gran portada de revista!

La modelo y socialité hizo el anuncio el jueves en Vogue, que publicó un montón de fotos de Sofia que fueron tomadas por un fotógrafo profesional y muestran la pancita de Sofía, por no hablar de un montón de trajes súper a la moda.

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La revista escribe: "¡Felicidades para @sofiarichiegrainge! La estrella está esperando su primer hijo con su marido, @Elliotgrainge".

Hay una cita de Sofia Richie en la pieza, que dice: "He aprendido más en los últimos seis meses que en toda mi vida". Ella revela en su entrevista que va a tener una niña, y que el bebé nacerá en junio, por lo que será una pequeña Géminis.

En términos de cómo se enteró, dice que se dio cuenta de que estaba embarazada bastante pronto, a las 4 semanas, porque se sintió mal durante un desfile de moda en Milán y cuando regresó a Los Ángeles se tomó las pruebas de embarazo solo para tener cuidado.

Y resultó ser que sí estaba embarazada. Dice que con su marido, Elliot Grainge, habían estado tratando de tener un bebé desde que se casaron el pasado mes de abril, en una gran boda francesa.

Ahora que Sofía está en el último trimestre de su embarazo, dice esto sobre su viaje: "Solo tienes que sentarte y estar en asombro, y saber que todo por lo que estás pasando es completamente normal. Todos los altibajos son normales. Me ha hecho sentir mejor saber que otras personas han pasado por los mismos altibajos emocionales. Eso fue reconfortante".

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Si no lo habíamos dicho ya, ¡¡¡felicitaciones!!!

Sofia Richie I'm Preggers ... Expecting Girl w/ Elliot!!!

Sofia Richie has a bun in the oven -- something people have suspected for a while now ... and which she just confirmed with a big, splashy magazine cover story.

The model/socialite made the announcement Thursday courtesy of Vogue -- which posted a bunch of maternity shoots pics that were taken by a professional photog ... showing off Sofia's growing belly, not to mention of a bunch of fashionable outfits to boot.

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The mag writes, "Congratulations are in order for @sofiarichiegrainge! The star is expecting her first child with her husband, @Elliotgrainge."

There's a quote from SR in their piece, which reads ... "I’ve learned more in the past six months than I have in my entire life." She reveals in her interview that she's having a little girl, and that the baby is due in June -- 'cause it's gonna be a Gemini kid.

In terms of how Sofia found out ... she says she caught on to the fact she was pregnant fairly early -- about 4 weeks in, she felt sick during a fashion show in Milan ... and when she got back to L.A., she started taking pregnancy tests just to be careful.

As it turns out, she was preggo -- and notes she and her husband, Elliot Grainge, had been casually trying to make a baby since they got hitched last April at their big French wedding.

Now that Sofia is in the final trimester of her pregnancy, she has this to say about the journey ... "[Y]ou just have to sit back and just be in awe, and know that everything you’re going through is completely normal and all of the ups and downs are normal. It’s made me feel better knowing that other people have gone through the emotional ups and downs. That was comforting for me."

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If we didn't already say it, congratulations!!!

T.J. HOLMES & AMY ROBACH Worried Our Spat Seen As Black Man Attacking White Woman

Amy & T.J. Podcast
My Immediate Concern
Amy & T.J. Podcast

It isn't just listeners worried about T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach's awkward podcast feud -- T.J. himself is concerned about a racial backlash over their bickering, and hesitated to post the episode because of it.

T.J. says he feared the argument would be viewed as a "Black man beating up on a white woman" ... though Amy was shocked, saying on Thursday's episode, she'd never considered race an issue in their relationship.

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

She said the fact he's Black and she's white had never crossed her mind ... though she quickly acknowledged that's exactly the point T.J.'s trying to make.

Amy admits she didn't realize something seemingly as minimal as sharing a recording of their argument would come with a racial element -- though now, the lightbulb's gone off for her.

Basically, the new episode is the couple explaining why they're second-guessing the decision to record, and then post the heated discussion about the future of their relationship -- and, for T.J., race is a major factor.

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He says he's learned over the years to keep his composure during confrontations with white women -- avoiding yelling or screaming so he doesn't come across as that old trope of the "angry Black man."

Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy says she noticed T.J. has a very real point when she saw the comments on their argument episode and the media coverage of it.

As we reported Monday, the duo fueled split rumors following the very public tension in their relationship.


They laid all their cards on the table ... noting they hadn't slept in the same bed for several days, Amy mentioning career pressure, and T.J. questioning her communication skills.

Keep Coming Back

A day later, they dismissed breakup speculation, walking arm in arm in NYC in an IG clip -- adding they dropped the episode cause they wanted to give fans a no-holds-barred look at their relationship.

Patrick Mahomes Fame Hasn't Changed Kelce 'He's Just Been Himself'


Patrick Mahomes says dating a popstar and hosting "Saturday Night Live" hasn't changed Travis Kelce one bit ... telling reporters Wednesday his best bud has remained even keel despite all the newfound fame.

The Chiefs quarterback praised his tight end for not letting all the attention get to his head during his weekly meeting with media members ... explaining Kelce has "just been himself the whole time."

"He's still Travis Kelce," Mahomes said. "He still will walk through the stadium and treat every single person like they're his best friend. And he's going to be like that in the locker room every single day."

"It hasn't been any different."

Of course, Kelce's life has completely changed since he won his second Super Bowl last February. He drew a ton of laughs on "SNL," earned features in a bevy of new commercials ... and, as you already know, he got into a relationship with Taylor Swift.

But Mahomes was adamant that "Travis has always been Travis" throughout it all.

The 28-year-old signal-caller also had a bunch of nice things to say about Kelce's "SNL" appearance ... telling reporters he was super happy to watch Kelce live out a lifelong dream.

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Up next for the two now is a date with the Baltimore Ravens ... and if they're able to win that, it'll be the Super Bowl -- where Kelce's star could somehow, if you can believe it, get even brighter.

Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes dicen que siguen juntos tras un incómodo podcast

volviendo otra vez

Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes no están dando por terminada su relación. Se les vio caminando del brazo en Nueva York a pesar de la tensión pública.

Estuvieron en Instagram el martes por la tarde para calmar los ánimos de los fans después de su drama detrás de escenas durante el episodio del lunes de su pódcast —"Amy & T.J."— donde los vimos discutiendo en sus micrófonos.

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

A través de grandes sonrisas y gafas de sol aún más grandes, la feliz pareja comenzó por asegurarle a sus seguidores que todavía siguen juntos, diciendo que discutieron sobre si se debería liberar el episodio, pero finalmente decidieron dejarlo, porque querían tener una visión global de su relación... lo bueno, lo malo y lo incómodo.

¡Amy fue un paso más allá en el pie de foto una vez más, diciéndole a los fans que no se habían separado, al menos no todavía...  ¡No hay tal cosa como la mala publicidad!

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

Robach y Holmes pusieron todas sus cartas sobre la mesa, señalando que no habían dormido en la misma cama durante varios días. La conversación derivó en Amy mencionando la presión de su carrera y Holmes cuestionando abiertamente las habilidades de comunicación de su media naranja, claramente nada de esto es fácil de escuchar para los fans.

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La pareja parecía feliz en el video que publicaron, pero se puede sentir que hay algo de tensión, ¿verdad? Su relación creó controversia y esta es una nueva oportunidad para ellos.

De todos modos, suponemos que vamos a confiar en que están bien ahora. Basándonos en esto, parece que T.J. y Amy no se dirigen a Splitsville... al menos no por el momento.

Amy Robach & T.J. Holmes Relationships Still Going Strong ... Despite Cringe-y Podcast!!!

Keep Coming Back

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes aren't calling quits on their coupling ... walking arm in arm in NYC -- despite very public tension in their relationship, which we all heard first-hand.

The fired 'GMA3' cohosts took to Instagram Tuesday afternoon to calm fans' minds after they dove headfirst into their behind-the-scenes drama during Monday's episode of their "Amy & T.J." podcast ... where we saw them bickering and arguing on their mics.

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

Through big grins, and even bigger sunglasses, the happy couple started by reassuring their followers they were still going strong -- saying they struggled over whether to release the episode but ultimately decided to drop it because they wanted to give a comprehensive view of their relationship ... the good, the bad and the awkward.

Amy took it a step further in the caption as well ... once again telling fans they weren't broken up while plugging the pod -- no such thing as bad publicity we suppose!

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

ICYMI ... Robach and Holmes laid all their cards on the table ... diving into how they felt in their personal lives with Holmes noting they hadn't slept in the same bed for several days. The convo spiraled into AR mentioning the pressure of her career, and TH outright questioning his better half's communication skills -- not exactly easy listening for fans.

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The couple certainly looked happy in the vid they posted ... but they kinda have to put on brave faces, right? Their relationship created both controversy AND this new opportunity for them -- so you figure trouble in paradise could, perhaps, hurt their bottom line.

Anyway, we suppose we'll take their word for it that they're all good now. Based on this, it looks like T.J. & Amy aren't headed to Splitsville ... at least not at the moment.


Travis Kelce My Heart Hands Were For Bills Fans ... Not Taylor Swift

New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Sorry, Swifties ... Travis Kelce just admitted his viral heart hands celebration on Sunday was NOT aimed at his girlfriend, Taylor Swift.

The Kansas City Chiefs tight end revealed on Wednesday's episode of his "New Heights" podcast that the gesture was actually for angry Buffalo Bills fans.

Kelce explained to his brother, Jason, on the show that as he was pulling up to Highmark Stadium in Buffalo to prep for the Divisional Round playoff game, Bills Mafia threw shade his team's way that he thought crossed the line.

"The Bills -- coming into their house, they want to make it rowdy," Kelce said. "Did it get a little disrespectful? One-thousand percent. One-thousand percent. Did it get a little extra? One-thousand percent."

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Kelce declined to say exactly what was said by the Bills backers ... though he did tell Jason, "Some things were said about the families -- some pretty inappropriate things were said about Pat Mahomes. It was pretty wack."

So, in an effort to make sure Bills fans knew the feelings weren't "mutual" ... he formed his fingers into a heart after scoring his first touchdown of the night.

"I don't hate you guys like you hate us," he said of what his intentions were with the celly. "It's all love, baby. It's all love."

Of course, Swift has made the move famous over the years ... and Kelce was actually spotted throwing it up to her fans at her show down in Argentina late last year.

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But, seems Swift will have to wait at least another week to get some real-deal, on-field, in-game love from her BF.


Breakup? What breakup? Tom Holland is trashing those rumors yet again by gushing over stunning snaps of GF Zendaya.

The 'Spider-Man' actor uploaded a B&W image of the actress from the Schiaparelli S/S24 show at Paris Fashion Week, and dropped three heart eyes emojis on it ... confirming he shares the thoughts as everyone who saw how incredible she looked with her edgy new bangs.

If that wasn't enough ... he reposted a photogs video of Z posing away outside the show with Gym Class Heroes' lyrics: "Take a look at my girlfriend. She's the only one I got."

Yeah, the guy's definitely doing the most to squash any talk of Zendaya or himself being single!

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The first rumblings they had split began last month when Zendaya unfollowed everyone on IG ... even purging Tom from her followers list with no explanation.

Tom addressed the speculation last week, denying they were dunzo while out in LA.

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"absolutely not"

The couple hasn't been photographed together in public in months, which fueled the breakup rumor -- but, people with direct knowledge told us the duo spent NYE together.

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Takeaway lesson: Don't read too much into it when Tom and Z don't hang together in public ... the reality is they've always been a pretty private couple.

Meanwhile, Tom's back to proudly, and publicly, gushing over his GF -- so, everyone's fave class couple's apparently going strong.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Tom Holland Embelesado con las fotos de Zendaya Miren a mi novia, no hay separación!!!

¿Ruptura? ¿Qué ruptura? Tom Holland está echando por tierra los rumores una vez más compartiendo efusivamente las impresionantes fotos de su novia Zendaya.

El actor de 'Spider-Man' subió una imagen en blanco y negro de la actriz en el desfile de Schiaparelli S/S24 en la Semana de la Moda de París, y añadió tres emojis con ojos de enamorados, confirmando que comparte los pensamientos de todos los que vieron lo increíble que se veía con su nuevo flequillo.

Por si eso no fuera suficiente, reposteó un video de fotos de Z posando fuera del show con letras de Gym Class Heroes: "Echa un vistazo a mi novia. Ella es la única que tengo".

¡Sí, el chico definitivamente está todo lo posible para aplastar cualquier rumor de que Zendaya o él mismo están solteros!

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Los primeros rumores de que se habían separado comenzaron el mes pasado cuando Zendaya dejó de seguir a todo el mundo en Instagram, incluyendo a Tom sin ninguna explicación.

Tom abordó la especulación la semana pasada, negando cualquier ruptura mientras estaba de paseo en Los Ángeles.

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"DEfinitivamente no"

La pareja no ha sido fotografiada en público en meses, lo que alimentó el rumor de la ruptura, pero algunas personas con conocimiento directo nos dijeron que el dúo pasó la Noche de Año Nuevo juntos.

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Lección de todo esto: No interpretes demasiado cuando Tom y Z no estén juntos en público, la verdad es que siempre han sido una pareja muy reservada.

Mientras tanto, Tom está de vuelta con orgullo y hablando públicamente de su novia, por lo que la pareja favorita de todo el mundo aparentemente va en serio.

Taylor Swift Visita Nobu NYC tras la victoria de los Chiefs... Brittany Mahomes y Cara Delevingne van con ella

Taylor Swift, Brittany Mahomes y Cara Delevingne fueron a celebrar la gran victoria de los Kansas City Chiefs en los playoffs a la Gran Manzana para una noche de chicas el martes.

Bienvenidas a Nueva York

La superestrella del pop y sus dos amigas salieron con estilo en dirección al restaurante Nobu en Manhattan para comer un delicioso sushi. El sexy trío llegó al lugar en un todoterreno, antes de que su chófer las ayudara a bajar del asiento trasero.

Un montón de paparazzi tomaron fotos mientras las mujeres subían un pequeño tramo de escaleras hasta desaparecer en el interior del famoso restaurante.

En cuanto a sus atuendos, Taylor llevaba un vestido negro con botas de cuero a juego y un bolso de mano. Cara también iba vestida de negro, con pantalones y blazer con una camiseta interior. Mahomes eligió una minifalda estampada en negro y gris con botas de tacón negras. También llevaba un bolso blanco.

El domingo, Taylor y compañía comenzaron su celebración, festejando como locos después de que los Chiefs lograran una victoria por 27-24 sobre los Buffalo Bills para avanzar al juego por el Campeonato de la AFC contra los Baltimore Ravens.

Taylor tenía mucho por lo que alegrarse, ya que su galán, el ala cerrada de los Chiefs Travis Kelce, atrapó un pase del maridito de Brittany, el QB Patrick Mahomes, durante el partido. Tras el touchdown, Kelce formó un corazón con sus manos en dirección a la suite VIP de Taylor en el Highmark Stadium de Buffalo. ¡Hablando de amor verdadero!

Taylor y Brittany, con bebidas en la mano, también fueron vistas brindando durante su velada después de la victoria de los Chiefs.

Taylor Swift Hits Nobu NYC After Chiefs Victory ... Brittany Mahomes, Cara Delevingne Tag Along

Taylor Swift, Brittany Mahomes and Cara Delevingne took their celebration of the Kansas City Chiefs' big playoff victory to the Big Apple for a girls' night out Tuesday.


The pop superstar and her two close buds went out in style, hitting up Nobu in Manhattan for some yummy sushi. The sexy trio rolled up in an SUV to the restaurant, before their chauffeur helped them out of the backseat onto the curb.

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A slew of paparazzi photogs were snapping pictures as the women strolled up a small flight of stairs, disappearing inside the famed eatery.

As for their outfits ... Taylor wore a black dress with matching leather boots while carrying a clutch purse. Cara was also decked out in all black, sporting pants and a blazer with an undershirt. Mahomes chose a black and gray patterned mini skirt with black heeled boots. She also carried a white purse.

On Sunday, Taylor and co. began their celebration, partying like crazy after the Chiefs eked out a 27-24 victory over the Buffalo Bills to advance to the AFC Championship game against the Baltimore Ravens.

Taylor had much to be happy about as her hunky beau, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, caught a touchdown pass from Brittany's hubby, QB Patrick Mahomes, during the game.

After the Chiefs won, Taylor, Brittany and Cara enjoyed lots of booze and fun conversations in their VIP suite at Buffalo's Highmark Stadium. Travis' All-Pro brother, Jason, and his wife, Kylie, joined the women and had a blast, too.

At one point, Taylor and Brittany, drinks in hand, were seen toasting each other during the soiree. What a night!