Kanye lleva a los paparazzi al estudio Para una improvisada sesión de fotos


Kanye West es como un pastor guiando un rebaño de ovejas estos días cuando se trata de paparazzi, y esta vez los llevó derecho a Bianca Censori, que estaba lista para ser fotografiada.

Échale un vistazo a estas imágenes de Ye llevando a una multitud de fotógrafos que lo han estado acosando a él y a Bianca desde hace días, ya que se han estado moviendo por todo Los Ángeles. La razón por la que trae a todo el mundo es para un solo propósito... fotografiar a su esposa.

El rapero estaba listo para hacer una sesión fotos improvisada y practicamente obligó a los tipos a sacar las fotografías.

Es bastante gracioso... Ye es muy específico con el tipo de ángulos que quiere, e incluso cede cuando le preguntan si Bianca (la modelo en este caso) puede mostrar algo de cara.

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Recuerda mucho a la manera en la que Ye se enfrentó a los paparazzi el otro día. En este caso, fue un poco más práctico en darles instrucciones.

De hecho, ella tiene una especie de abrigo de piel de cuerpo entero con un sombrero de piel gigante para que coincida. No está claro si es real o no... pero eso no viene al caso.

Muchos de los trajes de Bianca últimamente han sido reveladores, mientras que ella normalmente muestra mucho, parece que fue en la dirección opuesta en esta ocasión... todo cubierto.

Kanye West Brings Paps Into Studio ... Photograph My Furry Woman!!!


Kanye West is like a shepherd leading a flock of sheep these days when it comes to paparazzi -- and here, he led 'em right to Bianca Censori ... who was ready to be snapped.

Check out this wild footage of Ye leading a crush of photogs -- who've been hounding him and Bianca for days now as they move all over L.A. -- into a private studio that he seems to have been using. The reason he brings everyone in is for one purpose ... shoot his wife.

Of course, we mean photograph ... as in, he was down to do an impromptu camera sesh right there and then on the spot with the dudes on hand ... and they happily obliged.

It's pretty funny ... Ye is very specific with what sorta angles he wants from them -- and he even gives in when they ask if Bianca (the model in this instance) can show some face.

Very reminiscent of how KW dealt with paps the other day. In this case, he was a little more hands-on in giving them instructions. Ditto for Bianca ... who, BTW, was in quite the outfit.

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Indeed ... she's got some kind of full-body fur coat on -- with a giant fur hat to match. Unclear if it's real or not ... but that's sorta besides the point with this one. It's ... wacky.

A lot of Bianca's outfits lately have been eye-opening -- whereas she normally shows off a lot, it looks like she went in the opposite direction this time around ... all covered up.

The fashion saga between these two continues ...

Kanye West Bianca's Gonna Show Off Her Bod ... Come Rain(coat) or Shine!!!

Kanye West and Bianca Censori keep finding new ways for her to show off her breasts ... and this time, it looks like she went for the old nothing-underneath routine in the rain.

Check out these pics of Ye and his wife at a shopping mall in Century City Monday ... as you can see, he's wearing a brown Balenciaga raincoat, and Bianca's in a blue poncho with not much else underneath. In fact, it looks like she's going commando for her upper half.

The only thing clearly visible under Bianca's coat is her black underwear and knee-high black boots ... outside of that, there's nothing there but a rockin' bod and human flesh.

Safe to say, KW and BC are making a fashion statement on a cold and rainy day in L.A. ... and it certainly looks like the weather isn't the only thing here that's a bit nippy. Sorry, we just couldn't resist!


Anyway, this is far from the wildest getup Bianca's worn of late. She's been known to wear some super tight body suits, and sometimes ... nothing much at all. On this occasion, she is technically covered up more than usual -- but, like, not really at the same time.

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Whether it's in a raincoat or anything else, Bianca (and Kanye, too, if we're being honest) seems determined to show off her assets one way or another -- and she usually succeeds.

Rain check on modesty, we suppose.

Kanye West Bianca va a mostrar su cuerpazo... Llueva o truene!!!

Kanye West y Bianca Censori siguen encontrando formas para que ella muestre sus pechos y esta vez parece que optó por la vieja rutina de andar sin nada bajo la lluvia.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos de Ye y su esposa en un centro comercial en Century City el lunes. Como se puede ver, él lleva un impermeable marrón Balenciaga y Bianca uno azul con no mucho más debajo. De hecho, parece que no lleva nada arriba.

Lo único claramente visible bajo el abrigo de Bianca es su ropa interior negra y sus botas negras a la rodilla. Fuera de eso, no hay nada más que un cuerpo rockero y carne humana.

Es seguro decir que Kanye y Bianca están haciendo una declaración de moda en un día frío y lluvioso en Los Ángeles, y ciertamente parece que el clima no es lo único un poco fresco aquí. Lo siento, ¡no nos pudimos resistir!

¡¿Nada debajo?!

De todos modos, esto está lejos de ser el atuendo más salvaje que Bianca ha usado últimamente. Ella ha sido conocida por llevar algunos trajes super apretados y a veces ... nada en absoluto. En esta ocasión, ella está técnicamente más cubierta de lo habitual, pero al mismo tiempo, no realmente.

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Ya sea en un impermeable o cualquier otra cosa, Bianca (y Kanye también, si somos honestos) parece decidida a mostrar sus activos de una manera u otra, y por lo general, tiene éxito.

Suponemos que esta vez, con el impermeable, quiso ser más modesta.

Amy Robach & T.J. Holmes Argue on Podcast ... Talk 'Pressure' of Relationship

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes got to bickering about their love life on their podcast -- where they talked about the "pressure" in their relationship ... and boy was it awkward!

The former 'GMA3' anchors-turned-lovers trotted out a new episode of "Amy & T.J." Monday which was aptly called 'Things Ain't Right' ... and during the course of their 47-minute long convo, they touched on a number of issues -- including how they're doing personally.

Can't even lie, this is pretty cringeworthy to listen to ... 'cause you can tell there's tension here between the couple, and ya might even say they argue a little bit in their chat.

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The whole thing stems from Amy going on this rant about "choosing love" as it pertains to her career -- and the way it comes out seems to rub T.J. the wrong way ... as he asks her to elaborate, especially when discussing pressure she feels in their situation.

She attempts to clear up what she means ... ultimately landing on something to the effect of -- she feels like she's had her career taken from her, and that it's unfair since she chose him.

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

Eventually, T.J. himself chimes in ... and notes, she obviously feels some type of way -- explaining that he'd been sensing passive-aggressiveness from her even earlier that day. T.J. basically says ... as long as we're good, I'm good. He seems more at ease than she does.

Take a listen for yourself, because from what we can tell ... this for sure sounds like the first signs of trouble in paradise between them that we've seen or heard. Up until now, they've come across as two peas in a pod with no issues at all. But something's bubbling up here.


Nia Long Getting $32k/Mo. In Child Support ... From Ex Ime Udoka

Nia Long just got what she wanted in her custody battle with Ime Udoka -- a judge made it so she'll get monthly support ... plus, a majority of the parenting time for their child.

The actress and NBA coach -- who split up in 2022 amid claims of infidelity -- came to terms in court Monday ... with a judge signing off on a custody agreement that hashes out who's paying who, and who their son will live with/spend most of his time with.

Per the docs, obtained by TMZ, it's actually Nia who'll be receiving monthly child support -- and even though the court said she might be entitled to upwards of $56k ... the 2 parents ended up landing on about half of that, with Ime agreeing to pay her $32,500/month.

The couple went through their financials -- as did the court -- and found Ime makes way more money coaching the Houston Rockets right now than Nia does ... noting he's got more than $400k in net monthly disposable income, whereas she's only got about $20k.

Now, in terms of custody ... they'll continue to share joint legal custody -- but Nia will get sole physical custody with reasonable visitation for Ime as time and scheduling permits.

They note in their docs that Ime is constantly traveling with the team, and this arrangement works better for everyone. Everything else pertaining to their kid, Kez, is pretty even-Steven.

Remember, Nia had filed for pretty much exactly this situation back in August -- and earlier this month, she and Ime had come to these exact terms in a settlement. Now, she's got it all in writing with a stamp of approval ... with the court entering the judgment, making it official.

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On its face, it seems both parties are happy ... which is all you can ask for.

Kanye West y Bianca Censori son confrontados por un transeúnte

la confrontación

Kanye West y Bianca Censori tuvieron una experiencia muy L.A. al ser confrontados por un tipo al azar en la calle que estaba dispuesto a despotricar y delirar a un volumen muy alto.

Ye y su esposa se ocupaban de sus propios asuntos el domingo en Melrose Place, cuando un transeúnte que parecía salir de la nada se lanzó en una diatriba extrañamente personal contra Kanye mientras la pareja caminaba de regreso a su Range Rover.

Kanye y Bianca -que estaba de vuelta de mostrar sus curvas y un cuerpo apretado- parecían bastante alarmados por el hombre, el cual se acercó un poco a ellos, e incluso bloqueó su camino por unos momentos.

El tipo parecía tener problemas con Kanye, gritando y repitiendo: "¡Tú no eres s***, chico!". El tipo también les dijo que estaban en su territorio y siguió diciendo cosas sobre Lucifer, el Diablo y 666 mientras mostraba algunos signos de mano amenazantes.

Kanye dejó que el tipo tuviera su opinión, sin embargo, no se alejó a toda prisa, en lugar de romper su ventana para obtener un earful una vez que estaba a salvo en el carro con Bianca. No hubo confrontación física, por suerte, pero Ye parecía contento de dejar que el hombre se desahogara.

La gente en Los Ángeles está acostumbrada a estas situaciónes -que sucede todo el tiempo- pero casi no se ven celebridades lidiando con ello, especialmente alguien como Kanye, que es propenso a los arrebatos él mismo.

De todos modos, échale un vistazo al video, parece que los trajes de Bianca no son la razón de la ira aquí. Dicho esto, sin duda fue otro atuendo revelador, digno de su propia conversación.

Kanye West & Bianca Censori Get Earful From Angry, Loud Rando ... 'You Ain't S*** Boy!!!'

scary confrontation

Kanye West and Bianca Censori had a very L.A. experience ... getting confronted by a random dude in the street, who was ready to rant and rave at a very high volume.

Ye and his wife were minding their own business Sunday on Melrose Place, when a bystander who seemed to come out of nowhere launched into an oddly personal tirade against KW as the couple walked back to their Range Rover.

Kanye and Bianca -- who was back to showing off her curves in a tight, body-hugging outfit --- appeared pretty alarmed by the outspoken man here ... who got somewhat close to them, and even blocked their path for a few moments as they were pulling out and leaving.

The guy seemed to have beef with Kanye ... yelling and repeating, "You ain't s***, boy!!!" The dude also told them they were in his territory and he kept saying things about Lucifer, the Devil and 666 while flashing some menacing hand signs.

Kanye let the guy have his say though ... he didn't drive off in a hurry -- instead cracking his window to get an earful once he was safely in the car with Bianca. There was no physical confrontation, thankfully, but Ye seemed content with letting the man blow off steam.

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Normies in L.A. are used to this sitch -- it happens all the time -- but you hardly see celebs have to deal with it ... especially someone like Kanye, who's prone to outbursts himself.

Anyway, check out the video ... sounds like Bianca's outfits aren't the source of anger here. With that said, it certainly was another eye-opening getup ... worthy of its own convo.

Jason Kelce sin camiseta levanta a jóvenes fans para saludar a Taylor Swift

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¡Hey taylor!

Taylor Swift no es eclipsada muy a menudo, pero el hermano de Travis Kelce, Jason, puede haber hecho precisamente eso en el partido del domingo, donde se mostró sin camiseta y listo para celebrar.

El centro de las Águilas -cuya temporada ha terminado después de que su equipo perdió en los playoffs la semana pasada- estaba pasando el rato con T-Swift y un montón de otros amigos y familia en una suite privada en el Highmark Stadium cuado Travis y los Chiefs se enfrentaron a los Bills de Buffalo en un gran juego.

Se podía decir que Jason estaba listo para la fiesta desde el primer momento, porque muy rápidamente perdió su camiseta y estuvo a pecho descubierto durante gran parte del juego, aplastando cervezas y rugiendo.

Por supuesto, Tay-Tay también estuvo a su lado, gritando como loca, mientras bebía con Brittany Mahomes y otras amigas, como Cara Delevingne. Por lo que se ve en las fotos de su celebración, se lo estaban pasando muy bien allí.

Ahora, en un momento en que las cosas se calmaron, algunos fans llamaron la atención de Jason -al parecer eran jóvenes swifties que querían saludar a su ídola- Jason vio esto, bajó hacia ellas (de nuevo, sin camisa) y accedió a su petición.

Cogió a las dos chicas y las llevó a la ventana, donde pudieron saludar a Taylor y a todos los que estaban dentro... Jason se limitó a hacer el papel tipo simpático que facilitó todo.

Fue un momento bastante dulce, debemos decir que el chico es bastante relajado, y así son sus padres.

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Taylor, Travis y todos los demás se fueron juntos después del partido, los detalles son un poco confusos acerca de dónde fueron a celebrar, pero hay una foto dando vueltas que muestra Trav y compañía posando en una foto grupal.

Los buenos tiempos siguen rodando para esta tripulación, próxima parada, Baltimore.

Tyrese Trolls le responde a kanye Con fotos de su novia

Tyrese vio a Kanye West publicando contenido con Bianca Censori y trató de hacer lo mismo, mostrando a su voluptuosa pareja y haciendo bromas a expensas de Bianca.

El cantante y actor se enteró del post de Ye este fin de semana, en el que publicó un montón de fotos de Bianca pasando el rato en la cocina usando la más mínima vestimenta..

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Kanye estaba claramente satisfecho con lo que estaba viendo, pero Tyrese parece haber pensado que a Bianca le faltaba un poco de cuerpo, porque destacó que su propia novia tiene un poco más de curvas que Bianca.

Tyrese publicó un clip de la influencer y modelo Zelie Timothy -con quien está saliendo actualmente- y los estaban en una playa en algún lugar con Zelie deslumbrando con un bikini de dos piezas.

Ella se levanta y comienza a caminar hacia el agua, mostrandole su botín a Tyrese y el tipo subtitula el clip: "Querido Kanye... Todo el trigo, y mantiene la crema".

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Podría pensarse que es un ataque mal intencionado hacia Ye y Bianca, pero sin duda no es más que buena diversión. Lo que Tyrese parece estar señalando aquí es obvio... su chica es despampanante y él está orgulloso de mostrarlo.

Por supuesto, esto es sólo un troleo por parte de Tyrese, pero es interesante que la gente esté siguiendo el ejemplo de Ye en lo que respecta a presumir a su novia. Eso es algo que Kanye ha estado haciendo mucho últimamente con Bianca... le gusta mostrarla.

Por suerte para ambos, sus damas son absolutamente impresionantes, por lo que ambos están ganando.

A las mujeres tampoco parece importarles demasiado... ¡Pues adelante!

Jason Kelce Lifts Young Fans to Say Hi to Taylor ... & Other Shirtless Highlights

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Taylor Swift doesn't get upstaged very often -- but Travis Kelce's brother, Jason, may have done just that at Sunday's game ... where the dude was shirtless and ready to rage.

The Eagles center -- whose season is over after his team lost in the playoffs last week -- was hanging out with T-Swift and a bunch of other friends/family in a private suite at Highmark Stadium as Travis and the Chiefs took on the Buffalo Bills in a huge game.

You could tell JK was ready to party from the get-go, because pretty quickly ... he lost his shirt, and was going bare-chested through much of the game, crushing beers and roaring.

Of course, Tay-Tay was there next to him too ... screaming her head off, all while knocking back drinks with Brittany Mahomes and other gal pals in tow, like Cara Delevingne. From the looks of the photos of their celebration, they were having a damn good time in there.

Now, at one point when things settled down, some fans caught Jason's attention right below their box -- namely, young girls who apparently had some Swiftie signage they wanted to show off. Jason saw this, climbed down to them (again, shirtless) and obliged their request.

He picked both girls up and took 'em to the window, where they were able to wave hi to Taylor and everyone else inside ... and Jason was just playing everyone's cool uncle.

Pretty sweet moment, we must say ... the guy's totally comfortable, and so are the parents.

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As for what Taylor, Travis and everyone else got up to after the game -- where everybody was riding high off of a nail-biting win -- there's a photo going around showing Trav and co. posing for a group pic.

The good times keep on rolling for this crew ... next stop, Baltimore. Then, maybe SB!

Tyrese to Kanye How's This for 'Wheat'??? You & Bianca Can Have the 'Cream'!!!

Tyrese saw Kanye West posting thirst traps of Bianca Censori and tried one-upping him with his own ... showing off his voluptuous GF, and cracking jokes at Bianca's expense.

The singer/actor caught wind of Ye's "cream of wheat" shoutout to his wife this weekend -- where he posted a bunch of shots of BC hanging out in a kitchen, while wearing basically nothing and showing off her ass cheeks on the process.

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KW was clearly pleased with what he was seeing, but Tyrese seems to have thought Bianca was lacking in the body department a bit -- 'cause he highlighted his own lady ... who's a little curvier than Bianca, and with a lot more body too.

Tyrese posted a clip of influencer/model Zelie Timothy -- whom he's currently dating -- and the two of them were out at a beach somewhere ... with ZT rocking a 2-piece bikini.

She gets up and starts walking toward the water, showing off her booty to an admiring Tyrese, and the dude captioned the clip ... "Dear Kanye ... All wheat, hold the cream."

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It seems to be a little bit of a dig at Ye/Bianca -- but it's, no doubt, all in good fun. What Tyrese appears to be telegraphing here is the obvious ... his gal's a thickie-poo, and he's proud to show it.

Of course, this is just a troll on Tyrese's part -- but it's interesting that people are kinda following Ye's lead in showcasing their significant others for everyone to gawk at. That's something Kanye's been doing a lot of lately with Bianca ... he likes to show her off.

Luckily for both dudes ... their ladies are absolutely stunning, so they're each winning.

The women themselves also don't seem to mind the attention either ... have at it then!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift, Brittany Mahomes Crazy For K.C. ... Rage In Suite During Chiefs' Playoff Win

Taylor Swift and Brittany Mahomes couldn't calm down as the Kansas City Chiefs punched their ticket to the AFC Championship Game on Sunday ... celebrating throughout the huge win with tons of shouting, drinks and impromptu photoshoots.

The two famous WAGs returned to their usual suite seats for K.C.'s Divisional Round matchup against the Buffalo Bills at Highmark Stadium ... and this time around, they had new company from Travis Kelce's All-Pro brother, Jason, his wife, Kylie, and Swift's gal pal, Cara Delevingne.

Naturally, the A-list box had plenty of booze for the occasion ... and Swift and Mahomes took advantage of that by giving each other a "cheers" before sipping some adult bevvies.

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Mahomes documented the experience on her Instagram ... showing the whole group in great spirits as the Chiefs came away with the 27-24 victory -- and Swift was right in the middle of the pack for the shot.

Of course, Swift had a front-row seat for Jason's shirtless antics ... and cameras showed her absolutely stunned as he hopped out of the suite to make his way to the normies' section of the stadium.

The broadcast also cut to Taylor and Brittany after Kelce scored a key touchdown ... with the two hugging it out in celebration -- which was met with mixed reviews (after all, haters gonna hate, hate, hate).

Swift might be considered a good-luck charm at this point ... and TK clearly has her on his mind on the field, with many thinking he threw up some heart hands in her direction after one of his TDs.

The Chiefs will now travel to Baltimore to face off against the Ravens on Sunday ... and judging by Swift's warm welcome with Chiefs Kingdom over the course of the season, there's no way she's gonna miss that one, either.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift Supporting Her Man in Buffalo ... Blowing Haters Kisses


5:52 PM PT -- Travis is clearly appreciative of his better half showing up to support him ... after he scored a TD, he seemed to blow a kiss and toss a "hand heart" up toward the suite where Tay's chilling with the fam.

His brother was freakin' stoked too ... though Jason went with a pretty different kind of celebration -- ripping off his shirt and downing a beer while the boos rained down on him!!!

3:17 PM PT -- So far, so good on the all-important "meeting" of the sibling ... Taylor and Jason look pretty comfortable chatting -- which makes you wonder if they've maybe hung out before.

Taylor Swift's landed in Buffalo and Bills Mafia is giving her a hard time ... but the pop star seems to be taking all the jeering in stride.

TS' beau's playing in chilly upstate New York this afternoon, and her arrival at Highmark Stadium received the requisite amount of fanfare ... lots of pictures, video and a little trash talk from the other team.

One fan screams out "Bills by a billion" and Taylor seemingly blows a smooch back to him in response ... pretty dang cool response for the megastar.

Tay's basically a pro at attending Chiefs games at this point ... she's been hitting them up regularly since September and even braved frigid temperatures to watch her man's first playoff game last week -- and seemed totally enthralled with him after.

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And, there's another relationship milestone Taylor's reaching tonight ... a public appearance with Jason Kelce, Travis' brother, who plays for the Philadelphia Eagles and was spotted landing in Buffalo earlier Sunday. She's already been spotted with JK's wife Kylie ... so it shouldn't be too long.

As far as we can tell ... Taylor spent a ton of time with Travis' mom, Donna, and even hung out with his dad, Ed, but she and Jason have never been spotted hanging out publicly -- which doesn't mean they haven't had a covert meeting over the last couple weeks.

Now, Chiefs fans might not be so stoked on Taylor's appearance at the game ... remember, she pulled up for the match back in December where the Bills won by just three points -- and Patrick Mahomes had something of a meltdown after the L.

Of course, Taylor didn't cause that loss by any means ... but sports fans are superstitious -- so you just know she's gonna take a lot of flak if Josh Allen's squad can pull out a win.

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The game's kicking off here at 3:30 PM PT ... so grab a seat and blast "Cruel Summer" in honor of the hottest couple around!!!

Originally Published -- 2:59 PM PT

Taylor Swift llega al partido de los Chiefs de Travis Kelce En Buffalo

Taylor Swift ha aterrizado en Buffalo y Bills Mafia le está dando un mal rato, pero la estrella del pop parece estar tomandose los abucheos con calma.

El pretendiente de Taylor juega esta tarde en el frío norte del estado de Nueva York y su llegada al Highmark Stadium ha recibido la cantidad necesaria de fanfarria. Muchas fotos, videos y un poco de hate por parte del otro equipo.

Un fan grita "Bills por mil millones" y Taylor aparentemente le sopla un beso en respuesta... bastante cool ¿no?

Tay es básicamente una profesional en asistir a los juegos de los Chiefs. Ella ha aparecido con regularidad desde septiembre e incluso desafió las temperaturas gélidas para ver el primer partido de los playoffs de su hombre la semana pasada y parecía totalmente cautivada con él después.

felices juntos
X / @Leabonics

Hay otro hito en la relación que Taylor esta noche... una aparición pública con Jason Kelce, el hermano de Travis, que juega para los Philadelphia Eagles y fue visto aterrizando en Buffalo el domingo temprano. Ella ya ha sido vista con la esposa de JK Kylie.

Por lo que podemos decir, Taylor pasó un montón de tiempo con la madre de Travis, Donna, e incluso salió con su padre, Ed, pero ella y Jason nunca han sido vistos saliendo públicamente, lo que no significa que no hayan tenido una reunión secreta durante el último par de semanas.

Ahora, los fans de los Chiefs podrían no estar tan entusiasmados con la aparición de Taylor en el juego, recordemos que ella apareció en el partido en diciembre, donde los Bills ganaron por solo tres puntos y Patrick Mahomes tuvo una crisis después de la L.

Por supuesto, Taylor no provocó ese resultado de ninguna manera, pero los aficionados al deporte son supersticiosos, así que usted sabe que ella va a recibir un montón de críticas si el equipo de Josh Allen llega a ganar.

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El partido comienza en USA a las 3:30 PM PT... así que aparta un asiento y haz sonar "Cruel Summer" en honor de la pareja más caliente del momento.

Ja Rule Can't Wait to Meet Ashanti's Baby!!! Here's a Tip for Her & Nelly

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You Just Gotta Love 'Em

Ja Rule is excited to be an uncle once again -- through Ashanti and Nelly's pending bundle of joy, and he thinks parenthood will be a cinch for them.

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Ja Thursday in NYC, where he told us he's been tracking the news updates on his forever collaborator/friend just like everyone else.

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Now, Ja stopped short of confirming the baby buzz is true -- but Ashanti and Nelly have, seemingly, leaned into the reports they're expecting their first child together.

They still won't say for sure, so much like Halle Bailey and DDG, we might just have to wait and see if the stork delivers.

Ja's had several youngins of his own, so, naturally, he had some advice for Ashanti and Nelly on how best to raise their little tyke ... assuming there's really one in the oven.

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BTW, JR's also expecting -- not a tiny human, but the release of his first album in well over a decade.

He told us fans can expect a project reminiscent of "all" of his previous sounds.

Fact is, Ja's survived a few rap eras, so, let's hope it's not an overcrowded album!!!