Britney Spears se siente extraña estando soltera tras su fallido matrimonio con Sam Asghari

Britney Spears está recordando su fallido matrimonio con Sam Asghari, diciendo que hubo muchos altibajos y confiesa que se siente extraña estando soltera.

En un largo mensaje publicado en Instagram el domingo, Brit se sumergió de lleno en su relación de 7 años con Sam que terminó con él solicitando el divorcio en agosto de 2023 después de 14 meses de matrimonio.

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Ella escribió: "Es tan raro estar soltera.  He tenido mucho tiempo para mirar realmente hacia atrás con todo lo bueno y lo malo. Me he dado cuenta de que no hablo conmigo misma tan bien en absoluto. Soy fácilmente manipulable y llevo mi corazón en la manga".

Brit prometió hacer cambios en su vida al detenerse a "reevaluar" las situaciones a medida que surgen y preguntarse: "¿Esto es bueno para mí?"

También reveló que le gusta tener una rutina, pero que la suya es "tonta a veces", aunque admite que se aburre y le asustan muchas cosas.

Luego tocó el tema de las personas que interfirieron en su vida, de las cuales ha recuperado el control, sabiendo ahora que está bien ser egoísta y disfrutar.

Después de eso, Brit se desvió un poco, terminando con una historia sobre su madre, Lynne, visitando a las hermanas en la escuela católica a la que la estrella del pop asistió cuando era más joven.

Lynne podría haber estado en la mente de Brit dada su reciente reconciliación después de años de estar distanciados. El jueves pasado, TMZ informó por primera vez que Lynne hizo su segundo viaje en dos semanas para ver a Brit en Los Ángeles y parece que todo salió según lo planeado.

Lynne incluso nos dijo que hay una posibilidad de que madre e hija podrían pasar la Navidad juntas de vuelta a casa en Louisiana. En cuanto a Sam, Lynne dice que no lo echa de menos.

Lo siento Sam.

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce Leave Arrowhead Holding Hands ... After Chiefs' Loss

Travis Kelce may have been a loser on the field on Sunday night, but off of it, he continued his winning ways, leaving Arrowhead Stadium hand in hand with Taylor Swift.

The Chiefs superstar's girlfriend was in attendance for his game against the Buffalo Bills for the second straight weekend ... and while Kelce and Kansas City couldn't pull out the win at home, Swift was there to console him afterward.

She was spotted grabbing his hand and chatting with him following the 20-17 L ... some TLC we're sure he could use, given the controversial way the Chiefs lost.

Despite an offsides call that ruined the afternoon for the Chiefs ... the tight end still played solidly, recording six catches for 83 yards.

Swift was seen on the broadcast cheering him on often ... and, at one point during the game, announcer Tony Romo actually referred to her as Kelce's "wife" -- a verbal flub he quickly corrected.

The NFL contest was the sixth one Swift has attended this season -- and if you're keeping score at home, the Chiefs are now 4-2 with her in attendance.

Kansas City will have to pack its bags for a road game this weekend -- it's slated to play in New England on Sunday ... and while it remains to be seen if Swift will jet to Foxborough for the tilt, it's probably a safe bet to assume she'll be there once again for her new man.

Britney Spears Reflects On Marriage To Sam Asghari ... There Was 'Good and Bad'

Britney Spears is reminiscing about her failed marriage to Sam Asghari, saying there were many ups and downs while confessing she feels strange being single.

In a lengthy message posted on Instagram Sunday, Brit dove right into her 7-year relationship with Sam that ended with him filing for divorce in August 2023 after 14 months of marriage.

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She wrote, "It’s so weird being single.  I’ve had a lot of time to really look back with all the good and bad. I’ve realized I don’t talk to myself that nicely at all. I’m easily manipulated and I wear my heart on my sleeve."

Brit vowed to make changes in her life by stopping to "re-evaluate" situations as they come up and ask herself, "Is this good for me?"

She also revealed she enjoys having a routine, but hers is "silly sometimes," yet she admits she's bored and frightened of many things.

She then touched upon the people who interfered in her life, of which she has gained back control, knowing now that it's fine to be selfish and enjoy it.

After that, Brit veered off a bit, ending with a story about her mom, Lynne, visiting the sisters at the Catholic school the pop star attended when she was younger.


Lynne might have been on Brit's mind given their recent reconciliation after years of being estranged. Last Thursday, TMZ first reported Lynne made her second trip in 2 weeks to see Brit in L.A. -- and it appears it all went according to plan.

Lynne even told us there's a possibility mother and daughter could spend Christmas with each other back home in Louisiana. As for Sam, Lynne says she doesn't miss him.

Sorry Sam.

Chilli y Matthew Lawrence siguen juntos de vacaciones

Chilli de TLC y el actor Matthew Lawrence no son tan públicos acerca de su romance como solían ser, pero no dejes que el silencio te engañe, su relación sigue en pie y se están preparando para algunas fiestas compartidas.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que Chilli y Matthew recientemente pasaron su segundo Día de Acción de Gracias juntos, con la cantante cocinando algo de comida para ellos. Matthew aparentemente quedó impresionado por la habilidad culinaria de la artista.

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todos juntos

Ellos han estado juntos a larga distancia por un tiempo. Ella está en Georgia y él en Los Ángeles, pero han encontrado el tiempo para verse tanto como pueden.

Chilli y Matthew estuvieron juntos el jueves por la noche para el show de TLC en Las Vegas, y ambos fueron a un partido de los Atlanta Falcons juntos el mes pasado.

Échale un vistazo al video del partido, se puede ver a Chilli y Matthew bailando "Crank That" de Soulja Boy, ¡con el nieto de Big Boi!

Las cosas parecen ir muy bien para la pareja. Nos dicen que van a pasar la Navidad juntos este año, otra señal de que esto será una relación larga.

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¿habrá boda?

Como hemos informado, Chilli se ha mostrado abierta acerca de sus sentimientos por la estrella de "Boy Meets World", ¡incluso nos dijo en marzo que ella espera que se casen!

Chilli & Matthew Lawrence Relationship Still Thrivin'!!! Spending Holidays Together

TLC's Chilli and actor Matthew Lawrence aren't as public about their romance as they used to be, but don't let the quiet fool you -- their relationship is still booming, and they're gearing up for some shared holiday cheer.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... Chilli and Matthew recently spent their second Thanksgiving together, with the singer cooking up some grub for them, and Matthew was apparently blown away by the meal.

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They've been doing the long-distance thing for a bit -- she's in Georgia, he's in L.A. -- but have still made time to see each other as much as they can.

Chilli and Matthew were together Thursday night for TLC's show in Vegas, and they both went to an Atlanta Falcons game together last month.

Check out the vid from the game, BTW -- that's Chilli and Matthew groovin' to Soulja Boy's "Crank That" ... with Big Boi's grandson!

Obviously, things appear to be going great for the couple ... and we're told they're gonna spend Christmas together this year, too -- another sign they're in this for the long haul.

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As we reported, Chilli has been open about her feelings for the "Boy Meets World" star ... she even told us back in March that she's hoping they'll tie the knot!

Adam22 le responde a Joe Budden por criticar su matrimonio con Lena The Plug

¿alguien está celoso?

Adam22 le está respondiendo a Joe Budden luego de que este dijera que su matrimonio con Lena es una farsa, y lo está haciendo hablando de las relaciones pasadas de Joe.

Encontramos a Adam y Lena fuera de su tienda No Jumper el viernes en Melrose, y dijeron que las palabras de Joe son bastante irónicas.

¿falso matrimonio?
The Joe Budden Podcast

Joe afirmó en su podcast que Adán está en una espiral descendente y está enfocado en mantenerse relevante, citando que deja a Lena dormir con diferentes tipos, incluso piensa que la pareja tiene un acuerdo al respecto.

Adam y Lena dicen que eso está lejos de la verdad y realmente hacen cosas normales como una pareja, por no hablar de que tienen un hijo y viven juntos.

Ahora, en el frente menos tradicional, Adam y Lena acaban de concluir su reality show de competencia, "Por el amor de Lena", que tenía a varios chicos compitiendo por tener un trío con Lena y Adam, ¡y qué trofeo fue a la estrella de cine para adultos Lil D!

Estaba con Adam y Lena el viernes, y le preguntamos cuál era su parte favorita de ganar el concurso. Pista: No necesitas adivinar dos veces su respuesta.

Adam22 Calls Joe Budden Out After Marriage Bashing ... What Does He Know About Healthy Relationships?!


Adam22 is putting Joe Budden on blast for saying his marriage to Lena the Plug was a sham ... and he's doing it by calling out Joe's own past relationships.

We got Adam and Lena outside their No Jumper Store Friday on Melrose, and he says the chatter from Joe is pretty ironic ... and he's got a bold reason why.

The Joe Budden Podcast

ICYMI, Joe claimed on his podcast that Adam's on a downward spiral and is doing a lot to stay relevant, citing letting Lena sleep with different dudes as an example ... he even thought the 2 might just have an arrangement going on.

Adam and Lena say that's far from the truth, and really do a lot of normal things as a couple -- not to mention they have a kid, and freakin' live together, too.

Now, on the less traditional front ... Adam and Lena just wrapped their reality competition show, "For the Love of Lena," which had multiple guys vying to have a threesome with Lena and Adam ... and that unique trophy went to adult film star Lil D.

He was with Adam and Lena on Friday, and we asked him what his favorite part was about winning the competition. Hint: You don't need 2 guesses to figure out his answer.

Sean Penn Major PDA with Nathalie Kelley ... Seems to Be Over Olga

Sean Penn sure looks like a man about town lately -- he was making out with one actress earlier this summer, and now ... he's on to the next, and that'd be Nathalie Kelley.

The actor was in Miami this weekend for Art Basel, and on Saturday ... he and the 'Dynasty' star hit up South Beach together hand-in-hand and in lockstep, where they certainly looked like a full-blown couple.

They were both smiling ear to ear and at one point ... NK even rubbed Sean's muscle-y arms. They'd been seen grabbing lunch before this, but it was unclear if it was romantic.

Now, there's no doubt ... they're definitely an item, and Sean appears to have moved on.

Of course, we're referring to Ukrainian actress Olga Korotyayeva -- with whom he'd been in a relationship with earlier this year. They went to Saint Tropez together, and there too they were showing major PDA ... smooching in the street, and him putting his arm around her.

No word on what happened between then and now, but Sean's got his eye on Nathalie here. Remember, these latest dating moments for Sean come on the heels of his 3rd divorce.

He'd married Australian actress Leila George back in 2020 during the pandemic -- this after dating for about 4 years -- but called it quits very soon after that ... with Leila running to court  about a year later to signal she wanted an end to their marriage.

That was divorce #3 for him ... now he's just riding the bachelor wave in H'wood, it seems.

Will Smith Hangs Out w/ Curvy Jada Look-Alike ... During Art Basel in Miami

Jada Pinkett Smith might think the Oscars slap saved her marriage to Will Smith -- but hubby seems to be singing a different tune in FL ... where he's rolling with her look-alike.

The actor's been spotted out in Miami these past few days for Art Basel ... and between Thursday and Friday, this mystery woman has been tagging along with him and his crew -- and yes, she's a dead ringer for Jada ... with kinda the same shaved-head look/'do.

She's a bit thicker/curvier than Jada ... but frankly, we're still not sure who exactly she is. What we do know, though, is that she's been at Will's side lately and acting pretty chummy.

No PDA or anything between 'em from what we can see ... but whoever she is, she's in his orbit. Of course, it's interesting because she looks exactly like Jada -- but more importantly, Jada just said she'd never leave Will after he stood up for her at the Academy Awards.

From Jada's POV ... "so many positive things came after it." If you ask everybody else, though they might say otherwise -- and it's still a bit unclear how WS really feels about it.

Anyway, Jada was not with Will late last week in Miami ... so while she might be saying they're closer and more unified than ever post-slap -- Will appears to be telegraphing something else. He went to Saudi Arabia last week without her ... and now this.

Granted, he did spend Thanksgiving with her and the rest of the family -- so it's hard to say what's really going on. Per usual with them, we're sure it's complicated ... and then some.

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Time will tell if this foxy doppelganger's identity is revealed in the near future, and what exactly her connection to Will is. 👀

Bianca Censori luce un traje transparente en Art Basel

mostrándolo todo


3:16 PM PT -- Parece que Kanye estuvo tocando nueva música durante su salida de Miami, incluyendo ese nuevo sample de una canción de Backstreet Boys con la que ha estado bromeando esta última semana.

Una buena parte de la pista se jugó durante lo que parece ser un evento de escucha improvisada a cabo en Art Basel, y suena muy pegadizo. Sabemos que Ye ha estado trabajando últimamente en un nuevo álbum y por lo que parece, puede estar cerca de terminarlo.

Kanye West y su esposa, Bianca Censori, están de vuelta en Estados Unidos y llegaron a Art Basel juntos este fin de semana. Bianca lo mostró todo en su atuendo transparente.

La pareja fue vista paseando casualmente el domingo en una de las galerías de arte que se exhiben en Miami en este momento, tomando su tiempo para ver las obras y mantener un perfil bajo, al menos eso es lo que se puede ver en este video obtenido por TMZ.

Échale un vistazo... Ye tiene toda la cabeza cubierta como suele hacer en estos días, y Bianca estaba en tan revelador de un traje como la hemos visto en estos últimos meses.

De hecho, parece que sus pechos estaban en plena exhibición, pezones fuera y todo. Por supuesto, ella no tenía ningun problema y nadie a su alrededor parecía pestañear tampoco. Como hemos dicho, es casi como si la mayoría de la gente aquí no los reconociera.

De todos modos, testigos presenciales nos dicen que era solo Ye y Bianca rodando con unos pocos guardias de seguridad, ningún séquito más grande de lo que parece. También nos dicen que no parecía que hablaran con nadie, ni siquiera entre ellos.

Un par de cosas más... por un lado, Ye está de vuelta en los Estados Unidos, lo cual es interesante teniendo en cuenta que ha estado fuera de un largo, largo tiempo paseando por Europa y Oriente Medio. Además, Bianca esta claramente de vuelta a su mundo, esto después de estar fuera de la imagen pública por un momento.

Como en los viejos tiempos, ¿eh, Ye?

Publicado originalmente -- 2:37 PM PT

Kanye West Wife Bianca Goes Sheer for Art Basel Very See-Through Getup!!!



3:16 PM PT -- Looks like Kanye was out there playing new music during his Miami outing ... including that new Backstreet Boys-sampled song he's been teasing this past week.

A fair amount of the track was played during what appears to be an impromptu listening event out at Art Basel ... and it sure sounds pretty catchy. We know Ye's got this new album he's been working on lately, and from the looks of it -- he may be close to done.

Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, are back in America -- and they hit up Art Basel together this weekend, where BC was showing off her assets ... with a see-through getup.

The couple was spotted strolling around casually Sunday at one of the art galleries on display in Miami right now -- taking their time to check out the artwork and maintaining somewhat of a low profile, it seems ... which you can see in this video, obtained by TMZ.

Check it out ... Ye's got his whole head covered up like he usually does these days, and Bianca was in as revealing of an outfit as we've seen her in over these past several months.

Indeed, it looks like her breasts were on full display ... nipples out and everything. Of course, she didn't have a care in the world about it -- and nobody around them appeared to bat an eyelash either. Like we said, it's almost as if most of the folks here didn't recognize them.

Anyway, eyewitnesses tell us it was just Ye and Bianca rolling with a few security guards -- no larger entourage from the looks of it. We're also told it didn't appear that they spoke to anyone ... not even each other as they walked around.

Couple takeaways ... for one, Ye's back in the States, which is interesting considering he's been away from a long, long time now -- be it in Europe or the Middle East. Also, Bianca's also very clearly back in his orbit ... this after being out of the picture for a hot minute.

Just like old times ... eh, Ye?

Originally Published -- 2:37 PM PT

Taylor Swift Back in Kansas City ... To Watch Travis Take on Bills!!!


2:28 PM PT -- Tony Romo just mistakenly identified Taylor Swift as Travis Kelce's wife during the broacast.

Definitely seemed to be a slip of the tongue, because he corrected himself very quickly afterward to say she was just his girlfriend. Of course, his screw-up has sent the Swifites into a frenzy, as they think he might've revealed something that's being kept secret.

Namely, that they're actually hitched. As far as we know, there's no truth to that ... yet.

Another Sunday, another Taylor Swift sighting at the Kansas City Chiefs game -- this time, she's back in Missouri to watch Travis Kelce take on Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills.

Indeed, T-Swift is in the building at Arrowhead Sunday ... and just like all the other times before, she'll have a front-row seat to all the action as TK and co. take on the New York team. Her presence there was pretty casual ... looks like she strolled right in.

Check out this video of Taylor walking right past the Bills as they were about to exit the tunnel. Doesn't seem they even noticed her as they were hyping each other up.

She didn't seem to mind that nobody stopped to acknowledge her ... she simply cruised right on through and went on about her business -- on her way to the luxury suite, no doubt.

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The photos of her there at the stadium are already pouring in, and it looks like she's in selfie mode ... taking pics with friends and fans alike. As far who she's sitting with -- the early photos popping up online seem to suggest she's right next to Travis's mom, Donna Kelce.

We'll see what sort of impact Taylor has on the game today ... remember, last time she attended (literally last week) it appeared to have the opposite effect that she normally has ... namely, spurring the Chiefs to a win.

Anyway, get used to seeing Taylor at these games for the foreseeable future ... she won't have to start touring again until February, when she has to fly to Tokyo for a string of shows.

In the meantime ... let's play some football!!!

Originally Published -- 1:47 PM PT

Offset Denies Blueface Claim That He Banged Chrisean Rock

Blueface claims Offset slept with Chrisean Rock -- something she seems to be denying ... and which he's most certainly calling BS on ... this amid his latest issues with Cardi B.

The rapper made the allegation online Sunday amid his ongoing feud with Chrisean ... with the latest hurdle between them now being about their child together -- which Blue just announced the other day was not, in fact, his after he allegedly got confirmation.

On the heels of that drama, Blue tweeted out ... "Being tatted ona hoe is not a flex you literally f****d cardi B husband couple weeks ago I’m tired of n****s looking at me while they f*****g you get the rest of em gone asap please."

It looks like Chrisean is tweeting back at Blueface right now and saying it ain't true, to which Blue responded with specific dates and times ... "So you ain’t f*** cardi husband November 10th at 4am at their house in LA…I’m making this up ?"

Welp, Offset chimed in on the back and forth ... and he's saying yeah, Blue is making it up.

Offset wrote in direct response to one of Blueface's tweets, "I ain't never  talk or touch that lady. Real talk man you need some help!" To that, Blueface appears to have replied and said this ... "If the truth tears you down you living a shameful life and I feel bad for you cuz I ain’t never gone lie on my d*** if I hit it ima admit it on SY."

As for Chrisean -- who's been feuding a lot with Blueface lately, especially pertaining to her baby boy -- she threw out her own accusations at him ... including claims that she'd seen Blueface's Internet search history of late and saw some gay porn results, which he denied. She, of course, also denied his Offset claim, saying ... "U just crashing out making up s***."

Now what's interesting about Blueface's accusation here is the fact that Offset and Cardi do, in fact, appear to be going through more difficulties -- as she's been cryptically implying she's over him ... seemingly referring to him as "dead weight" and straight up unfollowing him.

She hasn't clarified what exactly the problem is ... but considering his history of alleged infidelity, something tells us it might be about that -- especially with this latest development.

Cardi hasn't responded to any of this mess so far, but she very well might soon.

Joe Manganiello Hits NYC Gala w/ Caitlin O'Connor ... Go Public Post-Sofia Divorce

Sofia Vergara has moved on to a new partner amid her divorce with Joe Manganiello, and now ... he's done the same, linking up with Caitlin O'Connor and going public as a couple.

The actor showed up Saturday night to the Children of Armenia Fund Gala in NYC, and he had Caitlin hanging off his arm as his date. There've been sightings and rumblings of them having already been together of late ... so, it seems they were ready to reveal their romance.

Joe was looking sharp with a traditional suit ... COC was draped in a beautiful green gown. They held on to each other as people fired off photos, and smiled happily for the cameras.

If you're wondering why they were even there in the first place ... it's cause JM was honored with the COAF Humanitarian Award. Sounds like he's been involved with them for a while.

Now, as far as who Caitlin is ... well, she's an actress too -- and like we told you, she met Joe at a 'Winning Time' after-party earlier this year, and they hit it off. She was only in 2 episodes of the hit HBO series, but she's been in a bunch of other stuff as well.

Like we said ... this would be Joe's first relationship post-Sofia ... to whom he was married for 7 years before filing to end their marriage in court earlier this summer. That divorce case is still pending at the moment, but it looks like it might be finalized in due time.

Sofia, meanwhile, is already dating a new fella too ... a respected orthopedic surgeon named Justin Saliman, who's been seen hitting the town with her a lot over the past few months.

Her and Joe's split came out of nowhere this year, but we've heard they'd grown apart ... and that another big reason for their divorce was over kids. He wants 'em, she doesn't.

Everybody's moving on, it seems.

Joe Manganiello y Caitlin O'Connor se muestran como pareja en una gala en Nueva York

Sofia Vergara ha cambiado de pareja en medio de su divorcio con Joe Manganiello, y ahora, él ha hecho lo mismo, uniéndose a Caitlin O'Connor y haciéndolo público.

El actor se presentó el sábado por la noche en la Gala del Fondo para los Niños de Armenia en Nueva York, y llevaba a Caitlin colgada del brazo como su cita. Ha habido avistamientos y rumores de que ya han estado juntos últimamente, así que parece que estaban listos para revelar su romance.

Joe se veía elegante con un traje tradicional, Caitlin estaba envuelta en un hermoso vestido verde. Se agarraron el uno al otro mientras la gente tomaba fotos y sonreían felices para las cámaras.

Si te estás preguntando por qué estaban allí en primer lugar, es porque Joe fue galardonado con el Premio Humanitario del COAF. Suena como que ha estado involucrado con ellos por un tiempo.

Ahora, en cuanto a quién es Caitlin, bueno, ella es una actriz también y como te dijimos, conoció a Joe en un after party de la serie "Winning a principios de este año y se cayeron bien. Ella solo estuvo en dos episodios de la exitosa serie de HBO, pero ha estado en un montón de otras cosas.

Como hemos dicho, esta sería la primera relación de Joe después de Sofía, con la que estuvo casado durante siete años antes de solicitar el divorcio en los tribunales a principios de este verano. Ese caso de divorcio sigue pendiente en este momento pero parece que podría ser finalizado a su debido tiempo.

Sofía, mientras tanto, ya está saliendo con un nuevo chico también, un cirujano ortopédico respetado llamado Justin Saliman, que ha sido visto con ella en la ciudad los últimos meses.

La separación de Joe y Sofía surgió de la nada este año, pero sabíamos que se habían distanciado un poco, además, otro motivo importante de su divorcio fueron los hijos. Él los quiere, ella no.

Al parecer, todo el mundo sigue adelante.

Matt Lauer y Savannah Guthrie se abrazan y besan en la boda de la productora del programa "Today"

¡Bueno, el infierno se ha congelado, porque Savannah Guthrie se ha abrazado con Matt Lauer!

Matt y Savannah asistieron a la boda en Nueva York de Jennifer Long, productora del programa "Today" durante muchos años. Nos dicen que justo antes de que la novia saliera, Savannah se acercó a Matt, le dio un abrazo y un beso y charlaron durante un par de minutos.

La razón por la que esto es tan impresionante es que Guthrie había dicho anteriormente que no estaría en la misma habitación con Matt después de ser despedido de "Today" tras las denuncias de acoso sexual.

Matt apareció con su novia, Shamin Abas, y Savannah con su marido, Mike Feldman.

Pero espera, hay más. Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes estaban allí también y no solo bajaron a la pista de baile, también se besaron mientras bailaban para que todos los vieran.

Como ya sabéis, sus ex cónyuges, Andrew Shue y Marilee Fiebig, ya son pareja.

En cuanto a Matt, ha mantenido un perfil bajo desde que dejó "Today" hace seis años y no ha tenido ningún contacto con Savannah desde su salida.

Todos estaban sonrientes en la boda y las cosas parecían relajadas, así que aparentemente todos lo pasaron bien.