Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie Big Hugs, Big Kisses During 'Today' Show Producer's Wedding

Well, hell hath frozen over, because Savannah Guthrie has hugged it out with Matt Lauer!

Matt and Savannah were at the NYC wedding of Jennifer Long, a longtime "Today" show producer. We're told just before the bride came out, Savannah walked up to Matt, gave him a hug and a kiss, and the 2 chatted for a couple minutes.

The reason this reunion is somewhat stunning ... Matt, of course, was fired from "Today" after sexual harassment complaints -- a high-profile and controversial saga at the time.

Anyway, Matt showed up with his girlfriend, Shamin Abas, and Savannah with her husband, Mike Feldman.

But wait ... there's more. Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes were there as well and not only got down on the dance floor ... they were making out as they danced for all to see.

As you know, their ex-spouses, Andrew Shue and Marilee Fiebig, are now a thing!

As for Matt, he's kept a low profile since leaving "Today" six years ago, and he's had no contact with Savannah since his exit.

They were all smiles at the wedding and things seemed chill, so apparently a good time was had by all.

Jada Pinkett Smith Oscar Slap Saved My Marriage

Jada Pinkett Smith says she and Will may have been completely dunzo by now, were it not for literally having some sense slapped into them ... indirectly, of course, because poor Chris Rock was the actual target.

Jada further opened up about the famous slap to Daily Mail, saying, "I nearly didn't even attend the Oscars that year, but I'm glad I did," adding, "I call it the 'holy slap' now because so many positive things came after it."

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Jada said, "After all those years trying to figure out if I would leave Will's side, it took that slap for me to see I will never leave him."

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As Jada revealed in her memoir, she and Will have been separated since 2016, but judging from their public statements since the book's release, they're back on track, although the scope of their relationship is still a mystery.

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Will had previously cosigned on his wife's take, saying back in October ... “We have had a very, very long and tumultuous [relationship]. We call it ‘brutiful.’ It was brutal and beautiful at the same time.”

Wonder how Chris Rock feels about it?

Tom Brady De nuevo en el ruedo con Irina Shayk... Igual que en los viejos tiempos, ¿eh?

Tom Brady e Irina Shayk parecen estar de vuelta después de aparecer juntos en una fiesta en Miami, porque el tipo literalmente la recogió justo antes y fue capturado en el acto.

El retirado jugador regresó el viernes por la noche para hacer cosas que solo los mejores pueden hacer en la Ciudad Mágica, donde se está llevando a cabo Art Basel este fin de semana, con un montón de celebridades de fiesta, incluyendo TB12 e Irina, que parece que andaban juntos en el carro de Tom.

Echa un vistazo a las fotos. Tom se detuvo donde se estaba alojando Irina para recogerla, y apenas se dieron cuenta de que había un fotógrafo, se pusieron nerviosos y volaron de allí lo más rápido posible.

Afortunadamente, estas fotos fueron tomadas antes de su huida y muestran a Irina entrando al carro de Tom, mientras él rehúye de los flashes. Más tarde, esa misma noche, Tom fue visto en una fiesta llena de estrellas en la ciudad... pero sin rastro de Irina cerca de él.

Su sola presencia en la mansión privada de Wayne y Cynthia Boich el viernes habría sido suficiente para poner en los rumores de nuevo, pero estas fotos lo dicen todo, y es que están saliendo de nuevo. O por lo menos, que están coqueteando, que es todo lo que nos importa en realidad.

Curiosamente, este encuentro nos recuerda a la primera vez que vimos a Tom e Irina de paseo a principios de este verano, donde también fueron capturados juntos y poniéndose cariñosos. Es una escena muy parecida y parece que el hombre es de la vieja escuela con sus citas.

Aunque habíamos oído que su relación se había esfumado a finales de verano, había señales de que Irina seguía viendo a Tom. El mes pasado apareció en su edificio en Nueva York y lo hizo muy llamativamente, cruzando nada menos que por la entrada principal.

Por supuesto, ella también ha estado saliendo mucho con su ex y padre de su hija por estos días. Pero es bastante evidente que ella y Bradley Cooper son solo grandes padres y amigos (vean a Gigi).

Acabamos de ver a Irina mezclándose con Brad en la Gran Manzana. Fue una de las primeras clientas en llegar a su recién inaugurado carro de comida y él parecía muy contento de verla.

Como dijimos, Irina y Bradley Cooper son dos guisantes en una vaina, pero al parecer solo platónicamente ahora.

De todos modos, es bueno ver a Tom recuperando su gracia después de la jubilación. Teniendo en cuenta que su exesposa está constantemente saliendo con su instructor de jiu-jitsu -incluso junto a sus propios hijos- el hombre merece tener un poco de diversión también. E Irina parece ser la persona.

No se le puede culpar por volver por una segunda ronda con ella ... Ella es jodidamente buena, después de todo.

¡Felicidades a los dos!

Tom Brady Back in the Car with Irina Shayk ... Just Like Old Times, Eh?!?

Tom Brady and Irina Shayk sure seem to be back on after hitting up a party together in Miami -- 'cause the dude literally picked her up right beforehand, and got caught in the act.

The retired QB was back to doing G.O.A.T. things again Friday night in Magic City -- where Art Basel is going down this weekend ... and where a crap ton of celebs are out and about ... including TB12 and Irina, it seems, who were rolling together in Tom's sweet ride.

Check out the pics ... Tom pulled up to wherever IS was staying to pick her up curbside -- and as soon as they noticed a photog, they got skittish and flew outta there ASAP.

Fortunately, these photos were snapped before their getaway -- which shows Irina hopping into Tom's passenger seat, and Tom shying away from the flashes. Later this same evening, Tom was seen at a star-studded shindig in town ... no sign of Irina near him though.

Their presence alone at Wayne and Cynthia Boich's private mansion party Friday would've been enough to get the rumor mill going again -- but these shots seal the deal ... they're dating again. Or at the very least, they're banging ... which is all anyone cares about, really.

Interestingly enough, Tom and Irina's car ride here echoes the first time we saw them together earlier this summer -- where they were also caught cruisin' in his whip and getting cozy. This is a very similar scene ... looks like the dude is old school with his dates.

Although we'd heard that their relationship/fling had fizzled out by the end of summer, there were signs Irina was still seeing Tom ... she popped into his condo building in NYC last month, and did so very conspicuously -- through the main front entrance.

Of course, she's also been hanging out a lot with her ex/baby daddy Bradley Cooper these days -- but it's pretty evident at this point that they're just great co-parents/pals (see Gigi).

We just saw Irina mingling with Brad in the Big Apple, where she was among the first customers to hit up his just-launched food truck ... and he looked damn happy to see her.

Like we said ... her and BC are two peas in a pod, but seemingly just platonically now.

Anyway, good to see Tom getting his groove back post-retirement. Considering his ex-wife is constantly jet-setting with her jiu-jitsu instructor all the time -- alongside their own kids, no less -- he deserves to have a little fun too. And Irina seems to be just the ticket for him.

Can't blame him for coming back for round 2 with her ... she is smokin' hot, after all.

Happy art hunting, you two!

Fiery Death Video Brazilian Woman Sets Husband Ablaze ... Runs Around Like Human Torch


A woman in Brazil took domestic violence to a whole new level ... showering her husband in a flammable liquid before setting him on fire -- and ultimately killing him.

The shocking incident was recorded on surveillance video at a store in Rio de Janeiro last Monday ... showing every moment of the horror as it unfolded.

Check it out ... Ana Maria Paixao walks into the stock room holding a bottle of fluid as she approaches her husband, Andre Chapeta, sitting at a table.

She first douses Chapeta with the liquid and then uses a lighter to set him ablaze, causing him to jump up from the table and dash out of the room.

Chapeta makes his way out to the street, where he runs around like a human torch before he collapses to the ground.

He was eventually brought to a local hospital, where he died Friday after being treated for severe burns over 92 percent of his body.

On Thursday, Paixao was taken into police custody, but she was later released on a technicality after a judge failed to sign the arrest warrant.

G1, a Brazilian news outlet, reported that Paixao appeared to be motivated by "jealousy."

Impactante video Mujer brasileña le prende fuego a su marido... Él corre como una antorcha

Brutal ataque

Una mujer de Brasil llevó la violencia doméstica a un nivel completamente nuevo, al rociar a su marido con un líquido inflamable, prenderle fuego y provocarle, en última instancia, la muerte.

El impactante incidente quedó capturado en un video de vigilancia en una tienda de Río de Janeiro el pasado lunes. Este muestra cada momento del horroroso incidente.

Echa un vistazo, Ana Maria Paixao entra en el almacén con una botella de líquido y se acerca a su marido, Andre Chapeta, sentado en una mesa.

Primero rocía a Chapeta y luego utiliza un mechero para prenderle fuego, haciéndole saltar de la mesa y salir corriendo de la habitación.

Chapeta sale a la calle, donde corre como una antorcha humana antes de desplomarse.

Finalmente, fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde falleció el viernes tras ser tratado de graves quemaduras en el 92% de su cuerpo.

El jueves, Paixao fue puesta bajo custodia policial, pero fue liberada más tarde por un tecnicismo, ya que un juez no firmó su orden de detención.

G1, un medio de noticias brasileño, informó que el incidente habría estado motivado por "celos" de Paixao.

'DWTS' Judge Derek Hough Wife Recovering After Brain Surgery ... Long Road Ahead

Derek Hough says his wife, Hayley, is recovering after having brain surgery, but it's gonna take quite a while for her to feel 100 percent again.

In a message posted on Instagram Friday, the "Dancing with the Stars" judge gave an update to his fans on Hayley's situation, pointing out that she has a "long road of recovery" after she suffered a "cranial hematoma from a burst blood vessel and required an emergency craniectomy."

The Mayo Clinic defines an intracranial hematoma as blood that forms within brain tissue or below the skull, putting pressure on the cranium. The condition is usually caused by a blood vessel that bursts in the brain as a result of head trauma.

In his IG post, Derek also talked about how Hayley inspires him with her will and strength and "no more so than in the last 48 hrs,” when she suffered her medical emergency.

On Thursday morning, Hayley became disoriented and was rushed to a D.C. hospital after their "Symphony of Dance" performance the night before.

Derek also gave thanks to his fans for their love and support, explaining, "The offers of assistance that have poured in have been so humbling and appreciated."

He added, "Our hope is that as a family, we can somehow and someway pay it forward."

Yellowstone Hassie Harrison luce su roca Se confirma su matrimonio con Ryan Bingham

Sí, quiero

Hassie Harrison de Yellowstone y Ryan Bingham están disfrutando profundamente su fase de recién casados, con la actriz mostrando con orgullo su anillo de boda en sus paseos.

Las imágenes de video muestran a Hassie luciendo su roca en el Hotel Wynn en Las Vegas, en una divertida after-party después de que Ryan actuara en el Virgin Hotel el jueves.

Los recién casados fueron filmados cantando una de las nuevas e inéditas canciones de Ryan. Fuentes de la fiesta le dicen a TMZ que él escribió el tema para ella y le pidió que subiera al escenario y la cantaran juntos.

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El anillo es un poco difícil de ver al principio, con la pareja mirándose a los ojos y compartiendo un apasionado beso, pero una vez que la ruborizada actriz se retira del escenario con las manos en la cara, se puede apreciar el brillante.

Por si fuera poco, una fuente le dice a TMZ que los amigos y la familia fueron escuchados refiriéndose a Hassie como la "esposa" de Ryan, así que por si tenían cualquier duda, parece que están bien y verdaderamente casados.

Anillo revelado

El avistamiento se produce días después de que Ryan despertara las especulaciones al compartir dos fotos con un anillo de bodas. Fuentes le dicen a TMZ que se casaron a principios de octubre en Dallas, la ciudad natal de Hassie.

La relación de Ryan y Hassie ha sido un torbellino. Se hicieron oficiales en IG en abril, compraron un rancho de Topanga Canyon en el verano e intercambiaron votos unos meses después.

Claramente, cuando se sabe, se sabe ...

'YELLOWSTONE' HASSIE HARRISON FLASHES ROCK Marriage To Costar Ryan Bingham Confirmed!!

"I Do"-uet

Yellowstone's Hassie Harrison and Ryan Bingham are deep in the throes of newlywed bliss ... with the actress now proudly taking her wedding ring out for a spin.

Video footage shows Hassie flashing her rock at the Wynn Hotel in Vegas ... at a fun-fueled after-party for Ryan following his performance at the city's Virgin Hotel Thursday.

The newlyweds are filmed singing one of Ryan's new, unreleased songs ... which sources at the bash tell TMZ he wrote for her and requested she come up on stage to sing it together.

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The ring is a little hard to see at first -- with the pair gazing into each other's eyes and sharing a passionate smooch -- but as the blushing actress heads off stage with her hands up to her face, the sparkler is visible.

For added measure ... a source tells TMZ that friends and family were heard referring to Hassie as Ryan's "wife" ... so for any doubters, it looks like they're well and truly hitched!

Ring Reveal

The sighting comes days after Ryan first prompted marital speculation by sharing two snaps wearing a wedding band -- with sources telling TMZ they married in early Oct in Dallas -- Hassie's hometown.

Ryan and Hassie's relationship has been a whirlwind ... going IG official in April, purchasing a Topanga Canyon ranch over the summer, and exchanging vows a few months later.

Clearly, when you know, you know ...

Tony Stewart 'Honored' To Race For Wife Leah Pruett ... As Couple Prepares To Start Family

Family In Future?

Drag racing champ Leah Pruett is temporarily stepping away from driving to start a family, but thankfully she knows someone pretty good behind the wheel who can step in for her -- hubby Tony Stewart, who tells us he's honored to hold things down while she's away!

Pruett -- a 12x NHRA National Event Champ -- made the shocking announcement on Thursday, declaring she'll miss the 2024 season as she and Tony plan to have a baby. Stewart, owner of the Tony Stewart Racing team, will take over driving duties in the Top Fuel dragster.

"I am thrilled that Tony will be making his NHRA Top Fuel debut in Gainesville with such an excellent caliber of people," Pruett said, "both personally and professionally."

Stewart tells us he's excited for the opportunity, applauding Leah for temporarily surrendering her dream job so the couple can have a baby.

"This was a tough thing for her and honestly, I'm honored to be able to be the one that steps in whole she's starting a family for us," Steward told us.

"I think she's a true badass to have to make the decision she's made and to finish the season knowing that this is the direction we were going. She's a tough woman."

The 3x NASCAR and IndyCar champ will be driving a TF dragster, something Stewart hasn't done (he's raced the Top Alcohol dragster) ... but with support from his wife and team, he believes he'll do just fine.

"I don't know how you know if you're really ready or not other than you just gotta get in and do it," Stewart said.

"I got the best coach you could ask for with my wife."


And, if anyone can drive something fast, it's Tony. But, he shouldn't get too comfy, 'cause Leah tells us she plans to come back in 2025!


The wins keep coming for Taylor Swift ... whose "Eras" tour has already raked in an estimated $1.04 BILLION in gross ticket sales.

According to live-music trade publication Pollstar, it's the first-ever tour to smash the billion-dollar milestone.

The sky-high numbers have topped all previous tours in ticket sales for the 12-month period from Nov. 17, 2022, to Nov. 15, 2023 -- and yes, that includes Beyoncé's "Renaissance" tour, which takes second place.

It's estimated that Tay's tour has sold a whopping 4.35 million tickets from 60 shows ... with merchandise sales racking up to $200 million during the yearly run.

Those record-breaking numbers are expected to escalate -- as Pollstar predicts that ticket sales from the next eligible box-office year will once again hit $1B -- taking the tour's total to $2B.

Of course, the enormous success of her tour means Taylor will be lining her pockets with some hefty payday checks -- though she's shown that sharing is caring ... dishing over $50M in total bonuses to her concert crew and an extra $100k to every truck driver hauling her tour equipment around the country.

Also, let's not forget -- her concert film also bagged an enormous $250M at the global box office.

Surely, her achievements speak volumes ... hushing the haters of her recent Time's Person of the Year crowning.

Among her grind, it appears she's found the perfect work/life balance ... making plenty of time for BF Travis Kelce.

Taylor Swift La gira Eras bate el récord de $1 billón ... Podría doblarlo el año que viene!!!

Las victorias siguen llegando para Taylor Swift, cuya gira "Eras" ya ha recaudado una cifra estimada de $1,04 mil millones en ventas brutas de entradas.

Según la publicación especializada en música Pollstar, esta es la primera gira que rompe el hito de los mil millones de dólares.

Las altísimas cifras han superado todas las giras anteriores en venta de entradas para el período de 12 meses comprendido entre el 17 de noviembre de 2022 y el 15 de noviembre de 2023, y sí, eso incluye la gira "Renaissance" de Beyoncé que ocupa el segundo lugar.

Se estima que la gira de Tay ha vendido la suculenta suma de 4,35 millones de entradas, correspondientes a 60 espectáculos. A eso hay que sumar las ventas de las mercancías que acumulan unos $200 millones en el año.

Se espera que estas cifras récord sigan aumentando. Pollstar predice que las ventas de entradas del próximo año podrían llegar de nuevo al billón, acumulando un total de $2B.

Por supuesto, el enorme éxito de su gira significa que Taylor se llenará los bolsillos de unas sumas considerables de dinero, aunque ha demostrado que compartir es cuidar. Ha repartido más de 50 millones de dólares en bonificaciones totales al equipo a cargo de sus conciertos y 100.000 dólares extra a cada conductor que los acarrea por todo el país.

Además, no nos olvidemos de que su película sobre la gira también ha recaudado una enorme suma de $250M en la taquilla mundial.

Sin duda, sus logros lo dicen todo y son suficientes para callar a los haters por haber sido coronada como Persona del Año en la revista Time.

Además de su trabajo, parece que ha encontrado el equilibrio perfecto entre la vida profesional y amorosa, pasando un montón de tiempo con su novio Travis Kelce.

Sophie Turner Kissing Single Life Goodbye!!! Makin' Out with New BF, An Aristocrat No Less

Sophie Turner has rebounded from her split with Joe Jonas, 'cause she's got a new guy!

Sophie was in full make-out mode in London Friday with her new boyfriend, British aristocrat Peregrine Pearson -- no worries on pronunciation ... he goes by Perry.

S&P strolled down the streets of London, hand in hand, as they made it clear to one and all -- they're a couple.

We actually saw the 2 back in October kissing each other in Paris ... but it was unclear if they were in a relationship. Now it's crystal clear.

As for his lineage ... Perry is the eldest son of Michael Pearson, the 4th Viscount Cowdray -- also a major stakeholder in the Pearson family media empire.

Sophie's loaded -- $10 mil -- but it pales in comparison to Perry, whose bank is north of $270 mil.

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As TMZ reported, Joe Jonas filed for divorce back in early September, and it was acrimonious from the jump, although things seemed to have calmed down.

As for Perry, he's coming off a relationship with King Charles' goddaughter, Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece and Denmark.

Joe and Sophie have reached a temporary child custody agreement, where their 2 kids will travel back and forth from the U.S. to the U.K., although no permanent arrangement has been struck.

Life goes on.

Kevin Costner, Jewel Love Match During Tennis Tourney Photos Tell the Story!!!

Kevin Costner is apparently rebounding after his split from Christine Baumgartner because he and Jewel are now a thing ... sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ.

These pics were shot on Richard Branson's Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands ... where the 2 of them were part of a tennis fundraiser for the Inspiring Children Foundation. Jewel is the founder of the org, and Kevin was a guest.

Here's what we know. The 2 flew to the Caribbean together and hung out a lot for more than a week. As one source put it, "There was definitely something going on. They were flirty, and when they were together, it was like they both just lit up."

One source added, "You could tell they were trying to be discreet, but anybody who saw them could tell something was going on."

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Jewel had mentioned Kevin on social media, talking about the event, writing ... "it's an incredible time, and one I use to relax, rest and play w my son! @kevincostnermodernwest was kind enough to mentor our kids this year."

They played doubles with Sir Richard, who, as she says, "plays a mean game!"


We're told the 2 also flew back together.

As we reported, Kevin, 68, recently settled his bitter divorce from Christine after 18 years of marriage. Jewel, 49, split from her husband Ty Murray, back in 2014. One source told us Jewel is "picky," adding, "She wants a good man, and Kevin fits the bill."

Our sources say the relationship is "rather new," but everything we're hearing is that they are definitely a thing.


Sophie Turner Diciéndole adiós a la soltería Es vista con un nuevo novio y de la aristocracia

Sophie Turner se ha recuperado de su ruptura con Joe Jonas, ¡porque tiene un nuevo chico!

Sophie fue vista besando a su nuevo novio en Londres, el aristócrata británico Peregrine Pearson y no se preocupen por la pronunciación, le dicen Perry.

S&P estuvieron paseando por las calles de Londres, de la mano, mientras le dejaban claro a todo el mundo que son pareja.

De hecho, vimos a los dos en octubre besándose en París, pero no estaba claro si estaban en una relación. Ahora está claro como el agua.

En cuanto a su linaje, Perry es el hijo mayor de Michael Pearson, el cuarto vizconde Cowdray y también es un importante accionista del imperio de medios de la familia Pearson.

Sophie está forrada –$10 millones– aunque palidece si la comparamos con Perry, cuyo banco se acerca a los $ 270 millones.

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Enamorados en Londres

Como les contamos, Joe Jonas le pidió el divorcio a Sophie a principios de septiembre y fue agrio en un comienzo, aunque las cosas parecen haberse calmado.

En cuanto a Perry, viene de una relación con la ahijada del Rey Carlos, la Princesa Maria-Olympia de Grecia y Dinamarca.

Joe y Sophie han llegado a un acuerdo temporal por la custodia de sus hijas. Ellas viajarán ida y vuelta de los Estados Unidos al Reino Unido, aunque no han llegado a un acuerdo permanente.

La vida sigue.

Common I'll Make Sweet Music with J-Hud ... One Day!!!

Makin' Music Together

Common and Jennifer Hudson are talking about a powerful, romantic, soulful collab -- not necessarily a wedding, at this point -- but musically, he'd love to make something together.

The topic came up last night as Common pulled up at LAX, where a photog asked him about the odds of his GF and him hitting the studio anytime soon.

Common says the chances are high, but he's not willing to say exactly when -- he approaches music like relationships ... the records have to happen organically!!!

The Chicago natives have been going strong for well over a year and Common had no problem bigging up his partner ... dubbing her one of the "greatest voices of this generation" oughta score him some points this holiday season.

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Common's praise echoed much of what Jennifer told us when we spoke to her in August ... they're not embellishing their union for the public eye, but they're not dodging the PDA moments either.

It's not like Common can really overhype his woman -- Jennifer is the youngest woman to earn EGOT status, and he's just a Tony away from joining that elite status.

They're arguably the most critically acclaimed couple of all time!!!