BHAD BHABIE CASH MY BABY BUMP OUSSIDE!!! First Outing After Pregnancy Reveal

Bhad Bhabie aka Danielle Bregoli, is making sure you "cash her bump ousside" ... as she was seen publicly for the first time since her big pregnancy reveal.

The 20-year-old Dr. Phil alum paraded her bump in a black crop top as she left her L.A. home Thursday ... carrying a Jersey's Mike Sub order to combat those pregnancy cravings.

Bhabie's BF, Le Vaughn, emerged shortly after ... confirming they're going stronger than ever as they prepare for parenthood.

TMZ broke the story back in April that they got matching tats ... so, needless to say, it would've been a pain -- quite literally -- if they had split and got the inkings removed.

Their low-key outing comes a week after the rapper revealed on IG she had a bun in the oven.

This is BB's first pregnancy ... and we're not sure how far along she is.

Looks like Bhabie's baby will be well cared for ... with her raking in 50 million bucks on OnlyFans alone.

Kanye West & Bianca Censori Wonky Shoes Turn Heads in Dubai

Kanye West and Bianca Censori were Dubai mall rats Thursday ... and her shoes turned heads, but not in a good way.

K&B were both decked out in all-black ensembles ... Bianca went for flair by rocking Balenciaga furry pumps that go for $1,130 out the door.

She was covered pretty much head to toe, except for her face and hands ... it's standard issue in many parts of the Middle East, although Dubai has more relaxed customs than most.

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Club Blu Dubai

Ye's tank top had both his guns a-blazin' -- a similar wardrobe choice as the one he performed in with Lil Durk, Ty Dolla $ign and Bump J over Thanksgiving weekend.

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Animal activists can breathe easy -- Balenciaga's fur isn't real nor is the stuffed animal she cradled when she and Ye turned out to support Jordanian-Romanian fashion designer Amina Muaddi's exhibit last week.

Kanye West Y Bianca Censori Llevan extravagantes zapatos en Dubai

Kanye West y Bianca Censori estuvieron paseando por el centro comercial de Dubai el jueves, y sus zapatos hicieron que varios volteran la cabeza, pero no en el buen sentido.

K y B iban vestidos de negro, y Bianca llevaba en los pies unos zapatos de piel de Balenciaga que cuestan $1,130.

También iba cubierta casi de pies a cabeza, a excepción de su cara y sus manos. Esta es una norma en muchos lugares de Medio Oriente, aunque Dubai tiene costumbres más relajadas que la mayoría.

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Pasándolo bien en Dubai
Club Blu Dubai

La camiseta de Ye, en tanto, es muy similar al vestuario con el que actuó junto a Lil Durk, Ty Dolla $ign y Bump J durante el fin de semana de Acción de Gracias.

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Con un tremendo peluche

Mientras tanto, los activistas por los animales pueden respirar tranquilos, pues la piel de Balenciaga no es real y tampoco lo es el animal de peluche que llevó Bianca cuando ella y Ye fueron a la exposición de la diseñadora de moda jordano-rumana Amina Muaddi.

Selena Gomez Defiende su relación con Benny Blanco ... Destroza a sus críticos!!!

Selena Gomez está persiguiendo a aquellos que piensan que su relación con Benny Blanco no es la mejor jugada, defendiendo a su hombre y su relación.

La cantante y actriz ha estado respondiendo a la gente en línea acerca de su relación con el productor musical, declarando: "Él es absolutamente todo en mi corazón".

Pero no se detuvo allí. Selena se tomó el tiempo para responder a los comentarios menos positivos de la gente sobre su noviazgo, diciéndoles que él es "lo mejor que le ha pasado", y que es "mejor que nadie con quien haya estado. Hechos"

También le respondió a otro hater: "Nunca permitiré que tus palabras guíen mi vida. Si no puedes aceptarme cuando estoy más feliz entonces no estés en [mi] vida en absoluto".

Aunque la mayor parte de la controversia ha sido borrada desde entonces, la gente le estaba reclamando que Benny era un downgrade o retroceso en términos de pretendientes para Selena. Usted recordarán, que la cantante y actriz ha sido vinculada a chicos como Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner y Nick Jonas.

En cuanto a sus relaciones anteriores, Selena simplemente le dijo a un comentarista: "No voy a estar con un chico de mie*** nunca más".

No, no especificó a quién se refería con ese comentario.

Selena ha estado compartiendo algunas fotos de ella y Benny desde que confirmó su relación y es obvio que no va a dejar que unos cuantos troles apaguen su nuevo romance.

Selena Gomez Defends Benny Blanco Relationship ... Blasts Their Haters!!!

Selena Gomez is comin' after those who think her relationship with Benny Blanco isn't the right move ... by defending her man and their status.

The singer/actress has been responding to folks online about her relationship with the music producer ... and declaring, "He is my absolute everything in my heart."

She didn't stop there ... Selena took time to reply to people's less-than-positive comments about her dating choice -- saying he's "the best thing that's ever happened to me," and adds he's "better than anyone I've ever been with. Facts."


Selena clapped back at another hater with, "I will never allow your words to guide my life ... If you can't accept me at my happiest then don't be in [my] life at all."

While most of the back and forth has since been deleted, people were claiming Benny was a downgrade in terms of BF material for Selena. You'll recall, she's been linked to guys like Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner and Nick Jonas.

In terms of her previous relationships, Selena simply told one commenter, "I'm not going to be with a f***boy ever again."

No, she was not specific as to whom she was referring with that remark.

She's been sharing some pics online of her and Benny together since confirming things ... and it's obvious she isn't gonna let a bit of troll talk shut down their budding romance.

Estrella de "Sobrenatural" Muy contento al salir del hospital ... Tras un gran susto

La estrella de "Sobrenatural" Mark Sheppard, está fuera del hospital después de sufrir 6 ataques al corazón y milagrosamente evitar la muerte, mostrando una sonrisa en su camino a casa.

El actor de 59 años de edad fue visto saliendo del hospital de Los Ángeles el jueves, con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja y repartiendo algunos abrazos al personal del hospital.

Mark parece tener todavía algunos drenajes postoperatorios conectados, que se utilizan comúnmente para drenar el exceso de sangre y líquido después de la cirugía, un precio pequeño a pagar por la terrible experiencia que enfrentó hace menos de una semana.

Como informamos, Mark afirmó haber sufrido una serie de "ataques cardíacos masivos" después de colapsar en su cocina el viernes. EMTs logró traerlo de vuelta a la vida cuatro veces.

Mark tenía una obstrucción total en su arteria descendente anterior izquierda, también conocido como LAD.

Mark le dio crédito a su esposa y al equipo de St. Joseph para su supervivencia y si su enorme sonrisa es una indicación, es probable que tenga una nueva mirada en la vida.

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez recorren la escena artística de Miami antes de mudarse

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez están explorando la escena social alrededor de Miami, mientras se preparan para echar raíces en el Estado del Sol.

El multimillonario fundador de Amazon y la ex presentadora de televisión llegaron de la mano el jueves en Art Basel Miami Beach, una salida que se produce después del anuncio del mes pasado que se están trasladando a Miami.

La pareja iba combinada, usando pantalones vaqueros de mezclilla. Examinaron las instalaciones de arte y Lauren mostró un poco de piel con un top y gafas de sol con mucho estilo. Sí, a ella le va a ir muy bien en Miami.

El dúo se unió por el hijo de Lauren Nikko González, en dirección al interior para ver las obras de arte de alto precio, mientras se codeaban con la élite de la ciudad el primer día del prestigioso evento de arte.

Semanas antes, Jeff reveló en Insta su plan para trasladarse a Indian Creek Island en Miami Beach, poniéndole fin a su estancia en Seattle, el lugar de nacimiento de su mega empresa de tecnología.

Él ha estado haciendo importantes preparativos desde entonces, como el atraque de su buque de $500 millones de dólares en Ft. Lauderdale a pesar de que aún no ha confirmado cuando en realidad planean mudarse.

Todo está listo para la pareja comprometida, solo no les pregunte acerca de los planes de boda en el corto plazo. Lauren le dijo a Vogue, que aún no han hecho ningún avance con eso.

'Supernatural' Mark Sheppard All Smiles Leaving Hospital ... After Near-Death Scare

"Supernatural" star Mark Sheppard is out of the hospital after suffering 6 heart attacks and miraculously avoiding death ... flashing a smile on his way home.

The 59-year-old actor was spotted heading out of the Los Angeles-area hospital Thursday, grinning from ear to ear and dishing out some hugs to the hospital staff.

Mark appears to still have some post-op drains connected, which are commonly used to drain excess blood and fluid after surgery ... a small and temporary price to pay for the terrifying ordeal he faced less than 1 week ago.

As we reported, Mark claimed to have suffered a series of "massive heart attacks" after collapsing in his kitchen Friday, with EMTs bringing him back to life 4 times.

Mark had a total blockage in his left anterior descending artery -- otherwise known as a LAD.

Mark credited his wife and the St. Joseph's team for his survival ... and if his massive grin is any indication, he's likely got a new look on life.


Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez are scoping out the social scene around Miami ... as they get ready to put down roots in the Sunshine State.

The billionaire Amazon founder and former TV anchor arrived hand in hand Thursday at Art Basel Miami Beach ... an outing that comes after last month's announcement they're relocating to Miami.

The engaged couple were matching in denim jeans as they perused art installations ... and Lauren showed off some skin with a halter neck top and cool shades. Yeah, she's gonna do just fine in Miami.

The duo was joined by Lauren's son Nikko Gonzalez ... heading inside to check out the pricey artwork while rubbing shoulders with the city's elite on day 1 of the prestigious art event.

Weeks earlier, Jeff revealed on IG their plan to relocate to Indian Creek Island in Miami Beach ... ending his time in Seattle, the birthplace of his mega tech company.

He's been making significant preps since then -- like docking his $500-million dollar vessel in Ft. Lauderdale -- though he has yet to confirm when they actually plan to move.

Clearly, it's all systems go for the engaged couple -- just don't ask them about wedding plans any time soon. Lauren told Vogue, they have yet to make any headway with that.

Iman Shumpert I Never Made Teyana Feel Endangered

The divorce drama between Iman Shumpert and Teyana Taylor is heating up ... he's now calling BS on her claim he made her feel endangered when she was with him.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ, Shumpert says Teyana never proved he made her feel endangered, despite making the claim in recently filed divorce papers. Iman wants the court to take action, and to remove Teyana's accusations from the documents.

To get specific, Teyana put something called "cruel treatment" as grounds for the couple's divorce, which is defined as "willful infliction of pain bodily or mental ... [that] reasonably justifies apprehension of danger to life, limb, or health."

Iman says that's nonsense, and the only grounds should be "irretrievable broken bond." He wants the "cruel treatment" grounds thrown out.

What's more, Iman says despite Teyana's claims, he's never been irresponsible when it comes to the care of their two daughters, seven-year-old “Junie” Tayla, and three-year-old Rue Rose.

The new filing from Iman is just another chapter in what's already become a nasty custody battle. As we reported, Teyana first filed the divorce docs using only the couple's initials in an attempt to keep everything private from the public.

However, Iman blew the lid off the secret when he filed a motion asking the court to attach their full names to the documents ... and allowing the public to know what was going on.

TMZ broke the story, the two have been living separately since the filing, and communication has been minimal ... only happening when it comes to the care of their daughters.

Keisha Whitaker ex mujer de Forest Whitaker muere a los 51 años

Keisha Whitaker —la ex mujer de Forest Whitaker— con la que comparte tres hijas y más de 20 años de matrimonio ha fallecido.

La hija de 25 años de Forest y Keisha —True— compartió la devastadora noticia, escribiendo: "Adiós mami. Te quiero por siempre y más allá. La mujer más bella del mundo, gracias por enseñarme cada cosa que sé. Te veré en mis sueños y te sentiré en mi corazón".

No está claro cómo murió Keisha.

Forest y Keisha se casaron en 1996 después de conocerse en el set de la película "Blown Away" de 1994, sus otras hijas son Sonnet de 27 años y Autumn de 32 años.

En una entrevista con Ebony hace años, Keisha dijo de Forest, "Yo lo había visto en 'A Rage in Harlem,'" y "De inmediato, pensé que Forest tenía un alma gentil y un espíritu agradable".

Fue allá por 2018 cuando Forest solicitó el divorcio de Keisha tras más de 20 años de matrimonio, alegando "diferencias irreconciliables" como motivo de la ruptura.

Keisha solo tenía 51 años.


Forest Whitaker Ex-Wife Keisha Dead At 51

Forest Whitaker's ex-wife, Keisha Whitaker, who he shares three daughters and more than 20 years of marriage with has died.

Forest and Keisha's 25-year-old daughter, True, shared the devastating news, writing, "goodbye mommy. I love you 4ever and beyond. the most beautiful woman in the world ... thank you for teaching me every single thing I know. I'll see you in my dreams and I'll feel you in my heart."

It's currently unclear how Keisha died.

Forest and Keisha tied the knot back in 1996 after meeting on the set of the 1994 film, "Blown Away" ... their other daughters are 27-year-old Sonnet and 32-year-old Autumn.

In an interview with Ebony years ago, Keisha said of Forest, “I had seen him in ‘A Rage in Harlem,'" and “Right away, I thought Forest had a gentle soul and a nice spirit.”

It was back in 2018 when Forest filed for divorce from Keisha after more than 20 years of marriage, citing "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split.

Keisha was only 51.


Frances Bean Cobain y Riley Hawk en la boda de Tony Hawk

Tony Hawk finalmente ha dado un vistazo a la boda de octubre de su hijo Riley con Frances Bean Cobain, más vale tarde que nunca, ¿verdad?

El skater profesional compartió una foto en Insta jueves de los recién casados sonrientes acurrucados en su gran noche hace dos meses, en honor al cumpleaños de su hijo "maravilloso y talentoso".

Frances, la única hija de Kurt Cobain, es claramente un éxito con los padres. Tony a expresando su felicidad respecto a que Riley haya encontrado el "amor de su vida".

El orgulloso papá estaba "inspirando a sus hermanos menores con el ejemplo" por la elección de un "enfoque saludable y disciplinado a la edad adulta".

"¡Nos lo pasamos genial en la boda, y te queremos, Riley!", continuó - terminando con una petición para que Frances enseñara la dulce instantánea de la boda a su hijo porque no estaba en IG.

TMZ publicó la historia, (revelando el certificado de matrimonio) supimos que intercambiaron votos el 7 de octubre en Los Ángeles después de obtener una licencia de matrimonio en septiembre en San Diego, con nada menos que el ex vocalista de R.E.M. Michael Stipe realizando la ceremonia.

La noticia de que estaban saliendo se dio a conocer en 2022 ... un año después de que supuestamente se juntaron - y en general, parece que son firmes en mantener su matrimonio fuera de los focos.

FRANCES BEAN COBAIN FIRST WEDDING Pic with Riley Hawk Shared By Father-In-Law Tony Hawk

Tony Hawk has finally given a glimpse of his son Riley's October wedding to Frances Bean Cobain ... better late than never, right?

The pro skateboarder shared a pic on IG Thursday of the smiling newlyweds cozied up on their big night two months ago ... in honor of his "wonderful and talented" son's birthday.

Frances -- Kurt Cobain's only daughter -- is clearly a hit with the parents ... with Tony expressing gratitude that Riley had found the "love of his life."

The proud dad also gushed he was "inspiring his younger siblings by example" by choosing a "healthy, disciplined approach to adulthood."

"We had a blast at the wedding, and we love you, Riley!" he continued -- ending with a request for Frances to show the sweet wedding snap to his son cause he wasn't on IG.

TMZ broke the story, revealing their marriage certificate showed they exchanged vows on Oct. 7 in L.A. after getting a marriage license in Sept down in San Diego ... with none other than former R.E.M. frontman Michael Stipe performing the ceremony.

News they were dating broke in 2022 ... a year after they reportedly got together -- and on the whole, it looks like they're adamant about keeping their marriage out of the limelight.

R-Patz & SUKI WATERHOUSE First Night Out After Preggo News ... Taylor Swift Third-Wheels


Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson making their first public outing since announcing they have a baby on the way woulda been spectacle enough, but their pal Taylor Swift joined 'em to really make a night of it.

The expectant couple and singer stepped out in NYC to support Emma Stone at the premiere of her new movie "Poor Things."

After confirming her pregnancy last month, Suki proudly showed off her bump in a white striped sheer-paneled outfit ... and a very casually dressed Rob was glad to let her get all the attention from photogs.


Taylor looked ultra glam in all-black as she arrived with the expectant parents.

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we're having a baby!

S&R's big night out comes after Suki officially announced she was expecting at the Corona Capital Music Festival in Mexico -- following months of swirling speculation.

This will be the first child for both of them -- they've been dating for 5 years, and moved in together during the pandemic, while Rob filmed "The Batman" in London.

As for Taylor, we all know things with BF Travis Kelce are heating up -- she gushed about them in her TIME Person of the Year interview ... and some Swifties are predicting an engagement next year.

R-Patz Y Suki Waterhouse Primera salida tras la noticia del embarazo ... Taylor Swift los acompaña

Bienvenidos a Nueva York

Ver a Suki Waterhouse y Robert Pattinson juntos por primera vez desde que anunciaron que van a tener un bebé habría sido suficiente espectáculo. Pero su amiga Taylor Swift se unió a ellos para hacer realmente especial la velada.

La futura pareja y la cantante salieron en Nueva York para apoyar a Emma Stone en el estreno de su nueva película "Poor Things".

Después de confirmar su embarazo el mes pasado, Suki mostró con orgullo su barriguita en un traje de rayas blancas con agujeros transparentes, mientras Rob fue súper casual y estaba encantado de que ella recibiera toda la atención de los fotógrafos.

Taylor se veía ultra glamurosa de negro mientras acompañaba a los futuros padres.

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Bebé en escena

La gran noche de S & R se produce después de que Suki anunciara oficialmente que está embarazada en el Corona Capital Music Festival de México. Esto, después de meses de especulaciones.

Este será el primer hijo de la pareja. Ambos llevan saliendo cinco años y se mudaron juntos durante la pandemia, mientras Rob filmaba "The Batman" en Londres.

En cuanto a Taylor, todos sabemos que las cosas con su novio Travis Kelce se están calentando. Ella habló sobre su relación en su entrevista con TIME tras ser elegida Persona del Año y algunos Swifties están prediciendo un compromiso el próximo año.