Kim & Kroy Money Woes Deepen ... She's Sued for $4k, He Owes $11k

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are falling deeper into the debt hole -- she just got hit with a new credit card lawsuit ... meanwhile, a different judge just ordered him to pay 5 figures.

The embattled couple had some new legal docs come their way Tuesday -- in Kim's case, she's now being sued by Chase Bank over a balance they claim is way past due ... they're suing her for $4,624.02

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Chase attached a bunch of statements from her account to demonstrate she's been behind on payments dating back to Nov. 2022.

The balance, they allege, has only ballooned ... and now, they say they want their dough. Remember, Kroy also got sued by Chase Bank over another credit card account he had with them ... and in that instance, they alleged he owed quite a bit more -- about $13,000.

Speaking of KB, he got hit with a judgment in a completely separate case -- although, it pertains to the same sort of allegations. Discover is suing him over a balance it says he owed, which had grown to $11,275.45 ... and was past due.

Per new legal docs, Kroy never officially filed a response in that suit -- and now, a judge has signed off on a default judgment saying he's gotta fork over that full amount ... plus $111 of court costs.

As we've reported ... Kim and Kroy have been facing a lot of these types of lawsuits lately -- and it's all part of the mosaic of their financial woes ... which go well beyond the credit cards.


Of course, in the background of all this is their divorce ... which is still technically on -- although, they seem to be trying to work things out and stay together as a couple.

Kim y Kroy Se profundizan los problemas económicos Ella es demandada por $4K, él por $11K

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann se están hundiendo cada vez más en el agujero de las deudas. Ella acaba de recibir un nuevo embate, con una demanda por atrasos en su tarjeta de crédito, mientras que otro juez acaba de ordenarle a Roy que pague 5 cifras.

La asediada pareja se encontró con nuevos documentos legales el martes. En el caso de Kim, ahora está siendo demandada por Chase Bank por un sobre saldo que está muy atrasado y que asciende a los $4,624.02, según están demandando.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Chase adjunta un montón de declaraciones de su cuenta para demostrar que los retrasos en los pagos se remontan a noviembre de 2022.

Alegan que el saldo solo se ha disparado y que quieren su dinero de vuelta. Recuerden, Kroy también fue demandado por Chase Bank por otra tarjeta de crédito que tenía con ellos. En ese caso, alegan que debía un poco más de $13,000.

Hablando de Kroy, también fue aporreado con una sentencia en un caso completamente separado, aunque se refiere al mismo tipo de reclamos. Discover lo está demandando por un saldo adeudado que habría crecido a $11,275.45 y está atrasado.

Por nuevos documentos legales, Kroy nunca presentó oficialmente una respuesta a esa demanda y ahora un juez ha firmado una sentencia diciendo que él es tenedor de esa cantidad total, más unos $111 por los costos judiciales.

Como hemos informado, Kim y Kroy se han enfrentado a una gran cantidad de demandas de este tipo últimamente, y todo es parte del mosaico de sus problemas financieros, el que va mucho más allá de sus tarjetas de crédito.

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

Por supuesto, su divorcio está al fondo de todo esto, el que técnicamente sigue en curso, aunque ellos parecen estar tratando de resolver las cosas y seguir juntos como pareja.

Amy Robach Thought T.J. Had Killed Himself ... After 'GMA' Firing

Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy Robach thought her boyfriend, T.J. Holmes, had taken his own life as their tumultuous final months at ABC came to a close -- a harrowing story she just shared on their podcast.

The former 'GMA' anchors-turned-lovers got into this ugly chapter on their just-launched media venture -- and it's mostly Amy recounting how scared she was in 2022 when she briefly thought T.J. had killed himself ... this as they were on their way out at the network.

Amy says T.J. started sending her alarming texts in the past tense, where he said she *was* the love of his life, etc. -- and it spurred her to rush over, with her father in tow, to check on him.

Amy says they accessed T.J.'s apartment with the help of his doorman ... and they found him sprawled out on his bed, where Amy believed he might already be dead. She gets pretty emotional telling this part, as it's clear it was a scary moment for both of them.

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Eventually, it became clear he was still alive, but was in an unconscious state ... and they were able to wake him up.

T.J. says he doesn't remember much of that, but does explain he'd gotten off work that day and started pounding vodka and weed edibles -- which landed him in that condition.

Elsewhere on their first pod episode, Amy described the tough time they endured after being ousted from their TV jobs, calling it the "year from hell." She even said she "wanted to die" during parts of the scandal -- but clearly, they're back and ready to work on their new project.


They've told their 'GMA' story ... so we'll see what else they discuss on the podcast. Definitely an engaging, and sorta creepy, start though.

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Cardi B Talks Outgrowing Relationships ... She & Offset Unfollow on IG

There seems to be trouble in paradise between Cardi B and Offset again -- 'cause they've unfollowed each other on social media ... and wifey's talking about being over relationships.

The married couple appear to have removed the other from their followers' count on Instagram sometime between Monday and Tuesday ... which might sound silly, but undoubtedly carries a lot of significance in the digital age.

More importantly, CB posted a not-so-cryptic message on her Story that seems to touch on some new woes ... alluding to growing past relationships, and putting the focus on herself.

She writes, "I'm tired of protecting peoples feelings...I GOTTA PUT MYSELF FIRST."

Offset, meanwhile, also appears to be referring to problems in their dynamic -- posting a famous clip from "Scarface" where Tony Montana is yelling at his old friend about being the one who put their operation together and being responsible for their success.


There's nothing really beyond that ... but their respective posting is telling in and of itself, although it's unclear what the latest issue between them might be. There's always something.

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Remember, it was just earlier this year that Offset suggested Cardi might've cheated on him -- something she denied at the time and which they bickered over for a bit ... that is, until they suddenly kissed and made up, with everything being fine again not too long after that.


Of course, they've historically had lots of other problems in their marriage ... which are always well-documented. They've even broken up before, but on each occasion -- they've gotten back together.

Still, for whatever reason ... this one feels a bit more ominous, especially Cardi's wording here. She and Offset have been together for years now, and it goes without saying ... they have a whole life and even share children.

We'll see if they can amends again ... something tells us this'll get uglier before they do, though.

Cardi B Habla de relaciones superadas... Se dejan de seguir con Offset en IG

Parece que de nuevo hay problemas en el paraíso entre Cardi B y Offset, porque ambos han dejado de seguirse en las redes sociales y ella está hablando de dar por superadas ciertas relaciones.

La pareja casada parece haber eliminado al otro de sus respectivas cuentas en Instagram en algún momento entre el lunes y el martes, lo que puede sonar superficial, pero sin duda tiene mucho significado en la era digital.

Más importante aún, Cardi B publicó un mensaje no tan críptico en sus historias que parece tocar algunos puntos, como el deseo de crecer de relaciones pasadas y poner el foco en sí misma.

El post dice: "Estoy cansada de proteger los sentimientos de la gente ... TENGO QUE PONERME A MÍ MISMA PRIMERO".

Offset, por su parte, también parece estar refiriéndose a los problemas en su dinámica, publicando un famoso clip de "Scarface" donde Tony Montana le grita a su viejo amigo que él fue el responsable de poner su operación juntos y de su éxito.

Realmente no hay nada más allá de eso, pero sus respectivos post son reveladores por sí mismos, aunque no está claro cuál podría ser el último problema entre ellos. Siempre hay algo.

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Recuerden, fue a principios de este año cuando Offset sugirió que Cardi podría haberlo engañado, algo que ella negó en el momento y que discutieron por un tiempo hasta que de repente se besaron y se reconciliaron y estuvieron bien nuevamente no mucho tiempo después de eso.

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

Por supuesto, históricamente han tenido un montón de otros problemas en su matrimonio, que siempre están bien documentados. Incluso han terminado antes, pero han vuelto a estar juntos en cada ocasión.

Sin embargo, por la razón que sea este se siente un poco más ominoso, especialmente la redacción de Cardi. Ella y Offset han estado juntos desde hace años y no hace falta decir que tienen toda una vida e incluso comparten hijos.

Veremos si pueden enmendar el rumbo de nuevo, algo nos dice, sin embargo, que esto se pondrá más feo antes de que lo hagan.

Ashanti supuestamente embarazada de Nelly

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un lindo momento


11:28 AM PT -- Ashanti aparentemente está embarazada después de todo - al menos según Us Weekly, que está citando una fuente que dice: "Nelly y Ashanti están dando la bienvenida a su primer bebé juntos".

De ser cierto, sería el primer hijo de Ashanti y el tercero de Nelly. Él ya tiene otros dos hijos de una relación anterior y ambos son adultos.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el campamento de Ashanti para hacer comentarios pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

La última aparición pública de Nelly y Ashanti ha dado lugar a ¡especulaciones de embarazo!

Durante el fin de semana, Nelly, Ashanti y muchos más se pusieron los trajes y las botas para el rapero de "Country Grammar" en el 11º Black and White Ball en el Hotel Four Seasons, que trajo el evento de nuevo a St. Louis luego de un paréntesis de siete años.

La pareja de superestrella compartió una broma interna en el escenario cuando Ashanti puso sus manos sobre su estómago, a lo que Nelly respondió haciendo lo mismo, haciendo que ambos estallaran en carcajadas. 👀

Los fans se han alegrado de ver a Nelly y Ashanti al acecho después de romper hace 8 años.

El evento de Nelly fue por a una buena causa, los ingresos fueron a la Fundación Make-A-Wish y también se otorgaron becas para Harris Stowe State University.


Sabremos a su debido tiempo si crearon un niño o simplemente estaban troleando ... en cualquier caso, la gente está viviendo por esta relación y como dijo el MC, ¡hazlo oficial!

El Señor sabe que ha sido un largo tiempo de espera.

Publicado originalmente -- 8:45 AM PT

Nelly & Ashanti Baby On Board??? Reports Say It's True!!!

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11:28 AM PT -- Ashanti apparently is pregnant after all -- at least according to Us Weekly, which is citing a source that says, "Nelly and Ashanti are welcoming their first baby together."

If true, it'd be Ashanti's first child ever ... and it would be Nelly's 3rd -- he already has two other kids from a previous relationship, and both of them are adults.

We've reached out to Ashanti's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Nelly and Ashanti's latest barrage of PDA has led to pregnancy speculation -- and it's all because they created it!!!

Over the weekend, Nelly, Ashanti and many more got suited and booted for the "Country Grammar" rapper's 11th Black and White Ball at the Four Seasons Hotel ... which brought the event back to St. Louis after a seven-year hiatus.

The superstar couple appeared to share an inside joke on stage when Ashanti placed her hands on her stomach, to which Nelly did the same ... making them both burst out laughing. 👀

Could be a bun in the oven ... or they were planning to bake one that night. Either way, fans have been happy to see Nelly and Ashanti on the prowl after breaking up 8 years ago.

Nelly's event also benefitted a good cause ... proceeds went to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and scholarships for Harris Stowe State University were also awarded.


We'll know in due time if they created a toddler or were just trolling ... in any case, people are living for this relationship -- and as the MC said, make it official!!!

Lord knows it's been a long time coming and then some.

Originally Published -- 8:45 AM PT

Vanessa Hudgens, Cole Tucker We Got Married! ... Hit The Beach After Tying The Knot In Mexico

Vanessa Hudgens and Major League Baseball player Cole Tucker are officially Mr. and Mrs. after marrying in Mexico ... and the newlyweds hit the beach with family and friends to celebrate.

TMZ confirmed the news ... the former Colorado Rockies shortstop and the actress said their I Do's in Tulum, Mexico over the weekend, months after we broke the news Tucker and Hudgens got engaged.

The couple hasn't released any photos from the actual wedding ... but there is a photo floating around social media of Hudgens in a white gown.

Beach Bride

Hudgens continued with the all-white after the nuptials as the "High School Musical" actress wore a white one-piece bathing suit on the beach with her hubby, family, and friends.

You can also see Tucker -- a longtime MLB player -- wearing a wedding ring.

Hudgens said she knew Tucker was "the one" after their first weekend together ... but was still surprised when Tucker popped the question.


"We had definitely talked about it, but I did not expect it to happen the way that it happened and the moment that it happened," Hudgens said. "It definitely caught me off guard and I was bawling my eyes out."

People was the first to break the story on the marriage.

Baker Mayfield, Wife Emily We're Having A Baby!!!

Baker Mayfield is gonna be a girl dad ... the Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback and his wife just announced they're pregnant and are expecting their daughter to arrive in April 2024!

Mayfield's wife, Emily, shared the amazing news on Monday via Instagram with a bunch of pics from a photoshoot, including one of her holding a sonogram.

This is the couple's first child together.

"We’ve been hiding a little something……..🤫👀," Emily said in the IG caption.

"But we are THRILLED to share that baby girl Mayfield will be joining our crazy crew in early April 2024!"

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Baker and Emily's 1.5-plus million combined IG followers were thrilled over the announcement ... including Patrick Mahomes' wife, Brittany, who left a comment, "Yayyyy!!! 😍 Congrats guys!!!💕💖."

Travis Kelce also dropped a comment on the photo, writing, "Ayyyeee!! Congrats you guys!"


Mayfield and Emily first met back in 2017 when Baker was playing college football at Oklahoma. Six months after meeting, Mayfield proposed ... and they tied the knot in 2019.

"These last few years we have grown in so many ways," Emily said on their four-year anniversary this July, "and I am SO proud of where we are in our marriage."

The announcement comes less than 24 hours after Mayfield threw for 202 yards and scored one touchdown in the Bucs' 21-18 win over the Carolina Panthers.


Jonathan Majors Arrives to Court w/ Meagan Good Again Opening Statements Wrap


2:30 PM PT -- Opening statements have wrapped, and the defense went after Grace Jabbari as someone who was simply out for revenge in an attempt to save her relationship with Jonathan Majors. His attorney, Priya Chaudhry, said JM had broken up with her via text after their altercation ... which she says then spurred Jabbari to exact an alleged plot to falsely frame him.

The jury's heard both sides, and starting Tuesday ... some witnesses are expected to hit the stand.

9:41 AM PT -- Opening statements began in Jonathan Major's domestic violence case ... with prosecutors saying they'll provide evidence of other instances of alleged abuse against Grace Jabbari -- who was later seen publicly for the first time since making the accusations exiting court for a short recess.

Prosecutors say the alleged incidents include Majors allegedly throwing household items at a wall, yanking her headphones out while running, and berating her.

7:32 AM PT -- Turns out, Jonathan did in fact grab Meagan Good's hand once they were inside ... but she wasn't the only woman he was clinging to.

There was an older lady he was grabbing as well as they walked the halls of the courtroom, but they ignored questions from the media ... including whether he felt like Job (from the Bible).

Majors is back before a judge today, where his assault trial will begin in earnest with opening statements -- and he's got his lady, Meagan Good, by his side yet again.

The actor arrived to a Manhattan courthouse early Monday morning for the first real day of his trial -- this after jury selection finished up late last week. As you can see, the guy was dressed to the nines again ... wearing a warm coat and a matching beret with shades.

Of course, right behind him was his girlfriend, Meagan ... who was also with him during last week's appearances -- proving she's gonna be by him through this whole ordeal, it seems.

It doesn't look like they were holding hands as they went in ... but they're clearly putting on a united front, just as they have been throughout the year as the trial's been delayed over and over. Now, we're finally gonna see what prosecutors believe they have against Majors.

Remember, he's facing misdemeanor and assault chargers for allegedly battering his ex, Grace Jabbari, who's also expected to testify in this case -- although it's unclear when she'll be called upon to take the stand.

As far as what the jury will or won't hear in terms of evidence -- well, the judge made a crucial decision last week ... namely, choosing to seal what he called "inflammatory" material that prosecutors wanted to enter in the record, which many suspect revolves around the London police report they alluded to a few months ago.

Nobody knew for sure what that report pertained to, but many suspected it had something to do with a past potential incident. In any case, the jury's not gonna hear about it all ... and ditto for the public. The judge did, however, sign off on letting the jury know about Jabbari's arrest ... even though she was never prosecuted the way JM is being now.


Majors has insisted he's innocent since the beginning, and has said he's the real victim here. He's pled not guilty -- and if convicted, he faces up to a year behind bars.

Originally Published -- 6:43 AM PT

Vanessa Hudgens y Cole Tucker en la playa tras casarse en México

Vanessa Hudgens y el jugador de la Major League de Baseball, Cole Tucker, son oficialmente Sr. y la Sra. después de casarse en México. Los recién casados estuvieron en la playa con la familia y amigos para celebrar.

TMZ confirmó la noticia, el ex campocorto de los Rockies de Colorado y la actriz se dieron el sí quiero en Tulum México durante el fin de semana, meses después de que dimos la noticia de que Tucker y Hudgens se comprometieron.

La pareja no ha publicado ninguna foto de la boda, pero hay una foto flotando en las redes sociales de Hudgens en un vestido blanco.

Hudgens continuó con el todo blanco después de la boda como la actriz de "High School Musical" lució un traje de baño blanco de una sola pieza en la playa con su maridito, familia y amigos.

También se puede ver a Tucker  —un jugador de la MLB desde hace mucho tiempo— con un anillo de bodas.

Hudgens dijo que sabía que Tucker era "el uno" después de su primer fin de semana juntos, pero todavía estaba sorprendido cuando Tucker hizo estallar la pregunta.

¡feliz navidad!

"Definitivamente habíamos hablado de ello, pero no esperaba que sucediera de la manera en que sucedió y en el momento en que sucedió", dijo Hudgens. "Definitivamente me pilló desprevenida y estaba llorando a mares".

People fue el primero en dar la noticia del matrimonio.

Taylor Swift Crashes Lambeau Field To See Travis Take on GB Packers!!!

Taylor Swift is in Wisconsin to watch Travis Kelce, take on the Packers -- the first time in a while that she's been to one of his games ... and she may serve as a good luck charm.

The pop star touched down in Green Bay Sunday ahead of Sunday's big NFL matchup -- and it looks like she's dressed for the snowy weather out there ... rolling into Lambeau Field with a bright red trench coat and looking all bundled up alongside Brittany Mahomes.

We're in December now ... and the temps have certainly dropped from when she was hitting up TK's games earlier in the fall. Gotta rock the right gear this time of the year ... it's chilly.

Anyway, TayTay and co. had themselves a nice private box suite just like they usually do -- but it was way harder to see her this time around as the camera panned to her ahead of the broadcast ... y'know, on account of the heavy snowfall and all. Still, she was there!


In fact, Taylor's been hanging out with Travis this whole past week -- and there's even a photo of the two of them circulating online that appears to show them at a holiday party.

It just shows how serious they are ... as soon as she wrapped her gigs in Brazil a week or so ago -- she jetted on over to Kansas City and has been with her boyfriend ever since ... including right now, which feels like old times yet again.

We haven't seen Taylor attend one of Travis' games in a minute -- but that's just because her schedule got really busy. It seems like whenever she can, she'll be there front and center.

It's funny ... some people have noticed that Travis actually tends to play better, objectively, whenever Taylor's in the building -- so people will definitely be looking to see his stats today.

In any case, Tayvis is going strong ... and the NFL, we're sure, is glad to have her back.

Amy Robach & T.J. Holmes 1st Public Event as Couple ... Good Evening, L.A.!!!

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes have been out in public together a lot since getting the boot from their morning anchor jobs -- but never quite like this ... and boy, do they look happy.

The former 'GMA3' hosts -- who left ABC after word of the relationship got out last year -- stepped out in front of cameras Friday night for iHeartRadio's Jingle Ball 2023 ... where they were front and center and smiling ear to ear as they posed for pics and the press.

Not only did they embrace on the carpet ... but they also smooched -- so, like we said, they ain't hiding the fact they're together any longer, even though it was well-established.

Even before they got there, T.J. was advertising the fact they were in town and rolling as a pair -- posting a pic to his Instagram Story, showing Amy in a car as she fired off a selfie.

Of course, their attendance for the iHeart event was no coincidence ... they have a new podcast they're launching next week -- called 'Amy & T.J.' -- and they're pushing people to iHeart Radio to catch it.

It's their first joint venture since they unceremoniously exited ABC ... at least as far as media's concerned.

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Fact is, they've been tied at the hip since their ousting -- and have vacationed all over the place as a couple. The only difference now is ... we'll be seeing them talking shop again, as opposed to just cuddling and making out.

The takeaway though is that they're united and going strong ... so it wasn't just a fling.

More Amy and T.J. coming to a streamer near you ... stay tuned.

Will Smith Fame is the Darndest Thing 'I'm Deeply Human'

Will Smith is once again reflecting on the ups and downs of his life over the past couple years -- and he says he's a work in progress ... who shouldn't rely on outside validation.

The actor was onstage and addressing a crowd Saturday in Saudi Arabia for the Red Sea Film Festival -- where he talked about a number of things ... but perhaps most notably, he addressed his "many adversities" over the past couple years and how he's processed it.

Of course, he's very much alluding to his Oscars slap moment -- but he also seems to be touching on his personal life as well, especially as it pertains to his marriage with Jada Pinkett Smith. Check out what he says about the highs and lows of fame ... it's interesting.

It's a long-winded response he has here, but essentially ... it boils down to not needing the outside world to clap for him on any given thing he's doing, professionally or otherwise.

It sounds like Will has sought that as the years have gone on ... but he now says he has to teach himself to be content with himself/his mission regardless -- vowing to continue on the path of self-improvement and to not let outside influences affect him as much as they have.

On how he's reacted to setbacks, WS says he's "deeply human" ... and that is virtue is not perfected, although he hopes to sharpen it now going forward. His goal these days is to perfect his light, and to teach others about the craft of filmmaking/storytelling.

It might sound like a lot of mumbo-jumbo ... but there are kernels of wisdom in what Will's saying. From what we can glean -- he's essentially promising not to let the world get him down, or to rile him up ... regardless of what's being said, or who's saying it.

As you know, Will's been the subject of A LOT of chatter lately ... not so much for the slap these days, but for his relationship -- which was recently revealed to be less than traditional.

The other good news out of this weekend appearance is the fact he revealed 'I Am Legend 2' is a go ... and that Michael B. Jordan is going to be in it -- with a script now done.

Will says he's supposed to talk to Mike Sunday to discuss next steps. Finally, some focus back on work!

Luka Doncic I'm A Daddy!!! Welcomes First Child With Fiancee

Congrats are in order for Luka Doncic and his fiancée, Anamaria Goltes -- the NBA star and the model just introduced their baby girl to the world!!

The Dallas Mavericks hooper and Anamaria shared the amazing news on Instagram on Friday ... captioning a picture of the little bundle of joy with one word -- "Gabriela."

This is the first child for the pair ... and their famous friends couldn't be happier for them.

"Congrats my man!" Patrick Mahomes said in the comment section ... with many others -- including Luka's mom, Mirjam Poterbin -- showing love as well.

Doncic is missing his first game of the season as the Mavs face off against the Memphis Grizzlies in a few hours. His absence was originally disclosed as personal reasons, but now we know it was for his daughter's arrival!

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Doncic has been dating Goltes since 2016 ... and the two first met in Croatia when they were just kids. On July 7, they announced their picturesque engagement in Slovenia.

It's only a matter of time before baby Gabriela gets a basketball in her hands ... after all, her daddy is one of the best players on the planet!!

Timothée Chalamet Channels KarJenner Style for 'Wonka' ... On Paris Premiere Carpet

Timothée Chalamet is spending a lot of time with girlfriend Kylie Jenner lately ...  maybe so much so, there's evidence the "Wonka" star could be taking style tips from KJ and her famous family.

Timothée hit the red carpet in Paris Friday for the premiere of "Wonka" at Cinema UCG Normandie. The actor looked sharp in black pants and a metallic chain-like top. Funny enough, the top is kinda-sorta similar to a popular look the KarJenner sisters have worn over the years -- with flashy metallic designs featuring a flowy style.

Of course, Timothee is no stranger to being fashion forward and pushing the envelope ... especially at his premieres.

Speaking of the "Wonka" movie ... TC's girlfriend Kylie attended the premiere in London earlier this week -- jetting overseas to watch the flick and attend the after-party.

The two have certainly gotten more comfortable going out in public over the last few months ... hitting tennis tournaments and various parties.

One big thing we've yet to see though, is the two together on a red carpet ... there are still plenty of "Wonka" premieres coming up, so maybe it'll happen.

In the meantime, we just gotta appreciate TC channeling Kylie with his wardrobe.