Evander Kane Suspended 21 Games ... For Breaking NHL COVID Protocol

Evander Kane will not be allowed to play for the Sharks for the first quarter of the season ... the NHL just banned the star forward 21 games for violating the league's COVID-19 protocol.

League officials announced the suspension in a statement Monday ... though they did not specify what rule he broke.

Of course, Kane had been reportedly under investigation for allegedly submitting a fake COVID vaccine card to the NHL ... but the league only said in their statement Monday that Kane was being barred "for an established violation of, and lack of compliance with, the NHL/NHLPA COVID-19 Protocol."

The league added that Kane will not be paid during the suspension ... with his forfeited cash going to the league's Players' Emergency Assistance Fund.

Kane will now not be able to re-join the Sharks on the ice until their Nov. 30 game against the New Jersey Devils.

The NHL also revealed in its statement it could not substantiate the domestic violence claims that his estranged wife, Deanna, had levied against him in recent court docs.

"There will be no further comment," league officials said.

The news comes just 1 month after the NHL announced it found no evidence that Kane had gambled on his own games -- something his ex alleged he had done in the past.

For his part, Kane had vehemently denied those claims before the NHL cleared him.

Colin Powell Dead at 84 ... From COVID Complications


8:59 AM PT -- A former aide of Powell has confirmed he also had multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that hinders the body's ability to fight infections.

Colin Powell, the trailblazer who became the first black Secretary of State, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a military leader who was courted by many to run for President has died of COVID-related complications.

Powell died early Monday morning. His family wanted everyone to know he had been fully vaccinated.

Powell, the son of Jamaican immigrants, began his military career in combat duty during the Vietnam war. He was wounded twice -- in one instance he was involved in a helicopter crash and rescued 2 soldiers. He received 2 Purple Hearts.

Powell served in various capacities in the military. In 1987, he became Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor.

The General rose to become a national leader in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm. His fierce leadership won the admiration of the American public ... his approval rate was above 70% and lots of political leaders wanted to groom him for high political office.

He became the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and George W. Bush made him Secretary of State.

Powell retired from the military in 1993 as a 4-star general. The one blemish on his record was when he went before the UN Security Council and told the body Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. That justification led to the U.S. attacking Iraq, and after years of bloody war, no such weapons ever turned up.

Powell turned against President Bush in 2007 and spoke against the Administrations decision to declare war on Iraq. He also criticized the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

Powell was a Republican, but he became disenchanted with the party and ended up supporting Barack Obama in 2008. On January 10, 2021, days after the insurrection at the Capitol, he said he no longer considered himself a Republican.

Powell had been urged by many to run for President, but never took the bait. Lots of people thought he had a shot at winning, given his overwhelming popularity. His integrity was always strong and in tact, and he was respected by leaders in both parties.

Powell leaves behind his Alma Vivian Powell, along with 3 children.

Powell was 84.


Originally Published -- 6:58 AM PT

Washington State Trooper Final Sign-Off Amid Vaxx Mandate ... 'Inslee Can Kiss My Ass'


Washington is requiring all state employees be vaccinated by Monday -- but one trooper quit ahead of the deadline with a sobering final sign-off ... and harsh words for the governor.

22-year vet Robert LaMay -- who worked for the Washington State Patrol -- hung it up over the weekend, issuing one final thank-you to his coworkers and peers on the official dispatch system ... while also taking a big shot at Gov. Jay Inslee, who's enforcing the mandate.

Check it out ... LaMay, who's apparently unvaccinated, gets on the radio and says this will be his final time in a WA state patrol car, all because he's been deemed "dirty," as he puts it.

He goes on to recount the good times he had on the job, while thanking his colleagues for getting him home safe each night -- and, finally, ending his remarks with, "Jay Inslee can kiss my ass." He drops the mic on his lap ... waiting for someone on the other end.

Eventually, the dispatcher jumps on and goes through a list of his contributions as a trooper ... also thanking him for his service. It's somewhat unceremonious, which he acknowledges.

Of course, this paints a stark picture of what a lot of law enforcement officers -- and others -- across multiple states are facing -- and there's rumblings mass firings/resignations could be coming as more and more vaccine mandates go into effect over the coming weeks.

Even on the federal level, vaccine mandates are being hotly discussed and debated -- especially among airlines ... which got roped into President Biden's order since they contract with the federal government. And yet, not every airline will play ball -- like Delta.

The question ... is forcing people to get vaccinated with the threat of losing their jobs the most effective way to get 'em onboard??? Many say yes -- but some, clearly, feel differently.

Kyrie Irving Plays Pickup Football with Buddies ... Amid Vaxx Holdout Drama

Going deep ...

Kyrie Irving might not be able to play basketball this season as he continues to resist getting the COVID-19 vaccine -- but the dude's still stretching his legs ... with pigskin, no less.

TMZ Sports has obtained video of the Brooklyn Nets superstar all in Sunday on a game of pickup football with some guys at a high school in New Jersey ... where he seemed to be playing wide receiver and running routes, but not getting a look on this particular play.

We're told they were playing 4 on 4 here ... and this was actually a soccer field. So, not really a gridiron, per se, but at least we're getting a chance to see him out in public.

He's been seemingly reclusive of late -- taking to IG Live to try and explain his vaccine status and rationale -- this as he remains the focus of national media amid his stance to not get the jab ... and forfeit millions of dollars to be a "voice for the voiceless."

While we imagine his coaches and teammates won't be too happy seeing this -- Kyrie hasn't practiced/played with the Nets in a good long while now, due to the NY vaccine mandates -- at least they can take solace in the fact that he's staying active and somewhat in shape(?) for if/when he caves and decides to get back on the court at some point this season.

Then again ... maybe he never will. It looks like the Nets are prepared to move forward without Kyrie for now -- and they could very well trade him if he stays hunkered down like this.

In the meantime ... maybe he can get a tryout with an NFL squad or something 😅.

Covid Craziness Passenger Takes the Mic ... Conspiracy Theory Over COVID

This is just insane ... a woman not only went nuts on a plane to push her COVID conspiracy theory ... she brought her own mic along for the ride.

Check out the video ... she launches mid-flight into a rambling, incoherent tirade over her  COVID conspiracy theory. She proudly announced her beliefs to the captive audience on the plane ... and with the assist from the mic, her voice was amplified for all to hear.

At one point she immodestly boasts how she's not bad to look at, as the passengers are clearly expressing their displeasure.

The passenger who shot the video hilariously confesses they paid for wifi on the plane so the video could be quickly posted. Big thank you from TMZ!

It's unclear what happened once the plane landed, but as everyone knows by now, flying has become a s*** show with tirades and fights an everyday occurrence.

So much for the friendly skies.

Robert Durst On Ventilator with COVID-19 ... After Getting Life in Prison

Robert Durst is starting out his life imprisonment on a hospital bed -- the guy has COVID-19, and is hooked up to a machine to help him survive ... so says his lawyer.

Attorney Dick DeGuerin told several media outlets Saturday that Durst has been placed on a ventilator over the past couple days after contracting the virus -- but didn't have much of an update beyond that, adding the legal team hadn't heard from doctors yet.

He did say that Durst looked terrible on Thursday -- when he was sentenced to life in prison after recently being found guilty for murder -- noting it was the "worst I've ever seen him." DeGuerin added Durst was having difficulty breathing and speaking that day.


Durst sat quiet and still during his sentencing hearing, looking incredibly frail in a wheelchair ... while wearing a face mask. It's unclear if he'd tested positive before or after the hearing.

As we reported ... Durst's fate is to live out his remaining years behind bars, without the possibility of parole. He was found guilty of murdering his close friend, Susan Berman, back in 2000. While he was never charged for the crime, many believe she was set to come forward with info linking Durst to the disappearance of his wife, Kathy, whom vanished in the '80s.

Durst's story was covered extensively in the HBO docuseries 'The Jinx' during which he's believed to have confessed to killing both Kathy and Susan after being heard on a hot mic.

Durst is 78 years old, and his health was already in decline before this COVID diagnosis.

ESPN's Jay Williams People Are Telling Me To Kill Myself ... For Defending Kyrie


ESPN analyst Jay Williams says people are wishing for his death after defending Kyrie Irving's COVID-19 vaccine stance ... going on an emotional rant slamming the hateful messages he's gotten this week.

Of course, J Will got in a heated debate with Stephen A. Smith on "First Take" this week ... saying while he doesn't personally agree with the decision, he believes Kyrie has every right to do what he wants with his body.

Williams says the hate has been flooding in following his appearance ... noting people have been spewing terrible things at him for not denouncing KI's position ... and mentioning his tragic motorcycle accident in 2003.

"Thank God I almost passed away when I was 21 years old," Jay said. "You know some of the crazy s*** that people say to me on the internet when they disagree with my opinion? Go hit a pole, go die again, aww Duke education."

"Thank God I went through that experience, 'cause I don't need other people to justify how I think about myself."

Williams then speaks on the Irving drama ... saying this is a real life situation -- not some over-the-top TV segment -- so people need to stop associating his character.

"Kyrie Irving doesn't owe you anything. He doesn't owe you a response on your timeline. He doesn't owe you answers that you feel like you need."

"I got answers for all you guys -- your opinions do not matter and it shouldn't matter to Kyrie Irving."

Former President Clinton Hospitalized in CA For Bloodstream Infection

Former President Bill Clinton has been hospitalized with what his doctor says is an infection that spread into his bloodstream.

Clinton's docs say 42 was admitted to UC Irvine Medical Center Tuesday and is being closely monitored. The infection reportedly first started as a UTI, but became much more serious once it got into his bloodstream ... he's currently in the intensive care unit.

Dr. Alpesh Amin, from UC Irvine and Clinton's personal doctor, Dr. Lisa Bardack, say the former Prez is currently receiving antibiotics and fluids through an IV.

Reports say the 75-year-old is in good spirits while being cared for, and he's expected to be just fine.

His doctors told CNN, "After two days of treatment, his white blood cell count is trending down and he is responding to antibiotics well. We hope to have him go home soon."

Clinton was in California for a fundraiser before falling ill and being hospitalized.

Of course, Clinton has had his share of serious medical issues, he had a quadruple bypass heart surgery in 2004 and in 2010 he had two stents inserted to open an artery.

His doctors insist his most recent hospitalization has nothing to do with COVID or with his heart.

Get well soon!!!

Joe Rogan to Sanjay Gupta: Get Vaccinated ... Then Hang Around 'Dirty People' And get COVID!!!

101321_sanjay_gupta_joe_rogan_kal OCTOBER 2021
The Joe Rogan Experience/Spotify

Joe Rogan had a super-interesting convo with CNN's Sanjay Gupta ... it was confrontationally civilized.

The good Doc was clearly on a mission to counter Rogan's message about the COVID vaccine. "The Joe Rogan Experience" is a huge platform -- 200 million downloads per month -- so Gupta was clearly there to challenge Joe over not getting the shot.

Rogan made it clear --- he's not anti-vaccine. In fact, he says he made an appointment to get the shot but ended up a no-show. As for why ... Rogan said, "I'm a healthy person, I exercise constantly, I'm always taking vitamins, I take care of myself."

101321_sanjay_gupta_joe_rogan_cnn_kal OCTOBER 2021
The Joe Rogan Experience/Spotify

Gupta was gentle, but clear -- asking Rogan if it's better to have the virus than to become infected. Rogan, who got COVID, conceded it was no fun going through it, but added he's been sicker with a bad cold.

That doesn't address the fact more than 700,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID, and Joe agreed certain people -- including the elderly and the overweight -- should get jabbed, but not everyone.

090121_joe_rogan_kal SEPTEMBER 2021

Then Joe dropped a theory that stunned Sanjay ... "I think it would be better to get the vaccine and recover and have amazing immunity ... you know what I think you should do? I think you should get vaccinated and then get sick ... the vaccine protects you from a bad infection and you get COVID so you get robust immunity ... get vaccinated, let it wane and hang around with a bunch of dirty people."

Waiting for your permission to load Spotify episode.

Gupta made it clear .... the win is for someone not to have the virus at all, and that's what the vaccine does.

And, then Rogan called out CNN for saying he was taking "horse medicine."   Joe did say last month he had taken ivermectin, but clearly has issues the way it was reported.

Kyrie Irving Defends Anti-Vaccine Choice ... 'I Haven't Committed A Crime'

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Kyrie Irving is finally speaking out publicly about his anti-vaccine choice ... explaining he believes nobody should be told what to do with their bodies -- and he's tired of feeling "demonized" over his decision.

The Brooklyn Nets star -- who's been barred from playing and practicing with his team until he either gets the vaccine or gets some sort of exemption -- broke his feelings down on the matter in a lengthy video on his social media page Wednesday.

In his talk with his camera, which lasted over 20 minutes, Irving repeated over and over again he's against vaccine mandates.

In his explanation, Irving made it clear he wants people to be able to make their own decisions on the shots without a threat of potentially losing their jobs, livelihood and money.

The NBA star added he's tired of hearing critics blast him for his decision ... saying he hasn't done anything criminal.

"I haven't hurt anybody," Irving said. "I haven't committed a crime. I'm not out here acting dumb, stupid. I'm out here taking care of my family, my kids."

Irving said he would not retire over it all ... but did not reveal his plan for getting back on the court despite his strong, anti-vax stance.

The Nets, meanwhile, have stated they're moving on from Irving in wake of his decision ... with the team's general manager, Sean Marks, saying this week, "we will not permit any member of our team to participate with part-time availability."

Brooklyn is slated to begin its season next week against the Milwaukee Bucks.

Ray J Out of Hospital After Pneumonia Scare ... Taking Things Easy

Ray J is no longer battling pneumonia from a Miami hospital bed ... he's been discharged and is continuing to recover at home.

Sources close to the situation tell TMZ ... Ray was released from the hospital over the weekend and he's also stopped using an inhaler and isn't on oxygen anymore.

As we told you ... Ray J was admitted earlier this month, where doctors discovered he had pneumonia and assumed he had COVID too. Ray tested negative for the virus and was eventually moved out of the COVID wing, but was super scared.

Our sources say Ray thinks his busy schedule and constant travel were to blame for his illness, and now he's realized he needs to take care of his health.

At one point in his bout with pneumonia, we're told Ray thought he was going to die, and now he's just thankful to have made it out.

TMZ broke the story ... Ray filed to divorce Princess Love while he was hospitalized, the third time the couple's walked down the divorce aisle.

Our source say things haven't changed with Princess Love from Ray's side ... the divorce is still on and the filing wasn't influenced by his pneumonia issues, it was the result of ongoing problems in their marriage.

NHL 4 Players Unvaxxed League-Wide ... Gary Bettman Says

The NHL is damn near 100% vaccination status -- with commissioner Gary Bettman announcing just 4 players league-wide have not received the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Commish shared the big news prior to the start of the 2021-22 season on Tuesday ... applauding the "great collaboration and cooperation" between the players and players' association.

"Our vaccination rate is incredible," Bettman said. "4 players, not 4% of players. All of our officials are vaccinated. All of the personnel that come into contact with the players are vaccinated."

FYI, there are 32 NHL teams with roughly 23 players on each squad. That's 736 players ... and again, only 4 aren't vaxxed.

Bettman gushes over the whole league's efforts throughout the pandemic ... saying everyone was on board over the past 2 years -- including the bubbles in Toronto and Edmonton, where there was not a single positive COVID-19 test.

"Everybody banded together to do the right thing," Bettman added. "Maybe that's why hockey is the ultimate team sport."

The league is still dealing with some issues surrounding the virus, however -- San Jose Sharks star Evander Kane is reportedly under investigation for allegedly submitting a bogus COVID-19 vaccine card.

On top of that, several Seattle Kraken players were placed in COVID-19 protocol before getting cleared to play in the franchise's first-ever game.

But, just 4 players unvaxxed?? That's pretty remarkable.

Report: Kyrie Irving Not Anti-Vaxx Upset With People Losing Jobs Over Mandates


4:26 PM PT -- Kyrie Irving is NOT against getting the COVID-19 vaccine -- his stance is based on the people who have lost their jobs due to vaccine mandates, The Athletic reports.


As one source told the outlet, "Kyrie wants to be a voice for the voiceless," ... which is interesting, considering the NBAer was hellbent on keeping his reason for not being vaxxed a private matter.


Bottom line, Irving wants people to have control over their livelihood ... and not be forced into doing what they don't want to.

Kyrie Irving will not be allowed to play or practice for the Nets until his COVID vaccine situation is resolved, the team announced Tuesday.

Brooklyn general manager Sean Marks said in a statement that unless Irving gets vaccinated or the NBA provides him an exemption ... the star point guard will be barred from the team.

"Given the evolving nature of the situation and after thorough deliberation, we have decided Kyrie Irving will not play or practice with the team until he is eligible to be a full participant," Marks said.

"Kyrie has made a personal choice, and we respect his individual right to choose. Currently the choice restricts his ability to be a full-time member of the team, and we will not permit any member of our team to participate with part-time availability."

@kyrieirving / Instagram

Irving has not commented publicly on his choice to avoid the vaccine -- he told his followers on social media last month that was a "private" matter -- but he's made it clear through social media activity that he is, in fact, anti-vax.

Of course, due to New York City mandates, in order to play games and practice in NYC, players are required to be vaccinated.

So far, Irving has missed all of the team's workouts in NYC as well as the Nets' preseason games over the vaccine choice ... and it's now clear he won't be a part of any of the team's activities moving forward unless something gives.

"It is imperative that we continue to build chemistry as a team and remain true to our long-established values of togetherness and sacrifice," Marks said.

"Our championship goals for the season have not changed, and to achieve these goals, each member of our organization must pull in the same direction."

It's been reported that Irving -- who's in the middle of a 4-year, $136,490,600 contract -- stands to lose MILLIONS based on the decision.

Originally Published -- 8:25 AM PT

Coachella No Need to Be Vaxxed Negative Test is Just Fine!!!

Coachella is making a U-turn ... ditching its plan to enforce a mandatory vaccination policy for ticketholders, and instead settling for testing negative right before the event.

The announcement came down Tuesday via an update on Coachella's official IG page -- which is run by AEG Presents -- saying, "After seeing first-hand the low transmission data and successful implementation of safety protocols at our other festivals this past month, we feel confident we can update our health policy."

The change ... allowing folks to come to Coachella (and other AEG Presents events, it seems) without having to prove they're vaxxed. Instead, you can just show a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of the day you're attending.

This is a serious about-face from what AEG honchos said just a couple months ago -- when they announced they'd be requiring proof of vaccines, adding they felt they'd be on the right side of history, and that it was in the best interest of everyone.

The explanation is sure to thrill any anti-vaxx, or anti-mandate, folks on the fence about attending Coachella -- but something feels weird about the change of heart.

Frankly, if ya wanted to be cynical ... you could argue AEG's making a business decision -- especially in light of the massive pushback we're seeing around the country in relation to vaccine mandate.

Important to note, though, the new policy falls in line with what several other festivals have done ... including Lollapalooza back in the summer.

Wendy Williams 'Serious Complications' Forcing Break From Show

Wendy Williams is stepping away from her show after experiencing "serious complications" as a direct result of Graves' Disease and her thyroid condition.

"The Wendy Williams Show" announced Tuesday that while Wendy's making progress ... she's not 100% ready to return to her hosting duties due to her immune system disorder. Wendy continues to be under medical supervision and meets with her medical team on a daily basis.

That being said ... the show says it's been determined more time is needed before Wendy's able to return.

In the interim, the popular daytime program will start airing original shows on Monday ... "with an exciting lineup of guest hosts and panels to be announced shortly."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

A statement from the show added, "Wendy is a valued and stalwart member of the Debmar-Mercury family and has been so for 12 years. We want her health to be her top priority. As soon as she's ready, she will be back in her treasured purple chair."

As we previously reported ... Wendy was taken to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. We were told she was voluntarily admitted to an NYC hospital last month. On top of all of that, Wendy also had COVID but, thankfully, she was asymptomatic.

Wendy's 13th season was set to premiere Sept. 20, and while the new season will kick off in less than a week ... it's clear now Wendy won't be taking part for the time being.


Blac Chyna 'Go Get F****** Vaccinated'!!! Goes OFF on Fan in Airport

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Here's Blac Chyna having a very public freakout in an airport terminal ... yelling at folks to "go get f****** vaccinated!!!"

Ya gotta see the video ... Blac Chyna's standing in the terminal with her bodyguards when she yells at someone to get vaxxed and "stop being stupid, hoe!"

Folks who saw BC go nuclear in Miami International Airport tell TMZ ... the incident went down late Sunday night, and she was apparently set off by a fan's request for a picture.

We're told a lady holding a baby went up to Chyna to ask for the photo, and that's when BC started ranting about how the woman better be vaccinated.

Blac Chyna, BTW, is vaccinated ... she got her jab earlier this year while live streaming.

As you can see, most of the airline travelers just sit there in stunned silence ... and no one seems to react much to the animated, blue-haired Blac Chyna as she keeps going off. By the end of the rant, she's not even talking about vaccines -- instead, she was going off about her Washington, DC roots. 🤷🏽‍♂️

MIA cops tell us they never got a call for the incident. Sooo ... no blood, no foul.

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