Shaquille O'Neal Nets Should Trade Kyrie Over Vaxx 'Get His Ass Out Of Here'

Shaquille O’Neal is fed up with Kyrie Irving ... saying the Brooklyn Nets should cut ties with the star if he won't be able to play home games due to being unvaccinated.

Irving has been under attack for reportedly not getting vaccinated as the pandemic rages on ... and he currently won't be able to play home games due to NYC's COVID-19 mandate.

With the Nets poised for a title run with KI, Kevin Durant and James Harden in 2021-22, Shaq was asked what he'd do if Kyrie misses half the season ... and he's not holding back.

"I would go upstairs and say, 'Get him up out of here,'" Shaq told "Tiki and Tierney" this week. "We can win with a two-punch and a great shooter and some rebounders like we got. Get his ass up out of here."

"Of course, if I played with him, I’d be in charge all the way, all day," Shaq added.

"Whoever owns the Brooklyn Nets, get him up out of here."

But, Shaq wasn't done sharing his thoughts on the topic -- he expanded on his take on "The Big Podcast" on Thursday ... saying he is not going to "knock" Irving's right to have an opinion, but the hooper has to think about the bigger picture.

"In this game of ours, sometimes you have to think about others instead of yourself," he said. "Now, Kyrie has his own views and his opinions. I’m not going to knock that."

"He does have an obligation because he took that $200 million. Once you sign up for this life there is no privacy. And you have to accept it."

FYI -- some of that 200 milli will disappear if Kyrie misses all the home games this season ... with the guard reportedly set to lose out on $17.5 million.

No word on if that's changed Irving's mind at all ... but it seems like this drama ain't ending anytime soon.

NBA Star Michael Porter Jr. Refuses To Get COVID Vaccine 'I Don't Feel Comfortable'

Michael Porter Jr. -- one of the biggest rising stars in the NBA -- says he will not get the COVID vaccine ... explaining he doesn't "feel comfortable" with the idea of getting the shots.

The Denver Nuggets forward -- who's made anti-vaxx statements in the past (see the video below) -- spelled out his feelings to The Denver Post this week, saying he just flat-out doesn't want the vaccine.

"For me, I had COVID twice," Porter Jr. said. "I saw how my body reacted, and although the chances are slim, with the vaccine, there's a chance you could have a bad reaction to it."

He added, "For me, I don’t feel comfortable."

Michael Porter Jr. 7/29/20

Porter Jr. also insisted the NBA should not be allowed to require its players to get the jab ... saying, "It should be everyone's decision."

"I see it both ways," the 23-year-old continued. "If you want to get it because you feel more protected and you feel safer, and it's protecting people around you, get it. That's good for you. But if you feel like, 'Oh, for me, I don't feel safe getting it, then don't get it.'"

For now, the Association has not made it mandatory for players to get the vaccine ... although the unvaxxed will have far more rules and regulations placed on them this season than the vaxxed.

For example, vaccinated players will have more freedom to leave hotels while on the road as well test much less often for COVID.

Porter Jr., though, is clearly fine with that ... adding, "I don’t want to risk putting something that might affect me negatively in my body."

As a reminder, doctors and government officials have said repeatedly the COVID vaccine is safe and can protect you and others around you from a severe reaction to the virus.

NBA Kyrie, Wiggins Could Lose Millions League Won't Pay Unvaxxed Players For Missed Games

Kyrie Irving and Andrew Wiggins will each lose more than $15 MILLION if they refuse to get the jab ... because the NBA just announced it will NOT pay players who miss games for not having the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Association has not made it mandatory for players to be vaxxed, but local mandates in San Francisco and New York City will keep guys like Wiggins and Irving -- who have reportedly elected against the vaccine -- from being able to play home games for the Warriors and Nets, respectively.

Considering NBA teams play half of their games at home, this would keep the 2 stars from playing in at least 41 games this season ... which will put a serious hurt on their bank accounts.

Wiggins -- who is in a 5-year, $147,710,050 deal -- will reportedly pass up on $15.8 million this season ... while Irving -- 4-year, $136,490,600 contract -- will forfeit $17.5 million.

@kyrieirving / Instagram

Kyrie has spoken out about his choice ... saying it's a personal decision and he hopes to be with his team as much as possible.

Wiggins is reportedly hellbent on not getting the vaccine ... despite the Warriors setting up meetings with health officials to try to ease any fears.

The league says players cannot be forced to get vaxxed unless the players' union agrees to it ... and it sounds like that ain't happening any time soon.

Of course, it's absolutely their decision to not get the vaccine ... but that's a serious amount of money that could have the guys reconsidering their stance.

LeBron James I Got The Vaccine ... But I Won't Urge Others To Do Same

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Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron James just confirmed he is, in fact, vaccinated ... but he said he will not urge others to do the same, explaining, "That's not my job."

The NBA superstar broke down his feelings on the COVID vax at Lakers media day Tuesday ... saying to reporters he was initially skeptical of the shots -- but decided to get them after doing his research.

Still, James said he had no interest in pleading with others -- including his NBA peers -- to follow in his footsteps ... believing it's a decision each person must make on their own.

"We're talking about individuals' bodies," LeBron said. "We're not talking about something that's political, or racism, or police brutality. Things of that nature. We're talking about people's bodies and well being."

"So, I don't feel like, for me personally, that I should get involved in what other people should do for their bodies and their livelihoods."

James compared it to giving out job advice -- explaining he would never tell someone how to choose their own career paths.

"You have to do what's best for your family," LeBron said. "So, I know what I did for me and my family. I know some of my friends and what they did for their families."

"But as far as speaking for everybody and their individualities and things that they want to do, I don't feel like that -- that's not my job."

James said the Lakers -- who will head into the season with a 100 percent vaccination rate -- never talked as a team about getting the vaccine ... reiterating he wanted it all to be a choice each individual made on their own.

Kyrie Irving Misses Brooklyn Nets Media Day ... Dodges COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

@kyrieirving / Instagram

9:52 AM PT -- Kyrie just held a live stream presser with reporters after missing media day ... and shut down any questions regarding his vaccination status, citing his "privacy."


KI said he isn't putting limits on rejoining his teammates soon ... but made it clear he was not about to give any more details other than that.


As for his own beliefs, Irving says he's a human first and foremost and wants to handle everything the right way.

The Brooklyn Nets are without part of their "Big Three" to kick off the 2021-22 season ... 'cause Kyrie Irving will not attend the team’s media day due to New York City's COVID-19 protocols.

Irving is believed to be in the roughly 10% of the league that has not been vaccinated ... with Rolling Stone reporting he's actively engaging with wild anti-vax conspiracies on social media.

Considering there's a mandate requiring NYC-based NBA players to have at least one vaccine shot before practicing or playing indoors, Irving had no choice but to miss the team's event on Monday ... and now, his status for the season is in jeopardy.

29-year-old Irving is coming off one of his best seasons as a pro ... dropping 26.9 points on 50.6% shooting and averaging 6.0 assists and 4.8 boards.

Irving certainly figures to be a crucial part of any hopes the BK Nets have to win a title this season ... but unless he gets a religious exception from the league (Andrew Wiggins' request was denied), there is a slim chance he can suit up until the city's protocols change.

Irving's teammate -- Kevin Durant -- was asked about why he isn't concerned about KI's vaccination status ... and he downplayed the whole situation.

"That's his personal decision," KD told the media. "What he does is not on us to speculate. I expect us to have our whole team at some point."

Now we all know, Irving marches to the beat of his own drum ... but that drum may not be at a championship parade if things don't change.

While his NYC availability is up in the air, Irving is expected to travel with the team to San Diego later Monday for training camp.

Story developing ...

Originally Published -- 9:01 AM PT

Singer Kelly Price Breaks Silence on 'Missing' Status ... I Flatlined, But I'm Alive!!!


Kelly Price is finally addressing going MIA from her family and sharing an incredible story of her hospitalization with COVID ... telling us at one point, she was medically dead.

Price tells us she was never actually missing, despite some of her family members insisting she had vanished without a trace. Kelly says she isolated herself as she recovered from COVID, and was avoiding her family, who she says she doesn't routinely stay in touch with.

Price's battle with COVID was a serious one ... she says she actually flatlined at one point, and had to be brought back to life by doctors and staff. She tells us she was literally on her death bed -- but miraculously bounced back.

That's not to say she's out of the woods yet -- far from it, in fact ... Kelly is still on oxygen and at times had a tough time speaking with us, but wanted to get her story out. We asked Kelly's attorney, Monica Ewing, if she had been vaccinated, but Ewing would not specify.

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@mskellyprice / Instagram

As for why there's a disconnect between Kelly's family and her whereabouts, Kelly touches on that as well ... sounds like there's some BTS drama between her and her sister, and perhaps others.


We also spoke to Ewing who outlined the steps they'll need to take in order to get Kelly off Georgia's missing person list -- which is what kickstarted this frenzy to begin with.

Sounds like there's still a few hoops she has to jump through, but everyone can rest assured that Kelly is alive and still working on her recovery.

This puts a bow on what Kelly alluded to on her IG Story this weekend ... that she was OK, and that this narrative has gotten out of hand.

Tony Robbins Spews COVID Misinformation ... Gives Fuel to Anti-Vaxxers

Tony Robbins can be added to the long list of folks spewing COVID-19 misinformation with misguided jokes and phony statistics, and unfortunately ... he spread his message to a bunch of salespeople.

The controversial self-help guru was a featured speaker at something called Funnel Hacking Live in Orlando, a 3-day conference held by Russell Brunson ... aimed at boosting attendees' sales success by listening to motivational stories.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Video.

Of course, that's right up Tony's alley, but he used his time to mock science and the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic, while firing up the anti-vaxxers in attendance by questioning the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Let's break it down -- first, Tony rips nighttime curfew laws in Australia by joking the virus only comes out at night. As most everyone knows, the curfew is designed to keep people from packing indoor bars and clubs and spreading COVID.

Next, Robbins pokes fun at the concern over the unvaccinated spreading the virus, when in reality ... the unvaccinated population largely accounts for the spread of the Delta variant and the lion's share of hospitalizations and deaths.

Finally -- like many others before him who have spewed false info about COVID -- Robbins equates it to other everyday risks like driving your car ... but makes up his own statistics to fit his narrative.

Tony claims 1,200 people die per day in the U.S. in car accidents, when the actual number is closer to 100 daily, while ignoring that more than 2,000 people have died from COVID every day over the past 2 weeks.

Also, the irony is not lost that Robbins was speaking to an audience in Florida, the state with the highest COVID death rate currently in the U.S.

Devin Booker Reveals COVID Battle On Live Stream ... 'No Taste, No Smell'


Devin Booker says he's currently fighting COVID ... revealing on a Twitch stream over the weekend he's been battling the virus for about a week -- and it's sapped him of his taste and smell.

The NBA superstar -- who's been famously dating Kendall Jenner for the past year -- broke it all down for his followers while playing "Call of Duty" on Sunday.

"I got the 'vid, man," Booker said ... adding later in the stream, "Honestly, I'm feeling straight, man. Only thing that I'm dealing with is no taste, no smell. Which is the worst part of it."

"But," Booker continued, "I'm about a week in. I'm going to be back in no time. No time."

Booker -- who vacationed all over the globe with Jenner in August -- declined to say if he was vaccinated or not ... but did mention on the stream, "You can still get COVID with the vaccine."

Booker is now expected to miss the start of the Phoenix Suns' training camp while he recovers from the virus.

It's unclear, meanwhile, if Jenner has also contracted COVID.

Get well soon, D-Book.

GOSPEL SINGER KELLY PRICE Seems to Weigh In Herself Reposts Message, She's Not 'Missing'


1:03 PM PT -- It looks like Kelly Price is finally speaking for herself on her mysterious situation -- and she seems to be putting to bed theories that she's unaccounted for ... albeit, in someone else's words.


Price posted an update on her Instagram Story Saturday, which appears to directly speak to whether she's missing or not. Based on what she has up there, it sounds like she's doing alright ... but still battling COVID.


It's a repost from another person's IG Story, who writes ... "Just spoke to @mskellyprice she is recovering with her supportive partner. She sounds strong. I hope this fabrication can stop and she is able to heal." Underneath that caption is a headline about Price's sister disputing her attorney's claim that she's fine.


The fact Kelly's weighing in now might just be the nail in the coffin here -- she's essentially saying, I'm here. As for whether she's speaking to her family or not ... that's another story.

Gospel singer Kelly Price is NOT missing and is safe, at least according to her attorney.

Monica Ewing, Kelly's rep, tells TMZ ... the singer is continuing to recover from COVID at an undisclosed location.

We're told Kelly's legal rep reached out to Cobb County police to notify law enforcement Kelly is accounted for ... even though she's now listed as missing with the National Crime Information Center.

TMZ broke the story ... Georgia officials say Kelly has been listed as a missing person, following last weekend's welfare check conducted at her home.

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@mskellyprice / Instagram

Before going missing, Kelly revealed in July she had COVID and was battling symptoms, and her family says she was eventually admitted to a hospital and ended up in the ICU.

Kelly's family told us her kids recently got a call that she was discharged, which surprised them because she was apparently not fully out of the woods.

The family says Kelly has gone radio silent and they told police her boyfriend is allegedly keeping her children from visiting her home ... and it led the fam to have cops conduct a welfare check.

We asked Ewing to clarify why Price had seemingly been ignoring her family and what her current status was with her fiancé, Ewing reiterated Kelly is safe and recovering from COVID and is trying to get well and will further address the story later.

Originally Published -- Sept. 24 6:04 PM PT

Staten Island Mall Anti-Vaxxers Storm Food Court ... Amid Vaccine Mandate

A group of rowdy anti-vaxxers in New York have their own weird twist to Patrick Henry's liberty demand -- they're demanding freedom, alright ... food court freedom.

Check out this surreal scene that unfolded at the Staten Island Mall, where a swarm of people came barging into the Food District area with American flags ... a place they're not technically supposed to enter without proof of vaccination.

A bunch of them were chanting "USA, USA" ... and some even appeared to be wearing QAnon shirts. Eventually, one guy took the lead and told everyone what they oughta do next now that they'd broken through -- apparently past security -- and had their run of the place.

He essentially said ... go order something and sit down to eat. And, sure enough, it seems everyone started to do just that. At one point, the group of about 60 protesters or so started a new chant ... "F*** Joe Biden" -- this as bewildered spectators looked on.

Who they should be directing their anger at, however, is Mayor Bill de Blasio ... who enacted a city-wide vaccine mandate, making it impossible for folks who aren't vaxxed to dine indoors, hit gyms, and a ton of other inside activities. He's put his foot down on getting the jab.

We've said it once, and we'll say it again ... this is the new battleground.

Floyd Mayweather Open To Oscar De La Hoya Fight ... Wants More Than $100 Mil

Floyd Mayweather vs. Oscar De La Hoya 2?!

Maybe, just maybe.

Our Mayweather sources tell us the 50-0 fighter is aware De La Hoya called him out ... and Floyd's actually open to a fight with Oscar, IF he really has $100 million.

But, we're told, people in Floyd's camp highly doubt he has the dough.

Remember, we saw De La Hoya leaving dinner with his GF Holly Sonders in L.A. ... and when we asked him about his fighting future, ODLH said he wanted Mayweather.


"You know who I'm gonna call out for my next fight? Floyd Mayweather."

And, that's when the Golden Boy threw out a huge money proposal ... "I'll offer Floyd Mayweather $100 million."

Of course, Oscar and Floyd last boxed at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas in 2007 ... where Mayweather won a 12-round, split decision.

Mayweather retired in 2017 following his fight with Conor McGregor ... but has been fairly active, taking several exhibition fights since -- including a bout this summer against Logan Paul.

Oscar hasn't fought since 2008 ... when he lost to Manny Pacquiao.

De la Hoya was scheduled to fight MMA legend Vitor Belfort ... but unfortunately came down with a serious case of COVID, forcing him into the hospital.

But, Oscar made it crystal clear ... he wants to fight this year, and he wants it to be against Mayweather.

Bottom line, if the bag's real, and it's big enough, Floyd will listen.


Gospel Singer Kelly Price Missing in Georgia After Revealing COVID Battle

Gospel singer Kelly Price has gone missing in Georgia, TMZ has learned -- and it happened shortly after she was released from the hospital after battling COVID.

According to officials in Cobb County ... Kelly has been listed as a missing person following a welfare check conducted at her home last Saturday.

We're told the authorities found no evidence of foul play and spoke with Kelly's boyfriend at the residence, BUT ... she's now listed as missing with the National Crime Information Center.

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@mskellyprice / Instagram

As for what led to this ... Kelly posted a video July 29 revealing she had COVID and was struggling with symptoms. According to Kelly's family ... she was admitted to the hospital about a week later and ended up in the ICU because her condition worsened.

Her family tells TMZ ... they were in touch with Kelly while she was in the hospital in early August, and her children visited her several times. However, 3 weeks after she was admitted ... we're told her kids got a call that she'd been discharged, which was surprising because she was apparently still not fully healthy.

The family says Kelly has not been heard from since, and they told cops her boyfriend is allegedly keeping friends and family members from visiting her home.

We're told this concerned many people close to Kelly, and led to someone alerting the authorities to do a welfare check last week.

Now, she's officially considered missing, and we're told there's an active investigation to find her.

'The View' 2 Co-Hosts Test Positive for COVID ... Seconds Before VP Harris Hits Stage!!!


10:55 AM PT -- We got Joy leaving the building right after the show ended and she admits ... "this was a crazy day but that's live television." The one silver lining ... Joy says at least the COVID case was caught BEFORE Harris joined them at the table.


Joy, who says she tested negative, adds it's a bummer the ladies didn't have that face-to-face interaction with the Veep ... but she hopes Harris will come back and visit.


9:34 AM PT -- A source connected to the show tells us both Sunny and Ana took additional rapid tests backstage that came back negative. We're told both will need to submit to further testing before being able to return to work.


9:23 AM PT -- VP Harris just addressed the situation with Sunny and Ana, using the moment to highlight the importance of getting vaccinated.


Full panic at "The View" Friday morning, as 2 of its co-hosts tested positive for COVID-19 just as VP Kamala Harris was set to appear on the set with them.

During a commercial break on Friday's show, co-hosts Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro were told they had to leave the stage. Joy Behar later announced Sunny and Ana had to leave because they'd tested positive for COVID-19.

You can see there's a bit of confusion as to whether Joy should still announce Kamala on the show. A producer's heard saying yes before someone shouts "no."

Harris still appeared on the show, but had to do so remotely. She was still in the building, and did the interview from her green room. Safety first, of course.

As for Sunny and Ana ... no one on set seems too concerned about their breakthrough cases. Joy intimated they'll be fine, because they're both vaccinated "up the wazoo."

The news is a bit of a bummer for the live audience members who came to see Harris. The show heavily promoted her appearance ... saying Harris would be live at the table, an historic event for the show to have a sitting Veep.

Originally Published -- 9:23 AM PT

Israel Adesanya Blasts New Zealand Politicians ... I'll Never Fight In NZ!!

Israel Adesanya says it was his dream to fight in New Zealand -- the country in which he resides -- but now it'll NEVER happen ... 'cause the UFC star says the country's bureaucrats have treated MMA fighters like crap in the wake of COVID-19.

“You will never see me fight in New Zealand ever again, ever again,” Adesanya said on YouTube.

“All that money, they can get it from somewhere else. The rugby, the cricket, and all the others they’re f***ing giving exemptions to. But for me, you will never ever see me fight on these shores [again]."

FYI, 32-year-old Adesanya was born in Nigeria, but moved to New Zealand at the age of 10. He's lived in NZ since.

Izzy explained he's pissed because the NZ government -- which has very strict COVID protocols in place -- have allowed other sports teams exceptions to train ... meanwhile, he says MMA fighters like himself and Dan Hooker have been shut down by the politicians.

In fact, Israel, Dan and the rest of the City Kickboxing team previously set up a tent/bubble in Auckland where Hooker could prepare for his upcoming UFC 266 fight ... but they were forced to close up shop when police slapped them with a warning, accusing them of violating COVID protocol.

Now, because of the way they were treated, Adesanya says he'll never fight in NZ.

"That was one of my dreams, to headline a stadium in my backyard. That dream's dead in the water. That's just the way I feel right now."

But, Izzy didn't stop there ... he went on to accuse some people in New Zealand of being racists who don't like an outspoken Black man representing Kiwi people.

"They're racists, some of them are f***ing racists," Adesanya said.

"Of course they don't want a black boy representing New Zealand. But, you're doing this to Dan "Hangman" Hooker."

LeBron James COVID-19 Vaccine Mystery Solved ... GM Says Lakers Will Be Fully Vaxxed

LeBron James may not want to talk about it, but the NBA superstar did get -- or is getting -- the COVID-19 vaccine ... so says GM Rob Pelinka, who claims the whole Lakers roster will be fully vaxxed by the start of the season.

King James has danced around the question for months ... electing to keep his vaccine decision a family matter.

But, Pelinka revealed L.A.'s entire roster will, in fact, be at 100% vaccination status when the season kicks off ... and in case you didn't know, LBJ is on the Lakers.

"On opening night, all of the players that are currently signed on our roster will be deemed fully vaccinated," Pelinka told reporters Thursday. "We’re grateful for that."

Pelinka says it's a sigh of relief to know the team and staff members will not face any setbacks due to people within the organization being unvaccinated.

Of course, LeBron previously brushed the topic off ... calling it "not a big deal" back in May.

"Anything I do off the floor is predicated to my family for the majority or 99.9% of that," James said at the time.

"It’s about the health and safety of my family," he added. "That’s what it came down to. Being available to my teammates on the floor is about taking care of my body and me doing everything I can to make sure I’m available both mentally, physically and spiritually as well."

"But, anything of that nature is all family talk."

There was strong indication Bron had been vaccinated prior to the first round of the NBA playoffs last season ... when the league explained he would not have to quarantine following an appearance at an outdoor event.

Had he not been vaxxed, James would have been forced to stay away from the team for a period of time.

Now, all speculation can be put to rest.

Andrew Wiggins Could Miss Warriors Games ... For Being Unvaxxed

The Golden State Warriors might be without one of their biggest stars when the season rolls around ... 'cause Andrew Wiggins could reportedly miss time due to being unvaccinated.

26-year-old Wiggins -- who averaged 18 points for the Dubs in 2020 -- has previously been outspoken against getting the jab ... and his stance is now putting his status for 2021 home games in question.

As the San Francisco Chronicle notes, SF has required full vaccination to attend large indoor events as of August 20 ... and Warriors games fall under that category.

Now, there's a possibility the NBA gives Wiggins a religious exemption ... but it would still have to be approved by the city in order for him to suit up for home games at the Chase Center.

FYI -- San Francisco and New York City are the two NBA towns that require proof of vaccine for large indoor events.

Wiggins isn't the only unvaxxed player, but he's by far the biggest name affected by the mandates.

Back in March, Andrew said he has nothing against those who elected to take the vaccine, but said he'd be making his own decision on the matter.

The Chronicle reports the Warriors even set up a meeting between Wiggins and a local health official to help ease any fear over the vaccine ... but it didn't help change his mind.

Wiggins -- the #1 overall pick in 2014 -- is averaging 19.5 points, 4.4 rebounds and 2.3 assists in his career.

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