Addison Brasil Men Need to Talk Mental Health ... I've Got an App for That!!!


Men trying to cope with mental health issues need a place to go for support -- especially during the pandemic -- and Addison Brasil's building an online community of men who get it ... the struggle is real.

The actor's cofounded an app called Tethr, with a goal of combatting the idea that men who suffer from anxiety and depression are less masculine -- a stigma that keeps them from seeking help.

According to Addison, Tethr is welcoming because it's a peer-to-peer community of dudes who are already comfortable opening up ... so it's easy to find common ground.

On "TMZ Live" Thursday, he pointed out 3 out of 4 guys admitted to feeling stressed, anxious or depressed ... and that was BEFORE the coronavirus. So, having an outlet to seek guidance or simply vent is more crucial than ever now.

As for what the fellas on the app are talking about -- Addison says there's the expected topics of feeling lonely or not having a sense of purpose ... but there are no boundaries.

'Gilligan's Island' Star Dawn Wells Dead at 82 from COVID ... Played Mary Ann in Epic Series

Dawn Wells, who became a megastar by playing the sexy Mary Ann on "Gilligan's Island" has died.

Her rep says Dawn died from COVID Wednesday.

Wells was one of 2 surviving members of the cast ... Tina Louise, who played Ginger on the show, is now the sole surviving cast member.

The show only ran 3 years -- from 1964-1967, but it became a cultural phenomenon. The premise -- Gilligan, the skipper et al hopped on a boat for a 3-hour tour -- A THREE HOUR TOUR -- and it became shipwrecked on a deserted island. The show was all about the hijinks of survival and the interaction with the hilarious characters, including Professor Roy and a very rich couple, Lovey and Thurston Howell III.

After 'Gilligan's' Dawn appeared in various TV shows, including "The Wild Wild West" and "Bonanza." In all, she appeared in more than 60 series ... and also appeared on Broadway and in movies.

Dawn's show biz career actually began with beauty pageants ... she was crowned Miss Nevada in the 1959 Miss America pageant.

She established an institute for up-and-coming filmmakers in Idaho ... it's called the Spud Film Institute.

There was actually a big debate among fans of 'Gilligan's' during the run of the show -- namely, who's sexier -- the wholesome Mary Ann or the sultry movie star, Ginger.

Dawn was married once in the '60s to Larry Rosen. They divorced after 5 years.

Dawn was 82.


Lil Pump Screw JetBlue, I Got a New Ride!!! Still Defying Mask Rules


Lil Pump still doesn't buy there's a pandemic and still refuses to wear a face mask -- but after JetBlue banned him, he's still flying commercial. What could go wrong?

Pump was at LAX Tuesday night getting ready to board a flight. Interestingly, he hopped out of a van without a mask ... which, of course, is mandatory at at LAX as COVID-19 cases surge in L.A., the new epicenter of the pandemic.

A photog immediately asked him if he's still gonna go maskless ... after the JetBlue incident. You'll recall, Pump got banned upon landing in L.A. because the airline says he gave crew members a hard time and refused to put on a mask during the flight.

Well, the rapper was flying Delta this time ... but watch the video, it doesn't seem like it's gonna go much better. Pump flat out says he doesn't even believe COVID-19 is a real thing -- and although he did pull up a covering over his face as he walked through LAX ... he's not even trying to wear it correctly.

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@lilpump / Instagram

You'll recall ... after the JetBlue incident, he raged out and said he would NEVER wear a face mask.

Ya gotta wonder how the folks, especially the crew, aboard his Delta flight felt when they saw him get onboard.

Fly at your own risk these days, folks.

COVID 2020 Pastor Plans L.A. Skid Row Celebrations ... Shameful Defiance in Wake of COVID Crisis

An evangelical Christian singer is coming to COVID-ravaged Los Angeles to spread more than holiday cheer.

It's unbelievable ... as L.A. fast approaches 10,000 COVID deaths and ICUs are filled to the brim, Sean Feucht -- a COVID defier -- plans mass gatherings on skid row and a tent city in Echo Park. The people he's visiting are most at risk, because they're not able to take the same precautions others with greater means have available.

Feucht has been defying health officials and other authorities for months. He threw "Let Us Worship" events over the summer ... open-air concerts around the country as he thumbed his nose at everyone warning people of the dangers. The crowds were packed in like sardines, most of course, not wearing masks. It's the textbook definition of a super-spreader event.

Some skid row activists plan to be on hand when Feucht shows up ... trying to block his efforts.

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Feucht has jumped on social media, bragging he's ordered a couple thousand glow sticks for the celebrations.

By the way ... L.A. County is on virtual lockdown with the explosion of coronavirus hospitalizations and deaths.

It is beyond shameful to expose people who have little or no access to preventative measures or health care in the middle of the worst public health crisis L.A. has ever faced.

Jamar Mackey Has COVID, Blames Maskless Cops Who Falsely Detained Him


Jamar Mackey, the VA Beach man cops erroneously detained at a mall, says he's tested positive for COVID-19 ... and he's squarely blaming the maskless officers who cuffed him.

Jamar's outrageous encounter with cops on Dec. 19 made national headlines, because VA Beach PD grabbed the wrong guy in what appeared to be a clear case of racial profiling. At the time, Jamar and his fiancé told TMZ they were pissed -- not only for the humiliation and alleged profiling -- but because the officers were not wearing masks.


Jamar and Shantel Covil tell us they take the pandemic and quarantine very seriously because he owns a sanitizing business, and she has a home healthcare business. They both test frequently, and he says he got his positive test result on Dec. 22 -- just 3 days after the incident -- so he's convinced that was the source of his infection.

As for whether the involved officers have the coronavirus -- VBPD says they can't comment due to privacy laws.

So far, Shantel has tested negative, but Jamar tells us they're most concerned about their children, including their a newborn, contracting the virus.

Jamar and Shantel say they want VBPD to make some big changes, including firing the maskless officer who handcuffed Jamar.

Joe Exotic's COVID-Riddled Prison If I Get COVID, I'd Rather Die Than Go on a Ventilator

Joe Exotic is taking a Patrick Henry approach to the possibility of catching COVID-19 -- if the world gives him COVID, then give him death too ... or something like that.

TMZ has obtained an email the 'Tiger King' sent to his Tiger Team -- which is also helping him in his pardon efforts -- and it spells his intentions out clearly ... JE does NOT want to be put on a ventilator in a worst-case scenario should he contract coronavirus.

He writes, "Filled out an advance directive to not be put on a ventilator or life support if I get COVID." He goes on to say that people are dropping like flies at the prison he's at in Fort Worth ... adding that staff and inmates are getting sicker by the day.

He's not entirely wrong about the numbers ... FMC Fort Worth has a listed 12 deaths linked to COVID, with 58 inmates and 27 staffers currently positive. That said, FMC has a decently high recovery rate -- 650 inmates and staffers combined have beaten the 'Rona.

As for why Joe would opt for death rather than being kept alive ... his rep, Eric Love, tells us it's a quality of life issue, one that Joe embraced even before the pandemic even hit.

Anwar Hadid I'm Not Anti-Vax ... Still Learning About COVID-19 Vaccine

Anwar Hadid insists he's not a hardline anti-vaxxer -- he's had them before -- and now wants to explain what he meant when he told fans he would not get the COVID-19 vaccine.

The 21-year-old model is clarifying his weekend posts where he said of the COVID vaccine ... "Either I just don't get it or I get it and god willing heal from it and get antibodies rather than do that process unnaturally, our bodies are made by the creator to do way more than we think."

On Monday, he said he didn't mean to make such a broad, sweeping generalization -- “I think everyone has to be careful with each vaccine individually looking at positive and possible negative side effects,”

Gigi and Bella's younger bro has been diagnosed with Lyme disease -- just like his mom, Yolanda, and Bella -- and referenced that as part of his hesitation about inoculation.

Anwar added, “As someone who has had a compromised immune system, I want to continue to learn about the many ways I can protect myself and others. never meant to offend with my words.”

Like most of us should be, he says he's doing his research ... “I’m listening and I'm all about the conversation.”

La Scala We Were Only Doing NYE IF We Were Able to, Flubbed Wording

Beverly Hills' La Scala restaurant is backtracking after word got out about their not-so-secret invites to an NYE shindig -- saying the invitation text was screwed up, and it was only happening IF the state and county gave the green light.

La Scala's IG account posted a new statement addressing the backlash they've received since photos of their invitations were posted online ... and they're apologizing for the misunderstanding, while also telling people who are outraged to kinda shove it.

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Here's what the invite SHOULD HAVE said ... "With the dining ban set to expire on Dec. 28th we are hopeful of resuming some sort of table service and we are considering taking reservations for New Year's Eve. If this is something you would be interested in, please let us know. If allowed, and if there's enough interest, we'll contact you to secure a reservation."

That's much different from what made it on paper in the end. Remember, the invite played like a '20s-era Prohibition thing ... which included the word "speakeasy," suggesting their plans were on the DL. La Scala says that was a mistake, and the writer was just trying to have some fun. They insist they weren't planning on doing anything illegal.

With their intention cleared up, La Scala also says ... "If you can find fault in that, there is nothing more we can say. No harm was meant." They also say that while they're a famous establishment ... they're also just a local business trying to make ends meet in hard times.

The only problem with La Scala's thinking is they might've been too hopeful things would be getting back to normal anytime soon.

In fact, Gov. Newsom just today said the state-wide stay-at-home-order (which bans outdoor/indoor dining) will likely be extended in the state's hardest-hit areas -- including L.A. County, where available ICU capacity is near zero percent.

Lil Pump Banned from flying Jetblue ... After Refusing to Wear Mask

Lil Pump will NOT be flying with JetBlue anymore -- at least that's what the airline's saying, because it claims he refused to wear a mask while up in the air.

A rep for JB tells TMZ ... a customer on one of their Saturday flights from Fort Lauderdale to L.A. became verbally abusive with crew members, and also took off his face covering mid-flight ... and then failed to put it back on, even when asked.

We're told JetBlue called in to LAX to tell them to have cops on standby -- apparently he was that unruly -- but it doesn't appear Pump was arrested when they touched down. LAX Airport Police tell us they have no record of an arrest or incident involving the rapper.

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@lilpump / Instagram

TMZ has also obtained correspondence from the flight deck that day -- in which the captain was detailing exactly what LP was doing ... and what needed to happen when they arrived. At first, he says Pump was simply noncompliant with their mask policy, but later said he was sneezing and coughing into a blanket sans mask (perhaps on purpose) ... and that more than just a supervisor needed to meet them, as Pump had to be dealt with "firmly."

The last correspondence sent says Pump finally obliged and put on his mask -- but the dude wasn't finished with JetBlue at that point ... he later took to social media to cuss 'em out.

In a since-deleted video, Lil Pump says "f*** JetBlue," and goes on to say he will NEVER wear a mask in 2021. Seems like his pro-Trump vibes are still going strong post-election.

We reached out to Pump's team ... they had no further comment.

'RHOD' Star D'Andra Simmons Hospitalized with COVID-19 ... 1st 'Housewife' Hit So Hard

'Real Housewives of Dallas' star D'Andra Simmons is bedridden in a hospital due to COVID-19 -- the first cast member from the Bravo shows who's gotten this ill.

Simmons' condition was first announced by podcast host Kate Casey, who says ... "Just heard from D’Andra and she is asking for your prayers. She’s in the hospital and struggling."

A rep for D'Andra has confirmed she's in bad shape.

The rep says D'Andra's been admitted into the COVID ward at UT Southwestern Hospital. It's unclear when she contracted the virus, or how long she's been at the hospital ... but her team says her oxygen levels have been borderline, and she's starting Remdesivir.

That's one of the anti-viral drugs President Trump was given when he came down with COVID -- part of the cocktail of therapeutics he says helped him recover quickly.

Simmons' diagnosis and health status is noteworthy -- as she appears to be the only 'Real Housewife' who's had to get checked in and treated for coronavirus. Others have had it -- including 'RHOBH' stars Kyle Richards, Kathy Hilton and Dorit Kemsley, but none required hospitalization.

As we've reported ... Bravo production crews have taken several steps to help keep the different 'Housewives' sets as safe as possible. They're requiring masks on everyone who isn't on-camera, they're doing temp checks, they're mostly shooting outdoors ... and everyone's encouraged to spread out. Still, despite that, some stars and others on set have caught it.

As for D'Andra ... she's been a staple on the Dallas iteration of the series for years now, and fans love her. Get well soon!

Dwayne Haskins Washington Cuts 2nd Year QB ... After Maskless Partying

Dwayne Haskins has been released by the Washington Football Team ... this after he was caught partying it up without a mask.

The announcement was made Monday following the team's loss to the Carolina Panthers. The poor record this season -- plus Dwayne's on-camera COVID-risky screw-up, we imagine -- were the final straw for upper management.

Bottom line, the former first-round draft pick is out.

The 2nd year QB released a statement saying, "My time with the WFT has unfortunately come to an end. I thank the team & fans for the opportunity to play for the team I grew up rooting for."

He adds, "I take full responsibility for not meeting the standards of a NFL QB & will become a better man & player because of this experience."

Of course, Dwayne is probably talking about the fact he was recently caught raging with strippers (sans masks or distancing) on the heels of his team's loss to the Seahawks.

Not only that, but Dwayne simply wasn't living up to expectations after Washington made him its top pick in 2019.

For its part, WFT management says they talked to Dwayne, and basically said ... it'd be best if they went their separate ways.

Now, he's a free agent.

Anti-Masker Spews Asian Slurs, Threats ... 'Go Back to F***ing China!!!'


A couple's refusal to wear face masks inside a Sephora, spilled into a parking lot confrontation where one guy hurled Asian ethnic slurs.

In this video, you see the guy behind the wheel of a Jeep get out of his car as he's yelling "go back to China," and calling the person recording him a "stupid g**k."

According to witnesses, this all started Sunday inside Sephora in Irvine, CA ... and the couple in the video allegedly refused to wear masks, which upset nearby customers ... including the woman recording this video.

They met again in the parking lot just outside the store ... and on top of hurling epithets, the guy charged toward the woman in a threatening way, saying ... "Are you really that stupid? You know that recording doesn't do anything."

Doesn't look like police got involved this time, and the guy threw one more bigoted parting shot as he pulled away -- "Stay home, and thanks for giving my country COVID."

Kudos to the woman who got the brunt of this hate speech -- she's choosing to focus on positives, and posted ... "I understand there's always unfortunate people living in hate. It's pathetic."

What she said.

Jillian Michaels Home Workouts Great But Gyms Offer Huge Benefits!!!

fitness options galore!

Jillian Michaels loves that people used quarantine to focus on their health with at-home workouts, but she also stresses the importance of gyms will be obvious when we get back to "normal."

The fitness guru joined "TMZ Live" and said the silver lining in the pandemic-ravaged year is people at home found creative ways to stay in shape when the coronavirus forced gyms to shut down across the country.

That being said ... Jillian said there's something to be said about the benefits a gym offers. And, it doesn't matter if it's a huge gym, a boutique gym or even just a yoga class ... the benefits range from having a social environment to the intensity of in-person instruction.

Jillian's not knocking at-home workouts. Far from it. In fact ... she loves all the options spinning bikes, workout apps -- she has a very popular one -- and other devices have to offer. But, in a post-pandemic fitness life ... she envisions folks subscribing to what she calls a hybrid model.

'Super Gonorrhea' Cases Rise Due to COVID Overuse of Antibiotic to blame

2020 was the year of 'rona, but 2021 could be another year plagued with a new ailment that's apparently on the come up ... "super gonorrhea," which is getting a COVID assist.

The World Health Organization (WHO) told the Sun a mutant, more powerful strain of the burning STD is spreading worldwide ... partly because of the pandemic, which has gotten more people on drugs and antibiotics -- plus, limited their access to healthcare.

The WHO rep says, "Overuse of antibiotics in the community can fuel the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in gonorrhea. Azithromycin -- a common antibiotic for treating respiratory infections -- was used for Covid-19 treatment earlier in the epidemic."

This is true ... in the early days of the virus, docs and hospitals were prescribing azithromycin, thinking it could help ward off problems caused by COVID -- but the therapeutic has recently been debunked as mostly ineffective.

There's more though ... the WHO rep goes on to explain STI services have been severely curtailed due to shutdowns and all ... and because of this a lot of people have gone undiagnosed and untreated, which could have led to super gonorrhea spreading.

As a result ... the regular form of gonorrhea we all know and love has gotten stronger and more resistant to antibiotics that would normally kill it (like azithromycin). Not only that, but having it increases your chances of contracting HIV by at least 5 times ... so there are bigger ramifications.

So, what's the solution??? A few things, according to medical experts ... new treatments for one, less prescribing of antibiotics unless necessary, and maybe more protection during sex.

Pick your poison 🤷🏽‍♂️

Jennifer Aniston Dragged on Social Media ... Your COVID Ornament Is Offensive

Jennifer Aniston has something in common this Xmas with chestnuts -- they're both getting roasted.

Aniston's getting dragged for posting a pic of an engraved, circular wooden ornament with the inscription, "Our first pandemic 2020."

Lots of folks felt Jen was trying to be inappropriately cute over a disease that has taken the lives of more than 300,000 Americans and steadily counting.

Aniston has not responded to the criticism.

It's the first blowback Aniston has gotten since joining Instagram in October, 2019 which shattered records for the fastest growing celeb on the platform.

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Aniston scored nearly 5 million followers in just 12 hours after posting a selfie with Lisa Kudrow, Courteney Cox, Matt LeBlanc, David Schwimmer and Matthew Perry. Her followers have grown to 36 million.

As for the current pic ... well, COVID ain't cute by any measure.

Anwar Hadid I'm An Anti-Vaxxer ... The Body Heals Itself

Anwar Hadid will NOT get the COVID vaccine, despite the fact he has an underlying condition and is therefore more at risk for a bad outcome if he gets the virus.

Anwar, the little brother of models Gigi and Bella Hadid who followed in their footsteps down the runway, was asked on Instagram if he'd get inoculated, and he couldn't have been clearer ... "Absolutely not."

The 21-year-old was chatting with fans when he made it clear ... he's an anti-vaxxer ... "Either I just don't get it or I get it and god willing heal from it and get antibodies rather than do that process unnaturally, our bodies are made by the creator to do way more than we think."

Anwar has Lyme disease, which could put him more at risk for COVID complications than many of his 21-year-old contemporaries. To make it even dicier, some COVID symptoms are similar to Lyme disease symptoms.

He's since deleted his message but is still getting criticized. Anthony Fauci says we are not out of the woods until at least 70% of the public gets the vaccine. Anwar isn't helping in that effort.