COVID-19 Anti-Masker Proves Why Virus Will Get Even Worse

@tystiklorius / Twitter

An anti-masker pitched a fit at a CVS Saturday ... insisting she doesn't have to wear a mask because she's healthy and shows no symptoms ... and she dared them to call the cops.

It went down in L.A., where COVID is out of control. She approached the counter and got immediate pushback from staff who said she wouldn't get service unless she wore a mask.

The woman blanched at that, firing back it's "nonsensical" to treat healthy people like they're sick. The staff properly asked how she knew she was healthy ... she said she had no symptoms and felt fine. Of course, people with COVID can feel fine in the early stages and, for that matter, even as the disease progresses and still transmit the disease.

She seemed to be saying 2 things ... suggesting she has an underlying condition and can't be refused service, and then saying she's a perfectly healthy person.

A nurse who happened to be in the store tried explaining how bad COVID has ravaged L.A., but she wasn't having it, saying "asymptomatic spread has been shown to be a myth."

She claimed she's entitled to service. Fact is ... they have an absolute right to deny her service. If a store demands someone wear a mask and they won't, they can pitch a fit all they want ... they're not entitled to service.

Chrissy Teigen was apparently scratching her head when she watched the video, musing ... "I am always fine when I scream LOOK AT ME IM FINE."

Beverly Hills Restaurant La Scala Sending NYE Invites ... It's a Secret, But Not Really

One of the ritziest, most exclusive celeb joints in L.A. is secretly inviting people to an in-person New Year's Eve party, asking them to keep it on the low ... but to also spread the word.

The restaurant in question La Scala, and it's their Bev Hills location that's doing this "speakeasy" thing. They've apparently been slipping invites in to-go orders for a NYE dine-in event ... and they're being cutesy with it by slugging it as a '20s-era Prohibition blowout.

An invite of theirs was recently posted online, which reads ... "We are considering taking reservations for New Year's Eve Dinner. Inside. If this is something you'd be interested in, please let us know as soon as possible."

The message goes on ... "If enough interest we'll contact you back to secure your reservation. Please keep this discreet, but tell all your friends." So ... not a secret at all.

La Scala's plans are on the radar of Beverly Hills city officials -- who are issuing a harsh rebuke, but not much else at this point in the way of threats to shut this thing down.

The official rep for the City of Beverly Hills says, "We understand this is an incredibly difficult time for all of our businesses, however the County Order does currently prohibit indoor and outdoor dining, including in the City of Beverly Hills." Cool ... but is that it???

Time will tell if La Scala is able to move forward with their shindig -- you'd imagine cops would step in and try to stop it -- but at this point ... it could fall into a grey area, like so many of these lockdown measures we've seen defied this year, including around L.A.

BTW, La Scala is one of these legacy restaurants in Hollywood ... it's been around since forever, and some of the most famous faces in history have stopped by for a meal or two. People like Frank Sinatra, Cher, David Geffen, Khloe Kardashian, Lamar Odom, Barbara Walters and so many more have visited ... until recently, that is.

Unclear if any celebs plan on swinging by come Dec. 31st, but since the cat's out of the bag on this one -- they're probably better off staying at home (like we all should be doing).

COVID 2020 Zombies Protest Vaccines ... 'Questioning Vaccines is Murder'

It's good to know ... Canadians are now as crazy as us folks in the U.S. of A.

A group protesting the COVID vaccines dressed like zombies, kinda ... they had white masks, white hazmat suits ... the works, as they proselytized at the Fairview Mall in Toronto.

With an assist from a loudspeaker, they screamed, “Everyone loves the pharmaceutical companies” ... "Obedience is love ... questioning vaccines is murder ...  you are not essential. Big business is essential. The government is essential. The government is life. ...  questioning masks is murder ... thinking for yourself endangers the common good.”

It was peaceful, as zombies tend to be sometimes. At the end of the protest, for unsafe measure, they hugged and screamed, "Good job, everybody!"

It's the latest way some folks are expressing their feelings about the vaccine. The zombies may not have heard ... Toronto has 55,000 cases and 2,000 deaths, as of this week.

United Airlines Passenger Who Gave COVID-Man CPR Finally Notified ... 10 Days After Exposure


It took 10 days -- TEN DAYS -- but finally, the United Airlines passenger who hovered over a dying, COVID-infected man for 45 minutes administering CPR has been contacted that he was exposed to the virus.

Tony Aldapa tells TMZ, he got a call late Thursday from the L.A. County Dept. of Public Health ... informing him what we've been telling and showing for a week -- that the passenger he was trying to save had the virus and died shortly after the plane made an emergency landing.

It's a scary case of buck-passing. Despite the fact the COVID-positive man had lost his sense of taste and smell and had trouble breathing -- something his wife blurted out during the in-flight emergency -- United did not notify any of the passengers they might have been exposed.


A United spokesperson told us it wasn't their job to notify passengers. Instead, the airline gave its flight manifest to the CDC, telling us that agency would contact passengers.

Then the CDC told us they were passing the information along to local health officials. Finally, 10 days after exposure ... Tony was notified.

Tony, an EMT, had some COVID-like symptoms but tested negative and is feeling better.

Here's the scariest part ... the COVID-positive passenger flew with 178 other passengers, some of whom may have been going home for the Christmas holidays, yet none of them got a timely heads up so they could take steps to protect their friends and family.

Josh Norman Received 650 Applications For $2,500 Small Biz Grants


NFL star Josh Norman says he expects to split $500k worth of donations ... and give it to hundreds of small businesses in Buffalo who have been devastated by COVID-19.

TMZ Sports talked to the 33-year-old star CB about the fundraiser he created to assist small businesses that have been decimated by the shutdowns associated with the pandemic.

Josh has donated $25k of his own money -- and countless hours of his time organizing the fundraising -- and says he's already received hundreds of applications.

"With Buffalo Business Blitz, what we're doing with that was pretty much helping out small businesses that closed down during the holiday season, during the pandemic time," Norman tells us.

So, in about 3 weeks, how many businesses have asked Josh for help?

"About 650 applications. It's crazy, but the thing is, a lot of people need help. A lot of people are struggling right now and it's pretty sad."

Of course, small businesses across the country have been badly affected by COVID-19 lockdowns ... and many are on the verge of going out of business.

Every dollar matters and Norman says BBB already has a healthy chunk of change in the coffers ... but believes there's a lot more on the way -- courtesy of some larger corporate donors across the country.

"Right now, we're probably at like $80 grand but that's just accounted into the box. There's other things that are coming on -- couple hundred thousand dollars, so we'll probably be at half a mil, probably a little more than that. Depends on if the donors come through."

Come January 1st, Josh will comb through the applications and select hundreds of businesses -- as many as the donations will allow -- and mail out checks.

Norman is still raising money for another week ... and says if any fans would like to help, he's accepting donations on his website.

Joe and Jill Biden Xmas Message ... 'Brighter Days are Coming Soon'


Joe and Jill Biden are all about family, but they wanted to make it clear this year that the way to show real love for your family is to stay away from them this year.

The President-elect and the soon-to-become First Lady delivered a somber Xmas message, noting there are millions of people this year mourning the loss of a family member who succumbed to COVID.

The Bidens have said it before and they said it today ... they understand the pain of losing a loved one. They've been there.

They also said they typically have huge Christmas dinners with family, but not this year. The best way to show love in 2020 is to keep your distance to keep your family safe.

They end with optimism, saying brighter days are ahead.


Across the pond, Queen Elizabeth said she's inspired by all the Brits who have volunteered in their communities, saying, “In the United Kingdom and around the world, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, and I am so proud and moved by this quiet, indomitable spirit.”

The Queen acknowledged the frustration of families who must be apart for the holidays, "when all anyone wants is a simple hug."

And, like the Bidens, the Queen's Xmas message ended on an optimistic note ... "Even in the darkest of nights there is hope in the new dawn."

Merry Xmas!!!

Moderna Vaccine Here's a Wrinkle ... Cosmetic Face Fillers Trigger Side Effects

One of the COVID vaccines is just swell for folks who dabble in face fillers ... but this is the bad kind of swell.

Turns out some people who got cosmetic facial fillers have had unique side effects to the Moderna vaccine ... swelling and inflammation.

A few patients had cheek fillers 6 months before getting inoculated. One patient had lip fillers 2 days after getting the vaccine.

As for why it happens, doctors say the vaccine puts your immune system into overdrive, and when it spots a substance that is not a natural part of the body it attacks, and that's what causes the inflammation.

Although this info is sure to send L.A. into panic mode, fear not, because the symptoms subside with steroids and anti-histamines.

Doctors say the side effects are not severe and should in no way inhibit people from getting the vaccine.

It appears these side effects have not been seen with the Pfizer vaccine. Since Pfizer and Moderna are almost identical, it's not clear why there are side effects with one but not the other.

Kevin Spacey Annual Xmas Eve Message Friends Have Contemplated Suicide

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey has delivered his 3rd annual Xmas Eve message, and this one is about people who have reached out to him contemplating suicide.

Spacey, who's had his own troubles with alleged sexual misconduct, starts his message on a park bench and then begins walking and talking about folks who he says have contacted him this year, fed up with life during COVID times.

He explains how he reassured them that things get better ... he believes that, he says, from personal experience.

122418_kevin_spacey_kal 2018
Kevin Spacey

Spacey's annual message began in 2018, with a super weird message delivered as Frank Underwood, his character from "House of Cards." He said he was owed due process before people judged him.

Kevin Spacey 2019
Kevin Spacey

Spacey followed up in 2019 with an encore from Underwood, but this message was lighter ... saying he's made big changes to his life.

The reality ... suicide is real this year, and, according to many shrinks, promises to get worse.

Shemar Moore I Got COVID ... It's Been a Crappy 18 Months

Shemar Moore has come down with COVID-19 ... and he's hoping this will be the end of a really bad year-and-a-half for him.

The "S.W.A.T." actor said when he started feeling lousy, he thought it was just food poisoning. The test he took Wednesday showed otherwise ... he had the 'rona.

As for symptoms, well, pick one -- chills, all-day aches. Shemar can still smell and taste, so he's not suffering the worst.

Shemar isn't doing that bad ... he's at home wrapping presents.

Shemar was fatalistic about his illness ... "I have to accept test results... I feel fine now...but I have to be responsible!!!! My Xmas n New Years is clearly not gonna be the best... my last year and a half has not been the best... but I WILL BE OKAY!!!!"

Always the eternal optimist ... Shemar ended his post telling his fans there is light at the end of the tunnel ... "This is a hard time for all of us... THE world!!! BUT... I BELIEVE in the sun shining through the rain!!! Stay safe and appreciate everything and everybody you have and had!! MUCH LOVE!!!! #wearamask."

Tom Selleck Drops $2,020 Tip!!! Challenge Accepted, Donnie

Tom Selleck is all about silver linings because he's figured out how to crack a smile in 2020 ... with a 2020 tip.

The "Blue Bloods" star chowed down at Elio's restaurant in NY where he chowed down to the tune of $200. So, multiple that by 10 and then some, and that was Tom's tip -- $2,020.

ICYMI ... this has become a thing. People challenging friends to plunk down a generous tip to support struggling restaurant staffers. Tom credited his co-star, Donnie Wahlberg, by saying, "I am honoring my friend Donnie Wahlberg's 'tip challenge' with my sincere hope for a better 2021."

Tom made Donnie proud, saying, "I found out that my TV dad #TomSelleck has generously accepted the #2020Tip Challenge at Elios Upper East Side! Love ya dad. I didn't start it but I'm proud to be part of it. To those who gave even the smallest extra amount this year -- THANK YOU."

Tom joins a long list of celebs who have jumped on the bandwagon. Donnie himself donated $2,020 at an IHOP. James Corden and Adele are others who have plunked down cash.

The challenge started in Michigan ... where a server got the massive, $2,020 tip on a $23 bill.

In-N-Out COVID Outbreak at 2 Colorado Joints ... At Least 80 Positive Cases

In-N-Out's famous for its burger spread, but there's a new spread at the fast-food joint -- COVID.

At least 80 employees have tested positive for coronavirus at 2 franchise locations in the Centennial State ... Colorado Springs and Aurora. Yep, it's the same Aurora joint that recently made headlines for its 12-hour wait after the grand opening.

Colorado health officials revealed 60 positive cases at the Colorado Springs location ... while the Aurora joint had 20 positive cases. Hold the calculator -- that's 80 cases. And, there are another 25 probable cases that have not been confirmed at the 2 locations.

The restaurants remain open, but all employees who tested positive were sent home to quarantine.

The outbreak started December 17 in Aurora and December 6 in Colorado Springs. Terrible news for sure ... just a month after both locations opened.

Taraji P. Henson Contemplated Suicide During Pandemic

Peace of Mind with Taraji/Facebook

Taraji P. Henson revealed something shocking ... she seriously flirted with the idea of suicide for 2 days during the pandemic. She was thinking about opening her home safe, grabbing her gun that was inside, and ending it all.

Taraji was on her "Peace of Mind" show on Facebook Watch, when she opened up about 2 nights of dark thoughts. She said she was in a bad place and started thinking about suicide for 2 nights in a row. She said she was thinking about getting the gun she had in the safe, but never actually opened it.

She tried to talk herself out of it by thinking about her son, but she figured he was an adult and would get over it.

Taraji said she woke up after the second night and called a friend, blurting out she was thinking of killing herself. The "Hidden Figures" star said she felt it was important to tell a friend because if it remained secret, it would become a plan.

Taraji was speaking to Dr. LasShonda Green and her co-host, Tracie Jade.

The actress had lots of changes this year. She turned 50 and ended her engagement to Kelvin Hayden.

Psychiatrists warn suicide is a real problem during these times ... even with successful people who seemingly have it together.

There's lots of help out there, from teletherapy to suicide prevention hotlines.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Happy 80th Birthday!!! ... Wife Throws Surprise Zoom Party

Dr. Anthony Fauci not only got a surprise birthday party for his big 8-0 ... he is also the recipient of his very own day in the nation's capital!!!

Dr. Fauci's wife, Dr. Christine Grady, threw a surprise, zoom birthday party for the good doc, who became an octogenarian on Xmas Eve, and Fauci says it was truly a surprise.

Dr. Grady, a bioethicist who also works for the NIH, got 15 of Fauci's closest family and friends on the call, including their 3 daughters who are scattered around the country. They have always spent the holidays together, but not this year.

Fauci said, "Because I have been telling the country to limit travel, and I don’t want to be one of those health officials who tells the world to do something and then they go out and have a party themselves."

It wasn't an easy feat ... Fauci's security detail had to wrangle him from his work at the National Institutes of Health and get him home by 5:30 Wednesday for the shindig.

Now, Fauci told The Guardian, "[My wife] is a genius at fooling me. I mean, it's very tough to fool me. But she threw surprise birthday parties for my 50th, 60th and 70th birthdays."

Well, maybe he should have figured this one out ahead of time, but in fairness, it's not easy to throw birthday parties these days.

Joe and Jill Biden wished Fauci a happy birthday with the traditional song, which was almost on key! And get this ... as he was leaving work, Fauci was serenaded. The doc was truly touched ... and he decided he couldn't leave without first taking a pic with the crew that sang him "Happy Birthday." He also took the banner with him.

As for the cherry on the top, Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser proclaimed Xmas Eve to be Dr. Fauci Day.

Happy birthday. You rule.

Christmas 2020 Santa Masks Up for World Deliveries!!!

Santa is super busy today traveling here and there, so it's good to know he's being COVID-safe.

Our intrepid team analyzed the NORAD Santa website ... which allows millions of kids to track Saint Nick's progress as he traverses the globe. He's already visited the International Space Station. BTW ... he's traveling at 10,000 mph, less than half the speed of that asteroid headed for Earth.

Well, this year something's a little different -- Santa's all masked up!!!

In case you're wondering, at 9 AM PT Thursday, Santa was in the Maldives, near India. Estimates are Santa has delivered more than 2 billion presents already! Important to note, we don't think Santa has a deal with Amazon, so Bezos won't get any richer.

As we reported, Dr. Anthony Fauci said this past weekend he gave Santa the Pfizer vaccine, so he's Santa safe.

Cyndi Lundeberg

And for extra-safe measures... Santa also got vaccinated at Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center in Vegas.

Britney's BF Sam Asghari I Had COVID ... But My Fitness Obsession Helped Me Beat It!!!

Britney Spears' boyfriend, Sam Asghari, contracted COVID, but he believes his insane health and fitness regimen helped him easily beat it.

Sam says he knew early on he was infected and chose to immediately self-isolate from friends and family ... and that included Britney.

Sam says he's fine now, and his lifestyle made all the difference ... "I only had 1 day of common cold symptoms day 2 after testing positive but 24 hours later I was perfectly normal. I continued my workouts and clean nutrition at home as usual. 10 days later I was no longer contagious, and tested negative twice and was cleared by doctors to end quarantine and return to my loved ones."

Sam says, "Living a healthy lifestyle has Helped and shaped my life in many ways," adding, "I spend a lot of time cleansing and thinking about how important our health is in general even outside of Covid, at the end of our lives one of the most important things will be health, I will continue to do my best and inspire you guys to also live a healthy lifestyle."

Don't be fooled, though, because some healthy, young people who contracted the virus have become very sick and some have died.

Sam and Britney have been together for 4 years, and he's stood behind her in Britney's conservatorship battles with her dad, Jamie.

Dr. Susan Moore 'Hospital Mistreated Me Because I'm Black' ... Before COVID Killed Her


1:55 PM PT -- A rep for Indiana University Health said the hospital could not comment on individual patients or care because of privacy law.  It adds, "As an organization committed to equity and reducing racial disparities in healthcare, we take accusations of discrimination very seriously and investigate every allegation."


The rep continued, "Treatment options are often agreed upon and reviewed by medical experts from a variety of specialties, and we stand by the commitment and expertise of our caregivers and the quality of care delivered to our patients every day."

Dr. Susan Moore is dead from COVID-19 after claiming she was mistreated at an Indiana hospital simply because of the color of her skin.

Dr. Moore, who is Black, died Sunday ... according to her family.

Dr. Moore, a physician herself, was diagnosed with COVID-19 back on Nov. 29 and was hospitalized at Indiana University Health North Hospital in Carmel, where she claimed hospital staff made her beg for a CT scan and meds.

Dr. Moore posted video earlier this month claiming doctors at IU Health tried sending her home despite her positive COVID diagnosis ... and she said hospital staff made her feel like a drug addict even though they knew she was a physician.

When Dr. Moore finally got a CT scan, she claims doctors discovered damage to her lungs ... but she says that didn't stop them from withholding pain medication for hours on end.

Dr. Moore believed she would have received better treatment if she were white. BTW ... she didn't buy a nurse's story about marching with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Now, she's dead at 52.

We reached out to IU Health. So far, no word back.


Originally published -- 1:09 PM PT