Notre Dame's Brian Kelly Threatens CFP Boycott ... If Players' Families Can't Attend

Notre Dame could REJECT an invitation to the College Football Playoff if officials don't allow players' families to attend ... so says Irish head coach Brian Kelly, who just made the threat on Friday morning.

Kelly spelled out his feelings on the matter in a heated Zoom sesh with reporters ... saying, "I'm not sure we'll play in the playoffs if the parents can't be there."

"Why would we play if you can't have families at the game? If you can't have families at bowl games, why would you go to a game where your families can't be part of it?"

Kelly continued, "What's the sense of playing a game in an area of the country where nobody can be part of it?"

The NCAA had planned to hold one of its CFP semifinal games at the Rose Bowl this season ... and, despite Los Angeles not allowing spectators at sporting events due to COVID, the org. is still pushing forward with that plan.

Kelly clearly believes that's a ludicrous idea ... saying the NCAA should just move the game to another site so players' family members can watch in person.

"Maybe they need to spend a little less time on who the top four teams are and figure out how to get parents into these games because it is an absolute shame and a sham if parents can't be watching their kids play," Kelly said.

"My kids have been on campus since June. They haven't seen their families very much at all. They've had to fight through COVID, some of them have had COVID. They can't be around their families for Christmas, and you're going to tell me we're going to have a playoff and maybe one site can have families and the other can't? Please."

Kelly added, "Somebody's got to wake up in that room and figure this out or you might as well call this the professional league. I am so sick and tired of this playoff committee talking about having sites where you can't have parents at and their families. It's ridiculous."

For now, Kelly's Fighting Irish team is firmly in the CFP picture, currently ranked No. 2 behind Alabama and ahead of Clemson and Ohio State.

Tom Cruise 'Mission' Mask Not Up to Snuff ... CDC Warned Against These

Tom Cruise might want to look in the mirror when it comes to making sure everyone on set is COVID safe -- especially if he sticks with what appears to be his go-to face covering.

The mask Tom's wearing in almost all the pics from various 'Mission: Impossible 7' sets is NOT recommended by the CDC ... and the agency actually warned against wearing any mask with valves like the one TC's rocking.

The mask, from Jupiter Gear, features a carbon filter and breathing valves ... and it retails for $14.99 a pop.

The manufacturer says the mask is meant to mostly be worn during physical activity, with the valves designed to "release hot, humid exhaled breath quickly." In other words, there's still a good chance respiratory droplets are escaping ... and that's dangerous with this airborne coronavirus."

In fact, the CDC spells it out, warning against masks with valves because ... "this type of mask may not prevent you from spreading COVID-19 to others. The hole in the material may allow your respiratory droplets to escape and reach others."

As you know ... Tom blew a gasket over film crew members breaking COVID protocols by standing too close together on set, and promised to fire them if it happens again.

Now, just as ineffective as Tom's mask -- and probably worse -- is what Tom's costar Hayley Atwell was seen doing on set in Rome. She's one of those folks who wear their mask under their nose which is also highly ineffective in stopping moisture droplets.

In Tom's defense, the CDC notes its research on valve masks remains ongoing.

'Shameless' Set Panic After 18 Tests Come Back Positive ... Massive Lab Screwup

Phew! That's the operative word after "Shameless" had to deal with a massive COVID-19 outbreak scare following tons of false-positive results on set ... TMZ has learned.

Production sources with direct knowledge of the situation tell TMZ ... the set went into full panic mode after recent COVID tests revealed 18 positive results. We're told production feared it had a massive outbreak on its hands.

Our sources say there was a lab screw up ... and bottom line, those 18 positive results were not positive at all. This does not appear to be a flaw in the testing method ... we're told it was a lab error.

It's also unclear if production shut down to deal with what was initially thought to be an outbreak ... which our sources say went down in the last week. The show recently shot large scenes with as many as 200 extras.

We're told they had also been shooting on location across various parts of L.A. as well as on the Warner Bros. lot.

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When production resumed, the show's executive producer, John Wells, revealed the pandemic would be weaved into the 11th and final season of the hit Showtime series.

This COVID outbreak scare ... it's real, unless the lab screws up.

Keyontae Johnson 'Encouraging Signs Of Progress' ... As Recovery Continues

More great news regarding the recovery of University of Florida basketball star Keyontae Johnson who continues to make great progress less than a week after he collapsed on the court.

But, he's awake and was reportedly talking with friends and family members earlier this week.

Remember, Johnson was placed into a medically induced coma after the incident during Saturday's Florida vs. Florida State game in Tallahassee.

Now, UF athletic director Scott Stricklin has another update ... saying, "Keyontae Johnson continues to show truly encouraging signs of progress as he undergoes tests and further evaluation at UF Health."

"He and his family have again expressed their gratitude for the outpouring of love, prayers and well-wishes."

Stricklin also announced the school has postponed the team's next 3 scheduled basketball games in the wake of Keyontae's situation.

"This has been an emotionally taxing time for Keyontae's family, friends and teammates," Stricklin said.

"Our hope is that everyone impacted will take an opportunity to process those emotions and regroup ahead of the start of the new year."

Florida will return to the court on Dec. 30 to take on Vanderbilt.

Deshaun Watson, Teammates Appear To Break NFL's COVID Policy At QB's Restaurant Launch

Deshaun Watson and the Houston Texans may be in some hot water with the NFL ... after the QB and 7 of his teammates showed up at the launch of his new restaurant this week.

The 25-year-old superstar was joined by teammates Laremy Tunsil, Duke Johnson, Tytus Howard, Roderick Johnson, Brandin Cooks and Charles Omenihu at the debut of his Lefty's cheesecake franchise in Houston on Tuesday.

Of course, the NFL has a strict COVID-19 policy against 3 or more players congregating outside team sanctioned events or traveling to games ... in hopes of preventing a potential spread.

Do the math -- that's more than 3 players.

Watson was asked whether he followed COVID-19 protocols during the big event ... and he said, "Yes, for sure. I mean, we had the masks."

But, by peeping the pics above, that's doesn't seem to be the case.

Watson continued ... "We did everything that we were supposed to do. 6 feet from different people. It was a restaurant opening. It wasn't really an event. It was a grand opening of my restaurant."

"So, people were coming in to get food and things like that and everyone was excited about it. So, it turned out pretty good, and right now from the messages I got from after, it's still popping."

It could become a big issue for the Texans -- the Raiders were hit with fines after Derek Carr and others failed to follow COVID protocol at Darren Waller's charity event earlier this season.

The NFL has said it's aware of the situation with Watson and the Texans -- but so far, no official comment.

Story developing ...

Scott Van Pelt I Have COVID & Can't Taste Or Smell ... ESPN Show Paused

Scott Van Pelt -- one of the best sportscasters on the planet -- has been diagnosed with COVID ... and his wildly entertaining ESPN show is now on pause indefinitely because of it.

The 54-year-old made the announcement Thursday ... saying he can't smell or taste anything.

Fortunately, SVP said he has no fever, and otherwise feels "fine."

"Won't be doing shows for a bit after a positive Covid-19 test," Van Pelt said ... "I will hunker down and hopefully can be back at it before too long."

Van Pelt -- a longtime ESPN talent -- took over the midnight edition of "Sportscenter" a few years ago ... and his personal touches on the show have made it must-see, late-night TV.

Specifically, Van Pelt's "One Big Thing" and "Bad Beats" segments have become viral sensations on a weekly basis.

Get well soon, SVP ... the sports world loves ya!

COVID Vaccine 2nd Dose a Doozy!!! Pfizer Volunteer Describes 'Really Sick' Feeling


People who are getting the coronavirus vaccine don't know what's coming next -- that 2nd shot could hit like a ton of bricks, according to a guy who volunteered for Pfizer's study.

Eric Gross joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday, and laid out his experience getting both doses of the vaccine during Pfizer's clinical trials. He said the first injection made his arm a little sore -- which we've heard from others this week -- but he says the 2nd shot is a whole different ballgame.

In Eric's experience, it left him feeling sicker than he's ever felt in his life, although not for too long. He has an analogy for his body's reaction -- think sucker punch in the face. Watch the vid, it's a great explanation.


As you know ... healthcare workers in America started getting the first round of vaccinations Monday and folks like Sandra Lindsay, the intensive care nurse who got the first shot in New York, told us so far, so good ... as far as any reactions or side effects.

Eric also talked to us about the story TMZ broke -- that volunteers who got the placebo during the trial pressured Pfizer to let them get the real deal.

He says Pfizer made a big change to their initial rules because, as he puts it, it just wasn't fair to the placebo folks.

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Placebo Patients from Study Can Cut Line To Get Vaccine Early

Membership has its benefits -- people who participated in Pfizer's vaccine trial, but only got the placebo, now have the chance to get the real vaccine earlier ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Pfizer notified study participants earlier this week about the shift in policy -- giving people who got the placebo the chance to get the shot as early as Friday.

We're told some study participants, who got the placebo, were upset they had put their lives on the line, but were getting no benefit. In fact, Pfizer says 162 placebo patients ended up later coming down with COVID-19. By comparison ... of the participants who got the vaccine, only 8 got infected later.

Pfizer emailed instructions this week to the study group about when they can get the vaccine. As with the general public, healthcare workers and nursing home residents will go first ... as soon as Friday.

Others will get the opportunity in January or February ... about 6 months after they got their second placebo shot.

We're told no one during the study was told whether they'd gotten the placebo or the vaccine -- but they all figured it out pretty easily. Those who got the vaccine felt ill -- a normal reaction to the shot -- while placebo patients were fine.

Hard to argue with these folks getting injected early ... as they stepped up to be human guinea pigs, allowing for the development of a safe vaccine.

Tom Cruise Relaxed on Face Mask Rules While Filming 'M.I.' in Rome

Tom Cruise isn't always a super stickler for COVID protocols -- not based on some on-set pics of him with his 'Mission: Impossible 7' costar.

'M.I. 7' has been filming for months all over Europe, and we found these images from October of Tom and Hayley Atwell shooting in Rome. In one of them, Tom is wearing a face mask and talking to Hayley, who's also got a mask on, but she's not up to CDC snuff. You can see hers is down below her nose, and as we all know by now ... that does not protect people from droplets that can transmit the virus.

Hayley's showing the same bad form in another shot where Tom doesn't have one on at all -- although it's possible he was about to shoot a scene.

As you know, Tom went nuclear on his crew recently while filming on a studio lot in England. He was pissed off at 2 crew members for breaking COVID protocols, standing less than 6 feet apart to look at a monitor.

The photos from Rome seem to show a more lax attitude to following COVID regulations ... which probably won't sit well with his crew in the wake of his tirade. At least 5 staffers on the film have reportedly quit since Tom's rant.

UPS Driver Fired After Customer Claims You Spit on My Amazon Package!!!


A UPS driver is now out of a job after a customer claimed she caught him spitting on a package on her doorstep -- but whether he actually hocked one or not is up for debate.

This incident went down last Thursday at the home of Ann Patton in Ocala, FL -- where the homeowner says she saw something on a surveillance camera that led her to believe a bitter UPS driver got petty revenge by spitting on one of her packages.

UPS was apparently scheduled to come by that day and pick up a separate package that was supposed to be ready for the driver ... but wasn't. Patton tells us she was never notified of any UPS pickup, so that's why nothing was left out.

Anyway, Patton claims when the driver arrived and realized what he'd been sent there to get was nowhere to be found ... he tried getting back at them by picking up an Amazon package that'd been left earlier in the day and spitting on it ... at least that's what happened in Patton's eyes, who caught the alleged spitting on video.

Of course, the Pattons freaked and called up UPS in a rage ... saying they were told the driver would be canned, but claim the company refused to replace their Amazon package. Naturally, there's a lot to be concerned about if it spat on ... COVID comes to mind.

Now, as for UPS ... they have a slightly different version of events. The company tells us that, yes, they did fire the guy -- who was a temporary holiday driver -- but only did so out of an abundance of caution, because in their eyes ... it's not clear if he spit or not.

Decide for yourself ... UPS said it looked like their dude mistakenly thought it was the package he was there to pick up and was simply following protocol by blowing on the label to clean it off so he could apply the UPS label. They think when he realized it was the wrong package, he just left.

At any rate, they say he's gone ... and they've profusely apologized time and again to the Pattons. They also say they wanna see the full video before offering any additional compensation, but they claim the Pattons have yet to hand over the unedited footage.

COVID Madness Shopper Goes Ham at Grocery Store ... Naked Rollerblader Too!!!


People are losing it 9 months into the pandemic -- no other way to look at it when folks are tearing up food displays in grocery stores, and rollerblading on the interstates in the buff.

Ya gotta sees these videos of COVID cabin fever to the max ... we'll start in Medford, Oregon, where a man threw a bunch of food and drinks all over a supermarket before storming out the front door.

The guy started slinging 2 liters of soda before tossing chips, and then getting more efficient by just toppling the whole display. His strut afterward shows he's pretty proud he made his point ... whatever the hell it was.

Meanwhile, commuters in Columbus, Ohio drove past a strange sight on the interstate ... a rollerblader wearing nothing more than some panda headgear.

The naked rollerblader's giving the cars behind him a full moon, and it appears he's wielding a golf club. That's not a euphemism ... we mean an actual club.

Soooo, about that return to "normalcy."

NY Giants' OC Jason Garrett Tests Positive for COVID-19 ... Team Cancels Practice

NY Giants offensive coordinator Jason Garrett has tested positive for coronavirus -- forcing the team to cancel Thursday practice.

54-year-old Garrett -- former head coach of the Dallas Cowboys -- will not call plays for the Giants when they take on the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, so he can focus on his recovery, the team announced.

Instead, Giants tight ends coach Freddie Kitchens -- the former Cleveland Browns head coach -- will take over the playcalling duties this weekend against his former team.

The Giants say they do NOT believe there are other high-risk contacts who may have contracted the virus from Garrett because the team did not meet on either Monday or Tuesday due to "the league's most updated protocols."

"At this point, there appear to be no high risk close contacts. We are awaiting confirmation from the league."

The Giants are 5-8 and surprisingly still in the playoff hunt -- only 1 game behind the 1st place Washington Football Team in the NFC East.

Mastro's Ocean Club Malibu Come Dine-In, Folks ... Screw Newsom's Ban!!!

121620_mastros_kal Mastro's Outdoor Dining, 12/15/20

Adam Carolla's got another option the next time he wants to stick it to Gov. Gavin Newsom by sitting down at an L.A. restaurant to dine-in ... and this one's got ocean views.

Mastro's Ocean Club Malibu, one of L.A.'s biggest celeb hot-spots, is still very much open for business despite L.A. County's ban on indoor and outdoor dining ... and it's pretty easy to defy the law and snag a table.

A source tells TMZ ... Mastro's is still operating as "underground open" with patrons wining and dining underneath a big, white tent set up outside the fancy restaurant.

Folks hankering to dine-out during the pandemic can make reservations by phone ... we're told there's no password or anything like that ... and there are plenty of reservations available every day this month on OpenTable.

The video we got was shot Tuesday night inside the makeshift dining room, and it shows all staffers wearing face coverings ... adhering to the same regulations established when outdoor dining returned earlier this year.

As you know ... outdoor and indoor dining was suspended in L.A. County -- and all of SoCal under Newsom's order -- at the end of November when ICU capacity at local hospitals dipped below 15 percent.

The change has pissed off a lot of people who don't understand what's changed to suddenly make outdoor dining less safe.

We reached out to Mastro's multiple times for comment, as well as the L.A. County Sheriff's Department and the L.A. County Health Department ... so far, no word back.

The decision to stay open certainly is a risky one, with Governor Newsom stating some places could lose their liquor license for violating the rules.


As we told you ... Adam's supporting the recall effort against Newsom, saying the shutdowns are ridiculous and folks going along with it are sheep.

Well, there are fewer sheep, apparently, enjoying fine steak and seafood in the 'bu. Bon appétit!!!

COVID-19 Rage One Elevator Cough ... One Beatdown!!!


Word to the wise ... intentionally coughing into a crowded elevator can result in bodily harm -- as proven in this surveillance footage of said cougher catching an ass-whooping.

This video's crazy ... the pandemonium started when a man tried to get into an elevator car that already had 3 passengers. Someone inside appeared to signal to the fourth guy to wait for another ride ... 'cause in a pandemic, three's definitely a crowd.

He initially seemed okay with waiting, but as the doors began to close ... he hopped onboard, and tempers started to flare. The 4th wheel guy started getting the business, verbally, from another passenger -- but decided to respond by pulling down his face mask and intentionally coughing.

That's what ya call the last straw, and as soon as the elevator doors opened again ... the brawl was on!!! The cougher got beat down, and dragged out of the elevator ... where he was forced to wait for another one to arrive.

Probably what he should have done in the first place.

As we've seen over the last 9 months -- keep your coughing to yourself, whether it's on people, or even grocery produce.

Roger Goodell Wants to Reward Health Care Workers ... With Super Bowl Invite

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says the NFL is exploring ways to have fans at the Super Bowl -- specifically health care workers.

Goodell fired off a letter to Rob Higgins -- President of the Tampa Bay Super Bowl LV Host Committee -- informing him of the league's plans to reward the front line workers who have busted their asses during the COVID pandemic.

"We are currently discussing with public health officials our desire to invite vaccinated health care workers to the Super Bowl as our guests," Goodell says in a letter obtained by NFL Network's Ian Rapoport.

"Subject to their approval and in consultation with your team, we aim to do this in a safe and responsible way."

Goodell says putting vaccinated health care workers in the stands for the biggest game of the year would "help promote the importance of vaccination and appropriate health practices including wearing masks in public settings."

The plans aren't set in stone yet -- but it seems Goodell is optimistic.

He concluded his letter by heaping more praise on health care workers.

"We hope that in some small way, this initiative will inspire our country and recognize these true American heroes as we look forward to a better and healthier year."

It's an awesome move ... and the health care workers deserve it.

COVID-19 Vaccines Recipients Getting Reminder Cards ... Come Back for 2nd Dose!!!

People getting the COVID-19 vaccine are walking away with a nifty little reminder to come back for seconds, and some important details about what's being injected into their bodies.

TMZ has obtained a COVID-19 vaccination record card somebody was given after getting the new Pfizer-BioNtech therapeutic out of New Jersey. It's CDC official, and very similar to the immunization cards children often get to keep track of vaccinations.

In this case, the card is very specific ... and only tracks whether someone has their full 2 doses -- something you need to have in order for the new vaccine to work effectively. There's also a reminder section on the back, telling you to come back in 3 weeks.

We're told the person who got this card was also given a Pfizer fact sheet, which explains what the vaccine's all about, and what exactly it will or won't do for you as far as fighting off coronavirus. Check it out, very interesting literature.

As you can see, the fact sheet notes the vaccine may help prevent the disease -- key word there is "may." It also says there's no full-proof vaccine out yet that's been fully approved by the FDA to for sure ward off COVID ... and they make that crystal clear.

There's a lot of good info here to educate people on whether getting this specific vaccine is right for them -- including potential side effects, possible allergic reactions, ingredients and a bit of history on who went through clinical trials.

The more you know ...