Dr. Anthony Fauci 'To My African-American Brothers and Sisters' ... Black Woman Developed COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. Anthony Fauci wants Black Americans skeptical about the COVID-19 vaccines to know a Black woman was at the forefront of creating one of them ... so fear not.

The nation's leading infectious disease expert spoke Tuesday at an event hosted by the National Urban League and, while discussing racism in medical research and how it's created mistrust ... Fauci put a spotlight on the contributions of Black scientists in the historic development of COVID vaccines ... most notably Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett.

While it might have sounded awkward, Fauci was simply addressing the elephant in the room -- a new study shows only 14% of African-Americans trust the vaccine will be safe and only 18% trust it'll be effective. That's alarming, considering a large portion of the country needs to get vaccinated in order to beat the virus which has disproportionally affected people of color.

Corbett's a pretty big deal in the medical research world. She's the lead scientist for coronavirus vaccine research at Fauci's National Institute of Health. She was also part of the team that worked with Moderna to develop its vaccine that's expected to get emergency use authorization from the FDA and be rolled out later this month.

Fauci added, "So, the first thing you might want to say to my African-American brothers and sisters is that the vaccine that you're going to be taking was developed by an African-American woman. And, that is just a fact."

Portland Protesters Clash with Cops Over 'Red House' Eviction

A Portland controversy that's been simmering for months is now boiling over ... creating a chaotic confrontation with cops and several arrests ... and the Mayor's fed up.

Protesters gathered at a home dubbed "Red House on Mississippi" Tuesday morning to keep police from allowing fencing to be put up on the property, but it escalated to violence ... including rocks and paint-filled balloons being hurled at the officers.

After the fencing was up, police attempted to leave but the chaos continued when demonstrators removed part of the fence and trespassed on the property, and even created a makeshift barricade to block off the street.

With no sign of the chaos subsiding, Mayor Ted Wheeler authorized Portland Police "to use all lawful means to end the illegal occupation," adding ... "There will be no autonomous zone in Portland."

Cops say 7 arrests were made, and several police vehicles were damaged. Mayor Wheeler is rebuking the demonstrators for their behavior, saying ... "There are many ways to protest and work toward needed reform. Illegally occupying private property, openly carrying weapons, threatening and intimidating people are not among them."

So what's this all about? Well, activists have been protesting at the location since an Afro-Indigenous family -- the Kinneys -- got evicted in September. Their house went into foreclosure and the Kinneys were forcibly removed amid the pandemic and raging wildfires in Oregon ... which did not sit well with people.

The eviction sparked a rally to help the family reclaim their home on North Mississippi Ave, but has also evolved into a larger protest of evictions during the COVID crisis ... which makes the homeless crisis even worse.

So, Portland demonstrators have made the Red House the focal point of their larger message and their efforts have helped the GoFundMe accrue over $100k to fight the eviction -- but the problem is ... cops say there have been more than 80 calls about the property in the past 3 months.

These calls include reports of fights, shots fired, burglary, thefts, vandalism, trespassing, threats and illegally blocking traffic ... and clearly, the City and law enforcement want it to stop.

Ohio State Will Play In Big Ten Title Game ... Conference Amends 6-Game Rule


10:23 AM PT -- 12/9 -- The Big Ten has decided to ax its 6-win requirement to play in the conference title game ... which now paves the way for Ohio State to play against Northwestern on Dec. 19.


The news comes as OSU's matchup with rival Michigan was canned due to COVID-19 ... leaving the 5-win Buckeyes scrambling to figure out how to earn eligibility for the conference title game.


Now, the Bucks will likely make the College Football Playoff ... that is, as long as they handle business against the 5-1 Wildcats next weekend.

Ohio State vs. Michigan is officially off -- after the Wolverines announced their COVID situation is so bad, they can't field a team to play this weekend.

The #4 ranked undefeated Buckeyes were scheduled to host the 2-4 Wolverines in The Game on Saturday -- one of the most anticipated rivalries in college football and really, all of sports.

But, the Michigan football program has been badly impacted by the pandemic -- and the school says it can't pull together enough healthy players to take the field on Saturday.

"The number of positive tests has continued to trend in an upward direction over the last 7 days," Michigan AD Warde Manuel said Tuesday.

"We have not been cleared to participate in practice at this time. Unfortunately, we will not be able to field a team due to COVID-19 positives and the associated quarantining required of close contacted individuals."

"This decision is disappointing for our team and coaches but their health and safety is paramount, and it will always come first in our decision making."

Michigan also canceled last week's game against Maryland after at least 12 members of the program tested positive for COVID.

The situation is especially bad for Ohio State which is still in the college football playoff hunt.

They need to schedule another opponent ASAP -- and hopefully against a top opponent -- if they want to qualify for the post-season.

The NCAA says teams have to have at least 6 wins to be bowl eligible -- and OSU is currently 5-0.

One potential matchup could be Texas A&M ... since their game against Ole Miss was scraped because Ole Miss couldn't field a team.

Texas A&M is also 7-1 and ranked #5 in the country.

Ohio State has won 8 in a row against Michigan -- with Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh 0-5 against his rivals.

The first Ohio State vs. Michigan football game took place in 1897 -- and it's been a heated rivalry ever since.

Originally published -- 12/8 10:38 AM PT

Gayle King Follow Ex-Prezes' Leads on Vaccine ... If They Can, You Can


Gayle King says the fact our top former leaders in the U.S. are willing to get a COVID-19 vaccination -- with the world watching -- should be all the proof people need to feel reassured.

We got the CBS News anchor leaving the studio Tuesday in NYC, where we asked what she made of the fact that the 3 most recent former Presidents (plus soon-to-be-former Prez Trump) have said they're willing to get a COVID vaccine live on camera.

She says she's all for it -- anything that gets people to trust the vaccine, in her mind, is a good thing ... and what better way to convince folks than to get a bunch of Commanders in Chief to partake?

We asked if Gayle would be open to having one administered to herself on her own show, and if she'd be courageous enough to take a gamble. The veteran interviewer flipped it on our guy, and asked an even more poignant question ... about bravery and the COVID-19 vaccines. Well played, GK!

Look, it's clear she supports the science -- not to mention Dr. Tony Fauci -- but Gayle acknowledges people will ultimately have to make up their own minds about taking the vaccine. The decision seems easy for her, though.

Giuliani 'Witness' Melissa Carone I Wasn't Drunk During Hearing ... And No COVID Worries!!!

The Trump campaign's "star witness" about alleged voter fraud denies she was boozing before her now-infamous testimony ... which is always a great sign it went well.

Melissa Carone has spoken out about last week's Michigan hearing led by Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, in which Melissa stole the show with her unfounded claims and unhinged behavior.

At one point, Giuliani even appeared to try to reel her in -- to no avail -- and people speculated she might have been intoxicated.

Carone insists she wasn't though, telling "Inside Edition" she'd go under oath to prove it. She says that's just her personality, and even though she's been widely mocked for it -- including on 'SNL' -- she seems cool with it.

What's not cool is that despite Giuliani being hospitalized for COVID-19 after the public hearing, and Ellis also testing positive, Carone's refusing to quarantine ... even though she sat right next to them without a mask.

This defies a local county order that anyone in direct contact with someone who tests positive for coronavirus must quarantine ... but Carone doesn't seem to care.

Not-so-fun fact: Carone apparently served probation for sending harassing sex tapes!!! Sooo many layers to her story.

Lamar Jackson Battle With COVID Was Awful ... 'Wouldn't Wish That On Nobody'

Baltimore Ravens

Lamar Jackson says coronavirus hit him hard as an NFL linebacker ... telling reporters Tuesday night he was sick as a dog with COVID and he "wouldn't wish that on nobody."

The league's reigning MVP was diagnosed around Thanksgiving after displaying some symptoms ... and when Jackson was asked about his ensuing battle with the virus, the QB said it was all rough.

In fact, the 23-year-old Ravens star says he's STILL having a hard time tasting and smelling things.

"I had flu-like symptoms," LJ said after dominating the Cowboys, 34-17 ... "I guess my sense of taste and smell is going to come back sooner or later."

"But, I'm good now. I wouldn't wish that on nobody, though. It's not good to have."

Jackson took about two weeks to beat the virus ... and based on his play against Dallas on Tuesday -- it doesn't seem it should affect his game too much going forward.

LJ scored 3 touchdowns in the Ravens' rout ... and ran for 94 yards on just 13 carries.

The Ravens will need him to stay healthy going forward ... Baltimore is currently 3rd in the AFC North and needs to win most -- if not all -- of its final 4 games to have a shot at the postseason.

COVID-19 Vaccine Russians Told to Avoid Drinking ... No Shots After Shots!!!

Russia's vodka industry is taking a major hit -- leaders over there are telling citizens to lay off the sauce when they get the coronavirus vaccine.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova says Russians who receive the Sputnik V vaccine -- which is administered in 2 phases 21 days apart -- must abstain from alcohol for 42 days ... because it's an immunosuppressant.

That's not all -- Russians planning to get the vaccine are also supposed to give up drinking 2 weeks before their first injection. So, that's about 2 months of sobriety for people living in the nation known to be one of the world's leading alcohol consumers.

Anna Popova, head of Russia’s consumer watchdog agency, says beer and liquor are a strain on the body, adding ... "If we want to stay healthy and have a strong immune response, don’t drink alcohol." Smoking cigarettes is also being discouraged.

So far, Russian officials estimate 100,000 have received the Sputnik V vaccine.

We know what you're thinking, and there's no word of a similar instruction for the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

Dez Bryant Tests Positive For COVID-19 ... Quits Season

There won't be a revenge game OR a comeback season for Dez Bryant ... the Ravens WR just quit the remainder of the 2020-21 campaign after testing positive for COVID-19 minutes before kickoff against the Cowboys.

The 32-year-old vet documented the bizarre chain of events on Twitter minutes ago ... saying he was warming up for Tuesday night's game when he was pulled off the field for a coronavirus test -- and it came back positive.

"Tell me why they pull me from warming up so I can go get tested... my s**t come back positive," Dez tweeted. "I tested positive for Covid WTF."

"The crazy thing is i have the same damn routine.... this s**t do not make sense to me."

It's already been a tough road back to the gridiron for the former All-Pro receiver -- he suffered an Achilles injury in his first practice with the New Orleans Saints in 2018 ... and was hoping to make an impact in Baltimore.

So far, he's had 3 game appearances and 4 receptions for 28 yards for the Ravens.

And, that may be all he'll rack up for the season ... 'cause Dez just tweeted he's done.

"Yea I’m going to go ahead and call it a quit for the rest of the season... I can’t deal with this."

Taylor Swift Helps Struggling Moms with $13k Donations

Taylor Swift is lending a much-needed hand to a couple of mothers struggling financially due to the coronavirus pandemic ... just in time for the holidays.

The singer donated $13,000 apiece to 2 moms who have fallen on hard times, and whose stories were featured in a recent article about the millions of Americans who are unemployed, or behind on their rent and utilities.

The women -- Nikki Cornwell from Nashville and Shelbie Selewski from Michigan -- both received a generous donation from Taylor on their GoFundMe pages ... along with a personal note of encouragement.

Taylor wrote to Nikki ... "I read about you in the Washington Post and thought it was really brave of you to share your story. I'm so sorry for everything you've had to go through this year and wanted to send you this gift, from one Nashville girl to another."

Shelbie's message says ... "I'm sending you this gift after reading about you in the Washington Post. No one should have to feel the kind of stress that's been put on you. I hope you and your beautiful family have a great holiday season."

Both women have suffered both medical and financial hardships this year and say they are in danger of being kicked out of their homes if they don't catch up on bills.

Sadly, there are millions more in the U.S. who are also in dire straits, and without another government stimulus for support ... are feeling helpless.

Hopefully, Swift's act of kindness can spark a chain reaction of giving ... and more people in need will get an assist as well.

L.A. Dodgers Scout Jairo Castillo Dead At 31 From COVID-19 Complications

Los Angeles Dodgers scout Jairo Castillo died Sunday due to complications from COVID-19, the team confirmed Tuesday. He was 31 years old.

Castillo -- who was signed by the New York Mets at age 16 -- was a crosschecker for the Dodgers in the Dominican Republic ... and previously worked with the Toronto Blue Jays and Milwaukee Brewers.

Dodgers president Andrew Friedman spoke about Castillo's passing to the L.A. Times -- "We are heartbroken over the loss of Jairo Castillo, who recently passed away in the Dominican Republic."

"Tragically, Jairo’s promising baseball career was just getting started and his death will be felt deeply by everyone who crossed paths with him."

Castillo is survived by 2 baby boys ... and a GoFundMe has been set up to support Castillo's family during the tragedy.

Friedman continued ... "Our deepest sympathies go out to his family and loved ones."


Biden's Inauguration Ceremony to Be Mostly Unchanged ... Masks, Distancing & Maybe Testing

One thing the coronavirus pandemic won't dramatically change is President-elect Biden's inauguration ceremony -- although there will be a few COVID safety measures in place ... TMZ has learned.

A rep from the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies -- which oversees the swearing-in process -- tells TMZ, the team is still planning to hold the big event in-person ... not virtually.

We're told the JCCIC is going to require masks and social distancing for everyone sitting on the dais with Biden -- which you'd expect -- but the Committee is also considering imposing mandatory testing for anyone who will be in the Prez-elect's immediate vicinity.

The stage construction is in full swing and, at this point, a pivot to a virtual ceremony or one significantly scaled back on head count is not in the works. However, a lot can change between now and January 20, as far as the pandemic's concerned.

We're told the congressional committee is still weighing how to go about ticketing, hoping to make it safe, but also inclusive.

Now, as far as the folks who wanna gather on the National Mall and watch the inauguration -- the District of Columbia has already laid out ground rules. It's requiring masks and distancing ... which most likely will translate to a limited capacity.

Outside of the Inauguration, DC already has pretty strict regulations for out-of-town travelers ... including negative tests, and a 14-day quarantine if you're coming from certain states.

Regarding the parade that usually follows the swearing-in, we're told that falls on the city as well. The D.C. Mayor's Office tells us they are planning for a parade as well the other inauguration traditions.

There also Biden's own Presidential Inaugural Committee, from which the city will take additional cues on how to proceed.

COVID-19 Vaccine William Shakespeare at Front of the Line ... First Shots Given!!!

Mass coronavirus vaccination efforts are underway in England, and some guy named William Shakespeare was one of the first to get it ... which has to be some sorta good sign, right?

The 81-year-old man -- yes, that's really his name -- got a shot of the newly approved coronavirus vaccine Tuesday. Bill got the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at University Hospital Coventry ... which happens to be about 20 miles from Stratford-Upon-Avon, the birthplace of the OG Shakespeare.

As amusing as his name is ... ol' Shakespeare will only hold the title of first man to get the COVID-19 vaccine (outside of clinical trials) -- but the first person to get it is actually 90-year-old Margaret Keenan ... who kicked off the country's largest-ever immunization program.

The grandmother received a round of applause Tuesday morning from the nurses and medical staff at the university hospital as she returned to her ward after receiving the shot.

Of course, with the internet being what it is ... clever folks began to ask -- If Keenan was vaccine patient 1A, would that make Shakespeare 2B or not 2B?

As we've reported ... trial results in America are very encouraging as well, and vaccinations are set to begin soon, once the FDA approval process is done.

Paging Eugene O'Neill? Your vaccine is ready, Sir.

Lewis Hamilton 'Feeling Great' After COVID Battle ... Hoping To Race Sunday


Lewis Hamilton is kickin' COVID's ass ... the Formula 1 superstar revealed Tuesday he's "feeling great" after his diagnosis, and he's now hopeful he'll be able to return to the racetrack this weekend.

"I woke up today feeling great," Hamilton said in a video message. "Got my first workout in."

The 35-year-old was diagnosed with coronavirus last week after he said he woke up and experienced "mild symptoms."

He immediately went into self-isolation and was forced out of last weekend's Sakhir Grand Prix in Bahrain -- something he says was VERY tough on him.

"It's definitely been one of the hardest weeks that I’ve had for some time," Hamilton said.

Fortunately, Lewis says he's now on the mend ... and is gunning to race at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2020 on Sunday.

"I just wanted to send you guys a message of positivity, let you know that I’m OK," Hamilton said. "And thank every single one of you for sending the amazing messages and videos. And I really, really appreciate it."

"I hope wherever you are, you're staying positive and fighting through whatever it is that you're facing. And I hope that I get back in the car soon. And yeah, I'm sending you guys love."

Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill Celeb Support & Donations Pour In ... Helping It Stay Afloat

Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill/Facebook

The L.A. restaurant owner who called it a "slap in the face" her place is shut down -- while a film set operates next door -- might be back in biz soon ... thanks to an outpouring of support.

Employees at the Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill in Sherman Oaks tell TMZ ... awareness of the restaurant's struggle has skyrocketed and led to an influx of donations. ICYMI ... owner Angela Marsden called out Governor Newsom and L.A. Mayor Garcetti for apparent double standards with COVID-19 restrictions.

Pineapple Hill's GoFundMe has currently raised about $150,000, and we're told because of the generosity, there's a strong chance it will be able to reopen for takeout soon ... allowing employees to earn a much-needed paycheck again.

While celebs like Maria Shriver have encouraged people to donate, we're told others like Ricky Schroder, Todd Hoffman (Wheels from "Meatballs") and Maria's son, Patrick Schwarzenegger, have also hit up the restaurant directly, offering to help in any way possible.

As for the restaurant's newfound fame ... employees tell us it's a team effort right now to keep spreading the word about why small businesses need to be allowed to operate outdoors. Some of the workers are even helping Marsden schedule media interviews to do so.

Pineapple Grill tells us it did get some backlash from people who thought they were doing a disservice to the entertainment workers who were being employed on the film set. It wants to clarify it has no problem with that, and it supports all those who were working on the set of NBC's "Good Girls" that day.

We're told the restaurant is staffed by many people working in show business themselves ... and they simply want everyone to be able to make a living.

L.A. First Responders COVID Hurting Holiday Toy Drives ... Cops & Firefighters Trying Alternatives

One of the many depressing consequences of the coronavirus pandemic is it seems to be greatly reducing the number of toys donated to kids in need ... but first responders in L.A. are stepping up, again, to meet the challenge.

TMZ's learned from sources close to L.A. police and firefighters ... donations are down as much as 50 percent compared to last year at some donation locations, and less than normal across the board.

Part of the reason, we're told, is that the law enforcement agencies have not been able to hold their big annual toy drives in-person due to COVID-19 restrictions. On top of that, there's less awareness of toy drives due to people being stuck at home ... and finally, many people simply can't afford to donate because they've lost their jobs.

The good news -- many people who are able to give are doing so, and various police departments and L.A. County Fire are promoting the option of online donating. CHP is also utilizing TEXT TOYS 76278 to help bridge their toy donation gap this year. We're told several cops and firefighters are also reaching into their own pockets to help make up the difference.

Our sources say the L.A. police and fire workers are devising plans to properly disinfect all the toys and use contactless delivery to get them to kids.

It's not the same as Christmases past, but it's 2020 ... and everyone's doing their best.

Rick Ross Be the Boss of Your Healthcare ... With New Telehealth App!!!

it's time to jetdoc

Rick Ross says he's been exactly where millions of Americans are today -- avoiding doctor visits due to lack of healthcare -- which is why he's backing an affordable new option.

Da Boss and healthcare vet/entrepreneur Tommy Duncan joined us on "TMZ Live" to discuss their telehealth app, Jetdoc ... and reveal why the music mogul jumped into healthcare. Rick told us part of it is personal, and part of is addressing what's become an obvious need.

As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic forced clinics/hospitals to pivot and rethink how doctors can treat and diagnose patients during lockdowns. As a result, nearly 25 million people used a telehealth service between March and October, and the vast majority of them were satisfied with the service.

Enter Rick Ross and Tommy, who've both coped with serious health issues -- Rick's battled seizures, and Tommy suffered a stroke at just 30 years old. Still, the rapper says he knows all too well that people who don't have access to health insurance avoid getting medical care ... and he wants to change that.

The duo told us Jetdoc, available for download on Google Play and the App Store, is incredibly reasonable at just $20 for the first virtual urgent care visit or $10 a month for an unlimited membership.

For now, it's only available in Florida, but it's slated to expand to other states in 2021. Rick and Tommy say access to a doctor isn't the only benefit for users. In fact, you gotta see why Rick thinks this really could be a holiday gift that keeps on giving.