Michael Rapaport COVID Restrictions Flawed & Frustrating ... Just Calling It Like I See It!!!


Michael Rapaport understands the need for coronavirus mitigation, but man, is he fed up with different rules applying to different people and businesses without logical explanations.

The actor joined "TMZ Live" Monday on the heels of his epic rant about a flea market on Melrose Ave. being open this weekend while other outdoor establishments are shut down.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Rapaport says it makes no sense, especially when businesses are taking all the COVID precautions they can to safely keep making money -- so he understands people's frustrations boiling over ... even at that bar in Staten Island.

Michael explained the flea market deepened his empathy for people struggling to make a living amid the pandemic, and he was not knocking the market vendors. His issue is restaurants right across the street not being allowed to be open when their employees are struggling just as much.

Don't get it twisted, though, he's still all about wearing masks and taking steps to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, he just thinks the rules should apply to everyone -- and if they don't, leaders should explain WHY.

For the record, a strict shutdown did go into effect Sunday night in much of California, which limits all restaurants to carry-out, closes indoor and outdoor play areas, hair salons, museums, movie theaters, amusement parks and live-audience sports, and prohibits people from congregating with anyone outside their household.

NYPD Cop Shouts Down Trump Supporter ... Who Refuses to Wear Mask

Viralhog / @megrabah/TikTok

An NYPD cop went ballistic on a Trump supporter who wouldn't wear a mask in public ... a guy who cussed the cop out ... despite waving a pro-police flag.

The shouting match was captured on video this weekend in NYC at 30 Rock, where Trump supporters came face-to-face with counter-protesters. Of course, many in the Trump crowd weren't masked up -- and eventually, an officer got involved.

The cop was trying to talk over the Trump-er and the other NYC demonstrators, but wasn't getting anywhere ... that is, until she screamed at the top of her lungs.

It's kinda funny, but also pretty shocking ... because she then gets in the face of the main antagonist here (the dude with the red MAGA hat, sans mask) and they start exchanging heated words. She cools down by trying to talk to the other side, which seem more receptive to her words, but then goes right back to jawboning with the Trump supporter.

BTW, the Trump guy is holding a huge black and blue flag -- colloquially known as a Back the Blue symbol -- but he's not showing a whole lot of respect to the badge in person.

The juxtaposition is stunning ... this kind of anger with the backdrop of the Rockefeller Center XMAS tree. 2020, folks.

Pete Davidson Ripped by Staten Island Locals ... For Defiant Bar Jokes on 'SNL'

Come down from the ivory tower, King
Fox News

Pete Davidson making fun of a bar in his hometown and its stance against COVID restrictions is pissing off a lot of the locals, and they're blasting him for it.

A Staten Island activist named Mr. Tobacco tore the 'SNL' star a new one Monday during a news conference over the watering hole called Mac's Public House -- which has been in the news a lot lately for defying COVID closures.

ICYMI ... one of Mac's co-owners, Danny Presti, was arrested AGAIN this weekend after he allegedly let people inside (against a closure order). Tobacco and co. were addressing that when he referred to Pete's 'Weekend Update' appearance, where he criticized the Staten Island community and Mac's owners for acting like babies.

Welp, Mr. Tobacco says Pete's words are a betrayal, considering people in town know him and his fam. He got very personal and even referenced Pete's father ... a firefighter who died on 9/11 in the Twin Towers.

You'll have to watch the video to see how he frames it ... but it's pretty clear that Tobacco and some of the other Mac members were hurt by Pete, who Tobacco calls someone with a huge platform putting the little guy down.

Mr. Tobacco also evokes Pete's nickname -- the King of Staten Island, which was turned into a Judd Apatow movie starring Pete.

LeBron James Rocks COVID Mask In Rare $1 Mil Supercar ... Awesome Video!!!

Here's LeBron James showing SPEED and SAFETY go hand-in-hand ... rocking a COVID mask in a rare $1 mil Porsche!

The footage was shot by a self-described car enthusiast named Alex -- who busted out his phone when he spotted a black Porsche 918 Spyder convertible burning down the highway!

And, behind the wheel ... in a mask from Henry Masks -- THAT'S LEBRON!!!

The L.A. Lakers superstar gave a little wave and then punched it -- flexing the speed of his rare, hybrid whip.

Okay, let's talk about the car!!!

The Porsche 918 Spyder is a limited edition vehicle that was only produced between 2013 and 2015 -- with a starting price of $845,000!!

Though AutomobileMag.com says the cars have gone way up in value -- recently selling between $1.1 million and $1.7 million.

It's powered by a 5.7-liter V-10 engine AND a 6.8-kWh battery hence the "hybrid" designation.

The speed on this car is legendary ... with MotorTrend reporting it goes from 0-60 is 2.4 seconds!!!

It also hits 0 to 100 in 4.9 seconds!!!

AutomobileMag has described the car this way -- "The 918 Spyder stands as one of the most cutting-edge, tech-forward vehicles the German automaker has ever produced."

LeBron just signed a 2-year, $85 million extension with the Lakers ... so why not spend some of it?!

Spectacular Blue Smith Disney Says No More Mouse Ears!!! Banned for Alleged Punch

Spectacular Blue Smith won't be having a spectacular time, or any kinda time, inside Disney World -- the mouse folk are pissed the rapper allegedly socked one of its employees.

Sources with direct knowledge of the situation tell TMZ ... the Pretty Ricky member is now prohibited from entering all of the Walt Disney World Resort properties in Florida following his Monday night battery arrest at the park.

As we reported ... the rapper allegedly fake sneezed and said "coronavirus," presumably as a joke, while standing in a line for a ride. A park employee overheard and said something to Smith about his bad humor, and they got into an argument.

When the staffer asked him to step out of the line, and blocked Smith with his arm ... the rapper allegedly punched him on the right side of his jaw/temple area.

Cops say Smith's son claimed his dad only hit the man accidentally as he lost his balance. Not shockingly, that excuse didn't fly and Spectacular got arrested.

Disney's not waiting to see how his case plays out in court ... we're told Smith's ban is effective immediately. We've reached out to SBS for comment, but so far no word back.

Rudy Giuliani Positive for COVID ... Reportedly Hospitalized


2:36 PM PT -- According to ABC, Rudy Giuliani has been hospitalized over his COVID diagnosis. The outlet reports, citing anonymous sources, that he's currently at Georgetown Hospital in D.C. -- although his condition is unknown.

Rudy Giuliani is the latest Trump associate to test positive for coronavirus -- and the news was broken by none other than Donald Trump himself.

The President tweeted Sunday, "@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!"

Unclear when Rudy was tested, or how long he's been positive -- but in any case ... it's another one bites the dust in the Trump world. Everyone from POTUS himself to Kellyanne Conway and many others in Trump's immediate orbit have contracted the virus.

Rudy had dodged getting sick until now -- but he's been on the move a lot these past several weeks, defending Trump's election fraud claims all over the country and going to court a lot (and losing) over election fraud allegations filed by the campaign in multiple jurisdictions.

He was oftentimes seen without a mask on too, FWIW ... including just a month ago when he made an appearance at the Four Seasons (landscaping company) in Philadelphia -- where he gathered reporters for a bizarro-impromptu press conference.

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Fox News

Not only that, but RG had another very public hygiene moment recently -- when he was seen sweating profusely during a news conference, which caused his hair dye to start dripping down the side of his face. And sure enough ... he wasn't masked up then either.

Just earlier this week ... Rudy was in Lansing, MI with a bizarre "star witness" who was supposedly gonna blow the lid off of alleged election fraud in Michigan. There too, he wasn't wearing a mask, and neither was she. He even had the gall to ask another one of his witnesses -- who was masked -- to take remove her covering ... but she didn't.

Safe to say, this was bound to happen.

Most everyone in Trump's world who's tested positive has recovered -- and considering Rudy's one of Trump's right-hand men these days, we're guessing he'll get top-notch treatment and come out the other side.

What a year ...

Originally Published -- 12:43 PM PT

Homeless Shelters in the Pandemic Cold Cities Pivot for Xmas Fewer Volunteers & Open Door Policies

The pandemic will hit the homeless in this country harder than most, especially as the temperatures drop in the coldest parts of the country for Christmas ... because a lot of shelters are being forced to be more restrictive with their services due to COVID.

TMZ spoke with various homeless shelters in some of the coldest cities in America -- which will be covered in snow and freezing this winter, as the pandemic rages on -- and we heard a lot of the same new policies being rolled out ... no volunteers, and no services for the recently displaced. The former's a bummer, but the latter could be devastating.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Post.

  • Baltimore Outreach Services: This shelter only serves women and children, and they have a population of homeless that caps off at 40. They're not accepting any volunteers for holiday food giveaways, but are accepting outside donations, food and otherwise. They're also not taking in any new homeless clients needing housing, but have a waitlist.
  • Hope Street Shelter, Minneapolis: They serve homeless youths between 18-22 years of age, and while they say they will be taking new clients needing housing this holiday season -- they are also not accepting volunteers due to COVID. They're also keeping their services in-house and exclusively for the homeless population currently staying with them.

  • Light of Life Rescue Mission, Pittsburgh: This is one of the rare shelters that will take in and use outside of volunteers for Christmas and other food handout events. They plan to serve around 1,000 for Christmas, and will require volunteers to wear masks and distance. Unfortunately, they're not taking in any new homeless clientele due to COVID.
  • Detroit Rescue Mission: They are not accepting any new homeless people to stay in their facility, but are committed to feeding anyone who needs a meal on Christmas. Social distancing will be required, and they hope to feed as many as 50 people.

  • St. Herman House, Cleveland: No outside volunteers allowed for Christmas, only in-house staff will work to distribute meals on Christmas day, while maintaining proper distancing. They expect to be able to serve up to 150 meals, all of which will be bagged this year. They're also not taking in any new clients, but will start processing new apps soon.
  • Coalition for the Homeless, Washington D.C.: This shelter will not be allowing any new volunteers to help out with Christmas activities, whereas they have in the past.

As you could imagine, the fact these places are having to close their doors during a most-brutal time of the year will be hard on several people who might otherwise be able to be housed. Tough and potentially tragic situation ...

Michael Rapaport So, Flea Markets Can Stay Open??? WTF, Garcetti & Newsom!!!

Michael Rapaport is expressing the same frustration and confusion a lot of Angelenos are feeling after outdoor dining was once again shut down ... this time pointing to a very-open flea market in town that's humming with business while restaurants suffer.

The actor and sports enthusiast posted a video Sunday showing him cruising along in L.A. next to the Melrose Trading Post ... a flea market off of Melrose Ave. and Fairfax. As you can see -- and as Mike vividly points out -- it's open and full of customers.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In Rapaport's eyes, the fact that operations like this can stay open while outdoor dining is being shuttered again just doesn't make sense -- and he goes on a profanity-laced tirade against Mayor Eric Garcetti and Governor Gavin Newsom for calling the shot.

He doesn't quite say it, but MR seems to suggest that the decision to shut down dining -- which is also outdoors and requires mask-wearing -- while letting flea markets and farmers markets such as this one to continue on is ... arbitrary. And, if not that, simply not properly explained by government officials as far as rationale -- something a lot of people have said.

Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill/Facebook

Of course, this is reminiscent of what a restaurant owner in the L.A. area alluded to recently -- comparing her outdoor dining set-up to a movie set that also had tents and tables laid out right next door. In that case, the differences for safety were much more clear -- movie sets have to operate as de facto bubbles with regular testing -- while restaurants don't.

In the flea market/farmers market case ... the differences are a little harder to spot and justify. Unlike a movie or production set, there is no mandatory regular testing of subjects looking to partake in an outdoor market like this -- strangers can just waltz on in, without having to prove anything, so in that regard ... it is similar to the outdoor dining scenario.

The only thing we can think of that make farmers/flea markets different is that they are theoretically supposed to be operating at limited capacity, and mask-wearing is mandatory throughout ... whereas at a restaurant, masks come off once you're seated at your table.

In any case ... people are clearly not understanding the thinking here.

AOC Twitch Is Where It's at for COVID Relief Since Congress is Stalling!!!


Apologies to Mr. Smith but screw going to Washington ... AOC's going to Twitch to get s**t done for America, and she's now recruiting her colleagues to do the same.

We got Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez out on Capitol Hill and she told us she's actually in the process of signing up her -- shall we say more senior -- colleagues to the game streaming platform so they too can capitalize on the massive audience it provides.

AOC says among some of the colleagues she's signing up is her Netflix doc costar, Representative-elect Cori Bush. There are others too ... and it seems she's making quite the effort to do so ... on the heels of raising $200k during her Twitch debut last month that attracted 435,000 viewers at its peak while playing the popular game "Among Us."

Big numbers for sure, but even more impressive is the money she raised on the platform for 6 orgs in her community that'll use the loot for eviction defenses, food pantries and more ... as the country struggles to deal with the pandemic and the collateral damage it's caused.

As for why she's so adamant about becoming a Twitch vet ... well, she pointed to the Capitol building and essentially said "these folks" are lagging behind when it comes to passing a new COVID relief bill to help struggling Americans.

Let's hope more of her colleagues are game.

Food & Drug Administration Heads Up, Everyone ... MORE THAN EVER Watch out for Fake Covid products!!!

As a COVID-19 vaccine looms, Uncle Sam wants to make sure you don't throw your money away on a bogus miracle cure -- and, as it turns out, there's a lot already out there.

It's inevitable ... criminals will peddle fake vaccines online and elsewhere. When money can be made and people are desperate, the combination is perfect for crooks.

The Food and Drug Administration has gotten ahead of snake oil salesmen who've been trying to peddle fake coronavirus-related products in recent months -- even going so far as to throw images of these junk items onto Flickr, so you can see them up close.

The FDA also says it's already issued warning letters to the vendors associated with these fraudulent medicines while keeping a watchful eye out for more, adding ... "The FDA is exercising its authority to protect consumers from firms selling unapproved products and making false or misleading claims, including, by pursuing warning letters, seizures, injunctions or criminal prosecutions against products and firms or individuals that violate the law."

As for the items themselves, boy some are ridiculous ... corn and cheese, making ya wonder how anyone could be so stupid as to buy them. Thing is ... people do.

Here's a brief list of some of the goofiest ones that caught our eye, and which the FDA flagged as phony.

-- Virus Bioshield, from a firm called "Rats Army." It's an oil-like substance, with claims it's full of vitamins, antioxidants and helpful minerals, and which "Exhibits antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties," "Suppresses tumor growth," "Increases vaccine effectiveness," "Protects against oxidative damage," among other things.

-- Biomagnetism Magnetic Therapy DIY Kits: FDA says this is a fraudulent product claiming to be able to prevent, treat, mitigate, diagnose or cure COVID-19. Not so!!!

-- StayWell Copper: Literally a little metal sheet that the FDA says is also claiming to be able to rid oneself of the 'rona, but they busted these guys back in May.

-- COVID-19 Cough Syrup: This one might be the silliest of all. It's a honey bear bottle emptied out and filled with some dark liquid gunk, with a crappy label slapped on the cap that reads, "COVID-19." If we must say it ... DO. NOT. BUY. THIS.

Feel free to click through and see the rest of the too-good-to-be-true "cures" the FDA wants you to be wary of (there's a lot). And, like they suggest, take caution as we get into the vaccine phase of the 'rona. If it isn't FDA-approved, it ain't legit.

'SNL' Morgan Wallen Mocks Himself for COVID-Unsafe Partying

This is kinda cool ... 'SNL' did its own PSA about COVID, and it's funny and at the same time instructive ... thanks to country star Morgan Wallen and Jason Bateman.

As we reported, Morgan was yanked from the show in October because he violated COVID restrictions by partying in a bar at the University of Alabama.

Well, Lorne Michaels gave Morgan a second chance, but not without strings attached.  Morgan was the star and subject of a parody at a bar. He was tempted to party for sure, until the Morgan of the future -- AKA Jason Bateman -- comes along to warn him there are consequences.

"I am you from the future and I came here to stop you from partying tonight," Bateman said in the sketch. "Trust me somebody's gonna post a video of you ignoring COVID protocols, the whole internet's gonna freak out ... Once people hear about the party, you're in big trouble, man, you're gonna get kicked off 'Saturday Night Live.'"

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@ashleighludlam/@emily.kinsbruner/Tik Tok

Temptation prevails and both guys are down for a little partying. You gotta see how it unfolds, especially when Pete Davidson surfaces.


We got Morgan out in NYC last Friday and he was clear ... the skit is just that -- a skit -- and he wouldn't be partying before his second chance.

New Los Angeles Lockdown Restaurant Owner Calls Out Film Set Next Door to Shuttered Bar

Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill/Facebook

An L.A. restaurant owner is calling out Mayor Garcetti and Gov. Newsom for allowing film sets to continue operating, while once again closing down outdoor dining ... but her comparison might be apples to oranges as far as containing the virus.

This is restaurateur Angela Marsden, and she posted a video showing  a movie production in full swing -- with outdoor tables and tents set up right next door to her now-shuttered eatery, Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill, in Sherman Oaks.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Post.

In the video, Marsden says she can't fathom why her restaurant was forced to shut down (again) -- even after she had successfully ran outdoor dining for months behind her building -- but film sets like this, which look virtually identical in set-up dining-wise, can soldier on.

The new rule -- restaurants close on-the-spot dining, while music/video production can keep rolling -- is one of many that have left Angelenos scratching their head as Mayor Garcetti has instituted a new stay-at-home order in the City, which just got expanded to all of SoCal.

In a section about activities and businesses allowed to keep operating, production in L.A. can continue -- which explains the Sherman Oaks set -- but it says clearly ... they gotta follow COVID protocols as outlined by the County.

That's where Marsden might be mistaken in her juxtaposition. Fact is ... there's a ton of rules that production companies must abide by in order to shoot, including regular testing, plus a bunch of other mandates ... mask-wearing, temp checks, social distancing, sanitized sets, etc.

The big difference is the testing, and who's allowed in or out. A movie or TV shoot can have an awful lot of people on hand (just like a restaurant) at any given time, but the dinstinction is that the set -- while it's shooting -- is treated almost like a bubble, whereas a restaurant is revolving door of strangers, who aren't required to get tested to partake.

While Marsden's desperate pleas for help are heart-breaking -- as are so many business owners asking for assistance -- her thinking is somewhat flawed. Tough times, either way.

Jeremih Out of Hospital After Near-Death COVID Scare

Jeremih has beat COVID!!! He's been released from the hospital and is at home recovering ... TMZ has learned.

Jeremih tells TMZ, "First and foremost, I would like to thank God and the incredible team of doctors and nurses at Northwestern Memorial Hospital for saving my life. I will be forever grateful."

The R&B singer goes on ... "I would also like to thank my family and friends for all their prayers and well wishes. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. A special thanks to Chance The Rapper, 50 Cent and Diddy for their love and support."

Those prayers from other artists and friends may have been just what the doctor ordered. As we reported, there was a time last month when it looked like Jeremih wouldn't make it. He was on a ventilator in ICU last weekend, when 50, Chance and others asked for prayers on Jeremih's behalf.

50 made it clear a week ago, things were not looking good ... "Pray for my boy Jeremih. He's not doing good. This  COVID s*** is real."

Jeremih says, "I would like to thank all my fans and people around the world who prayed for me. I'm getting stronger everyday, and look forward to spending time with my sons."

Thank God ... literally.

Johns Hopkins Professor U.S. Response to Virus ... More Like 'Operation Turtle Speed'

Operation Warp Speed is a misnomer, according to a Johns Hopkins doctor ... the frustrated doc says it's more like Operation Turtle Speed.

Professor Marty Makary is angry the FDA hasn't gone the route of Great Britain by approving the COVID vaccine and injecting its citizens.

Dr. Makary says he can't believe the FDA is still reviewing the efficacy and safety of the 2 promising vaccines -- courtesy of Pfizer and Moderna.

He says, "FDA regulators are wasting precious time in greenlighting a COVID vaccine as more than 2,000 Americans are dying each day and the pandemic continues to starve American society."

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday, most Americans who are not in high-risk groups will probably have the vaccine available to them by April. Fauci had said he believed England cut corners in approving the vaccine and that the FDA was the gold standard and would be more thorough. He apologized for his comment the next day, presumably because it undermined confidence in the vaccines.

Fauci's feelings don't sit well with Dr. Makary, who shot back ... the FDA could have approved the vaccine within 24 to 48 hours without cutting any corners. He does not explain why he thinks the FDA process could be accelerated without rolling the dice on safety.

The sad reality is this ... there are now models suggesting more than half a million Americans will be dead from COVID by late April. The country is now in the grip of the virus ... more than 100,000 people are in the hospital and on Friday more than 2,600 died.

More Americans died this week from COVID than heart disease ... which up to now has been the leading cause of death in America.

Morgan Wallen 'I Ain't Leaving This Damn Hotel' ... Well, Just This Once!!!


Morgan Wallen has a plan to make sure he's not booted from his second crack at 'SNL' ... but his strategy already has some gaping holes of his own doing.

We got the country music star in New York City Friday and our photog asked him how he's planning to stay COVID safe ahead of his big 'SNL' performance.

Morgan tells us he "ain't leaving the damn hotel" ... as he's literally walking out of said hotel.

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@ashleighludlam/@emily.kinsbruner/Tik Tok

As you know ... Morgan is getting a second chance at 'SNL' 2 months after the show axed him from an earlier, planned gig. He got the boot after he was seen taking shots in a crowded bar and kissing women during some maskless partying down in Alabama. Y'know, stuff that's NOT COVID safe.

Morgan's thanking the Lord for another shot -- at 'SNL,' not the bar -- and says he'll do things differently this time. As for leaving the hotel, maybe he's going to 30 Rock for rehearsals.

Good on Morgan for wearing a face-covering as he climbs into a waiting SUV with his masked-up team.

The show should be pretty funny, with host Jason Bateman already in fine form.

Hopefully, he went straight to NBC studios ... with no pit stops for broads and booze.

Ex-NFL Pro Bowler Selling $5 Mil Cherry Farm And Leaving CA ... Over COVID Protocols

Did you know ... ex-49ers Pro Bowl center Jeremy Newberry became a cherry farmer after retiring in 2009?

It's true!

Did you also know ... he's SELLING his cherry farm for $5 MIL because he's sick of the strict COVID protocols in California and has decided to move to another state?!

That's also true!!

Here's the deal ... Newberry has listed his 40-acre cherry farm property located in the Bay Area, which also features an amazing house with a gym and game room!

There's also the backyard which has a basketball court, miniature golf and an amazing pool with fire pits!

The place is incredible -- and Jeremy has run his Newberry Cherry business out of it since 2019, selling his delicious cherries on the property and hosting events!

So, why move? We spoke with Newberry who told us he feels the COVID protocols in California are WAYYY over the top and it's depriving his kids of a normal childhood.

"We're going to move somewhere where our kids can actually go to school, go participate in sports. Somewhere in the country that's open. I kinda feel like these kids are getting deprived from their childhood because everything's locked down."

Newberry added, "What is the future of this state? Are they gonna go back to school next year? Are they gonna go back sometime later this year? We're going on almost a full year now where these kids haven't been in school, haven't been allowed to do any extracurricular activity, any football, any dancing, anything. It's time to give them a childhood that they deserve."

So, where are they looking to move? Idaho -- where Newberry feels the COVID protocols are more relaxed and a better fit for his family.

Still, Newberry hopes his cherry farm finds a new owner who will appreciate it the way he did.

"The cool thing about that property if someone were to buy it, and farm it, it will pay for itself. You can make enough farming where you can live there for free and probably put something in the bank."

"So, that was a tough decision to let it go is because it makes me good money and it's not a lot of work to take care of."

The property --  listed by Deneen Vornhagen of Delta Ranches and Homes Inc -- is on the market for $4.98 million!

The 44-year-old former center -- who is also an NFL analyst for KPIX 5 -- played for the 49ers from 1998 to 2006 -- earning 2 Pro Bowls and 1 All-Pro. He also played for the Raiders, Chargers and Falcons.