Donald Trump I Got a Protective Glow ... 'Cause I'm Immune from COVID

Fox News

Donald Trump says he now has a "protective glow" ... his way of saying he somehow has immunity from coronavirus.

Trump appeared on Maria Bartiromo's FNC show, "Sunday Morning Futures" and said he believes he now has immunity from the virus. He did not say if his tests are now negative for COVID. It's possible his doctors were able to measure the level of COVID in his system and make such a determination, but his doctors have been mum for nearly a week.

The President's planning trips to battleground states on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, starting with Florida. As we reported, he hosted an event Saturday on the South Lawn of the White House.


Trump tried shading Joe Biden on the show, saying, "It seems like I'm immune, so I can go way out of a basement." Fact is ... Biden's been out of his basement for weeks. He's been able to campaign because he's been wearing masks and socially distancing so he didn't get COVID and land in the hospital.

Trump's attitude toward his COVID treatment has alarmed doctors and scientists, who believe he continues to send an incorrect, dangerous message about the perils of COVID. Trump, who called the virus a "blessing from God," has been a terrible patient ... leaving his hospital bed for a drive-by rally, going back to the White House without wearing a mask, working in the Oval Office rather than self-isolating, holding a rally on the South Lawn, and on and on.

He's also oblivious to the fact he's gotten better medical care than virtually any American, and even he admitted if he went untreated he might have died.

Donald Trump How 'Bout Another White House Event ... For Black/Brown People?!?


Donald Trump went back to the scene of the crime -- AKA a public event at The White House -- to host Black and brown people ... while he's still recovering from COVID-19.

Our COVID-riddled POTUS threw a campaign event Saturday along the South Lawn of the White House, which was meant to cater to supporters of his who are POC ... a group that, statistically speaking, has been unequally infected by the virus -- and often worse.

Trump came out to a terrace-like area with a waiting podium to address the crowd that had formed below -- almost like Mussolini from the balcony ... it seriously had that type of vibe.

Anyway, his remarks were brief -- but it was definitely in the spirit of a traditional Trump rally ... which was an odd scene, considering Trump is usually pretty polished whenever he does White House gigs. Here, it was about as unhinged and off-the-cuff as he might get at a stadium somewhere, except the backdrop of the White House was front and center.

Trump rambled about how his administration had done more for Black and Latino people in this country than probably any president in history -- stuff we've heard him say before -- and he also threw some lines out jabbing at Joe Biden and the "socialist" Democrats. He told his audience -- which were decked out in light blue shirts and red hats -- that they needed to vote the other party to oblivion come Election Day ... which drew cheers from everyone.

He also said he felt great health-wise, and again referred to COVID as the "China virus." Trump went on to promise to eradicate coronavirus all over the world once a vaccine was developed here at home ... something he assured them was right around the corner.

While it's unclear exactly how many people were in attendance -- it's fair to say it was around a few hundred or so. Almost similar to the Amy Coney Barrett event which became a super-spreader event 2 weeks ago to the day. The White House is now riddled with 'rona.

Frankly, today's event was reckless ... even if Trump was far enough from the crowd. No one will be tested, there will be no mandatory mask-wearing and, based on history, there's not likely to be social distancing. Trump did call this a "protest" ... but it's one that could potentially leave people sick or dead -- the White House is a hazard area these days.

The event was organized by ultra-conservative Candace Owens, who launched a "Blexit" campaign urging Black voters to leave the Dems. The theme -- "Remarks to Peaceful Protesters for Law & Order."

Trump will speak from the Truman Balcony. It's unclear if he'll have a face-to-face reception before or after, like he did with the Amy Coney Barrett event.

Although Trump says he feels "perfect" ... there are lots of deep concerns. He clearly still has a cough -- you could hear it when he spoke with Hannity -- and no one at the White House will say if Trump's still testing positive for the virus.  He's also on steroids, which mask symptoms.

Trump is doing everything most doctors say a COVID-positive patient should not be doing. He is not self-isolating, he is exposing himself to an untold number of staff, he is not wearing a mask, he is not resting.

In fairness ... the White House has "instructed" guests to wear masks, but ultimately it seems like it's optional, because the invite goes on to say attendees are "strongly encouraged" to follow CDC guidelines ... including wearing masks and socially distancing. They won't be tested ... just temperature checked.

Although the number of guests are expected to be in the hundreds, 2,000 invitations went out.

Trump will be hitting the road ... making various campaign stops in battleground states.

Lindsey Vonn Auctioning Ski Suits For Charity 'Most Prized Possessions'

Lindsey Vonn is parting ways with her "most prized possessions" from her career ... by auctioning off her iconic ski speed suits ... and it's all for charity!!

The retired skiing superstar's annual fundraiser was put on hold due to COVID-19 ... but that couldn't stop the folks at the Lindsey Vonn Foundation from helping out her cause, so she opened up her closet to raise money instead.

"My jackets, helmets and WINNING RACE SUITS that I never wanted to part ways with will help support young girls and women through our scholarship program for educational and stem programs," Vonn said.

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Among the suits include her epic "Captain America" suit, which was made for the U.S. Olympic team in 2017 ... the white and rainbow suit from her 54th World Cup win in 2012 ... and her U.S. Ski team jacket from 2016-2017.

The goal is to raise $200k for the LVF ... which will help provide resources for the youth.

Bidding for the first round of suits ends soon ... good luck!!

Donald Trump I'm Fine and ... No Apologies for My Covid Conduct

FOX News

Donald Trump says he feels great and he received special treatment at Walter Reed Hospital ... as he put it -- "It's good to be President."

The President was interviewed on Fox News Channel by Dr. Marc Siegel, a Fox News contributor who is not part of Trump's medical team.

Trump said he went to the hospital last Friday because he didn't feel strong. He said he didn't have a problem breathing, but failed to mention he got supplemental oxygen twice and had a fever. His own Chief of Staff said Trump's condition was "very concerning."

Trump says he's not taking meds now, but credits what he says is his bounce-back to an experimental drug he got in the hospital ... a drug he says will somehow be available to everyone for free.

FOX News

He says he listened to his doctors, so incredibly, that seems to suggest the doctors thought it was ok for him to take a drive with 2 members of the Secret Service in a sealed SUV. Trump said he felt it was his obligation to take the ride to see his supporters who hung around for 3 days.

And, wow ... Trump says one thing he learned is that COVID is highly contagious. He didn't know that until now?

Trump did say he got a CT scan to test his lungs. All he said was that there was a little congestion.

Dr. Siegel did not ask if there was lung damage, he did not ask when the last time was that Trump tested negative, he did not ask Trump about coming back to The White House and gasping for air after climbing a flight of stairs, and he did not challenge Trump when he said he didn't have trouble breathing the day he went to Walter Reed. He also didn't ask if Trump is still COVID positive -- HIGHLY RELEVANT because he's hosting an event at The White House Saturday as well as attending campaign rallies.

Trump vs. Biden 2nd Prez Debate Officially Nixed!!! Blame it on the 'Rona

President Trump will not square off -- face-to-face, anyway -- as the second debate has been canceled, which could be a win for your eyes and ears ... if it was gonna be anything like the first one.

The Commission on Presidential Debates pulled the plug Friday on the showdown scheduled for Oct. 15 ... after the President complained about the new virtual format, and said he wouldn't go. Of course, the CPD moved to a virtual debate due to Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis.

His reaction to the change was, "I'm not gonna waste my time on a virtual debate. That's not what debating's all about."

Fox News

POTUS was also ticked off about possibly getting muted by the moderator ... a feature the CPD said it was considering in light of the constant interruptions and name-calling at the first debate.

For what it's worth, Biden's team initially agreed to the new safety protocols but after Trump dug in his heels ... Biden also pulled out. Instead, his team says he'll hold a town hall in Philly, moderated by ABC's George Stephanopoulos.

Remember ... the second debate had been in doubt since Trump was diagnosed with coronavirus ... along with more than a dozen White House staffers. As of right now ... a third and final debate's slated for October 22 ... just 12 days before the election.

NFL Threatening More Punishment For Coaches ... Stop Arguing Maskless With Refs!!!

The NFL is threatening even MORE punishment for those who violate COVID mask protocol ... now saying if coaches are caught yelling at refs sans face covering, they'll be hit with a 15-yard penalty.

League officials made the announcement in a memo to the 32 clubs Friday ... saying in addition to a possible flag -- arguing maskless with refs could now also result in fines, a suspension or even loss of draft picks.

Of course, the league has seen a SERIOUS issue with this over the first 4 weeks of its season ... just last Monday night, Bill Belichick ripped down BOTH his masks to give an earful to refs.

Others, like Ravens coach John Harbaugh, have also been spotted similarly violating the mask protocol to argue with refs this season.

The league has already hit several teams and coaches with BIG fines for just simply not wearing their masks properly on the sideline ... and it's clear, this is just another step the NFL is taking to ensure safety.

Bottom line ... just keep the thing on at all times, guys!

President Trump Screw COVID ... See Ya at Monday's Rally in Florida!!!

Fox News

3:00 PM PT -- Well, looks like Trump will indeed hold a rally. His campaign team announced it'll go down Monday night at Sanford Orlando International Airport, one day after the prez self-diagnosed himself as not "contagious at all." He was supposed to have a rally there last Friday ... before his COVID-19 diagnosis. The campaign also said all attendees will get temperature checks and will be encouraged -- but not mandated -- to wear masks.


Trump's also reportedly going to speak in front of hundreds at the South Lawn of the White House Saturday. He's expected to address the attendees from the same balcony where he took off his mask for a photo op after he was discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center.

President Trump says he feels "so good" and doesn't think he's got much of the coronavirus left in his system, so -- despite the absence of a negative test -- he's planning a rally Saturday night.

The Prez joined his buddy, Sean Hannity, Thursday night to discuss his condition and his aspirations ... to hold a rally in Florida ... barely a week after he tested positive for COVID-19, and then another in Pennsylvania Sunday.

Trump continues to suggest he's recovered from the virus thanks to all the great care he's received from his doctors, while seemingly ignoring health experts precautions and quarantining recommendations following COVID diagnosis. He's been in the Oval Office this week, despite most doctors saying a COVID-positive patient should be in self-isolation for at least 10 days, and given Trump's age and struggle with the virus ... as many as 20 days.

Fox News

Trump didn't sound like he was cured when he was on Hannity's show Thursday night ... he was coughing during the interview. And, BTW, the high-dose of powerful steroids he received has all but certainly masked underlying symptoms.

And, there's this ... Trump's own doctors have been sketchy when it comes to revealing his condition -- they won't even say when he last tested negative -- so Trump has decided to be evaluated on TV Friday night by a Fox News contributor -- Dr. Marc Siegel -- who will conduct his own medical evaluation.


Originally Published -- 6:42 AM PT

President Trump It's a Blessing From God I got COVID!!! White House Official Reportedly Gravely Ill


6:00 PM PT -- Crede Bailey, a top White House security official, is gravely ill with the virus and has been hospitalized since last month, according to a report from Bloomberg News.

President Trump says his COVID diagnosis was a blessing from God in disguise ... and he wants the American people to get the same treatment he did -- for free.

Trump just released another video update on his health, and he says he's feeling great after getting treated with Regeneron. Trump promised to give the therapeutic to Americans who come down with COVID, and it's all gonna be free.

Ok ... lots of issues. First, Trump was speaking at The White House with NO MASK, despite the fact he has COVID, is contagious, and a hundred people who work in the residence quarters may be compromised.

What's even more ridiculous ... Trump says he's the one who decided he should take Regeneron. So, with all the doctors at Walter Reed, Trump decided he knows best so he's self-medicating.

And, there's this ... people with COVID can take a dramatically bad turn 5 to 7 days in, even if they feel good. In other words, he's not out of the woods. And, he's on steroids, which mask the symptoms.

Watch the video ... one minute in, you see Trump, and as he says "A short 24 hours later," spittle shoots out of his mouth. We point this out to show the dangers of the President being around people while he's still recovering from the virus.

BTW ... Trump's medical treatment for COVID would have cost more than $100,000 in our health care system, according to The New York Times.

Trump claims there are huge amounts of Regeneron just waiting to get sent to hospitals all over the country. He's also strangely calling it a cure and saying there are vaccines right around the corner.

Socialist Trump ... who saw this coming?!?

Originally Published -- 3:35 PM PT

NFL's Vernon Davis 'Probably Would've Opted Out' of NFL Season ... Over COVID Concerns


It's a good thing Vernon Davis retried when he did ... because the ex-NFL star says he probably would've sat out this season over COVID concerns.

Davis -- who spent 14 seasons in the league -- hung up his cleats for good back in February, right before COVID exploded into a giant problem in the U.S.

Now that he's seen the pandemic play out, Davis tells TMZ Sports he would be "totally concerned" if he was still on a team and expected to play on Sundays.

"I would be totally concerned because I worry about my family," Davis said ... while admitting, "I probably would have opted out."

The NFL is already dealing with some serious COVID problems involving multiple teams -- and there's concerns about a larger outbreak.

Davis says he hopes the league takes the COVID threat seriously -- and puts safety first.

As for football, we asked Davis about the QB situation with his former team in Washington -- since they just benched starter Dwayne Haskins for Kyle Allen.

Davis says he strongly believes Haskins has what it takes to be a star in the league -- and "being benched is just temporary."

We also asked about Alex Smith's comeback from that gnarly leg injury that almost ended his career -- and Davis told us straight-up AS is "the most resilient man I've ever met in my life."

Good clip.

'Jurassic World: Dominion' Halts Production Again ... Fresh Crop of COVID Cases On Set

The latest 'Jurassic World' flick just got hit with a viral meteor, of sorts, and it's putting things on ice behind and in front of the camera, yet again.

Director Colin Trevorrow made the announcement Wednesday, saying a new batch of COVID-19 cases were discovered on the set of "Jurassic World: Dominion" ... and, as a result, production is going on a brief hiatus.

He writes, "Woke up to the news we had a few positive Coronavirus tests on Jurassic World: Dominion. All tested negative shortly after, but due to our safety protocols we’re going to pause for two weeks. Back soon." So in other words, potential false positives here.

In any case, it's enough to give Universal Studios pause. The studio says its rigid protocols don't allow for them to resume, even if the cast/crew tested negative right afterward -- emphasizing they'd rather be safe than sorry. Those affected have gone into self-isolation.

It's unclear who within the production -- cast or crew -- might've contracted coronavirus. Chris Pratt is the lead and Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Sam Neill are all reprising their role from the original "Jurassic Park."

None of them are discussing their health ... but all have been plugging the movie over the past 24 hours.

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This 'rona development is the most recent setback for the film. It also shut down back in March due to the pandemic -- and earlier this week, Universal pushed its release date a full year to June 2022!

Tough year for cinephiles, man. Dinosaur fans, too.

Patrick Mahomes QB & Pregnant Fiancee Sleeping Separately ... Due to NFL COVID Scare

Kansas City Chiefs

Patrick Mahomes says he's sleeping in a completely different bedroom from his pregnant fiancee due to the Chiefs' COVID-19 scare ... because he understands the gravity of the situation.

"It's something I think about every day," the K.C. Chiefs star QB said. "You have to think about that with her being pregnant and kind of that high-risk category."

Mahomes and his fiancee, Brittany Matthews, just announced their pregnancy last month. It's their first child.

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So, it must have been scary when Kansas City's practice squad quarterback, Jordan Ta'amu -- who shares the same meeting rooms with Mahomes -- tested positive for coronavirus Saturday.

And, Patrick says he was so worried about possibly having COVID and how that might affect Brit and the baby, he avoided her at all costs around their house.

"When I went home over the weekend, I slept in a different bedroom and stayed away from her as much as possible."

Mahomes said he eased back on those restrictions once his COVID tests came back negative ... but he added the safety of his fiancee and their baby is still ALWAYS on his mind.

"I just try to do my part just to kind of keep myself away from her and social distance whenever stuff like this arises," Mahomes said.

Of course, there's a chance Mahomes might now have to go through a similar arrangement with Matthews this week after the quarterback came in close contact with COVID-19-positive Patriots star Stephon Gilmore during their game Monday.

Cameras caught Gilmore and Mahomes dapping each other up after K.C. beat New England ... and Mahomes said Wednesday he's regretting the actions.

"It was a little bit of a mental lapse," Patrick said.

So far, Mahomes and the rest of his Chiefs teammates have tested negative despite the close contact.

Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Claudia Conway Beefs with Her Ma on TikTok ... Seemingly Grounded

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@claudiamconway / TikTok

Kellyanne Conway confronted her daughter over her recent viral posts about COVID in their family (and at the White House), and based on this video ... we're thinking the teenager's in timeout.

Claudia Conway captured a loud face-off she had with her mom on TikTok, which was briefly posted to her account. It shows Claudia facing the camera, when Kellyanne enters the room off-camera and scolds her for spreading what she calls lies about their COVID diagnoses.

Kellyanne drops an F-bomb while Claudia tries explaining she was just sharing her interpretation. Nice try, Claudia ... but ma ain't buying it, and seems pretty furious here. Especially once she realizes Claudia is recording the whole thing!

A written statement was posted to Claudia's account -- saying she was sorry for the "uproar" her TikTok posts have caused in recent days ... going on to explain it wasn't her intent to mislead and clarifying she had no special insight into Trump's health.

Claudia further explained Kellyanne didn't lie about testing positive -- and announced she, Claudia, would be taking a break from social media while the family quarantines together.

Translation: Mom's making me do damage control, and I'm grounded.

Well, so much for the 15-year-old trending every other night on Twitter and TikTok.

Miami Dolphins Get 'Full Capacity' Approval from Gov. ... for 65,000 Seat Stadium

This could be a huge problem ...

The Miami Dolphins have been granted permission from the governor of Florida to allow full capacity at Hard Rock Stadium.

You read that correctly. We're talking 65,000 seats. In the middle of a pandemic.

The green light comes by way of Gov. Ron DeSantis -- whose spokesperson told Andy Slater the team is now allowed to pack their stadium as part of statewide removal of COVID-19 stadium restrictions.

That doesn't mean the Dolphins will rush to allow 65,000 people to watch the team at their next home game ... Slater says the org. still plans on limiting the number of fans to 13,000 at the next home game on Oct. 25.

The news comes on the heels of an announcement from the Green Bay Packers -- which just pressed pause on the possibility of opening up Lambeau Field to fans any time soon.

"Due to the concerning increase of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in the Green Bay area and across Wisconsin, the Green Bay Packers today announced that the organization has put an indefinite hold on hosting fans for games at Lambeau Field this season," the team said in a statement.

Plus, with NFL teams like the Tennessee Titans, New England Patriots, K.C. Chiefs and Las Vegas Raiders dealing with possible COVID outbreaks among the players ... it just doesn't seem like the best time for a team to pack a stadium with people!!

Please be safe, everyone.

FSU Legend Bobby Bowden Taken To Hospital ... After COVID-19 Diagnosis

Florida State coaching legend Bobby Bowden has been taken to the hospital to help aid in his battle with COVID-19 ... his wife said Tuesday.

Ann Bowden, who's been married to Bobby for over 70 YEARS, told the Tallahassee Democrat the 2-time national champion coach was transported to the hospital via ambulance.

Ann says the trip is precautionary at the moment ... but she added 90-year-old Bobby is experiencing fatigue and will have further testing done at the facility.

"I feel sure he's going to be OK," Ann said. "I am very positive. I am not an alarmist."

Bobby had previously been in the hospital over the past few weeks due to a skin infection on his leg ... and learned toward the end of his stay there last week that he had tested positive for COVID.

The former Seminoles head man said Monday from his home he wasn't experiencing any symptoms ... and appeared to be confident he'd be fine.

But, Ann said Tuesday, "He hasn't been getting around much at all due to his leg; it has been pretty painful. He sleeps much of the day."

Ann said she's hopeful Bobby can leave the hospital again in a few days.

In the meantime, she says she and other family members staying with the coaching icon have tested negative for the virus after receiving tests Monday.