FORRIE J. SMITH "ME ECHARON DE UN AVIÓN" Expulsado por desorden


Forrie J. Smith afirma que fue expulsado de un avión por estar borracho, pero dice que en realidad es porque el pasajero sentado a su lado llevaba una máscarilla.

La estrella de "Yellowstone" compartió un video en Instagram donde dice que acababa de ser expulsado de un avión después de decirle a alguien -no está claro exactamente quién, pero presumiblemente asistentes de vuelo u otras personas en posiciones de autoridad en la nave- que no quería sentarse junto a alguien que llevaba una máscara.

Smith -a quien hay que recordarle en qué aeropuerto está- dice que lo echaron del avión alegando que estaba borracho, pero él asegura que solo había tomado unas copas y que no estaba borracho.

Forrie comenzó de hacer un escándalo, llamando abusivos a todos los que le obligan a usar una mascarilla, y reitera que la máscara en la cara del otro pasajero le hizo sentir incómodo.

Forrie -más conocido por interpretar a Lloyd Pierce en 45 episodios de la exitosa serie "Yellowstone"- subtituló el video: "Tienes que escuchar esta historia". No hace falta decir que está generando molestias en línea.

Kate Middleton Tío se disculpa por criticar a Meghan Markle Antes de enterarse sobre el cáncer

El tío de Kate Middleton no es fan de Meghan Markle, y arremetió contra ella en una entrevista la semana pasada con The Times en Londres, pero ahora se disculpa a raíz del diagnóstico de cáncer de Kate.

Según The Times, Gary Goldsmith ha apodado a Meghan "Laughing Girl", diciéndole al periódico hace una semana: "Seamos realistas, Laughing Girl no va a estar por aquí para siempre, ¿verdad? Creo que es voluble. Y creo que es muy mala para Harry y para nuestro país".

Parece que Gary se enojó luego de que Meghan acusara a uno o dos miembros de la realeza de hacer comentarios racistas sobre Archie y su color de piel, y él cree que ella estaba apuntando a Kate.

No parece importarle que Meghan y Harry expresaran su simpatía por Kate, diciendo: "La idea de que Laughing Girl diga que Kate es racista me pone furiosa. Kate conoce las raíces de su familia y está orgullosa de ellas. Lo siento, pero Laughing Girl no es buena gente".

Goldsmith asegura que no siempre fue así: "William, Harry y Kate eran un trío feliz y se arruinó por completo. Con todo lo que está pasando -y hay otras cosas que no son de dominio público-, ¿están en su momento más feliz? No. Sus hijos les dan mucha alegría, pero no".

Ahora se ha disculpado en X:  "Esta entrevista y se hizo hace más de una semana y fue a la imprenta antes de que yo fuera consciente de la triste noticia con respecto a mi sobrina Kate. Mis pensamientos y oraciones están con Kate y la familia en general en este momento difícil y profundamente molesto por el momento de este artículo".

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dando la noticia
X / @KensingtonRoyal

Y continúa: "Espero que esto ponga fin a las continuas especulaciones y horribles conspiraciones. Démosle tiempo a Kate, William y los niños y demostrémosles algo de amor".

No está claro qué opinan los miembros de la realeza sobre las declaraciones de Gary, pero está claro que no les hace ninguna gracia.


"nos vemos en la corte mamá"

Honey Boo Boo no se anda con chiquitas cuando se trata de su dinero, ya que está amenazando a Mama June por "robar" su dinero.

Así es la cosa, las estrellas de reality tuvieron otra discusión relacionada con el dinero en el episodio de esta semana de "Mama June: Family Crisis", con June entregándole cheques a su hija Alana, más conocida como Honey Boo Boo.

La pequeña cantidad de dinero que recibió sorprendió a las hijas de Mama, quienes la interrogan al respecto antes de admitir finalmente que gastó algo de dinero en gastos... como ropa y comida.

Eso sin duda molesto a su hija, que afirma en un confesionario que puede que tenga que considerar la posibilidad de tomar acciones legales contra su madre, añadiendo que se siente que le robó.

Parece que Alana está harta de su madre, porque esta no es la primera vez que han discutido por dinero en efectivo.


Recordemos que la semana pasada, salió un episodio donde Honey Boo Boo dijo que sentía que su mamá siempre tenía dinero para todos los demás, pero nunca para ella, y acusó a su madre de gastar más en las cadenas de oro de su marido que su propia universidad.

Ahora, sabemos que estos episodios se rodaron hace un tiempo, porque la familia habla del dinero de la matrícula universitaria de Alana, y sabemos que ella ya está en la escuela. Ella está estudiando enfermería en Colorado, y dice que recibió una beca de $21.000.

Teniendo en cuenta cómo Honey parece estar sintiéndose en estos episodios, puede que vaya tras su madre para que le devuelva lo que le pertenece.

Kate Middleton Uncle Apologizes for Blasting Meghan Markle ... Ahead of Cancer Reveal

Kate Middleton's uncle is no fan of Meghan Markle, and he blasted her in an interview last week with The Times in London, but now he's apologizing in the wake of Kate's cancer diagnosis.

According to The Times, Gary Goldsmith has nicknamed Meghan "Laughing Girl," telling the paper a week ago, “Let’s face it, Laughing Girl isn’t going to be around forever, is she? I think she’s fickle. And I think she’s so bad for Harry and for our country.”

Seems GG is harboring bad blood after Meghan accused a Royal or 2 of making racist comments about Archie and his skin color, and he believes she was zeroing in on Kate.

He added, "The idea that Laughing Girl says Kate is racist makes me furious. Kate knows her family’s roots and is proud of them. I’m sorry, but Laughing Girl is not good people.”

Goldsmith claims it wasn't always this way, saying, “William, Harry and Kate were such a happy little trio and it got totally ruined. With all that going on — and there is other stuff going on that is not in the public domain — are they at their absolute happiest? No. Their kids bring them a lot of joy, but no.”

Now he's apologized on X ...  "This interview and shoot was done over a week ago and went to print before I was aware of the sad news regarding my niece Kate. My thoughts and prayers are with Kate and the wider family at this difficult time and deeply upset at the timing of this article."

Honey Boo Boo Might Be Time to Lawyer Up, June ... Threatens Mom w/ Court


Honey Boo Boo ain't messin' around when it comes to her cash ... threatening Mama June with some legal drama for "stealing" her money.

Here's the deal ... the reality stars sat down for another money-related discussion on this week's episode of "Mama June: Family Crisis" -- with June handing over checks for her daughter Alana -- better known as Honey Boo Boo.

The small amount of money HBB receives shocked Mama's daughters who interrogate her about it ... before eventually admitting she spent some cash on cost of living expenses, like clothes and food.

That certainly upset her daughter ... who says in a confessional that she may need to consider legal action against her mom -- adding she feels June's stolen from her.

It seems like Alana's fed up with her mom ... 'cause this isn't the first time they've quarreled over cash.


Remember ... just last week, an episode came out where Honey Boo Boo said she felt her mom always had money for everyone else, but never for her -- and she accused her mom of spending more on her husband's gold chains than her own college.

Now, we know these episodes were shot a while ago ... 'cause the family's talking about Alana's college tuition money, and we know she's already in school. She's studying nursing in Colorado, and she says she received a $21,000 scholarship.

Given how Honey seems to be feeling in these episodes though ... she may be coming after her mom to cover the rest of her expenses.

Celeb Jeweler Shuki International Begs AB To Return Diamonds ... 'Stop Playing Games'

Bring It Back

Celebrity jeweler Shuki International tells TMZ Sports he's willing to tear up his court judgment against Antonio Brown ... if the former NFL star simply gives him back his diamonds.

Shuki's been in a war with AB over the jewels for years -- writing in a lawsuit back in 2023 that the ex-Tampa Bay Buccaneers wideout borrowed his iconic "Shuki International" finger covers and other prized possessions in 2022 ... but never paid for them or returned them.

Shuki actually won the case against Brown last month after the footballer failed to fight the suit ... with a judge ordering AB to pony up $1,095,000 million.

But when we spotted Shuki out in LA this week ... he told us Brown hasn't paid yet -- nor has he attempted to give back the items.

Shuki said he actually had a conversation with Brown over it all -- and AB apparently made it clear to him "he's not going to pay."

"Which is OK," Shuki continued, "just tell him to bring back the rings so we can settle."

Shuki said he doesn't harbor any animosity toward Brown despite the tense situation -- in fact, he said if AB hops on a new music track with him, he might be willing to forgive the whole thing right then and there.

But, getting his items back is obviously priority No. 1 for the jeweler.

"'Hey, bring back the ring,'" Shuki said in a message to Brown. "'Be cool. Be nice. I love you like a brother. But I don't think it's fair to hold something that you don't own. Especially with a court order now.'"

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For Brown's part, he's been seen often flaunting Shuki's jewelry despite the public drama ... showing it off to our photog when we got him out on Rodeo Drive last month.

Royal Family Biographer Deletes Kate Middleton 'Countdown' ... Wanted To Highlight Announcement

A controversial royal family biographer is in some hot water for a tweet he posted minutes before Kate Middleton announced her cancer diagnosis.

Omid Scobie -- who wrote a controversial book on the royal family last year -- shared a tweet of him setting an alarm for 6 PM on Friday ... the time in England when Kate Middleton shocked the world by revealing she has cancer.

And, right after the Princess of Wales revealed the info, two things happened -- Scobie took the tweet down, and social media raked him over the coals.

Comments calling the tweet tasteless and attacking Omid's character ran rampant across X ... and the journalist ultimately had to address the online controversy after several media outlets picked up the news.

In another tweet posted Friday, Scobie explains he didn't know what the announcement was about, and only wanted to alert his followers to the news -- deleting his post shortly after watching Middleton's video.

Scobie expresses his frustration with the outlets who reported the story, saying they ran with the post as if it were a sick "countdown" to the news ... which he says was never his intention.


It's not totally shocking some people may think Omid was making light of the news ... 'cause he's quite the controversial figure in the royal realm. Remember, Scobie wrote the book "Endgame" which made some serious claims about the royal family.

Among them, two senior royals were alleged to have made racist comments about Meghan and Harry's children. Though they were supposed to go unnamed, a Dutch translation of the book listed them ... as King Charles and Princess Kate.

Scobie's said the two were erroneously identified ... but, the book left a sour taste in many people's mouths -- and it appears Scobie's no longer getting the benefit of the doubt, especially when it comes to the Princess of Wales.

Seems like this is a simple miscommunication ... but, tensions are obviously high -- with so many X users ready to jump to Kate's defense.

Leah McSweeney Andy Cohen le debe una disculpa a Kate... Es "cruel" con las mujeres

Leah McSweeney le está pidiendo a Andy Cohen que se retracte, diciendo que le encanta ir tras las mujeres y que debería pedirle disculpas a Kate Middleton.

La ex estrella de "Real Housewives of New York", que presentó una demanda contra Cohen en febrero, lo criticó por Instagram el viernes, solo unas horas después de que se supiera el anuncio que la Princesa de Gales ha sido diagnosticada con cáncer.

En el comunicado, compartido en su historia de Instagram, Leah dice que Cohen disfruta siendo "cruel" con las mujeres y que Kate no fue una excepción a la regla. Continúa diciendo que este debería disculparse con Catherine y termina pidiendo que las personas que están en posiciones de poder practiquen un mejor liderazgo.

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De compras con William
TMZ / The Sun

Por si no lo saben, Andy compartió un tweet después de que TMZ obtuviera un video del Príncipe William y la Princesa Catherine caminando en la granja de Windsor, en el que decía: "Esa no es Kate ...".

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Reveladoras noticias
X / @KensingtonRoyal

También habría hablado sobre los rumores de infidelidad de parte de William en su podcast, todo antes de que Kate anunciara que está lidiando con el cáncer.

Con todo, esto no se ve bien para Cohen, que es solo una de las muchas celebridades que ha recibido críticas en las últimas horas por las bromas y comentarios que hicieron sobre Kate antes de la reveladora noticia.

Blake Lively ya se ha disculpado por hacer una broma sobre la foto familiar "photoshopeada" de Middleton, mientras que Kim Kardashian ha estado callada respecto a su propio post en el que se refería a la princesa Kate en el pie de foto.

Por cierto, McSweeney está demandando a Cohen y a Bravo por crear un ambiente de trabajo tóxico, en el que su salud mental y sus dificultades asociadas al consumo de alcohol fueron explotadas por el show. Por lo tanto, ella tiene sus propias razones para estar criticando los comentarios de Cohen.

Dicho esto, McSweeney ha estado diciéndole a la gente que deje tranquila a Kate por un tiempo. El domingo 17 de marzo publicó un mensaje en el que le deseaba lo mejor a Middleton mientras le pedía a la gente que respetara la privacidad de la princesa y dejara de cotillear sobre ella.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Andy, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Leah McSweeney Andy Cohen Owes Kate an Apology ... Being 'Cruel' to Women

Leah McSweeney's taking Andy Cohen to task ... claiming he loves viciously going after women -- and calling on him to apologize to Kate Middleton.

The former 'Real Housewives of New York' star -- who filed a lawsuit against AC back in February -- called out Cohen on Instagram Friday hours after the Princess of Wales' shocking cancer announcement.

In the statement, shared to her Instagram story, LM says Cohen enjoys being "cruel" to women, and adds Kate was no exception to the rule. She continues by saying Cohen needs to apologize to Catherine ... and finishes by calling on people in power to practice better leadership.

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TMZ / The Sun

ICYMI ... Andy shared a tweet after TMZ obtained video of Prince William and Princess Catherine walking at a farm stand in Windsor, writing, "That ain't Kate..."

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X / @KensingtonRoyal

He also reportedly spoke about rumors of infidelity between William and on his podcast earlier this week ... all before Kate announced she's dealing with cancer.

All in all ... not a great look for Cohen -- who's just one of many celebs who have caught some flak for jokes and comments they made about KM before her video Friday.

'Ned's Declassified' Stars Jokes Not Aimed at Drake Bell ... Understand Serious Nature

Ned's Declassified Podcast Survival Guide

The stars of "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide" are admitting they messed up by making some jokes about 'Quiet On Set' ... claiming they didn't understand the magnitude of the docuseries until now.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw and Daniel Curtis Lee -- who starred in the hit Nickelodeon show during its three-season run -- took some time on a podcast episode released Thursday to address controversial jokes they made about the shocking documentary.

Dan's Declassified

In their new episode, Werkheiser and Lee try to explain their comments to fans ... saying they weren't talking specifically about Drake Bell ... but in the confusion of the moment, it came out that way.

ICYMI ... the trio was on TikTok Live when they were asked to comment on the new television project full of claims of child sexual abuse at the network.

They say a lot -- and acknowledge they probably shouldn't joke about the series -- but Devon also uses the phrase "give me your holes" during the clip ... and Drake Bell responded on social media, blasting the three.

The stars say they were multitasking, and the whole moment was simply chaotic ... but they know they shouldn't have made any jokes -- especially now that they've seen the doc.

Kim Kardashian Stays Quiet On Kate Middleton ... Amid IG Controversy

Kim Kardashian stayed mum about Kate Middleton's shocking cancer revelation Friday ... this after the reality star created controversy over her recent flippant comments about the princess.


Kim and her son, Saint, tried to make a fast getaway as they were leaving his basketball game in Thousand Oaks, CA -- but they couldn't escape the lenses of the paparazzi.

As they dashed inside their waiting SUV, one of the shutterbugs hurled a question at Kim, asking her for a comment about Kate. Kim didn't even acknowledge the photog before disappearing inside the vehicle with Saint and being driven away.

As you may recall ... Last Sunday, Kim got herself in some hot water when she posted an Instagram image, showing her standing next to her ride while making a small wisecrack about Kate. In the caption, Kim lightly joked that she was on her way to find the Princes of Wales.

This all happened after Kate vanished from the public eye amid her then-secret cancer crisis.

But it didn't matter ... Kim caught heat from commenters, accusing her of trolling Kate for flying under the radar. Now Kim is getting really roasted after Kate's big cancer reveal Friday. The reason? Kim hasn't taken down her Kate post from IG.

Blake Lively 'Sorry Kate' ... Didn't Mean To Poke Fun

Blake Lively is apologizing to Kate Middleton for mocking the princess' now infamous photoshopped image before Friday's big cancer reveal.

The actress posted a message to Instagram hours after Kate told the world about her cancer diagnosis in a video released by Kensington Palace – the home of Kate and Prince William's family.

Blake started off by saying she needed to get something off her chest even though no one would care considering the atomic bomb Kate had just dropped.

But Blake dove in ... writing she created a "silly post around the 'photoshop fails' frenzy, and oh man, that has me mortified today."

She added, "I'm sorry. "Sending love and well wishes to all, always.”

Of course, Blake was trying to make up for posting a clearly edited image promoting her beverage biz, Betty Buzz, which highlighted an unusually large thumb and a floating lemon.

Blake was referring to Kate's edited "Mother's Day" photo that triggered a hodgepodge of theories about what was wrong with the Princess of Wales.

Blake Lively Lo siento, Kate.... No quise burlarme

Blake Lively se está disculpando con Kate Middleton por burlarse de la imagen retocada de la princesa antes de que se supiera el gran anuncio de su cáncer el viernes.

La actriz publicó un mensaje en Instagram horas después de que Kate compartiera su diagnóstico de cáncer con el mundo en un video publicado por el Palacio de Kensington, el lugar donde viven Kate y el príncipe William.

Blake empezó diciendo que necesitaba desahogarse, aunque a nadie le importara luego de la gran noticia que Kate acababa de soltar.

Pero Blake siguió de todos modos, escribiendo que creó un "post tonto en torno al frenesí de la foto editada con photoshop", y que eso la tenía "mortificada".

Y añadió: "Lo siento. Les mando mi amor y buenos deseos a todos, siempre".

Por supuesto, Blake estaba tratando de compensar la publicación de una imagen claramente editada, donde promocionaba su negocio de bebidas, Betty Buzz, donde se puede apreciar un pulgar inusualmente grande y un limón flotando en el aire.

Blake se refería a la falsa foto de Kate del "Día de la Madre" que desencadenó una gran cantidad de teorías sobre lo que estaba pasando con la Princesa de Gales.

En el comentario de esa foto, Blake dijo que estaba "muy emocionada" de compartir la imagen de Betty Buzz antes de disparar contra Kate y decir: "Ahora saben por qué he estado desaparecida en acción".

Como saben, Kate desapareció del ojo público en medio de su batalla contra el cáncer, el que fue descubierto durante la cirugía abdominal que se realizó en enero.

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Reveladoras noticias
X / @KensingtonRoyal

En su mensaje de video, Kate dijo que su equipo médico le aconsejó que se sometiera a "quimioterapia preventiva", la que ha comenzado recientemente.

También habló sobre el "gran shock" que significó el diagnóstico y el apoyo que ha significado tener a su marido, Guillermo, a su lado.

Kate también dijo que la parte más importante de esta terrible experiencia era darle la mala noticia a sus tres hijos. Dijo que tenía que hacerlo de una manera apropiada para que se sintieran tranquilos de que su madre iba a estar bien.

El Rey Carlos III, quien también ha sido diagnosticado de cáncer, hizo público un comunicado en el que aplaudió a Kate por su valentía al hablar de su enfermedad.

AMANDA BYNES Turned Down 'Quiet On Set' Interview ... Nothing Like Her Experience

Amanda Bynes isn't interested in talking about her child star past -- especially for the doc about Nickelodeon -- because she simply didn't have a bad experience ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … both Amanda and her parents -- Rick and Lynn -- were approached about telling their stories on "Quiet On Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV," but we're told they all opted not to participate.

Our sources say Amanda -- whom we're told did not watch the documentary -- declined to sit for an interview on account that she felt she just didn't have anything to share that would further their cause. In other words, she didn't go through what the 'QOS' subjects did.

On the contrary, our sources tell us Amanda is grateful for what she was able to do with her Nickelodeon start -- as we're told she acknowledges that it launched her career back then.

As for her parents ... our sources say they're private people and wanted to stay out of the spotlight for this. Unlike Amanda, we're told they actually watched the documentary and were both saddened and disgusted by the allegations.

But again, we're told the family unit as a whole hadn't experienced what these other child actors did while at the network ... which is why it didn't make sense for them to sit for it.

As we all know, Amanda starred on "The Amanda Show" from 1999 to 2002 alongside Drake Bell -- who revealed he was abused by dialogue coach Brian Peck. Peck was credited on some episodes of 'TAS' as well.

Some of Drake's former costars -- like Josh Peck who also appeared on "The Amanda Show" -- have come out in recent days ... saying they watched the documentary and are lamenting the horrors their costars claim they dealt with.

BTW ... one of the 'Quiet On Set' episodes focuses heavily on Bynes, including how she was discovered at the Laugh Factory in the mid-90s -- so, it does seem a little odd that Amanda isn't interested in peeping the series at all ... especially since she's a focal point in it.

Of course, it goes without saying ... Amanda's been through her own personal saga -- conservatorship, etc. -- and in the aftermath of that, it's clear she wants to leave the past in the past and focus on other ventures ... including her burgeoning cosmetology career.

Amanda is much more low-key these days ... and she hasn't publicly addressed the doc. Now, however, we know how she feels about it -- and there's no bad blood with Nick.

Major League Baseball Investigating Ohtani, Translator Amid Gambling Allegations


3/22 -- 3:18 PM PT -- MLB just announced it has officially launched its probe into the matter ... saying, "Major League Baseball has been gathering information since we learned about the allegations involving Shohei Ohtani and Ippei Mizuhari from the news media."

"Earlier today, our DOI began their formal process investigating the matter."

MLB is doing its due diligence with Shohei Ohtani ... with sources telling TMZ Sports that league officials are gathering information to determine if the face of baseball was involved in the gambling scandal surrounding his translator.

Ohtani's inteprator and best friend Ippei Mizuhara has given conflicting stories on Shohei's involvement ... first saying the Dodgers superstar was well aware of his huge gambling debts, and loaned him millions of dollars to get out of the hole. He later backtracked, saying the Japanese two-way athlete had no idea.

As for Ohtani, his attorney claims he's been the victim of a "massive theft."

Now, MLB's trying to figure out what the hell is going on -- not necessarily because they believe Shohei did anything wrong -- but because gambling is an existential threat to any pro sport.

Look no further than Pete Rose ... who despite his exploits on the diamond, was banned for life in 1989 after he admitted to wagering on games -- although no one has accused Ohtani of betting on baseball, or any other sport for that matter.

It's worth noting, it sounds like Ohtani -- who signed a 10-year, $700 million contract with the Dodgers this offseason -- has nothing to hide.

We're told his team alerted authorities to the "theft" ... and the feds are currently investigating.

No one connected to the probe has been arrested.

The Dodgers are 1-1 on the season, and their newly signed star is off to a solid start, despite the scandal ... collecting 3 hits and 2 RBIs in 10 plate appearances on the season.

Originally Published -- 3/21/24 3:57 PM PT

Candace Owens Fired from Daily Wire Over Alleged Antisemitism

Candace Owens was fired from her hosting job at the Daily Wire because her bosses were fed up with what they viewed as her repeated promotion of antisemitism ... TMZ has learned.

The conservative media company announced Friday morning that it was parting ways with Candace, and while no official reason was mentioned ... sources with direct knowledge tell us it was squarely over what the Daily Wire honchos saw as antisemitism, and the firing went down early this week.

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Fresh and Fit Podcast

Candace and fellow Daily Wire host Ben Shapiro have had a very public feud recently on social media over their opposing views on the Israel-Gaza conflict -- and we're told the last straw for the DW was her March 8 appearance on the "Fresh and Fit" podcast.

The hosts were talking to Candace about the rift with Ben, and every time Ben or his wife -- who is Israeli -- was mentioned the show dropped a cha-ching sound effect, an obvious nod to the antisemitic trope about Jews and money.

While Candace didn't say anything to besmirch Ben, we're told the feeling was she didn't say anything to defend him or call out the antisemitism. To be fair, it's unclear whether she heard that sound effect while recording the podcast.

We're told Daily Wire execs had previous conversations with Candace in an attempt to understand her position -- as they didn't want to censor her -- but they felt the podcast incident crossed the line.

As one source in the know put it, Candace often bragged about being one of the best communicators in media, so the DW execs felt "she knew what she was doing."

We're also told Shapiro was not involved in the decision to fire Candace, and he doesn't have any power to do so.

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The Breakfast Club

Candace addressed her feud with Ben when she was on "The Breakfast Club" Thursday, saying she was not anti-Israel or antisemitic ... she's simply against all forms of genocide. A source connected to Candace insists the same, telling us "She's obviously not an antisemite."

We've reached out to the Daily Wire and Candace's reps for comment ... but no word back yet.