American Airlines Un pasajero que lanza insultos antisemitas ... Termina con una llave en la cabeza

Pelea en el vuelo

Un vuelo de American Airlines se convirtió en un caos total cuando un pasajero antisemita insultó a una azafata antes de terminar con una llave en la cabeza.

Tienes que ver este increíble video, el tipo de la camisa azul y a rayas pierde totalmente el control incluso antes de que el vuelo de Tampa a Filadelfia despegue el martes. Solo está lanzando odio a diestra y siniestra, acusando a todos de confabularse contra él.

Pero cuando le suelta un insulto antisemita a una azafata, se puede ver la conmoción en la cara de todos los pasajeros, pero a él no le importa y continúa gritando: "¡Estoy tratando de llegar a mi país de origen y todos ustedes me han hecho más difícil llegar!".

La cosa se pone aún más loca cuando se enzarza en una pelea con otro pasajero, el de la sudadera azul, a quien acusa de haberlo tocado. Se agarran la cara y hacen un montón de maniobras de machito, antes de que el tipo de la capucha tome las riendas y le haga una llave en la cabeza al hombre que inició todo el revuelo.

Luego llegan más refuerzos y la mujer con sombrero intenta calmar los ánimos, diciendo que es policía y resulta que el encapuchado también lo es.

Mientras le aplicaba la llave de cabeza, el hombre de la capucha le gritó: "Ahora baja las manos y no toques a nadie", antes de escoltarlo hasta la salida del avión.

El Departamento de Policía del Aeropuerto Internacional de Tampa dice que se hizo un arresto alrededor de las 5:30 PM del martes, justo fuera del avión. Según los informes, fue arrestado por estar intoxicado públicamente y otros dos cargos de agresión.



An American Airlines flight descended into total chaos when an antisemitic passenger spewed a seriously hateful insult at a flight attendant before ending up in a headlock.

You gotta check out this wild clip -- the guy in the blue striped shirt totally loses it even before the flight from Tampa to Philadelphia takes off Tuesday ... he's hurling hate left and right, accusing everyone of ganging up on him.

But, when he drops an antisemitic slur on a flight attendant, you can see the shock on everyone's faces ... but he doesn't care and goes on to yell, "I'm trying to get to my home country, and you all people made it harder for me to get to my home country!"

It gets even crazier when he gets into a scuffle with another passenger -- the guy in the blue hoodie -- accusing him of touching him. They get in each other's faces, and there's plenty of machismo posturing, before the dude in the hoodie takes charge and puts the antisemite in a headlock!

Further backup arrives with the woman in a backward hat trying to calm things down, saying she's a cop ... and turns out the hoodie guy is too.

As he applied the headlock, he yelled, "Now put your hands down and don't touch anybody" ... before escorting him to the plane's exit.

The Tampa International Airport Police Department says an arrest was made around 5:30 PM Tuesday, right outside the plane. He was reportedly arrested for disorderly intoxication and 2 counts of battery.


"una pequeña pelea"
The Breakfast Club

Candace Owens -la experta en política- estuvo en "The Breakfast Club" y pasó un examen de cultura con gran éxito... ¡rojo, negro y verde!

El jueves, Charlamagne, Jess Hilarious y DJ Envy sorprendieron a Candace con un "cuestionario negro" que habían compilado, y la orgullosa -aunque polarizada- republicana, impresionó interpretando gran parte del tema de apertura de "El Príncipe de Bel-Air" de Will Smith.

A Candace tampoco se le ocurrió el nombre del juez del Tribunal Supremo Ketanji Brown Jackson... pero sabía lo qué NO hay que llevar a una comida al aire libre.

A lo largo de la aparición, Candace mantuvo que no estaba en contra de la "cultura negra", sino más bien contra la ignorancia, y culpó a las escuelas públicas y a la adoración de celebridades en la comunidad por mantener a la gente ignorante.

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un toque crítico
Candace Owens Podcast

Su postura sobre la educación explica su reciente reacción al éxito de Ice Spice "Fart", donde declaró que la canción por sí sola hizo retroceder a la sociedad estadounidense unos cuantos niveles.

Hablando de canciones de fuego, el cuestionario también reveló que Candace necesita un repaso del tema "Good Times".

¡Sigue funcionando!

NFL Not Banning 'Tush Push' In 2024

Rejoice, Eagles fans ... the NFL is NOT banning the "Tush Push" play -- at least, not in 2024.

NFL exec Troy Vincent announced Thursday that league officials will not hear a proposal on the play at its annual meeting in Orlando next week ... clearing the way for Philadelphia to keep using their ultra-effective quarterback sneak for next season.

Of course, there were plenty around the game who wanted to see it kicked out ... as it wasn't exactly the most fun play for fans to watch -- and hardly the safest for players to execute either.

But Vincent made it clear ... the play is here to stay for now -- explaining, "There wasn’t the sort of injury data that would give the committee the opportunity to make a decision."

The Eagles popularized the play starting in the 2022 season ... letting Jalen Hurts burrow behind Jason Kelce and the rest of the Eagles' O-line to pick up key first-downs on short-yardage plays.

Some have wondered how effective the play will be with Kelce now retired -- but the Eagles will almost certainly try to find out plenty next season now that it'll be allowed.

There could be several rule changes still coming, however ... officials are slated to decide on hip-drop tackles, kickoff regulations and much more in sit-downs next week.

Stay tuned ...


Han pasado casi tres años desde que Floyd Mayweather amenazó con "matar" a Jake Paul, pero Logan Paul dice que su hermano pequeño sigue tomando el comentario en serio, empleando seguridad las 24 horas hasta el día de hoy.

Logan le explicó a TMZ Sports en 2021 que él y Jake temían que Mayweather estuviera hablando en serio cuando le dijo "Te voy a matar hijo de puta" al menor de los Paul, tras su ahora famoso encuentro en Miami.

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un caos total

En una reciente entrevista con Graham Bensinger, Logan dijo que su hermano todavía está preocupado por las palabras, y que cuenta con un guardia en todo momento.

"Jake no ha estado sin un guardia de seguridad desde ese momento", dijo Logan en una charla con Bensinger.

Logan dijo que la principal preocupación de su hermano eran todas las conexiones que Floyd tiene en Miami, diciendo: "Tiene matones que matan a un hombre por 200 dólares".

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la intensidad al máximo

Los dos no tenían ningún problema real, sin embargo, todo comenzó con el incidente en 2021, cuando ambos asistieron a un partido de los Heat en Miami.

Usted recordará que Mayweather se enfrentó a Jake fuera de la arena aquella vez, obligando a la estrella de redes sociales a buscar la protección de la policía.

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evitando el conflicto

Desde entonces, las cosas están tranquilas, aunque según Logan, Jake está siento muy precavido.

Logan también habló con Bensinger sobre la posibilidad de luchar contra Floyd de nuevo, diciendo que le ofreció una revancha con poca antelación. Pero Logan dijo que no lo aceptó, sabiendo que necesitaría más tiempo para prepararse.

En cuanto a si los chicos se suben al ring de nuevo, Logan estaba seguro de que saldría con una victoria, diciendo directamente: "Creo que le ganaría".

Candace Owens Raps 'Fresh Prince' for 'Black Quiz' ... On 'Breakfast Club' ✊🏾

The Breakfast Club

Candace Owens' "Black Card" will not be revoked -- not today, at least -- as the political pundit went on "The Breakfast Club" and passed a culture quiz with flying colors ... red, black and green!!!

On Thursday, Charlamagne, Jess Hilarious and DJ Envy all surprised Candace with a pop "Black quiz" they'd compiled, and the proud, yet polarizing, Republican impressed the gang right off the bat by rapping much of the opening theme to Will Smith's "The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air."

Candace also couldn't come up with Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's name ... but she did know what NOT to bring to the cookout, in terms of food.

Throughout the appearance, Candace maintained she wasn't against Blackness, but more so Black illiteracy and blamed public schools and celebrity worship in the community for holding folks back.

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Candace Owens Podcast

Her stance on education explains her recent reaction to Ice Spice's "Fart" hit ... where she declared the track single-handedly set American society back a few notches!

Speaking of fire songs, the quiz also revealed Candace needs a refresher on the "Good Times" theme.

Still slaps.

Josh Peck Rompe el silencio sobre "Quiet On Set"... Pide un cambio en la industria

Josh Peck está hablando sobre las acusaciones relatadas en el documental sobre los niños actores de Nickelodeon y está diciendo que las cosas tienen que cambiar para mejor.

La ex estrella de Nick rompió su silencio sobre "Quiet on Set" el jueves, esto en medio de la creciente presión de los fans, quienes lo estaban empujando para que dijera algo mientras seguía publicando cosas en sus redes sociales sin abordar el tema.

Josh escribe: "Terminé el documental "Quiet on Set" y me tomé unos días para procesarlo. Me puse en contacto con Drake en privado, pero quiero brindarle mi apoyo a los supervivientes que fueron lo suficientemente valientes como para compartir sus historias de abuso emocional y físico en los platós de Nickelodeon con el mundo".

Y continúa: "Los niños deben ser protegidos. Revivir esto públicamente es increíblemente difícil, pero espero que pueda traer sanación para las víctimas y sus familias, así como un necesario cambio en nuestra industria".

El mensaje de Josh llega en el momento justo. Su nombre ha sido tendencia toda la semana tras la emisión del documental y mucha gente quería saber si iba a decir algo o cuándo iba a hacerlo. Josh, obviamente, no apareció en el documental, pero era una de las mayores estrellas de Nick en ese entonces.

Por supuesto, su conexión con Drake Bell, con quien protagonizó un enorme programa "Drake & Josh" no pasó desapercibida para nadie, especialmente después de que Drake revelara que fue abusado cuando era adolescente.

La única cosa que Josh no precisa en su declaración es si alguna vez experimentó algo indecoroso él mismo, o si estaba al tanto de lo que estaba pasando con Drake en el momento, pero de acuerdo a sus palabras, parece seguro suponer que probablemente no sabía nada al respecto.

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No sean duros con Josh!!!

Como informamos, Drake salió a defender a Josh el miércoles en medio de la reacción violenta de los fans, diciéndole al público que su co-estrella ya se había acercado a él y le pidió a la gente que dejara de echar humo.

A estas alturas, solo hay otra persona de la cual la gente querría saber... Amanda Bynes.

Logan Paul Jake's Still Concerned Over Floyd's Threat ... Using 24-Hour Security To This Day!!!

It's been nearly three years since Floyd Mayweather threatened to "kill" Jake Paul ... but Logan Paul says his little brother is still taking the remark seriously, employing 24-hour security to this day.

Logan first explained to TMZ Sports back in 2021 that he and Jake were afraid Mayweather was being for real when he exclaimed "I'll kill you motherf***er" to the younger Paul following their now-famous "gotcha hat" encounter in Miami.

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In a recent interview with Graham Bensinger, Logan said his brother is still so concerned over the words ... he's making sure a guard watches his back at all times.

"Jake has not been without a security guard since that moment," Logan said in a sitdown chat with Bensinger.

Logan said his brother's main worry was all the connections Floyd has in Miami ... alleging, "He's got goons who kill a man for $200."

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The two didn't have any real issues, however, in the wake of the '21 incident -- at least, that was the case until 2023 ... when they both attended a Heat game in Miami.

You'll recall, Mayweather confronted Jake outside the arena following the tilt ... forcing the social media star to seek protection from cops.

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Since then, it's been quiet ... although according to Logan, Jake's not taking any chances.

Logan also talked to Bensinger about potentially fighting Floyd again -- saying TBE actually offered him a rematch of their '21 bout in 2022 on short notice. But Logan said he didn't take it, knowing he'd need more time to prep.

As for if the guys ever got in the ring again, Logan was confident he'd come out with a win -- saying straight up, "I think I'd beat him."

Josh Peck Breaks Silence on 'Quiet on Set' ... Calls on Industry Change

Josh Peck is speaking out on all the claims and horror stories chronicled in the documentary about Nickelodeon child actors ... and he says things have gotta change for the better.

The former Nick star broke his silence Thursday over 'Quiet on Set' -- this amid mounting pressure from fans, who were very vocally calling on him to say something as he continued to post things on social media without addressing it.

Josh writes, "I finished the Quiet on Set documentary and took a few days to process it. I reached out to Drake privately, but want to give my support for the survivors who were brave enough to share their stories of emotional and physical abuse on Nickelodeon sets with the world."

He continues, "Children should be protected. Reliving this publicly is incredibly difficult, but I hope it can bring healing for the victims and their families as well as necessary change to our industry."

Josh's post is coming at just the right time ... his name has been trending all week in the wake of the doc airing -- with lots of people wondering if/when he was ever going to speak. Josh obviously wasn't featured in 'QOS,' but he was one of the biggest Nick stars back then.

Of course, his connection to Drake Bell -- with whom he starred on a massive show in "Drake & Josh" -- wasn't lost on anyone ... especially after Drake revealed he was abused as a teen.

The one thing Josh doesn't pinpoint in his statement is whether he ever experienced anything unseemly himself -- or if he was privy to what was going on with Drake at the time -- but based on his words, it seems safe to presume he was probably in the dark about it.

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Go Easy On Josh!

As we reported ... Drake came out Wednesday to defend Josh amid the backlash, notifying the public that his one-time costar had already reached out, and told people to lay off.

At this point, there's only one other person people really wanna hear from ... Amanda Bynes.

Wendy Williams Doc Producers Unveil Court Argument ... Guardian Was in On Project

Wendy Williams' guardian was unsuccessful in blocking the release of Lifetime's documentary about her -- and now, we know what they told a judge to get the court to take their side.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, A&E filed a response to what Sabrina Morrissey -- Wendy's court-appointed guardian -- submitted just days before their project was set to hit the airwaves a few weeks ago ... and the network stands by its decision to move forward with the release.

An executive producer on 'Where Is Wendy Williams?' named Mark Ford lays out in detail how the doc came together ... and who he claims was onboard, including Wendy herself -- who he says was willing and eager to participate as the subject -- as well as Wendy's guardian, Sabrina.

In a sworn statement to the court, Ford says Wendy had been signed on to this doc from the get-go -- but as time went on and it became clear she was battling health issues, although Ford claims he didn't become aware of her dementia diagnosis until filming was nearly complete. He insists Wendy "appears to feel most at home when she is able to continue sharing her life" with the public and says the dementia diagnosis became "part of the story she wanted to tell."

He cites the Britney Spears conservatorship and the larger conversations about legal apparatuses like that as a driving force behind their intention to weigh in on this important matter through the documentary.


More importantly, Ford says that he spoke with several people directly in Wendy's orbit who assured him that Sabrina was well aware of what was going on and what they were filming ... and that she never attempted to stop Wendy from participating, although Sabrina did not ultimately participate herself in the documentary.

That's exactly why he says he and everyone else at Lifetime have a hard time understanding why Morrissey tried to block the doc -- 'cause they say it was pretty clear what they were shooting for over a year. In the documents they speculate Sabrina saw the trailer and realized she might be criticized and tried to shut the documentary down.

As we reported ... the judge sided with A&E/Lifetime, and let the doc air. Morrissey, for her part, suggested Wendy had been exploited and that the angle Lifetime went with took her and Wendy by surprise ... claiming Wendy never got a peek at the final cut of the project.

Morrissey's filing also gave more insight into Wendy's day-to-day, and it sounds like she needs substantial assistance in her daily affairs now amid her aphasia/dementia diagnosis.

El Palacio De Buckingham Busca refuerzos en comunicaciones ... Quieren contratar a un asistente

El Palacio de Buckingham parece estar aprendiendo una lección de la saga con Kate Middleton, pues están buscando a una nueva persona que los ayude a manejar la relación con los medios, aunque alguien que va a ocupar un lugar relativamente bajo en la nómina.

Seguidores con ojos de águila descubrieron una oferta de trabajo que parece ser relativamente nueva y dice que el Palacio de Buckingham está contratando a un asistente de comunicaciones para manejar todo lo relativo a los medios de comunicación, incluyendo consultas de prensa y una serie de otras responsabilidades.

Es un momento interesante para hacerlo dadas las intrigas que rodean a la Princesa.

Entre otras funciones, el Palacio de Buckingham está buscando a alguien que proporcione apoyo administrativo, distribuya las credenciales a los medios para las funciones de palacio y: "Produzca contenido para una variedad de plataformas, incluyendo avisos de los medios de comunicación, actualizaciones en redes sociales y artículos en profundidad".

La oferta del Palacio de Buckingham no pide conocimientos de Photoshop, así que al parecer no habría que retocar las imágenes. Pero tener familiaridad con las redes sociales es definitivamente importante para la Corona.

Es relevante tener en cuenta que el Palacio de Buckingham no es la residencia oficial del príncipe William y Kate, sino el Palacio de Kensington. Buckingham se encarga del día a día del Rey Carlos, así que puede que no esté relacionado con Kate en absoluto.

De hecho, un representante del Palacio nos dijo en repetidas ocasiones que se trataba de un asunto de Buckingham y no de Kensington (lo cual es obvio) y se negó a decir si Kate-Gate había jugado algún papel en la publicación de este aviso de trabajo. También se negaron a decirnos cuándo se publicó por primera vez.

Por supuesto, muchos están asumiendo que el equipo de Buckingham está preocupado por la avalancha de preguntas que pueden tener los medios si algo similar le sucede alguna vez a Carlos, especialmente dado su reciente diagnóstico de cáncer, y que se están adelantando a un posible escándalo similar.

Hemos estado siguiendo el drama de la princesa Kate muy de cerca e incluso tenemos un documental, "TMZ Investiga: ¿Dónde está Kate Middleton?", que se emitirá en FOX esta noche a las 9/8c.

Una última cosa, echa un vistazo al sueldo por este trabajo. ¡Es poco menos de $32.500 al año en dólares, no es exactamente el rescate de un rey viniendo de la Familia Real!

Esperemos que la persona que contraten para el trabajo esté a la altura.

Planet Fitness Stock Price Nosediving ... Over Transgender Controversy

Planet Fitness seems to be going through the exact same thing Bud Light did last year -- and yes, it's once again all about a transgender person ... who's got a certain group fired up.

You've probably heard about this by now ... a woman in Alaska posted a photo of a trans woman in the women's locker room at her Fairbanks location -- accusing the company of allowing men in a space that she thinks should be exclusive to cisgender women.

The original pic appeared to show the trans woman in question shaving over a sink in the locker room, and the lady who took it ranted and raved on a video that went viral afterward.

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Not Comfortable
Facebook / Patricia Silva

In the aftermath ... her local Planet Fitness reportedly revoked her membership, and let the unidentified trans woman stick around -- who has continued using the locker room. Planet Fitness has also explicitly defended the transgender member, saying their policy allows people with certain gender identities to use the locker rooms that they see fit.

With that said, they also say people can't act in bad faith on this ... or they'll get booted.

Now, more photos of this trans woman have been taken and circulated in the days since all this first kicked off ... and as you can imagine, it's drummed up a lot of outraged reactions.

Specifically, a lot of folks on the right have been blowing this story up over the past week or so -- and they've been calling on people to cancel their Planet Fitness memberships nationwide ... and on its face, it would appear a good handful of members are doing so.

The reason that seems apparent ... PF's stock price has taken a somewhat big hit, and their market value has also plummeted -- with the stock going from $66 to about $56 over the course of 12 days or so, the amount of time that's passed since this firestorm has taken off.

As a result of the stock dip, their market cap has also fallen around $400 million -- going from about $5.3 billion to about $4.9 bil over the course of 5 days, starting last week.

Tough times for those in the thrust of cancel culture ... which is still going strong.


Planet Fitness parece estar pasando exactamente por lo mismo que Bud Light el año pasado, y sí, tiene que ver de nuevo con una persona transgénero.

Usted probablemente ha oído hablar de esto. Una mujer en Alaska publicó una foto de una mujer trans en el vestuario de mujeres, acusando a la empresa de permitir hombres en un espacio que ella piensa que debe ser exclusivo para mujeres.

La foto original parecía mostrar a la mujer trans en cuestión afeitándose, y la señora que tomó despotricó en un video que se hizo viral después.

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nada cómodo
Facebook / Patricia Silva

Finalmente, el local de Planet Fitness, revocó su membresía, y dejó que la mujer trans no identificada se quedara, y ha seguido utilizando el vestuario. Planet Fitness también ha defendido explícitamente el miembro transgénero, diciendo que su política permite que las personas con ciertas identidades de género utilice los vestuarios que les parezca.

Dicho esto, también dicen que la gente no puede actuar de mala fe, o serán expulsados.

Ahora, más fotos de esta mujer trans han circulado, y como se puede imaginar, hay muchas reacciones de indignación.

En concreto, un montón de gente de derecha ha estado alentando a que la gente cancele sus membresías de Planet Fitness en todo el país, y parece que un buen puñado de miembros lo están haciendo.

El precio de las acciones de la compañía ha recibido un golpe, y su valor de mercado también se ha desplomado, con las acciones que van desde $66 a $56 en el transcurso de 12 días más o menos, la cantidad de tiempo que ha pasado desde que esta tormenta de fuego ha despegado.

Como resultado de la caída de las acciones, su capitalización de mercado también ha caído alrededor de $400 millones, pasando de alrededor de $5.3 mil millones al rededor de $4.9 mil millones en el transcurso de 5 días, a partir de la semana pasada.

Son tiempos de cambio y los puntos de vista chocan.

Buckingham Palace Looking For Press Reinforcements ... Hiring Comm. Assistant

Buckingham Palace seems to be taking a lesson from the Kate Middleton saga ... 'cause they're looking for a new worker bee to help handle the media for them ... albeit, someone who's gonna be relatively low on the payroll.

In a job posting that just got spotted this week by eagle-eyed parties -- and which appears to be relatively new -- BP says they're hiring a communications assistant to handle all things media for them ... including press inquiries and a host of other responsibilities.

It's interesting timing given the off-the-charts intrigue swirling around the Princess of Wales.

Among the other duties ... BP is looking for someone to provide administrative support, distribute media credentials for palace functions, and "Produce content for a variety of platforms, including media advisories, social media updates and feature articles."

Buckingham Palace's listing doesn't ask for proficiency in Photoshop ... so, no picture touch-ups will be required, it seems. But, social media fluency is clearly important to the Crown.

Important to note here ... Buckingham Palace isn't the official residence of Prince William and Kate -- that's Kensington Palace. Buckingham handles King Charles' day-to-day life -- so it may not be connected to Kate at all.

In fact, a Palace rep told us repeatedly this was a Buckingham thing and not Kensington (which is obvious) and refused to say whether Kate-Gate played any role in them posting it. They also refused to tell us when this first went up.

Of course, many are already assuming the team at Buckingham is worried about a flood of media inquiries if something similar should ever happen to Charles -- especially given his recent cancer diagnosis -- and that they're getting ahead of a would-be repeat scandal.

We've been following the Princess Kate drama pretty closely ... and we've even got a documentary -- "TMZ Investigates: Where is Kate Middleton?" airing on FOX tonight at 9/8c.

One last note ... check out the pay for this gig. It comes out to just under $32,500/year USD -- not exactly a king's ransom coming down from the Royal Family!

Here's hoping whoever they bring on for the job is up to the task.


Aaron Taylor-Johnson is speaking out about all the fuss over the 24-year age gap between him and his wife, Sam Taylor-Johnson ... saying he finds it downright bizarre.

The 33-year-old actor rumored to be the next James Bond spilled the beans to Rolling Stone UK about his marriage to the 57-year-old director ... saying all the criticism isn't warranted 'cause he's got an old soul thanks to his child acting days.

Essentially, he says he's had a different timeline than most.

Aaron, who started his professional acting career at 6, explains what others were doing in their 20s, he was doing at 13. In other words, he grew up fast ... so why the criticism?

If you're unfamiliar -- their relationship has been talked about for a long time ... especially considering when they first met and how old Aaron was. They crossed paths in 2008 while she was working on 'Nowhere Boy,' which he auditioned for. Aaron was around 17 back then.

Obviously, they stayed in touch, 'cause he married this woman a few years later in 2012, when he was barely 21. Since then, they've had 2 daughters ... plus, he's the stepfather of her other kids.

Anyway ... ATJ also opens up about the protectiveness he feels for Sam, saying that if some things don't click between them, he feels responsible.

And, on the issue of their 24-year age difference ... Aaron says in this new interview that how people perceive his personal life doesn't bother him, because he's just trying to balance family, work and mundane stuff like dentist appointments.

He might need to level up his juggling skills, 'cause word on the street is he's been handed the chance to be the next James Bond!

If he nails down that role, he'll be stepping into some big shoes -- becoming the seventh actor to ever play the iconic role since 1962.

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Christian Wood's Ex Yasmine Lopez Yeah, I Keyed A Car ... But I'm Getting Therapy

L.A. Lakers big man Christian Wood's ex, Yasmine Lopez, is opening up on the wild allegations made against her in court documents ... owning up to keying a car and hopping his fence -- but claiming she's seeking help following the incidents.

TMZ Sports broke the story -- Wood accused Lopez of wreaking havoc on his personal life ... abusing and stalking him, damaging his property (including two luxury vehicles) on multiple occasions, and keeping their child from him.

Lopez weighed in on the recent events during an Instagram livestream ... and she expressed her regret with how their business has been thrown into the spotlight.

The influencer and model seemingly defended her actions while speaking with her followers on Wednesday ... saying, "I wouldn't be hopping nobody's fence for no f***ing reason, but I don't condone violence. I don't."

She also claimed the car she wrecked did not belong to Wood, but rather his new girl's vehicle -- regardless, she did go to jail over the February incident.

Lopez revealed she is taking the proper measures in hopes of preventing issues in the future ... including therapy.

"I'm working on myself to become a better woman, a better mom, just all around," she added. "I don't have time for the bulls***."

"The s*** I tolerated in the past, I'll never tolerate again."

Wood was granted a temporary restraining order against Lopez earlier this month ... which expired on Wednesday.