Kate Middleton Medical Records Almost Breached By Hospital Staff: Report

Somebody at the hospital where Kate Middleton was being treated earlier this year allegedly tried to sneak a peek at her medical records, but got caught -- this per a new report.

The Mirror dropped this bombshell Tuesday, claiming they've been told that at least one staffer at the London Clinic had attempted to access Kate's personal file -- presumably to see what was actually wrong with her -- but the outlet says they were intercepted in the act.

There's not much more detail in terms of how exactly this unfolded, or what happened to the worker who allegedly did this ... not to mention who saw them and put a stop to it.

In any case, the Mirror says an internal investigation has been launched at the London Clinic -- and they claim top brass at the hospital contacted Kensington Palace once they became alerted to the attempted security breach, and promised they'd get to the bottom of it.

The Mirror also reports that other workers there are shocked and shaken up by this -- as the London Clinic is a well-respected and usually honorable medical establishment that treats high-profile people ... including members of the Royal family at large.

The London Clinic told The Mirror, "We firmly believe that all our patients, no matter their status, deserve total privacy and confidentiality regarding their medical information."

No word on whether this has been reported to cops either -- but from the sounds of it, it hasn't. The Metropolitan Police in London tells us ... "We can’t provide anything on this, as we need to know if the London Clinic have reported it to us and, if so, when."

Remember, this is the same hospital Prince William was seen leaving in January -- shortly after Kate was hospitalized to undergo an abdominal surgery ... for a mysterious ailment.

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TMZ / The Sun

There was a lot of questions about her health/condition then -- but not nearly as much as there is now considering she's been MIA for months ... only just surfacing again Saturday.


That's why it's shocking to hear this, assuming it's true. On its face, it seems at least one staffer was gravely curious to see what was up with Kate ... risking their job and reputation to steal a glance at her chart at the time, when most everyone was content to leave her be.

Of course, a lot has happened since Kate left this hospital -- including lots of conspiracy theories on her health and whereabouts, which have reached peak levels of absurdity.

Kensington Palace, of course, has been fairly mum over just about all of it. We've reached out to the London Clinic and the Palace on this new story ... so far, no word back yet.

The saga continues ...

Steve Wynn Stern Warning Over New Film Project ... Be Honest or Else!!!

Steve Wynn isn't hedging any bets when it comes to a just-announced film project about his life ... as he's hit producers with a stern message about their potential portrayal of him.

We've seen a copy of a letter issued to producers Scott Jay Kaplan, Emmet McDermott and author Christina Binkley after the industry vets optioned the rights to CB's book, 'Winner Takes All' -- which details Steve's rise and fall as a casino bigwig -- for a dramatic retelling.

The letter was sent from powerhouse attorney Patricia L. Glaser on behalf of Steve ... and it makes clear that the Sin City businessman won't tolerate creative liberties taken in any big or small dramatization of his life -- including what Kaplan and McDermott are working on.

The billionaire's legal team explicitly expressed their concern for the project ... citing what they allege is the author's "history of false statements and mischaracterizations regarding [Steve]" -- referencing the source material that'll serve as the inspiration for this project of theirs.

While Steve didn't threaten to put the kibosh on the movie here in this letter his attorney fired off -- not that he had any real right to stall the project -- he does demand, via Glaser, that Scott and Emmet verify every fact presented in the story and ensure that their sources are fully vetted. Translation ... no stone should be left unturned when it comes to research!

And it's pretty obvious that Steve means business here -- as the letter threatened legal action over any falsehoods that may be presented.

Even though it's clear that Steve has never been a fan of his depiction in 'Winner Takes All' ...  it doesn't appear he ever sued over the book in the 16 years since it's been published.

The book found itself on the NYT Best Seller List after chronicling the meteoric rise of Wynn -- who was forced to step down from Wynn Resorts amid sexual misconduct allegations ... claims he's denied, for which he's never been charged with a crime.

As for how Scott and Emmet feel about the stern letter ... sources tell us that they're already casting -- if that's any indication of how they're approaching the warning shot.

Dan Schneider sobre "Quiet on Set" Aborda las acusaciones en una nueva entrevista... Se disculpa por los errores

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Me siento horrible

Dan Schneider está abordando las acusaciones del nuevo documental de Nickelodeon que lo pintan como un monstruo y lo acusan de comportamiento extremadamente inapropiado con algunos miembros del elenco, y él está asumiendo su responsabilidad.

El alguna vez mandamás de Nickelodeon se sentó con el ex actor de "iCarly" BooG!e el martes para entregar una respuesta formal a las afirmaciones que lo acusan de fomentar un ambiente tóxico en el trabajo y en los programas que creó, y que se acaban de abordar en su totalidad en este nuevo documental que se está volviendo viral.

Echa un vistazo, Dan Schneider dice que fue muy difícil para él ver la nueva docuserie y reconocer algunos de sus comportamientos como vergonzosos y lamentables.

Añadió: "Definitivamente, le debo a una disculpa bastante fuerte a algunas personas".

El ex ejecutivo de televisión -que era el showrunner de varios programas de Nickelodeon en su momento- se dio cuenta de cómo sus acciones impactaron a los que trabajaban para él. Dijo que ahora no volvería a hacer algunas de las travesuras que hizo en el set en ese entonces, explicando: "Me avergüenzo de haberlo hecho entonces. Pido disculpas a quienquiera que haya puesto en esa situación".

Dan incluso estuvo de acuerdo en que algunos de los cuestionables chistes de sus programas deberían ser cortados ahora mismo e insistió en que escribió las ocurrencias con los niños en mente y que no había mala intención.

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La parte más oscura de mi carrera

A través de sus representantes, Dan ha negado las afirmaciones de que los programas que supervisó sexualizaron a propósito a sus estrellas infantiles, como Ariana Grande, Amanda Bynes y Jennette McCurdy, entre otros.

Su portavoz declaró el lunes: "Todo lo que sucedía en los programas que Dan dirigía era cuidadosamente escudriñado por docenas de adultos involucrados, y aprobado por la cadena. Si hubiera habido escenas o trajes que fueran inapropiados de alguna manera, habrían sido advertidos y bloqueados por este escrutinio de múltiples capas".

Drake Bell, que habló de ser molestado por su entrenador de diálogo en Nickelodeon Brian Peck en "Quiet on Set", acreditó a Dan como un aliado después de que habló del abuso.

En esta nueva entrevista, Dan habló de Drake y Peck, y se emocionó al hacerlo.

Dijo que estaba devastado cuando se enteró de la conducta de Brian, explicando que no fue quien contrató al entrenador de diálogo para la red, pero que tiene remordimientos de haberlo tenido cerca. Incluso reveló que ayudó a la madre de Drake a escribir su declaración para el juicio de Brian.

Echa un vistazo al video de arriba para escuchar la disculpa completa de Dan, es bastante interesante de ver y escuchar.

Dan Schneider on 'Quiet on Set' Addresses Claims in New Interview ... Apologizes for Mistakes

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I Feel Awful

Dan Schneider is addressing the allegations in the new Nickelodeon doc that paints him as a monster and wildly inappropriate with some in the cast ... and he's taking accountability.

The one-time Nickelodeon honcho sat down with former "iCarly" actor BooG!e Tuesday to offer up his formal response to toxic workplace claims made against him and the shows he created ... which was just addressed in full on the new documentary that's going viral.

Check it out ... DS says it was very hard for him to watch the new docuseries ... acknowledging some of his past behavior as embarrassing and regretful.

He added ... "I definitely owe some people a pretty strong apology."

The former TV exec -- who was the showrunner on several Nick shows back in the day -- realized how his actions impacted those who worked for him. He says he'd never do some of the on-set shenanigans he pulled back then today -- explaining ... "I’m embarrassed that I did it then. I apologize to anybody that I ever put in that situation."

Dan even agrees some of the questionable jokes written for his shows should be cut right now ... insisting he wrote the quips with children in mind -- and that there was no ill intent.

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Darkest Part Of My Career

Through his reps, Dan has denied claims that the shows he oversaw purposefully sexualized its child stars -- like Ariana Grande, Amanda Bynes and Jennette McCurdy, among others.

His spokesperson stated Monday ... "Everything that happened on the shows Dan ran was carefully scrutinized by dozens of involved adults, and approved by the network. Had there been any scenes or outfits that were inappropriate in any way, they would have been flagged and blocked by this multilayered scrutiny.”

Drake Bell -- who spoke out about being molested by Nickelodeon dialogue coach Brian Peck in 'Quiet on Set' -- credited Dan as an ally after he spoke out about the abuse.

In the new sit-down, Dan talks about Drake and Peck as well ... getting emotional doing so.

He says he was devastated when he learned of Brian's behavior ... explaining he did not hire the dialogue coach for the network, but has regrets nonetheless on having him around. He even revealed that he helped Drake's mother pen her statement for Brian's sentencing trial.

Check out the video above for Dan's full apology ... it's pretty interesting to see and hear.

NBA's Gradey Dick Explains Viral Jersey Swap ... Anthony Black's My Guy!!!

Swappin' With My Boys
Toronto Raptors

Gradey Dick is denying any tomfoolery was involved in his jersey exchange with Anthony Black ... telling reporters he simply wanted to show love to his buddy.

The Toronto Raptors and Orlando Magic rookies went stupid viral with their postgame trade over the weekend ... with many pointing out the suggestive phrase their last names spelled out when they posed for a pic (hint: Black's surname came first).

Dick was asked about all the hoopla on Tuesday ... and he swore up and down it was nothing more than two longtime friends reconnecting.

"That's my guy," Dick said at practice. "I've been playing against or with him around since middle school days. So, that's been my guy for a long time."

Dick defended the move ... adding, "Guys jersey swap with their boys. That's my friend."

When asked if he has any other jersey swaps lined up, Dick said he only has one criteria.

"If I played with them growing up and they're my guys, then I'll jersey swap with them. Nothing more to it."

While Dick's reasoning behind choosing Black for the popular tradition checks out, it's pretty clear the guys purposely positioned themselves to have a bit of fun ... especially considering it appeared they orchestrated the whole thing before smiling for the cameras.

Either way, it certainly left quite the impression on the league.

Donald Trump Vuelve a insinuar que deportaría al Príncipe Harry ... Tenemos que verlo

Donald Trump volvió a insinuar que podría deportar al príncipe Harry de Estados Unidos si es reelegido como presidente. Esto, después de que el duque de Sussex admitiera que consumió drogas en su libro de memorias.

Durante una conversación con el locutor de GBN Nigel Farage, el ex-Presidente dejó en claro que el hijo del rey Carlos no obtendría privilegios especiales en relación con su residencia en Estados Unidos si potencialmente mintió cuando solicitó su visa.

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Rompieron su corazón

Recuerden, Harry fue muy franco sobre su consumo de drogas en su libro "Spare", la que incluyó cocaína, hierba y hongos psicodélicos.

Aunque las noches de fiesta parecen estar en el pasado, haber consumido drogas técnicamente podría hacer no elegible a un solicitante de visa y es por eso que muchos tienen curiosidad sobre lo que contó Harry durante su papeleo.

Donald ha prometido tomar medidas si la visa del duque tenía alguna inexactitud, pero en la entrevista se abstuvo de dar detalles sobre su plan tal como ha hecho antes.

Recuerden, esta no es la primera vez que Donald Trump sugiere que Harry podría perder su estatus si asume un nuevo mandato, aunque tampoco está diciendo abiertamente que el chico tenga algo de que preocuparse.

El príncipe Harry reside actualmente en Estados Unidos con una visa, ya que aún no se ha convertido en un ciudadano estadounidense. Él dice que eso es algo que todavía está considerando. Su esposa Meghan Markle, en cambio, es ciudadana estadounidense de nacimiento y sus hijos Archie y Lilibet tienen doble nacionalidad.

Por supuesto, aún falta mucho para las elecciones, por lo que muchas cosas podrían suceder en estos meses.

Donald Trump Again Hints at Prince Harry Deportation ... We'll Have to See!!!

Donald Trump once again hinted that he may deport Prince Harry from the U.S. if re-elected as President ... this after the Duke of Sussex admitted to using drugs in his tell-all.

During a sit down with GBN broadcaster Nigel Farage, the ex-Prez made it clear that King Charles' son would not get special privileges regarding his residency in the States if he potentially lied on his visa application.

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They Broke Her Heart

Remember, Harry was very candid about his past drug use -- including cocaine, weed and psychedelic mushrooms -- in his memoir "Spare."

While PH's hard-partying ways seem far behind him ... an applicant's past drug use may technically make them ineligible for a visa -- which is why many are curious about what Harry dished on his paperwork.

In response to the chatter, Donald has promised to take action if the Duke's visa had any inaccuracies -- but stayed coy on the specifics of his plan ... just like he had before.

Remember, this ain't the first time DT has suggested Harry may get the boot under a new potential term of his -- but he isn't outright saying the guy's got something to worry about.

Prince Harry currently resides in the U.S. on a visa, as he's yet to become an American citizen -- something he says he is still considering. His wife, Meghan Markle, is a natural-born U.S. citizen with their children, Archie and Lilibet, being dual citizens.

Of course, the election is months away ... so a lot can happen between then and now.


La estrella de "Will & Grace" Eric McCormack ha salido en defensa de los actores heterosexuales que interpretan a personajes gays en la pantalla, señalando que asumir papeles diferentes es la razón de ser de un actor.

El actor -que es heterosexual en la vida real e interpretó al famoso protagonista gay Will en la exitosa comedia de NBC- dijo a "Good Morning Britain" de ITV que se trata de elegir a la mejor persona para el papel, independientemente de su identidad personal.

Eric se basa en su propia experiencia en la industria, diciendo que no se convirtió en actor solo para interpretar versiones de sí mismo, sino que siempre ha aceptado papeles en los que interpreta a alguien totalmente diferente de lo que es.

"Es parte del trabajo. Y siempre he dicho que si a los actores homosexuales no se les permitiera interpretar a actores heterosexuales, Broadway se acabaría".

Aunque los papeles de Eric no reflejen directamente su propia vida, eso no significa que escatime en investigación. A la hora de interpretar a Will, sacó lo mejor de sí mismo recurriendo a su formación teatral y al hecho de que muchos de sus mejores amigos eran gays... canalizando su espíritu en el papel.

Funcionó muy bien, "Will & Grace" -protagonizada por Debra Messing, Sean Hayes y Megan Mullally- funcionó durante 8 temporadas, entre 1998 y 2006, y agregó 3 temporadas de reunión de 2017 a 2020.

El año pasado, el Paley Center for Media le dio un gran reconocimiento a "Will & Grace" por su impacto innovador, aclamando el espectáculo como un pionero al romper barreras y abrir el camino para una mayor representación LGBTQ + rep en los medios de comunicación.

LSU Star Angel Reese Viral Nude Photos Are Fake, AI-Created ... 'Yall Weird AF'

Angel Reese is the latest celebrity victim of artificial intelligence gone bad after several nude images of the LSU hoop star hit the internet ... photos she's adamant are FAKE!!!

The 21-year-old college basketball star addressed the controversy on social media on Tuesday, writing point blank, "Creating fake AI pictures of me is crazy and weird AF!"

Despite the invasion of privacy (even though the pics are fugazi), the SEC Player of the Year is taking an upsetting situation and making the best of it ... all while making it clear she'd never pose nude on social media.

"Like i know im fine & seem to have an appeal to some but im literally 21 and yall doing this bs when i would neverrrrrr"

Of course, Angel has tons of fans ... and many ran to her defense.

"It's only bored people sweet Angel, put your eyes on the goal and that's a championship," a supporter responded on X.

Speaking of championships ... Reese, averaging 19 points and 13 rebounds, is preparing for March Madness. Her LSU squad is a three-seed in the Albany bracket, where they're hoping to run the table. The Tigers' first game is against 14-seeded Rice ... a contest they're heavily favored to win.

Louisiana State Univ. is looking to go back-to-back after winning a Natty last year under legendary coach Kim Mulkey.

Angel was named the NCAA Tournament's Most Outstanding Player.

Sadly, for all the possibilities that come along with AI, there's also this ... and Reese isn't the first to have to deal with fraudulent images flooding the internet. In fact, Taylor Swift and Bobbi Althoff went through a similar situation recently.

Fake AI images, Geaux Away!!!


"Will & Grace" star Eric McCormack is stepping up to defend straight actors who play gay characters on screen -- pointing out that taking on roles different from oneself is the whole point of being an actor.

The actor, who is straight IRL and also famously portrayed gay protagonist Will in the hit NBC sitcom, told ITV's "Good Morning Britain" ... it's all about casting the best person for the role, regardless of their personal identity.

Eric's drawing on his own experience in the industry, saying he didn't become an actor just to play versions of himself -- rather, he's always embraced roles where he's portraying someone entirely different from who he is.

He says, "It's part of the gig. And, I've always said, if gay actors weren't allowed to play straight actors, Broadway would be over."

Even though Eric's roles might not directly mirror his own life, that doesn't mean he skimps on the research. When it came to portraying Will, he brought his A-game by drawing on his theater background and the fact that many of his closest friends were gay ... channeling their spirit into the role.

Worked out pretty damn well ... "Will & Grace" -- costarring Debra Messing, Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally -- ran for 8 seasons from 1998 to 2006, and added 3 reunion seasons from 2017 to 2020.

Last year, the Paley Center for Media gave a big shoutout to "Will & Grace" for its groundbreaking impact ... hailing the show as a trailblazer for breaking barriers and paving the way for greater LGBTQ+ rep in media.


Looks like Barbra Streisand's complaints are ringing loud and clear -- Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch will not be adding the RBG Award to their trophy shelves after all.

In fact, the uproar over the pair snagging the prestigious leadership award named for late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so intense, the Dwight D. Opperman Foundation decided to pull the plug on the entire ceremony.

ICYMI ... Barbra, herself a former RBG Award recipient, didn't hold back when she slammed the organization's decision to honor the polarizing billionaire and the FOX Corp. founder.

Barbra took to IG to join forces with the Ginsburg family in denouncing this year's honorees ... saying she had the honor of rubbing elbows with RBG herself on multiple occasions, and she seriously doubts the late justice would give a nod to these particular awardees.

For those who don't know, the Org rolled out the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award back in 2019, originally aimed at honoring accomplished women. But, in a move toward gender equality, they switched gears in 2020 and started including men in the mix.

The pendulum swung pretty far the other way this year with 4 out of the 5 honorees being men -- billionaire philanthropist Michael Milken, actor Sylvester Stallone and Martha Stewart were to be honored along with Murdoch and Musk.

Barbra's denouncement came hot on the heels of RBG's daughter Jane speaking out, saying ... "The justice's family wish to make clear that they do not support using their mother's name to celebrate this year's slate of awardees and that the justice's family has no affiliation with and does not endorse these awards."

The backlash hit its peak when the foundation Chair, Julie Opperman, finally stepped up and announced the April ceremony was canceled... adding that offending RBG's family and friends was the last thing they wanted to do.

Opperman also mentioned the foundation will take a step back to reconsider its mission and figure out how it wants to move forward in the future.


Drake Bell está atacando a otras estrellas infantiles de Nickelodeon por sacar a la luz su abuso. Resulta que el equipo de "Ned's Declassified" parece encontrar algo de comedia en todo esto.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw y otros que solían trabajar en su antiguo programa de Nick, estaban grabando un TikTok Live el lunes -esto mientras la segunda mitad de "Quiet on Set" salía al aire en ID- y parecían estar haciendo bromas a expensas de Drake y otros.


Devon y compañía discutieron el documental y personificaron a un tirano, presumiblemente Dan Schneider, diciendo "dame tus agujeros".

Devon reconoce justo después de que no deberían bromear al respecto y Drake ciertamente está de acuerdo. Drake tuiteó el video añadiendo: "Ned's Declassless... esto es salvaje... ríanse chicos... ríanse... Dame tus agujeros" ¡¿En serio?!"

Devon intenta ser serio por un momento en su IG Live, señalando que lo que le pasó a Drake es terrible y agregando que es una locura que lo haya tenido en secreto durante tanto tiempo.

También dice que equipo de '"ND" no era como se describe en el documental de los niños bajo la mirada de Schneider. Aun así, siguió riéndose con sus antiguos compañeros de reparto, lo que no le sentó bien a Drake, y definitivamente a la gente en línea.

Es comprensible que el equipo de "Ned" esté siendo destrozado en este momento, francamente, lo que Drake y compañía revelaron es extremadamente grave, por no decir inquietante.

Además de los abusos de Drake a manos de Brian Peck, varias otras ex estrellas infantiles afirmaron que fueron maltratadas mientras trabajaban en Nick, y otros sugirieron que los showrunners y los escritores a menudo intentaban sexualizar a muchos de los niños de maneras no tan sutiles.

Hay un montón de sketches y disfraces, por no hablar de los gags de baba -lo cuales están volviendo demostrando ser terriblemente inapropiados- a pesar de que Dan Shneider ha negado haber acutado mal.

Nickelodeon comentó: "Aunque no podemos corroborar o negar las acusaciones de comportamientos de producciones de hace décadas, Nickelodeon como una cuestión de política, investiga todas las quejas formales como parte de nuestro compromiso de fomentar un ambiente de trabajo seguro y profesional libre de acoso u otros tipos de conducta inapropiada".

Y añaden: "Nuestras máximas prioridades son el bienestar y los mejores intereses. No solo de nuestros empleados, elencos y equipo, sino de todos los niños, y hemos adoptado diferentes métodos a lo largo de los años para ayudar a garantizar que estamos a la altura de nuestros propios altos estándares y las expectativas de nuestra audiencia".

Devon apareció en un reciente episodio de The TMZ Verified Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Drake Bell Slams 'Ned's Declassified' Crew Over 'Quiet on Set' Jokes

Drake Bell is blasting other Nickelodeon child stars for making light of his abuse -- specifically, going after the 'Ned's Declassified' crew ... who seem to find some humor in it.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw and others who used to work on their old Nick show were recording a TikTok Live Monday -- this as the second half of the 'Quiet on Set' doc aired on ID -- and they appeared to be cracking jokes at Drake and others' expense.

Dan's Declassified

One of the jabs Devon and co. dropped while discussing the 'QOS' doc included him impersonating a tyrant, presumably Dan Schneider, saying "give me your holes."

Devon acknowledges right after that they shouldn't joke about the topic -- and DB himself certainly agreed ... taking to X to call him out. Drake quote-tweeted the vid, adding ... "Ned’s Declassless…this is wild…laugh it up guys…laugh it up…”Give me your h*les?!!” Really?!"

Devon does attempt to be serious at one point in his IG Live ... noting that what happened to Drake is terrible -- acknowledging it's crazy it stayed under wraps for as long as it did.

He also says that their set from 'ND' was not in any way like what was described in the doc from child actors who worked under Schneider's reign. Still, he continued to giggle with his old costars ... which didn't sit well with Drake, and definitely not with others online.

It's understandable that the 'Ned's' camp is getting trashed right now ... frankly, what Drake and co. revealed on the doc is extremely serious -- not to mention downright disturbing.

In addition to Drake's abuse at the hands of Brian Peck -- several other former child stars claimed they were mistreated while working at Nick ... and others suggested the showrunners and writers were often attempting to sexualize a lot of the kids in not-so-subtle ways.

There are a lot of sketches and costumes -- not to mention slime gags -- that are resurfacing now that come across as wildly inappropriate ... even though DS has denied wrongdoing.

Nickelodeon commented, saying ... "Though we cannot corroborate or negate allegations of behaviors from productions decades ago, Nickelodeon as a matter of policy investigates all formal complaints as part of our commitment to fostering a safe and professional workplace environment free of harassment or other kinds of inappropriate conduct."

They add, "Our highest priorities are the well-being and best interests not just of our employees, casts and crew, but of all children, and we have adopted numerous safeguards over the years to help ensure we are living up to our own high standards and the expectations of our audience."

Devon appeared on a recent episode of The TMZ Verified Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'Couples Therapy' DR. JENN HURLEY CROSSING BOUNDARIES W/ SON Don't Strip In Front Of Him!

Dr. Jenn Mann has advice for Elizabeth Hurley -- keep your clothes on around your grown son ... 'cause it goes beyond the pale of what she considers a healthy parent-child dynamic.

The "Couples Therapy" doc tells TMZ ... even though the actress' 21-year-old son Damian is a consenting adult, the fact that he's directing his mom's sex scenes is a major boundary breach between parent and child -- at least from her POV, anyway.

With two best-selling parenting books under her belt -- "SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start In the First 3 Years" and "The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy, Confident Kids" -- the renowned psychotherapist is speaking from experience when she advises against simulating sex in front of your kid. In her eyes, it's just not the best way to operate.

Jenn does acknowledge that this is a Hollywood thing -- calling out the biz for its lack of boundaries ... noting that Damian directing his mom's sex scene for her upcoming erotic thriller "Strictly Confidential" really blurs the lines ... presumably between voyeurism and art.

She also tells us she finds it downright bizarre that Hurley felt liberated by her son witnessing her being intimate on-camera ... adding the only reason she'd understand EH's empowerment is if she was merely boosting his directing career. Aside from that ... she doesn't get it.

Jenn's not shy in pointing out that Liz and Damian's relationship seems to push boundaries that might be crossing into taboo territory, violating cultural norms ... and she gets why others, like herself, would have a negative reaction to the whole situation.

JM says she thinks Liz and Damian might be best suited for therapy -- and lucky for them, she's a wiz in that field.

As we reported ... EH told Access Hollywood her son Damian made her comfortable during an intimate scene where she wears some seriously skimpy clothing while getting steamy with another woman.

While most others would recoil at the idea of seeing their parents in such a scene ... Liz says she enjoyed it so much, she'd be totally down for a little more mother-son collaboration in the future.

Jenn's hoping they don't, though.

Evan Fournier Fined $25k For Punting Ball ... After Loss To Heat

Evan Fournier's decision to go all David Beckham after losing to the Miami Heat just set him back a huge wad of dough -- the Detroit Pistons player was fined $25k for the move.

The moment went down shortly after the home team lost in devastating fashion ... with Bam Adebayo chucking up a game-winning three-point shot at the buzzer to secure the 104-101 win.

As the victors celebrated at center court, Fournier -- who had 18 points in the losing effort -- was in a much worse mood ... taking the game ball and punting it to the rafters.

NBA executive VP and head of basketball ops Joe Dumars announced the hefty fine on Monday ... specifically stating it was for "kicking the game ball into the spectator stands."

It was just another lowlight for the Pistons -- they currently sit almost last in the Eastern Conference with a 12-55 record.

On the bright side, Fournier has made more than $145 million over the course of his career ... but the financial punishment will still sting quite a bit.


Dan Schneider has again denied allegations of a toxic workplace while he was at Nickelodeon ... including claims that child actors were sexualized on shows he created.

A rep for the veteran TV producer -- the man behind hit Nickelodeon shows like "The Amanda Show" and "Drake & Josh" -- says there's no truth to the allegations floated in 'Quiet on Set' ... asserting that numerous adults were involved in overseeing all aspects of the shows, with everything being approved by the network itself.

The statement further clarifies that scripts for the shows underwent a rigorous vetting process, requiring approvals from both NYC and L.A. networks ... and if anything was found to be inappropriate it would've been flagged and blocked by multilayered scrutiny.

The statement reads in part ... "Remember, all stories, dialogue, costumes, and makeup were fully approved by network executives on two coasts. A standards and practices group read and ultimately approved every script, and programming executives reviewed and approved all episodes."

As well as ensuring the scripts were kid-appropriate ... parents, caregivers, and their friends would be on set every day watching filming and rehearsals, Dan's camp adds.

Schneider's statement comes after the first 2 installments of ID's doc, "Quiet on the Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV," premiered ... in which claims surfaced that some of his shows appeared to sexualize child stars like Ariana Grande and Jamie Lynn Spears in specific scenes.

The doc also delves deeper into claims of sexism, racism, and inappropriate behavior involving underage stars and members of the shows overseen by Schneider -- as well as allegations from crew members they were continuously asked to massage Schneider on set.

Dan's team did respond to those allegations ... previously saying, "Dan deeply regrets asking anyone for neck massages. Though they happened in public settings, he knows this was highly inappropriate and would never happen again."