Kate Middleton Reportedly Spotted Visiting Farm Shop No Photo Evidence or Proof

Kate Middleton supposedly surfaced in public this weekend near her home -- but the weird thing is ... there's no photo evidence to back it up, just a report citing alleged eyewitnesses.

The Sun floated this story Sunday, claiming the Princess of Wales was out and about Saturday at a local business called the Windsor Farm Shop -- which is about a mile from her family's Adelaide Cottage home.

The shop in question sells a variety of products -- including plants and flowers, baked goods, meats, wines and spirits and more ... basically, it's a little grocery store, only more quaint.

According to the outlet -- which cited anonymous onlookers -- claims these people saw looking "happy, relaxed and healthy" as she was apparently joined by Prince William. The Sun goes on to claim they spent the morning watching their kids playing sports ... noting the three little ones weren't with them as they hit the market.

One alleged eyewitness says they were stunned to see Kate there, on account of the whirlwind of rumors surrounding her health and whereabouts ... but also pointed out the fact that she was walking around proved she was well enough to get out of the house.

Of course, the one problem with this whole story is ... there's no evidence to prove it -- and at a time like this, when misinformation is all over, ya gotta take it with a grain of salt.

Aside from 2 pics that purport to show Kate in the past few weeks -- one of her in the car with her mother and another of her and PW in a car, both of which have come under scrutiny amid the Mother's Day photo fail -- there's no other evidence of Kate out in public.

So, with this in mind, it's hard to believe nobody snapped a photo of her and Kate for this outing ... assuming they actually took it. With all the fervor and speculation -- photograph of KM looking "healthy" is worth its weight in gold right now, and everyone knows it.

Kate isn't expected to resume her Royal duties until at least after Easter -- but no hard date has been set, and no engagement of hers has been announced either.

Remember, Kate underwent abdominal surgery in January and has been sidelined every since. The longer she's been out of the public eye -- the more gossip has kicked up ... and Kensington Palace has been nothing but mum over just about all of it.

Anything short of a video of Kate hopping on camera and addressing the public probably won't tamp down all the rumors about what might be going on. In the meantime, everyone is just left to guess.

Ray J Two Maybach SUVs Missing ... Police Investigating

Ray J's car collection is a couple rides light today ... 'cause he apparently he's missing two high-priced automobiles -- and we're told he's not getting a straight answer about their whereabouts.

Sources close to Ray J with direct knowledge tell us ... two of Ray's Maybach SUVs are currently missing after having been put on a enclosed car carrier to New York City Friday night.

We're told the cars were supposed to show up in New York today ... but apparently never did. Instead, our sources say the cars' have been tracked -- and, it seems the trackers are just sitting still in Reno, Nevada.

Sources tell us Ray's reached out to the shipping company in charge of moving the cars ... but they say he's not getting a straight answer on where exactly the Maybachs are right now.

Ray J's got the police involved we're told ... and -- though the cars are currently missing and not stolen as far as anyone knows -- police are investigating the matter.

We're also told Ray J -- who's out in NYC to launch his new original content steaming platform The Tronix Network -- will still be at all of the pre-organized events while figuring out next steps with the cars.

BTW Maybach SUVs ain't cheap -- with some reports saying cars like that can go for upwards of $200k ... so you can imagine Ray J's pretty keen on getting his vehicles back!

They call Reno "The Biggest Little City in the World" ... hopefully, that means police won't have too much trouble tracking down the missing Maybachs.

Elizabeth Hurley 'Liberated' in Sex Scenes ... Because of Son Behind Camera!!!

Elizabeth Hurley said her director put her totally at ease for a sex scene in her new flick ... and that director's also a member of her fam -- namely, her son Damian.

The mother-son duo sat down for an interview with Access Hollywood released Saturday when they were asked how it felt to work on a very intimate scene together as mother and son.

If you don't know ... Hurley stars in "Strictly Confidential," an erotic thriller not only directed but also written by her son. In the flick, EH reportedly wears a lot of skimpy clothing -- and, gets hot and heavy with another woman.

Obviously, Damian's got a job to do -- directing all this action -- but, Hurley said it actually made her feel more at ease rather than uncomfortable for her son to be right there on set.

The way Elizabeth explains it, it's nice to have a person behind the camera who has your best interests at heart -- and who will look out for you more than family?

Hurley says that familiarity allowed to her feel more open during those scenes ... calling the whole experience liberating -- probably a bit of a shock for other people who might be mortified of their child seeing them naked.

In fact, Hurley says she had such a great time working with Damian that she may just do it again ... perhaps a little mother-son bonding via some intense sex scenes.

As for the 21-year-old, Damian says there was no awkwardness in directing his mom -- 'cause they're showbusiness people, and that's just the world they signed up for.

"Strictly Confidential" is set for release later this year ... and it sounds like everything between the mother and son will be just fine when the movie drops.


Bryan Hearne ha hablado, y ha comparado el trabajo en Nickelodeon con una cámara de torturas, afirmando que fue víctima de racismo.

El actor infantil -que apareció en 16 episodios del programa de sketches "All That", así como otros programas de Nick- trabajó con Investigation Discovery para la docuserie "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV", y People reveló gran parte de lo que dijo.

Una de las mayores revelaciones es que Bryan -un hombre afroamericano- dice que un adulto le llamó "pedazo de carbón" mientras trabajaba para la red. No está claro cuál fue el contexto del comentario, pero, en cualquier caso, es algo bastante horrible,

También habla de haber sido elegido para papeles estereotípicamente racistas, dice que interpretó a un traficante de drogas en el programa y también a un rapero llamado Lil Fetus, que le implicaba llevar un leotardo de color carne... básicamente desnudo ante la cámara.

Hearne dice que Lil Fetus es una de las muchas cosas incómodas que se vio obligado a hacer mientras trabajaba para Nick. En otra ocasión, tuvo que dejar que un perro lamiera mantequilla de maní de su cuerpo.

Bryan dice que no sentía que podía tener una discusión con los adultos a su alrededor acerca de su incomodidad, y comparó toda la experiencia Nickelodeon a estar en una cámara de tortura4s.

Por supuesto, "Quiet On Set" ha estado en todas las noticias y redes sociales recientemente porque Drake Bell reveló que fue abordado de manera inapropiada por el entrenador de actuación Brian Peck mientras trabajaba para la red.

Bell dijo que trabajó con la policía para obtener una confesión después de que él dijera que había sido agredido sexualmente por Peck varias veces. Finalmente, Peck se declaró inocente de realizar un acto lascivo con un menor de 14 o 15 años y de copulación oral con un menor de 16 años.

Hearne aparece en el tráiler del documental revelando que Bell contaría su historia, con Bryan diciendo que inmediatamente se preguntó quién fue agredido una vez que Peck fue expuesto.

Los primeros episodios de "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" se estrenará esta noche a las 9 PM en Investigation Discovery.

Nickelodeon Star Bryan Hearne Called 'Piece of Charcoal' At Work ... Like A Torture Chamber

Bryan Hearne is speaking out ... comparing working for Nickelodeon to a torture chamber -- and claiming he faced blatant racism on the job.

The child actor -- who appeared on 16 episodes of the sketch show "All That" as well as other Nick shows -- sat down with Investigation Discovery for the docuseries "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" ... and People revealed a ton of what he's apparently going to say.

One of the biggest revelations ... Bryan -- a Black man -- says an adult called him a "piece of charcoal" while he worked for the network. Unclear what the context of the comment was -- but, regardless a horrible thing to say to a teenager.

BH also reportedly talks about being cast in stereotypically racist roles -- he says he played a drug dealer on the show and also a rapper called Lil Fetus which involved him wearing a flesh-toned leotard ... essentially looking naked on camera.

Hearne says Lil Fetus is one of the many super uncomfortable things he was forced to do while working for Nick ... also the time he had to let a dog lick peanut butter off his body.

Bryan says he didn't feel he could have a discussion with the adults around him about his discomfort ... and likened the whole Nickelodeon experience to being in a torture chamber.

Of course, 'Quiet On Set' has been all over the news and social media recently because Drake Bell revealed he was molested by acting coach Brian Peck while working for the network.

Bell said he worked with police to get a confession from Brian on tape after he says he'd been sexually assaulted by Peck multiple times. Peck eventually pled no contest to performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

Hearne's in the trailer for the documentary revealing Bell would tell his story ... with Bryan saying he immediately wondered who was assaulted once Peck was exposed.

The first episodes of "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" is set for release tonight at 9 PM on Investigation Discovery.

Diddy Apoya a Kanye en Rolling Loud... ¿Se acabó la bronca?

¡Diddy y Kanye West no han estado en buenos términos por un tiempo, pero ahora parece que podrían estar arreglando su relación porque Diddy estuvo entre los asistentes al set de Kanye en Rolling Loud!

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El rapero y productor hizo una rara aparición pública en el show de Kanye el jueves en Los Ángeles, junto a sus hijas gemelas Jessie y D'Lila Combs.

Echa un vistazo al video, Diddy trajo a toda su tripulación al set y parece que llegó cuando Ye y Ty Dolla $ign estaban pinchando "Keys To My Life".

Y Diddy hizo del show un asunto de familia porque también fue visto en la parte lateral del escenario con su hijo Justin mientras observaba la polémica actuación.

El espectáculo sin duda dejó a algunos molestos, porque en lugar de actuar en vivo, Kanye y Ty se pararon en el escenario y solo tocaron grabaciones de sus canciones, dejando a muchos fans decepcionados.

No está claro cómo se sintió Diddy sobre el espectáculo, o si él y Ye se sentaron a conversar, porque tienen asuntos que aclarar desde su viral bronca de 2022.

Recuerden, Puffy conversó con "The Breakfast Club", donde llamó las camisetas de White Lives Matter de Kanye como camisetas de "sordo" en 2022.

Bueno, a Kanye no le gustó ni un poco y compartió algunos mensajes privados entre él y Diddy, que incluían uno donde acusaba a Diddy de ser enviado por personas de la comunidad judía para amenazarlo.

Diddy quería reunirse en persona, pero Kanye lo llamó agente federal y lanzó un gran "f*** you" por si acaso.

Todo fue bastante desquiciado y parecía que no habían hecho las paces, al menos no públicamente. Pero ahora que Puffy está en el show, cabe preguntarse si se habrán dicho algo detrás de escena.

¿Así que los dos están oficialmente enterrando su disputa o los hijos de Diddy solo quieren ver a Ye? ¡Vota abajo!

Diddy en el show de Kanye...

Diddy Supporting Kanye at Rolling Loud ... 'WLM' Beef Wrapped Up???

Diddy and Kanye West haven't been on good terms for a while ... but, now it seems they might be mending their relationship -- 'cause Diddy pulled up to Kanye's Rolling Loud set!

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The rapper/producer made a rare public appearance Thursday at the show in Los Angeles and walked into KW's performance alongside his twin daughters, Jessie and D'Lila Combs.

Check out the vid ... Diddy brought his whole crew to the set -- he always rolls deep -- and appeared to pull up as Ye's and Ty Dolla $ign's "Keys To My Life" played over the speakers.

And Diddy made the evening a whole family affair ... 'cause he was also spotted in the back/side stage area with his son Justin while watching the controversial performance.

The show certainly had people up in arms ... 'cause instead of performing live, Kanye and Ty stood onstage and just played recordings of their songs -- leaving lots of fans disappointed.

Unclear how Diddy felt about the show ... or if he and Ye sat down for a conversation -- 'cause they kinda gotta clear the air about their viral 2022 beef.

Remember, Puffy sat down for an interview on "The Breakfast Club" where he called Kanye's hella controversial White Lives Matter t-shirts "tone deaf" back in 2022.

Well, Kanye didn't like that one bit, and he ultimately shared some private messages between him and Diddy -- including one where he accused Diddy of being sent by Jewish people to threaten him.

Diddy wanted to meet in person ... but Kanye called him a federal agent and threw in a big "f*** you" for good measure.

It was all pretty unhinged ... and it seemed the two hadn't made up -- at least not publicly. But, now with Puffy at the show, ya gotta wonder if some words have been said behind the scenes.

So are the two officially burying the hatchet ... or did Diddy's kids just really wanna see Ye? Vote below!

Diddy at Kanye's Show ...

Rudy Gobert Speaks On $100K Fine My Emotions Got Best Of Me!!!

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$100K is A Lot!!!

Rudy Gobert is addressing his whopping $100k fine for making a money gesture toward officials last week ... telling TMZ Sports he simply reached his boiling point and reacted with his emotions.

Gobert made the Johnny Manziel-esque hand sign at official Scott Foster during the Minnesota Timberwolves vs Cleveland Cavs game on March 8 ... insinuating refs are influenced by sports betting.

The 3-time All-Star also called out the refs during the post-game press conference ... saying he felt gambling has really hurt the sport.

We caught up with the Minnesota Timberwolves center on Rodeo Drive just a few days after the league handed down the 6-figure penalty for his actions and postgame comments ... and although the dude has made more than $217 MILLION over the course of his career, even he had to admit that's a huge hit financially.

"How I feel about the fine? I mean it's a fine. It's a lot of money," Gobert said ... before explaining his actions.

"We human beings at the end of the day. We not always right but everyone's allowed to speak their mind. Also, it's a game with a lot of emotions so sometimes we react off of frustration."

Gobert -- who is averaging 13.7 points and 12.9 rebounds per game this season -- got the maximum fine that a player can get for conduct or statements detrimental to the team or league ... but Charles Barkley believes he should've been suspended for it.

"It will ruin a sport if people thought it was fixed," the ex-NBA star said on "NBA on TNT."

Despite the fine and criticism, Gobert has amazing things to look forward to -- namely, his new baby ... and he revealed the child's gender to us!!

United Airlines Another Boeing Issue ... Plane Loses Panel Mid-Flight

Another day, another Boeing problem -- this time a United Airlines flight had a huge chunk of the plane ripped off in the air ... and, yikes.

The flight took off from San Francisco Friday afternoon and ultimately landed safely at its final destination in Oregon ... but once the aircraft arrived, it was discovered a panel near the bottom of the plane got torn off mid-flight, exposing the underbelly of the aircraft.

The photo of the damage -- taken after the 737 plane successfully landed -- is startling ... you can see the guts of the plane inside ... with a bunch of plane parts fully exposed.

You can also see where the panel itself broke off ... there's a clear tear in the material -- which, again, is alarming, to say the least ... especially with everything that's been going on with Boeing lately, and there's been a lot.

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Cali Planes

While reports say all passengers in this incident were safe -- it, unfortunately, marks the latest Boeing mishap to occur in a relatively short window. Remember, Boeing planes -- some of which have been on UA flights -- seem to be falling apart all over the world.

One plane lost a wheel last week, and another Boeing plane had flames shooting out of one of the turbine engines while up in the sky ... and had to make an emergency landing.

Of course, there's also the LATAM Boeing flight in Australia that briefly started to fall out of the air ... although, now, they seem to be suggesting that was user error.

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That doesn't make things much better though ... especially after a door blew off earlier this year on yet another Boeing plane. And let's not forget ... there's still this whole whistleblower saga going on.

Remember, John Barnett died this past week while in the middle of a retaliation lawsuit against Boeing -- this after he alleged they'd been cutting corners on safety measures for years. Cops say it appears he took his own life ... but his attorneys have been calling BS.

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Bottom line ... it's choppy waters for Boeing these days.

As for today, UA says ... "We’ll conduct a thorough examination of the plane and perform all the needed repairs before it returns to service. We’ll also conduct an investigation to better understand how this damage occurred." The FAA says it'll investigate too.

Boeing referred us to United, while also pointing out that the aircraft in question -- the 737-824 -- is a little over 25 years old.

Defense Attorney Mike Cavalluzzi Crumbley Verdicts Might Be Good ... More Watchful Parents


Ethan Crumbley's parents have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the crime committed by their son ... an outcome at least one criminal defense attorney sees as both a troubling sign and a great lesson for parents.

We spoke with attorney Mike Cavalluzzi -- a Los Angeles-based lawyer -- about the verdicts on "TMZ Live" Friday, and, while he said he's concerned about the expanding criminal liability ... he's also seeing it as a wake-up call for parents.

As Mike explains it, school shootings in the United States have become far too commonplace, and he says he views verdicts like this as a way to stop people from buying weapons these shooters end up using to harm others.

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Mike also called the potential changes parents will make from Thursday's verdict opportunities rather than consequences -- as in, giving people the opportunity to make good parenting decisions.

Basically, MC says the verdicts will likely keep parents on high alert ... and, hopefully, that will help parents see the warning signs before it's too late.

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As you know ... Ethan Crumbley -- who killed four students during a 2021 shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan -- received life without the possibility of parole back in December, but his parents were also charged in connection with the crime.

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FOX 2 Detroit

Ethan's parents -- James and Jennifer Cumbley -- were both found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for being criminally negligent in the lead-up to their son's shooting ... with prosecutors even claiming James bought Ethan the gun he used days prior.

Jennifer was found guilty in early February while James got his guilty verdict Thursday ... but both are scheduled to be sentenced April 9.

Bottom line ... these verdicts may make some parents a bit nervous -- and Mike Cavalluzzi thinks that's probably for the best.

Kristen Stewart Hombre es detenido con su 🍆 afuera Mientras veía su película!!!

La nueva película de Kristen Stewart es aparentemente bien caliente porque un espectador de Michigan fue arrestado esta semana por presuntamente exponerse durante la película, según ha confirmado TMZ.

Un hombre de 33 años fue arrestado el jueves por la policía en Southgate, Michigan, cerca de Detroit, después de recibir una llamada de que este tipo se había quedado dormido durante la proyección de "Love Lies Bleeding" de Kristen Stewart, con el evidente problema de que su pene estaba afuera y expuesto, ¡y fue fotografiado!

Alguien subió una foto que parece mostrar al hombre en cuestión dormido en su asiento. Parece que esto fue tomado después de que terminaron los créditos y se encendieron las luces.

El testigo afirma que el hombre se masturbó y luego se quedó dormido, pero la policía no llegó hasta ahí. Todo lo que dicen es que el hombre estaba supuestamente intoxicado y se negaba a salir. Por cierto, se puede ver lo que parece ser alcohol en la foto.

La policía de Southgate también afirma que encontraron sustancias ilegales en su cuerpo. Al final, fue fichado por posesión de narcóticos, exposición indecente, alteración del orden público y resistencia a la autoridad.

Si no sabes de qué va esta película, básicamente sigue una historia de amor lésbico entre Kristen y el personaje de Katy O'Brian, con una trama policíaca de cine negro de por medio. Hay un montón de fuertes escenas de sexo en los primeros 45 minutos de la película.

Por lo tanto, tal vez el tipo se entusiasmó en la primera mitad de la película y luego se quedó dormido con el resto, olvidando poner a su amiguito en su lugar, por supuesto.

Kristen ha estado usando algunos trajes fuera de lo común últimamente para promover la película. Hay que imaginarse que la gente se morirá de ganas de verla ahora, aunque esperemos que sin azotar a ningún mono. Dejamos los cines porno en el siglo XX.

¡Actúen bien!

Jelly Roll & Bunnie XO Make Shirts to Benefit Student Disciplined For Drawing of Them!!!


11:35 AM PT -- Bunnie XO just took to Facebook to address the accusations that Kalista's mother made the whole story up saying, "I cut the sale short yesterday after an hour because a lot of the things were coming forward about the mom. Tons of accusations with zero documentation."

She continued, "The proceeds from the shirts that were sold yesterday will be put into a trust fund for her. I'm working out the details w my accountant & lawyer as we speak about that. I also want the record to reflect that her mom has never once asked me for money. She's always maintained that this is about her daughter."

She concluded, "I love all y'all so much for supporting this little girl & showing her that when ppl come together our voices can be heard loud & clear. Excited for y'all to get your shirts & rep them!"

Jelly Roll and Bunnie XO are standing by a Tennessee middle schooler who was allegedly disciplined for drawing the famous couple for a school project by creating a T-shirt with the girl's design.

The Grammy nominee's wife released the new limited-time merch on her Patreon site ... where it appears the $32 tee sold out within the 24-hour sale window. The website asked for purchasers' patience, as they cited high demand for the 2-week delivery timeline.

We're told all proceeds from the shirt are going toward a college fund for the girl, whose name is Kalista.

ICYMI ... Bunnie spoke out earlier this week after she had learned about Kalista's drama at school. She said that she learned Kalista had gotten suspended for drawing Jelly and Bunnie for her school inspiration project -- slamming the school for punishing Kalista for simply respecting their resilience.

Remember, Jelly has become a mental health advocate through his music after overcoming his drug addiction.

While the school has since refuted the fact that Kalista was ever suspended ... the middle schooler's mom, Delisa Patrick, clarified her daughter was sent home from school after handing in her assignment. She also noted this situation occurred last year, even though the story's just taking off now.

Facebook/ Delisa Patrick

As Delisa put it ... Kalista was previously warned to not select the A-list couple for the homework assignment since they were viewed as inappropriate. Delisa shared she stood by her daughter's decision since Jelly has such an inspiring story about turning his life around.

Kalista returned to school the next day, but allegedly had to be picked up again as she was facing bullying over the project.

Delisa applauded Jelly and Bunnie for standing by her daughter ... but asked people following the situation to not harass the school on behalf of Kalista.

Originally Published -- 10:59 AM PT

Kristen Stewart Man Busted w/ 🍆 Out at Her Movie Asleep as Credits Roll!!!

Kristen Stewart's new film is apparently pretty hot -- 'cause a Michigan moviegoer was arrested this week for allegedly exposing himself during the flick ... TMZ has confirmed.

A 33-year-old man got busted Thursday by cops in Southgate, MI -- near Detroit -- after they got a call that this dude had fallen asleep in a theater during a screening of KS' "Love Lies Bleeding" ... with the obvious problem being that his penis was out and exposed, which was photographed.

Somebody uploaded a pic that appears to show the man in question passed out in his seat at the theater -- and it looks like this was taken after the credits rolled and lights came on.

The eyewitness claims the man masturbated and then fell asleep -- but cops didn't quite go there. All they're saying is that the guy they arrested was allegedly intoxicated -- BTW, you can see what seems to be booze in the photo -- and that he was refusing to leave.

Southgate PD also claims they found illegal substances on him. In the end, he was booked for possession of narcotics, indecent exposure, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

If you're unfamiliar with what this flick is all about -- it basically follows a lesbian love story between Kristen and Katy O'Brian's character ... with a noir crime plot in between. There's a lot of strong sex scenes in the first 45 minutes of the movie, but none really after that.

So, perhaps this guy got a little happy in the first half of the film -- and then started snoozing as the rest of it played .. without putting his little friend away, of course.

Kristen has been wearing some out-there outfits lately to promote the film ... but you just can't buy this type of publicity. Ya gotta figure folks will be dying to see it now ... hopefully not spanking any monkeys, though. We left porno theaters back in the 20th century, y'all.

Act right!

Jeremy Strong & Michael Imperioli Stay in Character ... During Climate Broadway Protest

"Write Your Own Play!"

Jeremy Strong and Michael Imperioli weren't gonna let a group of rowdy climate protesters ruin their Broadway play -- 'cause in the middle of an outburst ... they kept on acting!

A couple climate activists representing the group Extinction Rebellion NYC jumped up to warn about the dangers of climate change during a performance of "An Enemy of the People" Thursday night ... and in the middle of JS and MI's show, things got loud quickly.


The protesters were shouting about government failures and the dying planet -- but, they chose a time when the play called for some audience engagement ... and some in the crowd seemed to think it was part of the show initially.

You see, "An Enemy of the People" follows a man -- in this case, played by Strong -- who tells an inconvenient truth and is crucified by his town ... reality imitating art, no doubt.

You can even hear Strong in one of the videos saying to let the protesters continue ... clearly staying in character while Imperioli literally shoved the man up the stairs -- totally in line with his character who is hoping to sweep the truth under the rug.

Of course ... the audience ultimately realized the protest wasn't actually part of the show -- but in the moment, it looks like a lot of people believed it was all an act.

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X / @JustStop_Oil

It's a pretty slick way to protest ... especially when compared to stunts other climate activists have pulled -- like the London protesters who disrupted Les Misérables or the dude who glued himself to the ground at the U.S. Open last summer.

Unclear what charges, if any, the protesters may face over this incident ... but it sounds like the show kept right on going. So ... no harm, no foul?

Kudos to Jeremy and Michael for keeping their cool and sticking with their method approach -- if you can't beat 'em, just say your lines!

Meghan King Defends Olivia Rodrigo's Plan B Handouts ... Good For Her!!!


Meghan King isn't losing sleep after taking her daughter to an Olivia Rodrigo concert where condoms and Plan B were being handed out ... instead, she's applauding the young pop star.

The "Real Housewives of Orange County" alum says she took her 7-year-old daughter Aspen to the St. Louis stop of the "GUTS" world tour, and saw firsthand how Olivia's doling out contraception to her fans.

As Meghan puts it ... the free condoms and Plan B weren't even very noticeable during the event. In fact, she says she only noticed the contraception table because "vote" stickers were being handed out there, too.

Since Aspen is still more than 10 years from being able to vote, Meghan says they walked away without taking a closer look.

However, she realized after the concert more than just stickers were being offered up, but it could've easily flown under the radar for most folks -- Meghan says the Plan B was being handed out under the codename "Julie."


She admits the situation was a little "jarring" for her, mostly because her daughter is so young ... but she also doesn't think parents should be angry over the free contraception.

Meghan even goes as far as calling Olivia's critics ignorant and hypocritical.

She defends that if Justin Bieber was doing something similar with condoms, the singer wouldn't likely face the same backlash -- hinting misogyny might be fueling the pushback against Olivia.

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Meghan understands OR's mission ... calling out how kids are growing up faster than ever and emphasizing the need for sex education.


She does have one recommendation for the singer -- handing out items promoting reproductive health might be more useful for her younger fans.

Still, overall, Meghan applauds Olivia for supporting women's reproductive rights -- and suggests if anyone has a problem with it, they can simply skip the "GUTS" tour.

Meghan King Defiende a Olivia Rodrigo por repartir sus Plan B ... Bien por ella!!!

Los anticonceptivos no eran tan obvios

A Meghan King no le quita el sueño que Olivia Rodrigo haya repartido condones y cajitas de Plan B en un concierto al que llevó a su hija, en cambio, la personalidad televisiva está aplaudiendo a la joven estrella del pop.

La ex participante de "Real Housewives of Orange County" dice que llevó a su hija Aspen, de 7 años, al concierto de Rodrigo en St. Louis, una de las paradas de su gira mundial "GUTS", y vio de primera mano cómo Olivia estaba repartiendo anticonceptivos a sus fans.

Como dice Meghan, los condones gratis y las cajas Plan B ni siquiera se notaron mucho durante el evento. De hecho, dice que solo se dio cuenta de la mesa de anticonceptivos porque se estaban entregando pegatinas de "votar" allí también.

Como a Aspen le faltan más de 10 años para votar, Meghan dice que se alejaron sin mirar.

Sin embargo, después del concierto se dio cuenta de que estaban ofreciendo algo más que pegatinas, pero dice que podría haber pasado fácilmente desapercibido para la mayoría de la gente. Meghan añade que el Plan B estaba siendo repartido bajo el nombre "Julie".

Hay mucho doble estándar

Ella admite que la situación fue un poco "discordante" para ella, sobre todo porque su hija es tan pequeña, pero no cree que los padres deban molestarse por estos anticonceptivos gratuitos.

Meghan incluso llama a los críticos de Olivia como ignorantes e hipócritas.

Dice que si Justin Bieber estuviera haciendo algo parecido con los preservativos, probablemente el cantante no estaría causando las mismas reacciones, insinuando que la misoginia podría estar alimentando la reacción en contra de Olivia.

031324-olivia-rodrigo-kal FEBRUARY 2024
Apoyando los derechos reproductivos

Meghan entiende la misión de la superestrella del pop, que solo pone de manifiesto lo rápido que están creciendo los niños ahora y la necesidad de que reciban educación sexual.

Y tiene una recomendación para la cantante, que la entrega de artículos para promover la salud menstrual podría ser más útil para sus fans más jóvenes.

Sin embargo, en general, Meghan aplaude a Olivia por apoyar los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres y sugiere que si alguien tiene un problema con ello, simplemente puede saltarse la gira "GUTS".