Drake Detalla el abuso... Celebridades escribieron cartas de apoyo a Brian Peck

Drake Bell finalmente está contando su historia sobre cómo Brian Peck abusó de él cuando era un adolescente, un periodo durante el cual las celebridades salieron a apoyar a Peck.

El nuevo documental de ID "Quiet on Set" levantó su embargo a los medios de comunicación, y las personas que lo han visto, incluidos nosotros, están detallando lo que Drake está diciendo exactamente aquí y es bastante difícil de ver.

Drake cuenta paso a paso todo lo que sucedió entre él y su ex entrenador de diálogo, diciendo que Brian indujo una grieta entre él y su padre en ese entonces, quien estaba trabajando como gerente de Drake y al parecer sospechaba de Brian.

En términos de cómo comenzó el abuso, Drake dice que Brian lo aisló mucho mientras trabajaba para Nickelodeon, y que a menudo terminaba en su casa después de las audiciones y que se quedó a dormir muchas veces allí. Un día, después de quedarse dormido en su sofá, Drake dice que se despertó y encontró a Brian abusando de él.

A partir de ahí, Drake dice que las cosas empeoraron y los abusos se volvieron más repetitivos. Dice que se sintió atrapado por este oscuro secreto. Finalmente, se derrumbó y le confesó todo a su madre. Cuando ella se enteró, involucraron a la policía y Drake les contó todo. También dice que consiguió que Brian confesara a la policía en una llamada telefónica grabada.

Finalmente, Brian fue detenido por varios cargos, pero se declaró no culpable de solo dos: realizar un acto lascivo con un adolescente de 14 o 15 años de edad y tener sexo oral con un menor de 16 años.

Una de las revelaciones más sorprendentes del documental es que cuando Brian estaba a punto de ser condenado, un montón de famosos y amigos aparecieron en la corte en su nombre, y no solo eso, varias estrellas escribieron cartas de apoyo para Brian Peck, incluyendo algunos grandes nombres.

USado y abusado
Pod Meets World

James Marsden escribió una, al igual que Taran Killam, por no hablar de las estrellas de "Boy Meets World", Rider Strong y Will Friedle, quienes ya han expresado su pesar por todo esto en las últimas semanas.

La estrella de "Growing Pains" Joanna Kerns también escribió una carta para Brian, pero se presentó en el documental para decir que solo lo hizo sobre información errónea. El fallecido Alan Thicke también escribió una carta de apoyo, así como Rich y Beth Correll, directores de "Suite Life of Zach & Cody".

Peck trabajó brevemente en "Suite Life" después de cumplir una condena de 16 meses tras las rejas. Contactamos a Marsden y Killam, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

"Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" se estrena en dos noches en ID, de 21:00 a 23:00 ET/PT, los días 17 y 18 de marzo.

Jason Derulo Stops Show Mid-Song For Bathroom Break ... Fans Gets Pissy!!!

TikTok / @jodiivictoriia

Jason Derulo had to bend to the call of nature during a recent show, bringing everything to a sudden stop right in the middle of a song ... to rush to the bathroom!!!

The "Swalla" singer is currently on his "Nu King" world tour, and Saturday he was in Leeds, England .. where he abruptly halted his concert inside First Direct Arena, and politely asked the packed house for a timeout.

After realizing he wasn't joking, the UK crowd booed and groaned, but even that couldn't stop him -- Jason still bolted offstage to conduct his business.

Fans came to see him do the "Wiggle," but got his pee-pee dance, instead!!!

The TikTok master and his crew decided to poke fun at the situation with a skit of JD relieving himself in a Gatorade bottle ... but there was no photoshopping the fan's faces of disapproval during his bathroom break!!!

Jason will be in Europe for the rest of the month to finish out his tour. It's a safe bet he'll hit the stage with an empty bladder going forward.


TikTok's dancing on thin ice in the U.S. ... with the House voting to ban the popular social media app -- unless its Beijing-based parent company ByteDance sells its stake, that is.

A vote went down Wednesday and it was a landslide -- 352 to 65 -- in favor of the ban ... a rare moment of bipartisan agreement, with 197 Republicans and 155 Democrats giving it the green light, citing the app's Chinese ownership as a major national security threat.

The House didn't waste any time with the legislation -- dubbed the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act -- but TikTok's future still hangs in the balance ... as it still has to make its way through the Senate, and then over to Joe Biden.

This current bill gives ByteDance a strict ultimatum -- either sell off TikTok and its other apps within six months or face the chop from U.S. app stores and other web-hosting services.

Lawmakers have long been sweating bullets over fears the Chinese government could force ByteDance into handing over the data of its whopping 170M American users -- even though TikTok has vehemently denied it's snooping on U.S. citizens.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw didn't pull any punches before the vote, saying ... "TikTok is owned by ByteDance. ByteDance is in China and when you're in China, you have to do whatever the Chinese Communist Party tells you what to do."


He added, "If they want you to spy for them, you will spy for them; that's how that works."

However, Liu Pengyu, spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, is accusing the U.S. of running a smear campaign to bring down the China-based company -- adding in a statement the U.S "has not been able to give hard evidence to prove the so-called threats from TikTok to U.S. national security."

FWIW, Biden's promising to put pen to paper on the bill if it lands on his desk. Nonetheless, it's gonna be a nail-biter to see if this bill actually sticks, especially since TikTok's survived previous ban attempts. We're sure the influencers are shaking in their boots!

For more viral news check out TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Olivia Rodrigo Reparte su "Plan B" en sus conciertos Desata reacciones mixtas

Olivia Rodrigo redobló su misión por proporcionarle a sus fans el acceso a métodos anticonceptivos mediante la entrega de cajas gratuitas llamadas Plan B y preservativos en sus conciertos... lo que ha provocado una gran reacción en Internet.

La cantante de pop anunció su plan por primera vez en febrero, cuando reveló la iniciativa Fund 4 Good, un plan para proporcionarles a sus fans acceso a cuidados de salud reproductivos durante su gira mundial "GUTS". Y está claro que Olivia es una mujer de palabra, ya que una fanática tomó una foto del anticonceptivo de emergencia que recibió en la parada de la ex estrella de Disney en St. Louis.

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Apoyando los derechos reproductivos

La asistente al concierto no solo recibió Plan B, sino que también información sobre cómo financiar atención relacionada con el aborto en Estados Unidos y un número de teléfono para ayudar a aquellos que buscan interrumpir un embarazo.

Recordemos que Missouri prohibió casi todos los abortos tras la anulación de Roe v. Wade en 2022. Por lo tanto, este fue un movimiento audaz por parte de Olivia.

Aunque su iniciativa, que incluye la donación de una parte de sus ingresos por entradas a la National Network of Abortion Funds, ha sido aplaudida por los grupos activistas, algunos en Internet la han criticado por su postura a favor del aborto.

Sin embargo, los comentarios positivos están superando a los negativos, con la mayoría de la gente alabando a Olivia por hacer algo respecto a lo que cree.

Drake Bell Details Molestation ... Celebs Wrote Support Letters for Brian Peck

Drake Bell is finally telling his story on how Brian Peck molested him as a teen -- detailing the case at the time ... a period during which celebs came forward to support his abuser.

The new ID doc 'Quiet on Set' had its media embargo lifted, and people who've seen an early screener -- including us -- are detailing what exactly Drake says here ... and it's pretty hard to watch.

Drake gives the blow-by-blow of what happened between him and his former dialogue coach -- saying Brian drove a wedge between him and his father back then, who was working as Drake's manager ... and who was apparently suspicious of Brian.

In terms of how the abuse started, Drake says Brian isolated him a lot while working on Nickelodeon shows -- and he'd often end up hanging out with Brian outside of the set including at Brian's home, and had spent the night there many times. One morning after sleeping on his couch, Drake says he woke up to find Brian sexually assaulting him.

From there, Drake says things got worse ... and the abuse became more repetitive -- and he says he felt trapped by a dark secret. Eventually, he broke down and confessed to his mom. Once his mother became aware, they got cops involved -- and Drake says he told them everything. He also claims he got Brian to confess to the police on a recorded phone call.

Eventually, Brian was arrested on multiple counts ... but he pled no contest to just two -- performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

One of the more startling revelations in the doc is that as Brian was set to be sentenced, he had a crap ton of famous people and friends show up on his behalf in court ... and not just that, but several stars had written character letters on his behalf, including some big names.

Pod Meets World

James Marsden wrote one, as did Taran Killam ... not to mention "Boy Meets World" stars Rider Strong and Will Friedle -- who've already expressed regret over this in recent weeks.

"Growing Pains" star Joanna Kerns also wrote a letter for Brian, but came forward in the doc to say she only did so based on misinformation. The late Alan Thicke also wrote a letter in support ... and so did "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody" directors Rich and Beth Correll.

Peck briefly went on to work on the 'Suite Life' after he served his 16-month prison sentence post-conviction. We've reached out to Marsden, Killam and the Corrells ... no word back yet.

"Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" premieres across two nights on ID from 9 PM to 11 PM ET/PT on March 17 and March 18.

Stephen Colbert Abraza el rumor de que el príncipe William tiene una aventura

Hablando de la Realeza

La saga de Kate Middleton continúa y ahora Stephen Colbert se está inclinando por un nuevo rumor y es que el príncipe Guillermo podría estar teniendo una supuesta aventura.

El anfitrión del "Late Show" habló de la realeza durante su monólogo de apertura el martes y abrazó por completo la infundada especulación e insinuación de que tal vez Bill la esté engañando, un rumor que ha estado circulando desde hace un tiempo en los tabloides, etc.

La supuesta "otra mujer" en cuestión es Lady Rose Hanbury, la marquesa de Cholmondeley, que lleva años en la órbita íntima de Guillermo y Kate como amiga.

Como hemos dicho, esto nunca se ha confirmado, pero se ha hablado de ello durante mucho tiempo, y ahora, en medio de la misteriosa ausencia de Kate, se ha puesto en marcha nuevamente con algunos sugiriendo que tiene algo que ver con el motivo por el que Kate Middleton ha estado fuera de los focos últimamente.

Colbert no parecía muy interesado en conectar los puntos, pero estaba feliz de burlarse de los titulares que han teorizado sobre esto, haciendo bromas a costa de Will y Kate.

Incluso se burló de un informe que sugiere que Kate se habría enfrentado a su marido por esto y que el príncipe supuestamente "se habría reído" y le habría dicho que no es nada.

Como informamos, William ha mantenido la calma y continúa con sus deberes reales mientras Kate sigue recuperándose de su cirugía abdominal a puerta cerrada. Aunque se han podido ver destellos de ella por aquí y por allá desde su procedimiento en enero.

Por supuesto, su fallido intento de Photoshop el fin de semana, que ha asumido explícitamente como su responsabilidad, solo añadió más leña al fuego sobre lo que realmente está pasando con ella.

El hecho es que casi nadie cree que la foto haya sido tomada cuando el Palacio de Kensington dice, y con este nuevo rumor circulando, Will y Kate solo tienen otra capa más con la que lidiar mientras la gente sigue analizando teoría tras teoría.

El Palacio de Kensington ha estado callado en casi todo esto y se ha negado a hacer más comentarios. Nos pusimos en contacto con ellos una vez más después de este último desarrollo, pero no hemos recibido nada de vuelta todavía.

Olivia Rodrigo Hands Out Plan B to Fans at Concert ... Sparks Mixed Reactions

Olivia Rodrigo doubled down on her mission to provide fans with access to contraception by handing out free boxes of Plan B and condoms at her concerts ... sparking a major reaction online.

The pop singer first announced her plan in February when she revealed the Fund 4 Good initiative ... a plan to provide her female fans with access to reproductive health care during her "GUTS" world tour.

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And it's clear Olivia is a woman of her word -- as one fan took a pic of the emergency contraceptive she received at the former Disney star's St. Louis tour stop.

The concert attendee didn't just receive Plan B, however ... they also got information on how to fund abortion care in the U.S. and a phone number to help those seeking to terminate a pregnancy.

Remember, Missouri banned almost all abortions after Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. So, this was a bold move by Olivia.

While her initiative -- which includes the singer donating a portion of her ticket sales to the National Network of Abortion Funds -- has been applauded by activist groups, some online have slammed her for her pro-choice stance.

Still, the positive comments are outweighing the negative ones ... with most people praising Olivia for putting her money where her mouth is.

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Stephen Colbert Leans Into William, Kate Affair Rumor Amid Ongoing Speculation

Talking Royal-tea

The Kate Middleton saga continues -- and now, Stephen Colbert is leaning into a new salacious rumor ... namely, that Prince William might allegedly be having an affair.

The 'Late Show' host made the Royals one of his topics on Tuesday night's opening monologue -- and he completely embraced unfounded speculation and innuendo that Bill is, perhaps, cheating ... a rumor that has been floating around for a while in tabloids, etc.

The alleged "other woman" in question is Lady Rose Hanbury -- the Marchioness of Cholmondeley -- who's been in William and Kate's inner orbit, as a friend, for years.

Like we said, this has never been confirmed ... but it's been gossiped about for a long time -- and now, amid Kate's mysterious absence, it's kicked into high gear again ... with some suggesting that it somehow has something to do with why KM's been out of the spotlight.

Colbert didn't seem all that interested in connecting the dots -- but he was happy to poke fun at the headlines that have theorized this ... cracking jokes at Will and Kate's expense.

He even made fun of a report that suggested Kate had confronted her husband about this ... to which the Prince allegedly "laughed it off" and said it was much ado about nothing.

As we reported ... William has been keeping calm and carrying on with his Royal duties as Kate continues to recover from her abdominal surgery behind closed doors -- although, slight glimpses of her have been seen here and there ever since her procedure in January.


Of course, her failed Photoshop attempt over the weekend -- which she has explicitly taken the blame for -- only added more fuel to the fire on what exactly is going on with her.

Fact is ... hardly anybody believes the picture was taken when Kensington Palace says it was -- and with this new affair rumor now making its way into the mainstream ... it's just another layer that Will and Kate have to combat as people keep digging into theory after theory.

Kensington Palace has been mum on just about all of it ... refusing to comment further. We've reached out to them yet again on this latest development ... nothing back yet.

Dead Beached Whale Beachgoers Cheer at Grim Sight ... Carcass Ripped, Removed


Some ovations defy explanation -- like this crowd on the beach in Venice, Florida watching the gruesome removal of a beached sperm whale, yet erupting in cheers ... all captured on video.

Check out the new footage we obtained showing the massive whale's body being mutilated by an excavator -- definitely not for the faint of heart or stomach -- but a group of beachgoers found reason to hoot, holler and celebrate the process.

The removal was coordinated earlier this week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -- also known as NOAA -- along with a local marine lab.

The beached whale was first spotted Sunday evening, and reportedly still alive before dying the next morning, when officials quickly attempted to move the decaying corpse.


This video gives you a closer look at the initial attempt to move the massive mammal, as several onlookers record the scene.

Not surprisingly, some locals were disturbed by the crowd's reaction, and a rep for PETA tells TMZ ... "With the planet’s oceans being trawled barren, the death of any aquatic animal is a high-stakes tragedy, and PETA urges everyone upset at the sight of this beached whale to throw all sealife a lifeline by going vegan."

However, as graphic as the removal is, PETA has no issue with NOAA's process ... telling us it's "standard operating procedure."

The city of Venice was forced to issue a no-swim advisory at the beach due to the carcass -- which might be one reason for the cheers.

Researchers cut into the whale's corpse on Monday, causing blood to leak into the water. Translation: the bloody scene could've attracted sharks to shore, endangering swimmers.

BTW, this whale tale isn't nearly as gruesome as a similar situation that went down back in 1970 ... when a Pacific gray whale washed ashore in Florence, OR. That carcass was blown to smithereens with dynamite, and the end result was beyond explosive.

That was jarring then, and this is just as jarring now. No matter the motivation behind the cheers ... it's brutal to see.


maquinaria pesada

Algunas ovaciones no tienen explicación, como la de esta multitud en la playa de Venice -Florida- que observa la espantosa extracción de un cachalote varado y, sin embargo, se ponen felices y lo graban en video.

Échale un vistazo a las nuevas imágenes que hemos obtenido en las que se ve cómo una excavadora mutila el enorme cuerpo de la ballena -algo no apto para cardíacos ni estómagos débiles- mientras un grupo de bañistas encontró motivos para gritar y celebrar el proceso.

La retirada fue coordinada a principios de esta semana por la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA) y un laboratorio marino local.

La ballena varada fue avistada por primera vez el domingo por la noche, y al parecer seguía viva antes de morir a la mañana siguiente, cuando las autoridades intentaron rápidamente trasladar el cadáver en descomposición.

todos mirando

En este video se puede ver de cerca el intento inicial de trasladar al enorme mamífero, mientras varios curiosos graban la escena.

No es sorprendente que algunos lugareños se molestaron por la reacción de la multitud, y un representante de PETA le dice a TMZ: "Con los océanos del planeta siendo arrastrados, la muerte de cualquier animal acuático es una tragedia, y PETA insta a todo el mundo molesto por lo ocurrido a esta ballena varada a hacerse vegano".

Sin embargo, tan gráfica como es la eliminación, PETA no tiene ningún problema con el proceso de la NOAA, diciéndonos que es el "procedimiento estándar".

La ciudad de Venice se vio obligada a emitir un aviso de no nadar en la playa debido al cadáver, lo que podría ser una de las razones de los vítores.

Los investigadores cortaron en el cadáver de la ballena el lunes, causando una gran fuga de sangre en el agua... la sangrienta escena podría haber atraído a los tiburones a la orilla, poniendo en peligro a los nadadores.

No importa la motivación detrás de los vítores... fue un espectáculo estremecedor


Billy Baldwin dice que las afirmaciones de Sharon Stone de que un productor de cine le instó a dormir con él mientras trabajaban en una película juntos son falsas.

El actor salió el martes a desmentir una afirmación que Sharon hizo recientemente en un pódcast, donde alegó que el productor Robert Evans le dijo que debería acostarse con Billy para obtener una mejor actuación de él en "Sliver" de 1993, en la que ella actuó junto a Billy.

"mi trabajo es actuar"
The Louis Theroux Podcast

En respuesta a eso, Billy escribió: "¿No estoy seguro de por qué Sharon Stone sigue hablando de mí todos estos años después? ¿Sigue enamorada de mí o sigue dolida después de todos estos años porque rechacé sus insinuaciones?".

Billy continúa afirmando que Sharon le confió a su amiga, Janice Dickinson, que iba a "hacer que se enamorara tanto de mí que le daría vueltas la cabeza". Básicamente, está haciendo parecer que Sharon realmente quería estar con él mientras rodaban.

Billy hace otra alegación sorprendente, escribiendo: "La historia de la reunión que tuve con Bob Evans implorándole que me permitiera "coreografiar" la escena de sexo final en la foto de abajo para no tener que besar a Sharon es una leyenda absoluta".

Sharon sale con esta historia después de años de estar lista para revelar la identidad de un productor que ella dice que era escoria, y ahora, ella está denunciando que Evans fue ese tipo.

Sharon continuó explicando que le dijeron que había problemas de actuación en la película y la estaban culpando a ella, todo porque se negó a dormir con Billy, y agrega que Evans aparentemente pensó que teniendo sexo iban a "salvar" la escena y la película.

Ella dice que había sugerido otros actores además de Billy -como Michael Douglas- a quien ella dice que considera un profesional, así que sí, ella está destrozando Billy.

Por cierto, ya que Billy invocó el nombre de Janice, ella salió el miércoles y dijo que no recordaba de lo que él estaba hablando.


Billy Baldwin is calling BS on Sharon Stone's allegations that a film producer urged her to sleep with Billy while working on a movie together ... suggesting she was actually into him.

The actor came out swinging Tuesday to deny a claim Sharon recently floated on a podcast -- where she alleged late producer Robert Evans told her she should bang Billy to get a better performance out of him in 1993's 'Sliver,' in which she starred opposite Billy.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

In response to that, Billy wrote ... "Not sure why Sharon Stone keep talking about me all these years later? Does she still have a crush on me or is she still hurt after all these years because I shunned her advances?"

Billy goes on to claim that Sharon confided with her friend, Janice Dickinson, that she was going to "make him fall so hard for me, it's gonna make his head spin." Basically, he's making it seem like Sharon actually wanted to get with him while they were shooting.

Billy makes another startling allegation, writing ... "The story of the meeting I had with Bob Evans imploring him allow me to choreograph the final sex scene in the photo below so I wouldn't have to kiss Sharon is absolute legend." He teases spilling some tea one day.

Sharon coming out with this story follows years of her teasing being ready to reveal the identity of a producer she says was scummy -- and now, she's naming Evans as that guy.

Sharon went on to explain that she'd been told the acting issues with the movie at the time were being blamed on her ... all because she refused to sleep with Billy, which she says Evans apparently thought would make their chemistry better and "save" the flick.

She says she'd suggested other actors besides Billy -- like Michael Douglas -- whom she says she considers a professional ... so yeah, she's kinda trashing BB here too.

BTW, since Billy invoked Janice's name here -- she came out Wednesday and said she had no recollection of what he was talking about.


Los abogados del denunciante del Boeing dicen que no parecía suicida antes del incidente, y es por eso que piensan que su muerte es increíblemente sospechosa y están pidiendo respuestas de inmediato.

Robert Turkewitz y Brian Knowles -que estuvieron con John Barnett en una demanda por represalias contra Boeing- le dicen a TMZ que Barnett estaba en medio de las deposiciones de su caso civil, un proceso que aseguran estaba a punto de terminar.

Nos dicen que Barnett estaba de buen humor y listo para seguir adelante. Y añaden: "No vimos ningún indicio de que fuera a quitarse la vida. Nadie puede creerlo".

Y añaden: "Todos estamos desolados. Necesitamos más información sobre lo que le ocurrió a John. La policía de Charleston tiene que investigar esto a fondo y con precisión y contarle al público lo que averigüen. No se puede dejar ningún detalle sin investigar".

Los abogados explican que Barnett había presentado la demanda, porque sentía que Boeing tomó represalias contra él después de tratar de hacer sonar la alarma, debido a que él creía que estaban haciendo la vista gorda a las cuestiones de seguridad, y alegó en su demanda que habían fomentado un ambiente de trabajo hostil.

Como hemos dicho, el caso de Barnett parecía estar terminando, y Barnett se quitó la vida repentinamente en medio de todo el drama. Su equipo legal asegura que hay gato encerrado. Knowles incluso fue citado, llamando "presunta" a la herida autoinfligida que se le atribuye a su cliente.

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Como hemos informado, Barnett estuvo hablando sobre los problemas que el Boeing había experimentado últimamente, incluso llegando a nuestro propio programa, "TMZ Live".

Explicó por qué sentía que conseguir la luz verde para volver a surcar los cielos tan pronto luego del incidente de Alaska Airlines era dudosa, alegando que esto le recordaba su propia experiencia con Boeing como gerente de calidad. Período durante el cual alegó que vio muchos problemas.

A raíz de nuestra charla con Barnett, los aviones de Boeing han seguido experimentando problemas. Hubo un caso muy dramático justo esta semana, con un vuelo de Australia a Nueva Zelanda que cayó del cielo después de un aparente fallo del equipo.

Boeing Whistleblower Attorneys No Signs Client Was Suicidal ... Want Answers Amid Death


2:03 PM PT -- John Barnett's family released a statement on their loved one's passing, and they reiterated his cause of shining a light on safety concerns that he was raising while at Boeing -- noting he was deeply affected by the lawsuit he was embroiled in, which they say was going to trial in June. His family says they believe his experience at Boeing contributed to his death.

The Boeing whistleblower's attorneys say he didn't appear suicidal before he died -- which is why they think his death is incredibly suspicious ... and are calling for answers immediately.

Robert Turkewitz and Brian Knowles -- who were repping John Barnett in a retaliation lawsuit against Boeing, which was well underway -- tell TMZ ... Barnett was in the middle of depositions last week in his civil case, a process they say was nearing an end soon.

We're told Barnett was in good spirits and very much so looking forward to putting this whole saga behind him, ready to move on. They add, "We didn't see any indication he would take his own life. No one can believe it."

They add, "We are all devastated. We need more information about what happened to John. The Charleston police need to investigate this fully and accurately and tell the public what they find out. No detail can be left unturned."

The attorneys explain that Barnett had filed suit because he felt Boeing had retaliated against him after he tried sounding the alarm on what he believed was them turning a blind eye to safety issues ... and alleged in his lawsuit they'd fostered a hostile work environment.

Like we said ... Barnett's case seemed to be wrapping up -- and amid reports Barnett took his own life in the middle of all this, it's safe to say his legal team is incredulous. Knowles was even quoted as calling the self-inflicted wound being attributed to his client "alleged."

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As we reported ... Barnett had been going around and speaking very publicly about the issues Boeing had been experiencing lately -- even coming onto our own show, "TMZ Live."

He explained why he felt them getting the green light to hit the skies again so soon after the Alaska Airlines incident was dubious -- claiming this was in line with his own experience with Boeing as a quality manager ... a period during which he alleged he saw many lapses.

In the aftermath of our chat with Barnett, Boeing planes have continued to experience problems -- including something dramatic just this week ... with a flight from Australia to New Zealand beginning to drop out of the sky after apparent massive equipment failure.

Originally Published -- 2:03 PM PT

NEVE CAMPBELL A BORDO DE "SCREAM 7" Luego de desacuerdos salariales

Neve Campbell vuelve a "Scream", algo que acaba de anunciar tras su salida hace un par de años por discrepancias salariales y mucho drama.

La actriz dio la noticia en Instagram el martes, publicando una foto de un guion de "Scream 7" con su nombre en él y algunos otros detalles interesantes acerca de quién está escribiendo y quién está dirigiendo (más detalles a continuación).

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Nave escribe: "¡Estoy tan emocionada de anunciar esta noticia! ¡Sidney Prescott vuelve! Siempre ha sido un placer y un honor interpretar a Sidney en las películas de "Scream". Mi aprecio por estas películas y por lo que han significado para mí nunca ha disminuido".

Y añade: "Estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de decir que me han pedido, de la manera más respetuosa, que traiga de vuelta a Sidney a la pantalla y ¡no podría estar más emocionada! Bueno, en realidad sí podría".

Neve continúa diciendo que se siente honrada de trabajar en esta última entrega con el guionista original de las dos primeras entregas -Kevin Williamson- que ahora dirige.

Y termina diciendo: "A los increíbles fans de Scream, espero que estén tan emocionados como yo. Nos vemos en el set".

Está claro que los problemas salariales que Neve tuvo cuando se alejó de "Scream 6" se han resuelto, recordemos que primero dijo que los responsables de la película no le pagaban lo que ella consideraba justo, y como resultado se ausentó de la última película.

Por supuesto, después de toda la polémica, la franquicia "Scream" ha perdido a dos de sus estrellas principales -Melissa Barrera y Jenna Ortega- por lo que este movimiento para volver a tener a Neve como personaje principal (de nuevo) es una especie de obviedad. Ella es el alma de la franquicia después de todo.

A principios de este año, Neve sugirió que estaba dispuesta a volver en medio de todo el caos que la franquicia había experimentado últimamente, pero también dio a entender que solo volvería por la cantidad adecuada de dinero. Está claro que le dieron un buen cheque.

Bien por Neve, ¡y bienvenida de nuevo!

Neve Campbell Comes Aboard for 'Scream 7' ... After Exiting Over Pay

Neve Campbell is coming back into the fold for 'Scream' -- something she just announced after exiting a couple years back over pay discrepancies ... and a lot of drama since.

The actress broke the news on Instagram Tuesday, posting a photo of a 'Scream 7' script with her name on it -- and some other interesting deets about who's writing this, and who's directing (more on that later).

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NC writes, "I’m so excited to announce this news!!! Sidney Prescott is coming back!!!! It’s always been such a blast and an honor to get to play Sidney in the Scream movies. My appreciation for these films and for what they have meant to me, has never waned."

She adds, "I’m very happy and proud to say I’ve been asked, in the most respectful way, to bring Sidney back to the screen and I couldn’t be more thrilled!!! Well actually I could."

Neve goes on to say that she's honored to work on this latest installment with the original screenwriter for the first and second films -- Kevin Williamson -- who's now directing.

She finishes by saying ... "To the amazing Scream fans, I hope you are as excited as I am. See you on set."

Clearly, whatever pay issues Neve had when she first walked away from 'Scream 6' have been resolved -- remember, she first said the honchos behind the film weren't shelling out a wage that she considered fair ... and as a result, she was absent from the last movie.

Of course, in the aftermath of all that ... the 'Scream' franchise has lost two of its lead stars -- Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega -- so this move to get Neve back into the mix as the main character (again) is sort of a no-brainer. She's the soul of the franchise, after all.

It's interesting ... earlier this year, Neve strongly suggested she was open to returning amid all the chaos the franchise had been experiencing of late -- but also implied she'd only come back for the right amount of money. Clearly, they wrote her a fat check.

Good for Neve ... and welcome back!