Pasajero del Boeing 787 de Latam La caída fue como estar en el "exorcista" Muestra sus heridas

No era una película

Un pasajero a bordo del Boeing 787 de Latam Airlines, que sufrió una caída en el transcurso del vuelo y se dirigía de Australia a Nueva Zelanda, relató su terrible experiencia y está compartiendo fotos de las lesiones que sufrió la gente también.

Brian Jokat, de 61 años, estuvo en CNN diciendo que se había quedado dormido en el avión cuando despertó y vio cuerpos volando y golpeándose con el techo, una escena que comparó con "El Exorcista" mientras el avión caía alrededor de 500 pies, según él.

Al principio, dice que pensó que era un sueño, pero entonces un pasajero que estaba junto a él cayó desde el techo y se golpeó con su reposabrazos y fue entonces cuando se dio cuenta de que estaba en una pesadilla real.

Después del vuelo, un portavoz de la aerolínea dijo que un problema técnico había causado la caída, pero dejó a todos sin saber lo que realmente pasó. Sin embargo, Brian compartió una idea de lo ocurrido, diciendo a CNN que el piloto reveló que perdió el control de sus instrumentos repentinamente, lo que provocó que todo quedara a oscuras.

Dice que el piloto, que estaba en estado de shock, regresó para chequear cómo estaba todo el mundo y les dijo que había perdido esencialmente el control del jet porque los indicadores se quedaron en blanco. Absolutamente aterrador, sin duda.

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Aterrador vuelo

Al cabo de unos segundos, los indicadores volvieron a su patrón de vuelo normal y el avión aterrizó sin problemas en el aeropuerto de Auckland, para el alivio de Brian. También le dijo a The Post que estaba seguro de que todos iban a caer y se había hecho la idea de que todo estaba fuera de su control.

Por cierto, Brian compartió fotos de las heridas de los pasajeros mientras fueron sacudidos en la cabina y se ven absolutamente brutales, por decir lo menos.

Alrededor de 50 pasajeros fueron atendidos por heridas leves o moderadas, y una persona quedó en estado de gravedad.

Este es solo el último incidente de Boeing en los últimos tiempos: sus aviones han sido objeto de un escrutinio increíble debido a problemas en el aire y doblemente a raíz de la repentina muerte de John Barnett.

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Fuerte caída en la calidad

Recuerden, él estaba en medio de una demanda contra ellos, pero apareció muerto este fin de semana pasado. Estuvo en "TMZ Live" a principios de este año para explicar por qué pensaba que los aviones Boeing no eran seguros. Esto, de acuerdo a sus propias experiencias de trabajo con la empresa, según él dijo.

LATAM BOEING 787 Passenger Says Nosedive Was Like 'Exorcist' ... Shares Photos of Injuries

It's Not A Movie

A passenger onboard the nosediving Boeing flight from Australia to New Zealand has recounted his horrific experience ... and he's shared pics of the injuries people sustained, too.

61-year-old Brian Jokat gave the blow-by-blow to CNN -- saying he'd fallen asleep on the plane only to awaken to see bodies flying past him and hitting the roof ... a scene he likened to "The Exorcist," as the plane dropped around 500 feet on Monday, according to him.

At first, he says he thought it was a dream -- but then a fellow passenger suddenly dropped from the roof, hitting his armrest ... and that's when he realized he was in a living nightmare.

After the flight ... an airline spokesperson said there was a technical issue that had caused the drop, but left everyone in the dark about what it actually was. However, Brian has given insight into what really went down ... telling CNN the pilot revealed he'd lost control of his instruments on a dime, with everything just going dark.

He says the shocked pilot came back to check in on everyone ... telling them he'd essentially lost control of the jet 'cause the gauges went blank on him. Absolutely terrifying, no doubt.

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Frightening Flight

After a few seconds, the gauges returned and reengaged to their normal flight pattern ... with the plane ultimately landing safely at Auckland airport, much to the relief of Brian. He also told The Post he was certain they were all gonna go down and had made peace that it was all out of his control.

BTW, Brian shared pictures of people's injuries as they were being tossed around in the cabin -- and they look absolutely brutal, to say the least.

Roughly 50 passengers were treated for mild to moderate injuries, and one person was in serious condition.

This is just the latest incident with Boeing of late -- their aircrafts have come under incredible scrutiny due to problems in the sky ... and doubly so amid John Barnett's sudden death.

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Remember, he was in the midst of a lawsuit against them ... but turned up dead this past weekend. He came on "TMZ Live" earlier this year to explain why he thought Boeing planes weren't safe, based on what he claims were his own experiences working with the company.

Príncipe Guillermo Continúa con sus obligaciones reales Tras escándalo de Kate

Mientras Kate Middleton sigue lidiando con las consecuencias del escándalo de su foto, el príncipe Guillermo está actuando como un miembro Real y haciendo cosas Reales.

El Príncipe de Gales estuvo en Frameless London el lunes, una atracción turística de experiencias multisensoriales con un montón de exposiciones de arte, donde se codeó con participantes del llamado Earthshot Prize Launchpad, una iniciativa sobre el cambio climático.

El Príncipe Guillermo habló durante el evento y conversó con los ecologistas. Las fotos de su salida fueron publicadas en la cuenta oficial que él y Kate tienen en redes sociales.

El problema es que todo el mundo solo está pensando en una cosa en lo que respecta a William y Kate, y es en la foto editada que publicaron el fin de semana, que luego se reveló que estaba alterada, algo por lo que la misma Kate asumió la responsabilidad.

Hay una nueva ola de teorías conspirativas en las redes sociales, y a pesar del frenesí sobre su paradero y condición, Bill está aquí como si nada hubiera pasado.

Incluso antes de este evento climático, William apareció para un servicio de la Commonwealth junto a la reina Camilla y allí también parecía que todo andaba bien.

Mientras William llegaba a este último evento, él y Kate fueron fotografiados en el carro en dirección a Windsor, pero Kate estaba de lado, mirando por la ventana.

Por supuesto, después de que admitiera que editó su foto del Día de la Madre, hay más especulación e intriga que nunca luego de que desapareciera del ojo público desde hace meses y provocara la preocupación sobre su estado de salud.

El Palacio de Kensington se ha negado a hacer más comentarios sobre lo que alteró exactamente Kate de la foto y cómo, pero mucha gente ha hecho conjeturas sobre ello.

Mientras tanto, el príncipe Guillermo parece tener su cabeza en la arena, y mirando hacia otro lado.

Prince William Keeps Plugging Along with Duties Amid Kate's Photo Scandal

As Kate Middleton continues to deal with the fallout from her photo scandal -- Prince William is just ... well, being a Royal and doing Royal things.

The Prince of Wales was out and about Monday at Frameless London -- a multi-sensory experience tourist attraction with a bunch of cool art exhibitions -- where he was hobnobbing with folks for something called Earthshot Prize Launchpad ... a climate change initiative.

PW spoke during the event ... and he was seen chopping it up with environmentalists. Photos of his outing here were posted to his and Kate's official Royal social media account too.

The problem ... everybody around the world is only focused on one thing as it pertains to William and Kate -- and that would be this edited photo they posted over the weekend, which has now been revealed to be altered ... something Kate herself took the blame for.

There's a fresh round of conspiracy theories all over social media ... and despite this frenzy over her whereabouts and condition, Bill's out here just carrying on like nothing's happening.

Even before his climate event, William showed up for a Commonwealth service alongside Queen Camilla -- and there, too, he looked like nothing was amiss ... just business as usual.

As William was arriving at the latter event ... he and Kate were actually snapped in the car heading on over from Windsor, but Kate was turned to the side -- looking out a window.


Of course, with her admitting that she edited her Mother's Day photo ... there's more speculation and intrigue than ever before ... this after she's been out of the public eye for months now, with mounting concern over her well-being.

Kensington Palace has refused to comment further on what exactly Kate altered in the picture, and how -- but a lot of people have taken educated guesses on what she did.

Meanwhile, Prince William seems to have his head in the sand ... and looking the other way.

Michelle Yeoh Clears Up Awk Oscar Flub w/ Emma Whoops, I Confused You!!!

Michelle Yeoh had an awkward moment at the Oscars when it came to handing Emma Stone her Oscar -- something some perceived as racism ... but which Michelle is now clarifying.

Super weird hand-off Sunday when ES went up to accept her award for Best Actress -- Michelle and a bunch of other previous Best Actress winners from years past were onstage as well ... and MY was the one holding the statuette to give to Emma.


As Emma went to receive it from her ... Michelle held onto it, and tried passing it to Jennifer Lawrence before giving it to Emma -- who was standing right next to her ... and clearly not ready to help in the exchange. Like we said ... very weird, and Emma was taken aback.

Unfortunately, for Emma ... the whole thing ended up making her look bad, as some took this as her being rude to Michelle, and a handful of people accused her of her racial bias.

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Now, Michelle's clearing the air (sorta) with an explanation. She wrote on IG, "Congratulations Emma!! I confused you , but I wanted to share that glorious moment of handing over Oscar to you together with your best friend Jennifer!!"

Michelle added, "She reminded me of my Bae Jamie Lee Curtis ♥️✨ always there for each other!!" We're not sure that really answers the question of what happened, but there ya go.

In any case, Emma didn't let the little mishap put a damper on things ... she gracefully accepted her award and gave a moving speech, where she seemed shocked she'd won. Afterward, she hit the town with everyone else and celebrated the honor at some after-parties.

As for her and Michelle ... seems like they're all good now, sharing hugs right afterward.

Still ... for a hot minute, it almost felt like Michelle didn't wanna let that go. MINE! Kidding 😆

Austin Butler Dialect Coach Defends Millie ... Accent Changing is Normal

Millie Bobby Brown's explanation that her accent changes based on her surroundings is getting some serious support from experts -- including a guy who worked with Austin Butler.

Hollywood dialect coach Erik Singer -- who helped Austin master his Elvis Presley voice for Baz Luhrmann's flick about the King of Rock 'n' Roll a couple years back -- has come to the defense of the British actress ... telling TMZ people need to relax, 'cause MBB's 100% right.


Singer says ... "I really wish people would lay off of actors, and most especially that they'd lay off of criticizing people's accents."

He goes on to tell us it's entirely normal for people's accents to change depending on who they're talking to -- and he would know, since this is literally his job. ES says this phenomenon is called "accommodation" or "conversation" convergence.

In his experience, Singer says just about everybody does this ... especially actors.

Singer goes on to piece some things together about Millie's backstory and history -- including having grown up in both the U.K. and the U.S. -- and says that it's completely understandable that she might have a dual accent, and that different flavors come out in different times. In fact, he suggests Millie might be bi-dialectal ... which is a thing!

Short story long ... Singer says there's nothing surprising about MBB's accent flip-flopping.

Singer finishes by saying ... "If there's anything odd or wrong it's the fuss around it, and the insinuation that there could be anything wrong or odd about it!"

Millie did a pretty good job of defending herself last week -- saying she's living in NYC with her fiance, Jake Bongiovi, and that her accent changing based on where she's at/who she's with is something that happens all the time. Singer, it seems, would agree.

Erik's fierce defense of Millie isn't entirely shocking ... as his client Austin received backlash after he struggled to shake his Elvis impression.

Sounds like people on the Internet are stirring the pot unnecessarily ... what else is new?

SUZANNE SOMERS' Husband Okay w/ Oscars 'In Memoriam' Snub ... I Respect It!!!

Suzanne Somers' omission from the Oscars' "in memoriam" main segment left many fans livid ... but her husband is saying he's all good with the Academy's decision to leave her out.

Alan Hamel explains his POV to TMZ ... saying, "Last time I checked, we still had a First Amendment. I respect the Academy's decision to not include Suzanne In Memoriam. Frankly, the outpouring from millions of her fans, was the kind of In Memoriam Suzanne would have lovingly embraced."

He adds, "She adored and respected her Fans and similarly enjoyed a beautiful relationship with the Media and Paparazzi who elevated her career to heights rarely seen. She debuted on Carson in 1973 with her first of 27 books and remained active and relevant until her passing. God bless Suzanne Somers."

In addition to Somers, actors Lance Reddick, Treat Williams, Ron Cephas Jones, and Burt Young were also overlooked during the main event ... as were screenwriter Norman Lear and British filmmaker Terence Davies.

Suzanne's name was only included in the last slide of the segment, but it was written in a small font along with the names of other late stars. She wasn't shown as one of the main stars who were honored with their faces shown.

As we reported ... Suzanne -- famous from "Three's Company" and a bunch of other TV shows/movies -- passed away after a long battle with cancer at her home in October.

The legendary actress was first diagnosed with melanoma in 2000 ... and developed breast cancer shortly after which she battled on and off for years. It fully returned in the summer of 2023 ... months before her tragic death.

Suzanne was also well-known for TV roles in "Starsky and Hutch" and "Hollywood Wives" and her movie roles included "American Graffiti", "The Nutty Professor," "Say It Isn't So" and more.

Guess Model Zita Vass Open to Education ... On Stance Over N-Word in Concert


Zita Vass says she's open to pivoting her views on wanting to say the n-word at concerts -- 'cause it sounds like she's just not aware of how or why people would possibly be upset.

We talked to the Guess model Monday on "TMZ Live," and she defended her take online from this past weekend ... where she expressed a desire to be able to say the derogatory racial slur in live music settings, especially if she was just repeating lyrics from an artist.

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Zita's whole thing here is this ... if there's no hate in her heart, what's the big deal???

Welp, we tried explaining to Zita why some -- especially Black people -- might take offense to hearing her use the term ... and after a lot of back and forth, it sounds like she finally might've started to understand.

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She admits there may be some ignorance on her part -- and the bigger takeaway is that she's willing to learn ... which is refreshing to hear. Of course, some just wanted to dump on her -- and that's exactly what a good amount of people did in her Instagram comments.

This conversation we had with Zita is definitely worth a watch -- it's almost like she's learning about racism (or perceived racism) live for the first time ... and seems pretty genuine about it too, surprised that some might not be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Bottom line ... Zita seems to be coming around -- although, jury's out on whether she'll be using the n-word in the near future. Here's hoping she doesn't. 🤞

LADY GAGA DEFIENDE A DYLAN MULVANEY Luego de criticas en el Día Internacional de la Mujer

Lady Gaga sale en defensa de Dylan Mulvaney después de que una publicación en redes sociales en honor a las dos celebridades durante el Día Internacional de la Mujer provocara una dura reacción en línea.

La cantante publicó una foto de ella y Dylan -que es transgénero- e hizo un punto para criticar a los trolls que reaccionaron a la publicación Insta de Dylan del viernes (Día Internacional de la Mujer) que la presentaba a ella y a Gaga juntas, y recibió una gran cantidad de odio en sus comentarios.

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Gaga escribe: "Me resulta espantoso que un post sobre el Día Nacional de la Mujer escrito por Dylan Mulvaney y por mí sea recibido con tanto vitriolo y odio. Cuando veo que un periódico informa sobre el odio, pero lo llama "reacción violenta", creo que es importante aclarar que el odio es odio, y este tipo de odio es violencia".

mostrando algo de amor

Y continuó: "'Contragolpe' implicaría que a la gente que nos quiere o nos respeta a Dylan y a mí no les ha gustado algo que hemos hecho. Esto no es una reacción violenta. Esto es odio".

Gaga añade: "Pero no es sorprendente dado el inmenso trabajo que todavía tenemos que hacer como sociedad para darle lugar a las vidas transgénero para que sean apreciadas y defendidas por todos nosotros". Gaga dice que protege a la comunidad trans... pero dice que no habla en su nombre.

Gaga termina diciendo: "Espero que todas las mujeres se unan para honrarnos a TODAS en el Día Internacional de la Mujer, y que siempre lo hagamos hasta EL DÍA en que todas las mujeres sean celebradas por igual. Que se celebre a todas las personas por igual. Un día en el que las personas de todas las identidades de género sean celebradas en cualquier festividad que les hable. Porque las personas de todas las identidades de género y razas merecen paz y dignidad".

En otras palabras. Gaga está totalmente de acuerdo con Dylan y dice que la gente debería retirarse.

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el anuncio de bud light
Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

Dylan, por supuesto, no es ajeno a la controversia. Recordemos que Dylan se enfrentó a una gran indignación en Internet por su colaboración con Bud Light el año pasado, la cual que provocó un boicot masivo y perjudicó a Anheuser-Busch.

Los que se opusieron a la colaboración, entre ellos Kid Rock, se comprometieron a no comprar la marca de cerveza a propósito, llegando incluso a destruir las latas que ya habían comprado. Kid Rock incluso se hizo viral por disparar a cajas de Bud Light por la colaboración.

La respuesta no fue del todo negativa... Paris Hilton, Sasha Colby de "Drag Race" y muchos más expresaron su apoyo a Dylan.

Dylan tiene ahora una nueva defensora en Lady Gaga, que es una aliada muy poderosa, por cierto.

Lady Gaga Defends Dylan Mulvaney ... Against Hate on IWD

Lady Gaga is coming to the defense of Dylan Mulvaney after a social media post honoring the two celebs on International Women's Day sparked a harsh reaction online.

The singer posted a photo of her and Dylan -- who's transgender -- and made a point to slam trolls who reacted to Dylan's own IG post from Friday (International Women's Day) that featured her and Gaga together ... which got a massive amount of hate in her comments.

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Gaga writes, "It’s appalling to me that a post about National Women’s Day by Dylan Mulvaney and me would be met with such vitriol and hatred. When I see a newspaper reporting on hatred but calling it 'backlash' I feel it is important to clarify that hatred is hatred, and this kind of hatred is violence."


She continued, "'Backlash' would imply that people who love or respect Dylan and me didn’t like something we did. This is not backlash. This is hatred."

LG adds, "But it is not surprising given the immense work that it’s obvious we still have to do as a society to make room for transgender lives to be cherished and upheld by all of us." Gaga says she's protective of the trans community ... but says she doesn't speak for them.

Gaga finishes by saying ... "I hope all women will come together to honor us ALL for International Women’s Day, and may we do that always until THE DAY that all women are celebrated equally. That all people are celebrated equally. A day where people of all gender identities are celebrated on whichever holiday speaks to them. Because people of all gender identities and races deserve peace and dignity."

In other words ... Gaga is fully in Dylan's corner here -- and says people oughta back off.

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Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

Dylan, of course, is no stranger to controversy. Remember ... Dylan faced some serious outrage online over her partnership with Bud Light last year -- which sparked a massive boycott, and hurt Anheuser-Busch's bottom line.

Those who opposed the collab, including Kid Rock, vowed to purposely not buy the beer brand -- even going as far as to destroy cans they'd already purchased. ICYMI ... Kid Rock even went viral for shooting up cases of Bud Light over the partnership.

The response wasn't all negative, though ... Paris Hilton, 'Drag Race's Sasha Colby and more voiced their support for Dylan in the aftermath.

Dylan now has a new champion in Lady Gaga -- who is a pretty powerful ally, FWIW.

For more viral news check out TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

KATE MIDDLETON Mother's Day Pic ... Photoshop Fail More Likely Than AI

Kate Middleton's Mother's Day photo appears to be littered with Photoshop edits -- and upon closer inspection ... we think we've pinpointed all the major ones, and they're noticeable.

The Princess of Wales has already copped to altering the picture seen round-the-world -- but neither she nor Kensington Palace have clarified what exactly was doctored and how. According to Sky News ... metadata for the original photo -- which they seem to have obtained -- shows the picture was taken at their Adelaide Cottage home in Windsor.

They also report that the metadata shows it was taken with a DSLR camera ... and more importantly, it was apparently saved twice in Photoshop on an Apple MacBook -- once on Friday night and again on Saturday morning before it was released to the public by the Palace.

Remember, when it first went up on social media -- Prince William was credited as the photog -- and they said this snap was taken last week sometime ahead of Mother's Day.

Now, though, in light of the photo being reported to be manipulated -- and Kate falling on the sword as the one to blame -- everyone is picking this photo apart and analyzing it to see exactly how it may have been tweaked ... and we actually have some ideas of our own.

Take a look at what graphic designers in our own building say are apparent Photoshop edits ... or more accurately, Photoshop fails. The big red flag everyone has been pointing out is Princess Charlotte's hand overlapping with Kate's left hand ... where you see a blur.

Our own experts say this seems to be a bad use of the stamp tool in Photoshop ... that, or a possible flub in duplicating layers of two different images and not lining them up correctly.

In terms of Kate missing her wedding ring -- we know magazines are notorious for editing stuff like that, including copying/pasting body parts ... and our team here says that may well have been what happened with Kate's hand here. Basically, that whole section looks edited.

There's also the issue of Prince Louie's sweater pattern not lining up -- something our team noticed -- and Kate's jacket zipper seemingly disappearing and reappearing in the shot.

Even Kate and Charlotte's awkwardly overlapping appears to be a Photoshop mistake ... that's our own team's take anyway. It's just a handful of apparent mistakes we honed in on -- but there are certainly more others have picked up on ... and the conspiracies are flying.

Some are suggesting that Kate's face here is actually cropped from a Vogue cover -- but according to our graphic designers ... that doesn't seem likely since the lighting is all off.

The Palace isn't explaining itself here ... at least not fully. We've reached out to them for further explanation on what exactly was changed here -- but haven't heard back yet.

There's more intrigue ... with a new photo of Kate riding with Prince William as they drove to a private appointment -- and here, too, she's heavily obscured ... shying away from cameras.

It's the latest shot paps have gotten of her outside of Windsor ... but it's hard to really see her.


At this point ... people are calling for Kate to just come out and address the public -- because anything short of that won't appease everyone's curiosity or suspicions. With the fake photo being put out ... it's quite clear that Kensington Palace was okay with trying to pull a fast one -- or at the very least, wanted to make her seem like she's doing better than she is.

One last thing ... a lot of people have suggested AI is afoot in this Mother's Day pic -- but we talked to AI expert Paul Dawes -- CEO of More.Ai -- and he tells TMZ ... this photo appears to be more Photoshopped than AI-generated ... although it's possible it could be.

Dawes says an AI tool may have been used to edit real photos -- but this image does appear to be thrown together with actual photographs of real people ... that's his take.

Ditto for AI expert Mike Gioia of Pickaxe, who says this picture is likely more Photoshopped than tinkered with AI. He tells us the teeth, hands and eyes all seem fairly normal (or human) ... and he would know, as those are telltale signs of whether AI created it, or if it's the real McCoy. In this case, he says he thinks these features look more authentic than not.

Gioia does say this might've been created with the help of something in Photoshop these days called Generative Fill ... which uses AI to pop in generic images. It's just hard to tell.

Bottom line ... this is a bad Photoshop job -- but the question remains ... WHY??? Kensington Palace has been tight-lipped ... and they're letting Kate herself take the heat.

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Kate Middleton Admits to Editing Mother's Day Photo

Kate Middleton is falling on the sword over a photo Kensington Palace released that supposedly shows her with her kids post-surgery ... and even now, folks ain't buying it.

A message on behalf of the Princess of Wales was posted to X Monday morning, which explicitly places the blame over the photoshopped pic at her feet. It reads, "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused."

She adds, "I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C" That final "C," BTW is meant to stand for Catherine ... so this is her taking responsibility, officially.

What's weird, of course, is that in the original upload ... Kensington Palace credited her husband, Prince William, with taking the photo -- and yet, Kate herself says this is on her.

Of course ... with all the twists and turns in this "Where Is Kate?" saga -- which has been dragging on for weeks now -- hardly anybody is believing this is actually Kate Middleton owning up to it. Most everyone assumes it's just Kensington Palace publishing some statement on her behalf. Can't blame them, considering this was truly misleading.

As we reported ... the Mother's Day photo in question was yanked by news agencies all over the world -- with these reputable outlets saying the image appeared to be manipulated.


A closer look at the photo shows some strange features, including what appear to be photoshopped elements near Princess Charlotte's left hand, and even Prince Louie's fingers appear to have a warped appearance. As it turns out -- the picture was in fact doctored.

This all follows weeks of nonstop speculation about Kate's whereabouts/condition -- as she's been out of the public eye for several weeks now following a mysterious abdominal surgery. Even when she surfaced for the first time a couple weeks ago, people still didn't think it was really her.

Most of the innuendo is joke-y in nature, and yet ... every time the Palace has tried to put out the fire ... it's backfired in their faces, and this latest move is a complete blunder.

The only thing that'll calm everyone's nerves now is a straight-up video where we see her.

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Murray The Magician Suspended From Magic Castle ... You Exposed Magic Tricks!!!

Murray The Magician is walking the plank -- the magic world's version, anyway, as the famed Magic Castle suspends him for breaking a longstanding rule about revealing how to do tricks, but he says that rule's gotta change.

Here's the deal ... Murray filmed a fun video he shared online, doing a bunch of different magic tricks for the camera only to have his sexy sidekick -- his wife, Dani -- burst his bubble and reveal the secret behind each trick.

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Dispelling The Magic

Murray's video racked up more than 50 million views on Facebook, and now Hollywood's most famous and exclusive magic club, The Magic Castle, has suspended him.

The Academy of Magical Arts, the group that runs The Magic Castle, told Murray he's suspended pending an investigation into complaints he violated their rules by exposing magic online.

In the letter, obtained by TMZ, the AMA tells Murray he's no longer allowed to even enter the Magic Castle, where he's been a member for decades and frequently performs.

Murray tells TMZ ... the magic community needs to update these outdated rules because it's 2024, and folks can go on the internet and learn magic tricks on their own.

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Guarding An Empty Safe

Basically, Murray's calling out the AMA for guarding an empty safe by punishing magicians who pull back the curtain. As he says, it's not like he was sharing details behind David Copperfield or Criss Angel's famous tricks, because everything in his viral video is available on Amazon for anyone to purchase and use.

Murray says the real issue here is his fame ... he says the video wouldn't be a problem if he was a birthday magician in Barstow, but because his video is racking up a bunch of views, suddenly the AMA has beef.

Bottom line for Murray ... there's no harm in exposing basic magic tricks because the art form is all about entertainment, and he feels that's what he's accomplishing here.

Kate Middleton Mother's Day Photo Yanked ... Agencies Say It May Be Fake

A photo of Kate Middleton and her kids sent around by Kensington Palace Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day in the U.K. is now being accused of possibly being fake.

Multiple photo and new agencies -- like the Associated Press, Getty Images, etc. -- have yanked the picture in question, and AP even handed down a kill notification to journos worldwide ... letting them know they have reason to believe this photo may be manipulated.

Part of that message read ... "At closer inspection, it appears that the source has manipulated the image. No replacement image will be sent. Please remove it from all platforms, including social, where it may still be visible."

The hesitation follows a wave of skeptics online and elsewhere, who suggested the pic looked sorta AI-generated ... and did not at all seem authentic -- this despite the fact palace officials insisted it had been taken by Prince William himself at their cottage in Windsor.

On paper, this has been presented as the real McCoy -- but reputable news outlets are now distancing themselves and refusing to circulate it ... casting serious doubt on its legitimacy.


As of now, Royal officials have yet to comment on this, even to reporters across the pond ... and the photo is still on the Prince and Princess of Wales' official social media accounts.

If true, obviously it's scandalous ... and will only add fuel to the fire over Kate's condition as she continues to recover from abdominal surgery earlier this year ... which has sidelined her for a while. Photos of her that surfaced last week were also called into question.

Kensington Palace has attempted to tamp down rumors and speculation about all this -- but the Internet has been having a field day with memes, jokes and gossip regardless. This latest apparent Snafu ain't gonna help ... if anything, it'll kickstart a fresh wave of inuendo.

If Kate isn't, in fact, ready to surface just yet ... ya gotta wonder, why wouldn't the Palace just come out and say so? Strange stuff, indeed.

'Harry Potter' Star Adult Super Fans Gotta Grow TF Up ... I Kinda Worry About Y'all!!!


Miriam Margolyes says people who are still diehard 'Harry Potter' fans as fully functioning adults worry her a bit -- and she's got a clear message for them ... grow the hell up!

The actress -- who played Professor Pomona Sprout on two 'HP' films back when those were still a thing -- did a recent interview with New Zealand's 1 News, where she was plugging a new project of hers ... and she was quite candid on how she feels about this topic.

Check it out ... Miriam says people that are still obsessed with the 'Harry Potter' movies -- or, god forbid, the even older books -- concern her ... 'cause they're still acting like lil' kids.

She says she'll still get asked about 'Harry Potter' stuff to this day -- and goes on to say she's startled to hear people are doing whole ass 'HP'-themed events ... including weddings. Miriam jokes that she wonders what the first night of fun would be for 'HP' newlyweds.

As Miriam puts it, 'Harry Potter' is for children, and the adults still clinging to their childhood nostalgia need to get over it. MM hits the point home by definitively saying ... "It's over!"

Yes, it's a bit harsh -- but you can tell Miriam just doesn't understand the years-long fandom.

Something tells us she might have some thoughts on Disney adults too -- who are in their own league of Peter Pan-syndrome. As for Potter-heads, though ... time to break the spell.

Guess Model Zita Vass Guys, Serious Question ... Why Can't I Say the N-Word at Shows???

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Zita Vass wants to know why she -- and presumably other white women -- can't say the n-word during live concerts ... and she's got quite an argument on why it should be kosher.

The Guess model posted a series of videos on her social media account this weekend ... and it was all about this hot-button issue -- namely, folks who aren't Black needing to censor themselves when it comes to singing or rapping the n-word, especially at live shows.

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Zita says she's sick of doing that ... and thinks she oughta have a pass in live music settings.

She goes on to argue that African-Americans use the word as a term of endearment -- and insists she has no ill will in her heart if she were to use it in repeating back song lyrics ... going on to say she resents the notion that doing so would make her racist in some circles.

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Zita also asks why the term is only exclusive to Black people ... and openly wonders why it's taboo for non-Black people to say it. She distinguishes between wanting to use the n-word generally and using it for musical purposes -- noting she only wants to do the latter.

Of course, she's catching some backlash -- with lots of people flooding her comment section to let her know why it's not okay ... explaining points that have been litigated ad nauseam.

Her IG caption for this is a little eyebrow-raising too, FWIW ... she writes, "THE N WORD - Warning #controversial #africanamericans."

Zita's post is still up as of this writing.