Director Alexander Payne Accused of Ripping Off 'Luca' Writer ... For 'Holdovers' Story, Plot

The director of 'The Holdovers' is being accused of ripping off another Hollywood creative, who claims the guy hijacked his own years-old script in what he calls outright plagiarism.

Simon Stephenson -- whose story/writing credits include 'Luca,' 'Paddington 2' and other big hits -- levied a heavy plagiarism allegation against Alexander Payne earlier this year with none other than the WGA ... and his claims are just now coming to light publicly.

According to Variety -- which has reviewed and published emails from this whole ordeal -- Stephenson hit up some WGA honchos to complain that Payne's script/story for 'The Holdovers' was a "brazen" ripoff of a script he wrote back in 2013 called 'Frisco.'

Not only are the plots nearly identical, Stephenson alleges, but he goes on to claim there is "line-by-line" replication ... adding he has proof Payne reviewed his screenplay in years past.

Stephenson wrote in one of his emails to WGA, "I’ve been a working writer for 20 years -- in my native U.K. before I came to the U.S. -- and so I’m very aware that people can often have surprisingly similar ideas and sometimes a few elements can be ‘borrowed,’ etc."

He adds emphatically ... "This just isn’t that situation. The two screenplays are forensically identical and riddled with unique smoking guns throughout."

Stephenson was reportedly told his gripes were not a guild issue, and that he might need to consider a lawsuit to address his concerns -- no word on whether he's done that yet.

As for Payne -- who's not a writer on 'Holdovers,' but who says he heavily supervised the script-writing process -- he's publicly said his flick is loosely inspired by a 1935 French film.

We've reached out to Payne, 'Holdovers' script writer David Hemingson and the production and distribution companies attached to the film (an Oscar darling). So far, no word back.


Esta NO es la forma en que Madonna debe expresarse... es lo que la gente dice en redes sociales luego de que la diva cometiera un grave error cuando detuvo su show para decirle a una fan que estaba primera fila que se pusiera de pie, solo para percatarse de que la chica estaba en silla de ruedas.


El clip del momento de Madonna se está viralizando. Los fans la están criticando, no tanto por el error, sino por su reacción indiferente una vez que se dio cuenta.

Esto ocurrió el jueves por la noche durante su concierto en el Kia Forum de Inglewood, California. Entre canción y canción, Madge miró al público, miró fijamente a la fan sentada y le dijo: "¿Qué haces sentada?".

Como la vergüenza pública no hizo que la chica se levantara, Madonna se acercó para verla más de cerca, y fue entonces cuando su corazón debió hundirse, porque rápidamente dijo: "Oh, vale... políticamente incorrecto. Lo siento. Me alegro de que estés aquí".

La reacción va desde el humor a la indignación pura, una persona escribió: "Siento que debería haber reembolsado el billete de esa persona", mientras que otro dijo: "Señora, hay 100 razones por las que alguien podría sentarse y todas ellas son válidas".

Mientras que Madonna admitió su error en el acto, algunas personas hacen oídos sordos, diciendo, "'¿políticamente incorrecto?', simplemente fuiste MALVADA 😭😭"

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Lo único positivo para la icónica cantante, es que este error podría hacer que la gente se olvide de su caída de una silla el mes pasado durante su parada de gira en Seattle.

En su defensa, está claro que Madonna no tenía ninguna mala intención, pero a sus 65 años, lleva tiempo en esto... así que es sorprendente que cometiera un error así. La mujer ha estado de gira durante más de cuatro décadas después de todo.

Honestamente, todo el asunto jugó como uno de esos viejos anuncios de Southwest Airlines, y, sí ... Madonna necesita alejarse.

Madonna Grills Fan in Wheelchair ... 'Why Ya Sitting Down???'

This is NOT how Madonna should express herself -- she's getting scorched for this jaw-dropping blunder, when she stopped her show to call out a front-row fan for sitting through her show, only to learn they're in a wheelchair.


The clip of Madonna's cringe moment is from last month in Vancouver but is just now making the rounds ... and folks are slamming her -- not so much for the mistake -- but for her nonchalant reaction once she figured it out.

Between songs, Madge looked into the audience, locked eyes with the seated fan and said, "What are ya doing sitting down?"

When public shaming didn't make the fan get up, Madonna walked over for a closer look ... which is when her heart must've sank, because she quickly said, "Oh, ok ... politically incorrect. Sorry about that. I'm glad you're here."

The backlash ranges from humorous to pure outrage -- one person wrote, "I feel like she should have refunded that person's ticket" ... while another said, "Maam, there are 100 reasons why someone might sit- and all of them are valid"

While Madonna admitted her mistake on the spot, some folks aren't trying to hear it ... telling her, "'politically incorrect' no girl that was just MEAN 😭😭"

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The only positive for the iconic signer ... it's the kinda mistake that might make people forget about the image of her falling off a chair last month during her tour stop in Seattle.

In her defense, Madonna clearly didn't have any ill intent, but at 65, she's been at this a while ... so, it's surprising she would make such a mistake. The woman's been touring for more than 4 decades, after all.

Honestly, the whole thing played out like one of those old Southwest Airlines commercials, and, yes ... Madonna needs to get away.

Armadora de "Rust" No lo pasa bien en la cárcel... Tras ser condenada

La cárcel es un infierno para Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. La armadora de "Rust" no lo está pasando bien mientras espera la sentencia por su condena de homicidio involuntario.

El abogado de Hannah, Jason Bowles, le dice a TMZ que ella está teniendo un tiempo muy difícil en el centro de detención de Nuevo México.

Nos dicen que la familia de Hannah ya se está organizando para ir a visitarla y sus seres queridos se encuentran devastados con la sentencia de culpabilidad por el homicidio involuntario de Halyna Hutchins mediante a un disparo.

Hannah fue declarada culpable el miércoles y rápidamente fue ingresada en el Centro de Detención de Adultos del Condado de Santa Fe, donde posó para una foto policial.

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Escuchando el veredicto
Court TV

Como bien saben, Hannah era la armera que estaba en el set de la película "Rust" cuando Alec Baldwin le disparó a Halyna con un arma de utilería cargada con munición real durante una escena.

El abogado de Hannah dice que van a apelar su condena e intentarán anular el veredicto y la sentencia.

Hannah fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, pero fue considerada inocente del cargo de manipulación de pruebas.

Recuerden, la defensa de Hannah atribuyó el accidente a que ella estaba sobrecargada con el trabajo de producción, y su equipo legal insistió en que el disparo fatal de Halyna no tuvo nada que ver con Hannah.

El abogado de Hannah dice que la sala quedó conmocionada cuando se emitió el veredicto de culpabilidad y parece que ella está lidiando con su propia conmoción mientras se adapta a su vida tras las rejas.

Aún no se ha fijado la fecha de la sentencia, pero se enfrenta a 18 meses de prisión.

'Rust' Armorer Having Difficult Time In Jail ... After Manslaughter Conviction

Jail is hell for Hannah Gutierrez-Reed ... the "Rust" armorer is having a tough time behind bars as she awaits sentencing for her manslaughter conviction.

Hannah's lawyer, Jason Bowles, tells TMZ ... she is having a really ​difficult time in her new digs, a New Mexico detention center.

We're told Hannah's family is already setting up a time to visit her ... and her loved ones have been devastated by her guilty verdict for involuntary manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of Halyna Hutchins.

Hannah was found guilty Wednesday and was quickly booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility, posing for a mug shot.

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Court TV

As you know ... Hannah was the armorer on the "Rust" movie set when Alec Baldwin shot Halyna with a prop gun loaded with live ammunition during a scene.

Hannah's lawyer says they will be appealing her conviction, seeking to overturn the verdict and judgment.

While Hannah was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, she was found not guilty of evidence tampering.

Remember, Hannah's defense blamed the accident on her being overworked by the production, and her legal team insisted Halyna's fatal shooting wasn't on Hannah at all.

Hannah's attorney says the courtroom was shocked when the guilty verdict was returned ... and it sounds like she's dealing with shock of her own as she tries to adjust to life behind bars.

Her sentencing date has not been set yet, but she's facing up to 18 months in prison.

1° robot hombre de Arabia Saudita Actúa como un idiota... Toca el trasero de una mujer!!!

El robot se propasa
Jam Press

El primer robot humanoide de Arabia Saudita, en su forma masculina, tocó de forma inapropiada el trasero de una reportera en un evento de presentación al mundo y la vergonzosa interacción está grabada en video.

El robot de inteligencia artificial, llamado Muhammad, fue grabado a principios de esta semana en Riad, en un evento llamado DeepFest, que es un encuentro de inteligencia artificial donde la gente se reúne para hablar de tecnología, IA y avances notables.

Se suponía que Muhammad iba a ser uno de los más destacados del acto, pero acabó causando sensación por las razones equivocadas. Como se puede ver, el robot intentó hacerse notar.

Estaba de pie en una plataforma detrás de la periodista de televisión Rawya Kassem, cuando movió lentamente su brazo derecho hacia ella, tratando de tocar su trasero en medio de su reporte, y aparentemente hizo contacto.

Rawya se da la vuelta y le hace un gesto al robot para que retroceda. También le lanza una mirada desagradable antes de continuar. El robot, de hecho, se ve súper real, vestido con una túnica blanca y un keffiyeh rojo y blanco, lo que hace que esto sea aún más extraño.

No parece que los responsables de Muhammad hayan respondido por esto. Curiosamente, algunos defendieron al robot, sugiriendo que se trataba de un fallo y no de una decisión consciente.

Saudi Arabia's First Male Robot Acting An Ass ... Touches Woman's Butt!!!

Jam Press

Saudi Arabia's first humanoid male robot inappropriately touched a female reporter's butt at an event introducing him to the world ... and the cringe-y interaction is all on video.

The AI robot, named Muhammad, got caught on camera pulling a pretty pervy earlier this week in Riyadh, at something called DeepFest ... which is an AI get-together where people gather to talk tech, artificial intelligence and noteworthy breakthroughs.

Muhammad was supposed to be on the of standouts at this function -- but he ended up making a splash for all the wrong reasons. As you can see, the bot tried copping a feel.

It was standing on a platform behind TV journalist Rawya Kassem -- when it slowly moves its right arm towards her, attempting to touch her booty in the middle of her report ... and seemingly making contact.

Rawya turns back and motions at the robot to back off ... shooting the robot a nasty glare before continuing on with her report. The robot already looks super real, resembling a man wearing a long gown below a red and white keffiyeh ... making this all the more creepy.

Doesn't look like Muhammad's handlers answered for this in terms of the why. Funny enough -- some defended the bot, suggesting it was a glitch, and not a conscious decision.

Bruce Pearl Slams Biden's State Of The Union Speech ... Where's Support For Jews, Israel?

"134 Innocent Hostages including 6 Americans are still being held by Hamas, Gazans and Palestinians. Not one word DEMANDING THEIR RELEASE from our President."

That's Auburn head basketball coach Bruce Pearl ripping into Joe Biden ... and suffice it to say, he wasn't a fan of POTUS' State of the Union speech Thursday night.

63-year-old Pearl, who is Jewish, laid into the 81-year-old president for failing to adequately pressure Hamas to release over 100 hostages that they took during the October 7 attacks in Israel during his third SOTU speech.

"On Oct 7th the Jewish People experienced the worst genocide since the Holocaust and we hear more about the suffering of Gazans than the constant threat for survival Israel and the Jewish people live with everyday!" Pearl wrote on X.

"And let's reward them with another State and launching pad for terror. Your lack of support for the Jewish people and the State of Israel was loud and clear Mr President!"

Of course, the coach is referencing Biden's push for a "two-state solution" in the region ... something he clearly believes is a bad idea.

On Friday, Pearl, who has been at Auburn since 2014, wasn't ready to move on ... and again went to social media to air out JB.

"President Biden saying 'I won't rest until we get the hostages home' isn't getting it done," Bruce tweeted, referencing a line from the president's speech, before urging action from POTUS and one of his top cabinet officials, the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.

Pearl is referencing a line from Biden's SOTU ... where he said, "We will not rest until we bring their loved ones home." The coach wants much more done.

"Send [Blinken] to Qatar and tell Hamas leaders they have a limited number of days to release all hostages and surrender. If they refuse Israel gets the green light to destroy Hamas and them!"

The United States, Israel, and Hamas, as well as other involved parties, are negotiating in Cairo, in an effort to strike a deal for a temporary ceasefire which would presumably lead to the release of at least some of the more than 100 remaining hostages.

On Thursday, it appeared negotiations were breaking down ... and it's crystal clear Pearl is demanding President Biden find a way to return home hostages being held in Gaza.

Antonio Brown Va por Taylor Swift ... Tras trolear a Gisele

Antonio Brown está cambiando a la ex esposa de Tom Brady por la novia de Travis Kelce, pues el polémico ex superestrella de la NFL ha lanzado una campaña de troleo sobre Taylor Swift.

Antonio Brown, que tiene cero filtro cuando se trata de su presencia en redes, compartió el viernes lo que parece ser una foto generada por IA de sí mismo con una camiseta de los Steelers besándose con la superestrella del pop, diciendo: "Muévete Jizelle, ¿de qué están hablando estos Swifties? #CTESPN"

Brown fue incesantemente tras Gisele Bundchen en las redes sociales tras su divorcio del ex quarterback el año pasado, publicando fotos editadas de los dos juntos para insinuar que él era el responsable de su separación.

Tan recientemente como la semana pasada, se refirió a la ex pareja después de que Gisele confirmara su relación con Joaquim Valente, compartiendo una foto real del receptor y la modelo abrazándose después de ganar el Super Bowl en 2021.

Pero, parece que ha terminado con Gisele, al menos por ahora, porque su último post ha causado un gran revuelo y muchos de sus seguidores le están advirtiendo que los Swifties inevitablemente se unirán para asegurarse de que se arrepienta de su jugada.

Swift y la IA han tenido una relación difícil últimamente. Como informamos anteriormente, un montón de bichos raros inundaron las redes sociales con contenido porno de la cantante de "Anti-Hero", así que sí, esto no le va a caer nada de bien a su base de fans.

Bktherula Shreds Joe Budden for 'Female Rap Death' Take ... Lower Your Ego!!!

Budden Fell Off

Joe Budden is predicting further doomsday across the hip hop music industry -- especially when it comes to pushing female rappers -- but Bktherula is telling the podcast king to PIPE DOWN and let the ladies flourish!!!

Finito !!!

Save for Latto, Flo Milli and a few others, Joe confidently stated the window of opportunities is closing for their competition ... a total insult to BK when we asked her about the topic Thursday at Litt Live in H'wood.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Bk's been on the scene for a few years, racking up millions of plays for her music. She raps, she sings, she rages -- and completely shut down JB's scorching hot takes ... basically calling his viewpoints on the female artists out-of-touch.

Gassing Up The Girls

She backed her points by highlighting Billboard's Women In Music awards from this week, which Ice Spice, GloRilla and a studious Saweetie were all a part of, as further proof JB is off the mark.

doubling down

In the recent JBP episode "Means To An End," JB clarified his hot take by adding more flames to the discussion -- Joe says only the crème de la crème of artists will rise to the top because the music industry has let it be known that all humans are expendable.

There's been a ton of industry layoffs this year -- and it's only March!!!

It's clear Joe set BK off ... she's been on a more spacey vibe leading up to her "LVL5" album dropping next week.

Only time will tell who's right.

Ariana Grande Sugiere que Dalton la engañó... En una nueva canción

Ariana Grande puede haber arrojado nueva luz sobre su divorcio con Dalton Gómez, insinuando fuertemente que podría haberle sido infiel en una nueva canción, al menos, si las letras son una indicación de algo.

La estrella del pop lanzó su último álbum "Eternal Sunshine" el viernes y en la canción titular, ella se refiere a un hombre que jugó con ella, y la forma en que dice que sucedió fue a través de la mentira y aparentemente también el engaño.

Así es como dice uno de los versos: "Nunca he visto a alguien mentir como tú // Tanto, que incluso tú empiezas a creer que es verdad // Así que ahora jugamos nuestras escenas separadas // Ahora, ahora ella está en mi cama, mm-mm, acostada en tu pecho // Ahora estoy en mi cabeza, preguntándome cómo termina".

Ariana continúa cantando: "Showed you all my demons, all my lies // Yet you played me like Atari // Now it's like I'm lookingin' in the mirror // Hope you feel alright when you're in her. Encontré a un buen chico y está de mi lado".

A primera vista, Ari parece estar acusando directamente a Dalton, el hombre con el que estaba casada y cuya relación antecede inmediatamente a este gran álbum.

Del mismo modo, ella también parece estar refiriéndose a su actual novio Ethan Slater, como el "chico bueno".

Si se refiere a un supuesto engaño por parte de Dalton en esta canción, entonces se podría argumentar que Ariana está tratando de ajustar la narrativa sobre cómo terminaron las cosas con su ex marido y cómo comenzó su romance con Ethan. Recuerden, ella fue infamemente etiquetada como una "rompehogares" por parte de los fans e incluso la ex esposa de Ethan, Lilly Jay, insinuó que Ari se había abalanzado sobre su esposo.

No mucho después de que se supo la noticia, Ethan puso fin oficialmente a su matrimonio. Desde que se hizo pública su relación con Ari, los dos han sido prácticamente inseparables.

En octubre, Ariana y Dalton resolvieron oficialmente su divorcio. Dalton no ha sido nombrado en todo el asunto y ha seguido adelante con otras damas después de Ari.

Es interesante que ahora Ariana esté aparentemente acusando a Dalton de estar con otra persona mientras estaban juntos. Habíamos oído de fuentes con conocimiento en la materia de que su matrimonio se vino abajo después del COVID debido a problemas de programación, con Ari volviendo a reanudar su agenda de A-lister.

Ahora, sin embargo, parece que hay un nuevo elemento en la mezcla, al menos desde el punto de vista de Ari.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Antonio Brown Sets Sights On Taylor Swift ... 'Move Over Jizelle'

Antonio Brown is shifting his focus from Tom Brady's ex-wife to Travis Kelce's girlfriend ... 'cause the controversial former NFL superstar has launched a trolling campaign on Taylor Swift.

AB -- who has zero filter when it comes to his online presence -- dropped what appears to be an AI-generated pic of himself in a Steelers jersey making out with the pop superstar on Friday ... saying, "Move over Jizelle, what these Swifties talkin bout? #CTESPN"

Brown incessantly went after Gisele Bundchen on social media following his former quarterback's divorce last year ... posting edited photos of the two together to insinuate he was responsible for their split.

As recently as last week, he targeted the former couple after Gisele confirmed her relationship with Joaquim Valente ... sharing a real picture of the receiver and model hugging after winning the Super Bowl in 2021.

But, it seems like he's done with Gisele -- at least for the time being -- 'cause he's caused quite a stir with his latest post ... and a lot of his followers are warning him the Swifties will inevitably team together to make sure he regrets the move.

Swift and AI have had a rough relationship lately -- as we previously reported, a ton of weirdos flooded social media with fake X-rated content featuring the "Anti-Hero" artist ... so yeah, this ain't gonna sit well with the fanbase one bit.

We're covering all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast," available on all podcast platforms.

Ariana Grande Fans Think New Song Implies Cheating ... Accusatory Lyrics in Song

Ariana Grande may have shed new light on her divorce from Dalton Gomez ... at least that's what some fans think after hearing her new song, which appears to suggest infidelity.

The pop star dropped her latest album, "Eternal Sunshine," on Friday ... and in the titular song, she calls out a man whom she says played her -- and the way she says that happened was through lying and apparent cheating.

Here's how one telling verse goes ... "I've never seen someone lie like you do // So much, even you start to think it's true // So now we play our separate scenes // Now, now she's in my bed, mm-mm, layin' on your chest // Now I'm in my head, wonderin' how it ends."

Ariana continues to sing ... "Showed you all my demons, all my lies // Yet you played me like Atari // Now it's like I'm lookin' in the mirror // Hope you feel alright when you're in her
I found a good boy and he's on my side."

On its face, Ari seems to be accusing an ex here -- although it's not entirely clear which one -- but many suspect she's perhaps pointing the finger at Dalton ... y'know, since that was her last big relationship. She was only married to the dude, after all.

Inversely, she also appears to be referencing her current BF, Ethan Slater, as the "good boy" -- again, that's how some of her fans are taking this ... with some interpreting the words literally and trying to apply it to her real life. Understandable ... artists do that sometimes.

If she is, in fact getting at alleged cheating in this song -- on Dalton's part -- then you could argue this is Ariana trying to tweak the narrative over how things ended with DG and how her romance with Ethan started. Remember, she was infamously labeled a "homewrecker" by fans ... and even Ethan's ex-wife, Lilly Jay, implied Ari had swooped in on her hubby.

Not long after the news broke ... Ethan officially pulled the plug on his marriage. Since word of his and Ari's relationship went public -- the two of them have been virtually inseparable.

By October, Ariana and Dalton had officially settled their divorce. Dalton's been mum on the whole thing ... and in the aftermath of Ari, he's already moved on with other ladies.

It's interesting that fans now seem to think Ariana might be shifting the blame a bit -- that is, if you're taking her words to heart and projecting it onto Gomez ... which some certainly are.

We'd heard from sources with knowledge that their marriage fell apart in a post-COVID world due to scheduling issues, and Ari resuming being an A-lister. Now, however ... some are hearing another possibility -- but TBH, they might be reaching a bit on this one.

Fact is ... Ari's lyrics are up to interpretation -- as is the case with all music -- and while it's understandable why some might be perceiving this as a shot at Dalton ... it very well might be about something else entirely. In fact, she's spoken fondly of him in recent interviews.

Ariana recently did an interview with Zach Sang to plug the new album -- and she alluded to the fact that she wasn't holding any hate in her heart over previous relationships ... and that she wasn't carrying anything negative onto this new album of hers -- which suggests there's no ill will at Dalton at all. Eye of the beholder, we suppose ... that's how these things go.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

J.K. Rowling Es reportada a la policía Por faltarle el respeto a una presentadora trans

J.K. Rowling fue denunciada a la policía por la presentadora británica India Willoughby, quien afirma que JKR la ha insultado repetidamente en medio de una disputa en redes.

India, la ex concursante de "Celebrity Big Brother" que es una mujer transgénero, habló con Byline TV sobre el tema, afirmando que logró involucrar a la policía de Northumbria, luego de que J.K. se refiriera constantemente a ella como un hombre a pesar de que su estatus legal es el de una mujer.

Según ella, el hecho de que J.K. se refiera a ella como un hombre constituye un delito en el Reino Unido y podría violar la Ley de Igualdad y la Ley de Reconocimiento de Género. India también insinúa que esto podría calificarse como un delito de odio, pero como mínimo, piensa que es un caso de comunicaciones maliciosas.

Variety informa que la policía de Northumbria está a la espera y lista para tener una conversación con la autora sobre todo este calvario, pero no se sabe si J.K. va a hacerlo.

Mientras tanto, J.K. ya ha respondido, diciendo que ya consultó con un abogado que no solo considera que tiene un caso sólido contra India por difamación, sino que el hecho de que India la señale constantemente en Internet podría calificarse de acoso, por lo que está pensando en emprender acciones legales por su cuenta.

J.K. añade: "Consciente como soy de que es un delito mentirle a las fuerzas de la ley, simplemente tendré que explicarle a la policía que, en mi opinión, India es un ejemplo clásico de un narcisista masculino que vive en un estado de rabia perpetua por no poder obligar a las mujeres a aceptarle en su propia valoración".

Por supuesto, Rowling se ha enfrentado a un montón de reacciones negativas por sus polémicos comentarios sobre las personas transgénero. Muchos la han calificado de "TERF" (feminista radical transexcluyente) y la han tachado de intolerante e incluso algunos miembros del reparto de "Harry Potter" se han distanciado de ella.

J.K. ha dicho abiertamente que no le quita el sueño el cómo la recuerden en el futuro. ¿La razón? Simple y claro: "Estaré muerta".

J.K. ROWLING Reported to U.K. Cops Allegedly Misgendered Broadcaster

J.K. Rowling has been reported to the police by British broadcaster India Willoughby ... who claims JKR has repeatedly misgendered her online as part of an ongoing online beef.

India -- the ex-"Celebrity Big Brother" contestant who's a transgender woman -- spoke to Byline TV regarding the issue ... claiming she's gotten Northumbria Police involved, as she says J.K. has consistently referred to her as a man despite her legal status as a woman.

She says J.K.'s alleged repeated misgendering constitutes a crime in the U.K. -- suggesting it violates the Equalities Act and Gender Recognition Act. India also hints this could possibly qualify as a hate crime ... but at the very least, thinks it's a malicious communications case.

Variety reports that Northumbria Police are on standby, ready to have a chat with the author about this whole ordeal ... but no word on whether J.K.'s gonna play ball.

Meanwhile, J.K.'s already fired back ... saying she's already consulted a lawyer who not only reckons she has a solid case against IW for defamation, but says India constantly targeting J.K. online might qualify as harassment -- so she's mulling legal action of her own.

J.K. adds, "Aware as I am that it's an offense to lie to law enforcement, I'll simply have to explain to the police that, in my view, India is a classic example of the male narcissist who lives in a state of perpetual rage that he can't compel women to take him at his own valuation."

Of course, Rowling's faced a ton of backlash for her controversial remarks about transgender folks. She's been called out as a "TERF" (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) and labeled a bigot by many -- some of the 'HP' cast have even distanced themselves from her.

J.K. has straight-up said she's not losing any sleep over how the world will remember her once she's gone. Her reason? Simple and to the point ... "I'll be dead."

Drake Bell Alleged Abuser Seen for First Time Since Documentary Claims

Drake Bell's alleged abuser, Brian Peck, was seen for the first time in public since an explosive documentary trailer suggested he'll be accused of molesting the ex-child star.

Brian -- who worked as Drake's dialogue coach on "Drake & Josh" in the early '00s, and who's worked on countless children's shows through the years -- surfaced this week in L.A. as he tried covering up from the rain, using a blue puffer jacket while exiting a vehicle.

The showbiz veteran kept the jacket over his head as he made his way inside his home. Looks like he wanted to make it inside pretty quickly -- as he carried his keys in his mouth and darted into the house.

This would mark the first sighting of the guy since Drake revealed he'll tell his story on the ID doc 'Quiet on Set' ... in which he's expected to claim he was a victim in Peck's criminal case from 2004, when he was convicted of performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

Unclear if Drake will allege both of these counts pertained to him ... or if someone else was in the mix. In any case -- this will be the first time Drake has spoken about this publicly.

Brian was sentenced to 16 months in prison and had to register as a sex offender. He's continued to work in Hollywood since that whole ordeal ... with a crap ton of credits under his name post-2004, including recognizable shows and movies.

Drake isn't the only former child star to speak out against Brian ... "Boy Meets World" alum Maitland Ward even told TMZ in February that she was always suspicious of him when he worked on her show, which also starred Rider Strong and Will Friedle.

Rider and Will acknowledged their relationship with Brian was odd -- sharing that they previously came to his defense because they believed his story about falling victim to "jail bait." Worth noting, they never alleged he'd done anything inappropriate with them.

It'll be interesting to see who else speaks, and what else might be said about Brian. He hasn't addressed all the buzz himself ... we've tried reaching out to him without any luck.