Escuela en Oklahoma Alumnos lamiendo los pies de otras personas... ¡¿Pasó también en otra esuela?!

Bizarro panorama

La escuela secundaria de Oklahoma que está bajo la lupa por permitir que sus estudiantes lamieran los pies de sus compañeros en el marco de una recaudación de fondos, al parecer no estaba sola, ¡acaban de aparecer videos de otra escuela que estaba haciendo lo mismo!

Nuevos clips están circulando en las redes que muestran a los estudiantes de la escuela vecina Edmond-North High, justo al final de la calle, chupando los dedos de los pies de otras personas en videos que se remontan al 2015.

De cabeza en la tarea
Fox 25

No solo eso, resulta que estos muestran a los estudiantes lamiendo las axilas también.

Estos videos sugieren que Deer Creek High -la primera escuela donde se destapó esta información- no era la única institución educativa en la ciudad que estaba participando en estas extrañas actividades.

La gente que ha estado siguiendo la historia sigue en pie de guerra con todo el asunto, etiquetando lo ocurrido de repugnante y de estar mucho más allá de lo inapropiado.

Deer Creek High negó que se haya cometido algún delito y dijo en un comunicado que los estudiantes se ofrecieron a hacer esta actividad e insistieron en que ningún miembro de la facultad estuvo involucrado. Lo que sí podemos decir, es que el truco de lamer ha demostrado ser una muy eficaz para recaudar fondos, pues la escuela afirma haber reunido más de $150K para una organización benéfica local cuando se hizo el evento.

El Superintendente del Estado de Oklahoma Ryan Walters probablemente no piensa lo mismo, pues ha puesto en marcha una investigación, al mismo tiempo que promete limpiar la "indecencia" en las escuelas de Oklahoma. Suena como que podría tener que poner manos a la obra y hablar con todas las escuelas en su área local.

Oprah Set to Talk Weight Loss Drug Impact ... In Upcoming TV Special

Oprah is gearing up to tackle a big topic in America in her upcoming TV special ... namely, the impact prescription weight loss drugs are having on society, including herself.

The billionaire TV mogul says she will address medications and their relation to the weight loss revolution in her new ABC primetime special, "An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution" -- which is set to air in a couple weeks.

Oprah's special comes only weeks after she parted ways with WeightWatchers following a nearly 10-year partnership, leaving the weight loss company on the heels of criticism about proudly revealing she uses a weight loss drug.

As we reported ... Oprah says she dropped 40 pounds last year, with the help of doctor-prescribed medication, though she's never revealed the name of the drug she used.

Remember, Oprah using weight loss drugs was controversial because she previously labeled medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro an "easy way out" -- and yet, she turned around and started taking them ... although it's unclear which of these drugs she's on.

The TV special will explore questions and concerns about weight loss medications' intended uses, side effects and their impacts on people living with obesity and diabetes.

In a statement announcing the special, Oprah says ... "It is a very personal topic for me and for the hundreds of millions of people impacted around the globe who have for years struggled with weight and obesity."

Oprah continues ... "This special will bring together medical experts, leaders in the space and people in the day-to-day struggle to talk about health equity and obesity with the intention to ultimately release the shame, judgment and stigma surrounding weight."

The special airs March 18 at 8/7c on ABC and will be available for streaming the next day on Hulu.

Oklahoma H.S. Fundraiser Students Licking Toes, Etc. Happened at Another School?!?


The Oklahoma high school under fire for a fundraiser that had students licking their peers' toes apparently wasn't alone  ... videos of another high school doing the same have surfaced.

New clips have started to make the rounds online that show students from a neighboring high school right down the street -- Edmond-North High -- that show their own pupils using their mouths to slurp up peanut butter off the feet of others ... with videos going back to 2015.

Fox 25

Not just this ... but as it turns out, these videos show students licking up armpits as well.

These videos suggest Deer Creek High -- the original school that was revealed to have done this -- wasn't the only educational institution in town that was partaking in the bizarre activity.

Folks who've been following this story continue to be up in arms over the situation -- labeling the whole thing disgusting and going well beyond inappropriate.

Deer Creek High previously denied any wrongdoing ... saying in a statement that students volunteered to do this activity and insisting no faculty members were involved. FWIW, the licking stunt has proven to be an effective fundraising tool -- as the school claims to have raised more than $150K for a local charity when they did this.

The answer is probably no for Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters -- who has launched an investigation, while vowing to clean up the "filth" in Oklahoma schools. Sounds like he might need to make the rounds and talk to all of the schools in his local area.

For more shocking viral news, tune into TMZ Verified available on all podcast platforms.

ELON MUSK Blasts Bezos' Ex-Wife MacKenzie ... Over 'DEI' Donations

Elon Musk apparently doesn't like MacKenzie Scott's charitable efforts ... criticizing Jeff Bezos' ex-wife for donating billions to charities supporting women and minorities.

The Tesla founder vented about this issue (in his mind) on X Wednesday ... writing, "'Super rich ex-wives who hate their former spouse' should be listed among 'Reasons that Western Civilization died'."

As of Thursday, the fiery post is no longer available ... so yeah, he took it down.

Elon's message was actually a response to another user's complaint about Scott's donations ... which bashed her for giving money to orgs focused on race and gender issues -- calling it "the ultimate expression of the most awful group in the US."

On its face, this seems to align with Elon's recent railing against DEI. But this isn't the first time he's spoken out against Scott's philanthropy. In 2022, he linked hostility toward his companies to "Mackenzie's donation to PACs posing as charities."


Goes without saying ... EM's stance on diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts hasn't exactly been a secret -- and he's also faced accusations of sexism over the years to boot.

As for Scott, her philanthropic efforts have been pretty impressive. After her divorce from Bezos in 2019, she walked away with nearly $37B and pledged to donate half of it to charity. She's definitely stuck to her word ... giving away over $16.5B to more than 1,900 nonprofits, as reported on her Yield Giving website.

It's interesting that Elon felt the need to attack her ... especially with his Bezos rivalry in mind.

Andy Cohen Enfurecido con McSweeney por acusarlo de consumir cocacína O te retractas o....

Andy Cohen está contraatacando a las afirmaciones que hizo Leah McSweeney, pero hay una acusación en particular que tiene al ejecutivo de TV y a sus abogados enfurecidos, tanto que están amenazando con una demanda.

El mandamás de Bravo, que fue demandado por McSweeney junto con la red la semana pasada, envió una carta a Leah a través de sus abogados, donde deja claro que creen que su acusación sobre el consumo de cocaína contra Andy es falsa y difamatoria.

Sus abogados van sin rodeos y dicen que prácticamente todo lo que dijo sobre Cohen en la demanda es infundado y falso, pero sobre la afirmación de cocaína dicen: "[E]xigimos que se retracte inmediatamente y retire todas las acusaciones relacionadas con el supuesto 'consumo de cocaína' del señor Cohen". Si no lo hace, dicen que la llevarán a juicio.

El equipo legal de Andy continúa: "Para ser claros: estas acusaciones son categóricamente falsas. El Sr. Cohen nunca consumió cocaína con ningún miembro del elenco de ningún programa de Real Housewives ni con ningún otro empleado de Bravo. La ausencia de cualquier base razonable para hacer tales alegaciones es confirmada por el propio alegato".

Señalan que no hay detalles incluidos respecto a este alegato, lo que sugeriría que no sabe nada concreto porque simplemente no es cierto. Sus abogados creen que esta imprudente demanda de Leah contra Andy solo busca obtener titulares y potencialmente dinero.

Los abogados de Andy terminan diciendo: "La verdad importa. Los litigios no pueden ser utilizados para crear noticias falsas. Y no puede ser utilizado como un vehículo para difundir mentiras falsas y maliciosas, en apoyo de un chantaje. Exigimos que emita una retractación pública inmediata y pida disculpas al Sr. Cohen. Cada día sin hacerlo no hace sino aumentar los daños sufridos por el Sr. Cohen".

En cuanto a cómo Leah está reaccionando a esta carta, una fuente cercana a ella le dice a TMZ que está atónita de que él quiera seguir llamando la atención sobre esto en la prensa, en lugar de simplemente dejar que se desarrolle en los tribunales.

Una fuente cercana a Cohen le dice a TMZ: "Por supuesto, Andy debe defenderse en público con la verdad. ¿Por qué se le debería permitir arrojar mentiras sobre su carácter?".

Andy Cohen Torches McSweeney's Coke Claim ... Take It Back Or Else!!!

Andy Cohen is firing back at Leah McSweeney's claims about him -- but one specific allegation has got him and his lawyers fired up ... and they're threatening a lawsuit.

The Bravo honcho -- who was, along with the network, sued by McSweeney in an explosive lawsuit last week -- fired off a letter to Leah through his attorneys ... and they make it crystal clear that they believe her allegation of cocaine use against Andy is false and defamatory.

His lawyers don't mince words, saying virtually everything she said about Cohen in the lawsuit is baseless and false, but on the cocaine claim specifically they write ... "[W]e demand that you immediately retract and withdraw all allegations relating to Mr. Cohen’s purported 'cocaine use.'" If she doesn't, they say they're taking her to court.

Andy's legal team continues ... "To be clear: these allegations are categorically false. Mr. Cohen never used cocaine with any cast member on any Real Housewives show or with any other Bravo employee. The absence of any reasonable basis to make such allegations is confirmed by your pleading itself."

They point out there are no details included in her allegation here, which they think points to her not knowing anything concrete ... because it's simply not true. Her attorneys say they believe Leah levied this salacious claim against Andy recklessly just to get headlines and potentially a quick payday.

Andy's lawyers end by saying ... "The truth matters. Litigation cannot be used to create fake news. And it cannot be used as a vehicle to spread false and malicious lies, in furtherance of a shakedown. We demand that you issue an immediate public retraction and apologize to Mr. Cohen. Every day you fail to do so only increases the damages suffered by Mr. Cohen."

McSweeney’s attorney, Sarah M. Matz tells TMZ ... "That Andy Cohen had his counsel and PR agents write a threatening letter to give to the press is hardly surprising.  Mr. Cohen is accustomed to using his power in the media to scare and intimidate people like Ms. McSweeney so that they will not speak out. Mr. Cohen’s attempt to discredit and intimidate Ms. McSweeney to deter her from engaging in legally protected activity in Court is exactly the type of retaliation that this lawsuit was brought to address and only is further evidence for Ms. McSweeney. We do not intend to litigate this matter in the press, and if Mr. Cohen wants to address Ms. McSweeney’s claims, we suggest he do so in Court, not in a letter for the press."

A source close to Leah tells TMZ that she's flabbergasted that he wants to keep bringing attention to this in the press, rather than just letting it play out in court.

A source close to Cohen tells TMZ … “Of course, Andy should defend himself in the public with the truth. Why should she be allowed to spew lies about his character?”

Paula Abdul Fires Back at Nigel ... I Got Receipts of Sexual Harassment

It's an all-out war between Paula Abdul and former "American Idol" executive producer Nigel Lythgoe ... and now she's producing alleged texts from him, which she says show some of the ways he sexually harassed her.

Paula's attorney, Melissa Eubanks, tells TMZ ... Nigel is victim-shaming Paula and is cherry-picking from years of communications between them as he tries to discredit the allegations she brought against him in her sexual assault lawsuit in December.

As we first told you, Nigel's legal response to Paula's suit included alleged emails she sent him ... with Nigel claiming the emails gave off a friendly and loving vibe between them ... after the time Paula alleged he sexually assaulted her

Now, Paula's firing back ... as her attorney says Nigel's response fails to appreciate the power dynamic in their relationship, where Lythgoe was a powerful exec/her boss and Paula worked under him as a judge on the reality competition shows he executive produced.

Abdul's attorney says ... "He held the cards to her career in his hand and he knew it." The lawyer also goes on to call Nigel's tactic classic victim shaming.

What's more, Paula's legal team says those emails Nigel referenced in his docs were just Paula placating his ego with "positive messaging and seeming adoration ... defenses that many women like Ms. Abdul had to adopt to deal with men who abuse their power."

Paula claims to have some receipts from Nigel too ... saying she has text messages from him showing numerous instances of overt sexual harassment.

Abdul's camp claims Nigel texted her on March 8, 2014, writing ... "When you get back to LA will you please make love to me! Slowly and lovingly!" Paula says she didn't respond and Nigel double texted, "I'll take that as a YES then!"

Another alleged text, from April, 10, 2014, is a response to a message Paula sent Nigel about "So You Think You Can Dance" auditions in Las Vegas ... to which Nigel allegedly responded, "I'll come if you promise a big wet kiss! With tongues! Is a small grope of the ass asking too much?"

A few months later, in July 2014, Paula claims Nigel acknowledged he was being inappropriate when he allegedly texted her ... "You love me like a relation I love you like a girlfriend. I could easily be your f****** cousin? Ha Ha."

Remember ... Paula claims Nigel sexually assaulted her twice -- the first time during "one of Idol's initial sessions" in the early 2000s, and again at some point during her 2 seasons on 'SYTYCD' ... a gig she started in 2015.

Paula's attorney also claims Nigel verbally assaulted Adbul on multiple occasions as well ... which she says "are evidence of the frequent abusive behavior that Ms. Abdul was subjected to during her time on American Idol and SYTYCD."


Nigel's team has not responded to our request for comment.

New Jersey H.S. Basketball Refs Screw Up Buzzer-Beater Call ... But Can't Fix It!!!

Referees from a New Jersey high school playoff basketball contest are admitting they messed up big time ... saying they wrongfully called off a buzzer-beating bucket at the end of a game -- but they can't do anything about it.

The controversy happened at the New Jersey Sports Interscholastic Athletic Association Group 2 semifinal game between the Camden Panthers and the Manasquan Warriors on Tuesday ... a matchup that came down to the wire.

The Panthers were up by 1 with just under 6 seconds left ... and after Warriors hooper Rey Weinseimer missed a 3-pointer, his teammate Griffin Linstra was positioned perfectly and nailed a put-back right before the clock hit zeros.

Warriors win, right?! That's what everyone in the gym thought ... but after a quick meeting, referees waived off the shot -- reversing the outcome.

The call was shocking, considering footage clearly shows time on the clock (.4 seconds) when the ball left Linstra's hand ... and the officials' mistake robbed the Warriors of advancing to the championship game.

The NJSIAA confirmed the refs were wrong ... but rejected Manasquan's appeal regardless, claiming they could not change the final score.

"So while the officiating crews' reports indicate that a post-game review of footage of the play in question convinced them that the basket should have counted, the results could not then and cannot now be changed," NJSIAA said.

"These are the rules of the game that all schools agree to follow, and which have been upheld on appeal. We apologize to the Manasquan team for the error."

The organization explained because the refs left the "visual confines of the playing court," the outcome was set in stone.

As you can imagine, Manasquan head coach Andrew Bilodeau was furious ... not only for his players -- but the Panthers as well.

"My heart for our kids but it also hurts for Camden. I hate to see their win be tarnished with any controversy. No kids deserve that."

Camden will play Arts High School for the Group 2 title on Saturday at Rutgers University ... where officials will hopefully be on their A game.

"Oppenheimer" Supervivientes de las pruebas nucleares destrozan la película...

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Esto es lo que no les han contado

La prueba de la bomba nuclear que se muestra en "Oppenheimer" dejó un legado duradero de exposición a la radiación y diagnósticos de cáncer en las generaciones de personas que ayudaron a construir Los Álamos en Nuevo México, y estas mismas personas dicen que sus problemas siguen siendo ignorados por Hollywood y el Congreso.

Tina Cordova, cofundadora del Consorcio Tularosa Basin Downwinders, se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el miércoles y nos dijo por qué la primera prueba de la bomba nuclear del mundo sigue afectando a las familias en Nuevo México, décadas después de que se hiciera la detonación nuclear de Robert Oppenheimer en el desierto.

"Oppenheimer" parece estar a punto de ganar un montón de estatuillas en los premios Oscar de la Academia de este fin de semana, pero Tina dice que los cineastas excluyeron descaradamente a todas las personas que hicieron posible Los Álamos y la Prueba Trinity.

Recuerden, la prueba de la bomba nuclear en julio de 1945 se llevó a cabo en medio de tormentas eléctricas, lo que resultó en escombros tóxicos que cayeron de nuevo a la tierra producto de la lluvia posterior, contaminando el paisaje, los suministros de agua y la cadena alimentaria así como exponiendo a los residentes de Nuevo México a la radiación nociva.

Tina, que colaboró en la realización de un documental sobre la lluvia radiactiva, nos cuenta que el cáncer ha diezmado a su familia desde que estalló la bomba (vivían a solo 24 kilómetros de la explosión), y que cinco generaciones han sido diagnosticadas con todo tipo de cánceres, incluidos los de pulmón, boca, piel, cerebro y tiroides.

Dice que los cineastas dejaron este desastre fuera de la película a propósito, del mismo modo que los residentes de Nuevo México fueron dejados fuera de la Ley de Compensación por Exposición a la Radiación (RECA) en su momento, que proporcionó una compensación económica a los estadounidenses que viven cerca de los lugares de pruebas nucleares.

Cuando la gente que vivía cerca de la zona de pruebas de Trinity fue finalmente incluida en RECA y se abrieron potencialmente las puertas para recibir pagos, Tina dice que el liderazgo republicano en el Congreso cortó su financiamiento debido a preocupaciones presupuestarias.

Ahora, con "Oppenheimer" preparándose para una gran noche en los Oscar y una próxima votación del Senado sobre la reautorización y ampliación de RECA, Tina está haciendo ruido por el pueblo de Nuevo México.

Era un problema entonces y sigue siéndolo hoy.

DORITOS ROMPE SU ACUERDO... Con influencer trans

Doritos ha roto su relación con una influencer trans española después de que reaparecieran unos polémicos tuits que provocaron llamamientos al boicot... y sí, esto repercutió en Bud Light.

Samantha Hudson (24 años) -que recientemente apareció en un nuevo anuncio de Doritos en España- estuvo en la mira de los usuarios de X de derecha esta semana en medio de su primera promoción para la marca de patatas fritas, llamando a una supuesta publicación en redes sociales donde al parecer declaró su deseo de hacerle cosas inapropiadas a una niña de 12 años cuando tenía 15.


Por supuesto, muchos también acaban de criticar el hecho de que Doritos se haya asociado con una mujer trans.

Samantha escribió el post inapropiado en 2015 y que aparentemente ha sido borrado de su cuenta, sin embargo, alguen le hizo un pantallazo y lo compartió en la red. La publicación original para Doritos también ha sido borrada de su cuenta de Instagram -que ha perdido casi 30.000 seguidores a raíz de la controversia- esto después de que Doritos anulara su acuerdo.

Una vez que el anuncio digital corrió y se hizo viral, el hashtag #BoycottDoritos hizo las rondas en línea. Luego de esto, Doritos España cedió y deshizo su asociación con Samantha diciendo que simplemente no eran conscientes de sus viejos tuits cuando la contrataron.

Y añadieron: "Condenamos enérgicamente las palabras o acciones que promueven la violencia o el sexismo de cualquier tipo".

Samantha supuestamente se disculpó por los mensajes resurgidos después de hacerse famosa, diciendo que no recuerda haber escrito "tales barbaridades" hace casi 10 años. Sin embargo, reconoció que anteriormente "se dedicaba a decir tonterías" en nombre del humor negro.

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Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

Si todo esto te suena familiar, es porque algo muy similar ocurrió aquí en los Estados el año pasado. Recordemos que Anheuser Busch -que fabrica Bud Light- se enfrentó a un boicot tras nombrar embajadora a la TikToker transexual Dylan Mulvaney.

Mientras que todo el asunto se prolongó durante bastante tiempo, con Anheuser recibiendo un importante golpe financiero después de que sus clientes se atrincheraran en el boicot, esta situación se resolvió rápidamente.

Parece que Doritos no quería correr el riesgo de seguir el camino de Bud Light y cambió de rumbo.

'Oppenheimer' Nuclear Test Survivors Rip Movie, Congress ... We're Still Being Ignored!!!

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The nuclear bomb test shown in "Oppenheimer" left a lasting legacy of radiation exposure and cancer diagnosis on generations of folks who helped build Los Alamos in New Mexico ... but people there say their problems are still being ignored by Hollywood and Congress.

Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday and told us why the world's first nuclear bomb test is still affecting families in New Mexico, decades after Robert Oppenheimer's nuke detonated in the desert.

"Oppenheimer" looks poised to win a bunch of Oscar statues at this weekend's Academy Awards, but Tina says filmmakers blatantly excluded all the people who made Los Alamos and the Trinity Test possible in the first place.

Remember ... the nuclear bomb test in July 1945 took place amid thunderstorms, resulting in toxic debris falling back to earth in the ensuing rain ... contaminating the landscape, water supplies and the food chain ... and exposing New Mexico residents to harmful radiation.

Tina, who helped make a doc about the fallout, tells us cancer has decimated her family ever since the bomb went off -- they lived only 15 miles from the blast -- with 5 generations being diagnosed with all sorts of cancers ... including lung, oral, skin, brain and thyroid.

She says filmmakers left this nuclear mess out of the film on purpose ... similar to how New Mexico residents were left out of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act back in the day, which provided financial compensation to Americans living near nuclear testing sites.

When folks living near the Trinity Test site were finally set to be included in RECA, potentially opening the door for payments, Tina says Republican leadership in Congress cut their funding because of budget concerns.

Now, with "Oppenheimer" gearing up for a big Oscars night and an upcoming Senate vote on reauthorizing and expanding RECA, Tina is banging the drum for the people of New Mexico.

It was an issue then ... and it remains an issue today.

Hombre desnudo Se mete al tanque de agua de Burger King... Todo bien, dice la compañía

Espectáculo en un Burger King
Jam Press

Un hombre de Colombia encontró la forma de darse un baño de cuerpo entero en un lugar muy particular, sacándose la ropa y sumergiéndose en un tanque de agua de Burger King.

Un testigo filmó la escena en video, donde se puede ver al tipo saliendo de un contenedor gigante en la parte superior de un Burger King en Envigado, al sur de Medellín. Eso sí, esto sucedió a plena luz del día y el hombre iba por el techo completamente desnudo.

Luego de zambullirse completamente en el agua y salir del tanque, se lo puede ver relajándose un poco en el borde como si no fuera la gran cosa. Por supuesto, esto asustó a los clientes, quienes pensaron que el hombre estaba nadando en agua que Burger King realmente utiliza en sus labores diarias de alguna manera.

Afortunadamente, la compañía se apresuró en decirle a todos que no había riesgo de contaminación aquí. Dicen que estos tanques son solo reservas y no se utilizan en la preparación de alimentos o limpieza de las instalaciones.

Dicho esto, no están tomando ningún riesgo. Burger King cerró temporalmente esta ubicación y trajo a una empresa especializada para manejar el saneamiento y tratamiento del agua.

Más vale prevenir que curar, ¿verdad?

Burger King ha tomado medidas adicionales para evitar que este tipo de cosas vuelvan a ocurrir, sellando el acceso al techo para asegurarse de que esto no se repita.

En su comunicado dijeron: "Nuestra clientela puede estar segura de que esto fue un hecho aislado que lamentamos profundamente y no afecta a la calidad de nuestros productos de ninguna manera, ya que no utilizamos el agua de dicho tanque para nuestras operaciones".

Burger King añadió: "Nuestra principal preocupación siempre ha sido y será el bienestar de nuestros clientes". Hasta el momento, la identidad del buzo de la azotea de Burger King sigue sin resolverse y tampoco está claro si la policía está tratando de perseguirlo.

Aunque los tanques de agua no estén en las operaciones reales de Burger King, la óptica de esto, obviamente, no se ve bien.

Doritos Scraps Deal with Trans Influencer ... After Backlash, Old Tweets

Doritos has parted ways with a Spanish transgender influencer -- this after old controversial tweets resurfaced and sparked calls for a boycott ... and yeah, this has echoes of Bud Light.

24-year-old Samantha Hudson -- who recently appeared in a new ad for Doritos out in Spain -- was put on blast this week by right-leaning X users amid her first promotional plug for the chip brand ... calling out an alleged social media post where she reportedly declared a desire to do inappropriate things to a 12-year-old girl when she was 15.

The controversial pick

Of course ... many also just slammed the fact Doritos had partnered with a trans woman.

Samantha wrote the inappropriate post in 2015 -- which has seemingly been deleted from her account ... but which got screen-grabbed and shared online. SH's original upload for Doritos has also been wiped from her Instagram account -- which has lost nearly 30,000 followers in the wake of the controversy ... this after Doritos axed their deal.

Once the digital spot ran and went viral ... the hashtag #BoycottDoritos made the rounds online. In the aftermath, Doritos Spain caved ... nixing their partnership with Samantha and saying they simply weren't aware of her old tweets when they first brought her on.

They added ... "We strongly condemn words or actions that promote violence or sexism of any kind."

Samantha reportedly apologized for the resurfaced posts after becoming famous ... saying she doesn't remember writing "such barbarities" almost 10 years ago. However -- she did reportedly acknowledge that she previously "dedicated [her]self to saying nonsense" in the name of dark humor.

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Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

If this whole saga sounds familiar ... that's because something very similar happened here in the States last year. Remember, Anheuser Busch -- which manufactures Bud Light -- faced a boycott fiasco after naming transgender TikToker Dylan Mulvaney as an ambassador.

While that whole thing dragged on for quite a while -- with AB taking a major financial hit after their customers dug their heels in on the boycott -- this situation resolved quickly.

Sounds like Doritos didn't wanna run the risk of going the way of Bud Light, and pivoted.


Jam Press

A Colombian dude had it his way when he decided to take a full-body soak -- stripping down to his birthday suit ... and plunging into a Burger King water tank on the roof.

An eyewitness recently filmed this wild footage on camera ... and you can see the naked dude emerging from a giant container atop a BK in Envigado, just south of Medellín. Mind you this happened in broad daylight ... and yes, the man here was completely naked.

He chills on the edge for a bit like it's no big deal ... this before completely exiting the water tank and lowering himself down. Of course, this sight freaked customers out ... as they assumed he was swimming in water that this Burger King actually used in some capacity.

Thankfully, Burger King was quick to reassure everyone there was no risk of contamination here ... they say these tanks are just reserves and not used in food prep or facility cleaning.

With that said ... they're not taking any chances. BK temporarily closed this location and they're also bringing in a specialized company to handle the water sanitation and treatment.

Better safe than sorry, right?

Burger King has taken extra measures to prevent this sort of thing from happening again --sealing off roof access to make sure the skinny dipper doesn't stage a repeat performance.

They said this in their statement ... "Our clientele can rest assured that this was an isolated event, which we deeply regret, and does not affect the quality of our products in any way as we do not use the water from said tank for our operations."

BK added ... "Our primary concern has always been and will always be the wellbeing of our customers." So far, the identity of the Burger King rooftop diver remains unsolved ... and it's also unclear if the cops are trying to chase him down.

While the water tanks aren't in the mix of the actual Burger King operations ... the optics of this are obviously not good. Talk about a Whopper of a disaster.

Super Tuesday Voter Not Voting Nikki Haley for Prez ... She Ain't Got No Balls!!!


A Super Tuesday voter has gone viral for his explicit explanation of why Nikki Haley shouldn't be president -- according to him, it's 'cause she' is missing a scrotum.

Check out this video that features a North Carolina resident -- identified as Emmett Martin -- confessing to NBC News that he never even considered the former governor of South Carolina as a candidate over the simple fact that she's a woman.

The way he puts it is pretty rich in misogyny ... he says, she "has no balls to scratch."

Emmett says that since the ex-Gov. didn't have male private parts ... she shouldn't be a contender in the Republican primary race. We're not sure what genitalia has to do with running a country ... but it's clearly important to this constituent.

BTW, it isn't just Nikki that the voter disapproved of ... it's all women, apparently who he said are only good for "having babies and taking care of the house."

He did backtrack slightly -- suggesting that there are women out there who know what they’re doing ... but added they need a bit of guidance from someone like Donald Trump.

Shaquille Brewster -- the correspondent who interviewed Emmett ... said this isn't the first time that voters have told him they wouldn't vote for Nikki based on her gender. However, it is the first time the response was so bluntly said on camera.

Nikki is the only Republican primary candidate left running against Trump -- who is seeking reelection after losing to President Joe Biden in 2020. Although ... her bid for the nomination isn't promising since Trump has 200 more delegates than her.


El presentador de "Queer Eye" -Jonathan Van Ness- está siendo destrozado por los colegas de su programa de Netflix, que dicen que es un desastre trabajar con él. Aseguran que es emocionalmente abusivo y propenso a los ataques de ira.

Las duras críticas contra Jonathan se exponen en un nuevo artículo de Rolling Stone sobre la tensión detrás escenas en el set de "Queer Eye", con fuentes anónimas de producción sin pelos en la lengua.

Según el informe, Jonathan es pintado como una diva de dos caras que se muestra como una cálida persona en público, pero es un idiota total con la gente que trabaja con él en el show.

Entre las palabras que la gente del set utiliza para describirlo suenan "monstruo", "pesadilla" y "degradante".

El artículo también cita a tres personas que etiquetan a Jonathan como emocionalmente abusivo, con problemas de ira, y un total de 7 personas afirmaron que es conocido por arremeter contra los miembros del equipo y otras personas que trabajaban con ellos.

El mal comportamiento de Jonathan y su falta de profesionalismo supuestamente contribuyeron a una creciente ruptura y tensión entre los 5 presentadores de "Queer Eye", hasta el punto de que los demás dudaban en filmar escenas con Jonathan.

Algunos afirman que una reunión con los ejecutivos de Netflix hizo poco para cambiar el comportamiento de Jonathan o su trato con el resto del equipo, dejando a la gente en el programa sintiendo que no había responsabilidad.

Uno de los anfitriones, Bobby Berk, ha dejado el programa, aunque no está claro si Jonathan tuvo algo que ver con su decisión.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Jonathan para ver si quería abordar las afirmaciones de sus compañeros de trabajo, pero no hemos recibido respuesta.