Juvenile Flattered Ye Sampled 'Back Dat Azz Up' ... He Deserves 2nd Chance!!!

Keep Things Positive

Kanye West had a bit of opposition in clearing samples for the "Vultures 1" album -- but none of the pushback came from Juvenile's end ... in fact, he was happy to sign off.

The Cash Money Records legend tells TMZ Hip Hop that he was honored to be a part of the same project Ozzy Osbourne openly boycotted ... if you didn't know, Ye sampled his classic tune "Back Dat Azz Up" for the song "Do It" -- and the rest is Billboard history!!!

Of course, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne both ripped Ye to smithereens over him trying to use Black Sabbath music ... but Juve tells us unlike Ozzy -- who blocked Kanye from using his group's "War Pigs" track -- he feels Kanye is a good dude and fondly remembers Ye supporting his indie efforts with his "Nolia Clap" guys Wacko and Skip.

As a result ... giving the green light on "BDAU" was a no-brainer, from his POV.

The booty-shakin' anthem was the marquee single on Juve's breakout album, "400 Degreez" -- and it's still a fan favorite 25 years later, with Juve celebrating the anniversary with a digital deluxe rollout featuring 2 new tracks he and producer Mannie Fresh collaborated on and colored double LP vinyl set.

The surprises don't stop there either ... Juve says he'll be shooting a music video for the "400 Degreez" title track, which he says is his absolute fave song on the album!!!

We're Straight

The music has aged nicely -- and fans can NOW expect to see Juve on the super-star-studded Lovers & Friends Festival stage after the NOLA rapper did a bit of ripping of his own in the promoter's direction.

Juve tells us he caught them denying that his name was on the flyer in an alleged effort to prevent them from paying him ... but all the contract wrinkles have since been ironed out.

Bag secured ... get ready to drop it like it's hot in Vegas!!!

'Queer Eye' Jonathan Van Ness Ripped As 'Monster,' 'Nightmare' ... Demeaning to Work With?!?

"Queer Eye" host Jonathan Van Ness is being ripped by colleagues from their Netflix show, who say he's a disaster to work with, emotionally abusive and prone to rage issues.

The harsh criticism against Jonathan is all laid out in a new Rolling Stone article about behind-the-scenes tension on the set of "Queer Eye" ... with anonymous production sources pulling no punches.

According to the report, Jonathan is painted as a two-faced diva who gives off a warm, rosy persona in public ... but is a total jerk to the people he works with on the show.

Among the words people on the set used to describe him -- "monster," "nightmare" and "demeaning."

The article also cites 3 people who label Jonathan as emotionally abusive with rage issues ... and a total of 7 people claimed he's known to lash out at crew members and others who worked with them.

JVN's supposed poor behavior and unprofessionalism allegedly contributed to a growing rift and tension between the 5 "Queer Eye" hosts ... to the point where the others were hesitant to film scenes with Jonathan.

Some around the show claim a meeting with Netflix execs did little to change Jonathan's behavior or treatment of the crew ... leaving folks on the show feeling like there was no accountability.

One of the hosts, Bobby Berk, has since left the show, though it's unclear if Jonathan had anything to do with his decision.

We've reached out to Jonathan to see if he wanted to address the claims of the coworkers, but we haven't heard back.


Vince McMahon se embolsó más de 400 millones de dólares en un instante el lunes, vendiendo una parte de sus acciones de TKO tras su salida de la compañía por las acusaciones de agresión sexual. Esto según una reciente presentación ante la SEC.

McMahon se deshizo de 5.350.000 acciones -alrededor del 25% de sus acciones- mientras que todavía se aferra a su participación restante en la WWE y la empresa matriz de UFC, que es de alrededor de 15 millones de acciones.

La presentación ante la SEC señala el valor de las acciones en $411.95 millones, aunque podrían llegar cerca de los $436 millones. El precio de las acciones de ayer TKO cerró a $81.67 (veces 5.35 millones de acciones).

La noticia llega un mes después de que el antiguo mandamás dimitiera de su cargo como presidente ejecutivo de TKO como consecuencia de la presentación de una demanda por parte de una antigua empleada, quien lo acusaba de atroces actos sexuales y mala conducta.

McMahon ha mantenido su inocencia, pero sintió que era necesario renunciar "por respeto al Universo WWE".

Esta es la segunda vez que McMahon vende acciones. En noviembre vendió 8.400.000 acciones neto en al alrededor de $700 millones.

McMahon -que ha estado fuera del ojo público después de las acusaciones- se ha comprometido a luchar contra las demandas de Janel Grant y limpiar su nombre, así que tal vez parte de su gran día de pago se destinará a los honorarios legales.

Vince McMahon Sells $400+ Million In TKO Stock ... Amid WWE Scandal

Vince McMahon pocketed over $400 million in an instant on Monday ... selling a chunk of his TKO stock following his departure from the company over sexual assault allegations, according to a recent SEC filing.

McMahon dumped 5,350,000 shares -- about 25% of his stock -- while still holding on to his remaining stake in WWE and UFC's parent company, which is around 15 million shares.

The SEC filing notes the value of the stocks at $411.95 million ... though they could be worth closer to $436 million, as yesterday's TKO stock price closed at $81.67 (times 5.35 million shares).

The news comes just over one month after the former honcho resigned from his role as TKO's executive chairman as a result of a former staffer's lawsuit filing ... which accused him of heinous sexual acts and misconduct.

McMahon has maintained his innocence ... but felt it was necessary to step down "out of respect for the WWE Universe."

This is the second big stock dump for McMahon -- back in November, he sold 8,400,000 shares ... netting around $700 million.

McMahon -- who has been out of the public eye following the allegations -- has vowed to fight Janel Grant's allegations and clear his name ... so perhaps some of his big payday will go toward legal fees.

CHARLES BARKLEY promete darle un puñetazo a cualquier afroamericano Que lleve la foto policial de Trump

contra trump

Charles Barkley tiene un mensaje mordaz y algo violento para cualquier afroamericano que apoye a Donald Trump simplemente porque fue arrestado... resulta que te va a noquear.

El integrante del Salón de la Fama de la NBA emitió la advertencia el lunes por la noche en su programa de CNN con Gayle King, mientras discutían el reciente comentario de Trump donde afirmava que le agradaban más los afroamericanos desde que lo arrestaon en Georgia por intentar anular los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales de 2020.

Trump llegó a presumir de que los afroamericanos "se pasean con la foto de su ficha policial" estampada en sus camisetas.

Nada de eso le sentó bien a Barkley, que dijo: "Si veo a una persona negra paseándose con la foto de la ficha policial de Trump, le voy a dar un puñetazo en la cara".

Barkley explicó que siente que los comentarios de Trump son "un insulto a todos los afroamericanos", porque está comparando su arresto con los siglos de discriminación que la comunidad negra ha enfrentado.

La leyenda de la NBA no es ajena a criticar a Trump y ha acusado al candidato presidencial republicano por usar una "retórica pseudo-racista" cuando se habla de inmigración.

Trump no se ha dejado intimidar por cualquier reacción de Barkley o cualquier otro crítico, ya que sigue siendo el favorito para la nominación republicana. El martes de primarias en 15 estados y un territorio podrían dejar fuera a Nikki Haley.

Trump no ha respondido al comentario de Barkley, pero ya sabes que lo hará.

Charles Barkley Vows to Punch Any Black Person ... Wearing Trump Mug Shot!!!


Charles Barkley has a pointed, somewhat violent message for any Black person backing Donald Trump simply because he got arrested ... he's gonna knock you out.

The NBA Hall of Famer issued the warning Monday night on his CNN show with Gayle King as they discussed Trump's recent remark about Black people liking him more after he was arrested in Georgia for attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Trump went on to brag about Black people "walking around with his mug shot" on t-shirts.

None of that sits well with Barkley, who said, "If I see a Black person walking around with Trump's mug shot, I'm [gonna] punch him in the face."

Barkley explained he feels Trump's comments are "an insult to all Black people" ... because he's comparing his arrest to the centuries of discrimination the Black community has faced.

The NBA legend is no stranger to slamming Trump ... as he's previously called out the Republican presidential candidate for using "pseudo-racist rhetoric" when discussing immigration.

Trump has been undeterred by any backlash from Barkley or any other critics, as "The Apprentice" alum remains the frontrunner for the Republican nomination -- and the Super Tuesday primaries in 15 states, and one territory, could put the race nearly out of reach for Nikki Haley.

DT hasn't responded to Barkley's comment, but ya know that's coming.

Kate Winslet Ozempic suena terrible!!! Habla de la manía por el peso

Kate Winslet acaba de enterarse de Ozempic y digamos que no estaba saltando de alegría exactamente cuando dio a conocer sus pensamientos mientras comía un pastel.

La actriz tropezó con todo el asunto de Ozempic mientras hablaba con The New York Times Magazine, donde explicó que había oído rumores sobre "una píldora que la gente está tomando o algo así", pero ella no sabía exactamente lo que era.

Algo a tener en cuenta es que Ozempic es originalmente un medicamento para tratar la diabetes tipo 2, que se usa fuera de indicación en Gran Bretaña, de donde es nativa Kate, pero no es tan popular como lo es aquí en los Estados Unidos.

Como resultado, Kate estaba aparentemente horrorizada cuando se enteró para qué se ha estado utilizando. Dijo que sonaba "terrible" y en su lugar animó a la gente a comer más.

El disgusto de Kate con esta estrategia para perder peso a escondidas tiene sentido total si tenemos en cuenta el escrutinio público al que se ha enfrentado por su propio cuerpo, especialmente desde sus días en Titanic, por allá en el 97.

Ella le dijo al medio que los comentarios sobre su peso llegaron a tal punto que comenzó a luchar contra un trastorno de la alimentación, que se lo guardó para sí misma en ese entonces.

Desgarradoramente, Kate compartió que cuando perdió peso, la gente comentaba lo bien que se veía, reforzando esta idea de que verse bien estaba directamente relacionado con cuánto pesaba.

Hoy en día, cuando la gente trata de hacer comentarios sobre el peso de Kate, ya no engancha para nada y se apresura en llamarles la atención al instante. Es seguro decir, que Kate ha tenido malas experiencias con el tema, por lo que sus sentimientos sobre Ozempic no son tan sorprendentes.

Por cierto, hay que decir que está en minoría en este punto. Más famosos están con Ozempic por estos días que no.


Kate Winslet's just found out about Ozempic, and let's just say she's not exactly jumping for joy about it -- making her thoughts known while munchin' on a pastry.

The actress stumbled upon the whole Ozempic thing while speaking to The New York Times Magazine ... where she explained she's heard murmurings about "some pill that people are taking or something like that" ... but she didn't exactly know what it was.

Something to note here ... Ozempic, originally a type 2 diabetes drug, is used off-label in KW's native Britain, but it's not exactly all the rage there like it is here in the States.

As a result, Kate was apparently horrified when she found out what it's actually been used for ... with the star adding it sounded "terrible," and encouraging people to just eat more food instead.

Kate's disgust at the whole sneaky weight loss method makes total sense when you consider the public scrutiny she's faced about her body ... especially since her Titanic days back in '97.

She told the publication the historical comments about her weight got to the point where she began battling an eating disorder ... but she kept it to herself at the time.

Heartbreakingly, Kate shared that when she did lose weight, people would comment on how good she looked, reinforcing this idea that looking good was directly tied to how much she weighed.


Nowadays, when people try to comment on Kate's weight, she's not having any of it ... quick to call them out on it right then and there. Safe to say, Kate's been through the wringer on this issue ... so her feelings on Ozempic aren't all that surprising.

She's in the minority here, BTW ... more stars are for Ozempic these days than not.

Madeline Soto Case Sheriff Posts Possible Crime Scene Photo On IG ... Apologizes, Cites Accident

The sheriff for the area where 13-year-old Madeline Soto disappeared and died is under fire for seemingly posting a photo from the crime scene, and now the department is apologizing.

This debacle is playing out down in Osceola County, Florida -- where Madeline's body was discovered Friday by officials there in a wooded area after she went missing from her home in neighboring Orange County last week.

On Saturday -- a day after Madeline was found deceased -- a photo of human remains was reportedly posted to the official Instagram account for Osceola County Sheriff Marcos Lopez. The photo, believed to be a confidential image from the crime scene and since deleted, is said to show a body matching Madeline's description lying dead on the ground.

Now, the Osceola County Sheriff's Office is telling local news outlets the photo was accidentally included in a post about a community event for seniors. They add ... "We deeply apologize for any confusion or disturbance this may have caused."

The Sheriff's office is neither confirming nor denying the photo depicted Madeline's body.

Somehow, this all gets worse for the Osceola County Sheriff's Office ... because the same morning the alleged Soto photo was posted on IG, another member of the sheriff's office shared a selfie with Stephan Sterns, the boyfriend of Madeline's mother ... and the prime suspect in her disappearance and death, who has since been taken into custody.

Nirva Rodriguez, the OCSD executive director, shared the image on her personal Facebook page ... showing Sterns being led out of a building in handcuffs. She reportedly captured her post ... "If God’s love has been poured out over your life, don’t allow evil to keep you away from what He has prepared for you." Unclear what her intent behind the post/message was.

In any case ... the selfie was reportedly snapped after Sterns was booked on charges of child pornography and sexually battering a child.

Law enforcement has not specifically tied those charges to Madeline's case just yet ... nor have they officially charged him in her disappearance or death. He has yet to enter a plea.

Rodriguez's FB post with Sterns has also been deleted, FWIW ... and it's worth noting she oversees multiple divisions with OCSD, including media, outreach and community services.

While multiple law enforcement agencies were involved in locating Madeline and bringing Sterns into custody -- the Kissimmee Police Department is now the one in charge of investigating the teen's death and disappearance ... and Florida law broadly prohibits the release of photos depicting the killing of a minor without permission from surviving family.

Mathew Knowles Beyoncé's Got Hair Care In Her Blood ... Salon Was Houston's Best!!!

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Mathew Knowles says his daughter Beyoncé knows all about the world of hair care ... 'cause he and her mama Tina ran the best salon in The Bayou City -- according to him.

We caught up with Knowles in NYC Tuesday and asked about Bey's blossoming hair care line Cécred ... which has drawn some criticism online since Queen Bey wears hair extensions, leading some to question what she knows about taking care of natural hair.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Lots of fans are rushing to Bey's defense online, but there are still some out there who say they won't buy the product 'cause they're not sure they know what her real hair looks like.

But, Mathew's saying none of that should matter 'cause she should know all about how to keep hair happy and healthy -- after all, he and Tina Knowles ran the best salon in Houston for nearly two decades

Of course, we had to ask MK about former Destiny's Child member Kelly Rowland walking off the set of "TODAY" -- and he says it's totally out of character for her.

Kelly bailed on guest hosting "TODAY" because she wasn't satisfied with the dressing room.

Knowles said he views Kelly as a daughter, and he can't imagine her ever having a diva attitude ... so, seems like he's firmly on KR's side.

Mathew's view on both issues seems basically the same ... people need to chill out and let both his children embrace their destinies!!!


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completamente válido

Mathew Knowles dice que su hija Beyoncé sabe todo sobre el mundo del cuidado del cabello, porque él y su mamá Tina dirigieron el mejor salón de belleza en The Bayou City, según él.

Nos pusimos al día con Knowles en Nueva York el martes y le preguntamos acerca de la floreciente línea de cuidado del cabello de Bey que ha suscitado algunas críticas en línea, ya que Queen Bey lleva extensiones en el cabello, llevando a algunos a cuestionar lo que sabe sobre el cuidado del cabello natural.

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Muchos fans se apresuran a la defensa de Bey en línea, pero todavía hay algunos por ahí que dicen que no van a comprar el producto porque no están seguros de saber cómo es su pelo real.

Sin embargo, Mathew dice que nada de eso debería importar porque ella debe saber todo acerca de cómo mantener el cabello feliz y saludable, después de todo, él y Tina Knowles dirigieron el mejor salón de Houston durante casi dos décadas

Por supuesto, tuvimos que preguntarle a Mathew sobre la ex integrante de Destiny's Child Kelly Rowland caminando fuera del set de "TODAY", y él dice que es a ella le falta mucho carácter.

tmz investiga
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Kelly abandonó el programa "TODAY" porque no estaba satisfecha con el vestuario.

Knowles dijo que ve a Kelly como una hija y que no puede imaginarla nunca teniendo una actitud de diva, así que parece que está firmemente de su lado.

¡La opinión de Mathew sobre ambos temas parece básicamente la misma, la gente necesita relajarse y dejar que sus dos hijos abracen sus destinos!

Heather Gay Body Positivity's a 'Big Lie' ... Ozempic the Way to Go!!!


One of the 'Real Housewives' is saying the quiet part out loud ... Heather Gay is calling BS on all the talk about body positivity -- flat out saying, "It is better not to be overweight."

The "Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" cast member went off about weight issues during a sit down with "20/20" co-anchor and ABC senior national affairs correspondent, Deborah Roberts.

In the Friday night "Impact x Nightline" segment, Heather fired back at critics of Ozempic and other weight loss meds. She said, "I’ve sold out, I’ve given up the banner of you know, accept yourself. And it’s disappointing and sad to know that body positivity was all a big lie. It is better not to be overweight.”

She also admitted, "I didn’t want to show up at another party and see all of my friends 20 pounds thinner and just be resentful."

Once she started shedding pounds, Heather says she noticed treating her differently -- "For the first time, I was being valued by my castmates, by the public, in a way that I had never been valued before. And that felt to me … sad.”

Her overall message here is ... people give a lot of lip service to the idea of body positivity, but the reality is society loves you more when you're in better shape.

Fact is, even the supremely accomplished Oprah Winfrey has said how much better she feels having dropped at least 40 lbs while using medication.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George and several other celebs are publicly embracing the use of weight loss meds -- and, for her part, Heather's saying why the hell wouldn't you??

It's a totally relevant point that the National Institutes of Health says obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in America, only behind tobacco.


Una de las "Real Housewives" está dándo de que hablar. Heather Gay está llamando una "mentira" todo lo que tiene que ver con la positividad del cuerpo, diciendo: "Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

La "Real Housewives de Salt Lake City" miembro del elenco, se refirió a cuestiones de peso con Deborah Roberts de ABC News.

En el segmento del viernes por la noche de "Impact x Nightline", Heather respondió a las críticas sobre Ozempic y otros medicamentos para perder peso. Dijo: "Me he vendido, he renunciado a la bandera de, ya sabes, acéptate a ti misma. Y es decepcionante y triste saber que la positividad corporal era una gran mentira. Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

También admitió: "No quería aparecer en otra fiesta y ver a todas mis amigas nueve kilos más delgadas y estar resentida".

Una vez que empezó a perder kilos, Heather dice que se dio cuenta de que la trataban de manera diferente, "Por primera vez estaba siendo valorada por mis compañeros de reparto y por el público de una manera que nunca había sido valorada antes. Y eso me pareció... triste".

Su mensaje general es que la gente habla mucho sobre la idea de la positividad corporal, pero la realidad es que la sociedad te quiere más cuando estás en mejor forma.

El hecho es que incluso Oprah Winfrey ha dicho lo mucho mejor que se siente después de haber bajado al menos 40 libras mientras usaba la famosa medicina.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George y varias otras celebridades están abrazando públicamente el uso de medicamentos para perder peso, y por su parte, Heather dice ¿por qué diablos no lo harías?

tmz investiga
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Es un punto totalmente relevante que los Institutos Nacionales de Salud digan que la obesidad es la segunda causa de muerte prevenible en Estados Unidos, solo por detrás del tabaco.

Estudiantes de Oklahoma Un video los muestra lamiendo los pies... Escuela bajo la lupa

Dándolo todo
Fox 25

Un video de una recaudación de fondos de una escuela secundaria muestra a unos estudiantes lamiéndole los dedos del pie a otras personas y el viral video tiene a los padres enojados, mientras se inicia una investigación al respecto.

Esta es la cuestión: durante una recaudación de fondos de Deer Creek High School en Oklahoma a principios de esta semana, varios estudiantes aparecieron boca abajo y lamiendo mantequilla de maní en los pies de otros estudiantes.

Echa un vistazo al video obtenido originalmente por Fox 25, es bastante asqueroso: algunos niños están en el suelo en la cancha de baloncesto, mientras que otros están relajados, levantando los pies y dejando que se los chupen.

Todo el video ha causado un tremendo revuelo línea, con un montón de gente criticando a los organizadores por permitir algo así en primer lugar.

Entre los usuarios molestos de X, el Superintendente del Estado de Oklahoma, Ryan Walters, publicó un tweet dejando a sus seguidores saber que su agencia investigará exactamente que pasó.

Deer Creek High no está lidiando con ningún delito aquí, por cierto, y ha dicho en un comunicado que todos los estudiantes se ofrecieron voluntariamente a hacer esto y no hay miembros de la facultad o del personal que hayan estado involucrados en el juego.

La escuela también señaló los más de $150k que recaudaron para una organización benéfica local y aparentemente dicen que el dinero es una buena razón para dejar atrás los controvertidos juegos.

Una declaración anónima de un padre cuyo hijo va a la escuela lo resumió muy bien en FOX 25, diciendo que la suma de dinero es importante, pero la escuela tiene que admitir que probablemente esta no es la mejor manera de recaudarlo.

TMZ investiga
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En pocas palabras, la escuela sigue firme con lo que pasó, pero mucha gente parece querer que alguien con autoridad haga algo al respecto.

Oklahoma H.S. Fundraiser Video Shows Students Licking Toes ... School Under Investigation

Fox 25

Video from a high school fundraiser of students licking toes has gone viral online ... and it's got parents up in arms while an investigation seems to be startin' up.

Here's the deal ... during a fundraiser earlier this week at Deer Creek High School in Oklahoma, several students appeared to get on their stomachs and lick peanut butter off the toes of other students.

Check out the vid, originally obtained by Fox 25 ... it's pretty gross stuff -- some kids are down on the basketball court while others are laid back, kicking their feet up and letting them lick away.

The whole video's caused a firestorm online ... with tons of people on social media calling out organizers for allowing a stunt like this to go down in the first place.

Among those upset X users ... Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters who posted a tweet letting his followers know his agency would be investigating exactly what went down.

Deer Creek High isn't copping to any wrongdoing here BTW ... saying in a statement that all the students volunteered to do this and no faculty or staff members were involved in this particular game.

The school also pointed to the more than $150k they say they raised for a local charity ... seemingly saying the money's a damn good reason to move past the controversial games played.

An anonymous statement from a parent whose child goes to the school to FOX 25 sums it up well ... with the parent saying the money's great, but the school needs to admit this probably wasn't the best way to go about it.

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... the school's sticking by what happened, but lots of people seem to want someone to put their foot down on this kinda behavior.

Elle King De vuelta al escenario, ahora con agua... Tras el tributo borracha a Dolly Parton

Bebiendo agua

Elle King ha vuelto a actuar en vivo en un escenario en Arizona, la primera vez que lo hace desde su debacle en el Grand Ole Opry, cuando estaban celebrando el cumpleaños de Dolly Parton una noche.

TMZ obtuvo estas imágenes del show de Elle el viernes por la noche en Tempe, Arizona, donde fue una de las cantantes que tocó en el Festival Extra Innings.

Los fans notaron que la cantante de country tuvo una botella de agua al alcance de la mano toda la noche y tomó varios sorbos de ella durante su actuación.

La imagen es totalmente opuesta a la última vez que vimos a Elle en el famoso escenario de Nashville, allá por finales de enero. Ella admitió que estaba borracha y que se le había olvidado la letra de una de las canciones de Dolly, lo que no fue lo peor, ¡también se inventó una letra incoherente e increpó al público!

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Se pierde en medio de la canción
Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

Después de una canción, le ladró al público: "Ni siquiera voy a mentir... todos ustedes compraron entradas para esta mierda, no van a recuperar su dinero".

Días después de aquel s***show, pospuso abruptamente su siguiente concierto en Texas, pero no dio ninguna razón. Desde entonces no había vuelto a aparecer en público.

Elle recibió un montón de apoyo de la propia Dolly, quien le dijo a Extra: Elle es una gran chica que solo tenía un poco demasiado que beber. También instó a los fans a "perdonarlo y olvidarlo y seguir adelante, porque [Elle] se sintió peor que nadie".

Nos han dicho que Elle no hizo ninguna referencia al desastre de Dolly durante su show del viernes por la noche. Sin embargo, cantó canciones sobre la bebida como "Chain Smokin', Hard Drinkin' Woman" y "Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go Home)". Es una cantante de country, después de todo.

Dicho esto, se mantuvo sobria en el escenario, y por todas las cuentas, sonaba muy bien.

En otras palabras... Dolly tenía razón.