Meek Mill Repeatedly Insists He's Not Gay ... Reacts to Reckless Diddy Rumors

Meek Mill is now roped into the latest Diddy lawsuit drama -- quite salaciously and carelessly, we might add -- and yet, he's taking the bait and publicly responding with a rant about being straight as an arrow.

The Philly rapper's been on a wild tweet storm since Wednesday in response to a number of users who were posting memes and jokes after Meek was obliquely referenced in Rodney Jones' suit against Diddy. The docs don't name Meek, but very clearly allude to him.

Youtube / King Akademiks

The lawsuit includes a footnote addressing a redacted name, and it describes the identity of that person as "a Philadelphia Rapper who dated Nicki Minaj."

Long story short ... Rodney alleges Diddy once told him he'd slept with big-time male celebs in the music biz, including Meek.

Folks online had a field day with this once the docs were published, and Meek ended up going on the attack ... firing off several different tweets to deny he's gay, or that he was involved in any romantic way with Diddy -- as it was recklessly suggested in the wild legal claim.

We'll let you read Meek's tweets for yourself -- but let's just say ... he goes a little over the top here to hit the point home that he's not into dudes, and to some, it comes across as a bit homophobic.

Meek uses some fairly graphic and sexual terms to describe how much he's into women -- and while he might think he's setting the record straight, some are taking his fervent tweetstorm the opposite way.

He also goes after DJ Akademiks here, who's the one who highlighted Meek was alluded to in the suit -- and the 2 of them have been going back and forth nonstop since yesterday.

In any case, it's all very icky, which is why it's strange that Meek is so publicly leaning into it.

Other famous people have also been referenced in Rodney's lawsuit -- who were not named -- and they've kept quiet, refusing to give the allegations any oxygen.

Of course, Diddy himself has utterly denied any and all of Rodney's claims -- and some of them, as we've pointed out, are already starting to fall apart at the seams.

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Meanwhile, Meek keeps speaking his piece. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Paul Pogba Banned Four Years For Doping ... Shocked, Heartbroken

Juventus star Paul Pogba was banned for four years for doping ... a crushing blow for the international soccer star who says he's innocent and will appeal the decision!

The 30-year-old midfielder -- who has been ineligible to play since a drug test showed elevated testosterone levels last September -- shared news of the ban Thursday with his over 61 million Instagram followers ... after he received word from Italy's anti-doping board.

"I have today been informed of the Tribunale Nazionale Antidoping’s decision and believe that the verdict is incorrect," Pogba wrote.

"I am sad, shocked and heartbroken that everything I have built in my professional playing career has been taken away from me."

The decision means Pogba won't be able to play until 2027 ... although he says he's going to appeal the decision.

"When I am free of legal restrictions the full story will become clear," Pogba said, "but I have never knowingly or deliberately taken any supplements that violate anti-doping regulations."

"As a professional athlete, I would never do anything to enhance my performance by using banned substances and have never disrespected or cheated fellow athletes and supporters of any of the teams I have played for, or against."

Pogba's professional soccer career began in 2011 ... and has seen PP suit up for Manchester United and Juventus.

Paul re-signed with Juventus on a four-year deal in July 2022 ... but injured his meniscus weeks later. The injury also forced him to miss the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Pogba has only appeared in eight games since his return to Juventus.

Tish Cyrus Surfaces Amid New Report Allegedly 'Stole' Hubby From Noah?!?

Tish Cyrus was just seen for the first time since being accused of "stealing" her husband Dominic Purcell from her estranged daughter, Noah ... and Mama Bear didn't wanna chat.

Miley Cyrus' mom was spotted Wednesday in Beverly Hills, driving out of a parking garage in her Toyota SUV after grabbing a bite at Soho House ... and dodging questions from a swarm of paparazzi on the way out.

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stepping out, staying silent

It also looks like Dominic himself had joined her ... as he was caught on camera in a different car while parked outside the lot.

Tish is being hounded by photogs in the wake of a report this week claiming Noah was romantically involved with Dominic first -- apparently before Tish got with him following her 2022 divorce from Billy Ray Cyrus.

While Tish and Dominic have since tied the knot and are happily married now, this report casts doubt on the timeline of things -- claiming NC was actually seeing Dom first, when her mom eventually started pursuing him as well. Supposedly, Tish knew Noah was with him.

It's unclear exactly when Noah was dating Dominic -- if this is to be believed -- or when things ended between her and Dom and where a romance started with Tish. The report suggests there may have been some overlap ... and considering Noah's estranged from Tish, it's safe to assume there's some bad blood and harsh feelings over this alleged love triangle.

The claims also add another layer to some perceived drama among the Cyrus clan ... fans have been suspecting things weren't great among the family ever since Miley didn't mention Billy in her acceptance speech at the Grammys earlier this month.

Likewise, Noah skipped Tish's wedding with Dominic ... so the Cyrus brood is fractured.

Tish gushed over Dominic in a recent podcast, saying they made out for hours on their first date and started saying "I Love You" the very next day ... and she noted she DM'd him in 2022 after first getting a message from him in 2016, which she didn't see at the time.

While Tish is head over heels, Noah is said to be "distraught" over Tish "stealing" Dominic away.

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Whatever the case may be, Tish isn't ready to address the claims quite yet. We've reached to Tish and Noah for comment ... so far, no word back.

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'Wonka' Experience Organizers Confronted by Parents on Video ... You've Scammed Kids!!!


The organizers behind the chaotic Willy Wonka pop-up attraction in the UK were directly confronted by outraged customers ... which we can now see in this heated video.

In the footage above ... House of Illuminati -- the organizers behind the disastrous event -- are shouted at by angry parents, who accuse them of scamming kids after putting on an exhibit with cheap decorations, zero chocolate and a script made from artificial intelligence.

Land Of Pure Disappointment

What's worse ... it's said the group charged $35 a pop for this sad display, and the parents clearly feel like they got ripped off, evidenced in their shouted words and scolding.

While one of the planners is seen assuring the enraged attendees that full refunds would be issued -- the crowd does not appear satisfied with his response ... with one woman threatening to call the police. As we all now know ... they eventually did call cops.

One guest calls out the company for duping attendees -- as they posted little to no information on social media or their website. She screamed ...  "It's a scam. You've scammed children!"

One of the organizers does offer up an apology -- saying he's "very, very sorry" for the whole mess. That wasn't good enough for the fuming mob here, though.


This encounter confirms what Paul Connell -- who played one of the Wonkas at the now-viral experience -- previously told TMZ about the "carnage" that ensued after guests formed an angry mob.

He dished to us that the cops were called after the frustrated group began throwing things and crying. While over 850 refunds are said to have been issued -- PC alleged he still hadn't been paid the 500 pounds (roughly $633) for his part in the event.


Now, we know there is a sweet ending potentially in the works at the moment ... some of the pissed parents who left with disappointed kids are reportedly working on putting on their own exhibit that will be totally free.

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So ... cheer up, Charlie!

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Experiencia Wonka Los padres se enfrentan a los organizadores!!! Engañaron a los niños

Nos estafaron

Los organizadores detrás de la caótica experiencia Wonka en el Reino Unido se enfrentaron directamente con los indignados clientes, a quienes podemos ver en este acalorado video.

En el video se puede ver cómo los organizadores de House of Illuminati, la empresa detrás del desastroso evento, recibieron los gritos de los enojados padres, quienes los acusaron de estafar a los niños montando una exposición con decoraciones baratas, ningún chocolate y un guion hecho con inteligencia artificial.

La tierra de la desilusión

Lo que es peor, se dice que el grupo cobró 35 dólares por esta triste exhibición y los padres claramente sienten que fueron estafados, lo que queda en evidencia en este video.

Aunque uno de los organizadores les asegura que les devolverán el dinero, los padres no parecen satisfechos con su respuesta y una mujer incluso amenaza con llamar a la policía. Como todos sabemos ahora, la mujer finalmente hizo la llamada.

Uno de los asistentes criticó a la empresa por engañar a los clientes, ya que habían publicado muy poca o ninguna información en las redes sociales o su sitio web. Ella gritó:  "Es una estafa. Estafaron a los niños".

Uno de los organizadores se disculpó, diciendo que lo sentía "muchísimo" por todo el desastre. Sin embargo, eso no fue suficiente para calmar a los indignados clientes.

Se volvió una carnicería

Este encuentro confirma lo que Paul Connell, que interpretó a uno de los Wonkas en la viralizada experiencia, le había dicho a TMZ sobre la "carnicería" que se había producido después de que los asistentes formaran una furiosa turba.

Nos contó que llamaron a la policía después de que el grupo empezara a tirar cosas y a llorar. Aunque se supone que se han emitido más de 850 reembolsos, Paul alegó que a él todavía no le pagaban las 500 libras (unos 633 dólares) por su participación en el evento.

Ahora sabemos que podría haber un dulce final para todo esto. Se ha informado que algunos de los padres que se fueron cabreados con los niños decepcionados están trabajando en la puesta en marcha de su propia exposición, que será totalmente gratuita.

TMZ investiga
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Así que, ¡ánimo, Charlie!

Kanye West Le dice a Kim K... Saca a mis hijos del "sistema" escolar!!!

Kanye West sigue quejándose de la escuela de sus hijos y ahora está exigiéndole públicamente a su ex esposa Kim Kardashian que los saque lo antes posible.

El rapero y productor publicó un nuevo post en IG el miércoles por la noche, que ya borró, donde nombra explícitamente a Kim y le dice que saque a sus cuatro hijos de la lujosa escuela privada a la que asisten.


Su pie de foto era igual de revelador. Este decía: "A estas alturas todo el mundo sabe lo que "el sistema" es, es la palabra clave por la que el sistema me apartó de mis hijos".

Kanye West continuó diciendo: "Cuando el sistema recluta atletas, evita trabajar con los que tienen a sus padres en sus vidas porque son más difíciles de manipular. Mis dos mayores saben quién es su papá".

Kanye sonaba firme en su postura aquí, pero como hemos dicho, rápidamente lo borró, probablemente después de una llamada de Kim y sus abogados, suponemos. Sin embargo, es bastante obvio que esto representa en un 100% cómo se siente y sí parece que de nuevo se está inclinando hacia el antisemitismo.

Sabemos de hecho que Kanye ha despotricado contra las escuelas de "adoctrinamiento judío" y también que se ha quejado de que sus hijos vayan a una institución que él considera que es exactamente esto.

Así que sí, su referencia no muy sutil a lo que él considera "el sistema" va más allá de solo el lenguaje codificado, es básicamente un megáfono y ha expresado sus emociones muy abiertamente.

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Tiempo de calidad con North en Dubái

Lo que es interesante aquí, sin embargo, es el hecho de que Ye está señalando a dos de sus hijos específicamente y sugiriendo que aman a su padre, a saber, North West y Saint West. Hemos visto a North pasando mucho tiempo con su padre últimamente y Saint también aparece por aquí y por allá de vez en cuando.

Normalmente, no vemos a los niños más pequeños Chicago y Psalm con su padre, y él ha admitido que Kim tiene a sus hijos alrededor del 80% del tiempo de la custodia.

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Suena como que Ye está refunfuñando por eso y tal vez siente que no tiene tanto control como le gustaría.

Kanye West Tells Kim K ... Take Our Kids Outta 'System' School!!!

Kanye West continues to gripe about where his kids go to school -- publicly demanding his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, take them out ASAP ... and he's dog-whistling again.

The rapper/producer threw up a new IG post Wednesday night and he name-dropped Kim explicitly with a strong request ... namely, calling her out and telling her to take their 4 children out of the ritzy private school they all go to.


His caption was just as telling -- with Ye adding, "At this point everybody knows what "the system" is code word for 👀 I was removed from my dad by the system and the system removed me from my children."

KW continued ... "When the system drafts athletes they avoid working with those who have their father in their life because they are harder to manipulate. My two oldest know they daddy is."

Kanye sounded firm in his stance here, but like we said ... he quickly yanked this down -- probably after a call from Kim and her lawyers, we presume. Still, it's pretty obvious this is 100% how he feels ... and yes, he again seems to be leaning into antisemitism.

We know for a fact that Kanye has railed against "Jewish indoctrinated" schools... and we also know he's griped about his kids going to an institution he considers to be exactly this.

So, yeah -- his not-to-subtle reference to what he considers "the system" is beyond just coded language ... it's basically a bullhorn, and he's wearing his sentiments on his sleeve.

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What's interesting here, though, is the fact that Ye is pinpointing two of his kids specifically and suggesting they love their dad ... namely, North West and Saint West. We've been seeing North hang out with her dad a lot lately -- and Saint pops up here and there too.


We don't normally see the 2 youngest children, Chicago and Psalm, with their dad these days -- and he's already admitted that Kim has their kids about 80% of the time regarding custody.

TMZ Studios

Sounds like Ye's grumbling about that, and perhaps feeling not as in control as he'd like.

We covered the drama on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Tish Cyrus Aparece tras rumores... ¿Supuestamente le robó su marido a Noah?

Tish Cyrus fue vista en medio de las acusaciones que dicen que le robó su tercer marido Dominic Purcell a su hija Noah, con quien se encuentra distanciada.

La mamá de Miley Cyrus fue vista el miércoles en Beverly Hills, saliendo de un estacionamiento en su Toyota SUV después de comer en un restaurante y esquivar las preguntas de los paparazzi que estaban en el camino de salida.

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Guardando el silencio

También parece que el propio Dominic se había unido a ella, ya que fue capturado por la cámara en un carro diferente, mientras se estacionaba afuera del lote.

Tish está siendo acosada por los fotógrafos a raíz de un informe de esta semana que dice que Noah estaba involucrada románticamente con Dominic, y al parecer, antes de que Tish estuviera con él luego de su divorcio con Billy Ray Cyrus en 2022.

Aunque Tish y Dominic están felizmente casados ahora, este informe pone en duda la línea de tiempo de su relación, alegando que Noah Cyrus estaba saliendo con Dom, cuando su madre comenzó a perseguirlo. Supuestamente, Tish sabía que Noah estaba con él.

No está claro en qué momento estaban saliendo Dominic y Noah exactamente, si creemos esta versión, o cuando terminaron las cosas entre ellos y comenzó el romance con Tish. El informe sugiere que puede haber habido alguna coincidencia y teniendo en cuenta que Noah está distanciada de Tish, es seguro asumir que hay un poco de mala sangre y sentimientos fuertes sobre este supuesto triángulo amoroso.

Las afirmaciones también añaden otra capa al drama en el clan Cyrus: los fans han estado sospechando que las cosas no están bien en la familia desde que Miley no mencionó a su padre Billy en el discurso de aceptación de su Grammy a principios de este mes.

Del mismo modo, Noah se saltó la boda de Tish con Dominic, por lo que la familia Cyrus está fracturada.

Tish se deshizo en elogios sobre Dominic en un podcast reciente, diciendo que se besaron durante horas en su primera cita y se dijeron "te amo" al día siguiente. También señaló que le envió un mensaje directo en 2022, luego de recibir uno suyo en 2016, que no vio en su momento.

Mientras Tish está súper enamorada, se dice que Noah está "angustiada" con que Tish le haya "robado" a Dominic.

TMZ investiga
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Cualquiera sea el caso, Tish no está lista para hacer frente a las acusaciones todavía. Nos contactamos con Tish y Noah para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

'Wonka' Experience Actor Details Viral Disaster ... Parents Putting on New One for Kids!!!!

One of the actors working the disastrous Willy Wonka attraction in the UK is spilling it all -- dishing the ins and outs of what went wrong, and how parents are making things right.

Paul Connell -- who played one of the Wonkas at the now-viral disaster -- tells TMZ cops were called after people began throwing things when the experience in Glasgow failed to impress, which seriously pissed off the families who paid good money to be entertained. He says ... "People were crying. People were shouting. It just turned into carnage, basically."


PC doesn't blame guests for their outrage either -- as he says there wasn't even chocolate offered at the attraction! Check out the interview he did with us ... he gets into the nitty gritty of it all, including what he says the attraction workers were instructed to give the kids.

Let's just say it was meager and meaningless ... and not very sweet.

ICYMI ... families say they were left feeling duped after being promised a whimsical adventure to a Willy Wonka walkthrough -- which basically turned out to be just a basic ass warehouse filled with half-hearted decorations and hardly any treats.

They reportedly paid $35 a ticket -- which was a pretty penny for this sad sight.

As we reported ... the event had a weird and slapped-together 13-page script -- which Paul says he had to ditch for good old-fashioned improv -- it was literally that bad.

BTW, some have claimed the Wonka script here might've been made with AI software.

What's worse -- Paul says this isn't the first time the company behind the exhibit has tried -- and failed -- to put on a themed event ... he claims they've attempted to pull this off in the past, but it sounds like those previous tries didn't go so well either.

Oh, and it's not just the attendees who are unhappy here -- as Paul alleges he hasn't been paid the 500 pounds (roughly $633) for his time and work. He tells TMZ ... "No one's contacted me at all. It's just been dead silence from them."

But much like the ending of Roald Dahl's children's classic ... there's a happy ending in the works -- at least that's what Paul says he's heard through the grapevine in the aftermath.

PC tells us that a group of parents who attended the event with their kids are actually planning to put on a new experience of their own -- and want him to participate. The new exhibit will be free -- as they're planning to have sponsors and plenty of donations lined up.

TMZ Studios

A caramel-filled ending, indeed.

Actor de experiencia Wonka Padres van a montar una nueva para los niños Cuenta detalles...

Uno de los actores que trabajó en la desastrosa atracción de Willy Wonka en el Reino Unido lo cuenta todo: los pormenores de lo que salió mal y cómo los padres están arreglando las cosas.

Paul Connell -que interpretó a uno de los Wonkas en el desastre ahora viral- le dice a TMZ que hubo que llamar a la policía luego de que la gente comenzara a tirar cosas cuando la experiencia en Glasgow los decepcionó, lo que enojó seriamente a las familias que gastaron un buen dinero. Él dice: "La gente estaba llorando. La gente gritaba. Se convirtió en una carnicería".

se convirtió en una carnicería

¡Paul no culpa a los huéspedes por su indignación, ya que dice que ni siquiera había chocolate que ofrecer! Échale un vistazo a la entrevista que nos concedió, nos cuenta todos los pormenores del asunto, incluido lo que -según él- tenían que ofrecerle los trabajadores a los niños.

Digamos que era algo escaso, sin sentido y no muy dulce.

Las familias dicen que se quedaron una sensación de engaño después de haber prometido una aventura de Willy Wonka., la cual resultó ser un almacén lleno de decoraciones a medias y casi ninguna golosina.

Según los informes, pagaron $35 por boleto, lo que es bastante considerando la pésima experiencia.

Como ya informamos, el evento contaba con un extraño guion de 13 páginas, el cual Paul dice que tuvieron que abandonar y en su lugar, simplemente improvisaron. Así de malo era.

Incluso hay sospechas de que el guion fue realizado con un software de IA.

Paul dice que esta no es la primera vez que la empresa detrás de la exposición ha fracasado al momento de realizar un evento temático, afirma que han tratado de sacar esto adelante en el pasado, pero parece que los intentos anteriores no funcionaron.

Ah, y no son solo los asistentes están descontentos, Paul alega que no le han pagado las 500 libras (aproximadamente $633) por su tiempo y trabajo. Él le dice a TMZ: "Nadie se ha puesto en contacto conmigo en absoluto. Ha sido un silencio total de parte de ellos".

Pero al igual que el final del clásico infantil de Roald Dahl, hay un final feliz... al menos eso es lo que Paul nos puede afirmar.

Paul nos cuenta que un grupo de padres que asistieron al evento con sus hijos están planeando organizar una nueva experiencia por su cuenta y quieren que él participe. La nueva exposición será gratuita ya que están planeando tener patrocinadores y un montón de donaciones en fila.

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Sin duda un final feliz.

Hitmaka Claims Diddy Snaked Him Outta Multiple Producer Creds🐍

Turns out Lil Rod's not the only one with deeply rooted gripes about working with Diddy -- superproducer Hitmaka is making his own claims about bad biz deals with the music mogul.

On the recent PPV episode of "The Joe Budden Podcast," Hitmaka shared his experiences while working on Diddy's "Love Album: Off The Grid" -- the same project for which Rodney Jones, aka Lil Rod, is suing Diddy for unpaid royalties ... among a litany of other allegations.


Hitmaka told Joe, Diddy dialed him up ahead of the album's creation and gassed up his talent to get him in the studio with fellow artists London on Da Track and Jozzy.

After sending Diddy several tracks, Hitmaka claims Diddy went behind his back recruiting Cardiak, Eric Bellinger and several others to dissolve his contributions from the tracks ... so much so, the album was released without any of his credits!

Instagram / @lilrodmadeit

Hitmaka says he ran into Diddy afterward, and as he describes it ... the gaslighting about the project continued -- and he says he feels sorry that Jozzy is stuck on the Love Records imprint amid all the lawsuits against Diddy.

To make matters worse, Hitmaka alleges Diddy infringed on another Bad Boy project in which he was involved ... that being French Montana's 2021 album "They Got Amnesia."

Hitmaka says he was originally the executive producer, and had his tags on the album opener "ICU," but got hit with the Diddy Effect ... as his voice got replaced with the man writing the checks!!!

He calls it diabolical déjà vu ... Hitmaka said the same thing happened to him during his 2008 freshman season when Diddy came between him and his OG co-producer Rob Holladay.

Hitmaka says he put a stop to Diddy's shenanigans when he attempted to poach his go-to artist and part-time lover, Tink, for one of his projects.

TMZ Studios

Despite all that, he says it's still love ... even though it sure doesn't sound like it.

Matt Riddle 'Perfect Storm' Led To J.F.K. Outburst ... Alcohol, Ear Infection, Travel

Ex-WWE Superstar Matt Riddle is finally sharing his side of his eventful visit to JFK Airport last year ... claiming cocktails, an ear infection, and an awful travel experience sed his belligerent antics.

As we previously reported, Riddle appeared wasted before catching a flight to Orlando back in September ... grabbing a mic and shouting at passengers during a delay -- the same day he accused a Port Authority police officer of sexual assault.

Matt Riddle 09/29/23

The former Tag Team Champion explained he felt he was overworked at the time -- doing a four-day tour before flying to India for a one-day event and heading back to the States -- and that all "took a toll on me," he told "The MMA Hour."

On his flight back to the U.S., Riddle said he got a "really bad" ear infection ... and after a few alcoholic bevvies and flight delays, he was dealing with a "perfect storm."

Riddle is taking the whole thing in stride, though ... saying his bad time at the airport made him realize he needed to take a step back and stop working himself so much.

As for the sexual harassment accusation, Riddle also admitted alcohol played a factor ... and while he didn't wish to pursue charges, he now understands that he put himself in that situation.

Ultimately, Riddle lost his gig with WWE ... but has since returned to wrestling under other promotions.


Los visuales de la atracción de Willy Wonka en el Reino Unido son bastante decepcionantes, pero el guion lo es aún más.

El guión de 13 páginas que se le entrego a los actores para realizar el "Willy's Chocolate Experience" en Glasgow, Escocia, ha salido a la luz en línea, y si pensabas que la experiencia en sí parecía precaria, espera a saber de qué va la trama.

Lo primero que salta a la vista es que las descripciones de los decorados -que deberían pintar un cuadro de experiencia caprichosa, encantadora y envolvente- no se corresponden en absoluto con lo que realmente le esperaba a los padres que pagaron, quienes terminaron exigiendo reembolsos.

El naufragio no acaba ahí, el guion está plagado de predicciones sobre cómo respondería el público al decorado y a los actores que interpretaban a Willy Wonka y los Oompa Loompas, pero los halagos no se hicieron realidad.

Paul Connell, el actor contratado para interpretar a Wonka, dice que el elenco recibió el guion el día antes del evento, lo que les dio poco tiempo para memorizar sus líneas y le dijo a The Independent que la escritura era un montón de tonteras generadas por IA.

Un ejemplo perfecto de cómo el guion se desvía en gran medida de la realidad, es la "Sala de Burbujas y Limonada".

En el guion, el espacio se describe como "una habitación donde el aire chispea con burbujas flotantes, y ríos de limonada chispeante fluyen libremente." Suena bien, pero en realidad es solo una mesa desplegable con vasos de plástico que contienen unos sorbos de limonada y una bolsa de basura claramente visible.

También se menciona aquí a una especie de espíritu maligno llamado El Desconocido y también hay un video de un actor interpretándolo durante una de las visitas del pasado fin de semana.

Fue bastante espeluznante y los niños que lo presenciaron se llevaron un susto de muerte.

En pocas palabras, la ejecución del guion no resultó muy bien, pero para ser honesto, la escritura en sí no es muy buena tampoco. Todo es inconexo, difícil de seguir y parece que eso se manifestó en el mundo real cuando intentaron darle vida.

Recordemos que los padres se quejaban de que a sus hijos les daban un cuarto de vaso de limonada y unas cuantas gominolas. Además, se amontonaban en las precarias decoraciones y lo peor es que solo tardabas un minuto en recorrerlo todo.

Todo lo relacionado con el evento es tan lúgubre que casi resulta gracioso... en serio, si necesitas reírte lee el guion. Es hilarante.

tmz investiga
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Pobres chicos... ¡Pobres actores!

Willy Wonka Experience Script Not Even Close To Reality ... Hilariously Awful!!!

The visuals from the Willy Wonka pop-up attraction in the UK are pretty sad and underwhelming ... but the script is even worse, and more out of touch with reality.

The 13-page script that the actors were given to perform at the now-viral "Willy's Chocolate Experience" in Glasgow, Scotland, has surfaced online ... and if you thought the actual experience itself looked rough, wait until you get a load of the fake plotline behind it.

The first thing that jumps off the page ... set descriptions painting a picture of a whimsical, enchanting and immersive experience do not line up AT ALL with what was actually awaiting paying parents, who ended up demanding refunds for the bait and switch.

The trainwreck doesn't end there ... the script is littered with predictions for how the audience would respond to the set and the actors playing Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas ... but the rosy outlook didn't play out that way in real life.

Paul Connell, the actor hired to play Wonka, says the cast only got the script the day before the event, leaving them little time to memorize their lines ... and he told The Independent the writing was a bunch of AI-generated gibberish.

A perfect example of how the script greatly deviates from the real deal ... the "Bubble and Lemonade Room."

In the script, the space is described as "a room where the air sparkles with floating bubbles, and rivers of sparking lemonade flow freely." Sounds cool, but in reality, it's just a fold-out table with plastic cups containing a few sips of lemonade ... and a clearly visible trash bag.

There's also mention in here of some kind of evil villain/spirit thing called The Unknown -- and video of an actor portraying it during one of the tours last weekend is out too.

Let's just say ... it was creepy as hell, and scared the crap out of the kids who witnessed it.

Bottom line -- the execution of the script didn't turn out great ... but to be honest, the actual writing itself isn't very good either. The whole thing is disjointed and somewhat hard to follow ... and it sounds like that manifested in the real world when they tried to bring this to life.

Remember ... parents complained their kids were given a quarter cup of lemonade and a few jellybeans, and they piled on the crappy decorations and said the whole thing took a minute to walk through.

Everything about the event is so grim it's almost funny ... seriously, if you need a good laugh read through the script. It's pretty wild.

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Those poor kids ... those poor actors!!!


Kim Kardashian y Anya Taylor-Joy están siendo acusadas de perpetuar lo que algunos consideran lo contrario de la positividad corporal.

Kim es la última en ser criticada, aunque a Anya ya le pasó a principios de semana. La Kardashian publicó algunas fotos con un corsé de Mugler que hace que su cintura parezca diminuta y mucha gente no estuvo contenta.

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La gente vino por ella en los comentarios, acusándola de establecer estándares de belleza poco realistas para las mujeres, mientras que otros la llamaron por promover un ideal de delgadez imposible. Por supuesto, todo lo que Kim hizo fue publicar las fotos y mencionar la marca.

Todo lo demás que se está diciendo en esta conversación es solo gente proyectando sus interpretaciones y quejas, y sin embargo, ella sigue siendo criticada. ¿Qué hay de nuevo?

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Kim no es la única que la gente está criticando en línea esta semana por usar corsé, Anya también ha recibido quejas por lo mismo.

La actriz compartió una instantánea en blanco y negro luciendo un corsé de una prueba de Maison Margiela antes del estreno de "Dune 2" y ella también fue atacada por normalizar y dar glamour a su pequeña figura, cuando, en realidad, no muchas personas se ven así.

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Ninguna de las dos estrellas ha abordado todas las críticas que están recibiendo, pero la gente está haciendo mucho ruido al respecto.

KIM K, ANYA TAYLOR-JOY SPARK Body Positivity CONTROVERSY By Posting Corset Photos

Kim Kardashian's catching some heat for rocking a corset, as is Anya Taylor-Joy ... both of whom are being accused of perpetuating what some consider the opposite of body positivity.

Kim is the latest one to get backlash -- although, Anya kicked it all off earlier in the week. KK posted some photos of herself wearing a Mugler corset that makes her waist look teeny-tiny ... and a lot of people weren't happy with it.

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People came for her in the comments ... accusing her of setting unrealistic beauty standards for women, while others called her out for promoting an impossible skinny ideal on her platform. Of course, all Kim did, really, was post the pics and mention the brand.

Everything else that's being kicked around in this convo is just people projecting their interpretations/gripes ... and yet, she's still getting dragged. What else is new?

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FWIW, Kim isn't the only one who people are bashing online this week over corset looks -- Anya has also been getting criticism for her own photo with a corset on.

The actress shared a B&W snap of herself wearing a corset from a Maison Margiela fitting ahead of the 'Dune 2' premiere ... and she too was lambasted for what some consider normalizing and glamorizing her tiny frame -- when, in reality, not many people look like this.

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Neither A-lister has addressed all the flak they're getting ... but people are making a lot of noise about it regardless.

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