Kevin Durant Confronts Fan Who Called Him a 'Bitch'

Phoenix Suns superstar Kevin Durant had a pregame exchange with two fans ahead of Thursday night's game ... confronting the Mavericks supporters after being called a "bitch."

The whole exchange was captured on video ... showing KD running out of the tunnel for warmups -- but coming to a screeching halt after hearing the word hurled his way.

Durant quickly approached the two fans -- who appeared to have great seats for the game -- and they went back and forth for a good 30 seconds before the two-time NBA champ waved his hand in disgust and rejoined his teammates.

Of course, the NBA has a history of kicking heckling fans out of games at a player's request ... and it appeared the pair of Dallas backers were about to be escorted out of American Airlines Center before Durant returned to the scene and intervened.

It's unclear what was said between Durant and the fans ... but according to reporter Jonah Javad, the hooper saved them from getting the boot.

As for the game, Durant finished with 23 points and six rebounds ... but the Suns fell to the Mavs, 123-113.

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So despite the pregame spat, those two fans probably went home happy.

N3ON es detenido por vehículo robado Pero parece que fue un error...

Un video de N3on siendo detenido se ha vuelto viral en línea, pero TMZ ha descubierto qué fue lo que exactamente llevó a los oficiales del sheriff a detener a la estrella de redes sociales... y es increíble

N3on -que es un streamer y YouTuber popular entre los Gen-Z- apareció recientemente en un video que muestra a la joven estrella de internet de 19 años de edad con su séquito de siendo detenido por los oficiales en West Hollywood.

empeorando las cosas

Echa un vistazo a la vid ... N3on abre la puerta y comienza a gritar preguntas a los policías acerca de por qué están esposando a su socio - antes de que los oficiales les dijeron que no se movieran y luego le ordenó a él ya sus amigos a poner las manos en los reposacabezas delante de ellos.

Un miembro del entorno de N3on se puede escuchar gritando desde fuera del coche ... un movimiento uno de los oficiales dijo que es "empeorar las cosas". Es dramático - y finalmente llegamos al fondo de lo que diablos pasó aquí ... y es bastante tonto, porque básicamente equivale a un error administrativo.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen ... N3on y su equipo fueron detenidos porque su vehículo fue aparentemente reportado como robado, que los lectores de placas en el coche de policía recogido en y marcado.

Se nos dice que los oficiales ordenaron N3on fuera del coche a punta de pistola como parte de una parada de coche delito grave - procedimiento operativo estándar - y fue entonces cuando N3on dijo a los oficiales que el coche había sido robado recientemente y luego recuperado por la policía de Los Ángeles. En otras palabras, fue robado y encontrado antes de que fueran conscientes de la actualización.

perdiendo el tiempo

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que los oficiales verificaron la historia de N3on y se enteraron de que el carro simplemente no había sido sacado del sistema. Nos han dicho que se lo explicaron a N3on -que, según nuestras fuentes, se mostró comprensivo- y lo dejaron en libertad sin más incidentes.

El video publicado por N3on parece confirmar esta versión, aunque, según nos han dicho, los agentes dejaron claro que su seguridad agravó la situación al interferir mientras intentaban hacer su trabajo. N3on hizo una broma al final, una que vamos a dejar que escuches por ti mismo.

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Parece que N3on y los policías se separaron en buenos términos, esto podría haber terminado como un gran problema.

YouTuber N3on Pulled Over in 'Stolen' Vehicle But Just A Clerical Error?!?

A video of N3on getting pulled over has gone viral online ... but TMZ has learned what exactly led sheriff's deputies to stop the social media star mid-stream -- and it's wild.

N3on -- who's a streamer/YouTuber popular with the Gen-Z crowd -- was recently featured in a video posted to Kick ... which shows the internet-famous 19-year-old and his entourage getting stopped by deputies in West Hollywood.

Making It Worse

Check out the vid ... N3on opens the door and starts shouting questions at the cops about why they're handcuffing his associate -- before officers told them not to move and then commanded him and his friends to put their hands on the headrests in front of them.

A member of N3on's entourage can be heard yelling from outside the car ... a move one of the officers said is "making it worse." It's dramatic -- and we finally got to the bottom of what the hell happened here ... and it's pretty silly, 'cause it basically amounts to a clerical error.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... N3on and his crew were pulled over because their vehicle was apparently reported stolen, which plate-readers in the cop car picked up on and flagged.

We're told Officers ordered N3on out of the car at gunpoint as part of a felony car stop -- standard operating procedure -- and that's when N3on told officers the car had recently been stolen and then recovered by LAPD. In other words, it was jacked and found before they were aware of the update.


Our sources tell us deputies verified N3on's story and found out the car just hadn't been taken out of the system. We're told they explained this to N3on -- who our sources say was understanding -- and released him without further incident.

Video N3on posted seems to confirm this account ... although, we're told officers made clear his security inflamed the sitch by interfering while they were trying to do their jobs. N3on cracked an NSFW joke at the end too -- one we'll let you listen to for yourself.

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Seem like N3on and the cops parted on good terms ... this after a little mistake could've ended as a huge problem.

TAYLOR SWIFT & TRAVIS KELCE PETA Reacts to Sydney Zoo Date ... Go Here Instead!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Sydney Zoo date was cute and all ... but PETA says they should've been mindful of how the animals are treated/handled in this type of environment.

Debbie Metzler --  PETA Foundation Director of Captive Animal Welfare -- uses Taylor's own song against her to make her point ... telling TMZ, "While we understand all too well the appeal of seeing Australia's wildlife, PETA hopes that next time Taylor and Travis want to see wild animals, they'll spend their time and money at a true sanctuary."

They add that a sanctuary is a better choice 'cause visitors aren't allowed to feed/touch the animals there ... in fact, they're required to keep a respectful distance from them altogether. The zoo there, on the other hand, apparently lets you get hands-on with the wildlife.

Of course, Traylor was doing one of the things PETA advised not to do ... namely, feeding a kangaroo at Sydney Zoo while also checking out a bunch of other animal exhibitions.

The lovebirds were like two kids in a candy store ... enjoying their time at the attraction during their first Sydney reunion date. However, Taylor seems to have known they'd have a blast there -- as she'd already scoped out the place earlier the previous day.

Of course, the pair are just trying to pack in as much time together as possible before Tay Tay gets busy with her final 4 Sydney concerts -- but on this animal adventure specifically, PETA clearly disapproves.

For next time, Taylor and Travis might want to take PETA's advice and head to a local animal sanctuary on their next date ... that is, if they actually care what the org thinks about it.

As you're probably well aware -- PETA tends to sound off on any and all celebs who they feel are acting inappropriately as it pertains to animals/animal rights -- and here ... they're saying Taylor and Travis should've considered a better option for sightseeing.

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Can't please everyone. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce PETA reacciona a su cita en el zoológico ¡¡Vayan a un santuario!!

La cita de Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce en el zoológico de Sydney fue tierna y todo, pero PETA dice que deberían haber sido conscientes de cómo los animales son tratados y manejados en este tipo de entorno.

Debbie Metzler, directora de la Fundación PETA para el Bienestar de los Animales en Cautiverio, utiliza la propia canción de Taylor para hacer su punto en contra, diciendo a TMZ: "Si bien entendemos muy bien (all too well como dice una de sus canciones) el atractivo de ver la vida silvestre de Australia, PETA espera que la próxima vez que Taylor y Travis quieran ver animales salvajes, gasten su tiempo y dinero en un verdadero santuario".

Añaden que un santuario es mejor porque a los visitantes no se les permite alimentar ni tocar a los animales allí. De hecho, se les exige mantener una distancia respetuosa de ellos. En el zoológico, en cambio, se puede tocar a los animales.

Por supuesto, Traylor estaba haciendo una de las cosas que PETA aconseja no hacer, esto es, alimentar a un canguro en el zoológico de Sydney, mientras echaba un vistazo a un montón de otros animales en exhibición.

Los tortolitos parecían niños en una tienda de dulces, mientras disfrutaban de su visita durante su día reunidos en Sydney. Sin embargo, parece que Taylor sabía que lo pasarían de maravilla, pues ya había explorado el lugar el día anterior.

Por supuesto, la pareja solo está tratando de pasar el mayor tiempo posible juntos antes de que Tay Tay esté ocupada con sus últimos 4 conciertos en Sydney, pero esta aventura en particular, PETA claramente desaprueba.

Para la próxima vez, Taylor y Travis tal vez quieran seguir el consejo de PETA e ir a un santuario de animales local en vez de un zoológico. Esto, si realmente les importa lo que la organización piensa al respecto.

Como ustedes probablemente saben, PETA tiende a criticar fuertemente a todas las celebridades que estén actuando de manera inapropiada en lo que respecta a los animales y sus derechos, y aquí están diciendo que Taylor y Travis deberían haber considerado una mejor opción para ir de paseo.

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No se puede complacer a todos. 🤷🏽‍♂️


un estereotipo
Fox News

Un presentador de FOX News está siendo criticado por sugerir que las nuevas zapatillas de Donald Trump se ganarán a los afroamericanos, y un rapero de Detroit parece dispuesto a firmar ese mensaje.

Raymond Arroyo estaba al aire hablando de Trump y de las zapatillas -que cuestan alrededor de $400- y dio a entender que todos los afroamericanos aman las zapatillas deportivas y por eso Trump iba a triunfar.

Esto es lo que dijo: "Esto está conectando con los afroamericanos, porque les encantan las zapatillas deportivas. Este es un gran tema, sobre todo en el centro de la ciudad. Así que cuando Trump lanzó su línea de zapatillas, ellos dijeron, "espera un minuto, esto es genial'. Está llegando a ellos por encima de la política".

Naturalmente, los comentarios de Arroyo desataron la indignación en Internet, y muchos lo calificaron de racista y de caer en estereotipos dañinos que no son ciertos. Como muchos señalaron con razón, los afroamericanos y cualquier grupo étnico son variados, en gustos y estilos.

TRUMP es un soplón

Sin embargo Peezy, que tiene un gran número de seguidores, parecía apoyar el argumento de Arroyo, afirmando en línea que está tratando de conseguir un par. De hecho, apoya a Trump y critica a Biden.

Peezy fue claro respecto a las zapatillas y a sus afiliaciones políticas, diciendo: "F*** Joe Biden, estoy rockeando con Trump", antes de añadir un "f*** Kamala Harris" por si acaso. También dijo "Free Trump", así que sí, él es un fan.

Por supuesto, Peezy de ninguna manera hablando en nombre todos, solo se representa a sí mismo y sus propios puntos de vista, pero es interesante de todas formas.

Los comentarios de Arroyo están siendo vistos como problemáticos, pero por la misma razón, hay claramente algunos afroamericanos que en realidad detestan a Trump. De nuevo, no somos todos iguales, así que no es ninguna sorpresa.

Si Trump es capaz de lograr que más afroamericanos voten por él este año, probablemente no será a causa de estas zapatillas... no importa lo que FOX News diga.

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Dicho esto, estas zapatillas de Trump se han agotado. Fue un lanzamiento de edición limitada -con solo 1.000 pares- y la gente los compró bastante rápido. 🤷🏽‍♂️

FOX News Trump Sneaks Will Sway Black Voters Rapper Peezy Loves 'Em!!!

Fox News

A FOX News host is under fire for suggesting Donald Trump's new sneakers will win over Black America -- and one rapper from Detroit seems ready to cosign that message.

Raymond Arroyo was on the air and talking about DT's "gold" kicks -- which cost about $400 -- and he said something controversial ... namely, implying all Black people love sneakers, and because of that -- Trump's new endeavor will bring them over to his side in droves.

Here's what he said ... "This is connecting with Black America because they love sneakers. This is a big deal, certainly in the inner city. So when you have Trump roll out his sneaker line, they're like, 'wait a minute, this is cool.' He's reaching them on a level that defies and is above politics."

Naturally, Arroyo's comments sparked outrage online -- with many calling his sentiment outright racist ... and playing into harmful stereotypes that just aren't true. As many rightly noted ... Black people are NOT a monolith, and neither is any other group for that matter.


And yet ... Peezy -- who's got a pretty big following -- appeared to back Arroyo's argument ... hopping online to explicitly plug Trump's "Never Surrender" shoes, and even saying he's trying to get his hands on a pair. Indeed, he endorses Trump here -- and slams Biden as well.

Peezy put out an APB for a size 13 for the sold-out sneakers ... while making his political affiliations clear ... saying "F*** Joe Biden, I'm rocking with Trump," before adding a "f*** Kamala Harris" for good measure. He also said "Free Trump" ... so yeah, he's a fan.

Of course, Peezy is in no way speaking on behalf of others here -- he only represents himself and his own views -- but it is interesting that he's coming out swinging on behalf of DT and his kicks.

Big picture though ... Arroyo's remarks are being viewed as problematic, but by the same token -- there's clearly some Black people who actually dig Trump and his merch. Again ... not a monolith -- so no surprise there, really.

We'll say this ... if Trump is able to sway more African Americans to vote for him this year -- it probably won't be because of these shoes, specifically -- despite what FOX News thinks.

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With that said ... these Trump sneakers have actually sold out. It was a limited edition release, with only 1,000 pairs dropping -- and people snapped 'em up pretty quick. 🤷🏽‍♂️

George Floyd Daughter's Mother Calls 'Scandoval' Comparison 'Stupid' Tom's Alive, George Isn't!!!

Tom Sandoval's comparison between George Floyd's murder and his cheating scandal's not just drawing ire from fans ... it's also pissing off the mother of George's young daughter.

Roxie Washington, -- who shares 10-year-old Gianna with George -- tells TMZ ... she's not super familiar with "Vanderpump Rules" and doesn't even know who Tom Sandoval is ... she does say he has to be off his rocker to compare his own personal issues to Floyd's death.

ICYMI ... Sandoval sat down for an interview with the New York Times where he said, "I’m not a pop-culture historian really but I witnessed the O.J. Simpson thing and George Floyd and all these big things, which is really weird to compare this to that, I think, but do you think in a weird way it’s a little bit the same?"

Well, Roxie tells us she finds Sandoval's comment flat-out stupid ... adding he and his ex-GF, Ariana Madix, are still alive ... so him trying to compare his situation to George's just isn't reasonable, nor is it even in the same ballpark.

Even though she's not familiar with "Scandoval" ... Roxie says from what she can gather -- Tom's a grown-ass man who's just gone through a breakup ... not a child -- like her daughter, whose dad isn't coming home.

RW didn't just blast TS for comparing his situation to George's death either -- adding Nicole Brown Simpson's dead too, so she finds it just as disrespectful for Sandoval to invoke her name as well.

Roxie says Tom needs to go repeat that "dumb s***" in a mirror ... telling us his comment reflects horrible things Gianna hears from some classmates. She also says this is on the same level of absurdity as comments Kanye West made in the past. So, yeah ... she's kinda comparing Tom to that.

101622-kanye-west-george-floyd-kal 10/15/22

Remember ... in 2022, Kanye claimed Floyd died from a drug overdose/preexisting conditions, and Roxie threatened to sue KW on behalf of her daughter -- though it's unclear if she ever filed a lawsuit.

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FWIW ... Tom apologized for his remarks, calling the comparison "inappropriate and ignorant" -- but, Roxie says she's not accepting his apology explaining she and her daughter have been affected in a major way by this and people need to watch what they say in the future.

Megan Thee Stallion 'Fire Crotch' Line Out of 'Mean Girls' Scrubbed in Digital Release

Megan Thee Stallion said the infamous "fire crotch" line in the new "Mean Girls" on the big screen -- but you won't find it in the digital release ... and Lindsay Lohan's probably happy.

The rebooted flick -- which is now a musical -- finally hit VOD this week ... so it's available to rent on all your major players, Amazon and the like. The only difference this time around ... Meg's quote that pissed off LiLo in theaters is completely gone.

Indeed ... eagle-eyed fans noticed it right away as they started to stream the flick from home -- the part where MTS is supposed to say "Y2K fire crotch is back" has been edited out.

Instead, Meg here just ends her little piece of dialogue with "We are going back to red," and it then cuts to her laughing ... totally glossing over the line that was featured and seen in theaters, and which drew the ire of Lindsay and team -- who publicly denounced it.

Remember, Lindsay's rep came out and said LiLo was hurt by the fact the phrase had been included ... and not just that, but apparently, nobody had told her it would be in there.

The crazy part about that was ... Lindsay herself is ALSO in the movie, making a cameo.

It was all very bizarre ... and what made it even stranger was the fact that Tina Fey -- who EP'd and wrote "Mean Girls," and who's presumably pals with Lindsay -- didn't come out and address any of this last month when Lindsay made a big fuss about it ... just crickets.

However, now ... we can clearly see she heard LiLo loud and clear -- and made a change.

061918_firecrotch_kal_3 MAY 2006
infamous 'fire crotch' video

As you probably know by now ... the "fire crotch" insult first started with oil heir Brandon Davis -- who used to party with Paris Hilton back in the 2000s, and who used to run his mouth a lot to paps after nights on the town with his famous friend.

He was happy to trash Lindsay at the time, and even though it was years ago ... it clearly still bothers her to this day -- making it all the more surprising TF put it in the film at all.

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All's well that ends well though ... fire crotch is gone and post-production magic is in!

STEVEN TYLER desestiman la demanda "No hay nada que temer", dice el juez

Una demanda por agresión sexual contra Steven Tyler ha sido desestimada porque un juez dice que el presunto incidente no presentó un grave riesgo de daño a la demandante, TMZ ha indagado.

El año pasado el cantante y compositor fue demandado por Jeanne Bellino que alegó que Steven la besó, manoseó y comenzó a "frotarse contra ella fingiendo tener relaciones sexuales" dos veces una noche en 1975 cuando ella tenía 17 años.

Bellino interpuso la demanda contra Tyler justo el año pasado a través de la Ley de Protección de Víctimas de Violencia de Género de la ciudad de Nueva York, una ley que amplía el plazo de prescripción para que ciertas supuestas fechorías sexuales, en algunos casos de décadas atrás, sean finalmente juzgadas en los tribunales.

El juez dijo que es necesario cumplir con ciertos criterios, tales como: "presentar un grave riesgo de lesiones físicas", cosa que no pasa en este caso.

Básicamente, lo que el juez dijo en la decisión dictada el miércoles, es que Tyler supuestamente besó a la fuerza y tocó a Jeanne -como ella afirma, y si bien esto podría ser angustiante, no es lo suficientemente grave como para adentrarse en terrenos legales.

Es una decisión bastante digna de mención, y no está claro qué ramificaciones futuras puede tener el precedente establecido hoy por el juez en otros casos presentados en la ciudad de Nueva York.

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Bellino tiene hasta el 13 de marzo para tratar de enmendar su demanda.

Steven Tyler SA Suit Tossed ... 'No Serious Risk of Injury,' Judge Says

A sexual assault lawsuit against Steven Tyler has been dismissed because a judge says the alleged incident did not present a serious risk of harm to the plaintiff ... TMZ has learned.

Here's the deal ... last year the singer-songwriter was sued by Jeanne Bellino who alleged Steven kissed, groped and began "humping her pretending to have sex" twice one night in 1975 when she was 17.

Bellino brought the lawsuit against Tyler just last year via New York City's Victim of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Act -- a law extending the statute of limitations for certain alleged sexual misdeeds, in some cases from decades past, to finally be heard in court.

But, to take advantage of the longer statute of limitations, the judge said the alleged act needed to meet certain criteria ... including "presenting a serious risk of physical injury" -- a box the judge in Bellino's case says this alleged incident does not check.

Basically, what the judge said in the decision handed down Wednesday is that Tyler allegedly forcibly kissing and dry-humping Jeanne -- as she claims -- might be distressing, but didn't rise to the level of presenting any risk of serious injury, so he tossed the suit.

It's a pretty noteworthy decision, and unclear what future ramifications the precedent set by the judge today may have on other cases filed in New York City under the same provision.

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Bellino has until March 13 to try and amend her complaint.

Tiffany Haddish Se emociona al defender su viaje a Israel... "Estoy sola"

Aprendiendo de Israel de primera mano

Tiffany Haddish dice que está en Israel para observar con sus propios ojos lo que está pasando en Gaza y realmente se emocionó cuando se defendió de sus críticos más duros.

La actriz y comediante se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el miércoles desde tierra santa, donde nos contó cómo su visita la está ilustrando sobre la guerra en el Medio Oriente y le está abriendo sus ojos más allá de lo que ha leído en las noticias o en Internet.

Voy a encontrarme un hombre

Tiffany dice que quería verlo todo por sí misma y experimentar lo que está pasando en terreno, pues no tiende a creer todo lo que ve o lee en Internet.

¿Qué ha aprendido Tiffany? Bueno, dice que las personas fueron sacadas de sus casas y tomadas rehenes durante el ataque de Hamás el 7 de octubre. Pero no solo eso, sino que también explica cómo fueron asesinados y secuestrados del festival de música ese día, señalando que aunque cientos han sido liberados, cientos más permanecen en cautiverio.

Llegando a Israel

Tiffany, que aterrizó en Israel el martes, nos dice que también está allí para ver y sopesar el alcance de las represalias de Israel contra Hamás, las que han dejado más de 30.000 palestinos muertos.

Es una situación complicada, por supuesto, con mucha religión y política en juego, pero Tiffany dice que lo más importante para ella es el aspecto humano y que quiere la paz en ambos lados.

Aunque Tiffany confirmó que tiene ascendencia judía hace 5 años a través de pruebas de ADN, dice que no solo está preocupada por los judíos en Gaza, sino que también está preocupada por los palestinos. E insiste en que nadie que la critique debería perderse eso.

Tiffany dice que es importante recordar que hay seres humanos y familias al centro de todo esto y con ellos quiere conectar y a ellos quiere escuchar durante su visita.

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También le preguntamos a Tiffany sobre algunas de las reacciones que está recibiendo en línea por el video que grabó desde el avión en su camino a Israel y ahí es cuando más se emociona intentando contener las lágrimas.

Tiffany se emocionó al defender sus bromas sobre encontrar un marido allí, algo con lo que bromeó durante el IG Live que hizo a principios de esta semana, y dice que tiene el coraje de hacer algo que muchas mujeres solteras no harían por su cuenta.

Enfatiza especialmente en esto último: Nos dice que está sola en el mundo y es desgarrador. Es una conversación interesante y Tiff explica por qué está siguiendo sus instintos.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Tiffany Haddish Emotional Defense of Trip to Israel ... 'I'm All Alone'


Tiffany Haddish says she's in Israel to observe for herself what's going on in Gaza -- and she actually got choked up in defending herself against her harshest critics.

The actress/comedian joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday all the way from the holy land ... telling us how her visit is already educating her on the war in the Middle East -- and opening her eyes beyond what she's read in the news or seen online.

gonna find me a man !!!

Tiffany says she wanted to take it all in for herself and experience what's happening on the ground ... because she doesn't tend to believe everything she sees/reads on the internet.

So what has Tiffany learned? Well, she says folks were dragged from their homes and taken hostage during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack -- not just that, but she explains how people were killed and kidnapped at a music festival that day too ... noting that while hundreds of hostages have been released since October, hundreds more still remain in captivity.


Tiffany -- who landed Tuesday in Israel -- tells us she's also there to see and weigh the scope of Israel's retaliation against Hamas ... which has left over 30,000 Palestinians dead.

It's a complicated situation, of course, with lots of religion and politics involved ... but Tiffany says the biggest thing to her is the human aspect -- and she wants peace on both sides.

While Tiffany confirmed she has Jewish ancestry 5 years ago via DNA testing, she tells us she's not only concerned about Jewish people in Gaza ... she's also worried about the Palestinians. And she insists ... that shouldn't be lost on anyone who's critical of her.

Tiffany says it's important to remember there are human beings and families at the center of all of this ... and that's who she wants to connect with -- and hear from -- on her visit.

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We also asked Tiffany about some of the backlash she's getting for a video she recorded from the plane on her way to Israel -- and that's where you can hear her fighting back tears.

Tiffany got emotional defending her jokes about finding a husband over there -- something she quipped about on IG Live as she was flying over earlier this week -- and says she's got the courage to do something lots of single women wouldn't do on their own.

Emphasis on that last part ... Tiffany tells us she's all alone in this world, and it's heartbreaking. It's an interesting convo ... and Tiff tells us why she's following her instincts.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Tiffany Haddish Irrita a los fans con su viaje a Israel... Ella está siendo sincera

Tiffany Haddish está sufriendo algunas turbulencias en redes sociales, luego de que sus fans se irritaran con algunas bromas que hizo mientras tomaba un vuelo en dirección a Israel, aunque sabemos que ella ha sido muy sincera al respecto.

La actriz y comediante hizo un Instagram en vivo el martes para decirle a los fans que iba a hacer un viaje educativo a tierra santa, antes de lanzar una serie de bromas desenfadadas sobre todo lo que estaba planeando hacer, incluyendo cosas que ver con sus propios ojos.

Voy a encontrarme un hombre

Tiffany dijo que se dirigía a la zona devastada por la guerra para conocer a su "futuro hombre" mientras bebía un vaso de "zumo de naranja" y aclaraba que no era una mimosa. Esto, a raíz de su segundo arresto por conducir ebria. Cuento corto, algunos sintieron que estaba siendo un poco demasiado irreverente sobre el tema.

Durante el IG Live, Tiffany también cantó una canción que inventó, que decía "En camino a Tel Aviv, luego a Jerusalén. Luego iré al Mar Muerto a pasarlo bien. Voy a divertirme, sí. Va a ser genial. Luego voy a aprender sobre política, ay".

Aunque lo dejó fuera de su jingle, Haddish le dijo a sus seguidores que también iba a ir a Gaza antes de preguntar: "¿No está Gaza en Israel? ¿No está todo en el mismo continente, el mismo trozo de tierra rodeado de agua?".

LA búsqueda está en marcha

Desde entonces ha aterrizado en Israel, por cierto, pero no le dijo nada a los fotógrafos que la esperaban en el aeropuerto.

Por supuesto, las disputas sobre esa tierra son un impulso importante detrás de la guerra en la región y los usuarios en las redes no estaban contentos con el bit de Tiffany, y la calificaron de sionista y alegaron que su viaje avalaba el "genocidio palestino".

Es importante tener en cuenta que Tiffany descubrió que tenía ascendencia judía hace apenas unos años y, de acuerdo con una entrevista de 2022 a TIME, asiste regularmente a las cenas de Shabat de los viernes.

También ha sido una ávida defensora de las causas judías a lo largo de los años: recientemente encabezó un espectáculo de recaudación de fondos en favor de esa causa en Laugh Factory y pidió la liberación de los rehenes israelíes tomados por Hamás en octubre. Así que, sí... Tiffany ha sido una apasionada por sus raíces judías y ha estado hablando de querer ir a Israel desde hace mucho tiempo.

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Hay una entidad que está muy entusiasmada de que ella esté en camino al país: el gobierno israelí anunció su inminente llegada a través de X y le preguntó si podían "lanzarle un Bat Mitzvah en el Muro de los Lamentos"? No está claro si el estado sabe que ella ya tuvo un Bat Mitzvah en 2019, pero están extendiendo una invitación de todos modos.

Veremos lo que Tiffany aprende por ahí, estamos seguros de que compartirá sus pensamientos.

Tiffany Haddish Upsets Fans w/ Israel Trip ... But She's Been Sincere

Tiffany Haddish's hitting some turbulence on social media -- upsetting fans with jokes she cracked while heading to Israel ... although, we know she's been very sincere about this.

The actress/comedian took to Instagram Live Tuesday to tell fans she was headed to the holy land for an educational trip ... before launching into a series of light-hearted jokes about everything she was planning to do there, including seeing stuff with her own eyes.

gonna find me a man !!!

TH said she was heading to the war-torn area to meet her "future man" while sipping on a glass of "orange juice" -- adding it wasn't a mimosa in the aftermath of her second DUI arrest. Long story short ... some feel she was being a bit too irreverent about the issue.

During this IG Live session, TH also sang a song she made up, belting out, "On my way to Tel Aviv, then to Jerusalem. Then I’m going to the Dead Sea and goin’ get me some. Gonna have some fun, yeah. It’s gonna be great. Then I’m gonna learn about the politics, ay."

Even though she left it out of her jingle, Haddish told her followers she was going to Gaza as well before asking ... "Isn't Gaza in Israel? Ain't it all on the same continent, the same piece of land surrounded by water?"


She's since landed in Israel, BTW ... but she didn't say anything to photogs waiting for her in the airport.

Of course, disputes over that land are a major impetus behind the region's destructive war ... and people online weren't pleased with Tiffany's bit referring to her as a Zionist and claiming her trip cosigns on the "Palestinian genocide."

FWIW ... Tiffany confirmed she had Jewish ancestry 5 years ago via DNA test and -- according to a 2022 TIME interview -- she regularly attends Friday Shabbat dinners.

She's been an avid supporter of Jewish causes over the years too -- most recently headlining a Jewish fundraiser show at the Laugh Factory and calling for the release of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas back in October. So, yes ... Tiffany has been passionate about her Jewish roots -- and she's been talking about wanting to go to Israel for a long while now.

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There is one entity that's stoked she's on her way to the country ... the Israeli government announced her imminent arrival via X and asked if they could "throw you a Bat Mitzvah at the Western Wall?" Unclear if the state knows she already had a Bat Mitzvah in 2019, but they're extending an invite anyway.

We'll see what Tiffany learns out there ... we're sure she'll share her thoughts.

'90 Day Fiance' Stars Colon Cancer Fundraiser Nixed ... As Doubts Arise from Fans

A "90 Day Fiance" couple pissed people off by backtracking on a cancer announcement and seemingly trying to fundraise off it -- something the platform they used shut down quickly.

Here's the deal ... Brandan and Mary Denuccio -- who got hitched after appearing on '90DF: The Other Way' last year -- told their followers over the weekend that Mary had colon cancer ... something they came out with pretty definitively at first, without any doubt.

As part of the announcement -- in which they said flat out that Mary had been diagnosed with colon cancer after experiencing symptoms for years -- they also asked for donations for a fundraiser they started ... which they said would go toward surgery she'd need to remove it.

Soon ... the doubters started coming out of the woodwork and questioning their claim online, which resulted in Brandan and Mary slightly changing the wording of the cancer diagnosis -- making it seem like she hadn't actually gotten any official word from a doctor just yet.

Before long their entire fundraising campaign was halted -- and the whole thing came down.

At the time, the only message that was up on the page read ... "GoGetFunding has been requested or required to stop this campaign." Now, though, we have a bit more clarity.

At first, it was unclear if the campaign -- which, by all accounts, had only raised about $1,300 or so before it was nixed -- was halted by Brandan and Mary themselves ... or the company, but a rep for GoGetFunding tells TMZ ... they're the ones who actually pulled the plug.

We're told the company was quickly flagged by users about the fact it was suspicious -- and after doing some digging on it ... GGF felt enough evidence existed to yank it all down.

Now, in terms of what happened to people's money -- as far as those who donated -- GoGetFunding says the donations were received via PayPal for this campaign ... and no funds passed through their site, so there's no way for them to refund anyone specifically.

GGF goes on to say that they advised anyone who donated and who contacted them afterward for help to dispute any charges/withdrawals with their banks -- and to report any suspicious activity to the police if they felt it rose that level. Unclear if anyone did.

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As far as what Brandan and Mary have to say about it all now ... they actually tell us they were the ones who stopped the GoGetFunding campaign because people were inundating them with hate. Mary adds, "I know i announced i have colon cancer. It’s just im so scared that time because i was in pain and i got all the symptoms. But we are still going back and forth to the hospital and have do all the laboratory requested by the doctors."

Mary tells us she's not going to post anymore about this, as she's very stressed right now.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.