Estrella de "The Bear" Destroza a J Lo en un podcast del 2020... Ahora juntas en "SNL"

Ayo-Edebiri-jennifer-lopez-audio-2 FEBRUARY 2020
Se mofa de J LO
Scam Goddess

Bueno, esto es incómodo ... Ayo Edebiri destripó el talento de Jennifer López hace 4 años, mucho antes de que fuera súper famosa, y ahora las dos estarán juntas en "SNL".

La estrella de "The Bear" es la anfitriona estrella este fin de semana y Jenny es el invitado musical, así que tienen que imaginarse que han estado cruzándose bien seguido durante los ensayos de esta semana. Por eso, sus comentarios podrían poner las cosas tensas.

En 2020, Ayo estuvo en un podcast junto a una mujer llamada Laci Mosley quien presenta el show "Scam Goddess", dedicado a descubrir "estafas" en el ojo público y cotillear sobre ellas. En este episodio en particular, Ayo era la invitada (cuando, de nuevo, aún no era tan famosa como ahora).

Desde el primer momento, empezaron a hablar de la "estafa" que percibían sería la "carrera" de J Lo. Son sus palabras, no las nuestras. Ayo, luego, destroza Jen en términos muy duros.

Pueden escuchar sus comentarios por sí mismos, pero en esencia, Ayo y Laci se ríen del hecho que Jennifer simplemente no es tan buena cantante, al menos desde su perspectiva, y creen que ha engañado a las masas con la idea de que es una vocalista fantástica.

La propia Ayo incluso se apoya en este viejo (e infundado) rumor de que J Lo supuestamente ha utilizado cantantes fantasmas durante su carrera, algo que ella considera un hecho y una prueba más (desde su punto de vista) de que Jen ha desplumado a la industria. Como hemos dicho, esto es duro.

Hay más comentarios mezquinos de parte de Ayo y Laci que no vamos a incluir aquí.

De todos modos, el punto más grande es que ahora Ayo y Jen están literalmente en el mismo edificio y lo más seguro es que se sigan topando durante las próximas 24 horas.

La pregunta es ¿serán capaces de jugar limpio y seguir con el espectáculo?

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que este incidente con Ayo fue hace mucho tiempo y sin duda es fan de Jenny en este momento. Incluso nos dicen que está emocionada de trabajar con ella. En cuanto a Jen, nuestras fuentes dicen que no suele dejar que este tipo de cosas la molesten y que su mantra es seguir adelante y adelante.

TMZ investiga
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Nos dicen que J Lo está ansiosa por trabajar con Ayo este fin de semana.

Quédense atentos...

ISSA RAE H'Wood Execs Are Old & Stupid ... Where Did Diversity Go?

Issa Rae has a bone to pick with Hollywood execs ... accusing them of copping out of their promises to increase diversity onscreen ... and continuing to live in the Stone Age.

The "Insecure" creator/actress lays out her thoughts about the current state of the entertainment industry to TIME ... saying she hasn't seen Hollywood so scared, clueless and at the mercy of Wall Street, and stating there are no more smart execs around anymore.

Issa's firm on her stance ... saying that many have aged out, holding onto their position with iron-clad claws and refusing to let young blood in to get that much-needed representation on the big screen. In other words, a bunch of old heads are still calling the shots -- and Issa seems to think they're screwing the pooch 'cause they're out of touch.

A main point she's trying to make is that conglomerate leaders should stay in their lane, focusing on the business side of things rather than making big creative decisions they know nothing about.

One such example -- Issa says these execs haven't caught onto the fact that social media has changed the way we consume entertainment ... saying the only people taking risks are on platforms like TikTok, adding, "That's what's getting the eyeballs of the youth. So you're killing your own industry."

Though, the "Barbie" star ain't blind to the harsh realities of keeping up with the evolving industry herself ... she's had her reality series, "Sweet Life: Los Angeles," canceled, and she also had to lay off 8 staff members amid the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes last year.

But, she's staying true to her brand identity and will continue fighting to have diverse stories told on the big screen.

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From what we're hearing, she's just hoping the power players wake up and deliver on those promises. Sounds reasonable!

Issa Rae Los ejecutivos de Hollywood son viejos y tontos... ¿Qué pasó con la diversidad?

Issa Rae tiene cosas que decir de los ejecutivos de Hollywood, a quienes acusa de evadir sus promesas de aumentar la diversidad en pantalla y seguir viviendo en la Edad de Piedra.

La creadora y actriz de "Insecure" expuso sus pensamientos sobre el estado de la industria del entretenimiento en TIME, donde dijo que no ha visto a Hollywood tan asustado, despistado y a merced de Wall Street como hoy, y que ya no hay ejecutivos inteligentes.

Issa es firme en su postura. Dice que muchos han envejecido y se han aferrado a su posición con garras de hierro, negando el ingreso de gente joven para conseguir esa tan necesaria representación en pantalla. En otras palabras, un puñado de cabezas viejas siguen estando al mando y según Issa la están cagando porque están fuera de onda.

El principal punto que está tratando de hacer es que los líderes de los conglomerados deben permanecer en su carril y centrarse en los negocios en lugar de tomar grandes decisiones creativas de las cuales no saben nada.

Un ejemplo de ello, dice Issa, es que los ejecutivos no han captado que las redes sociales han cambiado la forma en que consumimos entretenimiento y dice que las únicas personas que toman riesgos están en plataformas como TikTok. Agregó: "Eso es lo que está recibiendo los globos oculares de los jóvenes. Así que estás matando a tu propia industria".

Aunque la estrella de "Barbie" tampoco es ciega a las dificultades de mantenerse al día en una industria en constante evolución. Su propia serie "Sweet Life: Los Ángeles" fue cancelada y el año pasado también tuvo que despedir a 8 miembros de su plantilla durante las huelgas de la WGA y SAG-AFTRA.

Pese a todo, ella se mantiene fiel a su identidad de marca y seguirá luchando por tener diversas historias en la pantalla grande.

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Por lo que sabemos, solo espera que los poderosos despierten y cumplan sus promesas. Parece razonable.

Alyssa Milano Doubles Down on Defending GFM ... I'm Like Every Parent!!!

Alyssa Milano is once again defending herself over her GoFundMe move to raise cash for her kid's baseball team -- pointing out that even though she's a celeb ... she's a parent too.

The actress is still facing backlash from an attempt to fundraise for her pre-teen son's trip to Cooperstown -- something she made evident with some screenshots of people apparently attacking her boy on social media, with the kid having to stick up for himself and his mom.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

She added a lengthy caption, writing ... "Every parent raises money for their child’s sports teams and many of them do so through GoFundMe. I am no different."

AM elaborated by saying ... "As much as I’d love to pay for the entire team and their families for travel, transportation, hotel, food and beverage, uniforms, trading pins and all the things teams do for this kind of trip—I can not afford to do so. Maybe someday."

She also points out that if she hypothetically did pay for everyone -- as the public has strongly suggested she do -- then she believes trolls would find a way to criticize her for that too ... and Alyssa's probably right.


One final sentiment from her on this issue ... "Leave the kids alone. Let them play baseball. If you are against donating—don’t donate. If you’d like to donate to help the team’s families — we appreciate it—the link is in his bio."

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Amen, sister ... you tell 'em!

Britney Spears Slams Timberlake Over 'Apology' ... Gonna Cry to Mom Again???

Britney Spears is coming after Justin Timberlake for taking back his apology to her from a few years ago -- and she's going even further back to slam him ... and his skills on the court.

The pop star just posted a photo of a basketball hoop with the moon in the background that looks like a ball going through. It's a cool shot, but her caption is even more telling -- 'cause she kinda goes scorched earth on her ex after his little stunt last night.

She writes, "Someone told me someone was talking s*** about me on the streets !!! Do you want to bring it to the court or will you go home crying to your mom like you did last time???"

Britney emphatically adds one last dig that's pretty good, TBH ... writing, "I’m not sorry!!!"

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no apologies given

Of course, she's referring to JT issuing his non-apology in front of a NYC crowd Wednesday -- when he performed for a one-night show. You'll recall, right before he launched into 'Cry Me a River' -- which is famously known to be about Brit -- he said ... he'd like to take the opportunity to apologize to "absolutely f***ing nobody."

A lot of Britney fans were upset with the fact that he flip-flopped ... especially, seemingly, out of nowhere. Mind you, Britney herself had just recently apologized to Justin about stuff in her memoir.

It's also interesting that Britney is bringing up this basketball stuff again. Remember, she actually crapped on his b-ball ability (or lack thereof) late last year out of the clear blue.

Basically, she says she beat him a ton when they were dating ... and that he sucks. Now, she seems to be implying that he was bent out of shape over it, and maybe even cried.

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Weird flex, but okay ... Britney's out here flaunting her stuff. Love to see it!


Britney Spears arremete contra Justin Timberlake Por retirar sus disculpas

Britney Spears arremete contra Justin Timberlake luego de que el cantante retirara su disculpa. La diva arremete criticándolo a él y sus habilidades en el escenario.

La estrella del pop acaba de publicar una foto de un aro de baloncesto con la luna de fondo. Es una buena foto, pero lo que escribió al pie es bastante revelador.

¡Ella escribe: "Me dijeon que alguien estaba hablando mierda de mí en la calle. ¿Quieres llevarlo al juzgado o te irás a casa llorando con tu madre como hiciste la última vez?".

Britney añade enfáticamente una última indirecta que es bastante buena: "¡No lo siento!".

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no hay disculpas

Por supuesto, ella se refiere a Justin emitiendo su no-disculpa frente a una multitud en Nueva York el miércoles, cuando actuó por la noche. Usted recordará, justo antes de que él lanzó "Cry Me a River" -que es famosa por ser sobre Brit- dijo que le gustaría aprovechar la oportunidad para pedir disculpas a "absolutamente f***ing nadie".

Un montón de fans de Britney estaban molestos, y con razón. Eso sí, Britney se había disculpado recientemente con Justin sobre cosas en sus memorias.

También es interesante que Britney vuelva a sacar el tema del baloncesto. Recordemos que ella realmente se cagó en su capacidad (o falta de ella) a finales del año pasado de la nada.

Básicamente, ella dice que le ganó un montón de veces cuando estaban saliendo y que apesta. Ahora, ella parece estar dando a entender que él incluso lloró luego de perder.

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Britney está aquí haciendo polémica y nos encanta.

Amanda Gorman Blasted By PETA Over Women's Marathon ... Don't Back Big Dairy!!!

Amanda Gorman's landed in hot water, or should we say warm milk ... because PETA's coming after her for supporting a dairy industry-funded run.

The poet laureate and activist recently joined forces with MilkPEP -- a marketing arm of the dairy industry that created the famous "Got Milk?" ads -- to advertise the inaugural Every Woman’s Marathon, that's touted as "the only U.S. marathon designed for women, by women."

MilkPEP and Gorman released an ad where she recites a poem over different images of women running and training. Check out the vid -- it's a catchy poem and a pretty inspiring message.

But, not everyone's giving it two udders up. PETA's written a letter to Amanda questioning why she would support an event put on by MilkPEP ... essentially, in the org's eye, cosigning the dairy industry's alleged mistreatment of animals.

Lisa Lange, the animal rights group's senior VP of communications and distance runner, wrote the letter and expressed confusion at Gorman's partnership ... adding she'd "no more drink cow's milk at the end of a race than I would smoke a cigarette."

LL says any woman who participates in the event is a sucker, falling for a trick by the dairy industry -- which she accuses of destroying the environment, causing the cows physical and emotional distress and making a large part of the American population sick, due to lactose intolerance.

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In the letter, PETA calls for Gorman to back out of the event, saying the "voice of a generation" must see "exploitation" of a female of any species -- bovine or human -- as wrong.

FWIW ... Gorman's supported animal rights causes in the past, even encouraging others to rescue animals from shelters after her beloved dog of almost 20 years died a few months ago.

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As much as PETA agrees with her on that issue -- they're clearly not on the same page where this marathon's concerned. Not even close.

We've reached out to Gorman, but so far, no word back.

PETA critica a Amanda Gorman por su apoyo al maratón Patrocinado por la industria láctea

Amanda Gorman se ha metido en un buen lío, porque PETA va tras ella por apoyar una carrera financiada por la industria láctea.

La poetisa laureada y activista unió fuerzas recientemente con MilkPEP -una rama de marketing de la industria láctea que creó los famosos anuncios de "¿Tienes leche?"- para anunciar el maratón inaugural Every Woman's Marathon, que se promociona como "el único maratón de EE.UU. diseñado para mujeres, por mujeres".

MilkPEP y Gorman han publicado un anuncio en el que Gorman recita un poema sobre diferentes imágenes de mujeres corriendo y entrenando. Mira el video: es un poema pegadizo y un mensaje bastante inspirador.

Pero no todo el mundo está de acuerdo. PETA le ha escrito una carta a Amanda cuestionando por qué ella apoyaría un evento organizado por MilkPEP, especialmente si está bajo la mirada de la industria láctea que presuntamente maltrata a los animales.

La vicepresidenta senior de comunicaciones del grupo de derechos de los animales y corredora de distancia, escribió la carta y expresó su confusión por la asociación de Gorman, añadiendo que ella "no bebería leche de vaca al final de una carrera como no fumaría un cigarrillo".

LL dice que cualquier mujer que participe en el evento es una tonta, cayendo en un truco de la industria láctea a la que acusa de destruir el medio ambiente, causándole a las vacas angustia física y emocional y haciendo que una gran parte de la población estadounidense enferme, debido a la intolerancia a la lactosa.

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poesía presidencial

En la carta, PETA le pide a Gorman que se retire del evento, diciendo que la "voz de una generación" debe ver la "explotación" de una hembra de cualquier especie -bovina o humana- como algo malo.

PARA SU INFORMACIÓN, Gorman ha apoyado causas de derechos de los animales en el pasado, incluso alentando a otros a rescatar a los animales de los refugios luego de que su amado perro de casi 20 años muriera hace unos meses.

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Por mucho que PETA esté de acuerdo con ella en ese tema, está claro que no están de acuerdo en lo que respecta a este maratón. Ni siquiera cerca.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Gorman, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Kevin Conroy Knew Video Game Batman Would Die ... Still Gave It His All!!!

Kevin Conroy fans are fuming over Batman's death in a new video game, but the voice behind the Caped Crusader knew the hero's fate ... and gave the role everything he had.

The late actor's publicist, Gary Miereanu, tells TMZ ... Kevin performed his Batman lines in "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League" with "the same verve with which he approached every Batman role, always being faithful to the words on the page and the direction from the other side of the glass."

Kevin recorded his lines for the dying Batman before his own passing in 2022 ... and some fans feel the video game death is a disrespectful way to leave Conroy's legacy as the Dark Knight.

But Kevin's rep doesn't see it that way ... telling us, "I'm also certain that, while recording, Kevin’s own death never entered his mind."

Another Batman voice actor, Jason O'Mara, tells TMZ ... Bruce Wayne's going to come back in some way, shape, or form in a different story, just like Superman and many other beloved characters.

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Jason is sure Kevin knew the script called for Batman to die, and says ... "No matter the scenario, he never let any Batman fan down."

Since the initial fan outrage, it's been revealed there's at least one more performance of Kevin as Batman the vault.

Jason says Kevin probably knew this wouldn't be his last ride as Batman, and fans will have reason to enjoy and celebrate his next performance.

Denuncian a Target por vender un libro del Mes de la Historia Negra Mal etiquetado

Target está en la mira por vender en sus tiendas material sobre el Mes de la Historia Negra con información incorrecta, es decir, etiquetando erróneamente a los negros americanos históricos.

La inoportuna metedura de pata fue señalada por la TikToker @Issatete, que publicó un video ahora viral de lo que ella dice que encontró en un Target cerca de su casa. En el clip, muestra un libro de actividades de aprendizaje estilo imán llamado "Derechos Civiles".

TikTok / @issatete

Se trata de un minorista de productos para niños llamado Bendon, pero este usuario está enojado con Target por la venta de estos libros, los cuales argumenta que tienen nombres de figuras prominentes afroamericanas que no coinciden con sus fotos.

Échale un vistazo... verás de lo que está hablando. Hay por lo menos tres ejemplos de nombres completamente mal etiquetados, e Issa está enojada, llamándolo algo más que un descuido.

El usuario, que al parecer enseña historia de EE.UU., dio un resumen de los errores que notó de inmediato - por ejemplo, la imagen de Carter G. Woodson en este imán-libro es en realidad la activista de los derechos civiles W.E.B. Du Bois.

En otras partes del libro, la imagen etiquetada con el nombre de Du Bois es en realidad el educador y autor Booker T. Washington, mientras que el chasquido de Booker es en realidad Woodson. Menudo lío.

Issa dice que hay que tomar medidas de inmediato, escribiendo en el pie de foto que los errores ocurren, pero solo se necesita una persona para señalarlo y pedir correcciones. Ahora que ella tiene, ella está llamando a Target para eliminar este producto de su inventario.

La indignación continúa en los comentarios de Issa, ya que muchas personas se preguntan por qué nadie se molestó en corregir el libro al menos una vez.

El editor aún no ha respondido a la publicación viral, y aunque algunos van tan lejos como para afirmar que los errores fueron deliberados, tenemos que decir que parece poco probable, porque un error de etiquetado intencional como este es demasiado indignante para comprender.

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No es el mejor momento para algo así, estamos en víspera del Mes de la Historia Negra. Difícil comienzo para Target y el editor del libro, sin duda.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Target y Bendon para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Target Slammed Mislabeled Magnet Book ... Wrong Black History Month Figures?!?


8:18 PM PT -- A rep for Target tells TMZ ... "We will no longer be selling this product in stores or online. We’ve also ensured the product's publisher is aware of the errors."

Target's under fire for selling Black History Month material in their stores with factually incorrect info -- namely, grossly mislabeling historic Black Americans.

The ill-timed snafu was pointed out by TikToker @Issatete -- who posted a now-viral video of what she says she found in a Target near her. In the clip, she shows off a magnet-style learning activity book called "Civil Rights."

TikTok / @issatete

It comes from a children's product retailer called Bendon -- but this user is mad at Target for hawking these books, which she says have names of prominent Black figures mismatched to their photos.

Take a look ... you'll see what she's talking about. There are at least 3 examples of completely mislabeled names, and Issa is pissed, calling it more than just an oversight.

The user, who apparently teaches U.S. history, gave a rundown of the mistakes she immediately noticed -- for instance, the picture of Carter G. Woodson in this magnet-book is actually Pan-Africanist civil rights activist W.E.B. Du Bois.

Elsewhere in the book, the picture labeled with Du Bois' name is actually educator and author Booker T. Washington -- while Booker's snap is actually Woodson. Talk about a mess!

Issa says action needs to be taken immediately ... writing in the caption that mistakes happen, but it only takes one person to point it out and ask for corrections. Now that she has, she's calling on Target to remove this product from its inventory.

The outrage continues in Issa's comments as many people are asking why no one bothered to proofread the book at least once.

The publisher's yet to respond to the viral post, and although some are going so far as to claim the errors were deliberate ... we gotta say that seems unlikely, because an intentional mislabeling like this is too outrageous to comprehend.

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Whatever happened, the timing couldn't be worse ... on this eve of Black History Month. Rough start for Target and the book's publisher, for sure.

We've reached out to Target and Bendon for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published 4:32 PM PT

Rep. TIM BURCHETT ON TAYLOR 'NO CHANCE SHE'LL SWAY ELECTIONS!' ... Dueling Rep says LOL, He Wishes She Endorsed Him

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Taylor Swift has no chance of swaying the 2024 election -- this according to Congressman Tim Burchett ... though, a prominent dueling Representative says otherwise.

Rep. Burchett chopped it up with a photog in D.C. Wednesday -- where he said he doesn't care for a TS endorsement ... cause she lost him when she left country music, and he hasn't cared for her since. So, Swift's seal of approval means absolutely nada to him.

Tim's TS loathing doesn't end there ... he says her NFL influence may be significant with more people than ever tuning into the sport ... but he personally hasn't watched a game in years despite being the captain of his high school football team back in '87 ... so, in his mind, her influence can't be that big of a deal.

Basically, he tells the cameraman she's all talk cause she previously came out to speak against Tennessee's Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn ... and it didn't move the needle.

Tim adds that a celeb endorsement doesn't mean much in general ... all it does is just become a scenario where both teams think they've won by bringing in top dogs as backup.

So, that recent poll that showed 18% of voters were "more likely" to vote for a candidate endorsed by Tay? Tim's essentially pouring cold water on it ... saying it's total BS.

While Tim's adamant about his stance, former Tennessee Rep. Jim Cooper, who Taylor endorsed for House of Representatives in 2018, tells TMZ he's got it all wrong -- cause TS' endorsement is the best endorsement you can have -- period.

He says anyone who cares about Taylor having a voice in politics is jealous they didn't get her endorsement ... cause, at the end of the day, she's got a massive 29 million followers on her socials and can easily influence swing states that are really close in numbers.

Also, her fans are well and truly devoted ... meaning they're game for anything, he says.

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Jim's a massive Taylor fan ... and says she's handled all politics-related matters with complete brilliance and wholesomeness, which is refreshing. He also can't resist touching on her Travis Kelce romance -- saying it plays out like a Hollywood movie.


Back to Tim though ... he goes on to talk about the current political climate ... expressing hopes more young voters will come out and vote because historically, they don't.

For her part, Taylor was loud and proud endorsing Joe Biden for 2020 ... so we're sure it won't be long before she weighs in on the 2024 elections. If you ask Burchett -- that ain't gonna do much either way, but not every politician on Capitol Hill agrees ... clearly.

Elex Michaelson on Trump Taylor 'Holy War' Could Backfire ... Swifties Might Help Biden

Donald Trump should be cautious about poking the bear when it comes to attacking Taylor Swift ... so says a well-seasoned political talk show host and media personality.

FOX11 anchor and politico Elex Michaelson joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday and we asked him about the ramifications of Trump's inner circle vowing to wage a "holy war" on Taylor and any Democrats she may endorse ... which they're reportedly ready to do.

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Given Taylor's massive popularity right now -- coupled with the fact that she's dating a star player on an NFL team, who's about to play in the freaking Super Bowl -- Elex says DT and co. should be careful with how his campaign approaches Swift ... especially if it's to attack.

Elex says he worries Trump may wake up a sleeping giant here, and stir up Swifties en masse to hit the ballot box and vote for his opponent, Joe Biden, who is courting TS' endorsement. That might be a preemptively self-own, especially since she hasn't joined the Biden train yet.

Those same voters are also pretty young, for the most part, and that could hurt Trump too ... Elex explains. Considering Taylor has such influence over the youths in this country -- antagonizing her too early may well backfire if Trump goes in hard right now.

Another layer to this is Trump's potential loss being Biden's gain ... Elex points out Biden's struggled with some key demographics, and TS could help reel those voters back in ... at Trump's expense.

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Of course, Elex says folks shouldn't be quick to dismiss Trump or write him off ... saying DT usually has a handle on how best to drum up his base. Fact is, he's run successful campaigns before and gotten tons of votes.

It's a pretty interesting conversation ... and Elex wonders if there's a scenario where Taylor helps both Trump and Biden. Take a listen to his ration -- he might have a point here.

La "guerra santa" de Trump contra Taylor Swift podría ser contraproducente Según Elex Michaelson

Donald Trump debería ser cauteloso a la hora de atacar a Taylor Swift, así lo dice un presentador político y personalidad de los medios de comunicación.

El presentador de FOX11 y político Elex Michaelson se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el miércoles y le preguntamos acerca de las ramificaciones del círculo íntimo de Trump prometiendo librar una "guerra santa" contra Taylor y cualquier demócrata que pueda apoyar ... que al parecer están dispuestos a llevarle la contra, dice Elex Michaelson

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no te metas con swift

Dada la popularidad masiva de Taylor en este momento, junto con el hecho de que ella está saliendo con un jugador estrella en un equipo de la NFL que está a punto de jugar en el maldito Super Bowl, Elex dice que Trump y compañía deben tener cuidado con la forma en que su campaña se acerca a Swift ... sobre todo si es para atacar.

Elex dice que le preocupa que Trump pueda despertar a un gigante dormido y agitar a los Swifties en masa para que acudan a las urnas y voten a su oponente, Joe Biden, que está cortejando el respaldo de Taylor. Eso podría ser un autoapoyo preventivo, sobre todo porque ella aún no se ha subido al tren de Biden.

Estamos hablando de votantes en su mayoría jóvenes, y eso también podría perjudicar a Trump, explica Elex. Teniendo en cuenta que Taylor tiene tanta influencia sobre los jóvenes de este país, enemistarse con ella demasiado pronto puede resultar contraproducente si Trump entra con fuerza ahora mismo.

Otra capa de esto es la pérdida potencial de Trump ante Biden. Elex señala que Biden ha tenido problemas con algunos grupos demográficos clave, y Taylor podría ayudar a recuperar a esos votantes a expensas de Trump.

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Por supuesto, Elex dice que la gente no debe apresurarse en descartar a Trump, diciendo que Donald por lo general tiene un as bajo la manga. El hecho es que ha corrido campañas exitosas antes y consiguió un montón de votos.

Es una conversación bastante interesante y Elex se pregunta si sería posible un scenario en el que Taylor fuera de ayuda para ambos. Échale un vistazo a la conversación, podría tener un punto aquí.

Ex-Boeing Quality Manager Warns of 737s Being Back in the Air ... Too Soon, Might Not Be Safe

Boeing's 737 planes are being given the green light to get back up into the sky -- but a guy who used to do quality assurance for them says ... it might be too soon, not safe enough.

We talked to former Boeing quality manager John Barnett -- who came on "TMZ Live" Wednesday to discuss the fact that his old company has said their 737 Max 9 aircrafts are ready to hit the runway again ... this just a few weeks after the Alaska Airlines incident.

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The speed at which this has all unfolded has alarmed many, and John here is right there with them in the concerned department ... and his reasoning lies in his personal experience.

Watch what he has to say for yourself -- John explains how things ran when he was in the field and how they've allegedly changed. Based on what he's claiming here, it's troubling, 'cause he suggests cutting corners is something the industry at large has leaned into.

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John claims that inspection operators and experts have been getting slashed from assembly lines in recent years -- an awful trend that he suspects has only continued since he left.

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With this in mind, he questions whether the 737s are, in fact, as good to go as Boeing insists ... because in his mind, he thinks more due diligence is warranted -- just in case, of course.

His concerns appear to be shared by at least some key shareholders ... 'cause a handful of them have just filed suit against the company, alleging prioritized profits over safety, among other claims.

Ex director de calidad de Boeing Tiene reservas con que el modelo 737S vuelva a volar Demasiado pronto...

Los aviones 737 de Boeing tienen luz verde para volver al cielo, pero un tipo que solía estar a cargo de garantizar la calidad de los aviones dice que podría ser demasiado pronto y no lo suficientemente seguro.

Hablamos con el ex gerente de calidad de Boeing John Barnett, quien se unió a "TMZ Live" el miércoles para discutir que su antigua compañía haya informado que los aviones 737 Max 9 están listos para golpear la pista de nuevo. Esto, a solo unas semanas de que ocurriera el incidente de Alaska Airlines.

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Fuerte deterioro de la calidad

La rapidez con la que todo ha ocurrido ha alarmado a muchos, incluido John, y su razonamiento radica en su propia experiencia personal.

Mira lo que nos dijo, primero explica cómo funcionaban las cosas cuando estaba en la empresa y cómo supuestamente han cambiado. Si nos basamos en lo que dice, es preocupante, porque sugiere que tomar atajos es algo que la industria ha estado haciendo.

010624_alaska_airlines-kal JANUARY 2024
Tratando de mantener la calma

John afirma que los operadores y expertos en inspeccionar los aviones han sido recortados de las líneas de montaje en los últimos años, una tendencia horrible que sospecha solo ha continuado desde que se fue.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Con esto en mente, se pregunta si los 737s son realmente tan buenos como para que Boeing insista en ello, porque desde su perspectiva, está justificada una mayor diligencia en este caso, por si acaso, por supuesto.

Sus preocupaciones parecen ser compartidas por al menos algunos accionistas clave. Un puñado de ellos acaba de presentar una demanda contra la empresa, alegando que están priorizando los ingresos por sobre la seguridad, entre otros reclamos.