La novia de Blueface se tatúa el culo Para contrarrestar el retrato de la cara de Chrisean

poniendo la otra mejilla

Chrisean Rock no es la única que quiere recordar a Blueface tatuándose su cara... hay otra chica haciendo lo mismo, solo que más bajo.

El miércoles, Bonnie estrenó un tatuaje en su culo. De hecho, publicó fotos y videos acostada con los pantalones caídos y la cara de Blueface inmortalizada en su mejilla izquierda.

Bonnie miembro del elenco original de Blue "Blue Girls Club" -su reality show de corta duración- pero su tinta descarada parece haber sorprendido incluso a su grupo de amigos cercanos, porque están diciendo que es una tonta. Sin embargo, ella ha estado todo el día profesando su 💙 hacia Blue.

Debemos señalar que Bonnie tiene problemas con las otras novias de Blue, incluyendo a Chrisean y Jaidyn Alexis y básicamente todas las otras mujeres en la vida del rapero.

Con este movimiento, Bonnie parece estar tratando de plantar su bandera en Blu, apartándolo para ella cuando salga de la cárcel.

Vale la pena señalar que Bonnie acaba de lanzar una nueva pista titulada "That's My Daddy", y es una muestra de toda su competencia con Blueface, y solo una confirmación más de que él la tiene muy lejos, al igual que las demás

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TMZ Hip Hop acaba de confirmar con la tienda de tatuajes de Chrisean que su reciente tatuaje es permanente, y al igual que Bonnie, su propia familia piensa que necesita hacerse a un lado.

una para blue
Lakimii Tattoo Shop

Hay que preguntarse, ¿habrá más tatuajes de Blueface en el futuro? El tiempo lo dirá.

Blueface's Other GF Kiss My Ass, Chrisean ... And My Blueface Butt Tattoo!!!


Chrisean Rock isn't the only one of Blueface's baddies dedicating their bodies to his mug shot while he's locked up -- there's another gal doing the same ... only lower.

On Wednesday, his admitted side chick, Bonnie, debuted a HUMONGOUS tattoo of her own -- which was being done on her ass. Indeed, she posted pics and video of herself lying down with her pants dropped and her booty with BF's mug stenciled onto her left cheek.

Bonnie's an OG cast member of Blue's "Blue Girls Club" -- his short-lived reality show -- but her cheeky ink seems to have even surprised her close friend group ... 'cause they're saying she's a fool. Nevertheless, she's been doubling down all day, professing her 💙 for Blue.

We should note ... Bonnie has beef with Blue's other girlfriends/baby mamas -- including Chrisean and Jaidyn Alexis -- and basically all the other women in BF's life. That seems to be why she's doing this ... almost as a way to "stick it to them."

With this move, Bonnie appears to be trying to plant her flag on Blue -- with the message being ... he's all mine, once he's released from jail in a few months, of course.

Probably worth noting ... Bonnie just released a new track titled "That's My Daddy" ... and it's a diss to all her competition with Blueface -- and just further confirmation that he has her on lock, just like all the other ladies in his orbit, it seems.

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TMZ Hip Hop just confirmed with Chrisean's tattoo shop that her newly planted "Blueface" is indeed permanent ... but like Bonnie, her own family thinks she needs to step aside.

Tattoo For Blue
Lakimii Tattoo Shop

Ya gotta wonder ... are there more Blueface tattoos coming from any other flames??? Time will tell!

Candace Owens Ice Spice's 'Fart' Is Aiding America's Downfall

Candace Owens is blaming Ice Spice for inducing stupidity in the United States ... a reaction made after her ears got crop-dusted by the superstar rapper's new "Fart" song!!!

On the latest episode of her podcast, Candace moonlighted as a music journalist tackling Ice's new single and rated the track with a proverbial p-u ... nothing but stink!!!

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Candace Owens Podcast

Ice keeps it simple on the new track produced by her longtime producer RIOTUSA, rapping on the chorus ... "Think you the sh**, bitch? You not even the fart/I be goin' hard/I'm breakin' they hearts...Grrah!!!" -- a little too simple for Candace's intellect.

Candace didn't miss the window to throw more shade at Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion for making "WAP" back in 2020 ... still an all-time low in her book.

The political pundit also hammered HotNewHipHop's recap of Ice's "Think U The Sh**" -- for its glossy review, where they describe the song as a "bold declaration" to "establish dominance" and something about her "personal prowess."

Plenty of heavy-handed huff ... but one could say the same for CO's declaration Ice's lyrics are ripping apart society's fabric.

It's a fun song for TikTok ... at least for the time being.

Now that Candace is in the business of music reviews, we're looking forward to her recap of Nicki Minaj's "Big Foot" versus Meg's "Hiss." Gonna be a doozy!!!

Muertes de hinchas de los Chiefs Nuevo video de un hombre esposado en ropa interior...

Esposado por la policía
Alex Caprariello / NewsNation

El video de un hombre esposado en ropa interior luego de que la policía descubriera tres cuerpos en su patio trasero acaba de hacerse público, y es solo el último desarrollo de este salvaje caso en Missouri.

Probablemente han oído hablar de esta historia, todo tiene que ver con un hombre llamado Jordan Willis de Kansas City, que fue anfitrión de una fiesta de los Chiefs con algunos amigos en su casa a principios de enero, y que terminó con 3 de ellos muertos en su propiedad días más tarde.

La historia es absolutamente descabellada y todavía encierra muchos misterios. Esto es lo que la policía sabe con certeza: en algún momento después de la fiesta del 7 de enero, las familias de 3 de los asistentes a la reunión (David Harrington, Ricky Johnson y Clayton McGeeney) denunciaron su desaparición, ya que nadie había visto ni oído hablar de ellos después de esa noche.

La gente trató de contactar al propio Willis, pero este también estuvo fuera del radar durante un par de días hasta que los oficiales llegaron a su casa el 9 de enero. Al parecer abrió la puerta con una copa de vino en la mano y vistiendo nada más que calzoncillos.

Y eso es exactamente lo que se ve en este nuevo video, que acaba de aparecer por cortesía del reportero Alex Caprariello, de NewsNation, fruto de su reporteo.

En el clip se puede ver a un vecino grabando a la policía camino a la casa de Willis y luego el momento en que lo detienen.

Y sí, está en ropa interior, tal como habían indicado los informes desde el principio.

Vale la pena señala que aunque Willis podría haber terminado esposado en el momento, luego de que los agentes descubrieran los cuerpos congeladosde Harrington, Johnson y McGeeney, en el patio trasero de Willis, NO fue arrestado o acusado de un delito, y no lo ha sido hasta el momento.

La policía dice que no hay sospecha de crimen violento hasta el momento e incluso están diciendo a su manera que no lo están considerando como un homicidio, a pesar de algunos detalles preocupantes que tienen al público tomándose la cabeza.

Willis, por su parte, ha negado cualquier conocimiento acerca de cómo sus amigos aparecieron muertos en su patio trasero y dice que ni siquiera era consciente de que alguien los estaba buscando. Ha negado tener cualquier relación con su muerte, a pesar de la indignación colectiva de las familias.

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Todavía hay mucho que averiguar, pero por ahora, los policías no están señalando a nadie en particular.

Chiefs Fans' Mystery Death Case Video of Man Cuffed in Underwear ... Bodies Found in Backyard

Alex Caprariello / NewsNation

Video of a man being handcuffed in his underwear as police discovered three dead bodies in his backyard is finally surfacing -- the latest development in this wild case out of Missouri.

You've probably heard of this by now -- it all has to do with this guy named Jordan Willis in Kansas City, who was hosting a Chiefs watch party at his house back in early January with some friends ... only for 3 of them to turn up as stiff corpses on his property days later.

The story is absolutely insane ... and it's still shrouded in mystery. Here's what cops know for sure though -- at some point after the watch party on Jan. 7, families for 3 of the attendees at Willis' get-together (David Harrington, Ricky Johnson, and Clayton McGeeney) reported them missing ... as no one had seen or heard from these men after that evening.

People had attempted to contact Willis himself, of course, but he too was off the radar for a couple days -- that is, until officers arrived at his home on Jan. 9 ... where he reportedly answered the door with a wineglass in hand ... and wearing nothing but tighty-whities.

That's exactly what you're seeing in this new video here, which just popped up courtesy of NewsNation reporter Alex Caprariello, who says he obtained it through his reporting.

In the brief clip ... you can see a neighbor recording the police run-in Willis experienced that night -- capturing all the officers who responded to the scene ... and them detaining Willis.

And yes, he indeed in his underwear ... just as reports have indicated from the get-go.

It's worth noting, while Willis might've landed in handcuffs here in the moment -- after which officers discovered the bodies of Harrington, Johnson and McGeeney, frozen to death in Willis' backyard -- he did NOT get arrested or charged with a crime ... and hasn't as of yet.

Police there are saying no foul play is suspected thus far in the investigation -- and they're even going out of their way to say this is not being looked into as a homicide ... despite some troubling details that have the public doing double takes and scratching their heads.

Willis, for his part, has denied any knowledge about how his friends turned up dead in his backyard ... and says he wasn't even aware anyone was looking for them. He's denied having anything to do with their demise ... this despite the families' collective outrage.

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There's still a lot to figure out ... including what else, if anything, may have resulted in the bizarre deaths of these guys. For now, cops aren't pointing the finger at anyone in particular.

El nuevo tatuaje Chrisean Rock es 100% real Según la tienda de tatuajes

uno por blue
Lakimii Tattoo Shop

Chrisean Rock mostró un poco de tinta fresca la semana pasada, revelando la cara de su novio, Blueface, y mientras algunos pensaban que no era real... nos dicen todo lo contrario.

El propietario de la tienda de tatuajes Lakimii -donde Chrisean se hizo este trabajo- nos dice que la estrella de la realidad se acercó para este nuevo tatuaje el sábado pasado y mientras que normalmente tienen una política contra la aguja en la cara de alguien, hicieron una excepción para Chrisean.

Nos dicen que este trabajo tomó alrededor de 4 horas en total para completar, lo cual es evidente en lo detallado y elaborado que es. No se sabe si le cobraron o no, pero el propietario, Timo, nos dice que ya le han hecho tatuajes en el pasado, así que están familiarizados con ella como cliente.

De todos modos, puedes echarle un vistazo al tatuaje con más detalle aquí. Mientras que ha habido algunos creen que es falso, Timo insiste en que es real.

Ciertamente se pueden ver sus poros abiertos y la tinta llenándolos. Además, su cabeza está ligeramente afeitada alrededor de la zona en cuestión, lo que es un signo revelador de que está a punto de hacerse un tatuaje.

Hay un puñado de personas que todavía son escépticos acerca del tatuaje, pero por lo que parece, Chrisean parece haber sido atacada de nuevo, esto después de volver a dedicarse a Blueface, que está actualmente entre las rejas por una violación de libertad condicional en Los Ángeles.

Ella ciertamente está esperando a que sea puesto en libertad y sabemos que Lakimii también está emocionado. Nos dicen que el negocio está en auge para ellos desde el trabajo de tinta que hicieron para ella.

Y escucha esto, nos han dicho que el propio Blue también tiene planes de venir a entintarse, aunque no se sabe cuándo exactamente podría suceder.

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Como dicen... la pareja que se tatúa junta, permanece junta... o algo así.

Chrisean Rock New Blueface Ink ... Is 100% Real, So Says Tattoo Shop

Tattoo For Blue
Lakimii Tattoo Shop

Chrisean Rock showed off some fresh ink last week that bared the mug of her on-and-off boyfriend, Blueface, and while some thought it wasn't real ... we're being told otherwise.

The owner of the Lakimii Tattoo Shop in WeHo -- where Chrisean got this job done -- tells us the reality star came by for this new face tat last Saturday ... and while they normally have a policy against needling up someone's face, they made an exception for Chrisean.

We're told this work took about 4 hours in total to complete ... which is evident in how detailed and elaborate it is. No word on whether they charged her or not -- but the owner, Timo, tells us they've done tats for her in the past ... so they're familiar with her as a client.

Anyway ... you can take a look at the tattoo in more detail here. While there've been some who've believed this may have been a henna thing ... Timo insists it's the real McCoy.

It certainly looks like it could be based on what we're seeing -- you can see her pores opened up, and the ink filling them. Plus, her head is slightly shaved around the area in question -- which is a telltale sign that a tattoo is about to take place.

There's a handful of folks who are still skeptical about whether this is fake -- but from the looks of it, Chrisean appears to have gotten blasted again ... this after re-devoting herself to Blueface, who's currently behind bars on a probation violation in L.A.

She certainly seems happy waiting for him to be released ... and we know Lakimii is also stoked. They tell us business has booming for them ever since the ink job they did for her.

And get this ... we're told Blue himself apparently has plans to come and get some fresh ink as well. No word on when exactly that might happen -- he could be locked up for a while.

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As they say ... the couple that tats together, stays together. Something like that, anyway.

GloRilla Baby Mamas & Hookah-Smoking Dudes ... Make the World Trash 👎🏽

B******s Be Real Deal Dumb
Instagram / @glorillapimp

GloRilla has a few hot takes that will definitely ruffle some feathers ... especially if you're a guy who enjoys puffing on hookah, or a woman who's raising a kid. She said it, not us!

Big Glo laid out her gripes on Tuesday, claiming every woman she knows who's a "baby mama" is a few sandwiches short of a picnic ... to put it kindly.

She actually called 'em dumb bitches.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The "FNF" creator even went so low as to call those particular chicks the "r-word." Remember, Lizzo recently caught flak for dropping that word in a song, and ended up apologizing and changing the lyric.

Glo identifies as an equal opportunist, so she also has smoke for the males, especially the ones she calls "fake tricks" -- guys who pretend like they have the money to spoil her, but actually have empty pockets.

Lebron's a Hookah Fan!!!

But, her biggest pet peeve is guys who smoke hookah! Glo even claimed she turned down a guy who caught her eye, after seeing the hookah hose hit his lips.

She might be on her own defending her "baby mama" comments, but 21 Savage is also fully against guys who smoke hookah.

He scolded Kai Cenat last night for partaking in such a "girly" activity.

Looks like Glo will be keeping that same energy in her upcoming releases this year -- wack baby mamas and homeboys with hookah need not apply!!!


Megan Thee Stallion's beef with Nicki Minaj has taken an ugly turn -- cops are getting involved to protect her late mother's gravesite, this after doxxing by her arch-rival's fandom.

The Texas cemetery where Megan's mom, Holly Thomas, was laid to rest after passing away from brain cancer in 2019 -- tells TMZ ... they've notified local authorities and increased security personnel at their facility in light of the escalating feud.

What's more ... we're told PSC will continue to monitor the situation as they take all matters regarding safety and security seriously -- and lately, things have been getting too real.

Instagram / @theestallion

They do add ... as of yet, thankfully nothing has happened to the gravesite, but they emphasize they're on high alert regardless.

The extra precautions come after some of Nicki's "Barbz" -- AKA, her army of fiercely loyal supporters -- first leaked the location of Holly's burial site on social media ... encouraging others to go and desecrate her grave as a way to get back at MTS for her OG diss.

It all kicked off last week when Nicki distastefully cracked a joke about MTS' mother on the streaming platform Stationhead. Her exact line at the time was ... "You better go conjure up your mother and apologize. That's disgusting." It seems some of her fans took that to heart.

No doubt, ya gotta figure that was particularly heartbreaking for Megan to hear ... as she's been super candid and emotional over the years about her mother's influence in her life.

Megan has also been very open about what the loss of her mom has meant to her -- and by all accounts, it's been very difficult ... something that's been well-documented and discussed.


Now, Nicki did later explain that she only took the shot at Meg's mom cause MTS was coming after her own family. In particular, MTS seemed to reference Nicki's husband, Kenneth Petty, in her new track "Hiss" -- making a "Megan's Law" reference that many interpreted as shade toward Petty's legal trouble.

So, tit for tat really ... many felt Nicki had just gone too far, and doubly so for any one of her supporters who was seriously considering heading over to Holly's grave.

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Sometimes a rap beef gets a little too extreme ... and this Nicki vs. Meg thing certainly seems to have crossed into that realm now. Time to put down the pitchforks, people.

Un caballo de carreras da positivo en metanfetamina Tras ganar una carrera

Un caballo de carreras dio positivo por metanfetamina tras ganar una carrera en Ohio, y el castigo del entrenador ha enfadado a PETA, que ahora exige que se le prohíba la entrada.

El caballo, Gardy's Legacy, fue sometido a un análisis de sangre tras ganar una carrera en el MGM Northfield Park el 3 de septiembre y dio positivo por metanfetamina, un delito de Clase 1 Categoría A según la Asociación de Trote de EE.UU.

Tras el resultado positivo, la Comisión de Carreras del Estado de Ohio suspendió entrenador Samuel Schillaci por un año y le ordenó pagar una multa de $1k.

El Standardbred también fue descalificado y las ganancias de $4.500 fueron devueltos.

Este castigo no fue suficiente para PETA, la mayor organización de defensa de los derechos de los animales del mundo, que ahora pide que Schillaci sea expulsado permanentemente del deporte.

"Esta pequeña multa administrativa y la suspensión no son proporcionales a una infracción tan grave", declaró el lunes Kathy Guillermo, Vicepresidenta de PETA.

"La metanfetamina pone en peligro la vida de un caballo y los entrenadores que tratan a un caballo de forma tan insensible también harán lo mismo con otros. La comisión debería tener en cuenta no solo la seguridad de Gardy's Legacy, sino también la de todos los demás caballos del establo de Schillaci".

"Aquellos que demuestran tal crueldad, muestran un claro desprecio por las regulaciones y no se les debería conceder el privilegio de competir en su estado nunca más".

Guillermo añadió: "Prohibiendo permanentemente a Schillaci competir en Ohio, crearía un ambiente más seguro para todos los participantes".

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Desafortunadamente para PETA, la OSRC le dijo a FOX 8 en Cleveland que "los jueces dieron la pena máxima permitida por la ley".

En otras palabras... sus manos están atadas.

Racehorse Gardys Legacy A Tests Positive For Methamphetamine PETA Wants Trainer Banned

A racehorse tested positive for meth after a winning run in Ohio ... and the trainer's slap-on-the-wrist punishment has pissed off PETA, who is now demanding he be banned.

The horse, Gardys Legacy A, was given a blood test after winning a race at the MGM Northfield Park on September 3 ... and it came back positive for D-methamphetamine, a Class 1 Category A offense according to the U.S. Trotting Association.

Following the positive result, the Ohio State Racing Commission suspended trainer Samuel Schillaci for one year ... and ordered him to pay a $1k fine.

The Standardbred was also disqualified ... and the $4,500 winnings were returned.

That punishment clearly wasn't enough for PETA, the largest animal rights organization in the world, who are now calling on Schillaci to be permanently banned from the sport.

"This small administrative fine and suspension aren’t commensurate with such a serious violation," PETA's Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo said on Monday.

"Administering meth endangers a horse’s life, and trainers who treat a horse so callously will do the same to others, too. The commission should consider not only the safety of Gardys Legacy A but also that of all the other horses in Schillaci’s barn."

"Those who demonstrate such cruelty even one time show a clear disregard for the regulations and shouldn’t be granted the privilege of competing in your state ever again."

Guillermo added, "By permanently barring Schillaci from competing in Ohio, you would create a safer environment for all participants."

TMZ Studios

Unfortunately for PETA, the OSRC told FOX 8 in Cleveland that "the judges gave the maximum penalty allowed by law."

In other words ... their hands are tied

LaMelo Ball Cracks Up With Teammates During Blowout Loss ... Dragged By Fans

LaMelo Ball is in some hot water with some of his biggest fans ... who are pissed at the NBA star for cracking up on the Hornets' bench during a blowout loss Monday.

Ball wasn't playing in Charlotte's home tilt against the New York Knicks while dealing with a sore ankle ... so he took a seat with some of his squadmates -- and despite the completely one-sided score, he was seen smiling throughout the contest.

At one point, when Charlotte was down 25 points early in the fourth quarter ... Ball was actually seen busting at the seams with Bryce McGowens and James Bouknight.

The images pissed off a whole lot of Hornets supporters, who found it downright disrespectful that the team's biggest star didn't appear locked in on the game.

What made it especially worse was "Let's Go Knicks" chants had broken out at the Spectrum Center right around the same time.

The Hornets went on to lose 113-92 ... and their record is now a measly 10-35.

Ball's likely still a few days away from suiting up again -- but it seems his fans might want to hear a bit of a mea culpa before then.

Kevin Conroy Fans Outraged Batman Gets Killed ... In New Video Game

There's a new video game where Batman gets a final sayonara from his worst foes -- and fans of the late Kevin Conroy are absolutely fuming over it ... calling it a terrible send-off.

The game's called 'Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League' -- due out in a few days -- and some of the footage from a particular scene involving the Dark Knight (voiced by Conroy) is already making the rounds online ... which depicts this version of Batman's brutal death.

Indeed, in this universe ... Harley Quinn fires a bullet into Batman at close range, officially killing him off -- and people who grew up watching Conroy's Batman are kinda losing it.

There's a number of reasons why folks are mad -- but the biggest one, it seems, is that some feel this is a disrespectful way to leave Conroy's legacy as the Caped Crusader. It is, in fact, the last time he played Batman before tragically passing in 2022 from cancer.

While this game's developer/distributor (Rocksteady/WB) likely didn't foresee Conroy dying so suddenly -- diehards of his character and the superhero at large are still dragging these companies through the coals for the decision to off Batman like this ... very wham bam.

However, others are actually pushing back against the outrage ... for two good reasons. One ... it's a freaking video game/fictional character -- and all this is pretty damn silly, TBH.

TMZ Studios

More importantly, though, many are rightly pointing out that Conroy himself signed up for this story when taking the job -- and considering how closely he cherished the role/character of Batman for as long as he did it ... some think the angry mob should respect his decision.

Some believe 'SSKTJL' tarnishes Batman/Kevin's footprint ... but his contribution goes well beyond just this moment. Try telling that to the nostalgic right now -- they don't seem to wanna hear it.

Neuralink de Elon Musk Implantan primer chip cerebral en un ser humano

Elon Musk y Neuralink han hecho historia... el multimillonario dice por primera vez hay un ser humano equipado con el chip cerebral de la startup neurotecnológica.

Elon hizo el gran anuncio el lunes en su plataforma de redes sociales X, antes Twitter, afirmando que los primeros resultados se ven bien.

Musk dice que el paciente, parte del primer grupo de prueba humano de Neuralink, recibió el implante el domingo y se está recuperando bien.

Añade: "Los resultados iniciales muestran una prometedora detección de picos neuronales".

El chip cerebral, explica Elon, se llama Telepatía y dice que "permite controlar tu teléfono u ordenador, y a través de ellos, casi cualquier dispositivo, solo con el pensamiento".

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Dicho de otra manera, Elon dice: "Imagínese si Stephen Hawking podría haberse comunicado más rápido que un mecanógrafo o un subastador. Ese es el objetivo".

El primer ensayo en humanos de Neuralink involucra a personas que han perdido el uso de sus extremidades.

La empresa de Elon está probando la seguridad del implante y del robot quirúrgico que inserta el chip en el cerebro. Neuralink dice que también quiere ver cómo funciona la futurista tecnología en el mundo real.

La FDA despejó el camino para este ensayo en mayo, y es solo un paso en un largo proceso hacia la aprobación final de la FDA.

Aun así, es un gran paso para Elon, su empresa ... Y la humanidad.

Elon Musk's Neuralink First Brain Chip Implanted in Human

History for Elon Musk and Neuralink ... the billionaire says there's now a human being fitted with the neurotech startup's brain chip for the first time.

Elon made the big announcement Monday on his social media platform X, formerly Twitter, claiming the early results are looking good.

Musk says the patient, part of Neuralink's first human test group, received the implant Sunday and is recovering well.

Elon adds ... "Initial results show promising neuron spike detection."

The brain chip, Elon explains, is called Telepathy ... and he says it "enables control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking."

TMZ Studios

Put another way, Elon says ... "Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal."

Neuralink's first human trial involves people who have lost the use of their limbs.

Dr. Marcello Ienca SEPTEMBER 2023

Elon's company is testing the safety of the implant and the surgical robot that inserts the chip in the brain. Neuralink says it also wants to see how the futuristic tech works in the real world.

The FDA cleared the way for this trial back in May, and this is just one step in a long process toward final FDA approval.

Still, it's a big step for Elon, his company ... and humanity.

'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Netflix's Version ... Is Making Sokka Less 'Sexist'?!?

Sokka from Nickelodeon's 'Avatar' show is going to be a lil' different in Netflix's live-action version when it debuts next month ... and that includes a lot less woman-hating, apparently.

Ian Ousely -- the actor who's been tapped to play real Sokka for the streaming giant's take on the beloved animated series -- spilled the beans to EW this week in terms of clarifying how his iteration of one of the main characters will stand apart from what fans remember.

He explained ... "I wanted to make sure that Sokka is funny. There's more weight with realism in every way." His costar Kiawentiio (who plays Sokka's sister, Katara, in Netflix's show) chimed in to clear up which elements of the cartoon didn't work so well in real life.

She interjected with ... "I feel like we also took out the element of how sexist [Sokka] was. I feel like there were a lot of moments in the original show that were iffy."

To that, Ousley agreed in this interview ... going on to say, "Yeah, totally. There are things that were redirected just because it might play a little differently [in live action]." EW also points out what diehards of the animation already know ... namely, that Sokka is, in fact, very sexist as a character toward the start -- but that, eventually, he outgrows that in his arc.

Emphasis on that last part, specially. You see... Sokka's sexism is a key character flaw that he has to mature past all throughout the OG series ... something fans are keenly aware of, which is why they're pissed that it's now being revealed Netflix is changing this major detail.

You can hop into the "Sokka" trend right now on X to see how angry/disappointed everyone is that the Sokka they know -- imperfect and in need of humbling, which often made for great/hilarious moments in the original -- is not going to be found in this live remake.

That also kinda deflates the excitement fans had with the fact Netflix's version actually *looked* a lot like the cartoon ... which had many believing it'd be more faithful to the source material. Apparently, not that faithful. Seems Sokka was too problematic for Netflix.

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Womp, womp ... 😑