MEGAN THEE STALLION 'MEGAN'S LAW' Line Blasted BY Kanka FAMILY ... Disrespectful & Offensive!!

Megan Thee Stallion's beef with Nicki Minaj has invoked a famous law aimed to protect people from sex predators -- and the father of the girl it's named after isn't happy about it.

Richard Kanka -- whose daughter, Megan Kanka, was murdered in the '90s by a sex predator who, at the time, wasn't legally required to identify himself in his neighborhood, and who Megan's Law is inspired by -- is fuming over MTS casually dropping his daughter's name in "Hiss" ... the diss track that kicked off this new feud between her and NM.

He tells TMZ that Megan dragging his late daughter's name into the expletive-riddled song aimed at Nicki is as disrespectful as it gets, from his POV -- and he notes that MTS actually appearing to shed light on the law, which she does, doesn't change his sour feeling.

Kanka tells us that using his daughter's name in such a graphic/offensive manner was highly offensive to the pain his daughter and family felt ... and while he says he hasn't heard the track with his own two ears just yet, he has read the lyrics -- and it's still a no-go for him.

For the record, the lyrics in question are: "These hoes don't be mad at Megan [referring to herself], these hoes mad at Megan's Law" -- a reference Meg was using to take a shot at Nicki's husband, Kenneth Petty, who is a registered sex offender in New York.

A bit of a morbid history lesson ... the bill that turned into Megan's Law came into effect a month after the brutal murder and rape of Richard's 7-year-old daughter -- devastation Richard still lives with to this day ... so, understandably, it's a deeply sensitive subject.


He does admit Megan's music (rap) isn't his cup of tea ... so the only way he found out about it was when one of his kids told him. RK says he still chose not to listen though -- and instead read the "Hiss" lyrics to see what exactly was said about his daughter. Like we said, the guy still takes offense over it ... even though some see MTS's use of it positively.

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There's also this ... Richard tells TMZ that the song left such a bad taste in his mouth that he's actually considering looking into his legal options to see if Meg's track went too far.

Unfortunately for Richard ... there's probably not much he can do on that front. Artists have liberties when it comes to wordplay/referencing big moments historically -- which is exactly what Megan did here ... so even though he's mad, a threat of legal action feels empty.

Anyway, this beef has only escalated since Meg threw the first shot -- Nicki's fired back with her own diss track, "Big Foot," and people have mixed reactions to it ... good and bad.

Now, there's a new angry party in the mix ... Megan Kanka's father and he sounds pissed.

Morgan Wallen Anniversary Album Released ... Sells Well, Fans Trash It

Morgan Wallen said he didn't want several unreleased tracks to come out ... and fans are coming to his aid -- trashing the unauthorized project online.

Here's the deal ... Wallen revealed earlier this week that several formal collaborators were releasing a 10th-anniversary edition of his EP "Stand Alone" -- something he said he'd tried to stop but hadn't been able to.

Well the album came out, and it's doing pretty well on the charts ... sitting 12th on iTunes' top 100 albums list at the time of this writing -- ... falling just behind Megan Thee Stallion's controversial track "Hiss."

But, just 'cause something sells doesn't mean fans are all for it -- with many of them leaving one-star reviews on iTunes and ripping the company behind the release.

Here are just a couple of the comments we've seen ... "Tasteless of a label or ex-partners to sell someone else's voice without consent, and without care" -- and another, "Not Morgan Wallen. Don't buy or listen to."

There are a ton of these comments, but the main gist is this ... the label's doing MW dirty by releasing tracks that he said aren't up to his standard -- and art should always belong to the artists.

But, as we previously reported ... Wallen wasn't just sitting back and letting his fans handle his business for him -- he re-recorded "Spin You Around" and released it in response.

Unfortunately for Wallen, his gambit doesn't seem to have paid off yet -- his re-recorded "Spin You Around" doesn't appear to be charting quite yet though his original release of the song seems to be making a comeback -- no doubt fueled on by the controversy.

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At the very least, Morgan can take comfort in knowing his biggest fans have his back ... even if others keep buying tracks he wants to bury.

Penelope, la hija de Scott Disick recrea el baile "Saltburn"

La hija de Scott Disick -Penelope- está sumergida en una nueva tendencia viral con amigas, aunque la inspiración que originó la tendencia puede levantar algunas cejas.

Instagram / @letthelordbewithyou

Así es la cosa, Scott hizo una fiesta de pijamas en su casa para Penélope y algunas amigas el sábado por la noche, incluyendo a su prima, la hija de Kim Kardashian, North West. Las niñas claramente van en dirección de sus padres haciendo muchos videos para TikTok.

El clip de Disick muestra a las niñas filmando a su hija de 11 años bailando por las escaleras y a través de la enorme casa en el área de Los Ángeles. Suena "Murder on the Dancefloor", mientras que Penelope gira y gira hacia a la cocina.

Si todo esto te suena familiar, es probablemente porque el personaje de Barry Keoghan hace lo mismo en la película "Saltburn", aunque baila desnudo.

Si no has visto la película, spoilers, básicamente, el personaje de Barry -Oliver- se desnuda y baila en la enorme casa de la familia rica de otro personaje después de asesinar con éxito por su dinero, en pocas palabras, el contenido muy adulto.

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Para ser justos, el baile ha tomado vida propia en línea con muchas personas que lo recrean completamente vestidos -al igual que lo hicieron las chicas- sin embargo, todavía tenía algunos fans en línea preocupados de que podrían haber visto la película.

Sin embargo, la mayoría de los seguidores de Disick en Insta están alabando lo divertido del video y el hecho de que las chicas lo estén pasando tan bien y de paso aplaudiendo a Scott.

Penélope ciertamente parece entusiasmada con su noche de chicas, lejos de sus hermanos Mason, Reign y su nuevo hermanito Rocky que nació hace apenas un par de meses.

TikTok / @kimkardashian

Ahora, la verdadera pregunta, ¿cuándo vamos a tener un video "por supuesto" con la tía Kim?

Scott Disick Daughter Penelope, North West Dance ... Viral 'Saltburn' Trend!!!

Scott Disick's daughter Penelope is hopping on a new viral trend with friends ... though the inspiration for the trend may raise a few eyebrows.

Murder At The Sleepover
Instagram / @letthelordbewithyou

Here's the deal ... SD appeared to host a sleepover at his place for Penelope and some friends Saturday night -- including her cousin, Kim Kardashian's daughter North West. The girls clearly take after their famous family members 'cause they filled their evening filming TikTok vids.

Disick's clip shows the girls filming his 11-year-old dancing down the stairs and through the massive Los Angeles-area estate. They're blaring "Murder on the Dancefloor" while PD twists and turns her way to the kitchen.

If all that sounds familiar to ya ... it's probably 'cause Barry Keoghan's character does the same thing in the movie "Saltburn" -- though he dances buck naked.

If you haven't seen the movie, spoilers ... basically, BK's character Oliver strips down and dances through the massive estate of another character's wealthy family after successfully murdering them for their money -- bottom line, very adult content.

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To be fair, the dance has taken on a life of its own online with many people recreating it fully clothed, just like the girls did ... but it still had some fans online worried they may have seen the flick.

For the most part though ... followers on Disick's IG post are just lauding how fun of a time the girls look like they're having and applauding Scott -- seems like a lot of people think his house looks like a dang good time.

Penelope certainly seems excited about a girls' night in ... away from her brothers Mason, Reign and new baby bro Rocky who was born just a couple months ago.

TikTok / @kimkardashian

Now, the real question ... when are we getting an "Of Course" video like Auntie Kim?!?

Nicki Minaj Y’all Can Hear ‘Bigfoot’ Soon ... Not A ‘Diss’ Though

Nicki Minaj fans are getting a new song Sunday ... and while everyone’s speculated it’s taking shots at Megan Thee Stallion -- NM says she’s not calling it a diss track.

Here’s the deal ... Nicki was up late Saturday night when she announced on X she was dropping her new song “Bigfoot” Sunday afternoon. The song’s already generated tons of buzz with Nicki playing part of it during an Instagram live session Friday night when she seemed to take shots at Meg.

Among the lyrics ... “Bad bitch, she like 6 foot, I call her big foot / The bitch fell off I said get up on your good foot,” -- many speculated she was making fun of Megan since Tory Lanez shot her in the foot back in July 2020.


Nicki added even more fuel to those rumors by posting a pic of Thee Stallion looking concerned with the announcement ... so, it seemed like the whole song was gonna be one big MTS BBQ.

But, Nicki tossed some cold water on that hot rumor ... responding to one article in the comments, "Who tf said “diss track”?????? don’t play tonight. Fix your tweet."


It's easy to see where lots of people got confused ... since Nicki's basically been taking shots ever since Meg put out "Hiss" -- calling Thee Stallion a "disgusting serpent" and cracking a joke about her mom who passed away in 2019.

As we reported ... all of this was in response to what appeared to be a dig at Minaj's husband, Kenneth Petty, when MTS rapped about "Megan's Law" ... a federal law that makes it mandatory for registered sex offenders -- like Kenneth -- to have their info made public.

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The song's coming out at 3 PM PT ... just a couple hours away -- so grab those headphones and popcorn. This feud just keeps growing.

Stay tuned ...

manifestantes francesas vandalizan a la Mona Lisa En el famoso museo del Louvre

el momento del ataque

Unas manifestantes francesas intentaron hacerse notar, arrojándole sopa a la mundialmente famosa obra de arte, afortunadamente estaba protegida por un cristal impenetrable.

Las dos manifestantes fueron grabadas en video el domingo de pie frente al retrato del siglo XVI de Leonardo da Vincin el cual estaba colgado contra una pared en el Louvre de París.

Mientras los entusiastas del arte observaban la obra, las mujeres arrojaron sopa de calabaza sobre el cuadro, bañando el cristal con el líquido bronceado.

La pareja se giró entonces hacia la multitud que se había formado a su alrededor, la cual filmó el incidente con las cámaras de sus teléfonos móviles.

Una de las mujeres se arrancó la chaqueta para revelar su camiseta blanca que mostraba un mensaje en francés, "Riposte Alimentaire", que en inglés se traduce como "Respuesta Alimentaria".

tmz investiga
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Ambas mujeres también empezaron a gritar en francés: "¿Qué es más importante? ¿El arte o el derecho a una alimentación sana y sostenible?". Y añadieron: "Vuestro sistema agrícola está enfermo. Nuestros agricultores se mueren trabajando".

Los guardias de seguridad colocaron rápidamente barreras negras para proteger la Mona Lisa mientras escoltaban a la gente fuera de la zona general.

Funcionarios del museo estaban planeando presentar una queja a pesar de que la pintura no parecía haberse dañado, no se conoce el estado actual de las manifestantes.

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el ataque a van gogh

Después del incidente, un grupo con el nombre, "Riposte Alimentaire," emitió un comunicado, admitiendo el hecho y prometiendo el "inicio de una campaña de resistencia civil, con la clara reivindicación de la seguridad social de una alimentación sostenible".

Mona Lisa Splattered with Pumpkin Soup at the Louvre


Protesters in France tried to make a point with the Mona Lisa, throwing soup at the world-famous work of art — but, thankfully, it was protected by impenetrable glass.

The two female demonstrators were caught on video Sunday standing in front of Leonardo da Vinci’s 16th Century portrait hanging against a wall at The Louvre in Paris.

As art enthusiasts milled about, the women suddenly tossed pumpkin soup at the painting, showering the glass in front of it with the tan liquid.

The pair then turned to the crowd that had formed around them, filming the incident with cell phone cameras.

One of the women ripped off her jacket to reveal her white t-shirt emblazoned with a message in French, “Riposte Alimentaire,” which, in English, translates to "Food Response."

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Both women also started yelling in French, "What is more important? Art or the right to healthy and sustainable food?” They added, “Your agricultural system is sick. Our farmers are dying at work.”

Security guards quickly put up black barriers to shield the Mona Lisa while escorting people out of the general area.

Museum officials were planning on filing a complaint even though the painting did not appear damaged ... the current status of the protesters was not immediately known.

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After the incident, a group by the name, "Riposte Alimentaire," issued a statement, admitting to the ugly deed and promising the "start of a campaign of civil resistance with the clear demand ... of the social security of sustainable food."

No soup for you anymore.

Vogue Ent. Director Shades Megan Thee Stallion ... In Feud with Nicki Minaj


7:19 PM PT -- Sergio's trying to clear up his statements ... saying he loves Nicki and Megan, and the comments he made during Minaj's IG Live were "taken the wrong way." He added he didn't mean to mock anyone, and apologized to those people he may have offended.

Nicki Minaj has a controversial ally in her war against Megan Thee Stallion ... Vogue's entertainment director.

Here's the deal ... Nicki took to Instagram Live Friday, to fire back after Meg seemed to diss NM and her husband Kenneth Petty on her new track "Hiss."


Tons of people were commenting on the vid ... including Sergio Kletnoy -- a user with almost 60k social media followers who's also Vogue's entertainment director.

Among his duties ... booking all celeb interviews and photo shoots for the mag and all its video franchises -- basically, saying he's the main point of contact for getting celebs to work with Vogue which makes his comments about Meg, a shooting victim, pretty dicey.

The ones we've seen ... a series of foot emojis, clearly in reference to MTS' shooting at the hands of Tory Lanez followed by "Not 'fragment foot' lol not even a whole foot?" Nicki called Megan a "bullet fragment foot bitch" during the session.

Another interesting note about these comments ... Nicki was on the cover of Vogue just two months ago -- which seems like it would've been set up by Kletnoy based on his duties -- and the duo have taken a pic together as well.


As we previously reported ... the two rappers have been going back and forth since the release of "Hiss" with Nicki even cracking a joke about Megan's mother who passed away in 2019.

We've reached out to Vogue for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 7:06 PM PT

'Juno' Writer Diablo Cody Oscars Are Cool I Guess ... But Gimme 'Barbie' 💰!!!

Diablo Cody's all about the dollar bills, and she'd give up seemingly anything for enough of them ... including her Oscar!

The writer/producer talked about Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig getting snubbed for Best Actress and Best Director respectively in an interview with People ... and insisted she'd give back her Academy Award for penning "Juno" if she'd get a "Barbie"-level box office return.

DC basically told the mag that of course Margot and Greta got snubbed ... but who cares about that when you just made 10 figures at the box office -- before adding she'd "trade my Oscar for a billion-dollar movie right now, if I could flip a switch!"

Cody said she meant to disrespect to the Academy ... though it kinda felt like saying "no offense" after you've low-key shaded a friend if we're being honest. But, let's be real -- a ton of stars would make that deal for a billion-dollar movie.

Another interesting note ... Diablo took a stance similar to a lot of people online -- mainly that both Robbie and Gerwig got nominated in other categories -- so not a total snub for either star.

To be fair, Cody's a bit of an expert in this field ... 'cause she worked on the "Barbie" project that was meant to star Amy Schumer way back in the day -- though hers never quite got off the ground, saying it's a hard IP to make believable.

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Still, lots of fans are outraged at MR and GG getting left out of their biggest categories ... with some calling the voting sexist and even celeb fans like Hillary Clinton weighing in.

Welp, it seems there's only one way to settle this ... vote below!

I Would Rather Have ...

Annemarie Wiley 'RHOBH' Star Blasts 'Racist' Drawing ... Says Cyberbullies Target Her

Annemarie Wiley's speaking out about the cyberbullying she says she's had to deal with recently ... and it was sparked by a controversial drawing.

The 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' star shared the pic Saturday ... a caricature of herself with huge muscles and a bottle of propofol -- used as general anesthesia -- hanging from the neck. AW's a "Nurse Anesthetist" according to her profile, explaining the propofol.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In her caption, Wiley blasted the photo ... telling her more than 34k followers that she'd had to deal with a ton of racism and cyberbullying recently -- pointing to the pic as a major example of that.

She started by saying she was a collegiate athlete who still worked out every day... adding she's proud to show young women you don't have to be a size 0 to be beautiful and love yourself.

Wiley added, "Drawing a black woman as a gorilla is disgusting and completely unacceptable!" before mentioning the historical context of Black women being "villanized" and called "animalistic."

She added she's dealt with microaggressions and name-calling through the years ... but said the picture's a totally new level of "hatred," and she called out the artist who made it by account name.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

FWIW ... the artist's intent is difficult to judge here. The account "drunkdrawn" has posted a ton of these kinda pics through the years and uses a very specific style to portray these individuals -- some that share a ton of similarities to the Wiley snap, like this one of 'RHOSLC' star Meredith Marks.

In any case, Wiley was clearly hurt and offended by the picture and "drunkdrawn" seems to realize it stepped over a line ... 'cause it appears the post has been deleted.

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We've reached out to Annemarie ... so far no word back.

Nicki Minaj Bromea sobre la madre ya fallecida de Megan Thee Stallion...

Eso es asqueroso!!!

Nicki Minaj no está bromeando con su bronca hacia Megan Thee Stallion, lanzando una broma sobre la madre de Megan que falleció hace unos años.

Esta es la cuestión, la rapera de 41 años, utilizó la plataforma de streaming Stationhead el viernes para lanzar unos dardos más en contra de Meg, la guinda de la torta de un día lleno de ida y vueltas entre las dos iconos del rap.

Despreciando "hiss"

El despotrique comenzó bastante estándar, diciendo que abandonó a DaBaby y Tory Lanez en su propio interés e incluyó a su madre en esa categoría también.

Minaj luego amplió, añadiendo: "Será mejor que vayas a conjurar a tu madre y pedir disculpas. Eso es asqueroso".

La elección de las palabras es importante aquí, porque la mamá de Megan Thee Stallion falleció de cáncer cerebral en marzo de 2019, y Megan ha hablado un montón sobre cómo su madre la influenció.

Si volvemos al 2021, cuando aceptó el premio Glamour Woman of the Year con lágrimas en los ojos, dijo: "Quiero agradecer a mi mamá porque ella me enseñó a ser la mujer que soy", así que, este insulto de Nicki estaba destinado a pegarle a Megan más profundamente.

En cuanto a por qué lo dijo, Nicki pareció responder a esa pregunta en cierta medida, recordándole a los fans de Megan que su familia es constantemente un "foco" de la crítica, y ella está claramente harta de eso.

Como informamos, este round estalló cuando Megan, al parecer, hizo referencia al marido de Nicki, Kenneth Petty, en su nueva canción "Hiss", al mencionar la "Ley de Megan" que muchos interpretaron como una crítica a los problemas legales de Petty.

Nicki respondió sacando un rap que consiguió que "#Bigfoot" fuera tendencia en las redes, pero claramente quería hacer más que eso. Por cierto, los fans están un poco divididos sobre el comentario de Nicki sobre la madre de Meg. Aunque muchos parecen sentir que fue demasiado lejos.

En pocas palabras, esta bronca está empezando a ser muy fea y la pelota está en el campo de Megan.

Estén atentos ...

Nicki Minaj Cracks Joke About MTS’ Dead Mom ... Don’t Come After My Fam!!!


Nicki Minaj’s not messing around in her beef with Megan Thee Stallion ... cracking a joke about MTS’ mother who passed away a few years ago.

Here's the deal ... the 41-year-old hopped on the streaming platform Stationhead Friday to take a few more shots at MTS -- the culmination of a day full of back-and-forth between the two rap icons.


The rant started off pretty standard -- saying Megan threw people under the bus like DaBaby and Tory Lanez ... and she included Thee Stallion's mother in that category as well.

Minaj then expanded, adding, "You better go conjure up your mother and apologize. That's disgusting."

The choice of words is important here ... cause MTS' mom passed away from brain cancer back in March 2019, and Megan's talked a ton about how her mother influenced her.

Back in 2021 -- while accepting the Glamour Woman of the Year award with tears streaming down her face -- she said, "I want to thank my mom because she taught me how to be the woman that I am" ... so, this Nicki diss was meant to cut Megan deep.

As for why she said it, Nicki seemed to answer that question to some extent ... reminding Megan fans that her family's constantly a "focal point" of criticism -- and she's clearly getting sick of it.

As we reported ... this round of beef popped off when Megan seemed to reference Nicki's husband, Kenneth Petty, in her new track "Hiss" -- making a "Megan's Law" reference that many interpreted as shade toward Petty's legal trouble.

Nicki responded by putting out a rap that got "#Bigfoot" trending ... but clearly wanted to make more of a statement than that. BTW, fans are kinda split on Nickin's comment about Meg's mom -- though a lot seem to feel she went too far.

Bottom line ... this beef's starting to get real nasty -- and the ball's in Megan's court.

Stay tuned ...

Richard Marx Se molesta con una fan... ¡¡¡Señora aprenda a tener modales!!!

¿Quién te crió?

Aquí vemos a Richard Marx despotricando contra una mujer en la audiencia que gritó cuando estaba tocando una canción, y él no se pudo aguantar y fue tras sus padres.

El cantante, que es conocido en Hollywood por ser un tipo bastante agradable, estaba interpretando su éxito "Angelia" cuando alguien en la multitud comenzó a hablar por encima de la música.

En el video obtenido por TMZ, se escucha a la mujer hablando lo suficientemente fuerte como para ser escuchada por encima de la voz y la guitarra de Rick. Tanto, que otras personas del público intentaron hacerla callar.

Rick parece imperturbable y termina su canción, pero luego aborda el asunto.

Es bastante épico, y dice: "Tengo una genuina curiosidad por saber quién te educó para pensar que cualquier cosa que pudieras gritar es más importante que lo que estábamos haciendo".

Entonces Rick dejó caer el martillo: "¡¡¡Aprenda a tener algunos jodidos modales, señora!!!".

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Rick está de gira con Rick Springfield y estaban actuando en Port Chester, Nueva York cuando se produjo el abucheo, y Springfield estaba del lado de Marx.

TMZ investiga
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Suena como que Rick Springfield ya ha lidiado con su cuota de gritones en los últimos años, y dio esta hilarante advertencia: "Voy a ir a tu trabajo y voy a orinar sobre tu escritorio".

Bravo.  👏🏽

Richard Marx Goes Off On Noisy Fan ... 'Learn Some F***ing Manners, Lady!!!'

who raised you???

Here's Richard Marx tearing into a woman in the audience who screamed out when he was performing a song ... he's not cutting her any slack, and going after her parents.

The singer, who is known around Hollywood as a pretty nice guy, was in the middle of performing his hit "Angelia" when someone in the crowd started talking over the music.

In the video, obtained by TMZ, you hear the woman talking loudly enough to be heard over Rick's vocals and guitar ... and other folks in the audience try to hush her up.

Rick seems unfazed and finishes his song ... then addresses the elephant in the room.

It's pretty epic, Rick says ... "I'm genuinely curious who raised you to think that anything you could yell out was more important than what we were doing."

Then Rick drops the hammer ... "Learn some f***ing manners, lady!!!"

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Rick's on tour with Rick Springfield and they were performing in Port Chester, NY when the heckling went down ... and Springfield had Marx's back.

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Sounds like RS has dealt with his fair share of hecklers over the years ... and he offers up this hilarious warning ... "I'm going to come to your work and I'm going to pee on your desk!!!"

Bravo.  👏🏽



Convicted killer Kenneth Eugene Smith violently convulsed during his nitrogen gas execution for 4 painfully long minutes, and the founder of a leading euthanasia group says he knew it wouldn't go smoothly when he previewed the prison set-up.

Dr. Philip Nitschke, founder of pro-euthanasia group "Exit International", spoke to "TMZ Live" Friday about the first-ever nitrogen gas execution ... saying he was concerned to see a gas mask set-up for Smith's Thursday night execution at the William C. Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, Alabama.

He tells us he's long helped people wanting to end their lives with nitrogen in a quick, peaceful, and reliable way -- but ditched face masks 15 years earlier, because he found them to be unreliable and dangerous.

In layman's terms ... he says if the mask loses its seal on someone's face it alters the amount of air flowing in and slows the process, potentially leading to muscle convulsions.

Also, he tells us there was the obvious factor of Smith fighting his own death, which made his execution particularly excruciating.

Nitschke says when people choose to die on their own terms via nitrogen gas, they're encouraged to take long, deep breaths to make it quick -- but Smith, who he met in the prison during his visit -- made it clear he didn't want to die, took short shallow breaths, which added to his suffering.

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Nitschke says he warned prison officials they were going about his execution the wrong way, but, clearly, that fell on deaf ears.


Smith became the first-ever inmate to be put to death utilizing nitrogen hypoxia ... basically, suffocating him.

Tormenting scenes played out across the board ... his wife Deanna cried in horror as her husband took his last breaths, prison officials gasped out loud in shock and Smith's Pastor Jeff Hood said it was the worst thing he's ever witnessed in his life.

Ben Shapiro I'm a Rapper Now!!! ... Internet Totally Cringes

Ben Shapiro is diving headfirst into the rap game -- he's got a new single and an accompanying music video, and it's doing numbers ... this despite some poor reactions.

The famous conservative talk show host and editor of The Daily Wire -- who's known for his skill on a mic, but not in the MC capacity -- was featured on wrestler-turned-rapper Tom MacDonald's new single ... supplying the guest verse with bars!

Their track together is called "Facts" ... and Ben's 16 takes aim at actual rappers in the game, like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion ... among others. He's wearing a hoodie in this thing as he raps about making money off compound interest, all while his haters live with their parents. Yeah, it's classic Shapiro ... dude loves to flex his intellect.

Anyway, the song's pretty polarizing ... and not just because of the lyrical content, which references culture wars and defunding the police. In terms of listen-ability, it's ... jarring.

As you can imagine -- Ben himself is controversial, and has a ton of haters too ... so, it's no surprise the track's generating a ton of bad reviews on social media right now, with lotsa folks calling it cringe, uncool, goofy and a contender for the worst verse of all time.

In his rap, Ben calls on his supporters to download and stream the song ... and that looks like what's going on, because it's doing pretty well on the music charts. So ... a win?

'Facts' is currently No. 2 on iTunes, between Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake ... and Ben's doing an early victory lap on social media ... taking more shots at Nicki along the way.

TMZ Studios

Ben's thanking his parents for paying for 15 years of classical violin records and he says he and Tom have "officially made hip-hop great again, as was always my lifelong dream."