Ben Shapiro ¡¡¡Ahora soy un rapero!!! ... Internet lo repudia totalmente

Ben Shapiro se está metiendo de cabeza en el rap, con un nuevo single y un video musical que lo acompaña, pero no está recibiendo muy buenas reacciones.

El famoso presentador conservador y editor de The Daily Wire, conocido por su habilidad con el micrófono, apareció en el nuevo single del luchador convertido en rapero Tom MacDonald, cantando unos versos como invitado en la canción.

Su tema juntos se llama "Facts", en donde Ben apunta a raperos reales como Nicki Minaj, Cardi B y Megan Thee Stallion, entre otros. En el video, lleva una sudadera con capucha mientras rapea sobre hacer dinero con el interés compuesto, mientras sus haters viven con sus padres. Sí, es clásico de Shapiro, al tipo le encanta alardear sobre su intelecto.

De todos modos, la canción es bastante polarizante y no solo por el contenido lírico, sino que también porque hace referencia a las guerras culturales y la desfinanciación de la policía. En términos de capacidad de escucha, es ... discordante.

Como se pueden imaginar, el propio Ben es controvertido y tiene una tonelada de haters, por lo tanto, no es extraño que la pista esté generando un montón de malas críticas en las redes sociales en este momento, con mucha gente llamándolo cringe, uncool, tonto y un contendiente para el peor verso de todos los tiempos.

En su rap, Ben hace un llamado a sus seguidores para que descarguen y escuchen la canción y parece que eso es lo que está pasando, porque está funcionando bastante bien en las listas musicales. Así que, ¿una victoria?

"Facts" es actualmente número 2 en iTunes, entre Britney Spears y Justin Timberlake y Ben está cantando victoria en las redes sociales, lanzando más dardos a Nicki en el camino.

Ben está agradeciendo a sus padres por haber recibido 15 años de discos de violín clásico y dice que él y Tom han "hecho oficialmente el hip-hop grande de nuevo (great again), como fue su sueño de toda la vida".

Alyssa Milano Dragged for Trying to Raise $$$ ... For Son's Baseball Trip


12:34 PM PT -- Alyssa Milano took to Twitter/X to address the backlash over the GoFundMe she set up to help fund her son's baseball team saying ... “I’m getting media inquiries about whether I have financially contributed to my son’s baseball team."

Alyssa continued, "I’ve paid for uniforms for the entire team and coaches, thrown bday parties and sponsor any kid who can’t afford monthly dues. The kids also do fundraising themselves—car washes, movie nights, and many other fun things!"

"Thank you to all who have contributed to the gofundme! You’ve made things easier for these boys and their families.”

Alyssa Milano asked her many followers/fans to chip in for her son's youth baseball trip -- and because she's perceived as incredibly wealthy ... she's getting dragged through the coals.

The actress posted a link to a GoFundMe account that she and her husband, David Bugliari, started on behalf of their kid's 12U squad ... which she calls a travel fund that'll help the boys get to Cooperstown for a big baseball tournament, plus other expenses.

She wrote, "My son’s baseball team is raising money for their Cooperstown trip. Any amount would be so greatly appreciated. You can read more about the team and make a donation here" ... after which, she linked to the GFM page, which has a goal of raising $10,000.

The cash, the page says, will go toward travel costs, uniforms and family dues for players -- and it benefits the whole team, of course ... not just Alyssa's son. Still, the internet's pissed.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

You can hop into the "Alyssa Milano" trend this AM to get a sense of what the hell everyone's so angry about because of this -- but it's pretty straight-forward ... people are complaining that AM is a huge star, who's presumably loaded and who can afford this with the snap of her finger. So ... why is she going around soliciting donations like a normie???

As you can imagine, the jokes are flying at Alyssa's expense -- but a lot of folks are genuinely outraged that she'd try to fundraise considering her position. Even more interesting is the fact that in the list of visible donors, none appear to feature her name.

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She hasn't addressed all the hand-wringing just yet -- but TBH, this feels like a case of people making assumptions about her on a number of fronts ... and we'll just leave it at that.


Originally Published -- 5:43 AM PT

Dr. Terry Dubrow Jillian Knows Fitness ... But Ozempic Take Not Medically Valid


Jillian Michaels and Dr. Terry Dubrow have been trading shots over Ozempic lately -- and the good doc is the latest to fire back ... telling us she should stay in her lane cause she has no proper medical credentials.

We got the "Botched" star outside Craig's Thursday ... and he doubles down on his initial claims against her ... practically shouting from the rooftops this time that her career as a personal trainer doesn't permit her to dish out medical advice.

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Despite publicly discrediting her PT career yet again, he appears to extend an olive branch ... saying she's actually great at her job -- but it's a back-handed compliment ... 'cause he says she still doesn't have medical validation to influence others against weight loss drugs.

Now, Terry does offer her a solution if she feels an absolute need to continue doing so -- Take her MCAT and go to med school. Savage!

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He also says the article Jillian cited in which he appeared to agree with her anti-Ozempic stance was taken out of context and doesn't hold up her argument -- explaining he was only being interviewed about the dangers of Ozempic ... hence why he was discussing it's side effects.


That's not all ... TD also ain't here for Jillian's claims she's the utmost authority on weight loss ... suggesting if that was the case, then she'd already be aware that diet and exercise alone doesn't cut it when tackling the obesity problem.

He says bottom line, any medication can be dangerous, but drugs like Ozempic are saving lives -- so Jillian needs to mind her own business and leave the advice to those with qualifications.

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For good measure, the doc's wife, Heather Dubrow, jumps in ... saying she's known him for 30 years and he never changes his mind on anything -- an apparent shot at JM to back down and accept defeat.

Though, Jillian's known for being outspoken ... and it's probably a matter of time before she retaliates ... so looks like Ozempic battle between the two will rage on for a while.

Alabama Nitrogen Execution Kenneth Eugene Smith Suffers Pain And Misery ... As Horrified Family Watches

Convicted killer Kenneth Eugene Smith was executed Thursday by the state of Alabama using a new deadly procedure, as his wife and pastor looked on in absolute horror at his excruciatingly painful reaction.

Smith was ushered inside the execution chamber at the William C. Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, where prison staff put him in restraints and fitted a gas mask over his face to suffocate him with nitrogen hypoxia. He became the first ever inmate to be put to death utilizing this method.

Before the execution began at 8:07 PM CST, Smith made a heart sign with his left hand to his family who was present before saying his final words through his mask: "Tonight Alabama causes humanity to take a step backwards... I’m leaving with love, peace, and light."


The next 18 minutes turned into a nightmare for Smith and his two closest confidantes -- namely his wife, Deanna, and his spiritual guide, Jeff Hood, both of whom were in the witness box.

Hood later told the Daily Mail ... the execution was the "worst thing" he had ever seen, even causing prison officials to gasp while Smith died much slower than anticipated.

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The pastor also said Smith started convulsing with his body popping up on the gurney after correctional officers pumped his mask full of nitrogen hypoxia, forcing him to inhale high concentrations of the gas.

At one point, Deanna cried out for her dying husband as he grabbed at his restraints, taking his last breaths before he suffocated. Smith was sentenced to death in 1996 for killing a preacher's wife, Elizabeth Sennett, as part of a $1,000 murder-for-hire plot.

He was pronounced dead at 8:25 PM CST.

Smith was 58.

Ejecución en Alabama Kenneth Eugene Smith sufre dolor y miseria... Mientras su familia observa

El asesino convicto Kenneth Eugene Smith fue ejecutado el jueves por el estado de Alabama utilizando un nuevo procedimiento mortal. Todo esto, mientras su esposa y su pastor miraban con horror absoluto su reacción al insoportable dolor.

Smith fue introducido en la cámara de ejecución del centro penitenciario William C. Holman de Atmore, donde el personal penitenciario lo inmovilizó y le colocó una máscara de gas en la cara para asfixiarlo con hipoxia de nitrógeno. Se convirtió así en el primer recluso condenado a muerte por este método.

Antes de que comenzara la ejecución a las 8:07 PM CST, Smith hizo una señal de corazón con su mano izquierda a su familia que estaba presente antes de decir sus últimas palabras a través de su máscara: "Esta noche Alabama hace que la humanidad dé un paso atrás... Me voy con amor, paz y luz".

Los 18 minutos siguientes se convirtieron en una pesadilla para Smith y sus dos confidentes más cercanos: su esposa Deanna y su guía espiritual Jeff Hood, quienes estaban presentes.

Hood dijo más tarde al Daily Mail que la ejecución fue lo "peor'" que había visto nunca, e incluso causó el impacto de algunos funcionarios de la prisión mientras Smith fallecía, mucho más lento de lo previsto.

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El pastor también dijo que Smith comenzó a convulsionar en la camilla después de que los funcionarios le pusieron la máscara de hipoxia de nitrógeno y lo obligaron a inhalar altas concentraciones del gas.

En un momento dado, Deanna gritó por su marido mientras este se agarraba a sus ataduras, dando sus últimas bocanadas de aire antes de asfixiarse. Smith fue condenado a muerte en 1996 por matar a la esposa de un predicador, Elizabeth Bennett, como parte de un complot de asesinato por encargo valorado en 1.000 dólares

Fue declarado muerto a las 8:25 PM CST.

Smith tenía 58 años.

La Jolla, California Una embarcación de migrantes arriba en la playa... Los ocupantes se dispersan

Tocando tierra

Un barco aparentemente lleno de migrantes arribó en la costa de una playa al sur de California esta semana, y cuando tocó tierra, la gente en el interior se dirigió a las colinas.

Estas salvajes imágenes han estado circulando en línea durante las últimas 24 horas, y parecen mostrar lo que los testigos aseguran que era un barco decidido a aterrizar en La Jolla, California, a plena luz del día, nada menos.

Se supone que las personas en el interior son inmigrantes indocumentados, lo que hace que lo que pasa a continuación sea aún más impactante. Una vez que llegaron, estas personas saltaron y se dispersaron muy rápidamente.

Como se puede ver, varios ocupantes de la embarcación vienen corriendo desde la playa hacia la carretera, con un montón de transeúntes observándolos, y luego se empiezan a dispersar por el barrio costero cercano. Incluso había niños en la mezcla.

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Los espectadores estaban en estado de shock mientras tomaban estos videos. Parece que hubo incluso algunas personas de primeros auxilios que vieron lo que pasaba. Se pueden oír sirenas de algún tipo de vehículo, presumiblemente de un salvavidas.

Como señala el camarógrafo, estos no parecen demasiado ansiosos por detenerlos, aunque no está claro si lo hicieron. Tampoco se sabe si esta gente fue finalmente abordada o aprehendida. Por supuesto, vale la pena señalar que La Jolla se encuentra en el condado de San Diego, un santuario natural en los Estados Unidos, donde los migrantes pueden técnicamente venir y buscar refugio o asilo.

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Llegando a la costa
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Vimos algo muy similar en las costas de Malibú no hace mucho tiempo atrás, así que, a primera vista, parece que esto es algo habitual en la costa oeste.

También es emblemático del debate fronterizo en curso, por no hablar de lo que está pasando en Texas, donde el conflicto está llegando a un punto de ebullición.

Es un tema que sigue y sigue filtrándose en el debate público, con los migrantes, literalmente, aterrizando en la puerta de la gente más y más. Podemos imaginar que algo tiene que pasar.

La Jolla, CA Migrant Boat Pulls Up Onto Beach ... Several Occupants Scatter

land ho !!!

A boat apparently full of migrants washed ashore this week in a Southern California beach town -- and when it touched down on land ... the people inside went heading for the hills.

This wild footage has been circulating online for the past 24 hours, and it seems to show what eyewitnesses claim was a panga boat that was dead set on landing in La Jolla, CA -- which it eventually did, in the middle of the day no less.

The people inside are purported to be undocumented migrants ... which is what makes what happens next all the more shocking -- these folks hopped out and scattered very quickly.

As you can see, several occupants from the boat come running up the beach onto the road above -- with a bunch of bystanders watching them in plain view, mind you -- and they start making their way into the nearby seaside neighborhood ... there were even kids in the mix.

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As onlookers took it all in with shock ... it seems there were even some first responders who saw it happen too. You can hear sirens from some sort of vehicle, presumably a lifeguard.

As the cameraman notes ... they don't seem too eager to stop 'em, although it's unclear if they did. It's also unknown if these folks were eventually approached/apprehended. Of course, it's worth pointing out that La Jolla is in San Diego County ... a place of sanctuary here in the States, and where migrants can technically come and seek refuge/asylum.

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We saw something very similar take place off the shores of Malibu not too long ago --- so, on its face, it would appear this is somewhat of a regular occurrence on the West Coast.

It's also emblematic of the ongoing border debate in this country -- don't even get us started on what's going down in Texas, where a raging conflict is reaching its boiling point.

It's an issue that only seems to continue seeping into the public's purview ... with migrants quite literally landing on people's doorstep more and more. Ya figure, something's gotta give.

Ginnifer Goodwin New Snow White Might Not Need Prince Charming ... But This One Married Hers!


Ginnifer Goodwin is all about a good Prince Charming ... and she trusts Disney to make the right call when it comes to his role, or lack thereof, in the live-action "Snow White."

We got Ginnifer at Porta Via in Los Angeles on Thursday and our photog asked her how Prince Charming fits into the Snow White fairytale.

Ginnifer famously played Snow White in the ABC fantasy series "Once Upon a Time" ... and she says Prince Charming was pretty important to her.

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Of course, Ginnifer's talking about her husband, Josh Dallas ... she says Josh was her Prince Charming in real life ... they got married and plan to live happily ever after.

The 'Snow White' live-action remake might do away with the love story altogether ... which is causing a bunch of uproar, on top of the controversy surrounding the original Seven Dwarfs.

Personal experience aside, Ginnifer's leaving it up to Disney to decide what's best for this movie ... she says the studio's track record speaks for itself.

It will be interesting to see what Disney ultimately decides ... but Ginnifer says she can't wait to see the final version, Prince Charming or not.

Hasan Minhaj Reportedly Lost 'Daily Show' Gig ... After Fabricating Stories

Hasan Minhaj almost ended "The Daily Show" producers' search for a permanent host months ago ... only for his embellishing scandal to blow the deal -- according to reports.

Here's the deal ... The Hollywood Reporter gave fans of 'TDS' an inside look at how Jon Stewart's return to Comedy Central's flagship satirical news show came to fruition -- and Minhaj got name-dropped in the piece.

Basically, THR says the deal was right at the finish line, just needing to cross the t's and dot the i's over the summer to bring HM on as Trevor Noah's replacement ... until the New Yorker published their exposé on Hasan embellishing stories in his stand-up special.

Remember, the magazine alleged Hasan hammed up stories for the shock value ... including one about taking his daughter to the hospital because of an anthrax scare and another where he said he was turned down by a girl he asked out because of his race -- something the woman in question flat-out denied BTW.

Minhaj -- who appeared as a guest host in the year-plus since Noah went off the air -- has defended himself, denying some of the New Yorker's assertions ... but THR says the scandal was "suddenly seen as a liability" so higher-ups backed off hiring him.

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The backlash to Hasan's scandal was swift ... with some comedians frustrated over Minhaj saying they all embellish with their stand-ups. Bill Maher straight-up called the guy a liar on an episode of his show back in October.

As we previously reported ... producers recently announced a tried and true part-time option -- bringing back Jon Stewart to host the show on Mondays through election season and executive produce the show through at least 2025. Hosting duties from Tuesday to Thursday will be handled by correspondents on a rotating basis.

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Definitely a bummer for Hasan ... but hey, Roy Wood Jr. will probably be happy to know the the big-wigs have been looking!

Vince McMahon es demandado por una ex empleada de la WWE Por tráfico sexual

Una ex empleada de la WWE está demandando a Vince McMahon, alegando que en repetidas ocasiones la asaltó sexualmente, la traficó sexualmente y luego le pagó para que guardara silencio.

Las inquietantes acusaciones fueron hechas por Janel Grant en una demanda presentada el jueves en un tribunal federal de Connecticut.

En la demanda, Grant dice que conoció a McMahon en 2019 en un momento en que estaba tocando fondo. Ella dice que sus padres acababan de morir y ella estaba luchando por encontrar trabajo.

Sin embargo, dice que después de ser presentada a McMahon a través de un amigo en común, él prometió conseguirle un trabajo en la WWE.

Según la demanda, mientras McMahon le estaba encontrando trabajo en su empresa, poco a poco comenzó a utilizar sus "promesas" para obligarla a actos sexuales.

Grant dice que justo después de que le dijeran que tenía un trabajo de "administradora-coordinadora legal" con un salario de 75.000 dólares dentro de la organización de lucha libre de McMahon, él la "atrapó". Ella alega que "temía una carrera adversa y consecuencias personales y represalias legales si declinaba sus avances sexuales" y comenzó a participar en lo que ella llamó actividad sexual no consentida con él.

Grant dijo en la demanda que el trabajo que le habían dado requería poco trabajo. De hecho, según la demanda, se le asignó un papel adicional en la XFL de McMahon para ayudar a llenar su tiempo.

Grant, sin embargo, afirma en su demandado —McMahon— de repente dejó de referirse a ella como una amiga y "en gran medida dejó de hablar con ella, limitándose al sexting y hablar de fantasías." Ella alega que la obligó a enviarle fotos explícitas, algunas de las cuales ella dice que él compartiría con otros miembros de la WWE. Poco tiempo después, ella dice que él reclutó a otros hombres y comenzó a traficarla sexualmente.

También dice que en mayo de 2020, McMahon organizó un trío con ella y su fisioterapeuta, diciéndole que "perdería una amistad si no seguía adelante". Ella afirma en la demanda que durante el encuentro, él defecó en su cabeza, pero la obligó a continuar realizando actos sexuales con los dos mientras estaba cubierta de heces. Alega que los días siguientes, él le envió un mensaje de texto: "Soy tu único dueño y controlo a quién quiero follarme".

Varios meses después, afirma que McMahon reclutó a John Laurinaitis —una ex superestrella de la WWE que era en ese momento un ejecutivo de alto rango en la empresa— "para unirse a ellos".

Grant afirma que McMahon la presionó para que le enviara fotos explícitas a Laurinaitis. En diciembre de 2020, ella dice que McMahon arregló para que ella también tuviera un trío con Laurinaitis.

Ella dice que los meses posteriores fue trasladada al departamento de relaciones de talentos de la WWE, donde le informaron a Laurinaitis. Una vez que se produjo ese traslado, declaró en su demanda que tanto McMahon como Laurinaitis esperaban "que se comprometiera sexualmente con Laurinaitis, tanto físicamente como con contenido explícito".

En su demanda, Grant afirma que le ordenaron "servirse a sí misma como desayuno para Laurinaitis", en un hotel cercano antes del comienzo de su jornada laboral. Ella también afirma que McMahon le envió mensajes de texto, "Los días en que él esté en la ciudad, quiero que te lo folles cada mañana y más tarde en su oficina también".

Ella dice que los acuerdos la dejaron "miserable y enfurecida", pero "en sus años de experiencia con McMahon, sabía que sus peticiones de parar serían ignoradas en el mejor de los casos o utilizadas para destruir su carrera y reputación en el peor."

Grant declaró en su demanda que en junio de 2021, McMahon y Laurinaitis la violaron en la oficina de Laurinaitis. Ella dice que al comienzo del encuentro, les dijo "No, no, no" y "Por favor, detente", pero afirma que McMahon le dijo: "Tómalo, perra".

Grant dice que una semana más tarde, McMahon la forzó de nuevo sobre una mesa de masaje en la sede de la WWE ... antes de darle 15.000 dólares en tarjetas de regalo de Bloomingdales.

Grant también alegó en su demanda que McMahon la utilizó para ayudarle a fichar a una superestrella de la WWE. La demanda describe el talento como "un atleta de fama mundial y ex campeón de peso pesado de la UFC". El Wall Street Journal informó el jueves que se trataba de Brock Lesnar.

En la demanda, Grant afirma que McMahon le ordenó crear "contenido sexual personalizado" para la superestrella de la WWE. También afirma que él anunció "un encuentro sexual con ella" al luchador mientras intentaba negociar un nuevo contrato.

En última instancia, Grant afirma en su demanda que McMahon se distanció de ella en enero de 2022, alegando que su esposa, Linda McMahon, se había enterado de su relación. Grant dice que todo llevó a McMahon a pedirle que firmara un acuerdo de no divulgación.

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En la demanda, Grant dice que aceptó que le pagaran $3 millones para firmar el NDA, pero afirma que después de recibir $1 millón, McMahon no hizo más pagos.

Grant dice que ha quedado traumatizada por todo el calvario y ahora está buscando daños y perjuicios no especificados, así como para que un juez invalide su NDA.

Mientras tanto, McMahon, la WWE y Laurinaitis aún no han hecho comentarios sobre la demanda.

Vince McMahon Sued Ex-WWE Employee Claims He Sex Trafficked Her


2:22 PM PT -- TKO released a statement on the matter ... saying, "Mr. McMahon does not control TKO nor does he oversee the day-to-day operations of WWE."

"While this matter predates our TKO executive team’s tenure at the company, we take Ms. Grant’s horrific allegations very seriously and are addressing this matter internally."

A former WWE employee is suing Vince McMahon ... claiming he repeatedly sexually assaulted her, sex trafficked her -- and then paid her off to stay quiet about it all.

The disturbing allegations were made by Janel Grant in a lawsuit filed on Thursday in a federal court in Connecticut.

In the suit, Grant says she met McMahon back in 2019 ... at a time when she was at rock bottom. She says her parents had just died ... and she was struggling to find work.

However, she says after being introduced to McMahon through a mutual friend, he promised to get her a gig in the WWE.

But, according to the suit, as McMahon was finding her an entry-level role in his company ... he slowly began to use his "life-changing promises" to coerce her into sexual acts.

Grant says just after she was told she had a "legal administrator-coordinator" job with a salary of $75,000 inside McMahon's wrestling org. ... he "trapped her in an impossible situation." She alleges she "feared adverse career and personal consequences and legal retaliation if she declined his advances" -- and began to engage in what she called nonconsensual sexual activity with him.

Grant said in the suit the job she had been given required little work. In fact, according to the lawsuit, she was assigned an additional role in McMahon's XFL to help fill her time.

Grant, though, claims in her suit McMahon suddenly stopped referring to her as a friend ... and "largely stopped talking to [her] outside of sexting and fantasy talk." She alleges he forced her to send him explicit pictures, some of which she says he would share with others in the WWE. A short time later, she says he recruited other men and began sex trafficking her.

She says in May 2020, McMahon organized a threesome with her and her physical therapist ... telling her "he would lose a friendship if she did not go through with it." She claims in the suit that during the encounter, he defecated on her head but made her continue to perform sex acts with the two while she was covered in feces. She alleges in the days following, he texted her "i'm the only one who owns U and controls who I want to f*** U."

Several months later, the suit states, McMahon recruited John Laurinaitis -- a former WWE superstar who was at the time a high-ranking exec in the company -- "to join them."

Grant claims McMahon pressed her to send explicit pictures to Laurinaitis. In December 2020, she says McMahon arranged for her to have a threesome with Laurinaitis as well.

She says in the months afterward, she was moved to the WWE's talent relations department, where she reported to Laurinaitis. Once that move happened, she stated in her suit that there was an expectation from both McMahon and Laurinaitis "that she engage with Laurinaitis sexually, both physically and with explicit content."

In her suit, Grant says she was directed to "serve herself to [Laurinaitis] as 'breakfast'" at a nearby hotel before the start of their work day. She also claims McMahon texted her, "On days when he's in town, I want him to f*** U every morning and later In the office too."

She says the arrangements left her "miserable and enraged," but "in her years of experience with McMahon, she knew her requests to stop would be ignored at best or used to destroy her career and reputation at worst."

Grant stated in her suit that in June 2021, McMahon and Laurinaitis raped her in Laurinaitis' office. She says at the outset of the encounter, she told them "No, no, no" and "Please stop," but claims McMahon told her, "Take it, bitch."

Grant says a week later, McMahon forced himself on her again over a massage table at WWE's headquarters ... before giving her $15,000 in Bloomingdale's gift cards.

Grant also alleged in her suit that McMahon used her to help him sign a WWE Superstar. The suit describes the talent as "a world-famous athlete and former UFC Heavyweight Champion." The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday this was Brock Lesnar.

In the suit, Grant claims McMahon ordered her to create "personalized sexual content" for the WWE Superstar. She also says he advertised "a sexual encounter with her" to the wrestler while trying to negotiate a new booking contract.

Ultimately, Grant claims in her suit McMahon distanced himself from her in January 2022 ... claiming his wife, Linda McMahon, had found out about their relationship. Grant says it all led to McMahon's request that she sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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In the lawsuit, Grant says she agreed to be paid $3 million to sign the NDA ... but she claims that after receiving $1 million, McMahon didn't make further payments.

Grant says she's been traumatized from the whole ordeal and is now seeking unspecified damages ... as well as for a judge to invalidate her NDA.

Meanwhile, McMahon, the WWE and Laurinaitis have not yet publicly commented on the suit.

Anthony Ramos Es elegido para interpretar a "Bob El Constructor" latino... ¡Les presento a Roberto!

Anthony Ramos ha sido fichado para interpretar una versión con actores de "Bob el Constructor", pero la jugada está levantando críticas porque su personaje, al parecer, va a ser explícitamente latino.

La cosa es así, Anthony Ramos fue anunciado como el protagonista de la nueva película de juguetes de Mattel, para interpretar al propio Bob. Aunque en el comunicado de prensa que está circulando se dice que el nombre real de su personaje es en realidad "Roberto".

La descripción oficial de la trama dice: "Cuando Roberto 'Bob' viaja a la encantadora isla de Puerto Rico para un importante trabajo de construcción, se enfrenta a cuestiones que afectan a la isla y profundiza en lo que significa construir. El viaje de Bob celebrará las vibrantes y coloridas texturas de las naciones latinas del Caribe y su gente".

La otra gran noticia de esto es el hecho de que la compañía cinematográfica de Jennifer Lopez, Nuyorican Productions, está ayudando a hacer este proyecto, por supuesto, ella misma también es latina.

Así que la pregunta es, ¿por qué de repente hacemos que "Bob el constructor" sea hispano?

Sin duda, eso es lo que muchas personas se están preguntando en Internet en este momento, por no hablar de un montón de memes y chistes sobre este giro sorpresa en el programa de dibujos animados que ha existido durante años. Lo más importante es que Bob siempre ha sido percibido como un personaje blanco.

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Ahora, sin embargo, parece que J Lo y compañía quieren reimaginarlo por alguna razón y digamos que hay reacciones mixtas frente a la decisión. Algunos están a favor, argumentando que no debería importar la raza o etnia de Bob, pero otros están llorando y afirmando que esto es "woke" casting.

Lo que es peor aún, algunos incluso están sugiriendo que hacer Bob Latino podría ser un poco racista, jugando con los estereotipos y convirtiendo a un personaje que nadie pidió.

Curiosamente, hay incluso un puñado de personas que sugieren que Jen y todos los demás deberían haber desarrollado / adaptado a otro personaje "trabajador" de los dibujos animados que ya está escrito como un latino, a saber, "Handy Manny". ¿Por qué no hacer que Anthony lo interprete?

Cómo están digiriendo las personas esta noticia es, sin duda, una bolsa de gatos y suponemos que la identidad racial de Bob está, técnicamente, en el ojo del espectador.

Veremos lo que nos depara la taquilla. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Anthony Ramos Cast as Latin 'Bob the Builder' ... Meet Roberto, Everybody!!!

Anthony Ramos has been tapped to play a live-action version of 'Bob the Builder' -- but the move is turning heads ... 'cause his character is apparently going to be Latino, explicitly.

Here's the deal ... AR was announced as the lead of Mattel's newest toy-to-movie offering, meaning he's going to play Bob himself -- although, in the press release that's going around ... it says his character's real name is actually "Roberto."

The official description of the plot reads ... "When Roberto 'Bob' travels to the enchanting island of Puerto Rico for a major construction job, he takes on issues affecting the island and digs deeper into what it means to build. Bob’s journey will celebrate the vibrant and colorful textures of the Caribbean Latin nations and their people."

The other big news from this is the fact that Jennifer Lopez's movie company -- Nuyorican Productions -- is helping make this thing ... of course, she herself is also Latina.

So the question ... why are we making 'Bob the Builder' Hispanic all of a sudden???

That's certainly what a lot of people online are asking right now -- not to mention a bunch of memes and jokes about this surprise twist on the cartoon show that's been around for years. The biggest takeaway is that Bob has always been perceived as a white character.

TMZ Studios

Now, however, it looks like J Lo and co. wanna reimagine that for some reason -- and let's just say there are mixed reactions to the decision. Some are for it, arguing it shouldn't matter what race/ethnicity Bob is ... but others are crying foul and claiming this is "woke" casting.

Worse yet ... some are even suggesting that making Bob Latino might just be a little racist -- playing into stereotypes and turning a character on its head, which nobody asked for.

Funny enough, there are even a handful of folks suggesting Jen and everybody would've been better off developing/adapting another "worker" cartoon character who's already written as a Latino ... namely, 'Handy Manny.' Why not just have Anthony play him?

How people are digesting this is for sure a mixed bag -- and we suppose Bob's racial identity is, technically, in the eye of the beholder. We'll say this ... it does sorta feel like a reach.

We'll see what the box office brings for this one. 🤷🏽‍♂️

El cómico Mark Normand es expulsado del escenario en medio de su show

fuera del escenario ¡AHORA MISMO!

Mark Normand fue retirado del escenario en medio de su show de stand-up esta semana y se convirtió en un momento de miedo... porque el público finalmente le pidió que abandonara el escenario.

El comediante estuvo el miércoles por la noche en el famoso Club de la Comedia de Nueva York, cuando de repente hubo una reacción extraña en la multitud, la cual no era tan grande, por lo que la conmoción muy notable y sospechosa.

Mark se dio cuenta y torpemente trató de averiguar lo que estaba pasando desde el micrófono, bromeando y tratando de mantener las cosas ligeras, hasta que le pidierom que se retirara.

Es bastante extraño, y se puede decir que el público empezó a entrar en pánico, porque nadie decía lo que estaba pasando o si alguien estaba en peligro. Finalmente, se les pidió que fueran por el productor del espectáculo, aunque, no hubo ninguna explicación adecuada de por qué pasó lo que pasó.

La gente comenzó a levantarse de sus asientos y mientras el productor les pidió que mantuvieran la calma, es difícil decir si realmente lo hicieron. Super raro y muy preocupante.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Aún más extraño es el hecho de que el propio Mark ha estado tuiteando el jueves por la mañana como si nada hubiera pasado, aunque habló por Insta para tratar de dar explicaciones.

Él escribió: "Algo muy raro pasó el día de hoy, mi equipo todavía está tratando de reunir los detalles, lo siento por los fans." Suena como si ni siquiera él supiera que es lo que pasó. Algunos han sospechado que se trataba de algún tipo de truco... pensando en el tipo de humor de Mark, pero él asegura que no es el caso.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Mark y con el propio club para pedir aclaraciones, pero de momento, no hemos recibido respuesta.

Comedian Mark Normand Rushed Offstage at NYC Comedy Club ... Audience Evacuated

exit, stage left ... right now!


2:49 PM PT -- As it turns out, we were all duped by whatever happened at Mark Normand's set last night -- 'cause now the comedy club itself is saying it was all a staged stunt.

The New York Comedy Club posted a statement to their IG page apologizing for causing the panic, but noting that there was some filming going on ... and that it was all part of some production. They're offering a free show to those who got the boot -- so that's that.

Mark Normand was whisked away in the middle of his stand-up show this week -- and it made for a scary moment ... because the audience was eventually asked to GTFO, too.

The comedian was in the middle of a set Wednesday night at the famed New York Comedy Club, when all of a sudden ... there was some frantic activity out in the crowd -- which wasn't all that big, making the commotion very noticeable and suspicious.

Mark noticed it too ... and he awkwardly tried figuring out what was going on from the mic -- cracking jokes/attempting to keep things light, that is ... until he was asked to bounce, too.

It's pretty freaky ... and you can tell the audience started panicking, because nobody was saying what was happening and if anyone was in danger. Eventually, they were asked to leave by the producer of the show ... although, no proper explanation was given for why.

People started getting up from their seats and filing out, and while the producer asked them to keep calm -- it's hard to say if they actually did or not. Super weird, and very concerning.

TMZ Studios

Even more bizarre is the fact that Mark himself has been tweeting Thursday morning as if nothing happened -- although, he did hop on IG to somewhat address what the deal was.

He wrote, "Some s*** went down tonight my team is still trying to put together the details, sorry to the fans." On its face, it sounds like not even he knows why this unfolded. Some have suspected this was some kind of stunt -- in line with MN's humor -- but it ain't.

We've reached out to Mark's team and the club itself for clarification ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 9:14 AM PT

Common En desacuerdo con Mos Def... Drake es hip hop!!!

Drake proviene del hip hop
Hot 97

Que Common y Mos Def estén juntos en el Lyricist Lounge no significa que tengan la misma opinión sobre el lugar de Drake en la cultura, ¡¡¡pues Common está de su lado!!!

Estrella del Pop para mí
The Cutting Room Floor

Ebro, Laura Stylez y Peter Rosenberg de Hot 97 discutieron el comentario ahora viral de Yasiin Bey de que la música de Drake está hecha para los grandes almacenes y centros comerciales, una opinión que el rapero de Chicago no comparte.

Common señaló que este atacó la comercialización del rap con su clásico de 1994 "I Used to Love H.E.R.", pero él no ve que la popularidad de Drake sea algo necesariamente malo y piensa que la longevidad de Champagne Papi dice mucho de su talento.

El punto de Common, ¡¡¡Drake no puede ser tan malo si siempre está en la cima!!!

¿La música de Drake es hip hop?

Common pasó a destacar cómo el rap ha expandido sus límites y los aficionados pueden absorber lo que les gusta y deshacerse del resto.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

¡¡¡El tendrá la oportunidad de hablar por sí mismo pronto, ya que él y Pete Rock están lanzando un álbum en colaboración, estrictamente para los puristas del rap!!!