Common Disagrees with Mos Def ... Drake Is Hip Hop, Incredible Writer!!!

Hot 97

Common and Mos Def coming up together in the Lyricist Lounge doesn't mean they have the same take on Drake's place in the culture -- 'cause Common's got his back!!!

The Cutting Room Floor

Hot 97's Ebro, Laura Stylez and Peter Rosenberg discussed Yasiin Bey's now-viral commentary that Drake's radio-friendly music was tailor-made for department stores and shopping malls ... an opinion the Chicago rap staple doesn't actually vibe with.

Common noted he attacked rap's commercialization with his 1994 classic cut "I Used to Love H.E.R.," but didn't necessarily see Drake's popularity as a bad thing, and he thinks Champagne Papi's longevity speaks volumes for his talent.

Common's point -- Drake can't be that bad if he's always on top!!!

Is Drake's Music Hip Hop?

Common went on to highlight how rap has expanded on many boundaries and fans can soak up what they like and ditch the rest.

TMZ Studios

He'll have a chance to put his money where his mouth is soon ... he and Pete Rock are releasing a collab album -- strictly for the rap purists!!!

Drake Calls Out Judge After Young Thug Leaked Phone Call... Meek Mill Says Sue!!!

Drake and Meek Mill are angrily demanding justice for Young Thug  ... after an intimate video recording of him and his girlfriend speaking sweet nothings leaked from jail.

Social media began circulating the video of YT and Mariah The Scientist this week ... the two spend over a minute long telling one another how much they miss each other and admiring the Cuban necklaces Thug bought her.

On Thursday, Drake thrust the spotlight on Chief Judge Ural Glanville -- the judge presiding over YT's much publicized RICO trial -- and quite frankly asked him just what kinda circus he was running as ringmaster!!!

"This gotta be some form of jail misconduct," Drake wrote on IG. "You gonna drag this talented man then not be able to control your employees using his personal business for their own gain?

Drake continued ... "Somebody benefitted from this video even existing and that's shameful whole case is a wsh just 3 the guy and let him come home and continue bringing light to Atlanta ... Shit is disgraceful... is this a criminal case or atlanta social media promo Ural Glanville?"

Drake and Thug are tight but that doesn't mean his opinions of the case are biased -- the case has been subjected to several hijinks along the way.

Meek also supported Thug, demanding he sue for having his rights violated.

The trial abruptly postponed proceedings until next Monday after the breach ... maybe an investigation is underway.


"Oppenheimer" finally has a theatrical release date set in Japan ... 6 months after it was released in the States -- though locals still have some more waiting left to do!

According to Indie distributor Bitters End, Christopher Nolan's blockbuster will arrive at Japanese cinemas on March 29 ... which will be 2 and a half weeks after the Oscars.

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The 3-hour-long movie, starring Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt and more, is up for a mammoth 13 awards at the Oscars, including Best Actor, Best Picture and Best Director ... and it's a frontrunner to scoop them all.

The critically acclaimed movie was released in most countries by Universal ... though Japan's main sub-distributor, Toho-Towa, decided not to go ahead with its release in July 2023.

But, Bitters End says they've decided to pick up the film after months of thoughtful dialogue over the subject matter ... which is, obviously, especially sensitive for Japanese people.

"Oppenheimer" is about the creation of the nuclear bomb in the United States, culminating in a successful test of the doomsday weapon in July 1945.

Weeks later, America dropped 2 nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, putting an end to World War II.

The villages were obliterated, with roughly 200,000 people killed.

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Despite the tragic historical events, Bitters End says it feels Nolan created a singular cinematic experience transcending traditional storytelling ... one that deserves to be seen on the big screen.

"Oppenheimer" Finalmente tiene fecha de estreno en Japón ¡¡Después de los Oscars!!

"Oppenheimer" finalmente tiene fecha de estreno en Japón, seis meses después de su lanzamiento en Estados Unidos, ¡aunque a los japoneses aún tendrán que esperar algo!

Según la distribuidora indie Bitters End, la superproducción de Christopher Nolan llegará a los cines japoneses el 29 de marzo, dos semanas y media después de los Oscar.

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La película de 3 horas de duración, protagonizada por Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt y más, está nominada a 13 premios Oscar, incluyendo Mejor Actor, Mejor Película y Mejor Director y es una de las favoritas para llevarse todos ellos.

La película aclamada por la crítica fue lanzada en la mayoría de los países por Universal, aunque el principal subdistribuidor de Japón, Toho-Towa, decidió no seguir adelante con su lanzamiento en julio de 2023.

Pero Bitters End dice que han decidido retomar la película después de meses de diálogo y reflexión sobre el tema, ya que es, obviamente, especialmente sensible para los japoneses.

"Oppenheimer" trata sobre la creación de la bomba atómica en los Estados Unidos, que culminó con una exitosa prueba del arma mortal en julio de 1945.

Semanas después, Estados Unidos lanzó dos bombas nucleares sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki, el 6 y el 9 de agosto de 1945, respectivamente, poniendo fin a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Los pueblos fueron arrasados y murieron aproximadamente 200.000 personas.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

A pesar de los trágicos acontecimientos históricos, Bitters End siente que Nolan creó una experiencia cinematográfica singular que trasciende la narración tradicional y que por eso merece ser vista en la gran pantalla.

T.J. HOLMES & AMY ROBACH Worried Our Spat Seen As Black Man Attacking White Woman

Amy & T.J. Podcast
My Immediate Concern
Amy & T.J. Podcast

It isn't just listeners worried about T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach's awkward podcast feud -- T.J. himself is concerned about a racial backlash over their bickering, and hesitated to post the episode because of it.

T.J. says he feared the argument would be viewed as a "Black man beating up on a white woman" ... though Amy was shocked, saying on Thursday's episode, she'd never considered race an issue in their relationship.

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

She said the fact he's Black and she's white had never crossed her mind ... though she quickly acknowledged that's exactly the point T.J.'s trying to make.

Amy admits she didn't realize something seemingly as minimal as sharing a recording of their argument would come with a racial element -- though now, the lightbulb's gone off for her.

Basically, the new episode is the couple explaining why they're second-guessing the decision to record, and then post the heated discussion about the future of their relationship -- and, for T.J., race is a major factor.

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He says he's learned over the years to keep his composure during confrontations with white women -- avoiding yelling or screaming so he doesn't come across as that old trope of the "angry Black man."

Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy says she noticed T.J. has a very real point when she saw the comments on their argument episode and the media coverage of it.

As we reported Monday, the duo fueled split rumors following the very public tension in their relationship.


They laid all their cards on the table ... noting they hadn't slept in the same bed for several days, Amy mentioning career pressure, and T.J. questioning her communication skills.

Keep Coming Back

A day later, they dismissed breakup speculation, walking arm in arm in NYC in an IG clip -- adding they dropped the episode cause they wanted to give fans a no-holds-barred look at their relationship.

Un grupo de black metal enfrenta reacciones violentas Por lanzarle la cabeza de un cerdo al público

buen lanzamiento ¿no?

Una banda de black metal podría haber ido demasiado lejos con su último truco... provocando la ira de los fans en redes sociales después de lanzar una cabeza de cerdo cortada en un concierto.

Martyrdom tocó en un concierto en el White Swan en Houston el viernes, cuando uno de los miembros de la banda llevó una cabeza de cerdo cortada al show y más tarde lo lanzó hacia el público.

Échale un vistazo al video, la cabeza se eleva entre la multitud, en medio de gritos y música a todo volumen. Alguien tomó una foto de la cabeza y tiene un aspecto bastante aterrador.

Ahora, si usted se está preguntando cómo reaccionó la gente en redes sociales... la respuesta es bastante clara de que NO es algo bien visto. Los chicos de la banda están recibiendo toneladas de reacciones negativas, con algunas personas haciendo referencia a "El Señor de las Moscas" y otros alegando crueldad animal.

Martyrdom debe haberse dado cuenta de que metieron la pata porque desde entonces han publicado una disculpa, diciendo que su truco se les fue de las manos y que no querían ofender a nadie. Además, piden disculpas a todos los "veganos, musulmanes u otros grupos minoritarios" a los que hayan ofendido, así como a cualquiera que haya resultado "herido" durante el acto. Por el momento, no está claro si el cerdo causó algún daño.

El grupo también se disculpó específicamente con el lugar y el operador de sonido ... aunque no está claro cómo podría haber sido afectado por el conjunto. Vale la pena señalar que la banda ha hecho esto antes, y el acto de lanzar cabezas de cerdo es una especie de pasatiempo de las bandas de metal y punto.

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TMZ Studios

Aunque históricamente haya sido así, parece que hoy en día la gente se queja de este tipo de cosas y suponemos que otras bandas harían bien en no aprovecharse de ello.

Martyrdom Metal Band Apologizes ... After Using Severed Pig Head as Prop


A black metal band might've gone too far with their latest gimmick ... drawing the ire of fans on social media after tossing around a severed pig head at a recent show.

Martyrdom played a gig at the White Swan in Houston, TX on Friday -- when one of the band members made the bonehead move of bringing a severed pig's head to the show ... and later hurling it around the room, some of which was caught on video.

Check out the vid -- pigs really do fly in this case, with the head soaring from the middle of a circle and into the crowd amid screams and blaring music. Someone also took a still of the head ... and it's a pretty terrifying-looking thing to have thrown in anyone's direction.

Now, if you're wondering how social media reacted ... the answer's pretty emphatically NOT good. The boys in the band are getting tons of backlash for bringing the head -- with some people making "Lord of the Flies" references ... and others playing the animal cruelty card.

Martyrdom must've realized they messed up because they've since released an apology -- saying their stunt got out of hand and they didn't mean to offend anyone. They went on to apologize to any "vegans, Muslims or other minority groups" they offended as well as anyone who was "harmed" during the act. At this point, it's unclear if the swine caused any injuries.

The group also apologized specifically to the venue, and the sound operator ... though it's unclear how he might've been affected by the set. Worth noting ... the band has done this before -- and the act of throwing pig heads is kind of a pastime of metal bands, period.

TMZ Studios

While that might be the case historically, it seems people are crying foul on this sorta thing nowadays -- and we suppose other bands would be wise not to piggyback off of it.

Kevin Spacey Heading To Horror Con After Acquittal ... Social Media Users Object

Kevin Spacey's getting back into the public eye after his acquittal in London last summer ... and a lot of people are none too happy about it -- which they're making quite clear.

Here's the deal ... the controversial actor's scheduled to appear at Mad Monster Party 2024 in North Carolina next month -- a three-day convention dedicated to all things horror/pop culture. Other stars like Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Taryn Manning, Jason Patric and more are attending the event as well.

Clearly, organizers are jazzed at KS' inclusion ... touting his accolades and selling pro photo-ops for big money -- no selfies allowed at the autograph table. If you want a pic, you'll have to shell out $225.

The photo opportunities are themed too ... Friday, Feb 16 they'll set one up for "The Usual Suspects"-type pic, Saturday's for "Se7en" and Sunday, Feb. 18 will see Kevin take "House of Cards" pics -- basically, Spacey's greatest hits.

Now, it didn't take long for people to voice their outrage ... with a good handful of folks saying in unequivocal terms they find the organizers reprehensible for giving Spacey a platform after all of the allegations leveled against him. Just check their comments.

In essence, a lot of fans don't seem to care Kevin was acquitted last year on a host of charges -- as we previously reported, Spacey was found not guilty of nine total counts based on a host of sexual assault allegations in a London court last year after a lengthy trial.

He's also been sued in New York for a different alleged sexual assault ... a massage therapist is claiming the 64-year-old made unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances toward him during three 90-minute sessions back in 2016.

TMZ Studios

The two-time Academy Award winner's never been convicted of a crime for any of the allegations brought against him ... and he's denied any and all wrongdoing, FWIW.

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Sky News

It'll be interesting to see how many fans want to take a pic with Spacey next month ... or if any protests will spring up in NC.

Stay tuned ...

Kevin Spacey Se dirige a una convención de horror tras ser absuelto... La gente de redes se opone

Kevin Spacey está volviendo al ojo público después de su absolución en Londres el verano pasado y un montón de gente no está demasiado contenta, y lo están dejando muy claro.

Esta es la cuestión, el controvertido actor tiene previsto aparecer en la fiesta Mad Monster Party 2024 en Carolina del Norte el próximo mes, una convención de tres días dedicada a todo lo relacionado con la cultura pop y el terror. Otras estrellas como Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Taryn Manning, Jason Patric y más asistirán al evento.

Claramente, los organizadores están entusiasmados con la inclusión de Kevin Spacey, promocionando sus elogios y vendiendo sus fotos por mucho dinero. No se permiten selfies en la mesa de autógrafos. Si quieres una foto, tendrás que desembolsar 225 dólares.

Las oportunidades fotográficas también son temáticas. El viernes 16 de febrero será inspirada en "The Usual Suspects", el sábado en "Se7en" y el domingo 18 de febrero, con Kevin para "House of Cards". Básicamente, todos los grandes éxitos de Spacey.

Ahora, no pasó mucho tiempo para que la gente expresara su indignación, con un buen puñado de personas diciendo que encuentran censurables a los organizadores por darle una plataforma a Spacey después de todas las acusaciones formuladas en su contra. No hay más que ver sus comentarios.

En esencia, a muchos fans no parece importarles que Kevin fuera absuelto el año pasado de una serie de cargos. Como informamos anteriormente, el año pasado Spacey fue declarado inocente en un tribunal de Londres, después de un largo juicio, de un total de nueve cargos basados en una serie de acusaciones de agresión sexual.

También ha sido demandado en Nueva York por un supuesto asalto sexual diferente. Un terapeuta de masajes está alegando que el hombre de 64 años hizo insinuaciones sexuales no deseadas e inapropiadas hacia él durante tres sesiones de 90 minutos en 2016.

TMZ investiga
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El dos veces ganador del Oscar nunca ha sido condenado por un delito por cualquiera de las acusaciones presentadas en su contra y ha negado cualquiera y todos los delitos.

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El resultado correcto
Sky News

Será interesante ver cuántos fans quieren tomarse una foto con Spacey el próximo mes o si surgirá alguna protesta en North Carolina.

Manténganse en sintonía ...

Hillary Clinton Margot y Greta, ustedes son ganadoras... Habla sobre los desaires a 'Barbie' en los Oscar

Margot Robbie y Greta Gerwig tienen a un nuevo campeón en su esquina destrozando el hecho de que no fueran nominadas a los Oscar, nada menos que Hillary Clinton.

La ex-Secretaria de Estado, y una vez candidata presidencial, acaba de tuitear sobre las muy debatidas nominaciones que se anunciaron este martes y es parte de los que piensa que fue un desaire atroz de parte de los miembros de la Academia, especialmente a la luz de la nominación de Ryan Gosling.

Hillary Clinton escribió: "Greta y Margot, aunque puede doler ganar la taquilla, pero no llevarse el oro a casa, sus millones de fans las aman. Ambas son mucho más que Kenough".

También lanzó su propio y divertido hashtag para rematar su punto, añadiendo: "#HillaryBarbie".

Hillary es solo la última persona que está criticando las nominaciones. Recuerden, el propio Ryan denunció el hecho de que su coprotagonista y directora no hayan sido reconocidas, a pesar de que él mismo consiguió una nominación como Mejor Actor de Reparto.

Dijo: "Ningún reconocimiento sería posible para nadie en la película sin su talento, valentía y genialidad. Decir que me decepciona que no estén nominados en sus respectivas categorías sería quedarme corto". Asimismo, también alabó la nominación de America Ferrera.

Hablando de America, ella también ha criticado la exclusión de Margot y Greta, sumándose a la indignación colectiva que gran parte de Internet ha expresado en las últimas 24 horas.

Margot y Greta no han dicho nada al respecto, pero la gente les cubre las espaldas.

TMZ investiga
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Dato curioso sobre la composición de la Academia el año pasado: parece que el 33% de los miembros con derecho a voto son mujeres o se identifican como mujeres, así que sí, parece que hay más hombres que mujeres. Es difícil decir si eso está detrás de que estas dos no hayan sido seleccionadas, pero es interesante.

De todos modos, el coro de abucheos sobre esto continúa, ahora con Hillary entre ellos.

Hillary Clinton Speaks on 'Barbie' Snubs ... Y'all Are Winners, Margot & Greta

Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig have a new champion in their corner trashing the fact they weren't nominated for Oscars -- with none other than Hillary Clinton chirping up.

The ex-Sec. of State -- and one-time presidential candidate -- just tweeted about the hotly-debated nominations heard around the world Tuesday ... and she's in the camp that this was an egregious snub from Academy members ... especially in light of Ryan Gosling's nod.

HC wrote, "Greta & Margot, While it can sting to win the box office but not take home the gold, your millions of fans love you. You’re both so much more than Kenough."

She also threw in her own little fun hashtag to cap off her point, adding ... "#HillaryBarbie."

Hillary is just the latest person to slam the non-nominations -- remember, Ryan himself actually denounced the fact his costar/director didn't receive recognition ... even though he himself got a Best Supporting Actor nomination.

He said, "No recognition would be possible for anyone on the film without their talent, grit and genius. To say that I’m disappointed that they are not nominated in their respective categories would be an understatement." Likewise, he also praised America Ferrera's nom.

Speaking of America ... she, too, slammed Margot and Greta's exclusion -- just piling on top of the collective outrage most of the Internet has been expressing over the past 24 hours.


Margot and Greta haven't said anything about it themselves ... but people have their backs.

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Fun fact about the Academy's makeup as of last year -- it looks like 33% of voting members are women or female-identifying ... so yes, there does seem to be more guys than gals. Hard to say if that's behind these two not getting selected or not ... but it is interesting.

Anyway, the chorus of boos over this continues ... now, HC is in on the hissing.

Madonna Sued For Late Concert Starts ... Blatant False Advertising!!!


1/24/23 -- Madonna's management and Live Nation tell TMZ ... "Madonna's just completed, sold out 2023 Celebration Tour in Europe received rave reviews. The shows opened in North America at Barclays in Brooklyn as planned, with the exception of a technical issue December 13th during soundcheck. This caused a delay that was well documented in press reports at the time. We intend to defend this case vigorously."

Madonna performed last night in NYC at Madison Square Garden. It was the second night of 3 sold out shows at the venue.

Madonna may have to learn a lesson in punctuality the hard way ... two men just filed a class action against her for starting her concerts late.

According to the docs obtained by TMZ ... Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hadden are leading the charge against the legendary pop star and concert organizer Live Nation claiming they owe big damages after shows scheduled to start at 8:30 PM ET didn't end up starting until 10:30 PM.

According to the lawsuit, the late starts constitute a "wanton exercise in false advertising, negligent misrepresentation, and unfair and deceptive trade practices."

The plaintiffs are suing for unspecified damages and taking aim at all three nights Madonna showed up late to Barclays Center in December -- but they say Madonna has a long-documented history of not starting on time (more on that later).

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Another interesting note ... the plaintiffs acknowledge Madonna had a health issue which caused the concert to be pushed from July to December but don't think that's a sufficient excuse for kicking off the actual shows 2 hours late.

These guys also list their pricey tickets ... listing the dollar-amounts at $155.90 and $292.50, respectively. In their mind, that's money down the drain considering how late Madge was.


Remember... a serious bacterial infection put Madonna in the hospital, and sources told us she was fighting a fever for about a month before she finally collapsed. Obviously the tour was postponed ... finally kicking off in October.

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Tik Tok / @notanotherfangirl_

We knew people were pissed about Madonna's tardiness BTW ... when the NYC shows went down back in December, fans took to social media to voice their displeasure at waiting for the Queen of Pop. (FWIW, a source at the time told us the delay was due to sound issues.)


If you think Madonna's sweating the lawsuit, think again ... cause this ain't the first time she's been sued over her late starts!! She was sued back in 2019 and in 2020 for pulling up late to her shows and -- in the case of the 2019 suit -- Madonna gave a G.O.A.T.ed response you gotta hear to believe.

Originally Published -- 1/18/24 10:42 AM PT


This is The Worst Podcast / Just Media House

Armie Hammer's recent fling has given us a glimpse into his bedroom "cannibalism" kinks -- you know, the ones that landed him in the center of sexual abuse allegations.

Comedian Brittany Schmitt makes it clear to her pal Brittany Furlan on "This is The Worst Podcast" that while things beneath the sheets were consensual between them, she's absolutely not negating the other accuser's experiences -- cause she, too, was disturbed by his actions.

She claims she met Armie this past August through sober friends in L.A. and they had a brief fling. She says straight off the bat Armie was open about the cannibalism claims levied at him -- explaining it to her as a "cycle of completion" and "I'm inside of you, so I want you to be inside of me" sorta thing.

Mind you, Schmitt doesn't sound bent outta shape about the biting at all, and according to her Armie was so into it, he'd push the limit sometimes -- but, she's clear, when she asked him to stop, he would.

Interestingly, she notes she was lucky to have a different experience from what his sexual assault accusers say they went through. Schmitt actually reiterates she's not shading them or questioning their experiences.

The Brittanys also had a good laugh about the fact Schmitt was down for Armie branding her ... on their first date. She says he gave her a hand tattoo, and put a matching one on himself.


Brittany says he also inked others, and even jokingly referred to his tattoo "artist" gig as "Cannibal-ink." Yes, you heard that right.

Brittany says they stopped talking the next month... admitting the brief fling started because she was in a dark place.

As for Armie ... the DA's office said in May 2023 he wouldn't be charged with rape because they couldn't "prove a non-consensual, forcible sexual encounter" in the Feb 2021 claims made by his ex, Effie Angelova.

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Armie shared a statement soon after ... saying he was looking forward to putting his life back together now that his name had been cleared.

Univ. of Wisconsin Law Students Told ... 'No Exceptional White People'

First-year law students at the University of Wisconsin were reportedly forced to attend a "re-orientation" that was all about race ... and, apparently, how white people are the worst.

According to the Federalist -- which cites sources who say they were in attendance, not to mention screengrabs of the alleged session/materials -- this went down last week ... and the DEI-inspired crash course on race and privilege was mandatory for a bunch of scholars.

As part of the orientation, students were reportedly asked to complete a worksheet with a number of bizarre prompts -- including one that encouraged the students to "Tell the Truth" and expand, in writing, "how deep racism goes in my life" among other confessionals.

The NY Post even claims that some of the literature they were asked to read up on before this re-orientation contained a line that said "there are no exceptional white people."

Other topics like color blindness were slammed as inherently racist -- and one of the alleged exercises students were encouraged to partake in was to share racial slurs for different minority groups ... all in an effort, it seems, to break down stereotypes and tropes.

Long story short, it sounds like this session was pretty much all about race -- and the question being asked, of course, is ... what the heck does this have to do with law???

TMZ Studios

The UoW hasn't addressed the orientation just yet ... but it rubbed some the wrong way.

Margot Robbie Cops Claim 'Margot Robbied' ... Protest Actresses Oscars Snub

Margot Robbie's fans are so miffed about her "Barbie" Oscars snub that even the police are complaining ... albeit in a very funny fashion.

The Victoria Police Department in Australia posted a hilarious message on their Facebook page Tuesday, showing their disgust over the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences' failure to nominate Margot for her starring role as Barbie in the super popular 2023 film. As you may know, the actress grew up in Queensland, Australia, which isn't close to Victoria, but the cops there clearly have her back.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Post.

In the FB post, Victoria PD officials wrote in all caps, "POLICE INVESTIGATE AS MARGOT ROBBIED." Then, in regular letter case, they joked, "Police are investigating after a former resident of Ramsay Street was allegedly robbed of an Oscar nomination for best actress."

During their alleged "Margot probe," investigators urged the public to consider reporting all non-emergencies like theft through their online system. They also reminded citizens that the portal is a very convenient way to report smaller crimes.

Pretty amusing stuff ... but Margot was probably not laughing after the Academy gave her and Barbie director, Greta Gerwig, the cold shoulder during Tuesday's announcement of the 2024 Oscar nominations.

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Margot's costar, Ryan Gosling, who played Barbie's boyfriend Ken in the movie, snagged an Oscar nom, but he later released a statement mentioning the Margot and Greta snubs.

Ryan said, in part, there "is no Ken without Barbie, and there is no Barbie movie without Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie, the two people most responsible for this history-making, globally celebrated film."

Margot Robbie La policía afirma que 'Margot fue robada'... Protestan por el desaire en los Oscar

Los fans de Margot Robbie están tan molestos por el desaire de "Barbie" en los Oscars que incluso la policía se está quejando, aunque de una manera muy divertida.

El Departamento de Policía de Victoria, en Australia, publicó el martes un hilarante mensaje en su página de Facebook, donde muestra su disgusto porque la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas no haya nominado a Margot por su papel de Barbie en la popular película de 2023. Como sabrán, la actriz creció en Queensland, Australia, que no está cerca de Victoria, pero los policías de allí claramente le cubren las espaldas.

En el post de FB, los oficiales de la policía de Victoria escribieron en mayúsculas: "POLICÍA INVESTIGA ASALTO A MARGOT". Luego, en letra normal, bromearon: "La policía está investigando después de que una antigua residente de Ramsay Street fuera presuntamente robada de una nominación al Oscar a la mejor actriz".

Durante su supuesta "investigación Margot", los investigadores instaron al público a que consideraran la posibilidad de denunciar todas las situaciones que no fueran de emergencia, como los robos, a través de su sistema en línea. También recordaron a los ciudadanos que el portal es una forma muy cómoda de denunciar delitos menores.

Muy divertido, pero Margot probablemente no se está riendo después de que la Academia le diera a ella y a la directora de Barbie, Greta Gerwig, un desaire durante el anuncio de las nominaciones a los Oscar 2024 este martes.

TMZ investiga
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El coprotagonista de Margot, Ryan Gosling, quien interpretó a Ken, el novio de Barbie en la película, obtuvo una nominación al Oscar, pero más tarde emitió un comunicado mencionando los desaires de Margot y Greta.

Ryan dijo, en parte, que "no hay Ken sin Barbie y no hay película de Barbie sin Greta Gerwig y Margot Robbie, las dos personas más responsables de esta película que ha hecho historia y ha sido mundialmente celebrada."