'Indiana Jones' Video Game Harrison Ain't Back in the Saddle ... Voice Acting Icon Steps In

Indiana Jones is back already, but Harrison Ford ain't pickin' up the whip ... not even in the digital world!

Bethesda Softworks released the trailer for its upcoming video game "Indiana Jones and the Great Circle" on Thursday, and fans couldn't help but notice ... Indy sounds a bit different.

That's because Ford -- who played the role in all film/TV content -- isn't lending his voice to the project ... instead it's Troy Baker, who's kinda like the Harrison Ford of the video game world. Yep, he's that iconic.

Just check out the guy's credits ... "The Last of Us," 'Mortal Kombat,' "BioShock," "Halo 4," 'Resident Evil' and "Call of Duty: Black Ops" ... plus he voiced freakin' Batman in one series!

And, fan reactions are .... overwhelmingly positive (not a small feat when it comes to the gaming community.) People who know Baker's work love the casting and those who don't were still blown away by the trailer - 'cause he's doing one heck of an impression.

It's unclear exactly why Harrison isn't coming back to the role. Could be money -- video games don't have the same budgets as blockbuster films -- or it could be that Han Solo's keeping to the promises he made during his press tour for "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" ... namely, that he's finished with Indy, and he's moving on to bigger and better.

One such quote that really says it all ... when asked if it was bittersweet leaving the character HF replied, "No. It’s time for me to grow up." So, it definitely sounds like a dude who's hanging his old archeologist's hat.

Harrison's got other roles to kick ass at BTW ... he just received a Critics Choice Award nom for his work as Dr. Paul Rhoades in "Shrinking," and he's got two Marvel projects on the way -- dude's pretty busy for an 81 year old.

"Indiana Jones and the Great Circle" comes out sometime this year on Xbox and PC ... so get your whips and fedoras ready -- those artifacts belong in a museum!!!

Giddey sigue bajo la lupa de la NBA después de que la policía le pusiera fin A la investigación sobre menores

Josh Giddey todavía está bajo el microscopio de su empleador, la investigación de la NBA respecto a si tuvo una relación inapropiada con un menor de edad sigue en curso, TMZ Sports ha indagado.

Las fuentes nos dicen que nada ha cambiado en lo que respecta a la Asociación a pesar de que la policía recientemente diera por finalizada la investigación sobre el jugador de 21 años de los Oklahoma City Thunder.

Como informamos anteriormente, el caso Giddey terminó después de que los funcionarios no encontraron pruebas suficientes, ya que la menor y su familia se negaron a hablar con los funcionarios.

"Después de un examen minucioso y exhaustivo, hemos completado nuestra investigación sobre la información que circulaba en las redes sociales que involucra a Josh Giddey", dijo la policía de Newport Beach en un comunicado.

"Nuestros detectives han revisado toda la información disponible y no pudieron corroborar ninguna actividad criminal relacionada con el señor Giddey".

Adam Silver dijo en diciembre que la liga estaría pendiente mientras la policía llevaba a cabo su investigación. Suena como que la NBA se está involucrando una vez más.

Giddey no ha hablado sobre el escándalo y se ha mantenido activo para los Thunder a lo largo de ambas investigaciones.

De hecho, se le preguntó sobre el caso el jueves por la mañana y se negó a comentar una vez más.

Madonna demandan a la diva por empezar tarde sus conciertos En Brooklyn

Madonna va a tener que aprender una lección de puntualidad de la manera difícil, porque dos hombres acaban de presentar una demanda colectiva contra ella por comenzar sus conciertos tarde.

De acuerdo con los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Michael Fellows y Jonathan Hadden están liderando la demanda contra la legendaria estrella del pop y el organizador de conciertos Live Nation alegando que deben grandes sumas después de que el espectáculo programado para comenzar a las 8:30 PM, terminó comenzando a las 10:30 PM.

Según la demanda, los inicios tardíos constituyen un "ejercicio gratuito de publicidad falsa, tergiversación negligente y prácticas comerciales desleales y engañosas".

Los demandantes están demandando por daños y perjuicios no especificados apuntando a las tres noches que Madonna llegó tarde al Barclays Center en diciembre, pero dicen que Madonna tiene una larga historia documentada de no comenzar a tiempo (más sobre esto más adelante).

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¡amo new york!

Los demandantes reconocen que Madonna tenía un problema de salud que causó el retraso del concierto de julio a diciembre, pero no creo que sea una excusa suficiente para darle inicio a los espectáculos con dos horas de retraso.

Estos tipos también indican el precio de sus entradas, que asciende a 155.90 y 292.50 dólares. En su mente, eso es dinero por el desagüe teniendo en cuenta lo tarde que se presentó.

una gran performance de madonna

Recordemos que una grave infección bacteriana llevó a Madonna al hospital, y las fuentes nos dijeron que estuvo luchando contra la fiebre durante aproximadamente un mes antes de que finalmente colapsara. Obviamente, la gira fue pospuesta y finalmente arrancó en Octubre.

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muy tarde
Tik Tok / @notanotherfangirl_

Sabíamos que la gente estaba cabreada por la tardanza de Madonna en los shows de Nueva York de diciembre, los fans usaron las redes sociales para expresar su descontento por la espera de la Reina del Pop. (una fuente en el momento nos dijo que el retraso se debió a problemas de sonido).


¡No es la primera vez que la demandan por sus retrasos! En 2019 y en 2020 la demandaron por llegar tarde a sus conciertos y en el caso de la demanda de 2019, Madonna dio una respuesta fiel a su estilo que tienes que escuchar para creer.

Josh Giddey Remains Under NBA Review ... After Police End Probe

Josh Giddey might be in the clear legally, but he is still under his employer's microscope -- the NBA's review into claims he had an improper relationship with a minor remains ongoing, TMZ Sports has learned.

Sources tell us nothing has changed as far as the Association is concerned ... despite Newport Beach PD recently closing its investigation without the 21-year-old Oklahoma City Thunder guard being charged.

As we previously reported, the Giddey case ended after officials found no corroborating evidence ... as the minor and her family declined to speak with officials.

"After a thorough and exhaustive examination, we have completed our investigation into information that was circulating on social media involving Josh Giddey," Newport Beach PD said in a statement.

"Our detectives have reviewed all of the available information and were unable to corroborate any criminal activity related to Mr. Giddey."

Adam Silver said in December the league would take a "backseat" while police conducted its investigation ... so with that being over, it sounds like the NBA is grabbing the wheel once again.

Giddey has not spoken on the scandal ... and has remained active for the Thunder throughout both investigations.

In fact, he was asked about the case being closed Thursday morning ... and declined to comment once again.

Kanye West Filmed 40-Minute Apology Video ... Set to Drop Ahead of Album

Kanye West already tried apologizing for his rabid antisemitism -- but it seems he feels he didn't stick the landing, 'cause he recently did another one ... which was MUCH longer.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the controversial rapper got some camera guys together to shoot a lengthy apology video several weeks ago -- and we're told it ended up running about 40 minutes ... with Ye talking straight to the camera.

We're told in no uncertain terms, Ye was "rambling" and at times it was impossible to decode what he was saying.

One more thing about this apology ... our sources say whatever was shot is supposed to be released sometime ahead of his new album, "Vultures," which is scheduled to drop Feb. 9 -- this after several delays dating back to late last year.

A couple interesting things about this ... for one, Ye already issued an apology over all his antisemitic language -- dropping a statement that was written in Hebrew right after Xmas.

You'll recall, it was a very generic mea culpa, which read in part, "I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community for any unintended outburst caused by my words or actions, it was not my intention to hurt or disrespect, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused."

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The problem ... many felt it wasn't sincere, and more importantly a lot of people thought it might've actually been generated by AI. In fact, we did some digging and that may well be the case. Bigger picture ... most just weren't buying what he was selling.

Now, we have word about this ... and it sounds like if he proceeds, we'll be hearing/seeing this new apology in due time. However, based on what we're hearing about it so far -- it seems like this one might've been a little clunky as well.

The other mystery here is how exactly the album is going to come out. As far as we know, he doesn't have any major distribution deal in place ... so who's gonna listen to this???


More answers coming soon, no doubt.

Kanye West graba un video de disculpa de 40 minutos por antisemitismo

Kanye West ya intentó disculparse por su rabioso antisemitismo, pero parece que siente que no fue suficiente, así que recientemente hizo otro... y MUCHO más largo.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que el controvertido rapero tiene algunos amigos operando cámaras para filmar un video de disculpa largo hace varias semanas, y nos dicen que terminó durando unos 40 minutos, con Ye hablando directamente a la cámara.

Nos dicen muy seguros que Ye estaba "divagando", y que a veces era imposible descifrar lo que estaba diciendo.

Una cosa más acerca de esta disculpa, nuestras fuentes dicen que lo que se rodó se supone que debe ser puesto en libertad en algún momento antes de su nuevo álbum, "Buitres", que está programado para lanzar 9 de febrero - esto después de varios retrasos que se remontan a finales del año pasado.

Un par de cosas interesantes acerca de esto... por un lado, Ye ya emitió una disculpa por todo su lenguaje antisemita, dejando caer una declaración que fue escrita en hebreo justo después de Navidad.

Como recordarán, fue un mea culpa muy genérico, que decía en parte: "Me disculpo sinceramente con la comunidad judía por cualquier arrebato involuntario causado por mis palabras o acciones, no fue mi intención herir o faltar el respeto, y lamento profundamente cualquier dolor que pueda haber causado".

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de la boca de kanye

El problema es que muchos sintieron que no era sincero, y lo más importante, mucha gente pensó que en realidad podría haber sido generado por IA. De hecho, hemos investigado un poco y puede que sea así. La mayoría simplemente no estaba creyendo lo que estaba diciendo.

Tenemos noticias al respecto... y parece que si sigue adelante, oiremos/veremos esta nueva disculpa a su debido tiempo. Sin embargo, basado en lo que estamos escuchando hasta ahora, parece que este podría haber sido un poco torpe.

El otro misterio es cómo exactamente el álbum va a salir. Por lo que sabemos, no tiene ningún acuerdo de distribución importante en su lugar, así que ¿quién va a escuchar esto?

Pronto tendremos más respuestas, sin duda.

LeVar Burton Learns He's Part White w/ DNA Test ... Has Confederate Ancestor


LeVar Burton made a shocking discovery about his bloodline here in America -- namely, that he's actually part-white ... and that one of his ancestors was part of the Confederacy.

The 'Reading Rainbow' vet was featured in a recent episode of PBS's 'Finding Your Roots' -- where host Henry Louis Gates Jr. laid out LeVar's family tree dating back centuries ... and pinpointing a white dude from back in the 1800s as his great-great-grandfather.

Long story short, LB's great-grandma on his mom's side -- a woman named Mary Sills -- had listed her dad as being a Black man named Louis Sills ... but DNA tests show that isn't so.

Instead, the data shows her biological father was a Caucasian farmer from the South named James Henry Dixon -- who had actually fathered children with an unnamed Black woman who was born into slavery. Even more surprising ... Dixon had served in the Confederate Army as a teen during the Civil War, so technically -- he was a defender of slavery at that time.

In response to this news, LeVar said he had conflicting feelings ... explaining, "There’s some conflict roiling inside of me right now. But oddly enough, I feel a pathway opening up."

He added, "Knowing what I know about the history of this nation, I’ve wanted, especially in this current time frame, I believe that as Americans we need to have this conversation about who we are and how we got here."

LeVar also said he'd been looking for an "entry point" to talk to white America, and notes .. "here it is." BTW, it isn't lost on anyone that he famously played a slave in the film 'Roots.'

'LIZZIE MCGUIRE' Reboot Writer Dishes on Adult Themes ... Here's What Got It Canceled

The "Lizzie McGuire" reboot definitely wasn't made for kids -- something we're learning about in much greater detail ... now that one of its writers is spilling the beans.

Jonathan Hurwitz -- who was working on the show for Disney at the time -- hit TikTok to explain what they were penning, and what pissed the Mouse House off in terms of plot points. Basically, he says they were writing about a 30-year-old woman doing grown-folk things ... which weren't always G-rated.

TikTok / @jonathanhurwitz

Check out his highlights of things they were having Lizzie do in their comeback season -- he says Hilary Duff would've been in the full swing of NYC living ... working as an interior designer while shacking up with her handsome chef BF -- who'd cheat on her with her BFF.

In their nixed script, they had it where Lizzie then moved in with her parents in Cali ... where she'd find herself back in contact with Gordo ... who's got some major bombshells for her -- he's engaged with a baby on the way!

According to Jon, Lizzie would've received a text from her old high school crush, Ethan ... later checking him off her "to-do" list after waking up in his bed -- something he says that particularly pissed off the family-friendly folks over at Disney. No sex, dammit!

Two episodes had already been filmed before Disney+ pulled the plug following creative differences between the streamer and Hilary ... which was pretty dramatic when it happened.

Hilary announced the decision on IG in Jan 2020 ... saying she wanted the reboot to be an authentic portrayal of who Lizzie would've been today -- anything else would've been a disservice to her. Sounds like Jon here is cosigning that ... noting, Disney wasn't down.

Of course, it's devastating that adult Lizzie never got the reboot she deserved ... but nothing's more upsetting, perhaps, than learning Gordo never got with her himself after all those years.

What could've been ...

Whoopi Goldberg Fires Back at Nikki Haley Yes, the U.S. *Has* Been Racist!!!


Nikki Haley said America has never been a racist country -- but Whoopi Goldberg would beg to differ ... and she's ready to list the ugly receipts that prove the exact opposite.

The talk show host tackled this topic on "The View" Wednesday -- this a day after the Republican presidential candidate went on FOX News to rebuke the notion that America is a racist nation ... but in the same breath, denied the U.S. has ever that problem.

Fox News

Of course, that's a ridiculous statement ... and just factually wrong. Not only did we have slaves in this country for a good long while -- but America was a segregated nation through much of the 20th century as well. Basic history ... but NH seems to be trying to blur it.

Welp, Whoopi wasn't having any of Haley's obfuscation ... and she unloaded on her in no uncertain terms in an impassioned speech as she was intro'ing this topic at the table.

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Check out what she has to say for yourself -- she says all the lynching of Black people over the years wasn't carried out by them ... but by racist Americans, and you can tell she's outraged by Haley's attempt to downplay this country's past.

The reason this latest slip-up from her stands out is the fact that just recently suggested the Civil War was not really about slavery -- something she tried to clarify after the fact ... but raised a lot of eyebrows when she said it.


Things didn't get better when she further tried distancing herself from those remarks at a Republican town hall ... using the old "I have Black friends" line to defend herself.

Talk about stepping in it, huh?

Whoopi Goldberg responde a la afirmación de Nikki Haley de que EE.UU. "nunca fue racista"

el racismo es real

Nikki Haley dijo que Estados Unidos nunca ha sido un país racista, pero Whoopi Goldberg no está de acuerdo, y está dispuesta a enumerar distintas situaciones recibos que demuestran exactamente lo contrario.

El anfitrión del programa de entrevistas abordó este tema en "The View" el miércoles, un día después de que la candidata presidencial republicana apareciera en FOX News para refutar la idea de que Estados Unidos es una nación racista, pero en el mismo discurso, negó que los EE.UU. tuviera ese problema desde siempre.

"nunca hemos sido un país racista"
Fox News

Por supuesto, esa es una afirmación ridícula y simplemente incorrecta. No solo tuvimos esclavos en este país durante mucho tiempo, sino que Estados Unidos fue una nación segregada durante gran parte del siglo XX. Historia básica, pero Nikki parece estar tratando de difuminarla.

Whoopi respondio de una manera elocuente y directa —mucho mejor que alguien que se postula a un cargo político— y puso a Hañey en su lugar.

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siguiente pregunta

Mira lo que dijo por ti mismo, ella dice que todos los linchamientos de personas de raza negra a lo largo de los años no fueron llevados a cabo por ellos, sino por los estadounidenses racistas, y se puede decir que está indignada por el intento de Haley de restarle importancia al pasado de este país.

La razón de este último desliz se destaca es el hecho de que hace poco sugirió que la Guerra Civil no era realmente acerca de la esclavitud, algo que trató de aclarar después de los hechos, pero levantó un montón de cejas cuando lo hizo.

"tengo amigos negros"

Las cosas no mejoraron cuando trató de distanciarse de esos comentarios en un ayuntamiento republicano, utilizando la vieja línea "Tengo amigos negros" para defenderse.

Eso sí que es pisar fuerte, ¿eh?

'Stranger Things' Brett Gelman Noah Didn't Need To Apologize For Views On Israel, Hamas ... I Too Think Zionism Is Sexy


Brett Gelman doesn't see anything in Netflix costar Noah Schnapp's views on Israel that warrants an apology ... and he's not afraid to speak his mind about what's going on in Gaza.

We got the "Stranger Things" star at LAX and our photog asked him about Noah sharing a video restating his position on the Israel-Hamas War.

TikTok / @noahschnapp

Brett says he actually liked the viral photos of Noah with stickers reading "Zionism is sexy" and agreed with Noah calling out Hamas as a terrorist organization.

BG goes even further ... telling us anyone who is not pro-Israel is consciously or subconsciously being antisemitic.

To be clear, Brett says he's not blindly for everything that's going on in Israel, acknowledging there are some issues just as there are in every country and telling us he's not a fan of Benjamin Netanyahu ... but Brett says he supports Israel and the Israeli people.

Brett says Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas attacks ... he says he's been over to Israel recently and there are still being rockets launched by Hamas, who he also accuses of using civilians as human shields.

Noah's message was about unity, hope and peace ... and Brett says he's staunchly against the death of innocent Palestinians, but wonders why those deaths are being blamed on Israel and not Hamas.


It's rare to see a celebrity being so open about the Middle East these days ... but Brett's not shying away.

Bottom line for Brett ... everyone in Israel wants peace, and they aren't the ones who started this war.

Brett Gelman de 'Stranger Things' Noah no necesita disculparse por sus opiniones sobre Israel, Hamás


Brett Gelman no ve nada en las opiniones sobre Israel de su compañero de reparto de Netflix Noah Schnapp que justifique una disculpa, y no tiene miedo de decir lo que piensa sobre lo que está pasando en Gaza.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "Stranger Things" en LAX y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó sobre el video de Noah en donde reafirma su posición sobre la guerra de Israel y Hamás.

TikTok / @noahschnapp

Brett dice que le gustaban las fotos virales de Noé con las pegatinas "El sionismo es sexy" y que estaba de acuerdo con que el actor llamara a Hamás como una organización terrorista.

Brett va aún más lejos y nos dice que cualquiera que no sea pro-Israel es consciente o inconscientemente antisemita.

Para ser claros, Brett dice que no está ciegamente a favor de todo lo que está pasando en Israel, reconoce que hay algunos problemas, al igual que en todos los países y nos dice que no es un fan de Benjamin Netanyahu, pero dice que apoya a Israel y al pueblo israelí.

Dice que Israel tiene derecho a defenderse de los ataques de Hamás y que ha estado en Israel recientemente y que todavía hay cohetes que son lanzados por ellos, a quienes también acusa de utilizar a civiles como escudos humanos.

El mensaje de Noah fue sobre la unidad, la esperanza y la paz y Brett dice que está incondicionalmente en contra de la muerte de palestinos inocentes, pero se pregunta por qué se culpa de esas muertes a Israel y no a Hamás.

Es raro ver a una celebridad ser tan abierta sobre lo que pasa en Medio Oriente por estos días, pero Brett no se asusta.

En pocas palabras, para él todo el mundo en Israel quiere la paz y no fueron ellos los que empezaron esta guerra.

Aubrey O'Day Dan Benson Slams Her for MLK Stunt ... Time and Place, Aubrey!!!

Disney Channel actor turned OnlyFans model Dan Benson is ripping Aubrey O'Day for exploiting MLK Day to plug her OF page -- a move he calls super disrespectful, especially for a white woman.

Controversy Generates Headlines

The “Wizards of Waverly Place” alum tells TMZ ... controversy is often the name of the game for content creators looking to attract new subscribers to their OF pages. He's not naive, but adds there's still a time and a place -- and MLK Day ain't it!

As we reported, Aubrey used the holiday by posting a series of thirst trap photos and videos Monday ... right alongside a famous, and poignant, quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Maybe Aubrey should've taken that quote to heart more. Dan says Aubrey should have taken MLK Day off from her OF work, and used the time to reflect.

Instead of using Dr. King to promote her OnlyFans, Dan suggests Aubrey should have donated some of her OF revenue to a good cause.

Of course, Dan's in the OF game too, and fully understands creators' drive to boost numbers -- but he says when the "thirst trapping" goes as hard as Aubrey's stunt, it deserves to be called out.

And, we all know the internet's undefeated at that.

Dan Benson critica a Aubrey O'Day por su promoción de onlyfans el Día del MLK

La actriz de Disney Channel convertida en modelo de OnlyFans, Dan Benson, está criticando a Aubrey O'Day por explotar el Día del MLK para promocionar su página de OnlyFans, un acto que califica de irrespetuoso, especialmente viniendo una mujer blanca.

la controversia da titulares

El "Wizards of Waverly Place" le dice a TMZ que la controversia es a menudo parte del negocio para los creadores de contenido que buscan atraer a nuevos suscriptores a sus páginas, no es ingenuo, pero añade que el Día de MLK no es ir muy lejos.

Como informamos, Aubrey aprovechó el día festivo publicando una serie de fotos y videos... justo al lado de una famosa y conmovedora cita del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Nuestras vidas comienzan a terminar el día en que nos callamos sobre las cosas que importan".

Tal vez Aubrey debería haber tomado esa cita más en serio... Dan dice que Aubrey debería haberse tomado el Día MLK libre de su trabajo en OnlyFans y utilizar el tiempo para reflexionar.

En lugar de utilizar al Dr. King para promover su OnlyFans, Dan dice Aubrey debería haber utilizado parte de su dinero ara una buena causa y él piensa que la reacción está justificada.

Dan dice que hace dinero mostrandole su culo a los hombres homosexuales, por lo que sabe cómo se juega el juego de la aplicación... Al menos el chico tiene buenos fundamentos.

Todos sabemos que internet es un lugar salvaje.

El padre de Lindsay Lohan critica la nueva película de "Chicas Pesadas" por su guiño a la "entrepierna de fuego"

Michael Lohan está criticando la nueva película "Mean Girls" por revivir un golpe bajo del pasado de su hija, Lindsay Lohan, diciendo que Tina Fey y Megan Thee Stallion fueron muy bajas, igual que sus números en taquilla.

El padre de Lindsay le dice a TMZ que está enjado por el "comentario repugnante" en el reboot, pero que encuentra algo de consuelo en los números de apertura de la película, que fueron mucho más bajos que el fin de semana del debut de la original en aquel entonces.

el pasado vuelve

Michael está hablando de la frase de Megan "la entrepierna de fuego está de vuelta" en la nueva película, que hace referencia a un famoso clip de TMZ de 2006, cuando el amigo heredero de Paris Hilton, Brandon Davis llamó a LiLo "entrepierna de fuego" varias veces en cámara.

El padre de Lindsay también está señalando el hecho de que el nuevo musical "Mean Girls" haga 28 millones de dólares en taquilla el fin de semana de estreno es simplemente karma.

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el infame video

La versión original hizo 24.4 millones de dólares durante su fin de semana de apertura en 2004, no está mal cuando pensamos en la inflación. Para los estándares de hoy en día, estaría más cerca de los $40 millones, por no hablar de los $86 millones que recaudó a nivel nacional a través de su carrera teatral.

Básicamente, el padre está apostando a que la nueva "Mean Girls" no se comparará con la versión original de su hija en tereminos de recaudación. Michael también nos dice que nunca vería la nueva "Mean Girls", y mientras él dice que le encantaría aplaudir a Megan, Brandon y Tina, nos dice que está tomando el camino correcto al no involucrarse.

El padre de Lindsay añade: "Voy a decir esto, NADIE puede reemplazar a Lindsay o al elenco original en esa película. Megan tampoco puede reemplazar a Lindsay en el nuevo anuncio de Planet Fitness vestida como una stripper en un anuncio".

Por supuesto, se refiere al hecho de que Lindsay hizo algunos anuncios hace unos años, y ahora, Megan los está haciendo también. El asunto es que parece estar  dando los mismos pasos de Lindsay, pero sin el mismo talento.

En pocas palabras para Michael... alejarse de su hijo, porque él está listo para atacar en su defensa.

Papá Oso está gruñendo, para bien o para mal.

Lindsay Lohan Papa Bear Pounces on 'MG' 'Fire Crotch' Joke Is 'Disgusting'!!!

Michael Lohan is ripping the new 'Mean Girls' movie for taking a cheap shot at his daughter, Lindsay Lohan ... saying Tina Fey and Megan Thee Stallion went low, just like their box office numbers.

Lindsay's dad tells TMZ ... he's straight-up "pissed" over the "disgusting comment" in the reboot ... but he's finding some solace in the flick's opening numbers, which were far lower than the OG's debut weekend way back when.


Michael's talking about Megan's "fire crotch is back" line in the new movie ... which references a famous TMZ clip from way back in 2006, when Paris Hilton's oil heir buddy Brandon Davis called LiLo a "fire crotch" multiple times on camera.

Lindsay's dad is also pointing at the fact the new 'Mean Girls' musical made $28 million at the box office opening weekend as a bit of karma.

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infamous 'fire crotch' video

The original version made $24.4 million on its opening weekend in 2004 -- and while that's lower ... it's actually not bad when adjusted for inflation. By today's standards, it'd be closer to $40 million ... not to mention the $86 mil it grossed domestically through its theatrical run.

Basically, ML is betting the new 'Mean Girls' won't hold a candle to his daughter's initial take on it when it's all said and done. Michael also tells us he would never see the new 'Mean Girls' ... and while he says he'd love to clap back at Megan, Brandon and Tina, specifically ... he tells us he's taking the high road and not getting in the gutter with them.

Lindsay's father adds ... "I will say this however, NOBODY can replace Lindsay or the original cast in that film. Nor can Megan replace Lindsay in the new Planet Fitness commercial dressed like a stripper in a fitness commercial."

Of course, what he's referring to there is the fact that Lindsay did some PF commercials a few years ago ... and now, MTS is doing them as well -- the implication being, she's kinda riding Lindsay's coattails, and not doing it nearly as well as she did.

Bottom line for Michael ... back off from his kid, 'cause he's ready to pounce in her defense.

Papa Bear's growling here ... for better or worse.