James Dolan Sued You Trafficked Me to Weinstein!!! So Claims Masseuse

MSG and Knicks owner James Dolan allegedly trafficked a massage therapist to Harvey Weinstein in the 2010s -- and also taking advantage of her himself -- but he's pushing back on her claim as BS.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Dolan is named as a defendant in a suit alleging he partook in outright sex trafficking after taking a young masseuse under his wing between late 2013 and early 2014 ... while he was performing on the road.

The plaintiff, Kellye Croft, claims she was initially hired to be the traveling massage therapist for the Eagles in 2013 ... but after some trouble with the touring staff, she says she ended up meeting Dolan, whose own band was the opening act.

Croft says she opened up to JD about her woes, and afterward, he apparently got involved to alleviate her issues ... and, she alleges he started pushing a sexual relationship with her.

While she doesn't straight up accuse Dolan of sexual assault, Croft does say she felt pressured to engage in sex acts with him ... throughout the rest of the tour.

Fast-forward to January, when Croft claims Irving Azoff's company -- which she says was handling the Eagles tour at the time -- flew her out to California to do more massage work ... only this time, she claims it became clear it was at Dolan's request.

Basically, she alleges Dolan simply wanted her on the road with him for sex -- and during this stint in L.A., she claims she had an ugly run-in with Weinstein ... who she says was good friends with Dolan, and who she alleges sexually assaulted her at a hotel.

Croft claims she actually ran into Weinstein at the hotel where she was staying -- and once he learned she was Dolan's massage therapist, she alleges he tried to rope her into giving one to him right then and there -- which ended in a chase down the hallway.

Croft claims Weinstein pursued her to her room, and pinned her down and sexually assaulted her ... only to be saved by a phone call from Dolan.

Once Weinstein realized Dolan was on the other end, Croft claims he backed off and said to her ... "Well, you know Jim and I are best friends. He’s going to be very disappointed that you led me on, this won’t look good for you." She claims he then left, and it was over.

Afterward, Croft claims she relayed all this to Dolan himself -- and she says he simply brushed it off ... allegedly noting that he and everyone in Weinstein's circle knew he was a "troubled person" who had "serious issues," and that his pals had tried to get him help.

Croft also points out a song she claims Dolan sent to her other associates years after the fact -- with lyrics that she claims nod to the Weinstein scandal that broke in 2017. It's a real song from his band, called "I Should've Known."

Croft says the lyrics -- which touch on a friend who falls from grace -- are actually a reference to Weinstein, but she claims Dolan knew about him for years.

Croft is alleging she was sexually trafficked, claiming Dolan flew her out to L.A. to continue the sexual relationship, and allowed her to be put in the situation with Weinstein ... an allegation which seems to have opened the door for a federal complaint to be filed.  Of course, she wants major damages.

Dolan is calling this entire suit pure fiction, with an attorney for the mogul telling TMZ ... "There is absolutely no merit to any of the allegations against Mr. Dolan. Kellye Croft and James Dolan had a friendship. The references to Harvey Weinstein are simply meant to inflame and appear to be plagiarized from prior cases against Mr. Weinstein."

His lawyer adds, "These claims reflect an act of retaliation by an attorney who has brought multiple cases against Mr. Dolan and has not won, and cannot win, a judgment against him. Mr. Dolan always believed Ms. Croft to be a good person and is surprised she would agree to these claims. Bottom line, this is not a he said/she said matter and there is compelling evidence to back up our position. We look forward to proving that in court."

Weinstein's own attorney, Jennifer Bonjean tells TMZ … "Mr. Weinstein vehemently denies these meritless allegations and looks forward to litigating these claims in court of law where the truth will be revealed."

A rep for Azoff tells us ... "Irving Azoff is not a party to this lawsuit. Neither he nor his companies had any involvement in any alleged misconduct by others."

James Dolan acusado de traficar para Harvey Weinstein en una nueva demanda

El propietario de los Knicks —James Dolan supuestamente traficó a una masajista para Harvey Weinstein en la década de 2010, y además, se aprovechó de ella él mismo. Ahora él niega las afirmaciones.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Dolan es nombrado como acusado en una demanda alegando que participó en el tráfico sexual después de tomar a una joven masajista bajo su ala entre finales de 2013 y principios de 2014 mientras estaba de gira.

La demandante, Kellye Croft, afirma que fue contratada inicialmente para ser la masajista itinerante de los Eagles en 2013, pero después de algunos problemas con el personal de gira, dice que terminó conociendo a Dolan, cuya banda era el acto de apertura.

Croft dice que James le comentó sus dolencias y después, al parecer, quiso que le realizara terapia, sin embargo, ella sostiene que intentó tener relaciones.

Aunque no acusa directamente a Dolan de agresión sexual, Croft dice que se sintió presionada para participar en actos sexuales con él durante el resto de la gira.

En enero, Croft afirma que la compañía de Irving Azoff, que según ella se encargaba de la gira de los Eagles en ese momento, la llevó a California para que hiciera más masajes, pero esta vez, según ella, estaba claro que era a petición de Dolan.

Básicamente, alega que Dolan la quería en la carretera con él para tener sexo, y durante este período en Los Ángeles, ella afirma que tuvo un feo encuentro con Weinstein —quien era buen amigo de Dolan— y alega que la agredió sexualmente en un hotel.

Croft afirma que se encontró con Weinstein en el hotel donde se alojaba y una vez que se enteró de que era la terapeuta de Dolan, ella sostiene que él trató de negociar un masaje ahí mismo, lo cual terminó en una persecución por el pasillo.

Croft afirma que Weinstein la persiguió hasta su habitación, la inmovilizó y trató de violarla, solo para ser salvado por una llamada telefónica de Dolan.

Una vez que Weinstein se dio cuenta de que Dolan estaba al otro lado del teléfono, Croft afirma que retrocedió y le dijo: "Bueno, ya sabes, Jim y yo somos mejores amigos. Va a estar muy decepcionado de que me hayas engañado, esto no se verá bien para ti". Ella afirma que luego se fue y todo se acabó.

Después, Croft afirma que ella le dijo todo esto al propio Dolan, y él le bajó el perfil al asunto, señalando que todo el mundo en el círculo de Weinstein sabía que era una "persona con problemas" y que tenía "problemas graves", incluso que sus amigos habían tratado de conseguirle ayuda.

Lo último que Croft señala en su demanda es una canción que, según ella, Dolan le envió a sus otros socios años después de los hechos, con una letra que, según ella, hace un guiño al escándalo con Weinstein que estalló en 2017. Es una canción real de su banda, llamada "I Should've Known".

Croft dice que la letra —que se trata de un amigo que cae en desgracia— es en realidad una referencia a Weinstein, pero ella afirma que Dolan sabía de él durante años.

Croft está alegando que fue víctima de trata sexual, alegando que Dolan la hizo volar a Los Ángeles para continuar la relación sexual, y la expuso a una situación con Weinstein. Esta alegación que parece haber abierto la puerta a una denuncia federal. Por supuesto, ella va por daños y perjuicios.

Dolan está llamando a toda esta demanda pura ficción, con un abogado del magnate diciendole a TMZ: "No hay absolutamente ningún mérito a cualquiera de las acusaciones contra el Sr. Dolan. Kellye Croft y James Dolan tenían una amistad. Las referencias a Harvey Weinstein están simplemente destinadas a inflamar y parecen plagiadas de casos anteriores contra el Sr. Weinstein".

Su abogado añade: "Estas afirmaciones reflejan un acto de represalia por parte de una abogada que ha presentado múltiples casos contra el Sr. Dolan y no ha ganado, ni puede ganar una sentencia contra él. El Sr. Dolan siempre creyó que la Sra. Croft era una buena persona y le sorprende que haya accedido a estas demandas. En resumidas cuentas, esto no se trata de "la palabra de uno contra la del otro", hay pruebas convincentes para respaldar nuestra posición. Esperamos poder demostrarlo en los tribunales".

La propia abogada de Weinstein, Jennifer Bonjean le dice a TMZ: "El Sr. Weinstein niega vehementemente estas acusaciones sin mérito y espera litigar estas reclamaciones en los tribunales de justicia donde la verdad será revelada".

Un representante de Azoff nos dice: "Irving Azoff no es parte en esta demanda. Ni él ni sus empresas tuvieron nada que ver con la supuesta mala conducta de otros".



Mia Khalifa found herself in a heated showdown with a Jewish mother ... over her controversial pro-Hamas thoughts.

The porn star-turned-influencer recorded the tense exchange outside Miami International Airport, showing the woman repeating the words "Am Yisrael Chai" -- a Hebrew term meaning "the people of Israel live," and a clear show of solidarity among Jewish people.

Mia opted not to debate the Middle East conflict with the woman, and instead tried to get under her skin by sarcastically asking if she was waiting for a bus ... while Mia bragged she was waiting for her valet.

But, the woman relentlessly chanted the phrase while her son looked visibly embarrassed -- and Mia retorted with a savage crack about the woman having bad breath.

Mia proudly posted the video, claiming Zionists were losing the plot and the woman was calling her slurs inside the airport ... which was not captured on camera.

She's clearly sticking by her pro-Hamas thoughts, which got her fired from Playboy in October ... as the outlet said it has "a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech."


Despite the blowback, Mia doubled down ... writing at the time, "I'd say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I'm more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."

Even face-to-face confrontations aren't swaying her view.

Mia Khalifa se enfrenta a una madre judía por sus opiniones a favor de Hamás


Mia Khalifa se vio envuelta en un acalorado enfrentamiento con una madre judía por sus controvertidos pensamientos a favor de Hamás.

La estrella del porno convertida en influencer grabó el tenso intercambio fuera del Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami, mostrando a la mujer repitiendo las palabras "Am Yisrael Chai" —un término hebreo que significa "el pueblo de Israel vive"— y una clara muestra de solidaridad entre el pueblo judío.

Mia optó por no debatir el conflicto de Oriente Medio con la mujer y en su lugar trató de meterse en su piel con sarcasmo, preguntando si estaba esperando un autobús, mientras que Mia se jactó de que estaba esperando a su equipo de cámara.

Sin embargo, la mujer coreó sin cesar la frase mientras su hijo parecía visiblemente avergonzado... luego Mia se refirió al mal aliento de la mujer.

Mia publicó con orgullo el video, alegando que los sionistas estaban perdiendo el norte mientras la mujer seguía gritando en el aeropuerto, lo cual no pudo ser capturado en video.

Está claro que si sus pensamientos pro-Hamás fue lo que hizo que la despidieran de Playboy en octubre, ya que dijeron tener: "una política de tolerancia cero para el discurso de odio".

la despidieron

A pesar de la reacción, Mia se retractó, escribiendo: "Yo diría que apoyar a Palestina me ha hecho perder oportunidades de negocio, pero estoy más enojada conmigo misma por no comprobar si estaba o no entrando en negocios con sionistas."

Ni siquiera los enfrentamientos cara a cara le hacen cambiar de opinión.

Noah Schnapp Mis opiniones sobre Israel y Hamás han sido malinterpretadas

Solo quiero paz
TikTok / @noahschnapp

Noah Schnapp dice que sus pensamientos sobre el conflicto entre Israel y Hamás se están tergiversando en línea, por lo que se tomó un par de minutos para reformular su posición sobre la violencia.

El actor ha atraído importantes reacciones desde que el conflicto comenzó en octubre de 2023, ya que la estrella de "Stranger Things" al parecer apoyó las acciones violentas de Hamás en un video ahora borrado, mientras que otro registro visual lo mostraba con pegatinas que decían "El sionismo es sexy" (Zionism is sexy).

Noah intentó aclarar el asunto el lunes en TikTok, afirmando que lo que realmente quiere es paz, seguridad y protección para todas las personas inocentes afectadas por el conflicto.

Añade que ha aprendido mucho después de tener discusiones abiertas y esenciales con sus amigos palestinos. Ambas partes están unidas en su esperanza de que los inocentes rehenes retenidos en Gaza sean devueltos a sus familias, y también en que la matanza de palestinos inocentes termine.

Noah también dijo que espera más comprensión y compasión, independientemente de la raza, etnia, origen y sexualidad, concluyendo: "Todos somos humanos y todos somos iguales, y todos debemos amarnos unos a otros por eso y apoyarnos unos a otros y unirnos. Y permanecer unidos por la humanidad y por la paz".

La reacción a la opinión de Noah sobre la guerra ha tenido a la gente pidiendo un boicot a "Stranger Things" desde hace un tiempo, por lo que muchos en línea simplemente piensan que está dando marcha atrás para hacer control de daños a medida que comienza la producción de la 5ª temporada de la serie.

"Stranger Things" ha batido récords de Netflix con sus temporadas anteriores, así que será interesante ver cómo afecta esta controversia a los índices de audiencia.


TikTok / @noahschnapp

Noah Schnapp says his thoughts on the conflict between Israel and Hamas are getting twisted online ... so, he took a couple minutes to restate his position on the violence.

The actor, who is Jewish, has drawn significant backlash since the conflict began in October 2023 ... as he, at least, appeared to support Hamas' violent actions in a now-deleted video while another showed him with "Zionism is sexy" stickers.

He tried to clarify Monday on TikTok, stating what he really wants is peace, safety, and security for all innocent people affected by the conflict.

He adds he's learned a lot after having open and essential discussions with his Palestinian friends ... both sides unified in their hope to have innocent hostages held in Gaza returned to their families, and also for the killing of innocent Palestinians to end.

Noah also said he hopes for more understanding and compassion regardless of race, ethnicity, background and sexuality, concluding ... "We are all human, and we're all the same, and we should all love each other for that and support each other and stand together. And stand together for humanity and for peace."

The backlash to Noah's view on the war has had people calling for a "Stranger Things" boycott for a while now -- so, many online think he's merely backpedaling to do damage control as production begins for the 5th season of his sci-fi show.


'ST' has regularly broken Netflix records with their previous seasons ... so it'll be interesting to see how this controversy affects ratings.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


Ariana DeBose's former "Hamilton" costar is leaping to her defense ... after a Critics Choice Awards joke at her expense left her visibly insulted.

Christopher Jackson, who played George Washington alongside Ariana in the musical back in 2015, gushes over the "world-class artist" ... telling TMZ she represents every facet of tremendous skill and talent to the highest level.

He's imploring folks to find another artist out there who has delivered performances with Ariana's sheer skill -- basically, he's yet to see her do anything but shine.

Christopher's also reminding us the job of a Broadway star ain't easy, so much so they have to always consider the safe route -- but Ariana's got it all locked down cause she's a triple threat in every sense of the word.

He blasts the "lazy hack-ass" writers for the joke, but Victoria Theodore -- musical director for 'The Donna Summer Musical' in which Ariana starred -- is taking a direct shot at Bella Ramsey for delivering the quip.

She says Bella's scripted line was rude, and lumping Ariana in with "actors who think they can sing" was completely uncalled for.

Victoria also noted how challenging it is to sing live on Broadway while dancing and acting, but despite that ... she says it's no sweat for Ariana, because she can perform all aspects of musical theatre brilliantly.

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The CW

Ariana's immediate facial reaction to the joke has gone viral ... and she later admitted on social media, she genuinely didn't find it funny.

Maximizing the awkwardness was the fact Bella was standing next to Anthony Ramos ... another one of Ariana's "Hamilton" costars.

She clearly has loads of people in her corner, though, so it's safe to say the crack doesn't reflect how most of Hollywood feels.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Wave of Hate from Nick Supporters ... She Feels It's Unfair!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is getting bombarded with criticism from Nick Godejohn supporters -- it's been going on since she got out of prison, but Gypsy feels the haters aren't giving her a fair shake.

Sources close to Gypsy Rose tell TMZ ... she's been inundated with folks expressing negative feelings toward her, because she's now free -- whereas Nick's serving a life sentence for murdering her mother Dee Dee.

We're told that fact of Gypsy's situation is one over which she feels a lot of guilt to this day.

Still, our sources say Gypsy feels it's not right she's being branded a murderer by some of these overzealous Nick fans ... and the reason for that is because she didn't actually carry out the act of taking her mother's life. Remember, Nick was the one who stabbed Dee Dee, and Gypsy was convicted of second-degree murder -- basically, for masterminding the slaying.

With that in mind, Gypsy also thinks it's strange Nick is getting sympathy from folks who want to see him freed. We're told she believes he enjoyed stabbing her mother 17 times, so the fact he's got a group of backers is sorta ass-backwards.

Remember ... Nick got life in prison without possibility of parole after his conviction for first-degree murder. Gypsy got a 10-year sentence, but was released on parole last month, after more than 8 years of incarceration.

Our sources tell us Gypsy feels like she tried to help Nick in his 2018 trial by testifying she came up with the plan to kill Dee Dee, because it was the only way she could escape her mother's abuse. She feels her testimony was the right thing to do to clear her conscience, and we're told doing so helped her forgive herself.

Now, we're told Gypsy has NO feelings towards Nick ... she doesn't want to communicate with him and she's trying to leave their past behind and move forward with her new life.

Our sources say Gypsy doesn't hate Nick, but she doesn't love him or feel sad for him either -- she just doesn't feel anything for him ... good or bad.

Some of the same folks attacking Gypsy online say Nick should be freed too ... but we're told she feels his punishment fits the crime. Our sources say Nick told Gypsy in text messages, before Dee Dee's murder, he was going to enjoy killing her mom ... and Gypsy feels her ex is a danger to society who needs extreme mental health care while behind bars.

Bottom line ... she's done her time, and Gypsy doesn't understand the continued criticism.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard recibe el odio de los seguidores de Nick Godejohn y lo considera injusto

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ha sido bombardeada por el odio de los partidarios de Nick Godejohn desde su salida de la cárcel y ella siente que está recibiendo un trato injusto.

Fuentes cercanas a Gypsy Rose le dicen a TMZ que ha estado experimentando sentimientos negativos hacia ella desde que fue puesta en libertad. Todo porque ella es la que ha asegurado su libertad, mientras que Nick está cumpliendo una cadena perpetua por asesinar a su madre Dee Dee.

Nos informan que la situación de Gypsy es un hecho por el que se siente muy culpable hasta el día de hoy.

Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que Gypsy siente que no es correcto que esté siendo tildada de asesina por algunos de los fans de Nick, y la razón de ello es que en realidad ella no le quitó la vida de su madre... recordemos que Nick fue quien apuñaló a Dee Dee y Gypsy fue condenada por asesinato en segundo grado, básicamente por ser la autora intelectual del crimen.

Nos dicen que Gypsy también piensa que es extraño, Nick está recibiendo la simpatía de la gente que quiere verlo en libertad. Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella cree que disfrutó de matar y apuñalar 17 veces a su madre, por lo que el hecho de que él tenga un grupo de seguidores es inaudito.

Recordemos que Nick fue declarado culpable de asesinato en primer grado y condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional, mientras que Gypsy fue condenada a 10 años pero salió en libertad condicional tras cumplir 8 años de prisión.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Gypsy siente que trató de ayudar a Nick en su juicio penal de 2018 al testificar que ideó el plan para matar a Dee Dee porque era la única manera de escapar del abuso de su madre y nos dicen que Gypsy siente que su testimonio fue lo correcto en ese momento para limpiar su conciencia, lo que la ayudó a perdonarse a sí misma y seguir adelante.

Ahora, nos dicen Gypsy NO tiene sentimientos hacia Nick... ella no quiere comunicarse con él y ella está tratando de dejar su pasado atrás y seguir adelante con su nueva vida.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Gypsy no odia a Nick, pero no lo ama o se siente triste por él tampoco... ella simplemente no siente nada hacia él, bueno o malo, y punto.

Algunas de las mismas personas que atacan a Gypsy en línea dicen que Nick debería ser liberado también, pero nos dicen que ella siente que su castigo se ajusta al crimen. Nuestras fuentes dicen que Nick le dijo a Gypsy en mensajes de texto antes del asesinato de Dee Dee que iba a disfrutar de matar a su madre y Gypsy siente que su ex es un peligro para la sociedad y necesita atención de salud mental extrema, mientras que está detrás de las rejas.

En pocas palabras... ella ha pagado su condena y Gypsy no entiende las críticas continuas.

Green Day Band Stands By MAGA Lyric Switch ... America's Stupider Today!!!

cry more, maga!!!

Green Day changed their lyrics during a New Year's Eve performance to target the MAGA crowd -- and if they were mad at them then ... they'll be extra pissed after this interview.

We got the main band members heading into LAX Monday, and you bet your ass we asked them about their lyrical switch-up on "American Idiot" 2 weeks ago during their Dick Clark 'New Year’s Rockin’ Eve' gig ... which saw them change the word "redneck" for "MAGA."

Basically, Billie sang ... "I'm not part of a MAGA agenda" instead of the OG line, and it triggered the hell out of Trump supporters, who were dragging the GD crew online.

Now, all these days later ... we asked the boys about it, including Billie Joe Armstrong -- who says it was par for the course for the MAGA people ... likening it all to pearl clutching. When we asked if BJA had a message for all the people he pissed off ... he blew 'em a kiss.


Same vibe from Green Day's longtime bassist Mike Dirnt and OG drummer Tré Cool -- who basically echoed Billie, saying they did what they did ... and have no regrets about it either.


Now, on the question of whether they think America, at large, has gotten dumber since they first put out the song way back in 2004 ... well, they had some interesting responses.

Take a listen for yourself ... sounds like the fellas think the US of A might be a lil' stupider today than they were during the Bush era. More than just that though ... we're divided.

That's Mike's takeaway, anyway -- but he's got a solution to that as well.

Green Day apoya el cambio de letra del MAGA de NYE y dice que América es más estúpida hoy


Green Day cambió sus letras durante una actuación de Nochevieja para dirigirse a la multitud MAGA y si, estaban bastante enojados y van a ser extra enojados después de esta entrevista.

Encontramos a los principales miembros de la banda dirigiéndose a LAX el lunes, y puedes apostar tu trasero a que les preguntamos sobre el cambio de la letra de "American Idiot" hace dos semanas durante su actuación en Dick Clark "New Year's Rockin' Eve", donde cambiaron la palabra "redneck" por "MAGA".

Básicamente, Billie cantó: "No soy parte de una agenda MAGA" en lugar de la línea original, y provocó irritación entre los partidarios de Trump, explotando en redes sociales.

Ahora, han poasado los días y le preguntamos a los chicos al respecto, incluyendo a Billie Joe Armstrong... Cuando le preguntamos si tenía un mensaje para todas las personas que enojadas... dijo: un un beso.

estupidez americana

La misma vibra venía del bajista —Mike Dirnt— y el baterista —Tré Cool— que básicamente se hicieron eco de Billie, diciendo que hicieron lo que hicieron y no se arrepienten.

siguen rockeando

Ahora, sobre si piensan que América, en general, se ha vuelto más tonta desde que sacaron la canción por primera vez en 2004... bueno, tuvieron algunas respuestas interesantes.

Escúchalo tú mismo, parece que los muchachos piensan que los EE.UU. hoy en día podrían ser un poco más estúpidos hoy de lo que eran durante la era Bush. En ese sentido... creo que estamos divididos.

Esa es la opinión de Mike, pero también tiene una solución.

'American Idol's' Chris Daughtry Today's Singers Can Hit Big w/o Show ... It's a Brave New World!!!


Chris Daughtry is acknowledging aspiring professional singers these days might not need something like "American Idol" to launch their careers ... but he's walking a fine line here.

The 'Idol' alum was at LAX Monday, and our photog chatted him up about the modern landscape of music and television -- which, in the good old days of the aughts, made for the perfect combination of stardom on shows like 'AI' and others.

CD, of course, is a great example of that -- he didn't win the competition, but came out as a hugely popular artist nonetheless ... and he's been incredibly successful in the music biz.

With that in mind, our camera guy asks if he thinks 'Idol' is pretty much obsolete in the era of TikTok -- when up-and-comers can go viral much more easily than back then ... and break into the industry with a little more ease.

Welp, Chris won't go so far as to say 'Idol' is ancient and irrelevant -- you can tell he doesn't wanna straight up trash the show -- but he does note the obvious ... there are other routes.

Basically, Chris says he's just not sure if there are less people going out for 'Idol' in 2024 as there were back in 2004. On the question of whether can churn out megastars the way you used to in its heyday ... there, too, he kinda gives a shrugged-shoulder response.

Like he says ... he's lucky enough to where he doesn't have to think about that -- 'cause he's been there and conquered the mountain. In other words, he caught the good wave!

Chris is still seeing success well after his American Idol days... his new song "Artificial" is currently charting top 5 on Rock radio.

Lola Brooke NYC Rats ... Gotta Learn To Live With Them At This Point!!! 🤷🏾‍♀️


New York City's rat infestation appears to have taken a turn for the worse ... a reality that's not likely gonna get any better if you ask proud New Yorker Lola Brooke!!!

TMZ Hip Hop recently got the "Don't Play With It" rapper's take on what could be done with the rodent rampage -- last week, city officials were put on alert when the furry pests were spotted seeking warmth underneath a homeless man's blanket.

TikTok / @six4bk718

Kathleen Corradi, the 6-figure salaried specialist hired by NYC Mayor Eric Adams to solve the problem, recently told us there's a 7% decrease in rat complaints ... but Lola thinks that's only because people have just stopped complaining.

Lola's a lifelong Brooklynite -- she tells us she grew up with rats in her home to no fault of her own and says it's basically time for the Rotten Apple to realize it's ... well, rotten.

Rat traps haven't been able to slow down Lola's hustle getting the cheese ... she recently joined Wyclef Jean, Pusha T and Capella Grey for a blockbuster performance of their "Paper Right" anthem!!!

Lil Nas X se disculpa por el video "J Christ" tras recibir críticas


Lil Nas X está tratando de limpiar el caos que su single "J Christ" ha causado en la comunidad cristiana, pero el daño podría estar hecho, si las reacciones de estos artistas significan algo.

El Sr. Montero se expresó en Insta el lunes para pedir disculpas por todas las reacciones, pero también admitió que estaba sorprendido por el nivel de odio que recibió.

Lil Nas X dice que se imaginaba que las masas habrían captado su sátira, es decir, su lucha contra Satanás en el video y su alejamiento del lado oscuro, por así decirlo. Continúa diciendo que la inspiración en Jesús pretendía ser una metáfora de su carrera resucitada.

Admite, sin embargo, que su video promocional quizás llevó las cosas demasiado lejos. Se disculpa por las payasadas, al tiempo que niega ser el anticristo enviado para arruinar los valores familiares.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

A pesar del "lo siento" de Nas X, varios de los principales raperos cristianos de hoy en día no están de acuerdo. Piensan que su nueva campaña "J Christ" se burla abiertamente de su religión y ¡no están de acuerdo!

Dee-1 no es ajeno a llamar la atención a artistas que siente que están llevando a los fans por caminos oscuros, y publicó una foto junto a un mural de Lil Nas X advirtiendo que su sello discográfico —Columbia Records— le estaba permitiendo ser un maniquí de choque para los cristianos.

Dee sugirió que Lil estaba "Herido por la iglesia", siendo rechazado por ser gay.

Lecrae, el primer rapero en ganar un Grammy al Mejor Álbum Gospel, se hizo eco de pensamientos similares e instó a sus seguidores a orar por Lil, argumentando que no es una causa perdida, todavía.

no se juega con el nombre de jesús
Instagram / @hurricanechrisofficial

El huracán Chris —que nos dijo que le dio crédito a Jesús por su veredicto de inocencia tras ser absuelto de asesinato— fue mucho menos indulgente y amenazó con resucitar las Cruzadas y luchar por su Señor y Salvador contra lo que él percibe como el mal en la canción de Nas X.

El tiempo dirá lo sincero que está siendo Lil. A primera vista, suena como si fuera un poco en serio. ¿Es hora de confesarse y buscar penitencia?

Lil Nas X Meant No Disrespect w/ 'J Christ' ... Christian Artists Pile On


Lil Nas X is trying to clean up the mess that his "J Christ" single has caused in the Christian community ... but the damage might be done, if these artists' reactions mean anything.

Mr. Montero hopped on IG on Monday to apologize for all the backlash but also admitted he was surprised by the level of hate he received all the same.

Lil Nas X says he figured the masses would have picked up on his satire ... namely, him combatting Satan in the video and turning away from the dark side, so to speak. He goes on to say the Jesus inspo was aimed to be a metaphor for his resurrected career.

He does admit, however, that his communion promo video perhaps took things too far ... he apologizes for the antics ... while denying he's the anti-Christ sent to ruin family values.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Despite Nas X's I'm-sorry ... several of today's top Christian rappers may beg to differ ... they think his new "J Christ" campaign openly mocks their religion and they're not going for it!!!

Dee-1 is no stranger to calling out artists he feels are leading fans down dark paths and posted up next to a mural of Lil Nas X ... and warned him his record label Columbia Records was allowing him to be a crash dummy for Christians.

Dee suggested LNX was suffering from "church hurt" -- shunned for being gay but still told him to cut it out.

Lecrae, the first rapper to ever win a Grammy for Best Gospel Album, echoed similar thoughts and urged his following to pray for LNX -- arguing he's not a lost cause, yet.

Don't Play With Jesus' Name
Instagram / @hurricanechrisofficial

Hurricane Chris -- who told us he credited Jesus for his not guilty verdict after being acquitted of murder -- was far less forgiving and threatened to resurrect the Crusades ... and slide for his Lord and Savior against what he perceives as the evil in Nas X's song.

Time will tell how sincere LNX is here ... on its face, it sounds like he's kinda serious. Time to hit confession and seek penance???


Melissa Barrera's been screaming her support of Palestine from the rooftops -- which led to her getting 86'd from the 'Scream' franchise -- but it looks like her former cast members still have her back.

The actress reunited with her former costars Sunday night at the Motion Picture and Television Fund's 17th Annual Evening Before Gala ... and Jenna Ortega was standing right by her, literally and figuratively.

Remember, Melissa was fired back in November from the 7th installment of the horror franchise over her Israel-Palestine posts.

Jenna appeared to like a post on Melissa doubling down on her pro-Palestine stance at the time of her firing ... and she too dropped out of the new 'Scream' movie -- though it was apparently due to a schedule clash with Netflix's "Wednesday" and not cause of MB's firing.

But Jenna's support was loud and clear in the new IG snaps shared by Melissa ... where she was also joined by her other  'Scream' costars Mason Gooding, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Liana Liberato, Tony Revolori, Skeet Ulrich, and Jack Quaid -- who all appeared to have her back, too.

As we reported ... Melissa doubled down on her pro-Palestine stance over Xmas while the 'Scream' Empire collapsed with director Christopher Landon also walking away from the new movie.

While Spyglass lost their 2 big leads and their director ... Neve Campbell recently teased a possible return to the franchise as Sidney Prescott -- only for the right amount of money, though.

She initially left the franchise due to pay disagreements, so that doesn't come as a shock -- but she ain't biting the hand that feeds her ... saying at Saturday's BAFTA Tea Party in L.A. she was sad the higher-ups at 'Scream' were struggling.

Neve said for the hope of OG "Scream" director Wes Craven and the new cast and crew she really hopes it doesn't fall apart.