El exnovio de Blac Chyna expone DMs sexualmente explícitos de Tokyo Toni

La madre de Blac Chyna a.k.a. Angela White —Tokyo Toni—, se está escabullendo a sus espaldas con la esperanza de meterse en los pantalones del ex novio de su hija, al menos eso es lo que sugieren estos mensajes filtrados.

Chyna y el rapero Lil Twin Hector salieron durante un par de años antes de romper en 2020, pero el jueves se confirmaron las afirmaciones de que Toni le estaba enviando mensajes explícitos por Instagram... publicándolos para que todo el mundo los vea.

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muy explícito

Es algo bastante subido de tono... al parecer, Toni amenazó a Twin con coger un vuelo solo para darle na lección a su hija, lo que provocó que Twin le enviara un apasionado mensaje pidiéndole que llenara su corazón de amor.

Resultó ser una trampa... Tokio juró una y otra vez que Chyna estaba celosa de su cuerpo natural y luego atacó con mensajes en un intento de excitar a Twin.

El punto de ruptura para Twin llegó cuando Tokio le envió un video de ella mientras estaba cubierta de mantas.

Héctor estaba tan disgustado que hizo un video titulado "Ms Toni" e incluyó los mensajes como evidencia visual.

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Ni Chyna ni Toni han respondido, pero ¿es realmente tan sorprendente que madres e hijas tengan el mismo gusto en los hombres?

La hija de George Carlin redobla sus críticas al especial de comedia generado por IA


A la hija de George Carlin no le causa gracia el nuevo especial de comedia generado por IA con el objetivo de traer a su famoso padre de vuelta a la vida... porque asegura que el proyecto carece de alma.

Kelly Carlin-McCall se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el jueves y le preguntamos sobre el nuevo especial de IA —"George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead"— que cuenta con una versión robótica de su padre haciendo standup.

La hija de George dice que el programa de IA tiene el nombre de su padre, pero ahí acaban las comparaciones. Dice que el ordenador estropeó la cadencia cómica de su padre, y simplemente no capta la magia como él lo hizo una vez.

El programa de IA está disponible en YouTube, pero Kelly dice que su problema no es el dinero, señalando que Carlin tiene montones de presentaciones disponibles para ver gratis.

Para la hija de George, el gran problema es más sobre la eliminación completa del elemento humano.

Kelly dice que el programa se basó en las viejas bromas de George para tratar de formar su opinión sobre temas de actualidad: Donald Trump, la tecnología, las personas transgénero, reality TV, etc. Pero dice que es básicamente un ejercicio sin alma.

Dudesy es la plataforma de IA que está detrás del programa y Tom Brady ya ha conseguido que su propio especial de comedia generado por IA sea retirado de Internet. Kelly dice que está considerando la posibilidad de emprender acciones legales.

Es una conversación interesante y Kelly nos cuenta por qué el arte de la IA nunca estará a la altura de las creaciones humanas.

George Carlin's Daughter Doubles Down on Bashing AI Special Where's Human Element?!?


George Carlin's daughter is not laughing at a new AI-generated comedy special aiming to bring her famous father back to life ... 'cause she says the project straight up lacks soul.

Kelly Carlin-McCall joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday and we asked her about the new AI special, "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead" -- which features a robot version of her father doing standup in what's being called a whole new set from the man himself.

George's daughter says the AI program has her dad's name, but that's about where the comparisons end ... she says the computer botched her dad's comedic cadence, and just doesn't capture the magic like he once did.

The AI show is available on YouTube but Kelly says her bone to pick isn't about money ... pointing out GC has tons of shows available to stream for free.

For George's daughter, the big issue is more about completely removing the art form's human element.

Kelly says the program drew on George's old jokes to try and form him opinion on contemporary topics -- Donald Trump, technology, transgender people, reality TV -- but she says it's basically a soulless exercise.

Dudesy is the AI platform behind the show, and Tom Brady's already successfully gotten his own AI-generated comedy special removed from the internet. Kelly says she's considering legal action and might pick the brains of TB12's lawyers.

It's an interesting conversation ... and Kelly tells us why AI art will never stand up to human creations.

Raptors' Darko Rajakovic Fined $25k ... For Ripping Refs

Toronto Raptors head coach Darko Rajakovic's all-time rant on referees after losing to the Los Angeles Lakers just cost him a ton of dough -- the league announced it has fined him $25k for his comments.

As we previously reported, the first-year coach went scorched earth on officials over the free throw disparity in the fourth quarter of Tuesday's contest ... calling it "completely BS" the Lakers got 23 attempts, while his squad only got two in the 132-131 loss.

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Toronto Raptors

Considering it's against NBA rules to criticize officials in public, a financial punishment was pretty much a sure thing as soon as the comments came out of Rajakovic's mouth.

The punishment was made official on Thursday ... with Joe Dumars announcing the decision.

Many will say the rant was worth the $25k ... as it quickly went viral on social media, with some talking heads giving DR props for sticking up for his players.

LeBron James didn't agree with Rajakovic, though ... as he said after the game he felt the Raptors simply fouled more, which resulted in the Lakers getting to the charity stripe.

Nick Saban I Didn't Retire Due To NIL Era ... 'Don't Make It About That'

Nick Saban is clearing the air on his decision to retire ... adamantly denying he is walking away from his legendary career due to the NIL era.

It's no secret -- the seven-time national championship winner was a huge critic of allowing student-athletes to cash in on their popularity ever since it was introduced in 2021 ... and now that it's resulted in massive checks for some of the top stars in the country, he felt it was just a fancy way of saying "pay for play," which could lead to tampering through the transfer protocol.

Deion Sanders' farewell post about Saban even seemingly hinted at the 72-year-old not being able to keep up with the NIL and transfer facet of his job ... saying, "The game has change so much that it chased the GOAT away."

But, Saban is shooting down that notion in an interview with ESPN on Thursday ... explaining that's not what led him to retirement.

"Don't make it about that. It's not about that," Saban said of the speculation. "To me, if you choose to coach, you don't need to be complaining about all that stuff. You need to adjust to it and adapt to it and do the best you can under the circumstances and not complain about it."

Saban feels like he's not alone in thinking the NCAA has a big issue on its hands ... adding, "I think everybody is frustrated about it."

He also pointed out Bama continued to find success in the NIL era ... but at the end of the day, it was time to move on and hand over the reins to someone else.

Saban did, however, open up on the challenges he faced this past season ... saying he didn't experience any major health issues, but seemingly suggested his age was finally catching up to him.

The good news for Bama?? Saban said he'll stick around and help with the transition ... which was made clear when he arrived on campus Thursday morning.

As we previously reported, Saban told his players and staffers Wednesday afternoon he was done coaching ... capping off the most dominant career in college football history.

Aaron Rodgers Aparece brevemente en el show de McAfee ... Solo habla de deporte

Volviendo a lo que importa

Aaron Rodgers está de vuelta en el programa de Pat McAfee, solo 24 horas después de que Pat anunciara que el 4x MVP de la NFL había terminado su participación por la temporada, ¡pues el jugador de los Jets hizo una aparición inesperada en las ondas de ESPN!

Pero los chicos se ciñeron a los deportes. Solo discutieron las salidas de Bill Belichick y Nick Saban de los New England y Alabama. No se habló nada de Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Kimmel, Anthony Fauci, COVID-19, o cualquier otro tema candente.

La visita, de unos 5 minutos probablemente, ni siquiera sería noticia si no fuera por el anuncio que McAfee hizo en el programa de ayer, donde dijo: "Los martes de Aaron Rodgers, la temporada 4, se acabó".

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Rechazando a Rodgers

Pat continuó explicando que estaba aliviado de que Aaron no volviera más al programa, al menos, durante unos meses.

"Habrá un montón de gente que estará feliz con esto, yo incluido, para ser honestos con ustedes. La forma en que terminó, se puso muy ruidoso. Estoy contento de que no vaya a estar en mis menciones en el futuro, lo cual es una gran noticia".

El anuncio fue recibido con enfado por algunos aficionados, quienes percibieron que McAfee le estaba dando la espalda a Rodgers. La aparición del jueves parece poner fin a cualquier especulación de que Aaron y Pat tengan alguna disputa.

De hecho, Pat abordó algunas de las reacciones (dijo que estaba siendo "absolutamente aplastado") y aparentemente aclaró que Rodgers no iba a unirse los martes porque su temporada de fútbol había terminado y quería disfrutar de su tiempo libre.

Hemos pasado por mucho...

Cuando Aaron se desconectó, Pat comentó su vínculo con Rodgers antes de seguir con su programa.

"¿Sabes por cuántas cosas he pasado con Aaron Rodgers en nuestra corta relación?", dijo.

Aaron Rodgers Makes Brief Appearance On McAfee Show ... Sticks To Sports


Aaron Rodgers is back on the Pat McAfee show ... just about 24 hours after Pat announced the 4x NFL MVP was done for the season, the Jets signal caller made an unannounced appearance on the ESPN airwaves!

But, the guys stuck to sports ... only discussing Bill Belichick and Nick Saban's departures in New England and Alabama. There was no talk of Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Kimmel, Anthony Fauci, COVID-19, or any other hot-button issues.

The 5-ish minute visit would likely not even be newsworthy if not for the announcement that McAfee made on yesterday's show, saying, "Aaron Rodgers' Tuesday, season 4, is done."

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Pat went on to explain that he was relieved Aaron wouldn't be back on the show ... for a few months, at least.

“There will be a lot of people who are happy with that, myself included, to be honest with you. The way it ended, it got real loud. I am happy that he’s not going to be in my mentions going forward, which is great news.”


The announcement was met with anger by some fans who perceived McAfee as turning his back on Rodgers. Thursday's appearance would seem to put any speculation to bed that Aaron and Pat have any beef.

In fact, Pat addressed some of the reaction (he said he was getting "absolutely crushed"), seemingly clarifying that Rodgers wasn't going to join on Tuesdays because his football season's over, and he wants to enjoy his time off.


When Aaron logged off, Pat commented on his bond with AR before moving on with his show.

"Do you know how many things I've been through with Aaron Rodgers in our short relationship?"

FKA Twigs Calvin Klein Ad Pic Banned in UK ... She Claims Double Standard

FKA Twigs recently did a Calvin Klein campaign where she showed a little skin -- which was apparently too risque for the United Kingdom ... but she's calling it BS, and outright unfair.

Here's the deal ... the singer is one of the newest faces for the famed fashion line, and one of the shots that was released as part of her campaign has actually gotten censored in the UK -- all thanks to a government agency known as the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

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According to them, this specific ad featuring FKA violates one of its provisions in that it could "present her as a stereotypical sexual object" ... this because the pic places "viewers' focus on the model's body rather than on the clothing being advertised." They go on to say that this image is likely to cause serious offense ... so they're completely yanking it in public.

The photo in question shows Twigs butt naked -- but covered up with a denim shirt of some kind, which is draped over her ... and some side-boob showing, as well as some butt/thigh.

It's not the raciest shot in the world, and yet ... it seems to have been too much for the Brits. FKA came out and slammed the decision, saying she sees herself as a strong woman of color in this photo -- while going on to suggest there are double standards at play here.

She might have a point ... there's another recent Calvin Klein ad with Kendall Jenner -- where she too is somewhat topless -- that's been running in the UK without issue.

Of course, there's also the Jeremy Allen White campaign that dropped last week -- and we're sure that's getting a ton of play across the pond. Unclear if FKA thinks this enforcement on her pertains to race, sex or both ... but in any case, she feels she's getting a raw deal.


She writes, "i am proud of my physicality and hold the art i create with my vessel to the standards of women like josephine baker, eartha kitt and grace jones who broke down barriers of what it looks like to be empowered and harness a unique embodied sensuality."

Calvin Klein themselves came out in Twigs' defense ... saying, "The images were not vulgar and were of two confident and empowered women who had chosen to identify with the Calvin Klein brand, and the ads contained a progressive and enlightened message."

FKA Twigs Su anuncio de Calvin Klein es prohibido en el Reino Unido Ella reclama doble estándar

FKA Twigs hizo una campaña para Calvin Klein recientemente donde mostró un poco de piel, lo que al parecer fue demasiado para el Reino Unido, aunque ella está diciendo que todo es una estupidez y algo abiertamente injusto.

Esta es la cuestión, la cantante es uno de los nuevos rostros de la famosa marca de moda, y una de las fotos que se publicó como parte de su campaña ha sido censurada en el Reino Unido por una agencia gubernamental conocida como Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

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Según ellos, este anuncio específico de FKA viola una de sus disposiciones, pues podría "presentarla como un objeto sexual estereotipado" al poner "el foco de los espectadores en el cuerpo de la modelo en lugar de la ropa que se anuncia."

Continúan diciendo que es probable que esta imagen cause una ofensa grave, por lo que han decidido retirarla completamente del público.

La foto en cuestión muestra el culo desnudo de Twigs, pero cubierto con una camisa de mezclilla de algún tipo sobre ella y un poco de su pecho, así como algunas nalgas y muslos.

No es la foto más sexual del mundo y, sin embargo, parece ser demasiado para los británicos. FKA salió a criticar la decisión, diciendo que se ve a sí misma como una mujer de color fuerte en esa foto. Además, sugirió que hay un doble estándar.

Ella podría tener un punto. Otros anuncios recientes de Calvin Klein con Kendall Jenner algo en topless, han estado funcionando en el Reino Unido sin problemas.

Por supuesto, también está la campaña de Jeremy Allen White que se lanzó la semana pasada, y estamos seguros de que está recibiendo un montón de atención al otro lado del charco. No está claro si FKA piensa que esta decisión sobre ella se refiere a la raza, el sexo o ambos, pero en cualquier caso, siente que está recibiendo un trato injusto.

Ella escribió: "Estoy orgullosa de mi físico y sostengo el arte que creo con mi recipiente (...) como Josephine Baker, Eartha Kitt y Grace Jones, quienes rompieron las barreras de lo que parece estar empoderado y encarnaron una sensualidad única".

La propia Calvin Klein salió en defensa de Twigs diciendo: "Las imágenes no eran vulgares y eran de dos mujeres seguras de sí mismas y empoderadas que habían elegido identificarse con la marca Calvin Klein y los anuncios contenían un mensaje progresista e ilustrado".

La película biográfica de Amy Winehouse estrena tráiler y hay opiniones divididas

El casting de Marisa Abela como Amy Winehouse ha estado cabreando a la gente durante un año y las cosas siguen igual después de que el trailer salió a la luz.

Por lo que podemos ver, Marisa no es idéntica a la fallecida cantante, pero se acerca lo suficiente, pasando de ser una londinense común y corriente a una poderosa mujer con tatuajes en el primer tráiler de la película —"Back to Black"—, que muestra su ascenso en la industria músical.

Algunos se niegan a dar el brazo a torcer y un montón de haters ya se han hecho escuchar en X. El enojo es más que nada el casting de Marisa y también han pronosticado que la película se hundirá en taquilla. Resumiendo: muchos usuarios creen que no es creíble como la difunta Amy, tanto por su aspecto como por su voz.

Sin embargo, no todo es sombrío, otros admiten que están gratamente sorprendidos por el tráiler —lo suficiente como para ir al cine— añadiendo que se ve muy emocional.

El tráiler definitivamente despertó algo de conmoción. Se oye a la Winehouse de Abela decir que no escribe canciones para ser famosa y que solo lo hace porque no sabe qué otra cosa haría si no lo hiciera.

Ella también espera que la gente se olvide de los prejuicios cuando escuchen su voz. Amy tocó millones antes de su trágico fallecimiento a los 27 años de intoxicación accidental por alcohol en 2011.

La reacción mixta a la película biográfica dirigida por Sam Taylor-Johnson no es una sorpresa, ya que los fans de Amy se han estado quejando durante un tiempo de que Marisa no se parecía en nada a la estrella - también criticando la necesidad de una película biográfica en el primer lugar.

Sin embargo, el propio padre de Amy —Mitch— está totalmente de acuerdo con la película biográfica, diciendole a TMZ a principios del año pasado que Marisa es una gran elección para el papel, incluso si ella no se ve exactamente como Amy.

Jack O'Connell interpreta al marido de Amy, Blake Fielder-Civil, y Juliet Cowan y Eddie Marsan interpretan a su madre y su padre, Janis y Mitch Winehouse.

Estamos a favor de darle a la película una oportunidad... lo que ocurrirá cuando "Back To Black" llegue a los cines el 10 de mayo.

AMY WINEHOUSE Marisa Abela Critiques Resume ... As Biopic Trailer Drops

Marisa Abela's casting as Amy Winehouse has been pissing people off for about a year -- and loads are STILL fuming after the trailer for the biopic dropped ... can't win 'em all.

As far as we can see, Marisa's not a dead ringer for the late icon ... but she's close enough -- going from an average everyday Londoner to a beehive-wearing, heavily-tatted powerhouse in the first international teaser trailer for "Back to Black," showing her rise in the biz.

Some refuse to cut her slack, with a crap ton of haters hitting X with their fuming takes on Marisa's casting & also predicting the movie will tank at the box office. Long story short -- a lot of users feel she's just not believable as the late, great AW ... both in look, and in voice.

It ain't all bleak, though -- others admit they're pleasantly surprised at the trailer ... enough for them to make a theatre trip -- adding that it looks super emotional.

The trailer definitely stirs up some poignancy ... Abela's Winehouse is heard saying she doesn't pen songs to be famous ... only doing it cause she doesn't know what else she'd do if she didn't.

She also hopes people forget their troubles when listening to her voice -- which arguably they did as Amy's music touched millions before her tragic passing at 27 from accidental alcohol poisoning in 2011.

The mixed reaction to the Sam Taylor-Johnson-directed biopic doesn't come as a surprise as Amy fans have been venting for a while over Marisa looking nothing like the star -- also slamming the need for a biopic in the first place.

Though, Amy's own dad Mitch is totally cool with the biopic ... telling TMZ early last year Marisa's a great choice for the role -- even if she doesn't look exactly like Amy.

Jack O'Connell plays Amy's husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, and Juliet Cowan & Eddie Marsan play her mom and dad, Janis and Mitch Winehouse.

We're all about giving the movie a fair shot ... which will happen once "Back To Black" hits cinemas on May 10.

George Carlin Daughter Drags AI Take on New Special You Can't Recreate Him!!!

The late, great George Carlin has a new comedy special out -- thanks to the use of AI technology ... but one person who is up in arms about it is his daughter, Kelly.

The producer/screenwriter dished her thoughts on this new AI special, "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead," that's making the rounds right now ... in which a fake George Carlin -- recreated through an AI program -- cranked out new jokes ... in the vein of the real McCoy.

It sure sounds like GC, and the delivery is the same too -- as are the topics he famously touched on -- like religion, and some new material on Elon Musk, streaming, and more.

Kelly responded, laying it all out there in a statement, saying, "My dad spent a lifetime perfecting his craft from his very human life, brain and imagination. No machine will ever replace his genius."

She says artificial intelligence products are "clever attempts at trying to recreate a mind that will never exist again" -- adding the whole thing "stepped over a line."

Kelly urges folks to let the artist's work speak for itself ... reminding fans that the real George Carlin has 14 specials that are available everywhere -- if ya wanna listen to the actual material.

The bizarre standup set was made as part of the Podcast, Dudesy -- hosted by Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen -- and folks online have been siding with Kelly, thinking the whole thing is just weird.

And we'll say ... however close AI will get to the real thing, it'll never top the perfection that George brought to the stage for decades. Kelly has a point -- this is close, but no cigar.

Strange, strange times indeed.

Madre en Ohio es detenida Por supuestamente fingir el cáncer de su hija ... Recaudó miles de dólares

Una madre de Ohio está tras las rejas después de ser acusada de mentir sobre el cáncer de su hija y utilizarlo para recaudar dinero en un caso que recuerda inquietantemente a la terrible experiencia de Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Pamela Reed fue detenida el lunes después de que las autoridades dijeran que la mujer le dijo a sus amigos y familiares que su hija, identificada como AR y hoy de 7 años, tenía cáncer, específicamente leucemia mieloide y que sufría convulsiones y era ciega de un ojo.

Las autoridades dicen que Pamela incluso rapó la cabeza de AR para reforzar sus afirmaciones y que habría recaudado alrededor de $8,000 para pagar los gastos de tratamiento del cáncer de AR.

Pero, de acuerdo con la declaración jurada del arresto, todo llegó a su fin cuando la enfermera de la escuela de AR descubrió que no estaba ciega de su ojo derecho, y tras llamar al médico de la niña, se enteró de que no tenía cáncer.

La policía dice que Reed confesó la verdad más tarde a la escuela y le dijo a la policía que reenvasaba recetas para hacer parecer que eran para el tratamiento del cáncer.

Los funcionarios también afirman que le dio medicamentos para las convulsiones a AR que no necesitaba.

Cuando los policías la interrogaron, Reed admitió haber seguido adelante con la mentira durante mucho tiempo porque disfrutaba del apoyo financiero.

Según los policías, Reed ha estado publicando sobre los problemas de salud de su hija desde que tenía 20 meses de edad.

Si esto suena similar a la situación de Gypsy, no se equivocan. Como se acordarán, la defensa de Gypsy en su caso criminal se centró en que su madre Dee Dee sufría de Síndrome de Munchausen por Poder, lo que la llevó a hacerle creer falsamente a Gypsy que sufría de leucemia y distrofia muscular y que necesitaba una silla de ruedas.

Ohio Mother Arrested Allegedly Faked Daughter's Cancer ... Raised Thousands in the Process

An Ohio mother is behind bars after being accused of lying about her daughter's cancer, and using it to raise money in a case eerily reminiscent of Gypsy Rose Blanchard's ordeal.

Pamela Reed was arrested Monday after authorities say she told friends and family for years her 7-year-old daughter, identified as AR, had cancer -- specifically myeloid leukemia -- suffered from seizures and was blind in her right eye.

Law enforcement says Pamela even shaved AR's head to bolster her claims, and had raised about $8,000 ... which was given to help aid AR's cancer treatment expenses.

But, according to the arrest affidavit, it all came to an end when AR's school nurse discovered she wasn't blind in her right eye, and after calling the girl's doctor, learned she did not have cancer.

Cops say Reed later confessed to doctoring AR's paperwork for the school and told cops she repackaged prescriptions to make it seem like they were for cancer treatment.

Officials also claim she gave AR seizure medication she didn't need.

When cops grilled her, Reed admitted carrying on the big lie for so long, because she enjoyed all the financial support.


According to cops, Reed has been posting about her daughter's health concerns since she was 20 months old.

If this sounds similar to Gypsy's past situation, you aren't wrong -- you'll recall, Gypsy's defense in her criminal case focused on her mom, Dee Dee, suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which led to her making Gypsy falsely believe she suffered from leukemia and muscular dystrophy, and needed a wheelchair.



Joseline Hernandez is gearing up for an unforgettable ride this year with her new reality show, "The Dancing Freakz" -- and it's all about turning up the heat with male strippers.

TMZ's scored this teaser, and you can expect a lot -- or very little, if you're talking clothing -- with a male dancer busting out his best strip skills on a female audience member.

These moves are provocative enough to make the dudes over at "Magic Mike" blush!

The show's out in July -- so for now, you gotta be satisfied with just the clip ... of a dancer rockin' a thin piece of cloth over his manhood with a whip in hand, showing a female customer a good ol' time.


The 'Love & Hip Hop' alum is hot under the collar herself ... wide-eyed and fanning herself during his performance, so we can only imagine how NSFW the content will be for viewers.

We're told 50 men are competing to be on Joseline's upcoming tour.

Each dancer is tasked with bringing up a woman from the 150-strong crowd, and sources close to the production tell us Joseline's not judging by sexiness or best body ... instead, it's based on who shows the ladies the craziest time.

Basically, it's a racier version of Chippendales, and she'll narrow it down to 15 dancers to join her on tour -- where she's made it clear the guys will go full Monty. That's your warning, front row customers!

Joseline's still seeking a platform for the show, but good luck keeping cool when it airs this summer.

Joseline Hernandez estrena su Show de Striptease Masculino

dándolo todo

Joseline Hernandez se prepara para un viaje inolvidable este año con su nuevo reality show "The Dancing Freakz" y se trata de subir la temperatura con stripers masculinos.

¡Vimos el teaser y podemos decir que hay mucho que ver! Un bailarín le muestra sus mejores habilidades a una mujer del público y los movimientos son tan provocativos que podemos apostar a que los chicos de "Magic Mike" se sonrojarían.

El espectáculo se estrena en julio, así que por ahora habrá que conformarse con el clip de un bailarín en una fina pieza de tela que cubre su virilidad y un látigo en la mano.

muy hot

La estrella de "Joseline Cabaret" se muestra con los ojos muy abiertos y abanicándose hacia abajo... podemos imaginar que el show dará de que hablar.

Nos dicen que 50 hombres están compitiendo para estar en la próxima gira de la ex alumna de "Love & Hip Hop".

A cada bailarín se le asigna la tarea de sacar a relucir a una mujer de entre las 150 asistentes, y fuentes cercanas a la producción nos dicen que Josephine no juzgará al más sexy o al que tenga el mejor cuerpo, sino a quien las haga pasar mejor.

Finalmente va a sumar a 15 hombres a su gira y dejó claro que los chicos estarán completamente desnudos.

Por ahora, no está claro en qué canal se emitirá el programa, pero tendrás MUCHO que ver este verano.