Stanford Prof. Dr. Garry Nolan All the Proof You Need On UFOs ... Look Who's Fighting for Disclosure in DC

They're Going After The Truth

Sen. Chuck Schumer is one of a handful of lawmakers signaling a major shift in the U.S. government's approach to UFO reports -- further evidence people in power believe the truth needs to be uncovered.

The third part of the docuseries event, "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" examines who's leading the charge in Washington, DC, why they're doing it ... and what it means to the public.

Schumer and Sen. Mike Rounds introduced bipartisan legislation last year -- the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -- to increase the government's transparency on reports of UAP activity, and it was passed last month.

Another critical voice in the fight for disclosure is Stanford Professor Dr. Garry Nolan, and he says the very public involvement of prominent lawmakers, particularly Schumer, proves UAP (or UFOs) are no longer a fringe issue.

TMZ Studios

As Garry puts it in episode 3, available now on Tubi, Schumer wouldn't sponsor the NDAA and risk reputation -- especially in a presidential election year -- if he didn't believe there's something behind it.

Schumer was also a close friend of the late Sen. Harry Reid -- one of the trailblazers of the UFO movement -- and that's another reason he's pushing for transparency.

Filmmaker and journalist Jeremy Corbell, who's been leading our investigation, says getting DC "pit bulls" on board could potentially take this search for answers to places he never before thought possible.

All 3 parts of "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" are streaming, for free, now on Tubi.

Detienen al redactor de "El deber del jurado" poner en peligro a menores

capturado en video

Un editor de Hollywood está recibiendo malas noticias profesionalmente, debido a su reciente detención por poner en peligro a unos niños. A pesar de la especulación que va a seguir trabajando en un gran espectáculo de Amazon Prime... TMZ puede confirmar que está fuera.

Christopher Charkowski —de 39 años— fue detenido en el condado de Los Ángeles la semana pasada por un cargo de delito grave de crueldad intencional a un niño causando posibles lesiones o la muerte, y un video está circulando en línea que supuestamente lo muestra abusando del niño dentro de una casa.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que este video de vigilancia que ha estado haciendo rondando por las redes sociales, se le ha presentado a las autoridades como parte de su investigación del caso. Los registros judiciales indican que el presunto delito se cometió en junio de 2022.

El caso fue archivado en noviembre, pero Charkowski no fue detenido y fichado por la policía hasta el 4 de enero. Lo que se muestra en este video es inquietante, por decir lo menos, y podría ser una pieza clave de las pruebas a medida que avanza este caso.

En el video se ve a un hombre perdiendo la cabeza y yendo a por lo que parece ser un niño pequeño. Se le ve poner las manos encima del niño, estrangularlo y posiblemente incluso darle algún puñetazo.

No está claro cuál es la relación entre el adulto y el niño, pero los oficiales tienen motivos suficientes para creer que es Charkowski quien aparece en el video.

Por cierto, ha sido puesto en libertad bajo fianza y las fechas para la corte están programadas.

Ahora, en cuanto a quién es Charkowski en el mundo del espectáculo, ha trabajado en post-producción para un montón de grandes programas de televisión. Más recientemente, editó el video de "Jury Duty", que dio de que hablar de la ciudad el año pasado, e incluso fue nominado en los Globos de Oro del pasado fin de semana.

Charkowski aparece como parte del departamento editorial de esa serie, y luego de que este video saliera a la luz, la gente ha estado clamando para que Amazon lo deje caer lo antes posible. Una fuente directa le dice a TMZ que Charkowski ya no está afiliado con el estudio.

Nos dicen que su papel en "Jury Duty" —que se extendió por 8 episodios— vino y se fue una vez que terminó la producción hace casi un año. Nuestras fuentes dicen que era un contratista externo al show, no un empleado permanente de Amazon/Freevee.

Desde entonces, nuestras fuentes dicen que no ha sido empleado de Amazon en absoluto y es seguro decir que no va a volver.

Otro espectáculo en el que ha trabajado durante mucho tiempo es Bravo "Below Deck Mediterranean", pero una fuente señala que no ha estado con ellos desde hace unos dos años.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Chris, pero no obtuvimos ningún comentario.

'Jury Duty' Editor Arrested for Child Endangerment ... No Longer Tied to Amazon

caught on camera

A prominent Hollywood editor is getting the cold shoulder, professionally, due to his recent arrest for child endangerment -- and despite speculation he'll continue working on a big-time Amazon Prime show ... TMZ can confirm he's out.

Thirty-nine-year-old Christopher Charkowski was arrested in L.A. County last week on a felony charge of willful cruelty to a child causing possible possible injury or death -- and a video is circulating online allegedly showing him brutalizing a kid inside of a house.

Law enforcement sources tell us this clip -- home surveillance footage that's been making the rounds on social media -- has been submitted to authorities as part of their investigation of the case. Court records list the date of the alleged offense as June 2022.

The case was filed back in November, but Charkowski wasn't hauled in and booked by law enforcement until Jan. 4. What's depicted in this video is disturbing, to say the least, and could be a key piece of evidence as this case proceeds.

In the clip, you see a man losing his mind and going after what appears to be a little boy. You can see him putting his hands on the kid, throttling him and possibly even throwing some punches.

It's unclear what the relation might be between the adult and child here, but on its face, it appears law enforcement had enough reason to believe it's Charkowski in the video.

BTW, he's been released on bail -- and future court dates are scheduled.

Now, as far as who Charkowski is in showbiz ... he's worked in post-production for a lot of big TV shows. Most recently, he edited video for "Jury Duty," which was the talk of the town last year, and was even nominated at last weekend's Golden Globes.

Charkowski is listed as part of the editorial department for that series -- and after this video got out, people have been clamoring for Amazon to drop him ASAP. Welp, a source with direct knowledge tells TMZ that Charkowski is no longer affiliated with the studio.

We're told his role on "Jury Duty" -- which spanned 8 episodes -- came and went once they wrapped production nearly a year ago, and our sources say he was an outside contractor on the show, not a permanent employee of Amazon/Freevee.

Since then, our sources say he hasn't been employed at Amazon whatsoever -- and safe to say ... he won't be back.

Another show he's worked on for a long time is Bravo's "Below Deck Mediterranean," but a production source points out to TMZ .... he hasn't been with them for about 2 years now.

We reached out to Chris ... he had no comment.

Lil Nas X Christian College Letter's Bogus ... 'Memba, Thou Shall Not Lie

Lil Nas X's claim of being accepted to a Christian college was a fib of biblical proportions -- at least according to the higher ed institution itself ... who says they've never heard of him.

A spokesperson for Liberty University tells TMZ Hip Hop, "We can confirm that Liberty University did not issue the Montero Hill 'acceptance letter' posted yesterday to social media, and we have no record of Montero Hill applying to the University. Liberty University exists to glorify God by equipping men and women in higher education in fidelity to the Christian faith expressed through the Holy Scriptures."

"We continue to pray for America and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed across this land. We welcome all to apply and join us at Liberty University."

LNX posted the phony placard as part of his new song rollout that's hellbent on convincing fans he's not the devil-worshipping dandy that Dave Chappelle made him out to be in his newest Netflix special.

Many people noted the letter he posted was edited/old ... 'cause the ex-Prez whose John Hancock is on there died a long time ago -- so it was easy to spot the fake. Still, now we got LU officially shutting it down ... and sending prayers Nas X's way too to boot.

Of course, this stunt is just the latest LNX has pulled over the past few weeks to plug this new single of his -- 'J Christ' -- which is very much the opposite of his devil song from a few years ago ... "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)." Now, he's trying to seem holier than thou.

Speaking of this new track ... Lil Nas X dropped a teaser of the music video for it on Wednesday -- and there's a bunch of celebrity lookalikes heading up to the pearly gates.

Funny enough, we saw photos of these same actors a couple months ago doing a shoot -- and while we didn't know what this was for at the time ... we certainly do now. You can take a peek and check out the photos yourself to see what was happening behind the scenes.

Montero may not be a holy roller on campus next semester but he's still pumped to take his fans on a divine journey ... judging from his upcoming "J Christ" music video that spoofs several celebrities walking up the stairways to heaven.

We got a hold of some pics from the shoot ... doppelgängers of everyone from Taylor Swift to Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jackson, Kanye West -- even Queen Elizabeth can be seen Nasing it up!!!

He insists the art will contain a deeper meaning ... what that is, we'll just have to wait until Friday, which is when this song's coming out.

Charles Barkley 'Great' Having Draymond Back ... Good Player & Dude, But Antics Gotta Stop

Good Player & A Good Dude

It's true ... the NBA is better with Draymond Green on the basketball court, according to Charles Barkley, who tells us the 4x champ is at a crossroads, and it's time to knock off the "antics."

TMZ Sports caught up with the Hall of Fame hooper in NYC Wednesday morning ... where we asked Chuck about 33-year-old Green's return to the Warriors following last month's squabble with Suns center Jusuf Nurkic.

“It's great to have Draymond back, great to have him back," Barkley said.

"He's a very good player, he's good for the NBA. I hope he gets rid of the antics because he’s a very good player and a good dude, but like I said, he's got to stop putting himself in bad situations."

Of course, aside from the 4 rings he won with Golden State, Green is a 4x NBA All-Star and former Defensive Player of the Year ... but, there have also been a handful of ugly incidents, many occurring on-court during games. There was also the Jordan Poole punch.

draymond green punch video OCTOBER 2022

In fact, before the Nurkic hit, Green was suspended five games for putting Rudy Gobert in a headlock during an in-game fight with the Timberwolves.

Because of all that, Charles says Draymond must keep his nose clean going forward.

“Obviously, two big suspensions are a big deal. He’s got to walk a straight and narrow line. He’s just not been fair to himself and to his team.”

FWIW, it sounds like Green has gotten the message ... recently speaking about how he's grown during his month off.

The Draymond Green Show

There's more with the NBA legend ... we also talked to Barkley about NBA vet Dennis Schroder finally explaining how he fumbled an $84 million bag a few years back.

Check out the clip!

Sean Paul Message to Jada & Stefflon ... No WOMAN, No Beef!!!

Jada Kingdom and Stefflon Don are ready to spill each other's blood across dance hall floors, but Sean Paul is calling for an end to their feud ... because he doesn't feel femme fatales should be fighting!!!

Stefflon recently released her fiery track "Dat A Dat" with snubs aimed at Jada, who came back even harder with her diss chune, "London Bed" -- highlighted by obituary artwork to symbolize Steflon's career death. 💀

Fans were eating up the back-and-forth like jerk chicken when SP swooped in Wednesday with an IG post telling them to simma down because, as he sees it, they're both masquerading as ragamuffins.

Sean says women can't get upset because they need to stay level-headed for when the men get heated! His words, not ours.

The "Gimmie the Light" legend got mixed reactions to his commentary -- many deemed his comments sexist and said his peer mediation skills could probably use some work.

Jada and Asian Doll also have a dutty beef brewing ... and we do mean dutty!!!

Pardi, WYA???

Charlamagne Tha God NBA YoungBoy's 'Fatherhood' Take ... Not a Good Look For Black Men

NBA YoungBoy has 11 children, but admits he's "not big on fatherhood" -- a complete oxymoron if you ask Charlamagne Tha God.

CTG slapped YB with the latest "Donkey of the Day" Wednesday morning for the rapper's eye-popping comments to Bootleg Kev ... and firmly believes the Louisiana rapper is perpetuating the stereotype that Black men don't care for their children.

YoungBoy revealed he was only appearing to be a "family man" because of the sit-down, and doubled down that he wouldn't sugarcoat his words for the sake of sensationalism.

Charlamagne compared the flippant comments to Nikola Jokic's sentiments on being an international superstar ... but you can't be lukewarm when it comes to raising humans!!!

He suggested the 24-year-old needed a dose of Jay-Z wisdom, and criticized him using lyrics from Hov's Beyonce apology letter track "Family Feud" -- "A man that don't take care of his family can't be rich.”

Bottom line, YoungBoy's not dead or in jail, and has the financial means to be present in his children's lives ... and Charlamagne thinks this teachable moment is a doorway to him changing his position on fatherhood.

Jonathan Majors defiende el uso del nombre de Coretta Scott King en medio de las polémicas

Jonathan Majors está explicando por qué sigue trayendo el nombre de Coretta Scott King a sus relaciones, diciéndonos que la viuda de Martin Luther King es una inspiración.

El actor invocó el nombre de Coretta en su primera entrevista desde que fue declarado culpable de asalto y acoso, provocando la ira de Coretta y la hija de Martin Luther King y ahora está respondiendo.

Jonathan le dice a TMZ: "Mi intención era transmitir mi máximo respeto por Coretta Scott King, sus logros, y tanto su legado personal como el que comparte con su marido, el Dr. Martin Luther King".

En su entrevista con ABC, Jonathan elogió a su novia Meagan Good por permanecer a su lado: "Ella es un ángel, me ha sostenido como Coretta lo hizo alguna vez con su marido. Estoy tan bendecido de tenerla".

Como informamos, la Doctora Bernice King aparentemente llamó a Jonathan en línea después de la entrevista al aire, publicando: "Mi madre no era un accesorio".

Ahora, Jonathan nos dice que Coretta "es una gran mujer, una figura muy importante en la historia americana y mundial, y alguien que tanto Meagan como yo estamos inspirados y admiramos profundamente".

El juicio de Jonathan también incluyó clips de audio en los que le dice a su ex novia —Grace Jabbari— que sea más como Coretta y Michelle Obama. Jabbari es la mujer que lo condena por agredirla y acosarla.

¡siguiendo el ejemplo!

Parece que Jonathan respeta a Coretta profundamente, sin embargo, no está claro cómo se va a sentir su familia al respecto.

Jonathan Majors Defends Using Coretta's Name ... Utmost Respect For Her!!!

Jonathan Majors is explaining why he keeps bringing Coretta Scott King's name into his relationships ... telling us Martin Luther King's widow is an inspiration.

The actor invoked Coretta's name in his first sit-down interview since being found guilty of assault and harassment, drawing the ire of Coretta and MLK's daughter ... and now he's responding to pushback.

Jonathan tells TMZ ... "My intention was to convey my utmost respect for Coretta Scott King, her achievements, and both her personal legacy and the one she shares with her husband, Dr. Martin Luther King."

In his ABC interview, Jonathan praised girlfriend Meagan Good for sticking by his side ... saying, "She's an angel ... she's held me down like a Coretta. I'm so blessed to have her."

As we reported ... Dr. Bernice King seemingly called out Jonathan online after the interview aired, posting ... "My mother wasn't a prop."

Now, Jonathan tells us Coretta "is a great woman, a very important figure in American and world history, and someone both Meagan and I are inspired by and deeply admire."

Jonathan's trial also included audio clips where he's telling his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari to be more like Coretta and Michelle Obama. Jabbari's the woman he was convicted of assaulting and harassing.


Sounds like Jonathan's might just keep Coretta's name in his mouth ... 'cause he deeply respects her. Unclear how her kin are going to feel about that, though.

Aaron Rodgers Won't Appear On Pat McAfee Show ... Anymore This Season

Aaron Rodgers' time on Pat McAfee's show is done -- for this football season, at least -- after the ESPN host announced Wednesday morning that the 4x NFL MVP would NOT be returning to his normal Tuesday morning time slot during the playoffs.

"So, Aaron Rodgers Tuesday, season 4, is done," McAfee said Wednesday morning, despite the fact Rodgers was reportedly supposed to join the show for several more weeks.

Pat continued ... “There will be a lot of people who are happy with that, myself included to be honest with you. The way it ended, it got real loud. I am happy that he’s not going to be in my mentions going forward, which is great news.”

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Sources tell TMZ Sports this wasn't a network decision -- we're told Pat determines which guests appear on the show -- but ESPN is on board with the move from what we're told.

In other words ... this was McAfee's call.

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Of course, the Rodgers spot on "The Pat McAfee Show" has become the most can't-miss segment on the ESPN airwaves, but it's also brought with it a ton of controversy, especially over the last two weeks when AR seemingly linked Jimmy Kimmel to Jeffrey Epstein.

Rodgers later clarified his comments, saying he wasn't implying the late-night host was a pedophile.


But, that didn't stop Kimmel from taking even more jabs at the quarterback Tuesday night.

Perhaps this indicates the war between Aaron and Jimmy is over ... as the Jets signal caller won't have Pat's massive platform to respond.

Rodgers, who has appeared on Pat's show for years, is usually a guest through the playoffs ... but that won't be the case this season.


As for whether the Rodgers spot is back for season 5 ... there's been no indication either way.

Stay tuned ...

Aaron Rodgers No aparecerá en el show de Pat McAfee ... Por esta temporada

El tiempo de Aaron Rodgers en el programa de Pat McAfee ha terminado, al menos, por esta temporada de fútbol. El presentador de ESPN anunció el miércoles por la mañana que el 4x MVP de la NFL no volvería a su horario habitual de los martes durante los playoffs.

"Aaron Rodgers los martes, la temporada 4, se acabó", dijo McAfee el miércoles, a pesar de que Rodgers supuestamente iba a unirse al programa durante varias semanas más.

Pat continuó: "Habrá un montón de gente feliz con esto, yo incluido para ser honestos con ustedes. La forma en que terminó, se puso muy ruidoso. Estoy contento de que no va a estar en mis menciones en el futuro, lo cual es una gran noticia".

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Rechazando a Rodgers

Las fuentes dicen a TMZ Sports que esto no fue una decisión de la red. Nos dicen que Pat determina qué invitados aparecen en el programa, pero ESPN está de acuerdo con el movimiento, según lo que nos dicen.

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Rompiendo la burbuja

Por supuesto, el spot de Rodgers en "The Pat McAfee Show" se ha convertido en el segmento más imperdible en las ondas de ESPN, pero también ha traído una tonelada de controversia, especialmente en las últimas dos semanas, cuando Aaron Rodgers aparentemente vinculó a Jimmy Kimmel con Jeffrey Epstein.

Rodgers aclaró más tarde sus comentarios, diciendo que no estaba insinuando que el presentador fuera un pedófilo.

La refutación de Rodger

Pero eso no impidió que Kimmel criticara aún más al jugador el martes por la noche.

Tal vez esto indica que la guerra entre Aaron y Jimmy ha terminado, y ahora el jugador insigne de los Jets no tendrá la plataforma de Pat para responder.

Rodgers, quien ha aparecido en el programa de Pat por años, suele ser un invitado durante los playoffs, pero ese no será el caso esta temporada.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

En cuanto a si Rodgers estará de vuelta para la temporada 5, no ha habido ninguna indicación en ese sentido.

Manténgase en sintonía ...

Kevin Hart y Katt Williams no tienen problemas a pesar de la polémica gira

no hay pleito

La ex esposa de Kevin HartTorrei Hart— dice que no hay ninguna pelea entre su ex novio y Katt Williams, esto después de afirmar que saldría de gira con Katt después de unas palabras poco amables.

Torrei aclaró las cosas cuando la encontramos saliendo de la Hollywood Improv el martes por la noche, cerrando los rumores de mala sangre señalando que Kev es muy pacífico, tal como él mismo nos dijo más temprano el mismo día.

Es más, Torrei está segura de que no la sumaron a la gira de tres noches de Katt como una indirecta hacia Kevin, porque ella y Katt han estado cerca desde hace dos décadas, así que no puede haber sido una contratación al azar.

Recordemos que Kevin y Torrei se divorciaron en 2011, pero ella dice que todavía están muy unidos e incluso está dispuesta a hacer algunas giras con él, ¡aunque él tendría que hacer el trabajo pesado!

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señal de aprobación

Como informamos, Kevin nos dio la misma vibra positiva en Nueva York el martes, mostrandole su apoyo a los dos y la mejor de las suertes en sus shows. Las palabras de Kevin se hicieron eco de Torrei aquí, es decir, todo es amor y paz entre el y Katt.

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llamando a kev
Club Shay Shay

Kevin podría haber opinado bastante diferente teniendo en cuenta la bofetada que Katt le dio con sus dichos, diciendo en el pódcast de Shannon Sharpe que el comediante es solo una "planta" de la industria, entre otros insultos.

Kevin respondió a Katt en ese momento, diciéndole que tenía que sacar el odio de su pecho.

A menos que oigamos otra cosa de Katt sobre el asunto, parece que todo está bien entre la ex pareja, aunque hay que admitir que las circunstancias son algo sospechosas.

Es solo nuestra intuición...

Hunter Biden Labeled 'Epitome Of White Privilege' ... In Congressional Hearing

the whitest of the white!!!

Hunter Biden's causing chaos in Congress ... with Republicans and Democrats at each other's throats over a "white privilege" jab aimed at President Biden's son.

Hunter made a surprise appearance Wednesday on Capitol Hill, strolling into a hearing where lawmakers were starting the process of holding him in criminal contempt of Congress ... and his presence caused quite the stir.

South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace quickly took aim at Hunter, saying ... "You are the epitome of white privilege, coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a Congressional subpoena to be deposed, what are you afraid of?

Nancy didn't stop there, adding ... "You have no balls to come up here."

Hunter sat quietly as chaos ensued with lawmakers yelling over one another before order was somewhat restored.


Soon after, Hunter left the room and the attention followed ... but the "white privilege" remark left a mark ... at least with Rep. Jasmine Crockett, who said it was a "spit in the face" as a Black woman. Jasmine ripped into Nancy and the GOP, saying if anyone is the epitome of white privilege it's them.

BTW, there was even more chaos once Hunter abruptly left the room ... he was being followed by a massive crush of reporters -- a couple of whom asked him about his prior drug use, particularly as it pertains to crack. Check it out ... it's absolutely wild.

Fox News

And yes, everyone seems triggered here.

Kevin Hart & Katt Williams No Drama Goin' On Here, All Love ... KH's Ex Torrei Claims


Kevin Hart's ex-wife, Torrei Hart, says there's no feud going on between her former boo and Katt Williams ... this after she said she'd be touring with Katt following unkind words.

Torrei cleared the air while leaving the Hollywood Improv Tuesday night, shutting down rumors of bad blood -- pointing out the fact that Kev's a lover, as the man himself told us earlier in the day.

What's more, Torrei's positive she wasn't brought onto Katt's 3-night tour as a dig to Kevin ... 'cause she and Katt have been close for 2 decades now, so this couldn't have been a random hire.

Remember, Kevin and Torrei got divorced back in 2011, but she says they're still tight ... and she's even down to do some touring with him, too -- but he'd have to do the heavy lifting!

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As we reported, Kevin gave us the same positive vibe in NYC Tuesday, showing support by wishing the 2 the best of luck on their shows. On its face, Kevin's words echoed Torrei's here ... namely, suggesting everything's kumbaya between himself and Katt.

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Club Shay Shay

Kevin could've sung a different tune, based on the smack Katt said about him -- saying on Shannon Sharpe's podcast that the comedian is just an industry plant, among other insults.

Kevin responded to Katt at the time ... telling him to get that hate off his chest.

Unless we hear differently from Katt on the matter, it sounds like all is well between the once-married couple ... although we'll admit, the timing of this all is very suspicious.


Eye of the beholder, we suppose.

Pete Davidson Estaba drogado con ketamina en el funeral de Aretha Franklin

Hay buenas razones para decir que Pete Davidson estaba cometiendo una falta de respeto grave en el funeral de Aretha Franklin, tras aparecer drogado con ketamina, según él.

El comediante detalló el incidente en su especial de Netflix "Turbo Fonzarelli", donde dijo ingeniosamente que estaba tan drogado en el servicio de 2018 que se acercó a la familia de la difunta y les dijo: "¡Hey! Solo estoy aquí para pagar mis R-E-S-P-E-C-Ts!".

Yeesh ... Eso es ser malo.

La ex estrella de SNL bromea con que Aretha no estaba cerca para saber que estaba bajo la influencia de las drogas, pero si hubiera estado le habría preguntado "qué coño" estaba haciendo en su funeral y quién demonios era en primer lugar.

Es una pregunta razonable, ya que en ese momento no era tan famoso y solo asistió al servicio como acompañante de su entonces prometida Ariana Grande. Aun así, ya era bastante conocido.

Ahora Pete Davidson agrega que se sentía avergonzado de andar haciendo cosas mientras usaba ketamina -la que tomó durante 4 años para tratar la depresión-, ya que la droga viene con una serie de efectos secundarios disociativos y alucinógenos. Pareciera que Pete ya no consume ketamina.

A la audiencia le pareció una historia divertidísima, aunque él está algo avergonzado de sus actos en aquel momento y quizá con razón. Es una confesión bastante salvaje. Dicho esto, ha intentado controlar el mal hábito con 7 sesiones de rehabilitación a lo largo de los años.

Junio 2023 fue la última vez que se registró en rehabilitación. También abordó su trastorno de estrés postraumático y trastorno límite de la personalidad.

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Visto con Madeline

En medio de sus problemas personales, ha sido etiquetado como una especie de mujeriego y nos alegramos de verlo feliz con su nueva novia Madelyn Cline en un reciente clip que obtuvimos. Por cierto, Pete evitó hablar de su vida amorosa en el especial, así que no hay jugosos detalles sobre ello. Tendremos que conformarnos con el material de siempre.


Pete Davidson was arguably serving up some serious disrespect at Aretha Franklin's funeral ... turning up to the 2018 service high on ketamine, at least according to him.

The comic detailed the drug-induced blunder in his Netflix special "Turbo Fonzarelli" ... the quipping that he was so high at the 2018 service, that he went up to the late icon's family, telling them, "Hey! I'm just here to pay my R-E-S-P-E-C-Ts!" Yeesh ... that's bad.

The ex-SNL star jokes Aretha wasn't around to know he was under the influence ... but if she were, she'd ask "what the f***" he was doing at her funeral and who the hell he was in the first place.

That's a fair assessment -- as at the time, he wasn't that famous and only attended the service as then-fiancée Ariana Grande's plus one. Still though, he was pretty known.

Now, Pete adds he was embarrassed being out and about while using ketamine -- which he used for 4 years to treat depression -- though the drug comes with a range of dissociative and hallucinogenic side effects. It doesn't seem like Pete's using ketamine anymore.

The audience clearly found the story hilarious ... but Pete sounds low-key ashamed of his actions at the time -- and perhaps for good reason, 'cause it is a pretty wild confession. That said, he's attempted to get the bad habit under control with 7 rehab stints over the years.

June 2023 was when he last checked in to rehab ... also addressing his post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder.

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spotted out with madelyn

Amid his personal woes, he's been tagged as somewhat of a ladies' man ... and we were pleased to see him looking happy with his new GF Madelyn Cline in a recent clip we obtained. BTW, Pete avoided much of his own love life in the special -- so no juicy tidbits about the ladies he bangs. We'll just have to settle for good old-fashioned material!