Aaron Rodgers I Never Called Jimmy Kimmel A Pedophile!!!


Aaron Rodgers is adamant he never insinuated Jimmy Kimmel was a pedophile ... saying straight up on Tuesday, "I don't think he's a P word."

Rodgers joined Pat McAfee on the "Pat McAfee Show" for the first time since he appeared to suggest that Kimmel might have ties to notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein last week ... and for several minutes, he attempted to explain what he really meant by his comments.

He told Pat that he and Kimmel have been in a bit of a tiff since the COVID pandemic ... because the comedian has accused him of being wrong about things when he says he's actually been right on them.

Rodgers says one of those issues had to do with an Epstein list. The New York Jets star said he thinks one exists -- though he claims Kimmel called him "an overly concussed wacko" for having that belief.

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Rodgers says that's why he remarked "a lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that" a list "doesn't come out."

"I was referring to the fact that if there's a list," Rodgers said, "and there are names on it, that it'd be the second time a soft-brained, junior college wacko ... whatever other things have been said by him and other people in the media -- would be right twice."

Rodgers then explained ... "I totally understand how serious an allegation of pedophilia would be ... I'm not stupid enough to accuse you of that with zero evidence."

Rodgers then said he believed the media -- including Kimmel -- is trying its best to cancel him due to his polarizing beliefs ... saying he thinks Kimmel's joke writers are doing the talk-show host's bidding for him in that regard.

"I think it's impressive that a man who went to Arizona State and has joke writers can read off a prompter," he said.

Rodgers added, "I wish him the best. I don't give a s*** what he says about me. I'm not accusing him of being on the list."

It should be noted Rodgers never apologized for anything ... something Kimmel demanded the signal-caller do during a nearly eight-minute diatribe on Tuesday's episode "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

Kimmel went off during the rant, calling Rodgers all kinds of names while proclaiming he's never had any kind of association with Epstein whatsoever.

Rodgers made it clear on Tuesday's show, however, that he's now hoping to move on from the drama.


Lara Trump kicked off 2024 scandalizing the MAGA folks with her revealing New Year's Eve attire -- though the backlash is rooted in jealousy, according to the dress' designer.

"Project Runway" alum Oscar Lopez, who designed Lara's NYE dress, tells TMZ he's sticking by the thigh-high split/plunging white gown, which was branded 'trashy,' 'inappropriate' and 'disrespectful' by folks on social media ... saying he actually designed it with sensuality and elegance in mind.

He says he worked closely with Lara to ensure the final creation aligned with the empowering message they wanted to portray ... while staying true to Lara's confident personal style -- though Oscar notes the gym bunny looks great in anything cause she's got a fantastic figure.

Oscars says Lara was content to wear the final look ... and he's got no regrets about working with her.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As for the controversy, Oscar notes fashion is a subjective and interpretive art form, eliciting a range of reactions -- it's just a shame his skin-baring design has divided opinion.

He confirms Lara's aware of the scrutiny -- but she ain't letting it faze her cause she respects the diverse opinions that come with being in the public eye.


He adds, "It's important to recognize that public figures often face differing opinions, especially if your last name is "Trump," and each individual responds to such situations in their own way. In Lara's case, this does not faze her in the least."

Periodistas bromean sobre el asesinato de JFK a las puertas del tribunal

"usa un convertible"

Cubrir la llegada de Donald Trump a un tribunal federal no es el momento ni el lugar adecuado para hablar de asesinatos ni mucho menos para hacer bromas al respecto, pero eso es justamente lo que hicieron dos periodistas.

Los periodistas no identificados estaban fuera del Tribunal Federal E. Barrett Prettyman la mañana del martes en Washington DC, a la espera de que el ex presidente se detuviera. Fue entonces cuando comenzaron a evaluar su posición y si tendrían una buena vista de Trump.

Al parecer, se olvidaron de dónde estaban y lo que hacen para ganarse la vida, porque con los micrófonos abiertos empezaron a bromear acerca de Trump, posiblemente apareciendo en un convertible, tal como lo hizo el Presidente John F. Kennedy en su malograda caravana en Dallas el 22 de noviembre de 1963

Un tipo le dice al otro: "¿Sabes lo que debieron haberle dicho a JFK, ¡deberías ir en un descapotable! Jajaja".

El video muestra a agentes de policía a pocos metros de los misteriosos periodistas, pero no está claro si los policías oyeron los comentarios. Es muy posible que el Servicio Secreto se interese por el video.

Trump está en el Tribunal de Circuito de Apelaciones de EE.UU. argumentando que debería tener inmunidad judicial en el caso de subversión electoral del abogado especial Jack Smith.

Claramente los periodistas están bromeando... es el tipo de cosa que los reporteros hacen mientras pasan el tiempo en los grandes eventos, sin embargo, este tipo de humor nunca le cae bien a los que protegen a los presidentes.

Donald Trump Hearing Reporters Make JFK Assassination Joke Outside Federal Courthouse

"take a convertible"


9:23 AM PT -- Donald Trump just addressed after his court hearing this AM in DC -- and it sounds like he might've not been made aware of this troubling hot mic comments ... just take a listen.


DT said that while he was dismayed by the case and the charges in general -- continuing to insist he's getting railroaded over politics -- he did thank the media for covering this one "fairly." Of course, what the journos were joking about out there seem to indicate a slant.

That's putting it lightly ...

Covering Donald Trump's arrival at a federal court is hardly the time or place to be talking about assassinations, much less making jokes about them ... but that's what 2 journalists did, and they got busted on hot microphones.

The 2 unnamed journalists were outside the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse Tuesday morning in Washington, DC -- waiting for the former president to pull up -- when they started assessing their position and whether they'd have a good view of Trump.

Apparently, they forgot where they were and what they do for a living ... because with open mics all around they start joking about Trump possibly showing up in a convertible -- a la President John F. Kennedy in his ill-fated Dallas motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963.

One guy says to the other, "Maybe someone, just like they told JFK, 'Y'know what ya should do, you should take a convertible!" Hahaha.

The video shows police officers standing just a few feet away from the mystery journos, but it's unclear if the cops heard the remarks. It's certainly possible the Secret Service will take an interest in the video.

Trump showed up at the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals -- in a motorcade of SUVs, for what it's worth -- to argue he should have immunity from prosecution in special counsel Jack Smith's election subversion case.

While the journalists were clearly joking -- it's the kinda thing reporters do while passing time at major events -- this kinda humor never sits well with those protecting Presidents ... past, present or future.


Originally Published -- 8:24 AM PT

Jimmy Kimmel Blasts Aaron Rodgers On Late Night Show ... Demands Apology Over False Epstein List Claim

Jimmy Kimmel won't let go of his feud with Aaron Rodgers, blasting the NFL player during his late-night show for trying to tie him to notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein .... explaining the impact it had on him and his family.

In his opening monologue Monday night, the host of "Jimmel Kimmel Live" came out swinging against Aaron, who claimed on the "Pat McAfee Show" that "I was nervous" that the "Epstein list" was coming out and "I was hoping it wouldn't."

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Jimmy said Aaron was going to "pop a bottle of something" because the comedian's name would be on the list, but, as it turned out, it wasn't anywhere near it.

Last week, court documents related to Epstein's underage sex ring were unsealed, revealing some prominent names -- although not Jimmy's -- connected to the now deceased former business tycoon.

Jimmy made it abundantly clear he had never met Epstein – and Aaron had defamed him, daring the Super Bowl champ to share any evidence in court.

Jimmy noted that Aaron's many fans believed the lies, putting the funnyman and his family in the crosshairs of "delusional" people who became spiteful.

He also speculated on why Rodgers made the false claim, coming up with several scenarios, before hitting on the most likely one ... Aaron is still mad at Jimmy for roasting him over his appearance and "wacko" beliefs.

As you probably recall ... Jimmy poked fun at Aaron's hair knot on top of his head and his anti-vaccination "lies" re: coronavirus.

Jimmy's monologue went on and on before he asked for an apology, and he promised to accept ... although JK is not holding his breath.

We'll see if Aaron takes the bait. Don't wait by the phone, Jimmy.


El evento de 3 partes de TMZ, "TMZ Presenta: Revolución UFO", se estrena hoy en Tubi… y está listo para destapar el mayor encubrimiento en la historia del mundo.

TMZ Studios

Un valiente grupo de hombres y mujeres, incluyendo el congresista Tim Burchett, está luchando por la verdad, afirmando que el gobierno de EE. UU. sabe mucho más sobre los OVNIS de lo que han revelado al público.

Merecemos saber
TMZ Studios

El cineasta y periodista Jeremy Corbell lidera la investigación de TMZ, revelando impactantes imágenes capturadas por el ejército de EE. UU. en Irak en 2018 de un objeto con forma de medusa designado como un FAN (fenómeno anómalo no identificado) por nuestras agencias de inteligencia.

El documental expone testimonios de personas que han hablado sobre OVNIS, a un costo significativo para su bienestar personal.

Corbell también conversa con David Grusch sobre las secuelas y la campaña de difamación utilizada para desacreditar sus afirmaciones desde la histórica audiencia de julio de 2023… en la que Grusch, el teniente Ryan Graves y el comandante David Fravor testificaron ante el Congreso.

Durante el testimonio, Grusch alegó que EE. UU. poseía “biológicos no humanos” recuperados de naves accidentadas.

El documental también examina los escenarios posibles que podríamos estar enfrentando, desde actividades anómalas en lo profundo de nuestros océanos hasta otras posibilidades bastante oscuras.

Únete a nosotros mientras documentamos la lucha por la divulgación… de la verdad.

El evento de 3 partes "TMZ Presenta: Revolución UFO" estará disponible en Tubi a partir del 9, 10 y 11 de enero.


TMZ Studios

TMZ's 3-part event -- "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" -- premieres today on Tubi ... and is set to lift the lid on the biggest cover-up in the history of the world.

A brave group of men and women, including Congressman Tim Burchett, are fighting for the truth -- telling us they're adamant the U.S. government knows a whole lot more about UFOs than they've been letting on to the public.

TMZ Studios

Filmmaker and journalist Jeremy Corbell spearheads TMZ's investigation... unveiling shocking footage, captured by the U.S. military in Iraq in 2018, of a jellyfish-shaped object that was designated as a UAP -- unidentified anomalous phenomenon -- by our intelligence agencies.

The doc also features first-hand accounts from people who've spoken out about UFOs ... at a significant cost to their personal well-being.

Corbell also chats with David Grusch about the aftermath and smear campaign used to discredit his allegations from the landmark July 2023 hearing ... that saw Grusch, Lt. Ryan Graves and Commander David Fravor testify before Congress.

During testimony, Grusch alleged the U.S. owned 'non-human biologics' recovered from crashed craft.

The doc also examines all of the different scenarios for what we might be dealing with -- from anomalous activity deep in our oceans to other possibilities that are pretty dark.

Join us as we document the fight for disclosure ... of the truth.

The 3-part event "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" is available on Tubi starting Jan. 9, 10 & 11.

Young Thug On Trial Casually Wears Shirt That Says 'Sex Records' To Court!!!

Court TV

Young Thug made an unexpected fashion statement in court on Monday ... rocking a white dress shirt with some hot and heavy language emblazoned on the front. Take a guess ...

The rapper -- who's in the middle of a criminal trial right now -- randomly told his followers to call him by the s-word years ago and the shirt's full message read, "SEX Records: Truly Humble Under God." Indeed, he was wearing this right there in front of the judge and jury.

His lawyer Brian Steele argued back in November that his rap name was an acronym for "Truly Humble Under God" ... and the "Young" was an ode to Tupac Shakur.

A calm and collected YT's bold wardrobe choice didn't seem to alarm his legal counsel ... the retired police sergeant reporting on the trial had a difference in opinion, though.

It was an eventful day in court for YSL ... Young Thug’s friend Trontavious “Tick” Stephens also took the stand and said some things ... but in a plain shirt.


El abogado de Ghislaine Maxwell está sonando las alarmas sobre la mujer que afirma haber tenido relaciones sexuales con el Príncipe Andrew, alegando que cambió su historia y algo no hace sentido.

Según nuevos documentos, obtenidos por TMZ, el abogado Philip Barden menciona que las afirmaciones pasadas de la acusadora Virginia Giuffre sobre el Príncipe Andrew demuestran que mintió.

Barden afirma que la prueba es el cambio en la historia sobre el presunto encuentro con el príncipe Andrew, diciendo que Giuffre afirmó en 2014 que no tuvo relaciones sexuales con el duque de York, pero luego afirmó que sí tuvo relaciones con él “en lo que solo se puede describir como una bañera muy pequeña, demasiado pequeña para que un hombre del tamaño del príncipe Andrew disfrute de un baño, y mucho menos tener sexo”.

Desde la perspectiva de Barden, Giuffre no puede tenerlo de ambas maneras, diciendo: “Estaba mintiendo, ya sea cuando dijo que no tuvieron sexo o cuando dijo que sí lo tuvieron”.

Giuffre afirmó que la presunta agresión sexual comenzó en la bañera de Maxwell y eventualmente se trasladó al dormitorio cuando ella tenía 17 años. El príncipe Andrew llegó a un acuerdo extrajudicial con Giuffre en 2022, pero ha negado sus acusaciones.

Recientemente, se ha revelado una gran cantidad de documentos sobre Epstein, y muchos nombres importantes como Stephen Hawking, Bill Clinton y muchos más han aparecido en los materiales publicados.

En una afirmación explosiva de Johanna Sjöberg, otra presunta víctima anterior, afirmó que Epstein le dijo: “A Clinton le gustan jóvenes”, refiriéndose jóvenes menores.

Ghislaine Maxwell Prince Andrew Accuser's Story Doesn't Line Up ... Lawyer Claims

Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyer is sounding the alarms regarding the woman who claims she had sex with Prince Andrew ... saying she changed her story and something obviously doesn't add up.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, attorney Philip Barden says accuser Virginia Giuffre's past claims about Prince Andrew clearly demonstrate she told a lie.

Barden says the proof is her changing story about the alleged encounter with Prince Andrew, saying Giuffre claimed in 2014 that she didn't have sex with the Duke of York, but then claimed she did have sex with him "in what can only be described as a very small bathtub, too small for a man of Prince Andrew's size to enjoy a bath in let alone sex."

From Barden's perspective, Giuffre can't have it both ways ... saying "She was either lying when she said they did not have sex or when she said they did."

Giuffre claimed the alleged sexual assault started in Maxwell's tub and eventually moved to the bedroom when she was 17 years old. Prince Andrew settled a lawsuit with Giuffre in 2022, but has denied her allegations.

As you know, there have been mountains of docs that have been unsealed recently regarding Epstein, and lots of big names like Stephen Hawking, Bill Clinton, and many more have been seen in the released materials.

In a bombshell claim from Johanna Sjöberg, another alleged former victim, she claimed Epstein told her, "Clinton likes them young,' referring to girls."

SELENA GOMEZ ¡Chismea con Taylor en los Golden Globes SOBRE KYLIE Y TIMOTHÉE?!

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Selena Gomez estaba hasta el cuello de chismes jugosos con su mejor amiga Taylor Swift en los Golden Globes, y los internautas/aficionados leer los labios piensan que estaban hablando de Kylie Jenner.

La actriz/estrella del pop se acercó a T-Swift en algún momento durante el espectáculo, y fue capturado en una cámara de fans que se transmitía desde el propio sitio de los Golden Globes… mostrando cosas detrás de escena que no llegaron a la televisión.

Los fans con ojos de águila notaron este pequeño encuentro, donde Selena se acerca a TayTay y a una amiga, susurra algo al oído de Taylor y luego ella le murmura algo también.

La amiga al lado de Taylor parece decir “Timothée” y se ve a Selena asentir enfáticamente.

Mientras que no se puede escuchar mucho del clip principal que circula en línea, hay otro video tomado por un reportero de THR que estaba cerca, y que filmó parte de esta conversación. En el video se puede escuchar claramente a la amiga de Taylor diciendo “Timothée”… tal como muchos sospecharon.

Esto es lo que Internet piensa que Selena dijo… “Le pedí una foto con él y ella dijo que no”. Taylor parece sorprendida al escuchar esto, y luego la amiga a su lado pregunta si Selena se refiere a Timothée Chalamet … y Selena lo confirma con el gesto de cabeza más grande y exagerado.

Claro, Kylie y Tim también estaban en el edificio… y muy cariñosos durante todo el show. No está claro si/cuándo Selena pudo ir allí a charlar, pero si lo que los fanáticos creen que están viendo es cierto… es bastante interesante considerando la historia interconectada por todos lados.

Para empezar, hay una percepción de malentendidos entre Selena y Kylie… así como con Hailey Bieber - ¿recuerdan lo de las cejas al estilo “Mean Girls”? - aunque intentaron poner fin a eso.

Con respecto a Timothée Chalamet… Selena rodó una película con él hace años, como intereses amorosos.

Parece natural que Selena vaya a saludar a Timmy, y una foto ciertamente no estaría fuera de discusión. Hay que preguntarse bajo qué circunstancia pudo haber ocurrido, y si fue en presencia de Tim o no… asumiendo que sucedió en lo absoluto.

De cualquier modo… Twitter/X se desvive por este nuevo drama, simplemente lo último de la Sra. Gomez.

Selena Gomez Gossips w/ Taylor at Globes Talking Kylie & Timothée?!?

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Selena Gomez was knee-deep in some juicy gossip with her BFF Taylor Swift at the Golden Globes -- and internet sleuths/amateur lip-readers think she was talking about Kylie Jenner.

The actress/pop star went over to T-Swift's table at some point during the show -- a moment that was captured on a b-roll fan cam that was being broadcast from the Globes' own site ... showing behind-the-scenes stuff that didn't end up on TV.

Welp, eagle-eyed fans noticed this little meetup ... where SG rolls up on TayTay and a pal, Keleigh Teller, whispers something into Taylor's ear -- and then mouths something to her as well.

Keleigh, who's next to Taylor, appears to say "Timothée" and you see Selena nod emphatically.

While you can't hear much in the main clip circulating online, there's another video taken by a THR reporter who was standing nearby -- and who filmed part of this conversation. In their clip, you can hear Keleigh clearly say/ask "Timothée" ... just as many suspected.

Here's what the Internet thinks Selena said ... "I asked for a picture with him and she said no." Taylor looks shocked to hear this, and then the friend next to her asks if Selena means Timothée Chalamet ... and Selena confirms with the biggest, most exaggerated head gesture ever.

Of course, Kylie and Tim were in the building too ... and they were getting cozy throughout the show. It's unclear if/when Selena might've gone over there to chat -- but if what fans think they're seeing here is true ... it's interesting considering the interlinked history from all sides.


For starters, there's perceived bad blood between Selena and Kylie ... as well as with Hailey Bieber -- 'memba the whole "Mean Girls" eyebrows things? -- but they tried stamping that out.

When it comes to TC ... Selena shot a movie with the dude years ago, as love interests.

It'd only be natural for Selena to come on over and try to say hi to Timmy -- and a picture certainly wouldn't be out of the question either. You gotta wonder how exactly this may have gone down, and whether it was in Tim's presence or not ... assuming it happened at all.

In any case ... Twitter/X is living for new perceived drama, just the latest for Ms. Gomez.


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ABC News

Jonathan Majors mantiene su inocencia incluso después de ser declarado culpable por un jurado, afirmando en su primera entrevista televisada que quedó impactado por el veredicto.

El actor habló en exclusiva con ‘GMA’, emitido el lunes, donde Linsey Davis hizo algunas preguntas bastante difíciles, incluyendo si hizo lo que se le acusó por parte de la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, a saber, el agredir a su exnovia Grace Jabbari.

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Majors insiste en que no lo hizo… por lo que afirma que quedó atónito por el resultado, una condena por dos de los cuatro cargos, incluyendo el acoso y agresión, aunque eran los 2 cargos menos graves.

Davis le preguntó cómo Jabbari pudo haber sufrido sus lesiones si no fue él… encogió los hombros, diciendo que no tiene idea, pero que le encantaría descubrirlo para encontrar algo de paz.


También se le interrogó sobre un audio en el que sermoneaba a Jabbari sobre cómo debía ser más como Michelle Obama y Coretta Scott King si quería estar con él.

Jon afirma que simplemente señalaba a grandes personas a las que aspiraba a ser como ellas… defendiendo su discurso.

Hay otros puntos destacados, pero estos son los más importantes, Majors termina expresando su arrepentimiento por cómo manejó las cosas con su ex. Alega que debió ser lo suficientemente hombre como para dejarla antes de esa noche… y que no debió estar en el auto con ella.

No se menciona nada sobre la visión a futuro de su carrera, por lo que escuchamos… supongo que todo está por verse.

Jonathan Majors I Was Shocked by Guilty Verdict ... Because I Didn't Do It

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ABC News

Jonathan Majors is maintaining his innocence even after being found guilty by a jury of his peers -- saying he was shocked by the verdict in his first televised interview.

The actor spoke to 'GMA' in an exclusive sit-down that aired Monday, and Linsey Davis was asking him some pretty hard questions ... including whether he did what he'd been accused of by the Manhattan D.A.'s Office -- namely, assaulting his ex-GF Grace Jabbari.

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Majors insists he did not ... which is why he says he was stunned by the result, a conviction on two of four counts -- including harassment and assault, albeit the 2 lesser charges.

Davis asks him how Jabbari might've sustained her injuries if it wasn't him ... and he shrugs his shoulders, saying he has no idea -- but that he'd love to figure it out to find some peace.


JM was also grilled about this wild audio in which he's lecturing Jabbari about how she needed to be more like Michelle Obama and Coretta Scott King if she wanted to be with him.

Jon says he was simply pointing out great people he aspired to be like ... defending his rant.

There are other highlights, but these are the big ones -- and Majors ends by expressing regret over how he handled things with his ex. He says he should've been man enough to leave her before that night ... and also says he shouldn't have been in the car with her.

No mention of his future career prospects from what we heard ... suppose that's all TBD.

Jim Gaffigan Cracks 'Pedophile' Joke at Globes ... Yeesh, Too Soon??? 😬

new category ...

Jim Gaffigan took the oxygen out of the room during while presenting an award at the Golden Globes -- and it's because he somewhat referenced Jeffrey Epstein-esque material.

The longtime standup was on hand Sunday to hand out the award for Best Performance in Stand-Up Comedy on Television -- a whole new category that the GG are starting to include ... and while acknowledging how wild that development was, JG made a jaw-dropping joke.

He was talking about how crazy it is he's even in showbiz, saying ... "I'm from a small town in Indiana, I'm not a pedophile." A handful of people laughed, but it was mostly dead silent.

Jim went on to rhetorically ask if "pedophile" was a new category there, but noted he was happy to be presenting an award for comics with big specials ... arguing it was overdue.

Eventually, he announced the winner as Ricky Gervais for his new Netflix show -- but the guy didn't show up, so Jim accepted on his behalf. The whole bit was very dry and sarcastic, in typical Jim fashion, but his crack felt like a little too soon for the ritzy crowd.

That said, some people did appear to laugh ... including Taylor Swift, who apparently found some of what Jim had to say funny, specifically toward the end his very brief set.

Considering there's a lot of big names coming out with these Epstein list drops -- ya gotta figure people wanted to steer clear of that topic altogether. Instead, Jim dove right in. 😅

Nicki Minaj 'Starships' Producer Says ... I'm Cool With Her Cutting Song For Good

Nicki Minaj refusing to perform her almost-Diamond smash hit "Starships" is shocking fans, but RedOne -- the maestro who co-produced the track -- says the music mutiny is okay in his book.


RedOne tells TMZ Hip Hop, "I have the utmost respect for Nicki Minaj and I love her work very much. I will always respect an artist's wishes ... I feel very proud to have made that record with her along with the global success it made."

"Starships" first arrived in 2012 and currently sits at 9x Platinum, but Nicki told her NYE audience in Miami, live renditions of the track are a thing of the past.

As she put it, "I don't like it, what y'all want me to do? Stupid song!"


RedOne likely isn't feeling the burn, either. The superproducer has hits for days -- Lady Gaga's "Just Dance," and Usher's "More" to name a couple. He also scored a few more records with Nicki, such as "Pound the Alarm," and she's still performing that one to this day.

Parents pick their favorites ... artists do too. 🤷🏾‍♀️