Gypsy Rose Blanchard Lots O' Guys Wanted Me During Prison ... But Ryan Is King!!!


Gypsy Rose Blanchard says she had plenty of dudes lining up to be her boo while she was locked up, but none held a candle to the guy she ended up with ... her hubby Ryan Scott Anderson.

In an exclusive first look at the Lifetime series, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," the former convict pulled back the curtain on the kind of support she was getting, specifically from men, while doing time in prison.

According to her, there was an overwhelming amount of guys trying to grab her attention, but she had her sights set on Ryan. As she put it, no one could compare to him ... and she goes even further by saying no one ever will.

She made that apparent Tuesday night when Ryan was facing the heat from trolls, telling him to block out the haters -- adding, "they jealous because you are rocking my world every night…yeah I said it, the D is fire🔥."

For those unaware, Ryan first reached out to Gypsy in 2020 after telling a female coworker he'd write to her, if the coworker agreed to send a letter to Joe Exotic from "Tiger King."

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We've seen the Lifetime camera crew following Gypsy and Ryan since her release last week ... and the 6-episode, 3-night series premieres tonight.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard dice que muchos hombres la desearon mientras estuvo en prisión

no hay comparación

Gypsy Rose Blanchard dijo que había un montón de hombres tratando de llegar a ella mientras estaba encerrada... pero ninguno de ellos se compara con su marido, Ryan Scott Anderson.

En un primer vistazo exclusivo a la serie de Lifetime, "Las confesiones de la prisión de Gypsy Rose Blanchard", la ex convicta abrió la cortina sobre la cantidad de apoyo que recibió, específicamente de los hombres, mientras que pasaba tiempo tras las rejas.

Según ella, era una cantidad abrumadora de chicos estaban tratando de llamar su atención, pero ella tenía su mirada puesta en Ryan, afirmando que nadie podía compararse.

Ella lo hizo evidente el martes por la noche cuando Ryan se enfrentaba al hate de los trolls, diciéndole que bloqueara a los haters, añadiendo: "están celosos porque estás sacudiendo mi mundo cada noche... sí, lo dije, la D es fire🔥".

Para aquellos que no lo saben, Ryan se acercó por primera vez a Gypsy en 2020 después de decirle a una compañera de trabajo que le escribiría si accedía a enviar una carta a Joe Exotic, alias el Rey Tigre.

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Hemos visto al equipo de cámaras de Lifetime siguiendo a Gypsy y a Ryan desde su liberación la semana pasada y la serie de 6 episodios de 3 noches se estrena esta noche.

Jeffrey Epstein Victim Told to Name-Drop Dershowitz To Sell Her Book, According to Emails

Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre was told to paint famed attorney Alan Dershowitz as a pedophile to make a book about her sex abuse claims more appealing to publishers ... according to newly unsealed court documents.

The docs, obtained by TMZ, include email correspondence between Giuffre and U.K. journalist Sharon Churcher from May 2011 ... Giuffre is telling Churcher she found a ghostwriter to pen her story, and says, "I wanted to put the names of these a**holes, oops I meant to say, pedo's, that J.E. sent me to."

Churcher's response ... "Don't forget Alan Dershowitz... JE's buddy and lawyer -good name for your pitch as he repped Claus von Bulow and a movie was made about that case."

Churcher added ... "We all suspect Alan is a pedo and tho no proof on that, you probably met him when he was hanging out with JE."

Attorneys for Esptein's close associate Ghislaine Maxwell -- who Guiffre is suing -- allege Giuffre only added Dershowitz to her manuscript after that exchange with Churcher ... but, even then, Giuffre did not allege she had sex with him, and only referred to Dershowitz as Epstein's business acquaintance.

According to the docs, Giuffre did not accuse Dershowitz of having sex with her until years later ... December 2014. Dershowitz has always denied that allegation.

Another email between Giuffre and Churcher includes an allegation about Bill Clinton and Vanity Fair.

Giuffre writes ... "When i was doing some research into VF yesterday, it does concern me what they could want to write about me considering that B. Clinton walked into VF and threatened them not to write sex-trafficking articles about his good friend J.E."

The unsealed documents are all related to Giuffre's 2015 civil lawsuit against Maxwell.

Jeffrey Epstein Se le dijo a la víctima que nombrara a Dershowitz Para vender su libro, de acuerdo a los correos

A la víctima de Jeffrey Epstein, Virginia Giuffre se le dijo que pintara al famoso abogado Alan Dershowitz como un pedófilo para hacer más atractivo para los editores el libro sobre sus denuncias de abuso sexual, esto, de acuerdo a los documentos judiciales recientemente desclasificados.

Los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, incluyen correspondencia electrónica entre Giuffre y la periodista británica Sharon Churcher de mayo de 2011. Giuffre le dice a Churcher que encontró un escritor fantasma para escribir su historia y añade: "Yo quería poner los nombres de estos a**holes (idiotas), oops quise decir, pedo's, que J.E. me envió".

La respuesta de Churcher: "No te olvides de Alan Dershowitz, amigo y abogado de JE -buen nombre para tu lanzamiento, ya que representó a Claus von Bulow y se hizo una película sobre ese caso".

Churcher añadió: "Todos sospechamos que Alan es un pedófilo y aunque no hay pruebas de ello, probablemente lo conociste cuando salía con JE".

Los abogados del socio cercano de Esptein, Ghislaine Maxwell -a quien Guiffre está demandando- alegan que Giuffre solo añadió a Dershowitz a su manuscrito después de ese intercambio con Churcher, pero incluso entonces, Giuffre no alegó que haya tenido relaciones sexuales con él y solo se refirió a Dershowitz como un conocido de negocios de Epstein.

Según los documentos, Giuffre no acusó a Dershowitz de tener relaciones sexuales con ella hasta años más tarde, en diciembre de 2014. Dershowitz siempre ha negado esa acusación.

Otro correo electrónico entre Giuffre y Churcher incluye una acusación sobre Bill Clinton y Vanity Fair.

Giuffre escribe: "Cuando estaba haciendo algunas investigaciones sobre VF ayer, me preocupa lo que podrían querer escribir sobre mí, teniendo en cuenta que Bill Clinton entró en VF y los amenazó con no escribir artículos de tráfico sexual sobre su buen amigo J.E."

Todos los documentos desclasificados están relacionados con la demanda civil de 2015 de Giuffre contra Maxwell.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard I'm The Woman I Always Dreamed I'd Become ... Despite Prison Stay

ABC News

Gypsy Rose Blanchard says she's a totally different person from when she started her prison stay, but reveals she's become the woman she always dreamed she'd be.

ABC News' "Good Morning America" scored the first TV sit-down interview with the famous felon, who says she got tons of life experience during her 7 years behind bars.

In the clip, obtained exclusively by TMZ, Gypsy tells "20/20" co-anchor and ABC's senior national affairs correspondent, Deborah Roberts that prison time taught her life lessons, and she's super proud of the woman it helped to shape post-prison life.

The way Gypsy sees it ... she matured through trial and error in prison just like everyone else, even those people outside prison walls.

Of course, most of her personal life from behind bars is now public ... especially her romance with husband, Ryan, who she married during lockup. As we reported, haters attacked Ryan and Gypsy, but she stood by her man ... and his game in the bedroom.

Ryan also joined Gypsy for the GMA interview.

Don't worry, she's got plenty more to say ... Gypsy's full interview will air Friday on "Good Morning America."

Jeffrey Epstein Told Victim 'Clinton Likes Them Young'

Jeffrey Epstein told one of his sexual abuse victims Bill Clinton like his girls young ... according to newly unsealed court documents.

The bombshell claim is from a deposition given by Johanna Sjöberg ... the deposition transcript, obtained by TMZ, says "Jeffrey told her 'Clinton likes them young,' referring to girls."

The former president's name appears several times among the hundreds of pages of recently unsealed court documents from a 2015 civil lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, who claims she was one of Epstein's sex trafficking victims.

Clinton reportedly did not object to his identity being unsealed ... and he's long been linked to Epstein. In 2019, Bill said he went on 4 trips on Epstein's infamous private jet as part of humanitarian efforts with the Clinton Foundation, but denied knowledge about Epstein's crimes. Clinton denied ever having visited Epstein's private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, which was confirmed by Epstein's associate, Ghislaine Maxwell.

Also in the document dump are details about Prince Andrew.

In the docs, Epstein is accused of forcing a minor to have sex with Prince Andrew in London and New York ... as well as on Epstein's private island as part of an orgy with other underage girls.

The docs go on to say Epstein instructed Jane Doe #3 to "give the Prince whatever he demanded" and required her "to report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse."

There's also this quirky bit from Sjöberg involving a puppet of Prince Andrew, which she says Maxwell got from a BBC production. During a social gathering in NYC, Sjöberg says Giuffre sat on a couch next to Andrew, and she sat on his lap -- then they all posed for a photo with the puppet's hand on Giuffre's breast, and Andrew's hand on Sjöberg's breast.

As we reported, Prince Andrew previously settled a lawsuit with Giuffre, who accused him of having sex with her when she was a minor. Andrew's denied her allegations and says he regrets his association with Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein le dijo a su víctima que a Bill Clinton "le gustan jóvenes"

Jeffrey Epstein le dijo a una de sus víctimas de abuso sexual que a Bill Clinton le gustaban las chicas jóvenes... de acuerdo con documentos judiciales recientemente desclasificados.

La afirmación es de una declaración dada por Johanna Sjöberg. La transcripción de la declaración obtenida por TMZ, dice: "Jeffrey le dijo 'Clinton le gustan jóvenes,' refiriéndose a las niñas".

El nombre del expresidente aparece varias veces entre los cientos de páginas de documentos judiciales recientemente desclasificados de una demanda civil de 2015 presentada por Virginia Giuffre, quien afirma que fue una de las víctimas de tráfico sexual de Epstein.

Según los informes, Clinton no se opuso a que su identidad fuera desvelada y ha estado vinculado a Epstein durante mucho tiempo. En 2019, Bill dijo que realizó 4 viajes en el infame jet privado de Epstein como parte de los esfuerzos humanitarios con la Fundación Clinton, pero negó tener conocimiento sobre los crímenes de Epstein. Clinton negó haber visitado alguna vez la isla privada de Epstein en las Islas Vírgenes de Estados Unidos, lo que fue confirmado por la socia de Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell.

También en el volcado de documentos hay pepitas jugosas sobre el príncipe Andrew.

En los documentos, Epstein es acusado de obligar a un menor de edad a tener relaciones sexuales con el príncipe Andrew en Londres y Nueva York, así como en la isla privada de Epstein como parte de una orgía con otras chicas menores de edad.

Los documentos continúan diciendo que Epstein le dio instrucciones a Jane Doe # 3 para "darle el príncipe todo lo que exigía" y le exigió "que le informe sobre los detalles del abuso sexual".

Como informamos, el príncipe Andrés resolvió previamente una demanda con Giuffre, quien lo acusó de tener relaciones sexuales con ella cuando era menor de edad. Andrew ha negado sus acusaciones y dice que lamenta su asociación con Epstein.

Tom Sandoval PETA Rips Him For Posing with Tiger ... Says Zoo Visit Endangers Big Cats

Tom Sandoval's back in his all-too-familiar villain role ... he's under fire from fans and castmates for interacting with a captive tiger, and PETA is schooling him on why it's bad for big cats.

The animal rights organization fired off a letter to the "Vanderpump Rules" star after footage emerged showing him inside an animal enclosure at Tiger World Thailand, where a tiger put its massive front paws on Tom's shoulders.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In the letter, obtained by TMZ, PETA scolds Tom for the photo op ... explaining, "When popular folks like you pose with wild animals, people are moved to support pay-to-play animal experiences, for which big-cat cubs are torn away from their mothers prematurely and denied their freedom as well as anything remotely natural and important to them."

More specifically, PETA's also schooling Tom on tigers ... it says wild tigers avoid humans and are naturally solitary and reclusive, adding, "Any human interaction with big cats poses dangers for both humans and the felines, and captive big cats have attacked and killed their captors and visitors."

While Tom walked away from the visit physically unscathed ... he's taking heat online from fans and his 'VPR' cast members, Lala Kent and James Kennedy.


PETA's telling him to consult them the next time he has the urge to hit up a zoo.




1:53 PM  PST -- The family just posted a second video of the little girl ... saying despite what the internet might think, they were NOT the ones who gave her the Slim Tea. Instead, they say it was sent from a "supporter" of their video page.

A clip of parents hoping to motivate their young daughter to lose weight -- by gifting her Slim Tea for Christmas -- is repulsing people viewing the clip on social media.

Take a look for yourself -- the excited youngster unwraps the gift to unveil a box of the slimming aid ... she's clearly too young to understand what it is, though her older siblings immediately catch on, and throw their parents looks of disgust.

Despite the siblings knowing the gift is inappropriate for a young child -- the dad behind the camera is undeterred, as he urges his youngest to be grateful for the gift.

The video shared to X drew intense scrutiny ... with one person commenting the parents bullying the girl for her weight was disgusting, as they were the ones responsible for feeding her in the first place.

Others say they've taken her childhood away from her ... making her aware of her body from a young age, and entitling people to comment on it by sharing it on social media.

When it comes to slim teas, the FDA doesn't recognize them as being effective -- and its key ingredients like caffeine and senna, which claim to detox the body, also don't have much evidence in aiding weight loss.

So, the video's disheartening on several levels -- the parents providing misinformation and possibly poor nutrition, but also the psychological impact on their young daughter.

Originally Published -- 9:54 AM PT

Padres reciben críticas Por regalarle a su hija un té para adelgazar

¿En serio?

Un clip de unos padres que le regalan Slim Tea a su hija para Navidad, con la esperanza de motivarla a bajar de peso, está causando repulsión entre los usuarios de redes sociales.

Echa un vistazo tú mismo, la emocionada chica aparece desenvolviendo su regalo hasta que descubre que es una caja de té para ayudarla a adelgazar. Ella es claramente demasiado joven para entender lo que es, aunque sus hermanos mayores inmediatamente se dan cuenta y le lanzan a sus padres miradas de disgusto.

A pesar de que los hermanos saben que el regalo es inapropiado para una niña, el padre detrás de la cámara ni se inmuta e insta a la pequeña a ser agradecida por el regalo.

El video compartido en X atrajo un intenso escrutinio. Una persona comentó que era repugnante que los padres intimiden a la niña por su peso cuando son ellos los responsables de su alimentación en primera instancia.

Otros dicen que le han quitado su infancia, haciéndola consciente de su cuerpo desde ya y dándole derecho a la gente a comentar sobre ella al compartirlo en las redes sociales.

Cuando se trata de tés adelgazantes, la FDA tampoco los reconoce como eficaces y sus ingredientes clave, como la cafeína y el sen, que dicen desintoxicar el cuerpo, tampoco tienen mucha evidencia de que ayuden a perder peso.

Así pues, el video es descorazonador en varios niveles: por la desinformación y la posible mala alimentación de los padres, pero también por el impacto psicológico para su hija.

Lil Nas X reacciona al chiste de Dave Chappelle y dice que se divorció del diablo

Lil Nas X dice que ni siquiera un escándalo de Dave Chappelle puede interrumpir su nueva "era cristiana" y suena como si quisiera que el comediante cambiara la rutina.

El miércoles, Lil se refirió al último especial de Netflix de Chapelle, donde cuenta una historia que hace alusión a su video "Montero".

El video muestra al rapero viajando al infierno para darle a Satanás un lapdance, pero Dave dijo que no tenía ni idea de quién era el artista de "Old Town Road" en ese momento y se rió de la decisión de Lil Nas X de empujar los límites sexuales en su base de fans más jóven.

Lil argumenta que "Montero" es cosa del pasado y cualquiera que se aferre a esa versión de él está viviendo en el pasado.

Para demostrarlo, anunció que su nuevo single y video llegará la próxima semana y adelantó una ilustración de él vestido como un sacerdote con la leyenda, "En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo, Amén".

es muy gracioso

Dave hizo chistes de otras figuras de la cultura pop y no todos reaccionaron como LNX. El ex-congresista, Madison Cawthorn, estuvo muy atento cuando Dave se refirió a las personas con discapacidad y le encantó cada minuto.

Lil Nas X Chappelle's Gotta Update His Material ... I Divorced the Devil!!!

Lil Nas X says not even a Dave Chappelle brouhaha can disrupt his newfound "Christian era" of his music career -- and sounds like he wants the comedian to get a new routine.

On Wednesday, LNX took exception to Dave's bit about him on his latest Netflix special "The Dreamer" ... where DC tells a story about LNX having his hopes set on recruiting Chappelle for his controversial 2021 "Montero" video.

The video infamously depicted LNX traveling to Hell to give Satan a lapdance -- but Dave said he had no idea who the "Old Town Road" artist was at the time ... and laughed at LNX's decision to push sexual boundaries onto his youthful fanbase.

LNX is now arguing that "Montero" is old news and anyone holding on to that version of him is living in the past.

To prove it, LNX announced his new single/video coming next week and previewed the holier than thou artwork ... an illustration of him dressed as a priest with the caption, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen."


Dave dished out digs to several other pop culture figures, and not all reacted like LNX. Ex-Congressman Madison Cawthorn caught stray shots as Dave was "punching down" on people with disabilities, and he loved every minute of it!!!

Madison Cawthorn dice que le encantó ser ridiculizado en el especial de Dave Chappelle

Dave Chappelle hizo algunos chistes sobre personas con discapacidad en su nuevo especial de comedia y uno de sus objetivos, Madison Cawthorn, dice que fue un honor.

El ex congresista le dice a TMZ que le encantó ser asado por Dave, y las bromas sobre estar confinado a una silla de ruedas son justas porque es una figura pública.

es muy gracioso

En el nuevo especial de Netflix de Dave "The Dreamer", bromea sobre una vez que conoció al ex representante de Carolina del Norte, diciendo: "Quería que me viera hacer algo que él no podía hacer... así que me fui."

Madison, que quedó parcialmente paralizado en un accidente automovilístico en 2014, dice que la broma de Dave es parte de vivir en una sociedad libre.

La discapacidad no fue el único tema que Dave tocó, también se refirió a un momento memorable del único mandato de Madison en el Congreso, Cawthorn afirmó que había sido invitado a una orgía en Washington.

Madison dice que la broma de las fiestas sexuales de Dave no le molestó tampoco, y él es muy consciente de antemano que Dave estaría apuntando a él en el especial, recibiendo un aviso de algunos de sus amigos que vieron el set de Dave en Nashville.

De hecho, Madison nos dice que Dave es su cómico favorito y fue a uno de los shows de Dave en Tampa, que estaba siendo filmado por el equipo de Netflix, para que pudiera escuchar las bromas por sí mismo.

Madison dice que Dave estaba impresionado de verlo en el público, con el comediante invitándolo detrás del escenario después del show, presentando a Madison a su familia y dándole algunas bebidas.

En los créditos del especial de Dave, incluso hay imágenes de Madison riendo en la audiencia y los dos posaron para una foto juntos después del set.

Dave también se burla de los transexuales y de Lil Nas X, entre otros, pero Madison se toma sus bromas con calma.

Madison Cawthorn I Loved Getting Roasted By Chappelle

Dave Chappelle takes aim at people with disabilities in his new comedy special ... and one of his targets, Madison Cawthorn, says it's kosher ... and funny!!!

The former Congressman tells TMZ ... he loved being roasted by Dave, and the jokes about him being confined to a wheelchair were fair game because he's a public figure.


In Dave's new Netflix special 'The Dreamer,' he jokes about a time he met the former Rep. from North Carolina, saying ... "I just walked away. I wanted him to see me do something he couldn’t do. I skipped."

Madison, who was partially paralyzed in a 2014 car crash, says Dave's joke is all part of living in a free society.

MC's disability wasn't the only topic Dave touched on ... he also referenced a memorable moment from Madison's single term in Congress ... Cawthorn infamously claimed he had been invited to an orgy in Washington.

Madison says Dave's sex parties joke didn't bother him either ... and he was well aware ahead of time Dave would be taking aim at him in the special, getting a heads up from some of his buddies who caught Dave's set in Nashville.

In fact, Madison tells us DC is his favorite comic ... and he went to one of Dave's shows in Tampa, which was being filmed by the Netflix crew, so he could hear the jokes for himself.

Madison says Dave was floored to see him in the audience, with the comedian inviting him backstage after the show ... introducing Madison to his family and giving him some drinks.

In the credits of Dave's special, there's even footage of Madison laughing in the audience ... and the two posed for a photo together after the set.

Dave also roasts transgender people and Lil Nas X, among others ... but Madison is taking his jabs in stride.

Jimmy Kimmel a Aaron Rodgers Nos vemos en los tribunales, idiota!!! Responde a sus comentarios sobre Epstein

Jimmy Kimmel y Aaron Rodgers se están enfrentando en las redes y todo por Jeffrey Epstein y su lista de asociados, la que pronto será desenmascarada.

El presentador de televisión está amenazando al mariscal de campo de los Jets de Nueva York con acciones legales después de que Aaron sugiriera en televisión, que Jimmy podría ser uno de los asociados de Epstein.

Jimmy acaba de disparar de vuelta en las redes, refiriéndose a Aaron como "Querido Aassh***e, (idiota)" diciendo que sus imprudentes palabras ponen en peligro a su familia.

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Soltando la bomba

Por si te lo perdiste, Aaron estaba en "The Pat McAfee Show" el martes cuando dijo que estaría celebrando la liberación de los asociados de Epstein.

Aaron dijo: "Mucha gente, incluyendo a Jimmy Kimmel, están realmente esperando que eso no salga".

Jimmy está negando vehementemente que tenga nada que ver con Epstein y está atacando a Rodgers como un "chiflado de cerebro blando" que "parece que no puede distinguir de la realidad".

Jimmy Kimmel dice que si Aaron Rodgers sigue así, "seguirán debatiendo los hechos en los tribunales".

Jimmy Kimmel To Aaron Rodgers I'll See You In Court, AA-Hole!!! Response to Epstein Claim

Jimmy Kimmel and Aaron Rodgers are beefing ... and it's all over Jeffrey Epstein's soon-to-be unmasked list of associates.

The late-night TV talk show host is now threatening the New York Jets quarterback with legal action after Aaron suggested on live TV, Jimmy might be one of Epstein's associates.

Jimmy just fired back on social media, ripping Aaron -- who he addresses with "Dear Aassh***e," saying the QB's "reckless words put my family in danger."

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In case you missed it ... Aaron was doing his scheduled Tuesday hit on "The Pat McAfee Show" when he said he would be celebrating the release of Epstein's associates.

Aaron said ... "A lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that doesn't come out."

Jimmy's vehemently denying having anything to do with Epstein whatsoever ... and he's blasting Rodgers as a "soft-brained wacko" who "can't seem to distinguish from reality."

JK says if AR keeps it up, they will "debate the facts further in court."