
Peter Rosenberg's not buying Kanye West's apology for his antisemitic comments ... seconding our observation it reads like something outta an AI chatbot.

We got the radio DJ on "TMZ Live" Wednesday, where he notes Ye's remorse was so inauthentic compared to his usual impassioned messages ... it automatically let him know it was bogus.

In fact ... Peter focuses on the rapper's delayed album "Vultures" ... theorizing he was forced into conjuring up a blanket apology after record execs pressured him into it ... in exchange for clearing some tunes on his album.

Peter blasts Ye further ... telling us his message being written in Hebrew was both intentionally and unintentionally offensive ... as if American Jews could easily read the language without vowels.

Noting his years-long obsession with making offensive comments ... Peter says he doesn't think there'll ever be an apology from Ye that could make people forget the uproar he's caused.

As TMZ first noted ... an AI content detector said there was an 85% chance a computer wrote Kanye's apology.


Strong buzz words usually associated with chat phrases like "sincerely apologize," "It was not my intention to hurt," and "promoting unity" were used -- meaning there's a strong chance it didn't come from his heart.

Even if his remorse was genuine, we totally back Peter's comments ... Ye's done so much damage publicly lashing out at Jews; it wouldn't have been enough ... he'd need a whole apology tour.

Peter Rosenberg La disculpa de Kanye es falsa... ¡Los ejecutivos lo obligaron a hacerlo!

Estrictamente de negocios

Peter Rosenberg no se está comprando las disculpas de Kanye West por sus comentarios antisemitas y también cree que parece salida de un chatbot de inteligencia artificial.

Tuvimos al DJ en "TMZ Live" el miércoles, en donde señaló que el remordimiento de Ye sonaba poco auténtico en comparación con sus apasionados mensajes habituales, lo que automáticamente le hizo pensar que era falso.

De hecho, Peter se centra en su retrasado álbum "Vultures" y teoriza que el rapero se vio obligado a inventar una disculpa general después de que los ejecutivos discográficos lo presionaran a cambio de despejar algunas melodías en su álbum.

Peter arremete aún más contra Ye, diciendo que su mensaje fuera escrito en hebreo fue a la vez intencionalmente y no intencionalmente ofensivo, como si los judíos estadounidenses pudieran leer fácilmente el idioma sin vocales.

Considerando su obsesión de años haciendo comentarios ofensivos, Peter no cree que exista una disculpa que pueda hacer a la gente olvidar el alboroto que ha causado.

Como TMZ primero señaló, un detector de contenido AI descubrió que había un 85% de posibilidades de que un ordenador hubiera escrito la disculpa de Kanye.

Una disculpa artificial

Palabras de moda por lo general asociadas con frases de chat como "sinceramente arrepentido", "No era mi intención herir", y "promover la unidad" fueron utilizadas, lo que significa que hay una gran posibilidad de que no haya venido de su corazón.

Incluso si su remordimiento es genuino, apoyamos totalmente los comentarios de Peter ... Ye ha hecho tanto daño públicamente arremetiendo contra los judíos, que no parece suficiente. Necesitaría hacer una gira para disculparse.

Russell Wilson Benched In Denver

Russell Wilson has been sidelined in Denver ... the Broncos are benching the future Hall of Famer.

Head coach Sean Payton made the decision this week, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter, informing his team Wednesday that backup Jarrett Stidham will now be the starting signal-caller going forward.

Wilson has been largely a disappointment since Denver traded a bevy of picks and players for him prior to the 2022 season ... but, per Schefter, the move also has a lot to do with the 35-year-old's contract.

Schefter reported Wednesday that leaving Wilson on the bench will ensure he won't get injured -- and therefore $37 million of his contract will not become guaranteed in 2024.

The former Super Bowl champ had arrived in Colorado with huge expectations, but he was one of the worst QBs in the NFL in '22 -- throwing just 16 TD passes to 11 interceptions.

His 2023 campaign, however, had seen far more ups -- he's thrown for 26 TDs and just 8 INTs this season -- but the Broncos are still just 7-8 ... and have lost three of their last four.

Complicating matters further for Wilson, Payton was seen screaming at him on the sidelines during Denver's blowout loss to Detroit earlier this month.

Stidham, meanwhile, has played sparingly in his four-year NFL career ... logging just two starts. He'll get a chance to show what he can do next when Denver plays on Sunday against the Chargers.

The Smothers Brothers Tom Smothers Dead at 86

Tom Smothers -- one half of the famous singing comedy team the "Smothers Brothers" -- has died.

In a statement released Wednesday, Dick Smothers announced his brother's passing, saying Tom died at home as a result of cancer.

Dick went on to say “Tom was not only the loving older brother that everyone would want in their life, he was a one-of-a-kind creative partner."

Continuing, Dick said, “I am forever grateful to have spent a lifetime together with him, on and off stage, for over 60 years."

Dick ended with, "Our relationship was like a good marriage – the longer we were together, the more we loved and respected one another. We were truly blessed.”

In the late '50s, early 1960s, Tom and Dick often appeared on TV variety shows and released popular albums of their stage performances. In 1967, they finally landed their own variety show, "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour," which instantly became one of the most hotly debated TV programs during the Vietnam War period.

The "Smothers Brothers" got canceled decades before cancellation became a thing. Tommy became super political when the show was in its second season, railing with satire against the Vietnam War. The Bros were especially critical of then-President Lyndon B. Johnson.

On one show Tommy looked straight into the camera and said, "Okay, all you guys in Vietnam, come on home."

During one episode, Harry Belafonte sang, "Don't Stop the Carnival," and the backdrop on stage were images of the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, where then-Mayor Richard Daley ordered law enforcement to beat Vietnam protesters in the streets.

They took on other issues as well, but it was too hot for CBS. The network pulled the plug in 1969 at the end of season 3. People in the anti-war movement, along with free speech advocates, were outraged.

Tommy and Dick sued CBS for breach of contract and they eventually got $775,000. The 'SBCH' came back for a short-lived revival in 1988 but ended after one season

Think Dixie Chicks, but 40 years earlier.

Tommy was 86. RIP.

Tommy Dorfman Acusa al personal de Delta de transfobia

La actriz transgénero Tommy Dorfman está arremetiendo contra Delta Air Lines, acusándolos de cometer una violación a los derechos humanos por confundir "incesantemente" su género durante un altercado.

Tenso intercambio
Tik Tok/@tommy.dorfman

El acalorado enfrentamiento ocurrido en el aeropuerto La Guardia de Nueva York fue capturado en video por la estrella de "13 Reasons Why", quien alega que el personal se refirió a ella por los pronombres equivocados, afirmando que uno lo hizo "intencionalmente".

No está claro lo que precede a la situación, pero en el clip que se ha viralizado en TikTok se puede escuchar a Tommy, que utiliza los pronombres ella/su, diciendo: "¿Qué pasa cuando un empleado de Delta confunde tu género intencionalmente?".

Para hacer frente a Tommy, el agente que está en la puerta le dice a otra persona que espere su turno, diciendo: "Mientras ella habla... mientras él habla".

Tommy, quien se declaró como trans en julio de 2021, no está nada contenta y le informa que se ha equivocado de género de nuevo, aunque el agente le dice que no fue intencionalmente y que si ella quiere tomárselo como algo personal era cosa suya.

El agente también arremete contra Tommy por ser condescendiente y la amenaza con ser escoltada hacia la salida por la Autoridad Portuaria. Además, le pregunta si era realmente necesaria esta conmoción días antes de Navidad.

Pero Tommy se mantuvo firme y en su pie de foto escribió que se encontró con la transfobia y las amenazas de ser detenida en La Guardia cuando simplemente estaba abogando por ella. Añadió que no sabía que era condescendiente levantar una bandera por la violación de los derechos humanos cuando se pasa a llevar el género de una persona.

Un portavoz de Delta le dice a TMZ: "Somos conscientes del video y estamos investigando el asunto, además de contactar a nuestro cliente para entender más sobre lo ocurrido".


Transgender actress Tommy Dorfman has lambasted Delta Air Lines ... accusing them of committing a human rights violation for "incessantly" misgendering her during a spat.

Tik Tok/@tommy.dorfman

The heated showdown at NYC's LaGuardia Airport was caught on camera by the "13 Reasons Why" star ... who alleges the staff referred to her by the wrong pronouns -- claiming that one did so "intentionally."

It's unclear what precedes the situation ... but in the viral TikTok clip you can hear Tommy -- who uses she/her pronouns -- saying, "What about when a Delta employee misgenders you intentionally?"

To deal with Tommy, the gate agent tells another person to wait their turn, saying ... "While she's talk -- while he's talking."

Tommy -- who came out as trans in July 2021 -- is none too pleased ...  informing him that he's misgendered her again -- though the agent tells her it wasn't intentional and if she wanted to take it personally, that was on her.

He also slams Tommy for being condescending .... threatening to have Port Authority escort her out ... and asking her if the commotion was really necessary days before Christmas.

But, Tommy's standing her ground ... writing in her caption she was met with transphobia and arrest threats at LaGuardia when merely advocating for herself -- adding she didn't realize it was condescending to flag a human rights violation when being misgendered.

A Delta spokesperson tells TMZ ... "We’re aware of the video and looking into the matter, including reaching out to our customer to understand more about what occurred."

Simone Biles Fans Bombard Jonathan Owens' IG ... After His Controversial Remarks

Simone Biles' fans are going after her hubby, Jonathan Owens ... relentlessly trolling him on Instagram after the NFL player controversially said he was the "catch" in their relationship.

The Green Bay Packers safety made the remarks on "The Pivot" podcast last week -- saying he didn't know who Biles was when he first met her ... while going on to call himself the real prize in the couple.

The Pivot Podcast

The comments were met with outrage -- because, after all, Biles is one of the greatest female competitors to ever walk the Earth -- and her fans are still clearly pissed over them ... with many taking to his social media page recently to throw barbs.

"Merry Christmas to Mr. & Mrs. Simone Biles❤️," one commenter wrote on Owens' Christmas Day post.

"I don’t even know his name," another fan said. "I just know him as Simone Biles's husband."

Others took shots at Owens' bank account ... writing, "Girl have him sign a prenup."

The couple, however, seems unbothered by the backlash -- in fact, Biles actually rushed to his defense days ago, supporting Owens in an IG post.

As for "The Pivot" cohost Ryan Clark, he clearly believes the whole drama is overblown ... saying he thinks Owens' remark was nothing more than an "innocent joke."

Ja Morant Hits Apparent Gun Celebration ... In Win Over Pelicans

Ja Morant's barely been back on the NBA hardwood for a week, but he's already found himself mired in a bit of controversy again -- this time after he hit a celebration that appeared to feature imaginary guns.

The Grizzlies point guard pulled out the celly Tuesday night after he helped give Memphis an insurmountable lead over the Pelicans in overtime of their game in New Orleans.

The 24-year-old -- who just came back from a 25-game ban for a string of incidents involving gun-related social media videos last week -- seemed to turn his hands into the shape of pistols after throwing down a thunderous alley-oop dunk, before he appeared to spray the road crowd with fake bullets.

The gestures only lasted a few seconds, before Morant returned to defense to finish off the game -- but basketball fans were still critical of the moves nonetheless.

Several roasted him as "tone deaf" -- particularly after he had just returned from his suspension on Dec. 19.

Of course, it's entirely possible Morant was not mimicking firing guns and was instead just simply hitting a dance -- but the hooper has yet to publicly address it all.

Morant has been a complete superstar outside of the incident vs. the Pelicans since he was reinserted into Memphis' lineup -- leading the Grizzlies to four straight wins while earning Western Conference player of the week honors.

Kanye West se disculpa en hebreo por sus insultos antisemitas

Kanye West se está disculpando -en hebreo- por sus desvaríos antisemitas y su apoyo a Hitler, esto después de que su nombre fue escrito en un aparente misil israelí que está siendo utilizado en la guerra contra Hamás.

El rapero escribió el martes un extenso comunicado en su reactivada cuenta de Instagram, mostrándose arrepentido por sus comentarios ofensivos hacia el pueblo judío durante el año pasado. Curiosamente, Kanye expresó su arrepentimiento en el idioma del judaísmo: el hebreo.

Esta es la traducción íntegra del mensaje de Kanye: "Pido sinceras disculpas a la comunidad judía por cualquier arrebato involuntario causado por mis palabras o acciones, no era mi intención herir o faltar al respeto y lamento profundamente cualquier dolor que pueda haber causado".

Kanye continuó: "Me comprometo a empezar conmigo mismo y a aprender de esta experiencia para garantizar una mayor sensibilidad y comprensión en el futuro. Su perdón es importante para mí y me comprometo a enmendar las cosas y promover la unidad".

Las palabras... bueno, suenan más corporativas que Kanye.

Su disculpa se produce después de que el luchador israelí de MMA Haim Gozali publicara una foto en X, mostrando un misil con el siguiente mensaje escrito en él: "Kanye West volando a Gaza Haim Gozali".

Por supuesto, Gozali se refería a la actual guerra entre Israel y Hamás en la Franja de Gaza. También escribió en el pie de foto: "@kanyewest no te gustamos los judíos. Así que a nosotros tampoco nos gustas".

Desde 2002, Kanye ha criticado repetidamente a los judíos en foros muy públicos.

En primer lugar, fue en las redes sociales y declaró que iba "a la muerte con 3 en la gente judía". Luego Kanye se sentó para una entrevista de televisión con Piers Morgan, diciendo que le deseaba mal a los judíos por intervenir en sus acuerdos musicales.

120122-kanye-west-kal DECEMBER 2022
de la boca de kanye

Pero no se detuvo ahí... Kanye apareció en "Infowars" presentado por el loco de la conspiración de extrema derecha Alex Jones, mientras proclamaba: "Veo cosas buenas sobre Hitler". Luego habló muy bien de los nazis, afirmando: "Ellos también hicieron cosas buenas. Tenemos que dejar de menospreciar a los nazis todo el tiempo".

Veremos si la gente se traga la disculpa.

Kanye West 'I Sincerely Apologize' For Antisemitic Remarks ... Asks For Forgiveness From Jews

Kanye West is apologizing -- in Hebrew -- for his antisemitic rants and his support for Hitler, this after his name was scribbled on an apparent Israeli missile being used in the war against Hamas.

The rapper wrote a lengthy statement Tuesday in an effort to his reactivated Instagram account, showing contrition for his offensive remarks to the Jewish people over the past year. Interestingly, Kanye expressed his remorse in the language of Judaism: Hebrew.

This is the entire translation of Kanye's message, "I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community for any unintended outburst caused by my words or actions, it was not my intention to hurt or disrespect, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused."

Kanye continued, "I am committed to starting with myself and learning from this experience to ensure greater sensitivity and understanding in the future. Your forgiveness is important to me, and I am committed to making amends and promoting unity."

The words ... well, they sound more corporate than Kanye.

His apology comes after Israeli MMA fighter Haim Gozali posted a photo on X, showing a missile with the following message written on it: "Kanye West Flying to Gaza Haim Gozali."

Of course, Gozali was referring to the current Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip. He also wrote in the caption, "@kanyewest you don't like us jewish. So, we don't like you too."

Since 2022, Kanye has repeatedly ripped Jews in very public forums.

First, he went on social media and declared he was "going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE." Then Kanye sat for a TV interview with Piers Morgan, saying he wished harm on Jewish people for doing him wrong in their music deals.

120122-kanye-west-kal DECEMBER 2022

But it didn't stop there ... Kanye appeared on "Infowars" hosted by far-right conspiracy nut Alex Jones, while proclaiming, "I see good things about Hitler." He then spoke highly of the Nazis, stating, "They did good things, too. We have to stop dissing the Nazis all the time."


We'll see if people are buying the apology.

Kanye West Name Written on Israeli Missile ... MMA Fighter Taking Credit

Kanye West's name was written onto an Israeli missile that's apparently going to be used in the war in the Middle East -- and a prominent MMA fighter is taking credit for the stunt.

A photo was posted Sunday by Haim Gozali, an Israeli mixed-martial artist who was once affiliated with Bellator -- and who's been very outspoken on the conflict between Israel and Hamas ... oftentimes mocking the death of Palestinians over these past few months.

He caught heat back in November for writing the names of Muslim UFC fighters onto a bomb that seemed to be on the front lines -- including Khabib Nurmagomedov and others who've expressed support for Palestine. Haim was clearly trying to taunt them.

It's unclear if he himself is the one that's actually writing the names, or if he's having someone else in the IDF do it on his behalf -- but in any case, the guy has owned it all.

Now, a new photo of some missiles apparently in the possession of Israeli soldiers has been posted to his Twitter account -- and he's roping Kanye in ... in very crude and cruel fashion.

Above the pic of the missile -- which looks real -- he wrote, "@kanyewest you don’t like us jewish. So  we don’t like you too !!!" The picture itself features a shell with the writing ... "Kanye West Flying to Gaza Haim Gozali." The photo echoes what he'd posted before.

Haim appears to have been recently banned from X, but he's back now ... and reveling in the ability to post again -- with this image being one of the first things he's thrown up.

Of course, the reason he's even invoking Ye has to do with KW's antisemitic rhetoric over the past year or so. He hasn't explicitly talked much about the war, but he has spent a lot of time in that region for the past several months working on and finishing his new album.

Kanye hasn't addressed Haim's call-out, and it remains to be seen if he will.

Dr. Umar on Joe Budden Pod Em Can't Be Rap G.O.A.T. Because He's Freaking White!!!

Eminem cannot be considered the greatest rapper of all time because of his white skin -- at least according to Dr. Umar Johnson ... who claimed as much on Joe Budden's podcast.

The controversial pan-Africanist -- who's mostly famous for his inflammatory online rants and POVs on race, etc. -- was the latest guest to join Joe and co. ... and one segment from their chat is starting to make the rounds in hip-hop circles, 'cause they touched on Slim Shady.

Joe Budden Podcast

Watch ... Umar is making a point about whites that are allowed to partake in Black culture -- including hip-hop -- which he says is a disservice to African-Americans ... and doesn't go both ways. In the same breath, he name-drops Em -- saying he enjoys too much privilege.

Joe asks if he considers Eminem to be one of the greatest MCs regardless of race ... which sets Umar off on a tirade about how Caucasians should never be considered to be the greatest in something that he feels belongs to Black people ... in this case, rap music.

Umar even goes so far as to claim that putting at the top of the hip-hop list is "white supremacy" ... but you can tell JB clearly doesn't agree. Pretty wild stuff, indeed.


Gotta wonder what Marshall himself thinks about this ... especially considering his affiliation to Joe and Slaughterhouse. With that said, there have been disses throw out in recent years.

Even with their rocky history, Joe seems to be coming to Em's defense here. Interesting ...

Catholic Priest JC Was Persecuted 'Palestinian Jew'!!! Sparks Big Debate on Xmas


A Catholic priest came on CNN on Christmas to say Jesus was a persecuted Palestinian -- and that the story of his birth contains parallels to what's going on in the Middle East.

Father Edward Beck -- a regular contributor -- joined Monday morning's anchors to discuss the topic of how to keep faith alive this holiday season with everything going on in the world ... namely, the war between Israel and Hamas, with Palestinians caught in the middle.

He said the story of Xmas was actually one of a "Palestinian Jew" -- noting how extraordinary it is to hear those 2 words put together. Father Beck went on to say JC was born into an occupied country, and that his mother and father (Mary/Joseph) were forced to flee into Egypt as refugees ... which is technically correct, as far as the Bible's concerned.

Beck went on to say the same sort of thing is going on right now in 2023 -- and while he didn't outright come out as explicitly pro-Palestine ... that's how his remarks were perceived.

In fact, there's a lot of handwringing happening online over the suggestion that Jesus was Palestinian ... and that he might've identified more so with the current Palestinian plight over that of Israelis. As many have pointed out online, Palestine didn't even exist back then.

On the flip side, neither did the state of Israel as we currently know it ... but the one thing that's undeniable is that JC was Jewish, for whatever's that worth in this raging debate.

Father Beck has defended what he said in some back-and-forths online. Again, some took his words here to imply that Jesus was more so Palestinian/Arab than he was Jewish -- but Beck says his words are being twisted, and his larger message of peace/unity overshadowed.

He's also posted articles that reference the use of the word "Palestinian" historically -- and how it's apparently been employed to identify Muslims, Jews and others who've lived in that region dating back millennia. In other words, Father Beck's doubling down on the notion Jesus was Palestinian ... and that him also being Jewish doesn't necessarily contradict that.

It's a doozy of a conversation, for sure ... and it's ignited a fury on both sides, it seems. As Jesus himself might've said in more eloquent terms -- can't we all just get along, guys???

'Steamboat Willie' Mickey Entering Public Domain Soon ... 100% Probs Getting Ruined

Mickey Mouse is entering the public domain for the first time ever -- well, a version of him anyway -- and just like Winnie the Pooh's been desecrated ... so too is MM sure to follow.

Disney is losing its copyright over the original iteration of their prized cartoon character -- plus OG Minnie -- which was first depicted in 1928's "Steamboat Willie" ... directed by none other than Walt himself. Starting Jan. 1 ... they'll be up for grabs to just about anyone.

That was the first time Mickey had ever been onscreen, and that black-and-white form of Mickey served as the archetype template for all the other modern Mickeys we've seen since.

The Mouse House has had a tight grip on the rights to this old Mickey for years now -- and they even lobbied Congress to extend their exclusive hold for just a tad bit longer back in 2004 ... which lawmakers granted at the time. Their time is up now, though, at 95 years.

The original version of Winnie the Pooh (from the storybook) also got released to the public a couple years ago ... and we've seen what's happened to the beloved IP in the aftermath.

There was the famous slasher horror flick, 'Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey,' that got released -- which saw the old bear reimagined as a psycho mass-murdering killer -- and other twisted takes on the story as well ... and something tells us Mickey might be next.

Funny enough, the filmmakers who did 'Blood and Honey' said they actually wouldn't touch Mickey and make him go evil -- but ya gotta imagine someone else will, and probably ASAP.

The more familiar versions of Mickey we all know are safe for quite a bit longer -- but all these black-and-white ones are about to unleashed into the masses. Buckle up, y'all.

Ryan Clark Stop Hatin' on Owens For Saying He's the 'Catch' for Simone

Ryan Clark is weighing into all the discourse that's gone on since Jonathan Owens said he was a catch for Simone Biles -- not the other way around -- by saying ... ease up, folks.

The ex-Steelers safety recorded a video addressing the backlash Owens is facing in the wake of an interview he did on RC's pod last week ... in which he described how he first met Simone, how they got together, and who he thought was the lucky one in the relationship.

The Pivot Podcast

It came off a little ineloquent at the time, but essentially ... he said he thought he was a catch for Simone -- and that he didn't necessarily "pull" her, but rather ... she pulled him.

JO also confessed he didn't know who Simone was when they matched on an app -- apparently, he wasn't tuned in to her Olympic run -- and says she made the first move.

BTW, as Owens was saying this to Clark and his podcast cohosts -- SB herself was in the room, and she didn't even flinch. The Internet, on the other hand, was up in arms over his comments ... as they felt he was being disrespectful for suggesting he was the prize here.

Simone and Jonathan have each addressed the heat he's catching ... and they both seem to be over it, and not nearly as mad as Twitter was when they first caught wind of this.

Now, Ryan himself is speaking up ... and he's got words for the collectively outraged.

We'll let you hear him out for yourself -- but essentially, he says people turned this into a negative thing ... when in reality, Jon and Simone are happily married and clearly in love.

Kevin Spacey anuncia su candidatura presidencial como Frank Underwood en una entrevista

Kevin Spacey está de vuelta para su payasada anual de Navidad Frank Underwood, solo que esta vez tiene grandes noticias, burlándose de una carrera presidencial y rompiendo con Tucker Carlson.

El actor apareció en la última entrevista por X de Tucker que acaba de caer el domingo y sí, está completamente en personaje como su ex personaje de "House of Cards" para el video de siete minutos. Mientras que él nunca dice abiertamente que se postula para, ciertamente sugiere que podría hacerlo.

mirando hacia el 2024
Tucker Carlson Network

Spacey (como Underwood), dice que no está por encima de entrar en la carrera en esta última hora, explicando que él cree que el país necesita a alguien como él durante este tiempo oscuro.

Tucker le pregunta directamente si se presenta, pero KS no llega a comprometerse.

Como de costumbre, todo es muy extraño, pero es coherente, por lo que suponemos que recibe algunos elogios. Spacey ha estado haciendo todo este asunto de Frank Underwood desde hace unos años, desde que fue efectivamente cancelado durante el movimiento #MeToo, y cada año es raro como el infierno.

Recordemos que el papel de Spacey fue nixed de la temporada final de "HOC" en medio de su escándalo, y ha estado tratando de hacer un regreso desde entonces... aunque con no mucho éxito.

Él ha hecho un buen trabajo en los casos penales y civiles presentados en su contra tanto aquí como en los Estados Unidos y en el extranjero, pero él sigue luchando contra las demandas de los acusadores. Mientras tanto, es obvio que sigue muy comprometido con la actuación, aunque con menos atención.