EMMA STONE LLAMA A JIMMY KIMMEL "IDIOTA" Durante broma en los Oscars

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el momento del chiste

Emma Stone fue una de las protagonistas de los Oscars el domingo, no solo se llevó el premio a la Mejor Actriz, sino que también está llamando la atención en Internet por su reacción a la broma de Jimmy Kimmel sobre su película "Poor Things".

Si no viste el programa... durante la velada se emitieron fragmentos de las películas nominadas a Mejor Película, cuando el presentador soltó una broma sobre la película de Emma, de clasificación R, diciendo: "Esas son todas las partes de Poor Things que se nos permite mostrar en televisión". El público se lo tragó, desternillándose de risa... ¡Pero ella no estaba precisamente riéndose!

Échale un vistazo al momento incómodo, la cámara corta inmediatamente a Stone, ella dispara sobre una mirada a su marido Dave McCary antes de aparentemente murmurar la palabra "idiota". ¡Hablando de una reacción sin filtro!

El momento fue inmediatamente compartido en las redes y la gente todavía está tratando de descifrar qué fue lo que realmente dijo en respuesta a la broma que insinuaba que "Poor Things" era simplemente sobre sexo.

Algunos están absolutamente convencidos de que dijo "idiota"... y añaden que en realidad no tenía motivos para enfadarse porque Jimmy dio en el clavo con su broma. Luego está el otro bando, que dice a todo el mundo que se calme y no saque conclusiones precipitadas.

La única que realmente puede aclarar lo que se dijo es la propia Emma, pero vamos a darle un poco de margen, ya que tiene un nuevo y brillante Oscar para celebrar después de todo.

De todos modos, no todo fueron tensiones entre Emma y Jimmy durante la velada; de hecho, él comenzó la ceremonia elogiando su actuación en "Poor Things" durante su monólogo de apertura.

Además del trofeo a la mejor actriz para Emma, la película también ganó las categorías de diseño de vestuario, diseño de producción, maquillaje y peluquería. ¡Felicidades a todo el equipo detrás de Poor Things!


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Emma Stone didn't seem to like Jimmy Kimmel's quip about her movie "Poor Things" -- and she let it show right afterward ... now, everyone's playing lip-reader as to what she said.

Clips of the Best Picture nominees played throughout the evening -- and when the "Poor Things" montage went up ... JK dropped a zinger about Emma's R-rated nominated movie, saying, "Those were all the parts of 'Poor Things' we're allowed to show on TV."

The audience chuckled a bit -- but when the cameras cut to Emma in the immediate aftermath of Jimmy's joke ... she quickly said something to her husband, Dave McCary.

On its face -- and based on nothing but trying to make out the words -- it appears she said "What a prick" ... that or "Oh my god." The internet seems to think it was the former.

The moment was immediately picked up online ... and people are still trying to decipher what ES actually said in response to JK insinuating that "Poor Things" was all about sex -- which, to be frank, it kinda is. There's more themes beyond that ... but sex is the main driver.

The only one who can clear the air on what was said is Emma herself -- but she's got a shiny new Oscar to celebrate right now, and she probably ain't gonna spill the tea today.

Anyhoo, it wasn't all tension between Emma and Jimmy during the evening -- in fact, he kicked off the ceremony showering her "Poor Things" performance with praise during his opening monologue ... so he had some love for her, and we're sure ES appreciated it.

In addition to Emma's Best Actress trophy ... her movie also won Costume Design, Production Design, and Makeup & Hairstyling. Big night for the "Poor Things" camp -- jabs regardless.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.



Jimmy Kimmel se metió con Donald Trump durante los Oscar el domingo por la noche.

Jimmy estaba en la recta final como anfitrión de la 96 ª  edición de los Premios de la Academia y aprovechó de dejar algunas cosas claras sobre Trump.

No hace falta decir que Trump no fue muy elogioso, llamando a Jimmy el "PEOR ANFITRIÓN" de la historia mientras se cagaba en su monólogo de apertura.

Trump también escribió que la Academia debería "deshacerse" de Jimmy y tal vez reemplazarlo con "otro talento barato de ABC, George Slopanopoulos".

Por supuesto, Trump se refería al comentarista político de ABC News George Stephanopoulos. Incluso aseguró que el presentador de televisión haría que todos en los Oscar se vieran "más grandes, fuertes y glamorosos".


Pero Jimmy no lo dejó así y continuó bromeando, sacando su teléfono celular para leerle los posteos de Trump a todo el público.

Jimmy sacó a relucir lo obvio: "A ver si adivinas qué expresidente acaba de publicar eso en Truth Social".

A continuación remató: "Gracias, presidente Trump. Gracias por mirar. Me sorprende... ¿No ha pasado ya su tiempo en la cárcel?".

Todo el mundo se partió de risa con la broma de Jimmy, burlándose de las cuatro acusaciones criminales de Trump.

Trump y el actual presidente Joe Biden se enfrentan en la carrera por la Casa Blanca en 2024. Hollywood ahora está entrando en todo el drama.

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Donald Trump On Oscars Stage ... After Ex-Prez Slams Performance


Jimmy Kimmel got into it with Donald Trump during the Oscars Sunday night ... with each taking major jabs at one another for all to see.

Jimmy was in the home stretch hosting the 96th Academy Awards and read a Truth Social post from Trump reviewing the comedian's performance.

Needless to say, Trump wasn't very complimentary, calling Jimmy the "WORST HOST" ever while crapping on his opening monologue.

Trump also wrote the Academy should "get rid" of Jimmy and perhaps replace him with "another washed up but cheap ABC talent George Slopanopoulos."

Of course, Trump was referring to ABC News political commentator George Stephanopoulos. He even took a shot at George's height, saying the TV anchor would make everyone at the Oscars look "bigger, stronger, and more glamorous."

strike one, strike two ...

But Jimmy didn't take the insults lying down ... he threw it right back at Trump, pulling out his cell phone and reading 45's post to the A-list crowd while on stage.

Jimmy first brought up the obvious ...  "See if you can guess which former president just posted that on Truth Social."

He then delivered the punchline, "Thank you, President Trump. Thank you for watching. I’m surprised … isn’t it past your jail time?"

Everyone laughed their butts off at Jimmy's joke, mocking Trump's four criminal indictments.

Trump and current President Joe Biden are going toe-to-toe in the 2024 race for the White House. Hollywood is now getting in on all the drama.

Mascota se hace viral POR CANTAR "SEPTEMBER" DE EARTH, WIND AND FIRE La dueña se enfurece

El pájaro mascota de una mujer británica es un cantante matutino, y despierta a su dueña con música soul de los 70s... algo que le encanta a todo el mundo en TikTok.

Kiki, una cacatúa cantante con 3 millones de seguidores, ha hecho vibrar al mundo entero con su última actuación, y su frustrada dueña lo ha posteado en redes sociales.

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Kiki canta "September" de Earth, Wind and Fire muy temprano, para disgusto de esta pobre mujer.

Al parecer, para Kiki, ninguna hora era demasiado temprano para bailar el pegadizo estribillo del megaéxito de 1978 mientras estaba encima de una pecera en la habitación de su dueña.

La dueña, privada de sueño, levanta el dedo para ordenar "silencio" al pájaro, que obedece... pero vuelve a hacerlo un segundo después porque, admitámoslo, ¡la canción es demasiado buena para dejarla!

Frustrada por las travesuras de Kiki, su madre humana envió un grito de ayuda en el pie de foto, escribiendo: "Enviar ayuda porfa, ¿dónde está el botón de apagado del loro?"

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Con 22 millones de "me gusta" y subiendo, los comentarios no se hicieron esperar: una persona reconoció que el dueño "no lo apagó, solo se quedó dormido"... mientras que otra bromeaba: "¿Quién es el administrador del pájaro? Tengo que ponerme en contacto con ellos para poner a esta estrella en mi próxima playlist🔥".

Kiki lleva un tiempo repartiendo alegría y risas por Internet con un montón de otras interpretaciones, como "If You're Happy and You Know It".

Está claro que no hay quien pare a este fenómeno emplumado... y en este caso, ¡parecía que al que madruga Dios le ayuda!

Scarlett Johansson on 'SNL' Nails Sen. Katie Britt ... 'Craziest Bitch' in Target Parking Lot!!!

As everyone expected, Sen. Katie Britt was roasted in the 'SNL' cold open, but the surprise was Scarlett Johansson making a cameo to fill the role, and nailing the hilarious send-up of Britt's State of the Union response.

ICYMI .. the junior Alabama Senator went viral after her GOP response to President Biden's Thursday night SOTU address. The speech -- delivered from her kitchen for some reason -- struck most as oddly performative.

Scarlett still managed to take it over the top, saying, "I’ll be performing an original monologue called ‘This country is hell.’ You see, I’m not just a senator. I’m a wife, a mother and the craziest bitch in the Target parking lot.”

She also perfectly mocked Sen. Britt's facial expressions, hand movements and even some questionable fact-checking with lines like ... "I’m going to do a pivot out of nowhere into a shockingly violent story about sex trafficking. Rest assured, every detail about it is real except the year, where it took place, and who was president when it happened.”

Fox News

On Thursday night, the Senator shared a story of a woman she met in Texas who told her about being sex trafficked by the cartels. While Britt blamed President Biden’s border policies, the Washington Post reported the woman’s experiences took place in Mexico during President George W. Bush's administration.

One of Scarlett's best lines in the skit imitated the QVC host tone of Sen. Britt's speech -- out of nowhere, she started hawking the diamond cross necklace she was wearing, saying, "Goes with anything, and you can wear it from da’ church to da’ club.”

As you know, Scarlett is married to 'SNL' cast member Colin Jost -- so, yeah, this might be a bit of nepotism ... but, for once, no one seems too upset about it. Well, except maybe Sen. Britt.

Viral Singing Bird PERFORMS EW&F's 'September' ... Sleepy Owner's Furious 😅

A British woman's pet bird is also an early bird -- and the way it wakes up its owner is with some '70s soul music ... which the internet is absolutely loving on TikTok.

Kiki -- a singing cockatiel who's amassed 3 million followers -- has got the whole world chirping with its latest performance ... which its frustrated human posted online.

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Kiki sings Earth, Wind and Fire's "September" bright and early -- to the chagrin of this poor woman.

Apparently for Kiki ... no hour was too early to bop along to the catchy chorus of the 1978 mega-hit while on top of a fish tank in the owner's room.

The sleep-deprived owner then puts up her finger to order "silence" from the bird, who complies ... but is back at it a second later because, let's face it, the song's just too good to give up!

Frustrated with Kiki's antics, the owner sent out a cry for help in the caption, writing -- "Send help plz where's the off button on parrot."

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With 22 million likes and counting, the comments poured in -- one person acknowledged the owner "didn't turn it off, just snoozed it" ... while another joked, "Who's the manager of the bird? I need to contact them about putting this star on my next track🔥."

Kiki's been spreading joy and laughter across the internet for a while now with a bunch of other renditions, such as "If You're Happy and You Know It."

There's clearly no stopping this feathered phenomenon ... and in this case, it looked like the early bird got the worm!

Matt Rife Nima Withdraws Oral Sex Story ... It Was Always Satirical!!!


The self-described comedian who accused Matt Rife of performing oral sex to get ahead in Hollywood is walking back his salacious claim -- Nima Yamini says he was just joking.

In a video posted Friday, Nima says he was just doing a parody bit when he alleged Matt performed fellatio on a couple of Hollywood execs who promised fame in exchange.


TMZ broke the story ... Matt's considering legal action over the claim, and, interestingly, Nima didn't clarify the whole casting couch tale until after we posted about Matt's intentions.

However, Nima says that's not why he's walking it back ... instead, he says he's pissed at a conspiracy-pushing social media account that reposted his original video -- without his permission -- and made it seem like a serious allegation.

He insists that was never his intention.

Nima says the whole thing was meant as satire, and he doesn't know Matt personally and has never met him -- let alone ever being in the same room as him with Hollywood honchos.

What's more, Nima says the "joke" should not discredit Matt or how hard he's worked to become a famous comedian.

With Nima doing some serious backpedaling here, it will be interesting to see if Matt follows through with his legal threats.

Stay tuned ...

John Mulaney Not Mentioned in Ex-Wife's Book ... Despite Fan Speculation

John Mulaney's ex-wife is dropping a new memoir in the near future -- and while some think she's gonna torch John over their uncoupling ... those folks are s*** outta luck.

Here's the deal ... Anna Marie Tendler -- who was married to the comedian for 7 years before things fell apart and they divorced in 2021 -- announced this week that she's got a book coming out later this summer, and it's called 'Men Have Called Her Crazy.'

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The title in and of itself seems to suggest she'll go to town on some dudes in her life -- and her caption seemed to further fuel that notion. She wrote, "I have been writing this book for two years. More accurately though I have been writing it for close to four decades."

AMT adds, "I have never been more proud of any work. It is a story about mental health; about being a woman; about family. And finally, about the endless source of my heartbreak and rage -- men."

Of course, people in her comments think she's bull-horning her intentions ... namely, taking John to task over what some characterize as a messy divorce, which Anna has said left her heartbroken. John started dating Olivia Munn shortly thereafter, and had a kid with her too.

John caught some flak over all this at the time -- and now, Anna seems primed to speak about it all. Here's the thing though ... we know for a fact she absolutely won't.

Sources with direct knowledge -- who've already read Anna's memoir -- tell TMZ that John is never mentioned in her forthcoming offering ... either directly or indirectly.

Not only are we told that he isn't named in the book, but there's no alluding to him or their marriage -- in other words, John makes no cameos in this whatsoever ... literally nothing.

In terms of what is in the book ... our sources tell us Anna mostly focuses on her mental health journey -- and she does, in fact, touch on men in her life, both explicitly and implicitly -- but we've been assured ... none of those fellas are John.

That might come as a bit of a shock to some ... and perhaps a letdown for others. We're sure Anna's book is good reading regardless -- but if you're looking for tea in this, you won't find it in her memoir.

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Anna's memoir is due out in August ... so you can read all about it then, FWIW.

The TMZ Podcast: Matt Rife Seeking Legal Options Over Shocking Claims & Ariana Grande May Be Hinting At What Caused Her Divorce 👀

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Comedian Matt Rife is exploring his legal options after comedian Nima Yamini made claims that he performed sexual favors in exchange for fame and fortune.


In case you missed it -- Nima alleged he and Matt were promised fame and fortune by two Hollywood executives, but only if they performed fellatio on them. Nima says he refused but alleges Rife stayed behind and did the deed.

'Euphoria' star Nika King, who plays Zendaya's mom, Leslie, on the show, is speaking out after she joked that she couldn't pay her rent due to the show's filming delays.

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Lupita Nyong'o and Joshua Jackson couldn't keep their hands off each other while on her birthday trip down Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Lupita and Joshua have been inseparable since they were first spotted together at a concert in L.A. back in October. Looks like they're officially an item!

Plus, Ariana Grande's new album 'Eternal Sunshine,' is officially out and people are saying she may be hinting that her ex-husband, Dalton Gomez, cheated on her in one of the tracks.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Nikki Hendry

MATT RIFE Exploring Legal Action ... After Fellatio Allegation

Matt Rife seems ready to take a "comedian" to court who accused him of performing a sex act to gain success -- as Matt feels his rep's been harmed ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Matt and his team have been reaching out to various litigators to see what his best option might be to deal with the salacious claim made by entrepreneur Nima Yamini this week -- including potentially filing a lawsuit against him.


ICYMI ... Nima -- a self-described comedian -- alleged he and Matt were once both brought into a room with two Hollywood execs and promised fame and fortune if they'd perform fellatio on them ... which Nima said he refused, but alleged Matt stayed behind and did the deed.

Matt's name started to trend as a result of this allegation -- and now, we're hearing he feels he's been defamed ... and appears inclined on taking some form of legal action here.

We're told Matt's sick of people using his name to gain clout -- which is obviously how he feels about Nima here, who appears to have no serious track record in comedy -- and our sources say Matt wants to stand up for himself ... especially against something as outlandish as this. BTW, this isn't the first time someone's name-dropped him to spark controversy.

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Remember, TikToker Bunny Hedaya had her 6-year-old son blast Rife, saying he was "mean to girls" in response to his standup special ... and Rife clapped back with, "your mom buys you presents with the money she makes on OnlyFans."

He caught some flak for that ... and in the end, dropped the back and forth. Here, though, our sources say he wants to regain control of the narrative -- because this claim of Nima's is categorically false ... and he doesn't wanna let this guy get away with floating it unchecked.

Nima, FWIW, did not name the two supposed execs that were allegedly in the mix of the scenario he describes -- which is why a lot of people have been calling BS on his story.

Matt thinks it's horse crap too ... but in this case, he doesn't seem inclined to let it slide.

Mike Epps Richard Pryor's Widow Killed Biopic ... I Didn't Give Her the D!!!

Mike Epps is still feeling some sorta way about the Richard Pryor biopic that didn't happen -- and 10 years after he got the dream role, he's blaming Richard's widow for shutting it down.

Mike did his best to crack jokes about it as revealed the backstory to Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson on their "All the Smoke" podcast -- claiming things went south with Jennifer Lee Pryor because he refused to render certain services for her.

Call it the ultimate d**k move -- or lack thereof -- but Mike claims Jennifer wanted a little quid pro quo ... and when he refused to sleep with her, she yanked the role from him.

Mike claims he and Jennifer clashed harder at Richard's funeral in 2005, which he says doubled as a comedic event ... albeit not intentionally!!!

He threw the late Paul Mooney and Richard's other friends in attendance under the bus for not speaking at the funeral -- instead leaving Mo'Nique and George Lopez to pay their respects even though they didn't actually know the comedic legend.

You gotta see Mike paint the picture of how the funeral went down ... especially his Diana Ross impression.

But the jokes stopped when he talked about walking up to Jennifer to insist he was the man for the biopic role, because his legacy has outlived Richard's -- and all the kids know it!!!

Lee Daniels was originally on board to direct the RP film in 2014 but jumped ship 2 years later, leaving Mike to portray Pryor in minor capacities as he did in HBO's short-lived "Winning Time" series ... potentially the last time he'll get to impersonate his idol.

We reached out to Jennifer for her version of events, but no word back yet.

'EUPHORIA' STAR NIKA KING Don't Know WHAT THE HOLDUP IS ... But I'm Still Working!!!

I'm working !!!

Nika King isn't letting the ups and downs of her HBO show's filming schedule get her down -- 'cause even though she says she's struggling ... she's also out here hustlin'.

The 'Euphoria' star did an interview with a pap Thursday in Fort Lauderdale, just outside her Blue Tree Cafe ... where she remained relatively tight-lipped about the bombshells she dropped earlier in the week -- namely, that the delay for Season 3 was hurting her.

The only thing she could really say on the matter was that she wasn't sure what the holdup was -- but she also seemed to be telegraphing that she's doing just fine, or so it seems.

She also says that despite the challenges she's faced, she's been busy working hard and making ends meet with the jobs she does have as a stand-up comic and at her café -- even encouraging the photog to come inside and place an order.

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tough times

As we reported ... Nika plays Zendaya's on-screen mom on "Euphoria," but filming for the third season has hit some snags -- which she said has affected her ability to pay rent for the last 6 months. Nika also said she hadn't been hired for anything after "Euphoria."

Season two of "Euphoria" aired ages ago in 2022, but filming for the next one has been dragging ... mainly due to the writers' strikes and the sad passing of Angus Cloud.


On top of that, Zendaya's been booked and busy -- specifically, on her 'Dune 2' press run.

It's been a bumpy ride for some, like Nika, but she's clearly figuring out other ways to make ends meet. Good on her.

Richard Pryor Former Home On Market For $4M ... Ex-NFLer Lists Mansion

Rashard Mendenhall, a former NFL player turned Hollywood writer, is selling his lavish estate ... which just happens to be the iconic former home of comedy legend Richard Pryor.

Rashard, who played 6 seasons as a running back with the Pittsburgh Steelers and Arizona Cardinals, just put the 6-bedroom property on the market for $4,236,000.

Richard lived there for several years after purchasing the home way back in 1976 ... and it's where he once hosted Barbara Walters for a famous sit-down interview.

It's also where Pryor infamously doused himself in rum and lit himself on fire while freebasing cocaine. Pryor suffered severe burns on more than 50% of his body and referenced the incident in his comedy special "Richard Pryor: Live on the Sunset Strip."

The property is tucked away in the exclusive Sherwood Forest neighborhood in Northridge -- outside L.A. in the Valley -- with 9,000 square feet of living space on a 2.2-acre plot of land.

The main residence includes 4 bedrooms, a formal dining room, a gourmet kitchen and a library ... plus game and billiard rooms.

There's a separate guest house and a separate pool house ... each with its own kitchen ... as well as a professional dance studio/gym space that can be turned into a recording or production studio.

In addition, the sprawling property features an office, children's playhouse, 3-car garage and a kennel. The estate is also a legal horse property, for those who are so inclined.

Among the resort-style amenities ... a 65-foot pool and spa with a cascading waterfall, tennis court, putting green, sauna, wine closet and a barbeque pavilion.

The meticulously maintained grounds include a citrus grove and a vegetable garden ... and the property sits behind a wall and a gate.

Rashard bought the place back in 2017 for $2.5 million ... a couple years after he retired from the NFL and started writing "Ballers" episodes for HBO.

There's meaning behind the $4,236,000 asking price, for Rashard, at least -- his career NFL rushing total stands at 4,236 yards. We'll see if potential buyers are inclined to stick to his sentimental pricing.

Neil McDermott and Beate Kessler-McDermott with Hilton & Hyland/Forbes Global Properties hold the listing.

DONNELL RAWLINGS DEFIENDE (E IMITA) A SHANNON SHARPE "¡No te burles de su forma de andar!"

es una declaración de moda

Shannon Sharpe se convirtió en un meme esta semana por simplemente entrar a un negocio, pero Donnell Rawlings cree que debemos darle un respiro a pesar de que él también está aquí para bromear.

Nos pusimos al día con el cómico en Nueva York el miércoles y él tenía algo que añadir a la conversación, incluyendo una defensa firme que se acoda en la comedia. Échale un vistazo, Donnell explica por qué Shannon se pavoneó de la manera que lo hizo, y todo se trata de atletismo.

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Por supuesto, no pudo evitar hacer su propia imitación del ex-NFL, y es genial.

Shannon estuvo promocionando su coñac en Nueva Jersey el pasado fin de semana y perezosamente salió de un vehículo usando un conjunto ajustado, todo verde, junto con una bolsa de color naranja colgado alrededor de su pecho y como se puede imaginar, que al instante se abordó con bromas en línea.

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Como hemos dicho, Donnell hizo su mejor imitación de Shannon Sharpe -tanto hablando como caminando- y tenemos que decir que es bastante bueno. Logra imitar la voz y su cadencia al hablar.

Incluso bromeó sobre Mike Epps y "Shay Shay" y su breve disputa, pero todo es sin malas intenciones, ¡lo juramos! Se puede decir que Donnell aprecia a Shannon, a pesar de que ha sido el anfitrión de algunos invitados últimamente que van en contra de sus compañeros de comedia.

A pesar de que Shannon está explotando en estos días por su pódcast de gran éxito "Club Shay Shay", Donnell recuerda a todos que Shannon es también un jugador de fútbol HOF y su cuerpo golpeado podría ser la razón por la que se burlan de su caminar, algo que Donnell piensa que es un poco injusto.

En cualquier caso, Shannon tiene a alguien a su lado en este asunto. Otro día, otro meme.

Donnell Rawlings Defends (& Roasts) Shannon Sharpe ... Don't Make Fun of His Walk!

It's A Fashion Statement

Shannon Sharpe made himself a meme this week by simply walking into a business -- but Donnell Rawlings thinks we should cut him some slack, even though he's here to roast too.

We caught up with the funnyman in NYC on Wednesday -- and he had his own 2 cents to add to the viral conversation ... including a staunch defense that's layered in comedy. Check it out ... Donnell explains why Shannon strutted the way he did, and it's all about athletics.

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Of course, he couldn't help but do his own impersonation of the ex-NFL'er, and it's great.

ICYMI ... Shannon was promoting his cognac in New Jersey last weekend and sluggishly stepped out of an SUV in a snug-fitting all-green ensemble, coupled with an orange bag slung around his chest ... and as you can imagine, it instantly got tackled with jokes online.

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Like we said, Donnell did his best Shannon Sharpe -- both speaking and walking -- and we gotta say ... it's pretty freaking good. He has his voice and cadence down to a tee here.

He even joked about Mike Epps not wanting the 'Shay Shay' problems after their short-lived spat ... but it's all in good fun, we swear! You can tell Donnell's got love for Shannon -- even though he's been hosting some guests lately who are going after his comedy buddies.

Even though Shannon's blowing up these days over his wildly successful "Club Shay Shay" podcast, Donnell reminds everyone Shannon is also a HOF football stud and his banged-up body might be why his walk is getting made fun of ... something DR thinks is kinda unfair.

In any case, Shannon's got someone in his corner on this issue. Another day, another meme.